Fast Layne (2019) s01e04 Episode Script

Mile 4: Changing Lanes

Previously on Fast Layne
This just got interesting.
- My name's VIN.
- My parents built Vin?
Which means we're brother and sister!
Layne, these are the bad guys!
- Vote for Layne Reed.
- More like Lame Reed.
What's the story with this car?
What? It-it's a normal car.
Mom, I'm trying to collect things
for my bug-out bag.
The machines they're coming.
I think it's time you told me
what's really going on with this car.
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo, woo-hoo!
Colonel Hardy,
three years ago, when you tasked us
with building Project VIN,
it was the greatest day of our lives.
Our scientific lives, obviously.
Because our wedding day was pretty great.
Butter chicken
- Where is my vehicle?
- Well, sir
Not you you.
Project VIN is not quite mission-ready.
You are two of the best
tech minds in the world.
What is taking you so long?
His AI is constantly evolving, sir.
It needs a little more time to mature.
Please explain to me
how a car can be "immature."
Colonel Hardy,
Project VIN's AI expands, develops,
and learns as he's exposed to new stimuli.
What you're saying is it needs a little
more time to
- grow up.
- Exactly.
Any other questions?
I have one.
Ah, this is Dr. Kwon,
head of our machine learning division.
Yes, we know Dr. Kwon.
We were partnered once.
Tell me about Project VIN's
security features.
Well, first off, he's stored
in the most state-of-the-art,
secure underground facility.
Woo-hoo! Woo!
So when you asked me to charge your car
here at the shop
I thought, you know, "It's a car,
it's simple, it just sits there."
- But not your car.
- Woo-hoo!
Your car does donuts and woo-hoos.
What car woo-hoos?
Oh, that, uh, no, that's not
- woo-hooing.
- Woo-hoo!
It's his
alarm system.
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo,
Unfortunately, the slightest breeze
sets it off.
OK, but that's not even
the weirdest thing.
See? It flinches.
Like it's alive.
Layne, c'mon,
I helped you out with the car,
the least you owe me is an explanation.
Where did this thing come from?
OK, Cody,
I'm going to tell you the truth
Let's go! ♪
Jump in It's time to go fast ♪
Turn up the radio blast ♪
I got my foot on the gas ♪
We just want to go ♪
My life's feeling unreal ♪
Both hands are taking the wheel ♪
Rev up the engine and feel ♪
Like we're ready to roll ♪
Oh, yeah, I'm ready for it ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
You know I'm ready for it
I just wanna go ♪
the truth about this car is that
we were
we were touring the bamboo forest
On vacation in Japan
When we were asked to be on this crazy
game show.
Anyway, my parents solved this crazy
puzzle, and
we won this crazy, high-tech car.
That story is
What else does it do?
that's pretty much it.
I really should be going.
Thanks for the help.
No problem.
Thanks for telling me the truth.
So Rob and Cheryl won me
on a Japanese game show?
No, VIN, they built you.
- I lied.
- You did? Why?
I had to, and
I feel terrible.
From now on, you can't draw attention
to yourself like that.
I'm sorry, Layne,
I was just spinnin' donuts.
I mean, that's what I was made for, right?
I found out you're a classified
government project.
I am? Aw, sweet!
A project to do what?
I don't know, but
you were probably designed
to do some very important work.
Work? That doesn't sound fun.
It could be fun work.
You think so?
Maybe I'm supposed to
open up a donut shop!
Donut shop?
Yeah, to serve up
some of these! Woo-hoo!
A dozen comin' right up!
VIN, I'm getting dizzy!
Layne Reed, trending higher in the polls.
If you win this election,
it'll be the biggest thing
that's ever happened at Cedarville Middle.
You really think so?
Don't get too excited.
The bar is pretty low.
Yes! I did it!
Jasper Marr king of gym class!
Oh, great.
This is what a school president
looks like.
Who's voting for me? Ohh
Congratulations, Jasper.
Too bad rock climbing isn't part of
a sensible campaign platform.
All I heard was, "Blah, blah, blah.
I'm gonna play it safe.
Blah, blah, blah.
Jasper would make a better president."
Layne, don't listen to him.
Don't do it if you're scared.
I'm not scared!
Then, harness up.
Thirty feet of mountain madness
is waiting for you.
Uh, well, I could, but
the-the bell's about to ring.
In about right
What do you got next period? Egg laying?
Oh, 'cause I'm a chicken.
That's clever.
Ha-ha! I did it! I did it! Jasper Marr
king of gym class.
One hundred and forty-seven likes
Ooh, that's a lot of likes.
Oh, big woop, he climbed a bumpy wall!
And then what happened?
You did it too, right?
You climbed to the top
and everyone shouted,
"That's so Layne! She's not scared!
She should be president!"
Is that what happened?
No, VIN, that's, uh,
that's not what happened.
Layne, why is this bugging you so much?
A good leader is supposed to
challenge themself.
To rise to the occasion.
I was scared.
I just waited for the bell to ring.
You feel like a coward!
No, he's right, I do!
Are you forgetting?
You jumped a river?
Tangled with car thieves?
Because I had no choice.
My parents are these
incredible spy-entists, and I'm just
Play-It-Safe Layne.
Really? Well, we're here
for you if you need us.
Zora! Did you hear the big news?
I'm a top-secret government car!
Yeah, I know, VIN.
Isn't it great?
So, what do you think I was built to do?
Hm, well, I don't know.
You know, my dream job
is to create my own line of dog slippers.
OK. Wrong person to ask.
If my parents can build a supercar,
win medals, and meet
the president, then
I can climb a little rock wall
I don't want to say
it was life-changing,
but I left a different Jasper up there
on that rock wall.
Challenge accepted.
- Huh?
- Rock wall?
I'm in.
Climbing it after school.
What happened to playing it safe?
Just don't be late.
- Oh, I won't.
- Good.
What the?
Huh. Jas, I'll be there to watch her fail!
Can I ask you a question?
Why are you doing this?
I have to. Jasper called me out.
That's what he does, all right?
I play soccer with the guy.
He gets in your head
and then he makes you mess up.
He can be
a little difficult.”
It's OK.
I mapped out the perfect ascent.
Why am I not surprised?
So, follow the purple footings,
switch to orange, back to green
move laterally four feet,
and alternate red and black to the summit.
Well, it certainly seems
like you're prepared.
Just in case you needed a little
extra energy
Hey Layne, leaving you a message.
Look, I just got my first
big cheese ball order.
It's exciting.
Look, I'm calling because I want to know
if you can babysit
your cousin this afternoon.
I could really use the help.
Yeah? And, plus, I know he'd love to spend
some quality time
with his favorite cousin.
- Vomit.
- Anyway, let me know.
Hon, you still stealing things for
your survival purse?
It's not a purse!
It's a Bug-Out Bag!
Cool, want a cheese?
Left hand to purple grip four.
Got it.
Miss Reed.
Just a heads up,
lights go out at 9:00.
Yeah, even the wall's getting bored.
- Zora!
- All right, all right.
- Oh, nice!
- Catch ya later, Sarah.
Later, gator.
Sweetie, have you seen Layne?
I was hoping she could
watch Mel after school
but I can't get a hold of her.
Yeah, she was called out
by The Jaz, so she's rock wallin' it.
Should I be concerned?
Oh no, she's wearing a harness.
- A harness
- Anyway!
I can babysit Mel.
let's do this!
Look, I know a lot of people don't
believe me, but
weird things are happening around here.
So here's what we're doing.
You're gonna stay here and watch girl TV,
while I go bury my Bug-Out Bag.
So, where are you gonna bury it?
In the yard.
So no one will find it.
There's too many people around!
You're so right.
Of course I'm right!
We gotta go somewhere remote.
Like the woods.
Really? So you believe the apocalypse
is coming, too?
I believe
in believin'.
What does that mean?
It means put on a jacket, let's go!
it's a beautiful hole.
Sure is.
Gonna be a shame to fill it in.
- Good try!
- Oh no, I think I'm off track.
Just relax, you can do this.
What do you got next period?
Egg laying?
Oh! You feel like a coward?
This is what happens
when you take on The Jaz.
We're lost.
I don't think this is the right trail.
I got a compass!
In the bag, which is buried.
Are you OK?
I think so.
We're trapped here.
We're dead.
Raccoon food!
How am I ever gonna figure out what I was
built for
if I'm locked up?
Wait a minute, I don't have to go out!
I can figure it out down here!
Oh, VIN! You don't just have a hot body.
You're a genius!
OK, searching jobs for vehicles
cement mixer nah, too boring.
Street sweeper? Too clean.
Bulldozer! Ooh, that's too dirty.
Too cold.
Man, I'm never gonna
figure out what I'm built for.
Hey, Zora, what's crackin'?
Mel and I need your help!
- Hello?
- Can you hear me?
Is this a butt dial?
- Am I talking to your butt?
- Help!
Zora and Mel need help!
Oh, I gotta get out of here!
I'm stuck in this boot!
Ugh! And the release is way over there.
OK, VIN, you can figure this out.
If you target this, it might hit those
and then film-flam these thingys yeah!
This could work! Activate servo-arm.
Yes! That's it!
Come on a little flim-flam, and
ohh, boom!
I'm comin' to help, guys!
Come on, Layne, wait up!
If you're here to tell me
I made a complete fool of myself,
- I was there.
- You made it higher than I ever could!
Yeah, well, not high enough.
Is this about Jasper?
There's something else going on here.
I don't know, I guess
I just wanted to prove to everyone
that I'm brave.
You know, to myself.
Never again. So dumb.
Uh I think your car is here.
Zora and Mel are in trouble!
We gotta save 'em!
Your car just talked.
Like a person!
Uhh, I have a lot of explaining to do.
But first, jump in!
Cue tire squeal.
I got a satellite lock
on Zora's phone.
How did you do that?
It's a long story.
I'm sorry I lied about the car.
It wasn't my secret to tell.
The truth is
My parents built VIN
for the government.
- Whoa
- What up, Code-ster?
I'm VIN.
Dude. I can't believe
I'm talking to a car.
I can't believe I'm talking to a boy!
VIN, focus! Where are Mel and Zora?
OK, calculating distance
we're close!
Layne, punch it!
My first real test as a survivalist,
and I failed.
You didn't fail!
We're still alive.
I'm too young to die!
I've never even kissed a girl!
- We're doing this?
- No!
OK, now, listen up!
You hiked six miles into the woods,
dug a four-foot hole,
and ate two caterpillars.
You weren't supposed to see that.
You're are a great survivalist, Mel.
We're gonna get through this.
Faster, Layne.
Let's carve up these roads!
- Hold on.
- Who are you?
Layne, we've got
a mountain of a problem.
Layne, there's a cliff.
We have to go around.
Hold on.
- What's that button do?
- We're about to find out.
Spiked tires!
Whoa! My feet are sharp!
We're eatin' rock!
Whoa! I can't believe this!
Whoa! Hoo! Stuck the landing!
Hey, maybe I was built to climb mountains!
That was awesome.
Totally! Almost there, 30 meters.
The signal's right here.
They must be below that ledge.
- Help!
- Help!
I hear them!
Well. how are we gonna get to them?
This is freaky!
My systems are saying,
"Manual rescue required."
Maybe that's what all
this climbing gear's for?
Layne, somebody has to go down there.
This is one rock wall I have to conquer.
Layne, this is really high and scary.
I think we should call for help.
No, I can do this.
But Mel can't know.
Oh, I can't watch.
Ahh! Is she dead?
Come on, Layne, you can do this!
Mel, hurry! Put the harness on.
Retracting rope.
All right, Vinny, suck it up!
Who are you?
Wait! Who was that?
That was awesome!
Oh, I've done some fun things in my life.
But that nearly blew my tires off!
The rescue gear
the winch the tires
it all adds up!
You're a rescue vehicle, VIN!
I am?
Looks like you were built for
something important.
Whoa! Me, a rescue vehicle?
It all makes sense!
I like helpin' people.
You're gonna save a lot of lives, bud.
Uh, yeah, and right now,
you gotta save mine.
Get back to the bunker
before Mel sees you.
Cue exit music.
My name is VIN,
I'm a rescue vehicle.
If you need a little help,
just give me a
A aw, man!
What rhymes with "vehicle"?
My cousin can't know.
You! You saved us!
- Who are you?
- Um
You're like a superhero!
I'm Cody.
Mucho gusto.
I'll never forget what you did for me,
Mr. Gusto.
Why didn't you want to tell your cousin
you saved him?
The less he knows about me
and the car, the better.
You know what's funny?
All day, you've been trying to prove how
brave you are, but
you had nothing to prove
you're Layne Reed.
You are brave.
- Thanks.
- And
Thanks for letting me in.
Your secret's safe with me.
Project VIN's most sophisticated
security measure
is this
It's a nano-cellular hand scanner.
A fingerprint reader?
I got that on my phone!
Actually, sir, it's much more complicated
than that.
It doesn't just read fingerprints,
it reads DNA.
That means, right now, Rob and I
are the only ones
currently programmed to drive Project VIN.
A piece of intel has just been flagged
that I think you're gonna want to see.
A vehicle matching Project VIN
was photographed today
by a surveillance camera.
Someone stole it?
I thought you said it was secure.
Do you have any idea
who these criminals are?
Next time on Fast Layne
My locker! All my campaign stuff.
This is sabotage.
- Tough break.
- Jasper Mar,
you just took this to a whole new level.
- What're you doing?
- Taking the gloves off.
I've never seen this side of you before.
- So, you in?
- Yeah!
Woo-hoo! My first road trip!
Layne is on a mission to take down Jasper
and win her election.
What's happening?
We're being robbed!
They picked the wrong girl to mess with.
Look out!
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