Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

The characters, behaviors, places, institutions, professions, and situations in this series are fictional.
They are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not have any intention of directing or promoting any actions in the series.
Viewer discretion is highly advised.
They say you have to come to this lab at midnight to make a wish.
Who’s there?
I’ll stop being mad at you.
But that doesn’t mean we’re friends.
That’s good enough for me.
About the date you asked me yesterday,
I’ve changed my mind.
I like you, Muang Nan.
I’ve liked you for so long.
But I could never bring myself to tell you.
My sweet
first kiss.
Pi, you dipshit!
What did you do last night?
Last night?
I did what you told me to do.
What did I tell you?
You said if there was a sign, I could go ahead and kiss him.
I kissed Muang Nan.
Muang Nan, my ass!
Is this Muang Nan?
How did Nan turn into this Sutthaya dude?
How did it happen? How did it happen?!
Let’s go somewhere else.
Pi, are you okay?
Yes, thank you.
Let’s go.
My first kiss!!
I’ve had eyes for you for so long.
And I’ve changed myself just for you.
I like you very much!
You will get a signal.
(Here comes the signal, Duean.)
And when there’s a signal, go ahead and kiss him.
What’s going on with you?
Are you drunk?
They even give us a hashtag.
Who did this?
Who did this?!
We will give this ship everything we have ♪
It will sail with the wind of love ♪
The new ship is very lovey-dovey ♪
Try to guess who they’re gonna be ♪
Hello there.
Still incorrect.
Then just tell me who they are ♪
Who else can they be, if not MorkPi ♪
We’ve finally and successfully built this ship.
Let’s post their new photo.
Write a good caption.
Got it!
My turn.
Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
This way.
I’m seeing it too.
This is how their love begins.
Do you see the way Pi looks at Mork?
Their eyes are obviously full of love.
Are you all right?
I’m feeling faint.
It’s very hot today.
I think you’re having heatstroke.
What should I do?
No worries.
I will give you first aid.
I trust you.
Damn! Picturing it just makes me want to puke.
[Pi’s eyes are full of love!]
Love, my ass!
I was dying there.
Let’s post a new set of photos.
How did you find me?
My heart led the way.
We will always light up each other.
#MorkPi. #MorkPi.
We have a lot of retweets.
It’s trending no.1 in Thailand!
(A Guy From Nearby Faculty: I heard you kissed Sutthaya last night.)
(A Guy From Nearby Faculty: When did you fall for him though?)
I didn’t fall for him.
I wanted to kiss Muang Nan. I kissed the wrong guy.
Are you sure?
Didn’t you want to do that?
Quit bugging me.
Did he kiss you back?
Why do you want to know?
Did he kiss you back?
Of course, he didn’t.
He doesn’t like me. He likes Muang nan.
How do you know that?
I can see it in his eyes.
Try to open your eyes for something else.
You might know something more.
Something more?
Why aren’t you answering?
What is it?
Why are you not responding?
Silence going once.
Silence going twice.
You just walked in at the right time.
How long have you stood there?
A while.
I saw you brushed your teeth so many times.
Is there something wrong?
No. Nothing is wrong.
I just…
like to brush my teeth.
Don’t take this the wrong way.
I know you’re a dental student
and you like to have nice and clean teeth.
But this toothbrush can work just fine with a gentle brushing.
I know.
I don’t usually brush my teeth this hard.
you’re so famous because of what happened last night.
It was just a misunderstanding.
Don’t listen to people.
I didn’t mean to kiss Mork. It was just an accident.
Pi, relax.
You don’t have to talk so fast.
What I wanted to say was don’t listen to other people.
They’re making things up.
If you want to know anything, ask me.
I can tell you the truth.
Very cute.
I meant that fish.
Where did you get it from? I’ve never seen one.
Can I see?
If you like it, you can have it.
It’s yours.
You’re not serious, right?
We can’t share the toothbrush.
That’s right.
May I?
Thank you.
Now people can easily tell that this is mine.
I should get going.
I won’t bother your teeth brushing time anymore.
You didn’t bother me at all.
He didn’t reject my gift.
That means he isn’t mad that I kissed Sutthaya.
That’s very nice of you, Muang Nan.
What you’re doing is so hubby & wifey!
The professor said there’s a fifth-year student in our class.
I never know which Faculty you are from, Duean.
Wanna go see a movie?
That’s your game, Mork?
I will call my adorkable and cutesy backup.
You’re dead!
Pattawee, you’ve done it!
Done what?
Are you having a fistfight with someone?
Don’t butt in!
Why are you always moody when I’m around?
1 2 3…
4 5 6…
Do you want a problem?
I don’t like to see anything unclean.
Why do you like to bug me so bad?
Are you afraid you can’t restrain yourself…
and kiss me just like last night?
Who are you two?
My name is Kluea Kang.
My name is Prik Pao.
We are yaoi girls ♪
We’ve boarded so many ships before ♪
The next ship is very lovey-dovey ♪
They are not too far, they are right here ♪
There’re a lot of moments for us to see ♪
Who else can they be, if not MorkPi ♪
So cute!
What MorkPi?
What moments?
Don’t feign innocence.
I know you’re shy.
He needs to see the evidence.
Here it is.
What are you doing?
You have a little something here.
Is it sweet?
Want to taste it?
Are you asking me out on a date?
Let’s fix your collar before we go.
You’re so caring.
I bet you love me already.
What you’re doing is so hubby & wifey!
Move aside. Our ship is sailing.
So it’s you guys.
Take it easy!
Let’s capture this moment.
Follow him, KK.
We’ll be back for you, Mork.
Are you sure Pi is here?
I am.
But where is he now?
(What the heck is going on?)
(Why are people shipping me with Mork?)
(I don’t want him. I want Muang Nan!)
(I can’t let them ruin my first love.)
(Hold on! Why isn’t Mork frustrated about this at all?)
(Why isn’t he mad?)
It’s time to take out some trash.
(Don’t dump me with the trash.)
(Did you think I was in that black bag?)
(You’re wrong, hehe.)
Are you free this Saturday?
(That’s Muang Nan’s voice.)
I am.
(He’s with Mork, that asshole.)
Wanna go see a movie?
(Why are you asking him, Nan?)
(And you said yes too quickly, Mork.)
(That’s your game, huh?)
(Let me call my adorkable and cutesy backup.)
(You’re so dead!)
That guy is so dead.
How dare he bullied our brother?
Where is that snobbish?
Where is he hiding?
If we find him, beat him up badly.
That’s right.
(Guys, calm down!)
I will kick his ass!
(Damn it! I am in here, guys.)
(I should just get out of here.)
Time to post a new photo.
Let me see.
Eyes locked. Heaven and Earth can’t tear us apart.
They love each other so much!
What do you think?
Just upload already.
Awesome! This pic is epic!
(I can’t get out.)
(They can’t see me now.)
This is our chance.
If we find them first, we see their moments first.
I must build MorkPi fandom bigger and bigger.
This has always been my dream.
I’ve always wanted to be an admin of a fandom page.
MorkPi fandom is going to be a hit!
A big hit!
Let’s go find him.
Let’s go.
(What did I do to deserve this?)
(What did this box ever do to you guys?)
(What are you kicking it for?)
My eye is twitching.
Right eye twitching means bad, but left eye twitching means good.
why are you talking to yourself?
You went out of class without waiting for me again.
Why did I need to wait for you?
I am hungry.
What’s wrong now?
Look at these stir-fried vegetables.
It’s very oily.
I think they put too much oil in it.
You’re such a picky guy.
Can’t you eat it?
I can.
Poor soul.
Take this. I’m sure you’ll love it.
Did you buy it for me?
Yeah! Obviously!
Thank you, Duean.
By the way, the professor assigned a group project
after you walked out of class.
So I just decided to include you in my group.
Who else is in this group?
Just you and me.
I’m so happy I get to work with you again.
(The two of us working together?)
That’s what you call ‘my group?’
Let’s do this.
Just choose a simple project.
Don’t make me work too much.
Don’t go too far.
I am lazy.
My project proposal was very easy.
It’s to educate people about dengue fever.
That is easy?
It doesn’t require a lot of work, does it?
Not at all.
I am thinking of educating only 50 villagers.
But we don’t have to go too far, do we?
Not far.
The village is in Nakhon Nayok province.
Damn it!
It requires so much work and travelling.
Why didn’t you ask me first?
You already left the class.
And the professor wanted to hear some idea so I went ahead with what came up.
Was I so wrong to do that?
(Going soft on him again, aren’t you?)
(Oh look! Your expression says it all.)
Don’t be so dramatic.
You’re making my heart so weak.
I’m glad that you aren’t mad at me.
By the way,
the professor said there’s a fifth-year student in our class.
This class is very very easy.
I just can’t imagine how the senior got flunked.
(Right! That’s me.)
Exactly. That guy is so stupid.
I feel sorry for his mother and father for having such a dumb kid.
They shouldn't have sent him to school at all.
He’s so dumb.
Right, which Faculty are you in though?
You never told me.
(What am I going to do now? I’m screwed!)
(Wow! A cute girl with a bright and beautiful smile.)
(I have an idea!)
You’re a dental student?
I might not look like it but I’m smart.
I need your full name.
The professor needs to know the group members’ names.
Don’t bother.
I can do that.
You’ve done a lot. I bet you’re tired.
(If he finds out that I’m a super senior, I’m sure he won’t stop teasing me.)
Phi Duean, we need to talk to you.
Why are they calling you Phi?
Are they younger than you?
These are all my friends.
What’s wrong with your eyes?
Will you play along, asshole?
Am I right?
We’re friends.
(The story of a fifth-year student ends here.)
Hey! Don’t end it just yet.
I have just one scene here.
Can I have more airtime?
(Alright! I will give you more time.)
That’s great.
Pi got beaten up so badly.
Who did that to my brother?
Let’s go check on him.
My little bro!
Muang Nan asked him out to see a movie. What should I do?
Find a chance to be alone with Muang Nan
and confess to him.
You’re here too?
Don’t tell me you asked him to join, Mork.
Don’t move.
You’re bothering people behind us.
Who did this to you, Pi?
I’ll beat him up.
If I can’t make him pay, don’t call me a man.
Who could be so dumb to do this to you?
Tell us and we will finish him for you.
It’s the four of you.
You guys just kept kicking that box.
I was in there.
Do you remember now?
Do you remember now?
Do I still need to finish them?
Just let them go.
That’s one way to make merit.
Think about it.
Oh, right!
Whatever you want, just tell me, Pi.
If you want snacks, let me know.
He knows all about food.
Why did you hide in that box anyway?
Some people were trying to get pictures of me.
I want to be shipped with Muang Nan.
Not that dude.
Why didn’t you say you and that dude weren’t dating?
My words alone aren’t very convincing.
He has to confirm that too.
And why doesn’t that dude deny the rumor though?
I’m the one trying here.
That asshole is so cool about it.
He likes you.
No way.
We’re rivals.
Maybe he doesn’t care because he’s about to get rid of his biggest rival.
How come?
What are you talking about? I’m not following.
Think about it.
The picture of Pi kissing him is all over the internet.
People must be thinking Pi already has a boyfriend.
But we hate each other.
That’s how he takes revenge on someone he hates.
Picture this.
This is you. You’re now hot and popular.
This is Muang Nan.
The new you can get Muang Nan very easily.
Mork can’t let it happen.
So he approaches you instead and lets people think you and him are a thing.
This way you will never get Muang Nan.
Got it?
I’m so clever, aren’t I?
But that blocks him from going after Muang Nan too.
That’s right.
Muang Nan asked him out for a movie.
What am I gonna do?
Find a chance to be alone with Muang Nan
and confess to him.
I have an idea!
I have an idea!
I have a plan.
You got a plan again?
Trust me. It must work this time.
Look at you!
Who would want to eat it now after seeing you do that?
You just smacked a smart brain.
Are you sure they will come to this cinema?
Of course.
When will they come?
No idea.
You, dumbass!
I thought you knew that.
Why do you always yell at me?
Just yell back, Pi. Don’t be scared.
Do that. I’ll beat you up.
Bring it on.
Hold on.
You said you weren’t free today.
I did?
I guess I’m too early.
I’ll just read while waiting then.
I am free.
Guys, here’s the plan.
Sit down.
You four stand by at the parking lot.
Then drive and try to block Mork’s car.
Mork will get out of his car to talk to you.
Then you guys must pretend to fight each other.
Mork will get caught in the crossfire.
That’s right, Koh!
Pi, you’re a hero in this situation.
Show up there and take Muang Nan away from the chaos.
Bye, Mork.
How does that sound?
My bro is so cool.
Muang Nan, please don’t leave me.
No one wants to listen to that, asshole.
How is my plan?
Do we really need to punch him?
Are you worried about your enemy?
Do you like him?
Of course, I don’t.
I just don’t want to get in trouble.
You won’t be in trouble.
And we only have one car.
Where is the other car from?
I rented one for you.
You are so thoughtful.
With your money.
I used your card.
What the heck?
Well, I don’t have money.
He’s here.
We will go stand by.
Come on. Let’s go.
Pi, let me know when the movie is over.
We need to plan the timing.
Are you following me?
I’m just chilling around here.
I thought you wanted to see this movie too.
I bought an extra ticket for you.
It’s a no then?
Give it to me.
Mork, give it up.
I want it.
You’re here too?
What brings you here?
Don’t tell me you asked him to see a movie too, Mork.
I feel like watching a movie today.
So here I am.
Which one are you watching?
The one we’re watching.
I bought us all tickets.
Should we go get popcorn and drinks?
Sure. Let’s go.
Nan, you want some popcorn?
A family member is calling.
I’ll be right back.
Why are you sitting here?
It’s Muang Nan’s seat.
Because I want to.
But I don’t.
Scoot over.
Relax. It’s fine.
Scoot over!
Fine. You stay.
I will go.
I will wait for Muang Nan out front.
Where are you going?
Stay still, will you?
You’re bothering people behind us.
Please be quiet.
Let go of me.
Get your hands off my head.
That’s how you want it?
You can’t blame me.
You told me not to use my hands.
Hello, Duean.
Our target is out now.
Tell everyone to get ready.
You can come with me, Nan.
Can you take Mork home for me?
Shit! What are you doing, Mork?
I’m not messing with you.
I did everything
because I like you.
(Mork, you are such an ass.)
(You just love to make me tremble.)
(Pi!! You can't tremble.)
(Just don’t!)
What is it?
I was going to ask if the movie was fun.
But you hurried out here before I did.
It was fun. Why?
Just curious.
(Try to focus, Pi.)
(You need to separate Muang Nan and Mork.)
Are you guys going home?
I think so.
We’re planning to read together.
I think we say goodbye here then.
See you.
Bye, Muang Nan.
Why is he running?
I guess I’m making him blush.
Nothing else.
Go easy on him, will you?
I know.
Come on. Let’s go.
Hello, Duean.
Our target is out now.
Tell everyone to get ready.
Roger that.
Wait! Who’s calling?
What’s up?
You forgot our work appointment.
Isn’t it tomorrow?
It’s today.
You’re so careless.
If you fail and have to enroll again,
just don’t say I didn’t warn you.
You don’t have to threaten me like that.
Koh, take charge.
Damn it! I’m so screwed.
I forget him again.
Bye now.
Duean, it’s been 3 hours.
You always forget my appointments.
A kitten.
Here they are.
James, they’re here.
What role?
Why did you do that?
Do you see? They’re laughing at me.
It’s your fault!
You did it!
Oh, no!
My friend here is such a terrible driver. I’m sorry.
Why didn’t you just drive yourself then?
Shit! The plan is screwed.
Whatever. I’m just gonna go with the flow.
What is happening?
They hit our car.
Woah! Look at your car, Mork.
Well, I happened to drive here.
I can drive you home, Muang Nan.
Ah! Happened to drive here?
Right! You stay and clear things out.
Muang Nan can come with me.
It’s not my car.
Whose car is it?
Muang Nan’s.
- What?
- What?
(Shit! My freakin’ plan!!)
I’ll call an insurance company.
You can go home, Mork.
That’s okay.
Though this isn’t my fault, I will stay here with you.
But you’re having dinner with your family.
Don’t keep them waiting.
It’s fine.
I’ll let them know.
I’m not leaving you alone here.
I can keep you company, Nan.
No worries.
I’ll be fine on my own.
But if you really want to help,
you can take Mork home for me.
My place. Go!
Meen! Where are you?
- Duean!
- Meen!
- Where are you?
- Duean!
Meen! Where are you?
I’m up here.
(The story of a fifth-year student ep.4 is really over.)
Damn it! What are you doing, Mork?
No pictures. Give it to me.
Nope. you can’t have it.
Why are you doing this?
Muang Nan can get the wrong idea.
Mork, no!
Stop it already.
You have been doing this all day.
Doing what?
Why do you want my forgiveness so badly?
Because I want to be your friend.
And I’ll make you want that too.
I’ll stop being mad at you.
But this doesn’t mean we’re friends.
That’s good enough for me.
Stop messing with me.
You want to set me and Muang Nan apart, don’t you?
I’m not messing with you.
I did everything
because I like you.
What did you say?
I said…
I really like you.
If you are not ready to open up your heart,
we can start by being friends.
Whose phone is this?
Why are you here?
Give it to me.
Don’t make me force it out of you.
Stop playing around.
Don’t you know what people are saying about you and me?
I presented the project plan to the professor.
All we need to do now is go to the location.
I can’t sleep.
Can you give me a head rub?
Your cheeks are very soft.
How come your heart is so stony?
I’ll open my heart for Muang Nan only.
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