Follow Kar Lo Yaar (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Let's get it
Let's get it
I am the queen
All eyes on me
Is she here?
If there is a bodyguard
who has gotten down,
-it has to be her.
-Yeah, I can see her.
-What's up?
-What's up!
Shravan. He's a happy-go-lucky guy.
He's a very positive person.
So, every time you meet him,
you're always happy.
I want to actually
take you back to your childhood.
How was little Uorfi?
Little Uorfi was very cute and vulnerable,
with a naivety about the world.
Eventually, while growing up, I realized
that the world is full of rascals.
So be one yourself,
or they will control you.
Were you a studious kid or were you
I was studious till the tenth class
and then I left my studies.
What did you aspire to be?
I actually Genuinely, I wanted
to be an actor or get into showbiz.
Maybe even a fashion designer,
but I knew my family wouldn't support it.
-I knew those were only dreams.
So, my only option was to study.
I'm actually going to touch on a topic
that you may or may not like.
Is your relationship with your Dad
There is no relationship.
I've never even spoken
to him in my entire life.
-So, you're not in touch with him.
-Estranged. Cut off.
For the past ten years,
since the time I ran away.
And honestly, it wasn't a loving
relationship in the first place.
When did you realize that it was
not working out with your father?
Since the day I was born.
-And what was that thing that
-I was born a girl.
So, he wanted a son?
In Lucknow and in other such
small towns, everyone wants that.
His first child was a girl,
even the second child was a girl,
and so was the third one.
So, that got to him.
It's what everyone wants.
Mom tells us openly.
Dad left the hospital when
his third daughter was born.
Because he didn't want a third girl.
And I've faced that throughout my life.
Even when my Dad was there,
he wouldn't even talk to me.
He would show no affection.
That's how frustrated he would be
because this should have been a boy.
Not a girl.
There was something that happened
in Lucknow, pertaining to you.
Your video went viral.
-It was not a video, it was a picture.
What happened was that I posted
a normal picture on Facebook.
I was wearing
an off-shoulder top and jeans.
I wore an off-shoulder top ten years ago,
and that wasn't allowed at home
It was a big deal. And someone
posted that same picture on an adult site.
My family found out.
So, they were like,
"She's a slut, a prostitute, a porn star."
-Did they actually say these things?
-Yeah. They said worse things.
Yeah. I was 15, I think.
-So, no one told your father that you
-They did.
They said, "She's a prostitute."
Who said that?
Relatives, etc.
"She's a porn star."
Check her bank account.
But that's how you
That's how small towns are.
Also, this happened ten years ago.
Ten years ago,
victim blaming was quite prevalent.
Correct. People engaged
in character assassination.
Yes. Character assassination and all that.
It kept happening.
That period for me was highly depressing.
It was difficult to handle everything.
Like when one has to pick
between children and the husband.
It was the same situation for me.
How was your relationship with your Mom?
-Growing up, it was not good.
-Not good?
No, because she was always
It was a terrible relationship.
-Even with her?
Because she was
She would always side with Dad.
I mean, not literally.
When my father was beating us
or whatever, we used to say
Or even if he'd hit her,
we would tell him to let go.
But she was like, where else can we go?
So that relationship became very strained
during those teenage years
when we were growing up.
-Because we couldn't fight with Dad.
-So, we could only fight with Mom.
Now, I realize that
I became a toxic person
because of the bottled-up anger.
-Outbursts of anger on trivial matters.
Getting mad.
Hitting anyone in a fit of fury.
Hurling things.
And then, after 30 seconds
I'd be like "Oh, crap! What am I doing?"
-"Shit!" The guilt would strike me.
But I couldn't control
my anger at that Moment.
So maybe I realized that
this wasn't triggering my anger.
-It's of the past.
It's of the past.
And then what happened?
Then what happened is,
I left my house. I ran away from home.
In the mornings,
I'd freshen up at a friend's house
and spend the nights
in another friend's car.
If there was no car,
I would sleep in the park.
So, when did you move to Delhi then?
Six months later.
I realized I had no future here.
Giving tuition wouldn't get me anywhere.
I thought that whatever life
awaited me after I ran away,
even if it meant begging for a living,
would still be better than staying there.
A year later, when I
was moving out of the house,
I got a call from my Mom saying,
"Your father has left us.
He married someone else."
-Oh! And you were not shocked?
-No. I was not shocked at all.
-You were not shocked?
-It was bound to happen.
-You saw this coming?
Yeah. I saw this coming.
I saw this coming.
There was a time when we
had to sell our mattresses.
Then the divan.
We sold our bed.
We wouldn't have five rupees to buy eggs.
We had to pay Sameer and Dolly's school
fees, and my father was not contributing.
He just left. He abandoned us.
What are we going to do?
How will life turn out now?
What about the children?
What about their weddings?
Or their education?
How will I pay for their education?
Where will I get the money?
These were the questions
I had on my mind.
Everyone was going through
their own personal trauma,
and I think everyone was
self-consumed at that time.
I can't even imagine Mom's plight.
As I matured over time,
I realized that I was really unfair
to my Mom and to both of them.
From Delhi, I traveled
to Mumbai for a job interview.
I didn't get the job.
Then I started auditioning.
-You started auditioning?
-Yes. I had a house to run.
Someone said to me,
"You can do it. You have a decent face."
But when I started auditioning,
I realized it's not that easy.
And what were the kinds of roles
that you were offered?
Anything they offered.
I had no preferences.
Any alms you give to a beggar
are sufficient.
-Okay. But how did you
-It's true.
Those couple of years when kids
were enjoying in college,
I was earning money. What else
was I doing? I was running the house.
I have worked in every sector
at this point in time.
Be it real estate, sales, and God knows
what else! I even sold memberships.
To be very honest, it was
not easy for them to handle things.
Uorfi would go on shoots,
for months at a time.
She would fall sick.
We didn't have money
to pay her hospital bills.
There's a reason why
they both are so irritable today.
And then I realized that
I have a very small window.
And if I don't use it now,
then the attention will be gone.
So, I did my bit with clothes.
-Because fashion was always my thing.
You call it weird, I call it fashion.
Whatever it is.
So, I thought
let's bank on the shock value.
You played that bet.
You played a gamble, okay.
What if it hadn't panned out?
Then I had nothing to rely on.
I took a gamble from scratch.
What's there to fear
when you have nothing to lose?
It was a gamble, but it's okay.
We knew she would be stressed,
but she wouldn't discuss it with us.
She wouldn't tell anyone.
But we prayed that since she is
working so hard in this profession,
she should be successful.
-Well, thank you so much.
Thank you so much for
talking to me in Lucknow.
-Thank you.
Asfi and I planned to go shopping
at the local market.
But Asfi had brought two gifts with her.
Khalid and Sharib.
I thought we were going by cab,
but we've got a free driver and a butler.
I thought I'd go shopping,
but I guess I'll have
to entertain you two as well.
And we thought we'd chill,
but we have to tolerate you now.
Wow, my sandals broke!
Hold this.
Hold it.
Now, I will have to buy new sandals.
So, Uruusa.
-What's new?
-Living my life.
-Living your life.
When are you getting married?
First, I need to find a bride.
How else could I get married?
-So you haven't found anyone yet?
-Not yet.
When are you two getting married?
There's hope for me
only after Uruusa gets lucky.
I I don't believe
in the institution of marriage.
It's okay if I get married,
otherwise I will just have a child.
Oh, okay!
I want children, not marriage.
It isn't important to me.
-You want to be a mother, but not a wife.
-I don't want a husband.
I don't want the baggage of a husband.
-How is that possible?
It's not like I will never
have a love interest in life.
I will. We'll see about that.
I'll do it if I have to.
So, what are you thinking exactly?
Like what?
Maybe if I find someone
and I think he's the right person,
we'll have a discussion
You want to have a baby
without getting married?
-Are you going to steal someone's baby?
I will give birth to one from my vagina!
-You can also adopt if you like.
-Why? I don't want to adopt.
Raising someone else's child
is a big responsibility.
But Sushmita Sen also did
a fantastic job!
-Yeah, good for her!
-An adopted child will still be your own.
Sure, I will adopt a child,
but I also want my own child.
Each individual is different, Asfi.
I am different.
You can get married and also adopt.
I will even tell you
to not have your own children.
I will adopt one.
But if I want to have my own,
then it will only happen through marriage.
That's right though.
The child also has to survive
in this Indian society.
In the society you live in, Asfi,
what you do isn't allowed either.
Making boyfriends isn't allowed either.
People don't like it.
-Exactly, Uruusa! An illegitimate child
-But you are doing it, right?
Legitimate or illegitimate.
This is wrong, Asfi.
Stop it. This is wrong.
That's my will.
You don't have to raise it.
And I don't care about society.
I live on my own terms.
Society didn't come to our aid
when we were starving.
We did what was right according to us.
I think this is right according to me.
None of us are so pure and pious
that we're still virgins.
I don't care about society.
Having a kid is
something very emotional for me,
because I want to give that kid
every opportunity in life
that I didn't have.
But still, in case you
fall in love, will you do it?
I still don't want to get married.
Love is one thing,
-but I don't think I can.
-It can happen.
I just wanted to know because
maybe no one loves her the way I did.
That's why she feels she has
no choice but to take this path.
Just have a baby.
And here we've all queued up!
You keep waiting in line
and it will be bye-bye!
It's her life.
I can't put too much pressure on her.
I can't tell her to be
with someone or get married.
But yes, we liked Khalid.
We all have a soft spot for
Khalid in our hearts, except for Uruusa.
Let's go and meet Rituraj now.
And ask him about our few pending cases.
Like what's going on?
What's the update?
I don't have any clue.
Hi, Uorfi.
-Here already? Hi, what's up?
I'm good. Hi, Dolly.
Looks like you're coming
straight from the court.
Yes, straight from the court.
What's going on with my cases?
-Still going on.
-I don't want them to go on!
I want to close them all.
Which case are you talking about?
There are many cases against you.
Oh, please!
My name is Rituraj.
I'm Uorfi's friend and her lawyer.
She generally doesn't
get into any trouble.
She scrapes through most of the time.
But when she gets stuck,
that's when I step in.
After these many cases,
I think I can become a lawyer myself.
I will definitely pass the exam
if I attempt it.
In fact, I've read about all
the sections in India regarding clothes.
That one defamation case
filed by that woman.
-Yes, that
-She said that I have defamed
all the women in the world.
Due to the way I dress, I've
defamed all the women in the world!
All these cases are fine.
But I called you here for another case.
Which case is it now?
It's not a case.
I was thinking of getting Mom
a legal separation.
Like, a proper divorce.
She's been separated for ten years.
She's not been with him.
-We don't want anything from it.
-It's a huge thing.
-Do you really want to go with this thing?
I've never seen any love
or softness in my parents' marriage.
Now I feel she is ready for it.
Until some time ago,
it would have been a sensitive topic.
Maybe she would have felt offended
or she would have refused.
Now I feel she also realizes
that it's over now. It's done.
This is not your decision to make.
Personally, I feel this way.
I know, but there is no scope
for reconciliation now.
In fact, if she gets a divorce
from the court,
she will be free to do whatever she
wants in her life, even in the future.
If she wants to move on,
date anyone, why not?
Divorce is possible.
There is no problem with that.
It will happen through a judicial process.
But what I am concerned about
is your mother's mental state.
You have to accept that
change is inevitable in your life.
-If you don't accept this,
then you will never grow in life.
Neither mentally, emotionally,
nor economically.
Also, tell me one thing.
After the legal separation
The house in Lucknow
is in joint possession.
Mother and father.
They both are co-owners of the house.
-So, what do you want?
-What will happen?
Honestly speaking, I'm not interested.
I say let it go.
We can get dozens more.
We'll earn money and
buy a house with our own money.
But I think for her
I think she has sentiments attached
to that house, and she won't
What sentiments? Bad sentiments?
Let's see.
I think new sentiments can be created.
Yeah, we are creating
-new sentiments right now.
-But I don't think that will happen.
I think the court will change possession.
It will stay in the possession of the
original owner, even after the divorce.
If he hasn't asserted possession,
then I don't think he will
create a problem with this.
He can. He definitely can.
-It affects your
-No, we'll do it properly.
So, this can be a step
in the direction of a new life.
His intentions are right,
but at the end of the day,
I'm concerned about Mom's mental health.
She has gone through a lot.
I don't want her
to go through that phase again.
So, I'm concerned.
-Shall we make a move?
-Let's go.
All done?
Thank you.
Listen, I've only included you
in this conversation right now.
You are not supposed
to tell anyone right now.
-I will tell them when I'm ready.
-And I will tell them.
-Yeah, I know. Obviously.
Otherwise, Uruusa and Asfi
will start irritating me again.
Fine. I won't tell anyone.
And anyway, you have to move to Mumbai.
I want to move,
but I'm just concerned about Mom.
-Yeah, okay.
I live with her,
and I handle everything with her.
She needs to make some
decisions which are
Are Yeah.
-I am worn out.
Wow. By doing nothing?
-What did you do that you're so tired?
-What did you do?
-We went shopping and roamed around.
-What did you buy?
We scanned the entire market.
Uruusa's sandals broke,
so she had to walk barefoot.
I want to know how you broke my sandals.
I didn't break it,
it broke on its own.
She did the same thing yesterday,
and she did it again today.
She always breaks the sandals.
Especially mine!
-Someone's at the door.
-The doorbell
-Keep this in the kitchen.
-What are we having for dinner?
-Hello, Somesh ji. How are you?
-I'm absolutely fine. How about you?
-I'm fine
Somesh ji is an energy reader
and an astrologer.
I especially called him from Delhi
because I've been thinking for a long time
to have the energy of the house read.
What is wrong and what is not?
Is my thought process correct?
Uorfi, when I was entering the premises,
it felt like that
this place may be blessed,
but its structure and its shape
has several defects
which have led to several struggles
in your life.
-Let me show you around.
-Please show me.
For growth, your northeast
corners must be clutter-free.
Good God!
This is one room
where I used to sleep before.
Oh really?
The energy of this place
is beyond explanation.
Plus another thing, see for yourself.
This is the entrance,
and the toilet is right in front.
Again, this is not a good combination.
There is no place for positivity to stay.
Which is so true.
Maybe that energy has become
negative seeing my condition.
Because that room
has seen a lot of tears.
That room has seen a lot of trauma.
So, maybe that's why he is
feeling that negative energy.
Nothing is right in this house.
I told you.
Look, the lamp suddenly lit up!
Did you see that? Look!
-Look! Do you see that?
-What is this?
See, these lights keep flickering!
You witnessed it.
Look, it stopped now.
-Did you see that?
-It stopped.
Thank God it happened in front of him.
Otherwise, I would have
been called a liar.
Just for the record,
the lights in our house need repairs.
Instead of an energy reader, you
should have called an electrician
if you had a problem with the flickering.
But different strokes
for different folks.
Okay, tell me one thing.
Especially because you are
the family head in a way,
do you have a backache
-or constant complaints of back problems.
-A lot.
I have a terrible back problem.
Because I fell down.
-From what I have observed till now
-That door is where I fell down.
Oh, my God!
Mom fell down at that door!
-Near those stairs.
We cannot get rid of any negative energy.
We can only balance
the negative and positive energy.
I feel all this is bullshit.
There is no such thing as negative energy.
If someone falls down,
you can't call it negative.
If I fall down on the road, I can't say,
"This road is negative. Destroy it."
There is no such thing.
It's just the mindset of the people.
Thank you so much for coming.
Everything in life is superstition.
Everything can have two meanings,
but the point is I don't want to take
even one percent risk.
From now on, I will consult
astrologers and numerologists
before doing anything.
He's a well-wisher.
-He said the right things.
-I'm not denying
He didn't say anything wrong.
He said things that turned out to be true.
-We have to believe that.
-Not everything is a coincidence.
-It's not a coincidence.
I don't agree with these things.
Yes, you can disagree.
-I can disagree.
-You can disagree, but I feel
energies do exist.
Energies do exist and
the energy of this house is not right,
-which we all know.
-Kinetic and potential.
-Energies are real, but
-Asfi and Sameer are very
It's okay. There is no need to worry.
But growth is important
for every person in life.
And that's why I was thinking that since
only the three of you live here,
you should move to Mumbai.
Mom always stays ill.
If we stay close by,
I can help you with your problems.
And it's not like you guys
are living a very happening life here.
If you want to build
a career for yourself
And why not?
Even you can build a career for yourself.
Is there a problem?
And Sameer, you can adjust
because you can't live here.
Practically thinking, why should we
abandon this big house of ours?
Because what's the point
of living in this house alone
-when Dolly doesn't want to live here?
-What's the point?
So, Dolly doesn't have to stay.
Who will look after Mom?
Mom will be happier in Mumbai.
And Sameer cannot live here alone.
It's about staying close to the family.
You want Sameer to
What do we do about the house? Leave it?
I can get you a nice
big duplex over there.
It's not about you doing it.
-What's wrong with you?
-Seems that way.
No. Then your notion is wrong.
Why do you want to keep Mom here
when even she doesn't want to stay?
I'm not saying that. What if she
wants to come and stay here one day?
-She doesn't want to stay here.
-I'm not saying we have to sell the place.
We are not selling it.
We cannot sell the house anyway.
She is just giving it on rent.
-Yes, we can give it on rent.
-Fine, I feel Dolly can move.
But Dolly is in her third year
of graduation.
-Let her graduate first.
-Dolly doesn't go to college.
Dolly doesn't care about her degree.
She doesn't want to continue her degree.
I know what my future is. I don't
want to waste one year on graduation.
I want to move forward.
I want to earn money.
I feel everyone should complete their
degree. Is graduating high school enough?
It's not about just completing
high school! This is what I want.
-I want to focus on other things.
-Wait a minute.
-Even I just graduated high school.
-It's different about you
Why is it different?
I want to be like her!
-She wants to join my profession.
-I want to be like her.
I've only graduated high school
and I'm doing well.
And if she starts at this age,
it will be better for her.
People who have completed just
high school have become successful.
You can start at this age,
but you've already
worked hard for two years.
You've put in effort.
Now all you need to do is take
your exams and earn your degree.
Wait a second.
How are you using your degree?
For me, education is important.
It's not about how I'm using it.
All I'm saying is that
education is never a waste.
Just because she wants to move
doesn't mean everyone wants to.
-Mom wants to move!
-Do you want to move or not?
-How can I stay here alone?
-Do you? She didn't say yes, right?
She's only moving
because Dolly wants to.
You have more opportunities there.
-Even Mom can build a career over there.
-I want Mom to have a career.
She can be a vlogger.
She wants to do vlogging.
-Why can't she do it?
-Her mother has cancer and father is ill.
Or maybe it's her siblings.
She might have her own reasons.
She spent all her life
catering to us, five children.
So, she should take all these things
into consideration.
Asfi and I know that
she doesn't want to go.
Sameer wants to stay here till the time
he doesn't get his degree.
-He can move after that.
-No he has two months.
In two months
Dolly, if I don't set a timeline,
they'll never move.
So, what about Sameer's degree?
He can shift his college.
I can't retake the entrance exam
I don't want to study in Mumbai.
But I think that is the only solution.
We can't stay here for two years.
-That is your solution.
It's very unrealistic. If she gives me
a time frame to move out in two years,
or after three years,
after I complete my education
and get a job, that's fine.
But just because Dolly wants to move
because she wants to do something,
then it's a very lame decision.
She doesn't know what she wants to do!
We should abandon him
to build our own careers?
Sameer can shift his college!
-You just want to have your own way!
-Just because of her career
Okay, fine.
Then why don't you shift here?
-Let's do one thing.
-I can commute back and forth.
Dolly and Mom can come with me,
and you stay here.
-I can commute back and forth
-Why back and forth?
They are forcing you to stay here
but they can't stay.
Sameer wants to stay here.
Why don't you get that?
Only one person needs to adjust.
He can shift his college.
I think Dolly is being selfish
and you're a bad influence on her.
-Dolly is not selfish.
-I'm being selfish?
-Yes! You want to build a career
-I'm being selfish?!
You ran away from home,
and I'm being selfish?
I didn't run away for myself. Don't
point fingers, Dolly! Don't point fingers.
-I am talking about the second time.
-Don't point fingers!
-I'm not selfish.
-Don't point fingers!
Why don't you come here and
stay with Mom if I'm being selfish?
I'm saying I'm prepared
to keep Mom with me.
Because I wasn't around at that time.
I will keep her wherever I stay.
I didn't have Uruusa and Uorfi
to run the household expenses!
-I didn't have Uruusa and Uorfi.
-Yelling doesn't prove your point!
You come and stay with Mom
if you are so concerned.
She is right.
Just because you are not thinking about
your future doesn't mean I won't either.
So, what about her future?
I want to do it for Mom's sake.
And what about Sameer's future?
He doesn't want to study there.
-Why would anyone leave his entire life
-There is no life here!
If you are calling me selfish,
then are you not being selfish?
-Do you see a career here?
-You can go!
-Just go. Please go.
-And Mom can stay better there.
-You can go. No one's stopping you.
-I won't leave Mom alone.
There is no need to cry.
It's okay.
I don't know, you guys are being selfish.
Uruusa, you are being selfish.
Shut up.
-Shut up!
-You're Why should I shut up?
-Why should I shut up?
-We four girls should only worry
about our own future,
and forget about Sameer!
Oh my God! Now she's turning it
into a "boy and girl" argument?
-Dolly, I don't want to talk to you!
-Even I don't want to talk to you!
-Stop talking nonsense!
-Lower your voice!
You lower your voice first!
-I'm speaking softly, Dolly!
-Lower your voice! You call this soft?
-Are you out of your mind?
-Yes, I'm out of my mind!
Why should I go?! I won't go.
-I won't go!
-Guys, please!
I'm not asking you to go. I asked you
to lower your voice. So, just do that!
We four girls were
fighting amongst ourselves.
It seemed like a scene from
the movie Baghban.
But still, it was in a good way.
No one wanted to host the mother. But
here, we're speaking for her betterment.
I'll have to move to Mumbai someday,
because when everyone leaves
then I will have to leave as well.
Or let's get Sameer married
and Sameer can live with his wife.
-I think hers is the best solution.
-Let him start a family.
What if she gets attached to her
and says I want to go back to the village?
Are we going to keep
doing this all the time?
Then you bring her back from the village.
My situation was back to square one,
in the middle.
What to do?
Should I go with them or stay here?
Sameer doesn't want to go.
So, should I stay here with Sameer?
And once Sameer leaves,
then I'll have to move anyway.
You will never get married
in the first place. Who will marry you?
-Someone will be willing to marry me.
It can be anyone but not like you.
Like neither of you two.
-"Like neither of you two!"
-Wait a second.
Dolly, go break his PS5.
He doesn't want a sister
who buys him a PS5.
Guys, Uorfi gifted me a PS5,
so I have to take her side now.
Sorry, I am changing sides.
-You have to.
-Three against
-Guys, I'm going over to her side.
-It's okay.
The entire dynamic
of the conversation changed.
The conclusion of the conversation
was nothing.
Somewhere it was on
the back of everyone's mind,
"Forget it. There's no point
in arguing anymore."
So, everyone naturally calmed down.
And that is what happens in our family.
This generally happens with us.
We start a topic, and we fight on it.
But then that topic ends there.
But it only ends for that moment.
That topic eventually comes up again.
I'm not a "gaay", but I'm into guys.
Has anyone ever died
because of a boob job?
They feel it's child's play.
But it's not. It's proper surgery.
Look, there hasn't been
any controversy for quite a while.
I'll pick someone from the streets
to be my groom!
Why should we give you
20 minutes of our life?
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