Freeridge (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Dead Mom

[soulful music playing]
[woman singing in Spanish]
Ruben! You okay? [in Spanish] Daddy!
[song continues]
I'm never gonna finish on time,
and everything for Mom's memorial ceremony
needs to be perfect.
Day of the Dead is the most important
[both] day of the year.
Tastes more like dos leches.
Thank you for helping with the cake,
but go work on the flowers.
- Do you want them arranged a certain way?
- However you want.
No, no, no! Not like that.
- Maybe you can
- [horn honks]
catch a ride to school with Rusty.
Trash, meet the trash.
What is that? [gags]
Homemade mystic mayo to keep all the evil
away until we can find this Mariluna.
I don't want
any of those premonitions coming true.
You're still on that?
The premonition about the box came true.
She said I was trying to solve something
that was broken, the curse.
But in order to solve my problem,
something must be broken to be fixed,
the box, which is where
I found that weird invitation.
- You're reading into it too much.
- [phone chimes]
It's been five weeks.
If we have a curse or a ghost,
then why am I getting a second shot
at breaking the bent arm hang record?
Shouldn't my life be falling apart,
not coming together?
It's the calm before the storm.
If ghosts are real, where was
the ghost last night on Halloween?
- [phone chimes]
- Halloween is offensive to ghosts.
It was created by Hollywood
and candy corporations
trying to push their agendas.
It's spiritual appropriation.
- [phone chimes]
- Whatever it is or was, it's gone.
I can't spend time
talking about not real ghosts anymore.
I have very real things to do.
Right. You need to make things
for your dead ghost mother to enjoy.
Exactly. It's tradition.
- [phone chimes]
- Okay, who is blowing you up?
Andre. After bonding
over our Cam frustrations,
we realized we both track our feelings
via numerology and moon phases.
So, short story long,
I'm now his unofficial cohost.
[phone chimes]
Shit. Podcast duty calls. I gotta go.
[door opens, closes]
Tonight, there's a waning moon,
so I think today's podcast should focus
on releasing toxic energy and curses.
And releasing relationship grudges
that no longer serve you.
Yes, that's so waning moon. Love it.
Love what?
You. And today's podcast topic,
releasing toxic energy.
Oh, not for me.
We're totally about you.
Baby, this is the show
you should finally listen to
so you can release that negativity
and hurt you're holding onto.
I'm feeling better about my teacher
now that he wears underwear with shorts.
What about that person you're hung up on
and scarred by? We can release them.
Or you could talk about
releasing your hang-up
on why you're so hung up on mine.
- Tell Cam he needs to listen to the show.
- Cam should honor his truth.
He's been fairly open
about how he doesn't support the arts.
Fact. If I listen to your podcast,
I gotta go listen to someone's bad DJ set
or see a friend of a friend's
terrible improv group.
Next thing you know,
I'm booked Monday through Sunday.
Let's lighten up on Cam.
He's not as sensitive as us,
and that's okay.
I'm not as sensitive?
You really wanna go there?
Uh, actually,
where I wanna go right now is home,
because I forgot my Bye!
Looks like she also forgot
the direction of her apartment.
- What's up with you and Demi?
- Nothing.
Well, maybe something.
As a self-aware, natural avoider,
I'm glad I don't have to have
the awkward convo with her,
but knowing she's a boundary pusher,
I'm annoyed she's not pushing me.
[school bell rings]
You see how her back is hella straight?
See, I think you've been arching
your back too much when we practice.
And that's probably throwing you off.
But if I don't arch my back,
I'm not able to use my shoulders as much,
and you know my traps
are stronger than my bi's.
But maybe if I slightly utilized my tri's
and clenched my butt, that'll give me
You are overthinking.
Hey, don't overthink it.
Agreed. When I overthink,
I loosen my grip.
- I know the bent arm hang is stupid.
- [Rusty] Stop. It's not stupid.
You are working
to be the best at something.
And you're doing it for yourself.
Hey, that's what it's all about.
I also want my props
and my picture in The LA Times.
I think you can do it.
I don't need your pep talk. I know I can.
That's why I like you.
Um, do you have a minute
to go over the grocery list
that your father left for Tonio,
who left it for me?
I'm hitting up Costco later,
and there's a specialty item
that needs more, um,
It, uh, deals
with stuff I don't deal with.
Tampons. Fragrance-free and cardboard.
I prefer plastic, but I care more
about the environment than my cooch.
- Not that I don't care about my coo
- No, got it. Thank you.
Hey, if you're free tonight,
you should come
to my boy's Day of the Dead party.
He said bring a friend.
So, we're friends now?
Um, and I do need you out of the house
from 6:30 to 10:00.
Your uncle did rent it out to a film crew.
[Gloria] Again? No, sorry.
I can't go to the party,
but I'll be out of the house
at the cemetery honoring my mom.
It's an all-night thing,
but thanks for the invite.
[door opens]
[bell rings]
I'm so happy you got
AV room access at lunch,
'cause I wanna help Gloria after school.
Such a big day for her.
And us!
I can't wait to talk about moon phases.
And I can't wait to talk about
what you're avoiding.
Today, Cam is our guest,
and we're gonna clear the air on the air.
I have a great idea
for the graveside ceremony tonight.
So, when we were going through Mom's stuff
in the garage a few weeks ago,
I found that big box
of Precious Moments figurines
that Mom loved.
What if we bring 'em
and set 'em up all around her grave?
I love that idea. I really do,
but Mom actually hated those figurines.
But she had them all around the house.
For Grandma. They were gifts from her.
Mom thought they were tacky.
She also thought Grandma was tacky,
but don't tell Dad.
Uh, okay.
Uh, what if we go to our fave
Italian restaurant after the cemetery?
[Gloria] Mom hated that place.
It only became our favorite place
after she died.
But keep up the ideas.
One will eventually land.
It's about to be
a "Brand New Dre" for you two.
Come on, it's a podcast.
Okay, since no one can see
how uncomfortable you both are,
I'll just set the scene.
Cam looks clammy,
and Demi is a mix of distraught
and on the verge of saying something
she's gonna regret.
We only have
ten minutes left of lunch, so
Fine. Let's get off the topic
of your silence
and on the topic of talking.
Specifically talking about
what you're both avoiding.
You know what I never avoid? Fabric!
What? Who doesn't love fabric?
Fabric is the fabric of our lives.
And the foundation for our aspirational
corporate sponsor, Freeridge Textiles.
- They make fabrics to die for.
- [upbeat jingle plays]
All right, back to our show.
So, our show today
is all about the waning moon
and releasing relationship grudges
that no longer serve you.
Cam, it's time we give you
an emotional facial.
We gotta dig out that dirt
and cleanse the pores of your soul
so you can love again.
Baby, tell us what happened.
Who scarred you?
I don't feel comfortable naming names.
We're wasting time.
That situation was forever ago.
Let's leave the past in the past.
It probably wasn't a big deal.
It actually was a big deal.
Mm, own your truth, baby.
So this is what happened.
When I was 12,
before I came out to my friends as bi,
a friend that I was hung up on said
she could never be with a guy
who had been with a guy.
[gasps] That biphobic bitch.
And this friend
was someone you were in love with?
- Yeah.
- Demi!
You were friends with Cam back then.
Did you witness this?
Oh yeah. She was there.
Was I there? Because I don't remember.
I would remember hearing that,
but I don't.
- That's convenient.
- No, it's not.
It's more like
I don't think anyone said that.
- They did.
- I don't think they did.
Okay, let's
I'm not trying to negate you, Cam,
but that didn't happen.
Okay, well, no disrespect, Demi,
but the comment
cut to the core of my identity.
So I think my recollection
might be better than yours.
- Agree to disagree.
- Okay.
No, this is not a gray area.
It's black and white.
Unlike sexuality.
Which I agree with and why I'm contesting
this incident even happened.
- Maybe you didn't hear it.
- Maybe I just don't believe it.
It doesn't matter what you believe.
This is what I experienced,
and you aren't respecting it.
I guess this scar isn't ready to heal.
Thanks for the uncomfortable conversation.
I hope it makes for a great show.
Call you, babe.
And that's our show.
It's a Brand New Dre ♪
Hope you're having a great Dre ♪
Why do it tomorrow
When you could do it to Dre? ♪
Okay! ♪
It's a Brand New Dre ♪
- It's a Brand New Dre ♪
- Okay ♪
[Gloria] 6:45 p.m.,
give or take a few minutes.
We should be wrapping up
the year's updates
and moving on to the duet
of Mom's favorite Depeche Mode song.
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
The duet is actually no longer a duet.
It's gonna be a solo
since you have a track record of singing
too loud and forgetting the lyrics.
I feel like this year might be the year
to honor Mom with your silence.
Why don't I just honor her
with my absence?
You wanna sit in the car?
No, I'm not going.
Rusty invited me to a party,
so I'm gonna go to that.
- Oh. He invited you too?
- He actually invited me first.
And now that you don't need me
for the ceremony,
I'm definitely getting my party on.
- Dad's never gonna let you.
- He already did.
We were texting while you were going over
the prayers you're gonna say at 6:13 p.m.
I'm calling Dad.
- [line rings]
- Gloria, everything okay?
No. Did you tell Ines
she can go to a party
instead of going to the cemetery tonight?
- [Dad] Yes.
- [Gloria] But we go together as a family.
It's tradition.
Mi hijita, I tried calling you earlier.
I'm at the cemetery now
because I promised Lucia I'd go
to a charity event with her tonight.
- Something she's worked on for months.
- Lucia? You're ditching me for Lucia?
Pero, I didn't even know
the event was tonight until this morning.
Go with Ines to the party if you want,
and we'll all go to the cemetery tomorrow.
Going tomorrow
isn't even an option for me.
You know, it's called Day of the Dead,
not Day After the Day of the Dead.
Gloria, not going today
doesn't ruin the tradition.
It does for me.
If life has taught me anything,
it's that traditions can change.
You should be open to that.
Dad, the definition of tradition
is that it doesn't change.
Are you a dummy? I mean, are you?
I know you're very disappointed right now,
so I'm gonna disregard your disrespect.
And are you a dummy? Are you?
'Cause you're talking to your dad.
I might learn to forgive,
but I'll never forget.
Enjoy your sidepiece, Javi.
That's what I wanted to say to him,
but I didn't.
That line deserves a live audience.
Speaking of audiences,
I'm just letting you know
I am so mad at Cam for the major shade
he threw at me on Andre's podcast.
Shade about what?
Cam's mad at me for something
I apparently said when I was 12.
- I have no idea what he's talking about.
- What was said? Maybe I remember?
I uh
[scoffs] It's so silly.
I don't even remember
what I don't remember. I mean, I was 12.
What did I even know back then?
I'd never even seen porn.
- [brakes squeal]
- [gasps]
We need to know what you know
about my mother haunting you.
[both] What?
We think we saw [in Spanish]
Granny [in English] at the cemetery.
[Demi] Carrots and garlic
are good natural spirit cleansers.
- Where did you learn that?
- Reddit.
- Where did you read it?
- Reddit.
I know. Where?
I read it on Reddit.
¡Mira! [muffled speech]
As you can see, this is an invitation,
but not just any invitation.
It's a 50th Lethal Weapon-themed birthday.
And after researching Lethal Weapon,
I discovered it's a movie
about a cop on the
I know the movie.
Well, it's clearly
something Mariluna loved,
along with this guy Henry,
who she threw the party for.
Look at this note
from Mariluna to Marisol.
"Marisol, please come. I miss you."
What do you think it means?
I think my mom, Marisol, was invited,
and Mariluna missed her.
But who is Mariluna?
That is the question!
Marisol. Mariluna. Sun. Moon.
They're probably related.
- My mother only had brothers.
- Are you sure?
There was not a lot
I didn't know about my mom.
She was a sharer.
A lot of TMI in our house.
Oh, so you know
she was in the Guerra Sucia?
That is not public knowledge.
How did you know that?
- Her memorial website.
- [both] What memorial website?
No, I had no idea
Jamal made this weird website.
Do you think your son
had a secret romance with Marisol?
- Maybe.
- Maybe.
- My mother did not date a teenage boy.
- They were inappropriately close.
- Best friends.
- That's pretty unconventional.
Not for Jamal. The kid's got a lot of, uh,
strange hobbies and even stranger secrets.
- He found the RollerWorld money.
- Bullshit. RollerWorld?
There's no buried cash in our hood.
It's real. And my kid found it.
Excuse me, with help from his friends
and my mother-in-law.
What did they do with all the money?
According to Jamal, Marisol reburied it
for the kids to find again.
And she left them a map.
A map that she embroidered.
[Demi] Like this?
Yes, like that, but finished.
This one just gets you to CVS.
- If Jamal and Marisol were hooking up
- They were not hooking up!
Whatever, touching with clothes on.
I bet Jamal knows who Mariluna is.
- Is there any way to talk to your son?
- [Dwayne] There is.
But it's
No, honey, it's front, front, front,
side, back, side, front.
That's what I'm doing.
No, you're confusing the sides
and the front. You gotta turn it around.
It's a cube. It's confusing.
This is why it's so annoying
to get a hold of Jamal.
He works for Noel Aroma, and apparently
phones don't work in the biosphere.
- Here. Take this before I crush it.
- It looks like you just did a triple side.
No, that was a triple front.
Are you sure? Because if you
turn it around, that's the back.
Give it to me.
[electronic beeping]
[cube whirs]
- [robotic voice] Hello.
- [woman] Jamal, honey?
- [Jamal] Mom.
- Why does he sound like a robot?
[Jamal] Because the yeti voice setting
is still in beta testing. Who are you?
Hi, I'm Demi. I just have a quick question
that your parents are trying
to help me answer.
Do you know a woman your late
ex-girlfriend Marisol knew named Mariluna?
[Jamal] No.
- Did Marisol have a sister?
- [Jamal] Yes.
That cube is lying.
My mom did not have a sister.
[Jamal] Before she died,
Abuelita told me she had a twin.
[gasps] That's why they look alike.
Marisol is Mariluna's twin.
[Jamal] I mean, Sun, Moon
Make sense? Is that all?
One more question.
Jamal, did you date my mom?
[Jamal] Mr. Martinez, I am not going
to dignify that question with a response.
- That's a no, right?
- [cube powers down]
[both] She's an evil twin.
[Gloria] Surprise, surprise.
The ghost I never really believed
was a ghost isn't a ghost,
because, as I suspected,
it's a real person,
hence proving that ghosts don't exist.
Believers 0, Gloria 1.
Why be an asshole about it?
Because this is an extremely important day
for my family, Demi.
I can't deal with this crap.
Please don't insult me
by calling my stuff crap.
I just don't understand
why you believe in it.
You don't have to understand it. You just
have to respect it, which you don't.
And I don't, because I've been doing
the same thing to Cam.
Oh shit. I gotta go.
[door opens]
- [door closes]
- Change! Mom wouldn't like that outfit.
Well, that doesn't matter,
because, A, she's dead,
and, B, she won't see it because I'm still
not going to the cemetery tonight.
You're still choosing a party over Mom?
- No, I'm choosing a party over you.
- You are so selfish.
You can't even spend one evening
focusing on someone other than you.
No, you can't. If it's not on your terms,
then you can't be bothered.
This is textbook baby sister victim shit.
Yep, that's me, all right.
Once again, Gloria knows everything.
I know everything because I do everything.
Because you don't let me help.
What you do is the opposite of help.
I'm doing the best that I can!
What else do you want from me?
I want you to be better
and to maybe spend some time caring about
the incredible woman who birthed you.
You may get to tell me
how to clean the kitchen or make a cake
or who I can go to parties with,
but you don't get to tell me
how to grieve my mom!
I'm gonna wait outside for Rusty.
Oh, now I get it.
This is about Rusty.
Oh my God!
This has nothing to do with Rusty!
But since we're on the subject,
just because you don't like him
doesn't mean that I can't.
I don't not like him.
I actually do like him.
I mean, he's not unpleasant to be around.
Like, he's not totally worthless.
That's messed up.
You're right.
He's actually not worthless at all.
No, what's messed up is
that you've only known Rusty a few weeks,
and you're giving him more credit
than you've ever given me.
[horn honks]
Ines, you're not going.
Yes, I am.
You're not my mother.
So the ghost is actually the dead lady's
evil twin sister and not a ghost.
- Crazy, right?
- Demi, why are you here?
To share the big news
about the ghost slash not ghost.
Great, it's been shared.
Now I need to attend to a breakup.
You're breaking up with Andre tonight?
No, not Andre.
Tonight's hometowns on The Bachelor.
Andre and I are actually good.
I turned a corner on him and realized
that he has a lot of great qualities
that include not being a liar.
Good night.
It's cold out here.
It's, like, 70 degrees.
No, I mean,
it's cold on the outside of you.
I want back in. So I'm sorry.
You're sorry because you're uncomfortable?
And I'm also sorry I'm not respecting
what we're disagreeing about.
I'm really sorry that situation happened
to you and that you think I said it.
I don't think that you said it.
I know you did.
Cam, that's not something I would say.
I don't even believe that.
I don't find you any less attractive
because you're also with guys.
I was 12.
Like, what the hell
did I know about sexuality?
I'm so sorry some dumb thing
I can't remember saying hurt you.
The problem is it wasn't dumb.
It was devastating.
And now your apology isn't even about me.
It's about you.
You don't like how uncomfortable you feel,
but imagine being me.
You crushed me that day.
And I've never been able to fully recover,
because that thing that you said,
that you won't own,
made me question everything,
my confidence, my self-esteem,
my best friend.
- Why?
- Because you were supposed to be safe.
And accepting. And you weren't.
You made me feel like I was gross.
Don't you get it?
If you can't accept me for who I am,
what chance do I have
that the rest of the world will?
Fuck off, Demi.
[indistinct chatter]
- Hey, have you seen Ines?
- Hm-mm.
- [girl] What's up?
- Hey, what's up?
You wanna go home?
And no.
I feel bad that I'm missing
my mom's graveside ceremony, but
I'm so pissed at Gloria,
because she thinks
that today is only important to her,
but it's actually
really important to me too.
- Well, did you tell her?
- There's no point.
She doesn't listen, and she won't get it.
Hey, I'm listening.
It's not that I don't want
to think about my mom.
I think about her every day.
It's just this whole day
is about remembering her, and I
I don't.
And it kills me trying to figure out
the things that she would love today.
Like, her favorite flowers
and taste in restaurants.
And then being reminded
that I have no idea.
My own mom.
I don't remember her.
And I hate how mean I was to Gloria.
I mean, I always am.
And she's right.
I'm not helpful.
I even forgot to put sugar
in the tres leches.
Gloria just wants me to be better.
And I wanna be.
I just don't know how.
All that matters is that you keep trying.
Well, that was supposed to be when
Ines body rolls and throws it back to me,
but it's all good.
We're a little off schedule,
but I'm feeling really good about life
and how things are going. Whoo!
I can't lie to you, Mom.
Everything is crap.
Dad is dating a new woman
and not making time
for the things he used to,
which could be the cancer talking.
And cancer!
That's some scary shit right there.
I pretend to be all brave,
but I am terrified.
I mean, what if we lose Dad?
I barely survived losing you.
I don't think I could handle
all the responsibility,
especially now that Ines has found
a true calling as a pain in my ass.
I'm tired.
And I'm tired of being tired.
I just wanna be a kid again.
A kid for once.
I need you, Mom, and you're not here.
[Mom] I'm here.
Oh, Glo, I'm so sorry I'm not there
to hold you and remind you
that you are my brave, strong girl.
I don't feel very brave
or strong right now.
But you are [in Spanish]
my love.
No, I'm barely holding it together,
and I have all this anger in my heart
towards Dad and Ines and you for dying.
[Mom] That's okay.
Those feelings are normal.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
I'm failing with Ines.
She's so disrespectful
and unappreciative
And maybe so are you?
You need to stop being her mother
and start being her sister.
Find ways to like her
as much as you love her.
Try being her friend.
Maybe she'll become yours.
- How can I do this without you?
- I'm always with you, baby.
You just have to believe.
But I don't.
Then why am I here?
[Rusty] Gloria?
You good?
Why are you here?
When I dropped your sister off,
you weren't home.
I, uh, came to see if you were okay?
I will be.
[Gloria] Words like violence ♪
Break the silence ♪
Come crashing in ♪
Into my little world ♪
Painful to me ♪
Pierce right through me ♪
Can't you understand? ♪
Oh, my little girl ♪
All I ever wanted ♪
All I ever needed ♪
Is here ♪
- In my arms ♪
- [gasps]
One sister will be
the downfall of the other.
Someone's gonna die.
[Ines crying]
Words like violence ♪
Break the silence ♪
Come crashing in ♪
Into my little world ♪
Painful to me ♪
Pierce right through me ♪
Can't you understand? ♪
Oh, my little girl ♪
All I ever wanted ♪
All I ever needed ♪
Is here in my arms ♪
Words are very unnecessary ♪
They can only do harm ♪
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