Firebuds (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Picnic Pile-Up/Duo Dash

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Bo] "Picnic Pile-Up"
Mami, are the tortillas ready yet?
Ya casi, Violet.Almost.
How are the avocados coming, Axl?
Sliced and diced. Here you go, Violet.
Vega-Vaughn-Ambrose household!
Hi Mr. Ambrose, it's Bo Bayani.
-Is Violet there?
I don't know. It's hard to see
past the mess in the kitchen.
[laughs] It's very messy.
Hey, I'm glad you called. I can't make it
to our rescue drills today.
My moms and Axl's dads have the day off.
Really? I thought paramedics
always had to be ready
to take people to the hospital.
Not on their days off,
unless someone gets hurt
and no one else can help.
But I'm hoping that won't happen,
'cause we're having a picnic in the park,
and I'm making our family tacos
for the first time.
Here are the pickles.
Pickles? In tacos?
Oh, yeah! One day,
we only had pickles, ham,
and avocados in the fridge,
and boom! Now, we have avo-cubano tacos.
Your family always comes up
with the coolest stuff.
Anyway, we'll be in the park
doing our drills,
so maybe we'll say hi after.
All right. See ya, Bo!
Wow, cariño, these look delicious!
I hope they taste delicious!
-Whoa! What was that?
It's coming from the garage.
-[brakes squeal]
-Drop those tools, Aunt Viv!
Yeah, it's family day, Mom. No working!
She's not workin'.
She's just givin' me a tune-up.
So we can add another "W"
to our winning streak
in today's brake-padminton game!
Go, Team Super-Charger!
-[horn honks]
-No way, Pops!
Team Turbo-Unicorns!
[both] Vroom-ha-ha!
Hey. What game are you playing?
Hold up. Is that a brake pad?
Yup. One day, we came to the
park to play badminton,
but we forgot to bring a birdie,
and Mom happened to have
a brake pad in her pocket,
so we invented brake-padminton!
[Val and Viv] I've got a hunch!
[both] It's time for lunch!
Ooh, gotta run. That's our lunch chant.
Lunch chant?
I know, they make up the coolest things!
OK taco time!
Before we eat, let's take a moment
to express an attitude of gratitude!
[clears throat] Viv.
I'm grateful for these moments
we get to spend together as a family.
And I'm grateful that you're all
going to try my tacos
before they get cold.
Thatta girl, lookin' out for Mommy.
-[brakes squeal]
-Was that a car crash?
Where are you going?
We have to see if anyone's hurt.
[siren wailing]
Hey, did you hear that accident?
Uh-huh. Our folks went to check it out.
We should see if they need our help.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
Come on, Violet!
[both gasp]
Whew. What happened?
You were in an accident, Mrs. Khan.
Just relax. You're gonna be fine.
It's OK, you're just
a little rattled, that's all.
Wow, look at your parents go!
Hey kiddos, they're OK,
but we gotta take 'em
to the hospital to get checked out.
Why do you have to go?
Can't you call someone who's on duty?
I'm sorry, sweetie.
We want to stay, but it's an emergency,
and we're the closest.
It's our job to help people in trouble,
even on our day off.
Uh, we better get this show on the road.
There's always traffic at lunchtime.
Promise you'll come back
as fast as you can?
Fast as we can.
Remember, cariño, no matter what pops up,
you mean more to us than anyone.
And we'll be together
when the day is done.
[door shuts]
Your parents were, like,
rescuin' and racin' and whoa!
I wanna be an ambulance!
Hey, Violet, why don't we
make this a Firebuds picnic?
And taste Violet's famous tacos?
My belly's down for that.
OK, yeah! Dig in!
-Are they supposed to be cold?
No! They're supposed to be piping hot.
Well, we can still play brake-padminton!
-Let's do it!
[both grunting]
-Oh, yeah! Score!
-[honks horn]
It would've been, but you have
to yell "Vroom-ha-ha"
when you score, or else it doesn't count.
-[sad honk]
This game sure has a lot of rules.
I know! Isn't it great?
"Vroom-ha-ha." Got it.
All right. Let's keep playing.
Vroom-ha-ha! [grunts]
Now, we score!
No If it bounces off the other player,
you have to yell "Boomdoggle," remember?
Unless the player's left foot
or tire is off the ground.
Ah, we're gonna get it. I promise.
Your serve, Violet!
I got it! I got it!
-[Flash] Oof! Sorry!
I'll get it.
Ugh. Maybe we should just stop.
Sorry we're not getting the game right.
It's not your fault. It's a family game,
and my family isn't here to play it.
All I wanted was one day with my moms.
But then they had to work.
Why do they always have to go?
[sighs] You know why.
They're paramedics.
I know. When there's an emergency,
they're the first ones to go help.
It's just [sighs]
Sometimes, I wish they did something else.
So we could spend more time together.
-[Axl] Violet!
-[both gasp]
You gotta come with me. Hurry!
-This is Carlos and Khalil.
Our moms were supposed to pick us up,
but they were late,
so we went looking for them,
and I slipped.
And I scraped my arm!
Hi, there. Let me take a look.
Hey, aren't you two friends
with my sister, Jazzy?
Uh-huh. We were at your house
for her birthday party.
Right. You're Khalil Kahn.
[gasps] Khalil Kahn? Your moms
were the ones in the accident.
Don't worry, your moms are OK.
My parents are taking care of them.
I want my mommy!
My friend Axl is an ambulance.
We can bring you to her.
Here, lemme help.
I'll ride back with you.
I packed up all our stuff!
Were you having a picnic?
Yes. But this is an emergency.
The picnic will just have to wait
until we get back from the hospital.
You know, you sound just like your moms.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
-[horns honking]
-[Axl] Oh, a traffic jam!
What do we do now?
Um, Axl
You're an ambulance, remember?
You have sirens.
We all do. For emergencies like this.
Let's light 'em up and clear the way!
[sirens sounding]
It's OK, we'll be there soon.
I want my mommy!
I want mine, too.
I know what it's like to miss your moms.
Wanna to hear what my mami tells me
when we have to be apart?
All day long I miss you so ♪
More than anyone ♪
We will be together soon ♪
When the day is done ♪
I love you more than you know ♪
You're my special one ♪
And we'll be together soon ♪
When the day is done ♪
Well, everyone's safe and sound.
We better hightail it back to the girls.
-[sirens sounding]
-I bet they miss us.
Hi, Moms! Hi, Dads!
We'll take Carlos
to the Vehicle Emergency Room.
[gasps] Khalil!
-You're here! [chuckles]
We got lost, and I got a scrape,
but then, I rode in an "ambalance,"
and Violet sang a song, and here we are!
Oh, baby. Sounds like Violet
took very good care of you.
-Thank you.
-Just doing my job.
I mean, the job I hope to have one day.
Mm, seems to me you already
are a great paramedic,
just like your parents.
Sorry your picnic didn't work out, Violet.
But I gotta say, that was one cool rescue.
It sure was.
Yeah, being an ambulance rocks!
See ya later, my Buds.
We're sorry about the picnic.
Yeah, I was sad our day got interrupted.
-We were, too, kiddo.
-But now,
I see that when someone's in trouble,
you gotta help 'em,
even if you're in the middle
of the best picnic ever.
[sighs] Cariño, we are so proud of you.
Maybe we can try again
on your next day off.
Why wait till then?
This day off isn't over yet.
I have a platter of avo-cubano tacos,
piping hot and ready to eat!
I'm still starving!
Thanks, Arnie! Mmm!
-[Viv munches] Mmm!
Wow! These tacos are delicious!
-I love 'em!
Yeah, OK, now that you've
stuffed your faces,
Team Super-Charger is ready for a rematch!
Oh, it is on!
Team Turbo-Unicorns!
[both] Vroom-ha-ha!
[Axl] "Duo Dash"
[both] Whoo-hoo!
Whoa, hold up, kids!
No one's going to school
without some breakfast fuel.
Fruit smoothie for Violet
and a booster shake for you, Axl.
-Thanks, Dad!
-Thanks, Uncle Arnie!
So why are you two in such a rush?
Today's the Duo Dash -
the biggest race of our lives!
And we're gonna win,
'cause Axl's the fastest car in school.
With the best vroommate.
Oh, I remember racing
in the Duo Dash when I was a
-[Axl] Bye, Dad!
-[Violet] Later!
[tires squealing]
Uh oh. Good luck!
[tires squeal]
'Sup, Firebuds?
-Slick move!
You two ready to race?
-Ready to win!
-[tires squealing]
Axl! Whoa-oa-oa-oa!
Oops. Sorry, Axl.
My gas pedal sticks sometimes,
and I can't slow down.
[nervous laughing]
So, Axl, you gotta tell me,
what's it like knowing that
you're gonna win the Duo Dash,
'cause you're, like,
the fastest car in school?
-Not for long!
-[all gasp]
After today's race, Axl,
you're only gonna be the second fastest.
-[record scratch]
-Then who would be the fastest?
Uh Rod.
-Short for "Hot Rod."
-[revs engine]
Oh! Because you're gonna
beat them. I get it now.
You can talk all you want, Iggy.
But my vroommate is still
faster than yours.
-[whistle blows]
Bring it in, kids!
What up, Coach D!
I'll tell you what's up. The Duo Dash!
Now, I expect each and every one of you
to give it your all today.
But first, to show you what you're in for,
I put together a little film
starring one of the fastest
Duo Dashers ever, Arnie Ambrose!
[music playing]
-Uncle Arnie?!
The Duo Dash is the ultimate test
of your racing skills.
Up first is the Curve Swerve,
where you must steer
around the pop-up obstacles.
Oh, look at the pretend bunny!
Axl, your dad had all the moves!
Second, the Speed Track.
Put the pedal to the metal
and go as fast as you can.
Whoa! Your dad was fast!
Really fast.
And last but not least,
the mighty Dune Slopes,
which will test your jumping power!
-[Bo] Aw, man, so next level!
-[Piston] So not safe.
He did a double-jump?
You betcha. That's how he won the Duo Dash
and became the fastest car in school.
Well, Rod's totally gonna nail
that double jump
and win the race.
Then, he'll be the fastest car in school.
Not a chance. Axl is way faster than Rod.
Yeah, Axl's gonna bring it!
I wanna be you, Axl!
But can you land the double jump?
Uh of course, I can!
Easy peasy, anti-freezy.
[scoffs] I'll believe it when I see it.
All right, now, who wants to go first?
-We will!
-No, we won't!
I, uh, gotta stretch my wheels.
[groaning, chuckles]
Uh OK.
We'll go, Coach D. Come on, Rod,
let's show these slowpokes how it's done.
You OK, Axl?
I'm fine. I
just gotta warm up
if we're gonna beat Iggy and Rod.
Oh, we're gonna beat 'em.
You're the fastest car in school.
But what if I'm not?
[blowing whistle]
I've always been the kid
Who drives really fast ♪
Winning every race
Violet on my back ♪
But what if I'm not
The fastest car around ♪
If I don't win the race,
Will I let my bestie down? ♪
I was always supposed to be
The fastest car in school ♪
My friends all cheered for me ♪
Buds forever, through and through ♪
But if I lose the race today ♪
Will they still think I'm cool? ♪
What will happen if I'm not ♪
The fastest car in school? ♪
What if I let my best friend down? ♪
Will she want a faster friend
Next time around? ♪
What if I can't make Violet proud? ♪
Maybe I should give up ♪
And get out now ♪
'Cause I was always supposed to be ♪
The fastest car in school ♪
My friends all cheered for me ♪
Buds forever, through and through ♪
But if I lose the race today ♪
Will they still think I'm cool? ♪
What will happen if I'm not ♪
The fastest car in school? ♪
I cannot let them see I'm not ♪
The fastest car in school ♪
Whoa! Did you see that?
Iggy and Rod did the double jump!
-I saw it.
-Guess we'll have
to do it, too, if we wanna win.
Sure! [nervous chuckle]
Easy, peasy, anti-freezy.
-[Harry sneezes]
What's wrong with Harry?
Uh-oh! Looks like somebody
has the sniffles.
Harry, nurse's office.
But he's barely sneezing at all!
Yeah! Come on, Coach!
I'm fi Achoo!
Sorry, kids. You know the rules.
If you're sick, you can't race.
My stomach is starting
to feel a bit queasy.
Do you two wanna go next?
Oh, yeah!
Ohh I think something's
wrong with my engine.
-What is it?
There's a rattle!
-I don't hear anything.
-Me, neither!
Maybe I should go to
the mechanic's office,
-just in case.
-You know,
sometimes, I get the rattles
when I'm worried.
Are you worried, Axl?
Me? Worried about a race?
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.
[nervous laughing]
Sweet. Then let's do this.
Good luck beating our time.
Ready set drive!
-[blows whistle]
Uh, Axl? Aren't you going
a little fast for the curves?
I gotta be the fastest!
[tires squealing]
But you gotta watch out for
Poor Axl!
Poor pretend bunny!
[sighs] I blew it!
Hey, no worries.
We can make up time on the Speed Track.
-You're right!
All right! You're kickin' it, Axl!
Now all we gotta do to beat Iggy
is land that double jump.
The double jump?
-[tires squealing]
-Why'd you stop?
-Uh I
I heard a ka-chunk in my engine.
Something's definitely wrong.
I I can't do it.
But I don't hear anything.
I'm sorry, but I can't.
Why's Axl quitting?
I don't know. It's not like her.
Don't worry, Axl.
We'll just try the Duo Dash
when you feel better,
like Harry and Carly.
Carly? That's a great idea!
Violet, you should do it with Carly.
Me?! Race with Axl's vroommate?
It's like a dream come true!
I don't know, Axl. You're my vroommate.
Which is why I want
you to race if I can't.
Go on. It's OK.
-Make way for the new
fastest car in school.
He's talkin' about me.
Axl, what happened?
I have an engine rattle.
Uh, I mean, a ka-chunk!
Axl, I don't think
the problem is your engine.
You've been acting weird all day.
You know you can always talk to us.
-About anything.
-'Cause we're your Firebuds.
There's nothing wrong with my engine.
-I just got worried.
-About what?
What if I'm not the fastest car in school?
What if I lose the race, and
Violet doesn't like me anymore?
What if she wants to be
someone else's vroommate?
-[tires squealing]
-Almost there!
-[Violet] Carly!
-[Carly laughs]
Yeah, I don't see that happening.
Even if I lose the Duo Dash?
And I'm not the fastest anymore?
You know, maybe
you should stop worrying
about being the fastest,
and just go out and try your hardest.
See what happens.
Well, sure, that sounds good.
But how do I stop worrying?
-[Violet] Help!
-[gasps] Violet?!
-The gas pedal must be stuck again!
Whoa! Whoa!
I've gotta save 'em!
Ho-ho! Big treat, kids.
Look who just rolled up
to watch his daughter.
It's Arnie Ambrose best Duo Dasher ever!
Thanks, Coach, but why is Axl
on the course with the other racers?
Carly's gas pedal is stuck!
Axl's trying to save 'em!
Move out, squad!
Code three! All units respond!
Hold on, Violet! I'm coming!
[both exclaiming]
The fence!
She jumped three dunes!
A triple jump!
I can't stop!
I've almost got it unstuck. There!
[giggles] Thanks to Axl!
Whoa! I can't believe you caught up to us
with all your engine ka-chunking.
Yeah about that. There was no kachunk.
Or rattle. I was just worried
that if I wasn't
the fastest car in school,
you wouldn't want
to be my vroommate anymore.
Axl. It doesn't matter to me
if you're the fastest.
It doesn't?
No. Because you're my best friend.
And that's why I will
always be your vroommate.
-A triple jump!
Aren't you a chip off
the old engine block!
[whimpers] I'm so proud of you.
How'd you do it, Axl?
I stopped worrying about it.
Well, you'll be happy to know
that you drove the course faster
than everybody else,
which means you have won the Duo Dash!
-It doesn't count!
She has to have a partner.
Hmm. They do have a point.
So, how would you like to try it again
right now with your vroommate?
-Whaddaya think, Vi?
-There's no one
I'd rather race with.
[both exclaiming]
[closing theme plays]
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