Finding Ola (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Finding the stage man.

There you are. Are you okay?
It's okay. They're okay.
No, it's not okay.
You have the kids so you can
take care of them, not abandon them!
You can't handle the responsibiliy.
Are you okay?
-Here you go.
-Good day to you.
-Thanks. See you.
Here's a question. Which of our products
has the highest number of sales? Hmm?
-The anti-ageing serum.
-Mm-hm. The anti-ageing serum!
Your mother is the face of the brand,
what did you expect?
People think it's for grandmas
and old ladies.
And we are happy to take their money.
That's no problem.
I mean, they are repeat customers.
But it's having a negative effect
on the other products.
Exactly right. The other products.
We need to sell them too.
This, this, this, this
Who's coming to buy these?
She's up there, and there,
and there, and there.
She's everywhere. It's like
she's haunting me but she's still alive.
These are good points, right, Reda?
-And why Second Chance?
Why not Third Chance?
-Why not Fourth Chance?
Yeah, yeah, why not?
I never imagined that by the time I'm 40,
I'd be divorced, and having to gasp
for air after climbing the stairs.
I've seen people twice my age
taking them two at a time!
Did you ever go
to Zefta in the '80s?
-You know what's my problem with the gym?
-You only have one?
Really bad smell.
-And it just ruins my nose.
-Oh Right!
See you guys in three hours.
Remind me again
why we brought him with us?
There's something else
we need to investigate.
-Who's messing with the genes
of the younger generation?
With their DNA?
What happened to chubby?
Chubbiness was passed down
to us from our ancestors.
Come on, what happened the fat belly
Arabs were famous for? What happened?
You're in luck. I don't want it.
-Keep it all for yourself.
-Oh, I will!
So, some cardio first?
Treadmill or should we do spinning?
I say spinning.
-Come on, let's go.
-Are you serious? Spinning?
I don't even know how to ride a real bike!
Stop being a lazy whiner. No excuses!
-Do it just for once.
Come on, I'll be back in 20 minutes.
You saddle up.
-Easy, easy! You'll fall off your bike.
Oh. Okay. Thank you.
Better now, right? I'm Adam, by the way.
Hi. I'm Ola.
Oh! Ola
Sorry, I can't even say my name.
Yeah, your heart rate's high
for someone so young.
How old are you?
Isn't it rude to ask a woman her age?
Not really, it's normal.
Some women here brag about their age.
I'm just making conversation.
Well, I'm not so old
that I need to brag about it.
-Not yet, at least.
How about you? You look pretty young.
Like you're still in college.
No, I graduated.
I'm a creative director
and I own an agency.
And I'm no professional,
but I'm pretty sure
this is your first time riding a bike.
I've always wanted to learn how to ride.
My dad tried to teach me
but I'd always fall. I'm bad with balance.
Maybe you should put it
on your bucket list.
My what?
It's a list of all the things you always
wanted to accomplish before you die
God forbid.
Okay, you got it. Since it looks like
I'm gonna die today,
maybe I can make a "regrets" list.
My birthday is coming soon anyway
What should I do?
I wanna go to the desert,
like all those backpackers do,
and stay awake all night
just to watch the sunrise in the morning
-Good one!
-And I'd like to dance!
Nice. Like salsa or tango?
Oh, hell, no! Belly, belly.
I want to belly dance!
-I've always loved Naima Akef.
-Who's Naima Akef?
Never mind, she's too old for you to know.
I'd stand up to Nazly, and tell her
exactly what I think of her,
everything in my mind.
Who's Nazly?
Oh, never mind. It's just
Wanna take it up a notch?
How will you find the time for all that?
I mean, you're almost 60!
Ha, ha.
-I'm 40. I'm turning 40.
-Are you happy now? Oh.
-Oh, hi.
Uh Nesrine and Montasser, my friends
and business partners.
-And Adam, right?
-Nice to meet you.
So, in case I want to wish you
a happy birthday, are you on Facebook?
-Uh Sure.
-He's a kid, but he's a bold one.
Uh, yeah, yeah I'm Ola Abdel Sabour.
-Ah! Huh?
-Second Chance!
I'm a magician, right.
Nice to meet you, Ola Second Chance!
What about you?
I'm Adam Ali, Green Edge.
Bye, Adam.
-Green Edge?
-Bye, Adam! See you.
-I usually go on a diet
That's what you get from wanting
to play with the kids.
We need some salted water for your feet.
Go get some, Salim.
Ugh, okay. You stop me from gaming
to make me your slave.
What? What did you say?
I said I'll just I'll go get it.
-Mom, I wanna ask you a question.
-Of course.
Why didn't you guys
ever teach me how to ride a bike?
A bike? How could we? You were so lazy!
You could barely move,
and you hated sports.
Here, where do you think
this one gets it from?
-It's a recipe you can make
-Oh, sweetie!
-Personally, I developed this recipe
-Thanks, honey.
Put it over there, I'll drink it later.
Did you hear that, Mommy?
Grandma said I'm just like you.
We can sit on the couch
and hate sports together.
Mm Yeah, that's true.
Okay, since we're not into sports,
we need something else to do.
There's an audition for the play
that Nadia is working on.
-It's really cool.
-He wants to perform on stage.
Really, Salim?
You know you can't do such things.
-You're the man of the house!
-So what? This doesn't mean he can't act.
-Of course it does.
Okay, so, tell me. What's the part?
What's the whole play about?
Nadia hasn't even told me a word about it.
Peter Pan. It's a great play, super cool.
There's a lot of action.
Peter Pan
By the way, Ola, tell me, how are
the sales going for my product line?
Shukreyya said that it's a smash hit.
Peter Pan is that kid
who doesn't wanna grow up?
-Yeah, that's him.
You need to learn how to fly like me!
How do you do that?
It's the easiest thing! All you have to do
is think of your happiest memories
-If you concentrate, you can fly
-Don't worry, you know the lines.
You're super talented.
You'll get the part.
-Really? If you're sure, I'm sure too.
-My happiest memory
-fairy dust, and sprinkle it
-play with Wendy
Thank you! Next!
-You're up, Selim!
Whenever you're ready.
Neverland is a wonderful place
for children, where no one ever grows up!
Really? Can I go there with you?
You need to learn how to fly first.
All you have to do is think
of your happiest memories.
Close your eyes, concentrate,
and use your arms as wings.
My happiest memory was
when I used to play with Wendy,
and she'd tell me stories before bedtime!
Now, all we need to do is sprinkle you
with some fairy dust!
Close your eyes, spread your arms open,
and follow me!
Whoa! I'm flying!
Thank you.
I think we found our John Darling.
-Congratulations, Salim.
-You're in the musical.
See? See how easy that was?
Oh, I think I came to the daycare section.
Oh, ex excuse me!
Um Do you have an appointment?
Yes, actually. I'm Ola Abdel Sabour,
I have an appointment with Adam.
Okay. Adam!
Hi, Ola!
-I see you've met Sophie.
-Yes. Sophie! Nice to meet you.
Hi. If you'll excuse me.
-What's up?
-I'm good, thanks.
-I'm done here.
-Wanna grab an espresso?
-Oh, God, yes. Please!
-Is there a cafeteria or something here?
-A cafeteria?
-Sure Come on!
Hassan, two espresso, please!
Have a seat.
-Well, it really is a cafeteria!
-We're quite a big team here.
-Don't we need to pay for it?
-You sure it's free? I don't have cash.
-Free, yes.
-Second Chance, huh?
So, tell me, now.
How's it going with your brand, then?
Okay, here it goes.
Remember when we met,
-we were talking about age and everything?
Well, I feel my problem is that
my marketing stuck me in a demographic,
-and I can't get out of it.
Look, ageism's working against you.
-Age-based discrimination.
It's hurting the sales
of your other products.
Young people are scared of aging,
and are in denial.
-What's in it?
-Just tobacco.
Oh! Toba Uh
Well, I don't know, I don't smoke.
Uh I mean, why not?
Think of it this way, no two people
live the exact same life.
-Why buy the same product?
Each person has a totally different
life experience that is unique to them.
So I believe that a brand selling
an experience that's customized
will win over Generation Z.
Generation what? Z?
Generation Z is anyone
born after the year 2000.
Generation Z Ah, but I feel like
But they must be way too young.
Have they started working yet?
-Do they have any real purchasing power?
-Don't ask me, I was born in 1990!
1990? Two years after Raafat El Haggan
started airing on television!
Sophie! Sophie!
-When were you born?
2002. Why?
No way. This girl was born after 9/11!
What's your favorite skincare brand?
None, actually. I've stopped buying beauty
products. I can't stand animal cruelty.
Have you heard of this brand,
it's organic and cruelty-free,
-called Second Chance?
-Second Chance.
Nah, I haven't I'm sorry.
Speaking of life experience
How is your bucket list going?
What bucket list? Seriously, come on!
Show it to me.
-I didn't write one.
-I know you did.
I said I didn't!
I'm lying, I did.
What gave me away?
You were born in the '90s,
-what do you know about anything?
-What's the first thing on the list?
Get a tattoo.
-Okay, what?
-Let's go. Let's go.
What do you mean? I'm not
getting a tattoo right now! That's crazy!
No, no I mean, uh
We can start with something easier.
I mean, if you want to help, okay?
Uh, uh, uh A motorcycle, I guess.
Ride a motorcycle.
Okay, let's go.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
It'll be okay, just lean into the turn.
Hey! Jesus, lady!
-Sorry, sorry, sorry! So sorry!
-Watch it!
At least we're sticking
to the ancient Egyptian theme.
The ankh, the lotus flower
I mean, the lotus flower is incredible.
Did you know that it's the only flower
that grows in the mud?
It basically rises from the muck,
and it blooms
and it blooms and blooms.
It's gorgeous when it blooms.
Just like you.
What do you mean?
Right now, finally you're blooming.
So you finally like someone.
It's about time!
Okay. I really can't take this anymore.
-Your grandma! Soheir!
She's obsessed with me.
-Your mom seems less crazy now.
I don't know. I've heard
people go pretty crazy in their 40s.
Well, it's not that I'd know.
Well, it's not that I'd know.
Huh? Know what? Right.
-Like you ever know anything, weirdo!
-I'm the weirdo?
Duh, yes.
Again? Again.
-Don't, Ruhiyyeh!
-Please don't!
-She's gone! Help, help!
What's wrong with you, Mariam?
Loulou! Come here, sweetie. Come.
Come sit with me. Let's hang out.
I've missed you.
-Hi, Mom.
-No, come sit next to me, right here.
-Sit down.
I've missed you!
Spend some time with me.
It's been so long since we sat together
to have a nice long conversation,
like we used to.
We used to talk and have so much fun.
But I forgive you.
I know you don't mean to neglect me.
You've been working so hard lately.
And you're carrying
so much on your shoulders.
I pray for you, baby, I do.
I know I've always been blunt,
and maybe sometimes you wish I was like
one of those gushy moms
that tells you
you're perfect no matter what you do.
Listen to me. I'm serious.
I'm proud of you!
I'm so proud of you! Mwah!
You turned out so good, baby. Mwah!
-You're such a good daughter.
-Mm-hm. Oh!
-I love you. I really do.
-That's so sweet.
-I'm getting a tattoo.
-No! Mom! Mm
-Why not?
Honey, I'm just going to do it
to fill in my eyebrows.
No, no, don't get the wrong idea.
-But by the way
Your Aunt Shukreyya did it on hers
and they look fantastic.
Remember her face always looked messed up?
-This helped. She looks almost okay now.
Wait, hold on, I'm gonna show you.
-Just let me find it Look
-There it is.
So when I'm just Out of the frame!
- I'm trying to show you how it'll look.
-Okay. Come closer to see. You're so far!
-I am! Mom, I am!
So, check this out. I want to lift them up
and make them look nice
and tight and awake, like this.
Listen, I know tattoos are forbidden,
but she said it's fine
-if it's just the eyebrows.
I'll call the Dar Al Ifta,
to hear from a religious authority. Yeah,.
But thank you
for the nice things you said, Mom.
-That was very sweet.
-I'm making french fries today.
Lifted. I want them lifted.
I'm here but I don't see you.
-Take a right.
What's the bike for?
-You said you didn't know how to ride.
-No, no, no.
If it was meant to be, I'd know by now.
My bucket list is full.
I hope you have a first aid kit, at least.
I have everything. Helmet.
Really? Come on. I thought
you said we were going for a walk!
-Buckle it. Is it okay? How does it fit?
-I'm getting scared.
-Nice and easy
-No, wait, no, wait Don't let go!
Don't let go!
-Okay, okay Aah!
-Oh, oh, oh!
Whoo! Yeah!
-Oh no, what now, what now?
-Squeeze the brakes, quick!
Can't we just run next to it?
Come on, you've got it.
You've got it, you've got it!
It's just like flying!
-Hey, Hisham.
-Hey, Ola.
Nice bike.
Who knew riding motorcyles
was gonna be so much fun,
Where's the
-Did you get a tattoo?
You got a tattoo?
Yeah, I got a tattoo.
But, come on. I mean
Isn't it a bit late for that?
You're turning how old again?
I'm 40!
That's okay, you can say it.
-I'm gonna be 40.
I know the universe won't stop
reminding me, so you can go on.
Okay, speaking of scary things
There's something I've been wanting
to get off my chest.
-Okay, go ahead.
-Okay, first things first
You were right.
We were smothering each other, there was
no air, no room to breath, like
Also, and please
don't take this the wrong way, okay?
But the way you slurp your soup
is so grotesque!
There's nothing else like it.
I thought I was gonna go insane,
every day, just
All I'm saying is we're all better off.
And how is Omnia?
Fine, thanks for asking.
Salim, uh forgot his jacket at my place,
so I thought I'd drop it off.
Mm We were looking for this. Dope.
The word is dated, Ola.
It doesn't suit you. Not at all.
I mean, but if you want to use
a slang term, you can say "That's lit."
-This is a new one.
Well, you would know.
I mean, you're the one who's lit!
Bye, Hisham!
Happy birthday, Ola.
Thank you!
Then we'll add
May I?
Did hell freeze over? You two having fun?
What happened?
Well, Montasser was making me
a customized perfume, specially for me,
-because he doesn't like the one I wear.
Actually, you know what, Monty?
I was about to tell you guys
that I have an idea
that will change
the customer experience completely.
But how?
-We'll stop making products.
-What are you talking about?
-Customers will be the ones making them.
Our customers will walk right in.
sit down,
tell us what they're looking for,
and Monty will create a unique formulation
specifically for them.
-Customized experience!
We're gonna change everything. Everything!
Hmm! Meet the new Ola.
-You're kidding!
It's no big deal, okay?
Help me put on this ointment.
-I blushed.
-You went without me?
I've been begging you to go for years.
-You pick up a boy toy.
Now you're a teenager
getting a tattoo. What's next?
Just so you know, he's not young enough
-to be a boy toy.
Can I hide an outfit
at your place for a few days?
The last thing I need is my mom asking
like "What's that you're wearing?"
And, "Where are you even going
in clothes that are so revealing?"
-I can't handle it right now.
-Anything else?
-Just this one bag. Why?
-Are you for real?
-Ola, look at me. Look at me!
-I am!
Listen closely.
I may be a crazy bad influence on you,
but all I'm gonna do
is take you out dancing,
or to a fancy dinner,
or for drinks or something.
Right now, you're going too far,
and I don't want to be part of it.
The way you think is ageist, and sexist.
The age difference between
me and Adam is barely eight years.
That's way less than the age
gap between Hisham and Omnia.
And by the way, I never even said
I liked the man.
I'm not stupid.
I don't need to hear you say it, honey.
I know you like the back of my hand.
-It's textbook. You show all the signs.
-Oh yeah?
-You know what the signs say, Ola?
-What, Reda?
That you're not thinking straight.
You're risking everything
because of what you're going through.
No, it means that I'm finally doing
what I want,
without having to think about my mother,
and Hisham,
and Nazly, and Saleh the caretaker.
It's exactly what you've always done.
Why can't I?
Because I only need
to take care of myself.
No one else suffers
for my stupid mistakes.
-This bag?
-Yeah, that's it.
Unlike you, I don't get a new personality
whenever I get a new boyfriend.
-"Get a new boyfriend"?
Get a new boyfr No, wait.
Come back here, missy!
-Come back! Come back, come back!
You know what? You're just jealous.
Jealous I got a tattoo without you,
and a hot, younger guy
is giving me attention.
If Hisham or your kids or your mom
find out about your boy toy,
I'll be the idiot
who has to pick up your pieces.
-Now, can we stop?
All this drama's making me feel like
I'm turning into your mother.
Oh God, you make me go crazy!
Montasser and I wanted to do
something special for your birthday.
-We thought about taking you to dinner
-I'm going to this big rooftop party.
-It's gonna be sick.
-'Scuse me? What?
A rooftop party. It's gonna be sick.
I'll call you. See you later.
-See you. Bye. Bye!
-You've totally lost it!
It's a really important conference. Mm.
It's in Yeah, Alexandria.
But the kids
are always with Soheir.
My mom's been complaining
they never visit her.
Can't they stay with her
until you're back?
Of course they can stay
with Grandma Nazly, no problem at all.
It would be nice for them
to spend time with her. Bye. Bye.
Grandma Nazly!
You don't have to tell her about
everything that happens in the house.
Okay? You hear me?
And you, don't argue all the time.
It's just for a couple of days,
you know how she is.
What's the matter?
Nothing. Enjoy!
No, it's It's work.
It's not for fun or anything.
-I mean it's
-I've missed you guys!
Smile. Smile, both of you.
How are you, Ola?
-And how's your mom?
-We're good, thanks.
I haven't seen you since I was
-Hisham was so fed up.
-Just a sec. Just a sec, just a sec!
So, go play, guys.
Okay? I love you.
Mwah! I'm going to miss you.
-Bye. I'll miss you. I'll miss you!
He couldn't bear
to stay with you any longer.
Mmm. Mmm.
It even started affecting his health.
You saw.
But he didn't want to patch things up.
So naturally, I blocked you.
Of course! Of course.
I totally understand.
I understand.
Actually, at the end of the day,
it's you I feel the most sorry for. Yes.
Instead of running back to you,
he went straight to Omnia!
And he even bought a motorcycle!
Men, right?
You were afraid he'd catch a cold
and now he's on a motorcycle?
Omnia, a motorcycle whatever he wants!
So why do you think
he's acting the way he does, Ola?
-He's spoiled.
-He got spoiled.
Where do you think that started from?
Just wait until Leemo grows up.
You'll get older too, you'll understand.
You'll turn out just like me.
Me? Be like you, Nazly?
I don't think so. Not me. 'Cause I
I would never act like that
to a woman who loved
and took care of my son for 13 years.
Gave him everything!
Does this ring a bell?
"Quit your job! What do you need it for?
I gave you my Heeshou, my only son!"
-"Yes, ma'am!"
"Girls are fine,
but how 'bout having a boy now?"
I tried, and it worked. "Yes, ma'am!"
"You have two kids,
now you need to lose the baby weight,
or Heeshou might have an affair!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Didn't I always
do my duty? Didn't I? Didn't I?
Okay, okay What happened?
Why does your skin look so
saggy suddenly?
I'll send you my anti-aging serum.
It works wonders for seniors.
Free of charge.
I remember how terribly stingy you are.
And charity's always so important.
Mwah! Bye! Bye!
I can die now, my bucket list is finished!
-Okay. We're here.
-Mm? Mm?
-We're here.
The view!
-We made it.
-Let's go.
Come out!
-We made it safely!
-We're really here!
-Let's go check
-I love it here.
Will someone Just loosen the rope
from underneath, and you'll find it.
Come on, Adam!
Come on. Let's go! Hang on a sec.
-I'm exhausted.
-Want some?
-Nah, thanks, I'm good.
I'm really impressed
with you guys.
You still listen to Um Kulthum and
you actually like her? That's very cool.
-Bravo, bravo.
-Beauty is beauty, Ola.
Having good taste
has nothing to do with age.
-Hanan, don't put sugar in mine.
-Okay, I know.
-Mm Delicious!
Okay, time to play truth or dare.
People still play that?
You literally sound like a dinosaur, Ola.
Um, yes. We still play it.
And since you're our lovely guest here
-we'll start with you!
-Mm. Mm Of course.
Then truth. I'm too tired to move,
so no dares for me.
Okay, let me think
Uh got it!
Mm-hm. If you could suddenly
go back in time
would you still marry your husband,
or someone else?
-My ex.
-Oh, sorry!
I don't know. I never thought about it.
But most
probably, yes.
Damn. that's rough. You believe
you only get one person as a soul mate?
Monogamous relationships
only work out in movies.
-That is very naive, Ola. Very naive.
I could never commit to one person
my whole life.
That's just you. Not everyone else. Don't
mind her, she likes to come out swinging.
Excuse me? Is that 'cause
I didn't want to get back with you?
Boo-hoo, Adam, boo-hoo.
Okay, whatever.
You guys were together?
-A long time ago.
-I see!
Were you just together,
or actually engaged?
-Well, I mean
-Ah, ah, ah!
Sorry! "Engaged"?
Well, we tried it,
and things didn't work out.
Now, though,
we're like brother and sister.
And now, I'm with this cute guy here.
I'm really impressed, you guys.
Are there mosquitoes?
-Hey, have you gotten any sleep?
-Not yet.
I couldn't sleep either.
Want some?
None for me, thanks.
Then I'd be such a cliché Like Hisham.
All due respect to Hisham,
but I think he's crazy.
It's not all his fault, to be fair to him.
The problem is with marriage
as an institution.
'Cause it turns us into actors.
And then we play our little roles.
Until one of us finally wakes up
and shakes the other.
Sorry, that's maybe a bit heavy.
Don't apologize. I'm enjoying it.
And I still think that Hisham
is crazy to leave you.
Adam, I like you,
but you're eight years younger than me.
I have two kids, a mother,
an ex-husband, even a caretaker
So what?
Is this like when you said
people my age can't listen to Um Kulthum?
Why are you being so closed-minded, Ola?
You're smart. You can set yourself free.
Besides, it's not like
I'm proposing to you or anything.
Let's go.
-Go where?
-We need to go watch the sunrise.
-Is it that way?
-It's that way.
-That way.
-Let's go. Come on.
Ow! My knees! They do care about age.
-I like your walking stick.
No excuses.
We're walking all the way up there.
Wake up, you've got to see this.
-There she is! Excuse me, sir.
-Of course.
Oh, baby, I'm glad you're back!
-What's up?
-What took you so long?
And why do you look so dirty? It's fine.
I'll just tell him that you took the bus.
Who? Tell who?
Mohammad Zaki.
An engineer, retired widower, and he has
three grown children in Saudi Arabia.
He owns a gorgeous apartment
just down the street,
and he wants to pay for the whole wedding.
Come on. Come on.
Don't stand there like a buffoon.
He's handsome, too!
You'll fall for him instantly. Come on.
My daughter. God bless her, Dr. Sabor.
-Nice to meet you, Doctor.
Well, to tell you the truth,
I thought she was gonna be younger.
Did you, now? Well, tough luck for you.
She just looks exhausted, because
she took the bus back from Alexandria.
Oh. Does she get older
when she's exhausted?
Actually, I wasn't in Alexandria.
-Where were you, then?
-I was in the desert.
Did I tell you I got a tattoo?
I got a tattoo.
-Can you see it, Mom? Can you see it, sir?
-I can't quite see it.
-Can you come a little closer?
-Of course! Of course. Glad to.
You're family now!
-There There. Isn't it great?
-Who did it for you?
-Because, actually, I have a few
-What are you doing?
-That's inappropriate!
-Well, now.
-No, I want to see. What do you have?
-A flowerbed.
-Across my upper back.
-If you could just help me with this
-Get back!
Why, Mom? I just wanted
to see the man's tattoo. Come on!
We should let him go. You don't wanna
be late for your night-time prayer.
It's been a pleasure. Thank you.
-Excuse me Oops! I almost forgot.
-I'm gonna slit your throat,
-grab you by the hair, and
-I got chocolates in case it worked out.
-But I think I'll just take them with me.
-Of course.
What a shame.
I really wish it had worked out.
For me, I liked you immediately.
I felt this instant connection.
-I have a joint I brought back
-Not in front of your mother!
-But call me, okay?
-Awesome. Do we have your number?
-My card is on the table. See you!
-Great! Dope!
-Goodbye. It's been a pleasure.
-Take care now. Buh-bye.
-Great meeting you.
-What the hell are you doing?
Are you nuts? Are you trying to hurt me?
No, you're the one hurting me.
It's over, Mom.
I have had enough of this game.
For my entire life, I've been trying
to be the daughter you want,
to be like you, to make you happy,
but it's not working anymore!
I can't take this. Look at me!
As harsh as it sounds,
I hate this side of me.
It's not just the tattoo.
I'm scared to be myself.
And to tell you how I'm feeling.
Of course you should be scared of me.
I'm your mother, aren't I?
Don't you see I've learned enough
about fear already?
I don't need a mother who will scare me.
I need a mother who'll be my friend.
I'm never going to be
exactly like you, Mom.
I tried really hard,
but it didn't work out.
But myself?
I can be myself.
So get to know me.
I'm worth it.
Or at least try.
I think that
it's time for me to leave.
You can do whatever you want.
I haven't been to a school play
-since I was in school.
-Good evening,.
The play we'll be performing for you
is Peter Pan.
Today, we'll be doing a dress rehearsal,
so please be quiet
and put your phones on silent.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
-Sorry. Hi.
-How are you, Ola?
-You look like you're getting younger!
Thanks. That's so sweet of you, dear.
-Happy birthday, by the way.
-Thank you!
Thank you so much.
Uh Hisham.
Do you mind taking the kids and driving
them back home after the rehearsal?
-I'm going out for my birthday tonight.
-Happy birthday, by the way.
-But we have plans too. I'm sorry.
-Can't you leave them with Grandma Soheir?
Um not tonight,
I don't think she can watch them.
It's okay, I'll figure it out.
-I'm really sorry about this.
-No problem. It's fine.
-You can't move now.
-I've got him. Don't worry!
There's a bomb, Peter Pan!
Captain Hook planted a bomb,
and it's going to explode in 15 seconds!
Neverland is a wonderful place
for children, where no one ever grows up!
Really? Then take me with you!
You need to learn how to fly like me.
Open your arms, close your eyes,
and follow me.
Oh, wow!
Bravo, Leemo!
All you have to do is close your eyes,
and think of your happiest memories.
-Then, you'll be flying without wing
-We have to leave.
-Neverland is a place for children
-We'll come for the play. Bye.
-go with you
-Bye. See you later.
-You need to learn
Am I going to be a child forever?
And that's the best thing about Neverland.
But why would you come to our world
if you can just choose to stay here?
So I can listen to Wendy's stories.
In Neverland, no one tells stories.
That's the thing I'd miss too.
We have to save the princess
and take her back to her tribe.
-That's the thing
-Where are you going?
I have to go. I have
an important meeting. Sorry, baby.
-I'll call you to tell you the plan.
-Don't worry, I will Hey! What?
-Peter Pan and his friends
-Bye. I'll call you!
-It's the perfect hideout.
Gotcha, Captain Hook!
Tell us where the princess is,
or I'll throw you into the sea!
Run, Smee!
Hello? Hi, Nadia. Hey, baby.
Are you done with rehearsal?
Okay, that's good.
No, I'm sorry,
I can't come pick you up, Nadia.
No, Grandma can't come. She's not home.
Grandma's not home.
Yeah. I'll explain later.
Nadia, listen, sweetheart.
You and your brother are old enough
to go home on your own. Right?
I ordered an taxi to take you two home.
It's on the way.
Let me know as soon as you enter the house
Check now. Do you have the key?
No, it's nothing.
There's no music, it's nothing.
I'm just hanging out with
Nesrine and Montasser.
They planned something for my birthday.
Just the three of us.
That's okay.
Just let me know as soon as you get home.
Don't forget, okay, Nounie?
Bye. Bye-bye, baby.
-What the
-Happy birthday!
-Thanks. What's this?
-Tiara for the birthday girl.
Yeah! Come on.
She's at the party too! Look!
You okay?
-You sure?
There's just something in my eye.
I can't see anything.
The birthday girl, everybody!
Happy birthday!
-Happy birthday!
Thanks. Thank you.
I didn't know you knew Adam!
-You're way cooler than I thought! Hi!
-We ended up at the same party!
-Are the kids home?
Are the kids home?
-Ah, ah, yeah They should be home by now.
-Who's driving them?
-Is this Hisham?
Uh Yeah. That's him.
Is it fair that he knows my name
and I don't know his?
-Right. Uh Adam. Hisham.
And you know Adam. Omnia. Omnia?
-Yeah, Omnia's an old friend.
-Yeah! Happy birthday!
Thank you.
-The bathroom!
-Ah, okay. That way.
when I caught him with another woman,
he pretended he didn't know me!
Who does that? What an asshole!
What else do you think he's lied about,
if he lied about this?
Well, it was. Ridiculous!
Is everything okay? What happened?
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Oh my God, what happened, Marwan?
The cab driver taking the kids
got caught with some weed.
-But thank God, they're all fine.
-Didn't you say they were at home?
I said, "They should be home by now.
They should be at home."
-Why didn't you call me?
-I did, but your phone was turned off!
-Why didn't you call me?
-I knew you'd act like this!
-Hey. It's okay.
-It's okay.
-They're fine.
-It's not okay!
You have the kids so you can
take care of them, not abandon them!
-This is so irresponsible of you.
Who are you calling irresponsible?
Is this a joke, or have you gone crazy?
You weren't in bed!
We were at the same party!
I can't believe you're justifying this!
They could have been kidnapped!
What do you mean, kidnapped?
Stop overreacting!
I'm overreacting?
-Have you seen yourself lately?
-Calm down, Hisham.
-It's not the kids' fault, or Ola's.
-Come on. Let's go.
-Look, Ola. Look.
You've been so out of control lately,
I can't leave the kids with you anymore.
I'm taking custody.
What's wrong?
What is it?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
I'll do anything.
Punish me as much as you want.
Please don't take the kids away from me.
Thank you.
Who said I wanna punish you?
I'm worried about time slipping away too.
I hang out with people years younger
because it makes me feel
young and free again.
Just like you were doing.
How could I punish you for that?
I'm not dumb, Ola.
Trust me, I know exactly how you feel.
The difference
between the two of us is that
while I'm trying to make up
for lost time, I
I know my kids are home
with the best mom in the world.
Who'd never act as immature as I do.
But you think this is fair?
Why is it so wrong
that I want to be free sometimes as well?
That doesn't make me a bad mother, Hisham.
Why is it okay for you but not for me?
Maybe 'cause we think
of mothers as more sacred.
-Or maybe because women are more sensible?
I said it
in the heat of the moment.
And I'm so, so sorry.
I'd never take the kids away.
I'm still the man who shared your life
for 13 years.
All I ask is that
you don't give me reasons to worry.
Hmm. I'll see what I can do!
Do you want to take them home
with you right now?
I'd love to, but can you keep them
for the day? I have a few things to do.
I have some loose ends to tie up.
Can I run inside and give them a kiss?
Of course you can! Of course.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-But maybe wipe away your tears first.
I get that you think that you're
more experienced than I am
because you were married and have kids.
But even you know that that's bullshit.
Don't be childish, Adam.
Don't get it mixed up.
It's not a competition.
Aren't you all about individual life
experiences, unique experiences? Okay?
My life experience can't intersect
with yours right now. It's too different.
It's just impossible.
And I didn't have fun at the party.
I didn't feel like I belonged there.
It's true. Sometimes it's like
it's like a different language.
-Our references are totally different.
-Says who?
Okay, can you name me one song
by Alaa Abdel Khalek?
Say what?
Just so you know, when Sophie let you go,
she made a huge mistake.
You kids are all over the place
with your emotions.
-Like your life is Open Day!
-Open what?
Never mind.
Mom, I know you can hear me.
I want to apologize.
I don't want you out of my life.
Of course I don't.
It just came out the wrong way
because sometimes I speak before I think.
I think it's genetic.
We're probably stuck with it.
And I hope you can still see the truth
in everything I said.
Let's wipe the slate clean
and start fresh again.
All I want is to feel like
you accept me for who I am.
Without you, I'm
I can't bear for us to be apart
on my birthday,
the day you brought me into the world.
I miss you, Mom.
You shouldn't have,
I've done too many new things.
-Don't open your eyes!
-This is weird.
-No, not quite yet.
Okay, now!
That's Dina!
-That's that's really Dina!
That's Dina!
Hi! I'm a huge fan!
-How did you do this?
-Tell you later.
-Hi, honey.
-I came to wish you a happy birthday.
-Thank you!
When Nesrine told me it's her best
friend's birthday, I came right away.
I can't believe it!
Now tell me, why do you want to dance?
I don't know. Why do I want to dance?
What is it?
I want to feel like a woman Sensual.
Well, of course that makes perfect sense.
But, you know,
I've never thought of it like that.
I think dancing is more like
-an anti-depressant.
-Uh And it's also a great exercise.
-And it's like a fountain of youth.
-I really need that fountain of youth!
-Okay, then.
-What's happening?
Happy birthday to you, Ola.
-A gift for you.
-For me?
Yes. So, we're gonna need
to open it together.
What? Together?
-Yeah! Come on!
I must be dreaming! It's Dina!
-Go! Do it!
-Come on!
-Come on.
-You're coming with me?
-Yes, I'll take you downstairs
-Look how happy she is!
-So tell me.
-Mmm? What?
What would it feel like if I danced?
I'm not sure, try it and let me know.
Give me that.
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