Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Round Four: Real Policework

be dumb enough to rob us?
That's the million-dollar question.
DANIEL: My client was apprehended
by this racist officer.
There's a lot more to the story.
The defendant is sentenced to two years.
CHICKEN MAN: You taking
me away from my family!
We throw a party that's gonna go down
- at the Muhammad Ali fight.
- I want some real invites
but you still need to reach
out to The Firm, you understand?
This is a fucking robbery!
think you got any clue
as to who you're
stealing from, that's all.
The biggest goddamn gangsters
in the country are in this room.
It's the damn Black Mafia.
How come nobody told me who
the fuck we were robbin'?
WILLIE: We came here to
get this fucking money.
The job is the job.
- LENA: Tommy.
- Lena, we shouldn't have done this.
We got us a real treat tonight.
Come on, Sweets.
Give us a show now, baby.
Grab your fucking bag, go upstairs.
- VIVIAN: I'm talking crazy?
LENA: No, no, no! No, no, no!
VIVIAN: Lena was in on it. She
was playing you from day one.
Did Chicken Man rob me?
MAN 1: Hey, how 'bout
you sit down on the ground
until I tell you? Right now.
MAN 2: Hell, yeah. You finally
knew who the fuck did this shit.
- Fuck you!
- Oh, fuck off! Fuck you.
What we got?
Not much, except this.
- Them can't be real diamonds.
- A "Chicken Man production."
(SCOFFS) I should've
known. You know this guy?
- Chicken Man?
- Yeah.
Nah. What, you think he involved?
Yeah, we definitely
gonna shake his tree.
MAN: Motherfucker, what my clothes
got to do with this shit, man?
OFFICER: Like I already told you, buddy,
once we log all the
evidence, it's all yours.
This some bullshit.
Where's everybody's clothes?
A pile in the basement.
Our guys are processing the scene,
so no one's allowed inside.
All right, I'll take over the interview.
If you lovely gentlemen
would please take a walk,
canvass the woods.
And go find some blankets or something.
- Cover these people up. All right.
- Yes, sir. Right away.
Now I'd just like ask
you a few questions
about the party if you don't mind.
MAN: Yeah, sure, go ahead.
- Are you sure about this?
It's the only move I got, unless
you wanna sit here and bleed out.
I meant you runnin' around
like a secondhand Joe Friday.
Can't just sit back and do nothin'.
If I do that, I'mma look guilty as hell.
I gotta get a line on these
robbers and get it to Frank.
Got to clear my name.
Just follow my lead,
when we get in here.
Also, call me by my Christian name.
Don't call me Chicken. Call me Gordon.
- Christian?
- Yes.
When did you find the Lord?
Come on.
(WHISPERING) All right,
look, give me a second
Gordon, do you know what time it is?
- Who's this?
- (IN NORMAL VOICE) Baby, this here is Vivian.
- Vivian, that's my wife, Faye.
- Hi.
I was a hostess for Gordon,
and I had a little tiny accident.
I sliced my arm open.
Maybe we should take
you to Grady Hospital.
We got sleeping children down the hall.
Whoa, whoa. Hold on now, baby
Let me tell you what I'm
just tell you what I'm dealing with.
(WHISPERING) Okay, so you can
understand what's going on.
She was walkin' down
the hallway at the house.
There was a nail stickin' out the wall.
That nail got her arm real good.
Blood got that Gushin'
out all over the place.
Got all on my tux too.
And, uh, she don't have insurance.
I'll take care of it.
All right.
(SOFTLY) So I got to go.
I got to go make a run.
- Now?
- That house ain't gonna clean itself up.
I ain't gonna be long, I promise.
- Okay.
- All right.
I love you.
I love you, too.
You're in good hands, okay.
FRANK: Thunder Knuckle.
That's what I wanted to call her.
Big Daddy said I could name the horse
as long as I was the one to break her.
She was a rebellious motherfucker.
Shredded skin just trying
to get a saddle on her.
It was just her nature.
Her instinct to be free.
You ever break her?
The steed always breaks.
The dead girl we left in
the woods, she ain't break.
Corral The Firm.
State of Union.
Sure would be nice to give 'em
some good news about this shit.
Consider it done.
Them robbers won't see
the next sunrise, boss.
Take Thing One and Two with you.
Silky, hold up, cop a squat.
No guns.
That was the only rule.
To get inside a party that
was being held in my name.
Frank, now, look, now
I can vouch for Chicken.
He would never dream
of gettin' over on you.
(SIGHS) I'll wait till Lamar gets back.
The best things in life are free ♪
But you can give them to ♪
We in the money, people.
I need money ♪
That's what I want ♪
That's what I want ♪
That's what I want ♪
That's what I want ♪
That's what I want ♪
That's what I want ♪
Ray, how we lookin'?
I'm at 77 thou.
I like the sound of that.
- Uh, $180,000. But I'm listening to the radio,
I don't hear anything
about Lena or Boone.
They'll be here, all
right? Just keep the count.
We about to be drownin' in
pussy 'cause we hit the jackpot.
Y'all jokers need to catch up.
I got $272,000 sittin' at my feet.
- ANDRE: Ooh!
- TOMMY: Boy, you a machine.
- WILLIE: You know it.
- ANDRE: How the hell we get so much?
It's house money.
Gotta make sure they got enough
money to pay all the winners back.
So basically, we done
rob the goddamned casino.
Damn skippy.
Shit, I feel like Sinatra
and 'em in that movie.
If that's the case, I'm Sammy
Davis out in this motherfucker.
ANDRE: Shit, you look like him too.
I'm always angry!
Cut the shit. What's the count? Black?
$384,000. $562,000.
MCKINLEY: Dre, what
we got on the trinkets?
(IN NORMAL VOICE) Shit, I'd say
half a million, give or take.
After we fence, we're probably
lookin' at, like, 256 grand.
- MCKINLEY: Tommy?
- I have about $189,000.
- Shit. What's that, man?
- Yeah.
That's what I want ♪
Give me money ♪
- I walked in, next thing I know,
- I'm eyeballin' a shotgun.
- MCKINLEY: It's a fucking robbery!
Then they shook us down.
Motherfuckers got me for
my watch and my wallet.
Forced us to dance for hours.
Treated us like animals.
One of 'em got me for my wedding ring.
My wife ain't even know I was here.
Now I got to deal with that bullshit.
There was this one crazy
nigga damn near broke
the fat nigga's finger
off, trying to get his ring.
That's when he made everybody strip.
That damn floor was so cold,
he wouldn't even let
us use the bathroom.
One girl, oh, she couldn't hold it.
Peed right on herself.
Man, I ain't see shit.
Told us his name was Silky.
- Hmm.
- He invited us to the party.
Did this, uh, Silky say anything else?
Here's my number.
Okay? If there's
anything you can remember,
just give me a call. All right?
Hey, Romel, just make sure these
ladies get their clothes back.
- Yes, sir. This way, ladies.
- Thank you, ladies.
That's right, step here.
OFFICER: This shotgun was
left behind. A Remington 870.
The witnesses say all these
guys had the same shotguns.
So he shot by his own weapon?
- Could you get a sheet and cover this man up, please?
- OFFICER: Yes, sir.
Officers, have you searched everywhere?
The bedrooms, bathrooms,
closets, and everything?
We ain't got the manpower
for all that, detective.
Yeah. (SIGHS)
you, I'm the victim!
- Bullshit! I look stupid to you?
- HUDSON: Hey! Mason!
- Get off of him.
- Move!
- I'm just interrogating him.
He's got a rap sheet
longer than my cock.
- I was shot.
- The man is wounded, Mason.
- Come on.
- No, I ain't done with him.
- Oh, you done.
- No, I ain't.
Listen. Take this man upstairs
and get him some help, officer.
Mason, this is my case.
No fucking way.
I was on the scene first.
- I don't give a shit.
- This is my territory.
You got a problem with,
you take it up with Jenkins.
Get your ass the hell
out of my crime scene.
Mm, you can deal with
these animals, can't ya?
- Oh, he He don't look too happy.
- Fuck him.
How long you been on the force, Romel?
- ROMEL: About 18 months now, boss.
- HUDSON: Yeah.
I wish you had a little
more mileage on you, son.
It's a high-profile case.
We got Black victims.
More than likely these Black assailants.
Most of these cops, they
can't tell the difference.
And then you got a
bunch of 'em like Mason
that don't give a shit.
They just wanna sweep the
whole thing under the rug.
It's gonna be me and you.
We gotta make sure that don't happen.
Can you step it up, son?
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
I know these names.
PAUL: Detective.
We found another body.
Poor girl probably tried to run.
OFFICER: Oh, sweet Jesus.
Fresh blood on here.
Maybe she got a lick in before she died.
There's stippling on
her forehead right here.
Shot at close range, execution style.
You think it's related
to the other victim?
I don't know, different weapon.
Hey, let's call around to the gun shops.
See if anybody sold any
new identical Remington 870.
Not a lot of places got
that kind of inventory.
Roger that. You think
the girl was in on it?
I think
if these was heavy
hitters that they robbed,
they runnin' around out
here playin' judge, jury,
and executioner right now.
Hey, Funk. Hey, it's,
uh, this is Chicken Man.
Hey, hey! Them hoes I loaned
you for your little party,
well, them bitches over at
my house, sobbin' on my couch.
- Oh, man.
- And you know what I don't like, Chicken?
I don't like bitches
sobbin' on my couch.
Oh, stop that, I got robbed too.
All right? And I need your help.
Look, Viv swear up and down
that one of the girls we hired
got somethin' to do with all this stuff.
So, I don't know, man.
I got a government name.
Name I got is Lena.
Motherfucker, did you just question
the integrity of my hoes?
And who the fuck is Lena?
- I'm hungry.
- FUNK: Bitch, I don't care.
Go make a sandwich or something, move.
Funk, listen to me, man. I'm just tryin'
to get to the bottom of all this.
I don't give a fuck what
you're tryin' to get to.
And I don't give a
fuck about your bottom.
But, what I do know is,
the streets say you are a dead man.
Streets say what?
Oh, and I got one more thing to say.
- Funk! Funk!
Daniel Smalls, Esquire.
Hey, this is Chicken. Uh
might have got myself
into something real bad.
Was that your house I saw
on the news this morning?
Listen, listen, that's what
I want to talk to you about.
Okay? I got robbed.
I got robbed, Smalls, and, and
I'm the victim in this whole thing.
Okay, okay. Calm down.
Now, have you broken any laws?
No! Hell no, I ain't break no laws.
Okay (STUTTERS) I'll
tell you this part though.
We, uh We set up a gambling operation
in my basement, right?
We did it with some
with some hoods and some
hookers, but I ain't did nothin'.
Shit, I got to go.
- Nigga, you fucked me.
- Ain't nobody fucked you, Silky.
If anything, you fucked me!
Yeah, I'm in a room with
all them goddamn gangsters
Motherfucker, you
begged me for that party.
You actin' like it was my fault.
I put my whole fucking
rep on the line for you.
- I'm the victim in the thing too.
- Frank got robbed
- at your party.
- Okay.
Chicken, Frank is gonna fucking kill us.
You need to lower your
voice and calm down.
Look, man, if we don't come up
with some answers real quick,
both our asses in the dirt.
Hey, I got my hands on it.
All right? I got a I got a lead.
Now, Viv feel like one
of the girls we hired
was in on the whole goddamn thing.
Well, who's in charge
of bringing in the trim?
I I I was bringing in
I was in charge, I had Funk.
He brought in a couple of his hoes,
and I got some of 'em
from that drive-in.
What? Come on, talk to me, Chicken.
Hold on.
I found it in this. You
must've dropped it back there.
- Lena.
- My wallet.
I don't forget no face.
That girl
- Silver Skillet. Yeah.
- Oh, you're good.
Silver Skillet.
The Silver goddamn Skillet.
- Come on.
- Come on. Tell me something, Chicken.
- Look, look, I got Hey!
- Man, don't just walk off on me.
I got it, all right?
Just trust me on this.
Man, trusting you is
what got me in this shit.
Silky, just trust me, goddamn.
Damn it!
You sure do love you some Jesus.
I mean, do you read all of that?
FAYE: I'm in a Bible
study group at my church.
We meet every Wednesday night.
Gordon comes too.
(LAUGHS) Chicken goes to Bible school?
Yes, Gordon goes to Bible school.
- Sorry.
Not one for goin' to church much myself.
My granny was saved.
Yes, she spent all her time in service
with her nose in that great book.
Everything I ever done wrong,
she had a verse to swat me with.
BOY: Mama,
who's this?
FAYE: Gordon, This is Miss Vivian.
Now go on back to your room.
Tell your sisters that the sunroom
and the kitchen is off-limits.
His name's Gordon, too.
Gordon Junior.
He's like you.
What's that supposed to mean?
He ain't one for going
to church, either.
You know what, I think folks
tend to miss out on the peace
that you get from Christ's
unconditional love.
- VIVIAN: Mm-hmm.
- I mean, we all got sin.
But it's that unconditional love
that brings us closer to God.
Gordon is a prime example.
I mean, I've been knowing him
since I was a teenage girl.
I know who he is, what he's done.
What he still does.
But I also see the greatness in his soul
despite his shortcomings.
- That too tight?
ROMEL: Morning, ma'am.
I'm looking for Mr.
Gordon Williams. He home?
- Who's asking?
- He ain't in no trouble.
We just need to ask a few questions
about the incident last night.
- Incident?
- Yes, ma'am.
The robbery.
Mr. Williams isn't
in right now, Officer.
But I'll be sure to let
him know you stopped by.
Goddamn it! This robbery
shit is all over the news.
Took away all the goddamn
goodwill that Ali fight brought us.
Yeah, Chief.
The governor and the mayor
are just taking their turns
chewing what's left of my posterior.
I need this case closed,
and I need it done yesterday.
Well, I got a few leads
that I'm chasing down.
But this ain't your
run-of-the-mill robbery.
The aggrieved are high-level gangsters,
and they're not gonna
stop till they make sure
- they get everybody that was involved in this.
- Huddie
I am expecting you to
keep this contained.
That's why I gave you the case.
Can you do that?
Yes, I can.
Good man.
Detective, got somethin'.
A little mom-and-pop up North.
Toomer's Firearms sold three
Remingtons one week ago.
But get this, the buyer used ID.
Tommy Hayes.
Oh, boy. Hallelujah.
I'mma hit this repast
- in a bit, maybe he'll show up.
- Yes, sir.
ANDRE: It's $980,000.
Including the jewels,
that's a million easy.
All right, we got to be careful.
'Cause we robbed some
seriously dangerous people.
It look to me like we
need to renegotiate.
Twenty grand damn sure don't
seem like enough a cut no more.
My boys sendin' a fence
down in a couple of days.
- After that, we'll discuss takes and shit.
- A couple days?
Why I got to wait a couple
days when it's already mine?
Did you not hear what I said,
you corn-colored motherfucker?
Ain't nobody touchin' shit
until we deliver the haul.
- Since when you start callin' the shots?
- Goddamn
Cut the bullshit!
Look, Black is right.
- Dre
We gonna wait for the fence,
'cause we might need this loot
to buy back our lives.
TOMMY: Y'all, y'all, they
talkin' about the robbery.
already spreading the
two bodies were found at the scene
of the now robbery-homicide.
Identified as locals Boone Davis,
and a female, Lena Mosley.
We'll update you as more
information comes in.
It's me. I'm here. It's just us.
Man. No.
- Tommy.
Hey, look at me.
Look at me. I know.
- I know.
- It's my fault, man.
It's not your fault.
It's not your fault. Hey.
She was a fighter.
And we know that she fought, okay?
Oh, man. I don't know.
And Boone
looked after me when I went to prison.
You know, he
He was the first person to look after me
when I got locked up in that shithole.
And if there's one thing that
I know about being in this shit
is that we gotta survive to get out.
You hear me? We gotta survive.
And that's exactly what
we're gonna do, you know?
All right?
All right?
- We gonna survive.
- Mm-hmm.
MCKINLEY: Everybody, be normal,
go back to your normal lives.
We ain't gonna make no waves,
we ain't gonna talk to nobody,
and we ain't gonna say shit
about this robbery, you hear me?
And we're gonna regroup
back here in three days.
Groovy. I'll babysit the loot.
And I'll babysit you.
CHICKEN MAN: Anything you
can tell me about Lena?
She was the best waitress we had.
Good family, too.
Oh, yeah? Well, I'd like to
pay my respects to her family.
You know where I can find 'em?
How you gonna pay your respects
on an empty stomach, huh?
Oh, brother, I mean, I just ate
somethin'. I'm actually full.
- Full?
- Yeah,
so you got an address of her kin,
I swear to you, it'll help me out a lot.
Okay, I see.
You know, on second
thought, I'm lookin' around.
These plates do look good.
I'll take a I'll
take a club sandwich.
Maybe two.
You know, I heard about
a repast today but, um
for some reason, I can't
quite remember the address.
I mean, that's a damn shame.
'Cause I was gonna
actually order a platter.
- Platter, huh?
- Big-ass platter.
You know, for the
As many sandwiches as I can
so that I can go down there
and I can give 'em
all out to her family.
Now you talkin'.
You know what, I think I might
have that address in the back.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, let me go check.
My man.
FRANK: Everybody's
hip to what went down.
Just know it's being handled.
Yeah, we about to
Kentucky fry their asses.
I want my pound of flesh, Frank.
Now if you need some
butcher shop motherfuckers
Appreciate the offer, Bunk,
this is strictly being handled in-house.
Y'all hear yourselves?
We start sprayin' bullets
all through Georgia,
I mean, it's gonna make
a whole lot of noise.
And imagine if one of 'em white
boys catch one of 'em strays,
that's gonna be our asses.
They still lynching niggas in Dixie.
FRANK: Look here, y'all
go on back to the crib,
we'll send up a smoke signal
when the scalp's been copped.
Let's go.
You a little bent out of shape
'bout somethin' there, Slim?
Actually, I am.
We put this Firm together so
we can make us some extra bread.
So we can beat these crackers
at their own game, you dig?
We did not come here to put
our dollars on land deals
or waste our time chasing no chicken.
We all friendly here, remember?
Nigga, fuck friendly.
I received a invitation
to go to a party,
and it was under Frank's name.
I get there,
and the next thing I know,
I'm down to my drawers.
Like a slave.
Then they take my jewels and my dignity.
We supposed to tuck tails
and do like he said?
Go back to the crib?
We are supposed to be the
baddest niggas in America.
And we got robbed in
front of a bunch of bitches
and we didn't do nothin'!
We supposed to just obey and
be grateful for this travesty?
No, nigga.
It ain't nothin' friendly about that.
- Frank.
- Slim.
You know, Frank, I think you
should show a li'l grace on Mo Slim.
Let him go home and cool
off a little bit, you know?
FRANK: Is that right?
(GRUNTS) And listen, I mean,
you know, man, I am in
your corner to the very end.
But don't you think you're
being a bit cold to these guys?
I mean, they're supposed
to be our partners.
But you're treatin' them like they
some red-haired
stepchildren or somethin'.
You know,
there are times
I find myself really missin' your daddy.
Say a lot of things about Big Cadillac.
But above all,
he was loyal.
You know, if he was in this room
listenin' to you question me right now,
he would slap the shit out
of your wasted yellow ass.
Now, if these neck bone suckin'
niggas got their titties in a twist
about this party shit and
the way I'm handlin' it,
then, by all means, tell
them to make their move.
Otherwise they can do what
your daddy would've done,
and that's do what the fuck I say.
Speaking of happiness ♪
You never thought of mine ♪
Mentioning loneliness ♪
I feel lonely all the time ♪
Ever since you went away ♪
After swearing we would never part ♪
There was nothing I could say ♪
Who could talk with a broken heart? ♪
Speaking of happiness ♪
I said the bathroom was that way.
VIVIAN: I'm sorry.
- I I was just admiring
- So my husband
hired you for that party?
Uh, we're more like business partners.
Business partners?
That's what I said.
No perks on the side?
Look, I might be saved
but I ain't stupid.
Let me get to that bathroom.
And when you come out of there,
won't you tell me about that robbery?
(CHUCKLES) It ain't much to say.
We all a part of Chicken Man's show.
We just playin' our parts.
You, me,
them little ones, too.
Uh, afternoon.
How y'all doin'? Uh
I'm gonna set these on the table?
- Set it right there.
- Yes, ma'am.
Least I can do, you know?
TOMMY: Take that fucking ring off.
Now! Take the fucking ring off!
- SILKY: Yeah.
- Hey, Silky, it's me.
I did it.
I done found the goddamn perpetrator.
Now, look.
Call Frank, tell him to send
whoever he wanna send over here.
Tell him to do it ASAP. You hear me?
That is music to my ears, negro.
Look, write this address down.
896, Fordham Lane. I'll keep
an eye on him till you get here.
All right, you just stay
put and we'll be there.
- What's shaking, Unc?
- ED: Yeah, what it be like, nephew.
- Fucking good.
- Right, how that Chevelle runnin'?
- She purring like a kitten.
Uh-huh. How about them women?
When you gonna share
with your uncle, nigga?
Hey, you know we family.
If it's mine, it's yours.
You just gotta let me
know how you like that.
- ED: Ooh Like that.
- Yeah, like that.
- Like a Cadillac.
All right, lemme get your
eye on somethin' for a sec.
- All right.
- ANDRE: You'll dig it.
How much can you flip that for?
Don't you tell me that
this is related to that shit
I've been seein' on the news.
Who the hell you rob last night, nigga?
Hey, I ain't say all that.
Now, I want you to hear me
and I want you to listen
with both ears and your ass.
Don't you ever think about
selling that shit around 'Lanta.
You hear me? Do you hear me, nigga?
A'ight, a'ight, I hear you, Unc.
All right. Get that
hot-ass shit out my shop.
ANDRE: I'mma catch you later.
And we'll bring good
business for you too.
- You gonna need a carjack to get up.
- Yeah, yeah, you better.
- Nice and sloppy.
Hello. Uh, thank you for comin'.
Tommy got somethin' he wanna say.
Uh, how y'all doin'?
I, uh I spent a lot of time
(SIGHS) by myself growing up,
being the only child and all, uh
I didn't really have a lot of friends.
And Lena, she had me
forgettin' all of that.
She was everything to me.
A cousin, best friend, sister.
A constant nag. (CHUCKLES)
It's all right.
It's all right. It's all right.
I didn't mean to
WOMAN: Come on.
- TOMMY: Sorry.
WOMAN: It's okay.
Tommy Hayes.
- TOMMY: What?
- I'mma need you to come with me.
- TOMMY: What do you want from me?
- WOMAN: Are you a cop?
Sorry. Atlanta P.D. I just
need to ask him some questions.
No, no, no. Wait a minute. Wait
a minute. Wait a minute. No, no.
- What did he do?
- Ma'am, please.
I got to ask him some
questions, all right?
Okay, but what the hell did he do?
HUDSON: It's better if we do
this at this at the station.
A'ight now, pig, you ain't
taking this goddamn boy nowhere.
Look, I'mma have some questions for you,
but right now, you need
to get out of the way.
- All right?
- No. I'm not about to sit here
and let you ruin this boy's
life the same way you did mine.
This man here took two years of my life,
you hear me?
Two years he took from me.
And I'm not gonna stand
here and let you wrongfully
accuse this innocent boy
and do the same to him.
And I know y'all not gonna
stand for it either, are y'all?
- ALL: No.
- That's right.
Listen, I'm just doing
my job, everybody.
Now any of y'all get in
the way, you interfere,
- you gonna get run in on obstruction charges.
- No.
No, that's bullshit and you know it.
Listen, you wanna be at the
end of my handcuffs, keep it up.
I've been there before.
I'll tell you what. You
take him, you might as well
just go on and take me too.
- That's fine with me.
- It is fine. Go on.
Tommy, don't you worry about it.
My lawyer's good, he'll
have us out in no time.
- HUDSON: Lead the way, Tommy.
- No, he's not.
- He's good, mama he's good.
- Lead the way, we goin'.
- He's good.
- We goin'. Let's go. Come on, let's go.
WOMAN: No, he's not going.
HUDSON: Let's go. Ma'am,
please. You're making it worse.
- CHICKEN MAN: He ain't nothin' but a pig, you hear me?
- Let's go. Let's go.
- Let's go.
- CHICKEN MAN: This man ain't got nothin' to do with
HUDSON: Let's go.
So you graduated from
pusher to gangster now, huh?
Settin' up robberies.
Hey, why don't you just cut the crap?
You know damn well I had
no parts in none of that.
DANIEL: And I'd like
to keep it that way,
as my client has no comment.
Man, you do what you want,
but using the same lawyer
that couldn't keep your behind
out of jail in the first place,
that don't seem like such a good idea.
That's two false arrests, Detective.
- You know what that means?
- Hey.
- Dollar signs.
- Come on, man.
Danny, come here.
Listen to me. I need
you to get that kid out.
- You owe me, Danny.
- They got substantiated evidence on him.
Listen to me, I don't
care about none of that.
- Get the kid out.
- Why are you so interested
in helping this kid out, Chicken?
I mean, didn't he rob you?
I don't think that's none of
your bidness, isn't it, pig?
- I think it is my bidness.
- Yeah, I don't think it is.
- You need to do your job.
- DANIEL: My hands are tied.
- Man, I don't wanna hear that now.
- DANIEL: I'm sorry, Chicken.
- Come on.
- Now, I don't think you bright enough
to be the mastermind
behind this whole bidness,
but you damn sure dumb
enough to be mixed up in it.
An accessory to murder.
Well, that's murder.
Check with your counselor.
I'm afraid he's right about that.
- HUDSON: Yeah, he is.
- Come on.
You have a nice day.
Got you, you little motherfucker.
Silky, goddamn it, man. Look, I'm
I'm sorry.
We went to the house like you said,
and you wasn't there.
And I know that, but
understand this, man.
I got it under control.
And I wasn't there
because that pig showed up
and arrested the robber. But
you know my lawyer, Smalls.
I'mma go down there, I'mma
get that boy outta there.
FRANK: Goddamn, Chicken.
You a hard motherfucker to find.
Make me think you dodgin' a nigga.
Frank. Frank, I would I would
never do nothin' like that, Frank.
Tell you what. I'mma come to you.
- Hold on. No, no, no. Frank.
- FRANK: Be there before you know it.
- Frank, you ain't go to Listen Frank.
- FRANK: Hold on for a sec.
Your boy got somethin' he wanna say.
Silky. Silky.
It was supposed to be a simple
but elegant get-together
for me and The Firm
to let our hair down.
- Hey, Frank.
- You brought in Chicken Man here
and he fucked that shit up.
- Frank, what you doin' to
- What's that you gotta say? What?
He said he ain't got
nothin' else to say to you.
But I do.
Hey, Frank.
I don't know you ♪
Or the people I see ♪
And I don't even know ♪
VIVIAN: Big Apple?
- Excuse me?
- I know Chicken loves that bologna
they got down at the Big Apple Grocery.
Lord, don't you bring him
none of that uppity bologna
they got at Kroger
or Piggly Wiggly Jack.
Mm-hmm, he still be wanting
that cheap old bologna
his mama used to make
him back in the day.
VIVIAN: He don't even slice it.
He just eats the side of it like a log.
- Like, like, like
- Like he eating corn on the cob.
(CHUCKLES) It's so nasty.
- And he got the nerve to call me country.
- Mama.
That jive turkey, he just
as country as all get out.
Mama, there's men
outside and they got guns.
No, don't answer it.
Maybe they'll go away.
Take your sisters in me and dad's room.
Go ahead and lock the door.
MAN: I know y'all in there.
MAN: Open this damn door!
- I see you know your way around a gun.
- I grew up hunting.
These my daddy's guns.
Get the hell up off my property.
Now don't be foolish, ma'am.
It's two to one.
Count again, nigga.
We'll be back.
Looks like your bandage holdin' up.
Yeah. I guess I best be going.
Go on out the back.
Whoa, whoa. Faye. Faye.
Baby, what's going on?
You can't even give me the decency
to tell me that you was robbed?
Whoa, w-wait. What
What Vivian done told you?
Huh? She's still in there?
She in the wind like us.
Now go on and say goodbye to your kids.
Hold on, I didn't say nothing
to you because I didn't want
I was tryin' to protect you, and
I was tryin' to protect the kids.
Well, now you ain't
got us to worry about.
What you Faye. Faye, what you sayin'?
You know goddamn well I ain't had
nothing to do with this robbery.
I'm a victim in this whole thing.
(CHUCKLING) You always the victim.
And I done bought into your bullshit.
Me and your little business partner,
we all in your Chicken Man
show, playin' our little roles.
- Me, you, Vivian.
- Put the bags down.
Put the bags down.
You're talking crazy.
You ain't got to do this.
Thugs showed up at our house, Gordon,
with guns looking for you.
You got your children in danger.
And that I ain't gonna stand for.
Faye, I'm not, I'm
not Look, look, Faye
Get off of me!
CHICKEN MAN: Baby, listen.
Hey, Faye.
If you wanna hate me
right now, then so be it.
You got every right to do that.
I'm not tryin' to
change your mind there.
But, you know, just like I
know that we're better together.
You also know that it's my
job to protect this family,
protect these goddamn kids, Faye.
I'm asking for a moment to get
things square. And after I do that,
if you still wanna do what
you gotta do, then so be it.
But let me
Let me, let me get things square.
Who's this talkin'?
Chicken or Gordon?
You got both.
At least you honest this time.
If he ain't at his house,
Chicken Man could be anywhere.
Silky cleaned up?
Yes, boss.
Flood the streets with money.
Somebody'll drop a
dime on that sumbitch.
Yes, sir.
- Hey there.
- Hey, there.
What's the market price
for diamonds these days?
Oh, you casing the wrong spot
unless you're in the
market for a new muffler.
Sleepy John over on Old National
says you the top fence
around these parts.
Well, if ol' Sleepy gave
you my name then, uh,
guess I can help you
out. What y'all got?
Oh, I ain't got no diamonds.
But perhaps you heard about last
night's robbery in Collier Heights.
Anyone sold you any stolen
items from said robbery?
Man, that'd be mighty dumb so soon
after a heist, now wouldn't it?
(CHUCKLES) The dumb
part is who they robbed.
Spread the word.
Ten big ones, to the first
man that brings me them robbers
and double for Gordon Williams,
the Chicken Man.
HUDSON: Toomer's Firearms in Marietta.
That ring a bell?
It's where you purchased
three identical shotguns.
Don't remember?
This your ID, right?
Got your juvie sheet here, too.
Yeah, you're a pretty
talented pickpocket, but
you ain't cut out for
all this killing business.
That's fo sho.
I'm gonna show you somethin' else.
Now that is what a
shotgun does to a person.
Shotguns that you purchased.
Now, I heard you speak at her repast.
Talking about how she looked out
for you and how she doted on you.
So did she bring you in on this thing?
Or was it the other way around?
It doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters
is that we get every last one of them
criminals that robbed that party.
That ain't gonna end here.
You know who y'all robbed, right?
Now look, I'm not
gonna lie to you, Tommy.
You're looking at time,
you're looking at real time.
But if you cooperate
with me, I can help you.
But that's not why you're
gonna do the right thing.
You're gonna do it for her.
Time to be a man now, son.
Time to saddle up.
You gotta make it right.
You need to tell me where to find 'em.
Make it right.
Damn! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
- Here we go, yeah. Yes, sir.
- Yeah, there?
ROMEL: He said it was
apartment five, right?
HUDSON: Yeah, number
five's the stash house.
Let's just scope it out for
now, until backup arrives.
ROMEL: Yes, sir.
Hey, we've been made, Romel.
I'm goin' round the back. Let's go.
- We gotta move, we gotta move right now.
- All right. Shit.
HUDSON: Let's go, let's go!
HUDSON: Atlanta PD! Stay where you are.
Hey, hey! Stop or I'll shoot! Stop!
- HUDSON: Shit!
No, no, no. Shit!
- Glad I didn't shoot ya.
- Yeah, me too.
- This place ain't that bad, right?
- This where we live now?
No, baby, we're just gonna
be here for a few nights.
Hey, Daddy got an idea.
What I wanna know, is who is hungry?
Daddy thinkin' about goin' to Varsity.
- Anybody wanna go to Varsity? Yeah?
- GIRL: Yeah, yeah, so hungry. Yeah.
- All right, hold on.
Hey, uh, y'all moved my suspect
to the holding cell already, right?
Not sure, detective.
It's been a madhouse.
Tom, you in there?
Oh, Jesus Christ. (GRUNTS)
- Oh! No, no, no!
Oh, God! Oh, my God. (BREATHING HEAVILY)
Help! Help me! Somebody help me!
Stay with me, Tommy!
Help! Somebody call an ambulance!
Jesus Christ!
Somebody help me, please!
(PANTING) Oh, God!
Oh! Come on, Tommy!
Come on, Tommy, hang on!
SLIM: Open up, bitch.
It's the big bad wolf.
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