Fatma (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Mothers and Sons

Mr. Bayram wants to see you. Hop in.
So you don't jump. You push someone else.
Your husband, Zafer Yılmaz,
in exchange for letting it go,
has accepted the blood money.
He was ashamed of him
because he had autism.
I swear I know what I'm going to do.
The secret must be
always being out in the open
so that no one sees you.
You don't run. That's it.
You don't. They'll chase you if you do.
Why haven't you been caught?
Because you never ran.
You never hid.
-What did he say? What is it?
-Something happened to Mr. Ekber.
They killed Mr. Ekber!
What the hell?
-What's wrong?
-Someone killed Mr. Ekber!
Come here!
-Let everyone know!
-All right.
Come on. Let's go. To the left.
-Mr. Ekber!
-Let's go!
-Where is he?
-Over there!
Die, you fucking degenerate.
Come on!
Where are you?
I've just got the car
and hit the road, boss.
Did you stop anywhere?
No, I didn't.
Even the cameras on the way
didn't see me.
You have to go back.
Don't stop. Go back with the truck.
I can't, sir.
I have to get rid of the truck.
That was the plan.
Don't talk over the phone.
Bring the truck back to the office.
Don't stop anywhere. All right?
I can't, sir.
I was at Ekber's mall with this truck.
The CCTV must've caught me.
Do not give any details over the phone!
Someone killed Ekber.
Sir, she's here.
Listen to me.
They'll trace this back to us from Zafer
if they find that gun.
Do you hear me?
Take the piece back.
Get rid of the truck and the luggage.
Are we clear?
Are we?
We are.
Hang on. What have you done? Come here.
Get over here. Hey! Come back.
I don't have any money.
It's okay. Just a bottle of water.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Thanks.
Oğuz is a very good boy. The best.
But you know the school's situation.
Find a more suitable school for him.
How can I, sir?
I tried every school.
I know Oğuz started school
a bit late, but…
Can't you just cut him some slack?
What's that supposed to mean?
I've taught a lot of inclusion students.
But Oğuz is a different case.
I can't teach anything like this.
The parents are complaining too.
What did my son do?
Oğuz is prone to violence, Mrs. Fatma.
You know he hurt his friend.
He's always in a fight.
If and when he's not,
he's still distracting the class
with the sounds he makes.
We're always on edge.
I can't teach the kids.
What's important is Oğuz's condition.
He doesn't fit in, Mrs. Fatma.
I'm sorry, but we have to transfer him.
Oğuz has to get educated somehow.
God forbid, if something happens to me…
He at least has to learn enough
to live by himself.
He has to learn about life.
His father's not here either.
Excuse me?
His father is missing.
We can't find him anywhere.
Wasn't he in prison?
He was, but he got out some time ago.
He's just missing. I don't know.
We have to transfer Oğuz, Mrs. Fatma.
Hush. Oğuz!
Stop, honey.
Sorry. I swear today's the last day.
What are you doing?
What did I tell you? What did we agree on?
He's writing. What do we do?
We stay silent. Come on.
No, let him stay. I'm fine.
He's not bothering me.
Look, Oğuz.
You remember the things you stacked?
The pillows and stuff.
They're still there.
I didn't touch them.
They're where you put them.
I bet he'll be an architect.
-Right, you rascal?
-I hope so.
We're leaving.
-I'm not coming.
Stop resisting, okay?
I did what you wanted. Let me go.
I'll let you go only if you tell me
where the gun is.
-I need the gun.
-For what?
Why do you need the gun?
How did you take care of Ekber?
With the gun?
He would've died if you let him be.
Why didn't you run?
Yes, sir?
Is that your truck outside?
Let's talk outside, brother.
All right.
Is he abusing you?
I told the cops. I know them.
Even if he's your husband,
he can't touch you, okay?
Did he beat you?
Just tell me.
Those cops are friends. I'll talk to them.
Hang on.
Where are you going?
For God's sake, you're completely lost.
Get over here. I've been waiting.
Women are such a pain.
It's impossible to satisfy them.
I'm at a loss here.
Look at her.
She's sulking again.
Smile for a second, honey!
They thought I beat you.
What's wrong, honey? Tell us.
Come on.
Tell us.
Please. Let's not keep the officers busy.
She won't talk.
Take us in.
We can figure out what's wrong there.
I'd like to know.
I'm okay.
I'm fine. Let's go.
Ma'am, are you all right?
Thank you.
Come on, honey.
Take care, sir.
Come on, you.
Have a fun time at the cottage, sir!
We're from the same town, apparently.
Don't you say anything, all right?
Yes, sir?
Is this yours?
Sorry for bothering you, sir.
Good luck.
I have to get rid of the vehicle.
I have to take the gun from you.
Then I have to get rid of you.
I went into the gas station like a moron.
Now there's footage of us.
Where did you hide the gun?
Talk, damn it!
Are you trying to clear
your husband's name?
I assaulted Şevket.
Şevket talked back to Ekber.
Mr. Ekber asked me
to shoot him in the foot, so I did.
Then Ekber called Mr. Bayram
and told him to find someone
to take the blame.
Your husband was new.
He was ignorant like you.
A goon.
So Zafer took the blame for you, huh?
But when you killed Şevket,
everything went to shit.
There's footage of me shooting Şevket!
Ekber got spooked and panicked
because they offed someone
without telling him.
He wanted to get rid of me
so they wouldn't track it back to him.
Mr. Bayram saved my neck.
I would've been arrested otherwise.
So you gave the poison to me
in order to get rid of Ekber.
See, you're not that ignorant.
You're clever.
Now, use that brain of yours,
and tell me where the gun is.
Oh my fucking God!
You're always causing trouble.
I swear I'll shoot you in the head.
You're pissing me off.
Hey, Fatma! Come here!
Get back here!
Hey! Fatma!
We apply that to the ceramic.
Hey! Get back here!
Send him to school, Fatma.
They don't want him there.
I wouldn't ask you if I didn't have to.
Just for today, sis.
The Author would be fine with him,
but I'm going somewhere else today.
Her mom doesn't want Serra
to be alone with him.
Just for today.
Please, sis.
I can't, Fatma.
I can't look after him by myself.
Haluk's not here either.
You don't have to do anything.
I'm going to come back
as soon as I'm done cleaning.
Fatma, what don't you get?
There's a special event tonight.
I've been looking forward to it.
Don't put pressure on me.
Sis, please.
I'm telling you,
I wouldn't ask if I had another option.
Hang on, honey.
Just for today.
I'll figure something out later.
I promise.
Just don't work today.
How much would you get paid?
I'll pay you instead.
Anyway, I'll call you later.
I'm busy now. Bye.
Do you have this?
Wait. What--
What do you want, baby?
What do you need?
What do you want?
All right.
Here. I didn't know you wanted it, honey.
I would've given it to you earlier.
There you go, son.
Good job, my smart boy.
Love you.
Slide that into the other one.
Now remove the bottom one.
Hang on, son.
Zafer, is that you?
Say something, I beg you.
Just talk, Zafer.
Hang on, son. Wait.
Why are you being like this?
Where are you? What happened?
Hang on, Son!
Say something. Speak, Zafer. Please!
Just stop, Oğuz. Hang on, Son!
Hello? Where are you? Zafer!
You hit him!
What happened?
He hit the kid.
He hit the kid!
-The kid!
-Help him!
Are you treating him?
His name is Oğuz.
He's too young.
Mothers wrote history.
They built civilizations.
They crowned and dethroned kings.
Berkan, what happened?
They ruled the Ottoman Empire.
They quashed riots.
They raised leaders.
I killed him, Mom!
-Calm down.
-I killed him!
It's okay.
Mothers worship their sons.
The world revolves around that fact.
I want to go. Do we have to wait?
All right. Calm down.
-Why are we waiting? It was an accident.
-Berkan, shut up for a second.
I'm going to prison, you know.
Mrs. Arzu, let's not talk here. Follow me.
Mrs. Arzu.
Don't say it.
I know. Don't say it.
I've always feared
what would happen to him after I die.
I've always feared
that no one would look after him.
I've always prayed
that his father would step up
if anything happened to me.
It's not your fault, Doctor.
I couldn't…
I couldn't protect my child.
Oğuz is an innocent soul.
I swear. I'm not just saying it
because he's my son.
Mothers know their sons.
They do.
He's pure.
You wouldn't let him in your schools.
You wouldn't let him
in your houses, in your playgrounds.
You wouldn't let my goofy, innocent son
in your world.
How am I…
How am I supposed to put him
in that coffin?
I don't know how to do that.
Get up.
Get up!
What did I say? Get up.
-Get up!
-My phone's ringing.
-My phone.
It's my sister.
You know, the one with me in the café.
Hang up.
I'll tell her to bring the gun.
she has the gun?
She knows where it is.
Answer it.
Yes, Fatma?
Fatma, speak. What is it?
Something bad happened.
What? Where are you?
I don't know.
What do you mean?
I'm in trouble.
What are you talking about?
Mr. Bayram wants the piece.
Again with "Mr. Bayram"?
You're driving me insane.
Are you kidding me?
Stop. Don't hang up. Hello?
I don't want to fight.
I'm going to ask you something,
and you're going to answer truthfully.
Remember the roll of cash
you took out of your purse?
Where did you find that?
What's going on, Fatma?
Are you worried about me, sis?
Don't worry. It's fine.
-There's nothing for you to--
-Haluk vouched for Zafer's loan.
I'm just asking
to see if you can pay for it
so Haluk won't be in trouble.
I had no idea.
I don't know about the loan
or that Haluk vouched for it.
I told you Zafer's missing. What--
Why won't you believe me?
Why are you being like this?
Remember when I called you about Oğuz?
I asked for your help for a day.
What happened that day?
Why are you bringing that up now?
She doesn't have anyone. She won't talk.
We tried everyone in her recent calls,
but no one picked up.
Her husband is missing too.
That's her neighbor. She told us.
Should we try your sister again?
Don't be sad, sister.
He's free now.
Does no one want to save you?
There's an old story.
Listen up!
The huntsman doesn't kill the hag,
then brings back another heart
to fool the others.
So I'm not going to hurt you.
Just tell me where the gun is and leave.
That gun was from Mr. Bayram's safe.
It's registered. The cops will track it.
All right?
What did you do with it?
I hid it.
Why? What are you going to do?
I need it.
Why do you need it?
I'm going to take revenge on Zafer
for my son.
Take your revenge in some other way.
You can't with that gun!
-Give me the gun, Fatma.
-I can't.
-Tell me where it is.
-I won't.
-Tell me!
-I won't.
-Tell me, damn it!
-I won't!
Mr. Bayram will kill me.
You're going to tell me, you bitch.
Give me the gun, then just fuck off
to the village and take your revenge.
The village?
What village?
Get back. Stay back!
Zafer is in your village.
How do you know?
He found some money.
Then he treated us at a tavern.
He buried the money there.
Bayram told him to hide.
He told him they'd arrest him again.
So he fucked off to his village.
Now tell me where the gun is.
Then go take your revenge. All right?
You knew where he was all along?
Tell me where the damn gun is!
It's in Kadriye's closet.
In the neighboring house.
If I don't find the gun there,
I'll come find you in the village.
First you killed Oğuz together,
then you spent the money in clubs?
Enough! Fuck you
and your "woman in distress" act.
You can't burn down the world
because your child died!
Your kid died. You're in pain. I get it.
But that pain hasn't killed you.
Hey, you.
Are you in pain?
This pain will kill you though.
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