Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Mom! Dad! Today in biology class,
we talked about something awesome.
During puberty, we grow a mustache,
like walruses. Awesome!
I'm so excited about growing a mustache,
I can't wait anymore.
Ta-da! I made myself a mustache.
Teddy loaned it to me. He doesn't care.
Tomorrow, I'll wear it to the contest
of guys against girls!
They'll be amazed!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Why isn't Noa on our team?
I'm the captain. I decide who I want.
And honestly, I don't want her.
-Hey, hey.
-Who is that?
I don't know. There's something about him.
Hi, guys.
"Hi, guys"? Look at what I can do.
You're not bad.
He's not bad? He's amazing!
Want to be on our team?
It's girls vs. guys. We need one more.
We don't need anyone. I came prepared.
But I'm already on the team with--
Raquel, Minerva and Ruby?
Why am I not on the team?
I mean, why isn't Noa on the girls team?
I answered that before.
Your turn. How do you know Noa?
Well, I'm…
-I'm her cousin, No.
I'll sign up for the boys team.
Here are the restrooms. Do you need to go?
Not… really.
That's the theater.
This is where we put on plays, comedy,
-love stories.
-What's wrong with you?
I've done everything so we can be alone
and get to know each other.
Well, alone with my photographer, Ruby.
Don't stop.
I think we're destined to be together.
I love that you're a savage.
I am friends with a penguin,
but I'm not a savage.
-I'm very civilized.
-Civilized? You?
With that mustache?
And you're humble, too!
Now you're my source of inspiration.
That's why I wrote you a song.
-I'll sing it for you now.
-Music, Ruby.
-On it.
I have to go train with the guys.
You know, the guys against girls race.
See you at the race. Show them no mercy!
Young man, the mustache means
you use the boys' restroom.
Look, Kev,
you know perfectly well who I am.
You look really familiar.
-From Antarctica, maybe?
-Of course.
Antarctica, mustache…
-You're a seal!
-Enough, Kev. Don't waste my time.
What? Talking to yourself?
-You know this is your restroom?
-Yes, of course.
But I don't have to go anymore.
We'll record the song and play it for him
at the right time.
To the microphone.
One, two, three, and--
There's something about that mustache
It looks so elegant on you
You showed up in the hallway
I'm full of hearts
And I can't forget you
There's something about that mustache
I like it more than Don Quixote
I want to skate along the curves
Of your lovely mustache
How long did you practice that handshake?
-Practice? It just comes out.
-We're guys.
Bro, what's wrong?
Sorry, I'm a little distracted.
I was with Raquel,
and she confused me a little.
Girls are so complicated.
Excuse me?
Not all girls are so complicated,
because not all girls are the same.
Some of us have a mus--
I'm getting off track.
Don't get confused, buddy.
Relax, bro. I'm just saying that with us,
everything is simpler.
-You get it.
Come on, Noa, you've got this.
Think about a humpback whale.
Yeah, a humpback whale.
Shall we head over?
-I need the restroom first.
-Me too.
-Me too.
-I'll go too.
-Are you coming?
-False alarm. I'll wait for you here.
No, in this event,
each team suggests a jump.
When it's time,
one jump is randomly picked.
The girls' trick or the guys' trick.
We all have to jump.
Do it right, earn a point.
The team with the most points wins.
What if there's a tie?
One person from each team
jumps the tiebreaker.
-The best jumper wins.
-Got it.
We propose the Backside Blunt Disaster.
It's super hard. Nobody's ever done it.
So, why did we pick that trick?
Because if it's picked,
we might be able to win.
-We know that the girls can't do it.
-And why not?
-You need strength.
-And concentration.
And courage.
So? Girls can also-- Can do it too.
They're just as smart,
strong and courageous as anyone.
Let's begin.
First, we'll hear which trick
each group proposed,
and then draw from a hat. Okay?
We propose a Flip Rock to Fakie.
-We've got this.
Very good choice.
-What about you, boys?
-Backside Blunt Disaster.
Come on! That trick is impossible.
Let's see what trick comes up.
Flip Rock to Fakie, the girls' trick.
Let the competition begin!
Minerva, are you okay?
I can barely feel my legs
from the waist down,
but I'm okay. All good, huh, Julius?
Kids, we've got a tie.
Now, one member of each team will compete
with the other jump to break the tie.
-Have you picked someone?
Sorry, but I can't allow you to jump
in that condition.
-Sorry, Minerva, you can't continue.
Just because of a broken fibula?
You know it's not fair, Julius!
No! Julius!
Come on, No! Do it for us!
-That's it!
-Of course!
It's the first time I've lost and clap.
That mustache is irresistible.
Hey, guys, let's do our victory burp!
-Wait! Wait! Wait!
-I have to say something.
-I love you too!
Sorry. Go on.
What I want to say is… I'm not No.
I am…
I want to say something else.
With or without a mustache,
I am the same person.
But not to some of you.
And that's too bad.
Noa, you're great.
You've taught us all a lesson.
Kids, I say that since Noa
was the only one who could do both tricks,
we give the prize to her.
-What do you think?
But first, I have to go to the restroom!
And for the lesson you taught us
about girl and guy clichés,
let's give a big hand to Noa!
Hey, Noa. Not me.
But everyone else was fooled.
-Yeah. Time for the song.
There's something about that mustache
It looks so elegant on you
I'm full of hearts and I can't forget you
There's something about that mustache
It looks so elegant on you
You showed up in the hallway
I'm full of hearts
And I can't forget you
There's something about that mustache
I like it more than Don Quixote
I want to skate on the curves
Of your lovely mustache
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