Frenchie Shore (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

All the Frenchies have their place on the Frenchie Shore

I realize that I really like Melvin.
Your wings might get burned.
We can't avoid
the electricity that flows
between our genitals.
- I don't like kissing.
- You prefer to suck?
Tristan's starting to turn me on.
I have to talk to you.
This year's Oscar for the best
blowjob is awarded to Kara.
I'd really like to do
wild things with Iris.
Nico is the only one
I could screw in this house.
I'm flirting really dirty
with Nicolas!
There's no sexual chemistry.
Nico will never turn me on.
So when he fucks Iris tonight,
don't be that girl.
She's got a problem.
Yeah, my problem is you!
I'm afraid of no one.
She mustn't tread on my ground.
Get lost, move on!
Move on, you tramp.
July Max!
Ouryel is chic, chic, chic,
dick, dick, dick!
It's hot, girls are hot,
I got guns, ciao!
I'm determined with Bébert,
watch your backs.
I look like an angel,
but I'm a demoness.
Always irresistible,
never disrespectful.
Enzo, on a mission
to turn all the straight gays!
I like girls, I like sex,
no competition, I'm chill!
Girls like me are rare.
Nice to meet you, I'm Pépita.
No Nico, no party!
I wake up this morning
in a good mood. I spent the night
climbing Melvin's dick.
My caverns were explored
thoroughly during the night.
It's so hard this morning.
I feel awful.
The truth is, it happens to everyone.
If I could go back in time,
I wouldn't have criticized her.
Because I was an asshole.
- It's shitty.
- It's a bit, like,
I'm firing it out,
at whoever the fuck.
I'm really ashamed
of the mess I made
yesterday with Pépita.
I didn't have to go that far.
I was crazy last night.
I wanted to make everyone miserable.
And unfortunately,
it happened to Pépita.
I just don't want you to go.
That's why I want you to calm down.
Try to channel yourself.
But when you're pissed off,
I swear, you can put anybody
It's complicated. I've got to figure
outI need to find a way to say
Kara, she's my cousin.
I'm like her when I'm upset.
I often go too far.
So I speak from experience.
She needs to learn
to take a chill pill. Otherwise,
it's going to be a bit complicated.
What the fuck? What the fuck?
- Hello?
- Hello, guys.
- Hi, Antonin.
- Hi, Uncle Antonin.
Hello, hello!
- Who's speaking?
- It's Ouryel. I've lost my voice.
I'm glad to hear you.
I'm going to send you to work
somewhere a little different today.
You might have
to clean some enclosures.
Animals, poop, and all.
You'll see, the animals are cute.
It'll be great.
It's a disaster.
I hate it. Poop. Grass.
All things nature and stuff,
not my thing at all.
So right now, I'm clearly
irritated to the max.
And I have a feeling
it's going to be complicated for me.
I'll let you choose
four others to go with you.
With all the fuss and everything,
I think I'll take
Iris, Nico, Tristan and Kara.
Well then, I'll let you tell them.
You're expected on site immediately.
Okay, thanks, Uncle Antonin.
- Have a nice day. Talk later.
- Great.
I'm excited.
I love animals so much.
I've always loved farms.
Unlike some people who are unfamiliar
with it and find it disgusting,
it doesn't scare me at all:
the smells, the shit.
I'm totally into it.
It's a farm zoo!
Oh, there are llamas!
- What the hell is this?
- There's a cat!
I'm going to kill myself.
I can't do this.
And then we get
to a farm. It's a farm.
One hundred percent a farm.
- Hello.
- Hello, hello.
It smells like poo. There are
little piles of shit. Disgusting.
My name is Claire.
Welcome to Bouzigues Farm.
You'll be able to feed
all the animals.
- So let's get started.
- I'm so excited.
I just want to go straight in. Behind
me, they're a little reluctant.
- These are sheep from Cameroon.
- From Cameroon?
- Yes.
- Damn!
They're scary. They're creepy.
They're like Voldemort after getting
hit in the face by a car.
- Those are Swiss goats.
- Swiss goats?
Hi, there! Hello, sweetheart
- Ah, she's peeing on the floor.
- That's nature.
It smells like cow shit. That's
the problem. Otherwise, it's great.
- That's mean, isn't it?
- Yes.
It's not very nice.
- It's like me and Kara.
- That's what I was going to say.
It is Kara and me.
I hear geese squawking.
Sounds like a bad deep throat.
Ah well, that's great!
The day's off to a good start.
- Did you enjoy it?
- It's enriching.
Right now,
you're going to have to work.
- What?
- Yes.
You must clean the park.
Where are the shovels? I'm going.
I'm really in my element.
Animals are really friendly.
It's so nice,
I'm smiling, I'm so happy.
Nothing can ruin my day.
I'm really happy.
No, Claire, I beg you.
Give me an exemption.
I'm on my period.
All right, back to work!
Don't get too excited
about the ball of poo.
I love nature. But this is the worst
thing anyone could have done to me.
Stop it!
Ah, he threw the poo at me!
No, don't do that.
Ah, the smear of shit
on their leg, look!
The girls are disgusted.
They want to throw up.
But Nico and I don't give a damn.
We're Frenchie Shore.
We're the shit.
We're the animals, not them.
Don't forget that.
No, stop it! My blow-dry.
What a drama queen!
Ouryel is over it. But sometimes,
life is shit too.
- It looks like
- Prunes. Yeah, seriously.
How much to eat it?
- Wait, I
- How much?
Time out.
No, you'll get worms.
- No, I swear, you'll get worms.
- It's organic.
You will get worms.
- Let them do it.
- Put it in your mouth, take it out.
It disgusts me so much. I really hope
Tristan doesn't eat shit.
If he does, there's no way
he's kissing me afterwards.
One, two, three. Holy shit!
- Go.
- I'm putting it in my mouth?
Put it in and spit it out.
There's my bro!
Me, I eat poo. I eat everything, bro.
I didn't have breakfast.
So at least I got my vitamins.
Honestly, it's not bad.
It didn't kill me.
So really, it's a little snack.
We're having peanuts,
llama poo peanuts.
- Does it taste good or not?
- Honestly, it's not bad.
- He's such an idiot!
- It doesn't taste like poo.
You've eaten shit. You ate something
that came out of an anus.
Right now,
little Nico is losing points.
I'm a little reluctant to think that
he's hypermotivated to eat shit.
It disgusts me.
I don't want him sticking his tongue
back in my mouth after that.
Look at this one!
Can you do it or not?
What about you?
Swallow it, no, bite it, yeah.
- You'll see!
- No, don't do that.
- TTM or not?
- TTM. Yes!
That's it, bro!
That's TTM.
That's it.
That's good.
I think you did a good job.
Thank you so much for your help.
Thanks for opening the doors
to your poop paradise.
I've enjoyed my work.
I've seen animals. I ate poop.
I've enjoyed myself in every sense
of the word. We laughed.
So good. I love it.
My love?
My love, Pépita. My girl. Wake up.
I'm pissed off. I'm not well.
I'm tense. I can't calm down.
The fight with Kara yesterday
really pissed me off.
It was senseless.
I didn't deserve that at all.
So I'd rather
keep to myself than go crazy.
What happened yesterday, happened
yesterday. Today's a new day.
Some people
have crossed the line, I know.
You have as much
a place here as anyone.
I know, but I'm not going
to disrespect myself like that.
I have enough love for myself
not to inflict this on me.
It wasn't a night for her
to take so much in the face.
I was shocked. I never thought
it would be like this.
I feel sorry for her,
because she's a nice person.
So we'll go and do something
to cheer her up.
It's going to be fun!
Let's go for Pépita!
Come on, let's go!
We're hot shit!
I don't feel like going out.
I'm not in the mood. But at least,
I won't run into Kara's stupid face.
So that's better than nothing.
- I want Pépita on the team today.
- She's gonna love it.
Pépita! Pépita!
It's crucial that we shake her up,
pump her up a bit. Because
at any moment, she's gonna put
her heels in her suitcase
and run off behind my back.
That's not the point.
I want her to enjoy
herself. Pépita, please enjoy it.
That's what we're here for.
- Is that what we're doing here?
- It's too good!
Pépita will fly.
We're gonna get her off the ground.
I'm really scared. I weigh 40 pounds.
I'm not in the mood to be bounced up.
But in general, it feels good.
So, let's see.
One, two, three!
July, she takes off like crazy!
I'm in heaven. It's crazy!
I'm having the time of my life!
Amazing, guys!
That doesn't reassure me at all.
I'm too scared.
She almost hit a satellite.
The pressure's building.
Come on. One, two, three!
I'd never seen the world
from so high.
I was scared. But it was cool.
It made me smile again.
I was able to scream in the air.
It took a bit of hate out of me
and took my mind off things.
Isn't it sick?
I thought I'd end up on that balcony.
But you did it.
It's better now. We're good.
We're shot into the air
and it's better.
I've got it all figured out.
She got sent into space.
That's what's been missing.
Just send her up in the air
so she'll be happy.
Ah, I'm going to die!
It's great fun to watch Melvin
and Théo get bounced up.
For once, they're the ones
who jumped. I love it!
The boys are having a blast.
Great atmosphere.
It makes me forget
what happened yesterday.
Mission accomplished.
My mind is off things.
I'm smiling again. Pépita is back.
Pépita got her ass kicked in the
villa. We can tell from the start.
I haven't come yet, though.
TTM made her take off into heaven.
There, you've got it.
- Here we are.
- We're here.
- Where are they?
- There's nobody home.
- Where are they?
- They've gone.
There's nobody home. I'm delighted.
I tell myself that Kara
has decided to leave the adventure.
But I'm waiting to see
where they are.
What are we gonna buy?
We're going to buy meat,
fruit and vegetables.
Iris should take on this task.
But leave me to it.
Tristan has decided that
we're all going to have a barbecue.
I'm so excited. Now I can choose
the best sausages.
sausages of any kind, I know well.
What does this remind you of?
- Who in the villa?
- Your big dick.
It's bigger.
Tristan is no match for the cucumber.
Honestly, it's pretty big.
It's more impressive.
It scares me a bit sometimes.
What about whipped cream?
- To put on the barbecue?
- No, for us.
Yes. Very, very good idea.
On the nipples.
We put it on our nipples
and they come and suck them.
Does it work or not?
It's not like that.
Put a little in my mouth.
What about me? What about me?
Me, I'm red hot.
It's like I popped a Viagra.
So I put some ice cubes on my cock
to take the edge off.
Come and get it, Iris.
Come on, Iris. Come on!
One left. One left.
Put it in your mouth!
Hydrate, girl.
Iris doesn't look like much,
but she's a vixen!
She won't show it, but she's a vixen.
Since you're always hot, but
you haven't necessarily got release,
it's good for you to cool off.
Come on, sweetie.
All right, bye, babe.
- No. It'll do you good.
- Sit on it, to refresh your ideas.
Let's go for a ride. No way.
Honestly, it's too funny.
Except that once I'm in the freezer,
I realize that to get out,
it's a pain in the ass.
One, two, three!
You've got to be kidding. Go ahead.
I feel like the freezer
wants to suck Iris' soul out.
And she's stuck in the freezer.
It's a beautiful death,
dying in a freezer
so that you don't fuck.
Rest in peace, Iris.
- Did it feel good or not?
- I feel less hot than before.
There you go.
I've done my work out for the week.
That's the only one Iris had lifted.
Even at the supermarket,
it's twerking all over.
Shopping like that
are a treat.
- Thank.
- Thanks, bye.
it's barbecue!
- Barbecue tonight, boys.
- Hope you got room!
Whose pussy am I gonna grill tonight?
Family night, Frenchie Shore.
We're all gonna love it.
We're going to tear it up.
- We'll have to turn the table.
- All right, then.
I've kept one small one for you.
- Stop it, I'm wet already.
- Are you really?
Tristan's put on his little apron.
I find him very sexy.
Makes me want to eat his sausage.
He's got the string up his ass.
You disgust me.
You can see my little ass.
I don't have a problem.
Especially if the chicks
want to get their hands dirty.
Bébert's out too.
Frankly, it's my pleasure.
Give me a taste.
- No.
- It didn't make contact, seriously.
- No.
- There's no contact.
Why don't you do
it when she's here, you snake?
- I did do it when she was here.
- You player you.
- We won't touch. OK? No contact.
- Zero.
Zero. You stay away, I mean it.
Melvin clearly wants
to put more
than just chicken in my mouth.
But he'll settle for that.
Player, come on, come on,
it's okay. Do you have balls or not?
Because you touch them
all day long. No, eat.
- Your hand's dirty.
- No, my hand's clean.
I touched my clit.
This evening is starting
to turn me on more and more.
Under the apron,
Bébert can't take it anymore.
What Bébert and I want
is to fuck all you girls.
You're sick. You need a doctor.
- Yes, I'm really sick.
- I'm sick too.
I flirt a little.
Then Bébert gets up
and heads straight for the southeast.
His apron turns into a tepee.
A beautiful tent has risen.
Kara wants to talk to you.
- Me?
- Yes.
OK. Kara
is waiting for me by the bar.
So, I take it upon myself,
and listen to what she has to say.
Yesterday, what happened was
I was like, I feel like
she's always on my back.
When really, Pépita,
in real life,
I've got nothing against you.
All I hear
is you apologizing and being sorry.
It seems a little easy. Yesterday,
I was just asking some questions.
And you interfered.
You weren't even involved.
- I was disgusted with
- Plus I lost my voice.
I couldn't even speak.
Four people were yelling at me.
She needs to get something
off her chest
I just want us to move on,
For making you feel bad
in your own home, I blame myself.
I don't want you to feel bad.
- I never apologize.
- Me neither.
I don't apologize as a basic rule.
But I know you weren't feeling well
and I'm sorry.
Kara's apology seems sincere.
But this is the last time.
Next time,
it won't be like this at all.
- Can we have a little hug?
- Don't worry about it.
You're beautiful and there's
nothing to worry about.
Look, me and Kara,
the first time we saw each other
I'm so real, I live my emotions
a thousand times over.
Things are clear.
Everything's worked out.
That's a good thing done.
Let's get on with the barbecue party
and let the good times roll.
No! No! I don't trust you!
- What did he put inside you?
- A cockroach in my pussy.
Wait, spread. It's okay, it's gone.
The cockroach got into my pussy.
I felt him running.
It's not inside.
The cockroach is going to lay babies.
I'm going to end up with an army of
cockroaches inside my pussy.
Oh dear, I'm crying. I'm screaming.
I'm yelling. It's a catastrophe.
that is the first and last time
you dare put anything
in my panties other than your big
fat cock. I'm telling you again.
It disgusts me.
It's nice to be all together
over a little meal.
For real, I love you all,
- despite all the issues.
- We love you too.
Ah, Bébert.
We're having
the time of our lives tonight.
It's really the Frenchie Shore family
from A to Z.
There's no messing about.
It's a pleasure.
Big kisses.
Just one last little word.
Yesterday, I'm sorry, Pépita.
Yesterday, we went off at Pépita
when she really didn't deserve it.
I think we all agree.
- It's true.
- Pépita!
Everyone belongs here,
more than anyone.
- Everyone belongs here.
- We're not here by chance.
That's why I love you all.
I'm really pleased to receive
apologies in front of everyone.
It takes a weight off.
I know we're starting off
on the right foot again.
We're still a family. Who hasn't had
a family fight? No one.
So let's have a good evening.
I'm really proud to have people
like me, Ouryel and Nico
who've made the decision
to be who we are.
Before I came here,
I wasn't planning
to take on any of this myself.
- Oh baby.
- Like, really, it's a big deal.
- I didn't have the guts.
- Oh my love.
You know it too,
but as I was saying today
Ever since I was little, I've known
I'm affected by the fact that I'm not
preaching 100 % heterosexuality.
But we go through phases
where we tell ourselves,
in the end,
it's just a passing thing,
that we're going to fit
into society's boxes.
But the reality is that it's not.
I swear I'm really glad
I came across you.
Because you're so open.
I was really apprehensive about it.
And you've been great listeners
from A to Z. You didn't judge us.
And it's a real pleasure
to be with people who are open.
That's not the case every day.
I'm really glad to have met you.
We love you!
We're breaking society's codes.
- And that's
- That's wonderful.
That's all we are.
We love you, sweetheart.
Frenchie Shore!
In the buff. In the buff.
Nude in the hot tub, guys!
That's a cool hot tub.
- How cool is that?
- Are we gonna fuck in it?
I don't know
if I'd let you have my pussy.
I'm not in the mood for drama
tonight. I don't feel like talking.
The only thing I'm interested in is
what's gonna happen in the hot tub.
We were going to have beer
pong with everyone else.
But the girls got into the jacuzzi.
They started making out
and getting hot.
I said to myself, "No beer pong.
"Let's get in the jacuzzi
and have some fun with them."
I'm having a good time with him.
I don't want to get in trouble
or to ask myself too many questions.
I just want to let
my deepest impulses speak for me.
I'm the boss of the villa.
If they think they're the ones who
are going to inaugurate the jacuzzi
and put on their little show,
forget it. Come on, Melvin,
let's show them what we're made of.
I love this.
Kisses, my babies.
Tonight, my little friends
thought barbecue
was going to be
the hottest thing. Not so.
Enjoy your meal.
The hottest thing in this place
is still Ouryel.
My aim was to fuck
the lot of them. I'm well on my way.
I've already fucked Ouryel.
Pépita, it won't be long now.
Don't look the other way.
- So what do we do?
- We talk.
We're not going to fuck, don't worry.
You're the chick I'm
the most attracted to in this house.
I keep repeating myself.
That's the last time I'll say it.
Is that all right?
I've also said that the guy I'm most
attracted to sexually is you.
I clearly am
sexually attracted to Melvin.
With him, there's tension.
But he's not someone I like.
Don't expect us to become anything.
Before anything happens, tell her,
"Listen, Ouryel, I love you.
"But I'm really attracted to Pépita
and I might slip up with her".
Tell her before something happens.
That's loyalty for me.
I don't want Ouryel to know. Because
I sneak around. I'm like a snake.
If I can lay eggs
left and right, I do.
I'm not going to settle.
- I know how this is gonna turn out.
- Here she is.
But that's what we were saying.
- It's gonna backfire.
- There's an order to things.
In loyalty, there is order.
There's no order, I'm too loyal.
- The proof is no.
- Why are you talking about loyalty?
Since the beginning,
I've had an attraction for Melvin.
And he's attracted to me too,
so I said,
I found it more loyal
to come to you first and say,
I'm attracted to Pépita.
We've just fucked like rabbits.
Let me explain, big guy.
Learn the difference
between a silk towel
and a napkin. Thank you.
- Tell me if it hurts you or anything.
- It won't hurt my feelings.
But if there's something going on
between you two,
I'm reopening my chakras
to all the guys, one by one.
If you start
having sex with other girls,
don't blame me
for having sex with other guys.
- There's nothing to worry about.
- It's normal.
I knew Melvin was a real dog.
But now I'm a bit shocked.
It means that when I'm not around,
the mice dance a little too much.
And believe me,
I'm going to be a big cat again,
and I'm going to trample those mice.
But what the?
- They're fucking, I don't know.
- That's not Ouryel moaning.
I hear noises.
What's that, I ask myself?
Who's the bitch
making all that noise?
I thought it was Kara.
You're kidding me!
Take it away, it'll turn me on!
Stop coming, stop it.
- Wait!
- Alert!
Alert! Alert!
- Guys, there's a room.
- What's that?
It's the opening to the fuckpad.
This is the love room! I love this!
And here we see a fuckpad.
I wasn't expecting that one at all.
It's gonna speed things up in here.
- What's in the case, kitten?
- Go ahead, open it.
- Incredible!
- We're going to get laid.
To get our assholes destroyed
in every direction.
We're all going. I'm telling you.
One by one. Hole by hole.
Frenchie Shore,the sex we adore!
Who's in the?
Am I dreaming
or are Kara and Tristan in there?
Kara and I are really cold.
We decide to take a shower.
And as usual,
it's gone balls up. We are the first
to inaugurate the fuckpad shower.
And I'm really enjoying it.
- Kara?
- Yeah?
- How long before you're done?
- One minute.
- How's the shower?
- Amazing, you wanna join me?
I don't say no to a shower.
Oh, Melvin. Calm, huh?
I sneak in the shower with Kara.
It's getting a little hot.
I'm getting a real kick out of it.
And as with TTM,
we're all about sharing, I don't mind
being with Tristan's girl tonight.
It's a merry-go-round here.
I don't get it. Just because
there's a fuckpad coming up
doesn't mean we must fool around.
But I don't know.
They're tiresome here.
Melvin and Kara, in the shower.
I swear to God.
I swear.
What the fuck is going on?
We've been getting closer for days.
You tell me about
your attraction for Pépita.
And now you're naked in a shower
with Kara?
At this point, I'm thinking,
this is really not gonna work.
I'm really going to make him eat
my toes, if he does shit like that.
I'm going to sleep with Tristan.
Tristan's really
going to give it to me.
I see she's caught on
to my little game.
I'm taking it a bit hard
because I've been burned.
And Melvin, as a rule,
never gets burned.
I'll see.
You'll see the storm
you're gonna catch.
- No.
- Go ahead. Go see.
Are we betting or what?
A storm. Take a look. Take a look.
Look at that. Look out, who's that?
Inspector Gadget.
The nerve of the nerve, you.
Why, just after Tristan
has had sex with Kara,
you're going to shower with her?
What's the need to do that
when nothing happened?
I didn't have any ulterior motive.
- I'm going to shower.
- There are showers without Kara.
Say, is this the community pool?
We go back and forth.
I don't really get it.
What annoys me is that I feel like
you're taking me for a buffoon.
Nothing happened.
No, really, seriously.
Kara, imagine tomorrow,
a guy you like, it's chill
and everyone tells you stuff
and in the end, you're
You feel like
you're being taken for a fool.
Nothing happened.
I don't know whether
to believe them or not.
I don't give a shit.
It pisses me off to spend my time
worrying about a guy.
If it's not Tristan,
it's Melvin. If it's not Melvin,
it's Tristan. I'm done.
I don't want to hear it anymore.
You've got me pissed,
and I'm sick of you.
- Ah, I swear.
- Look at him
Stop it.
Melvin's problem is that
he likes trouble too much.
You should take a shower,
you don't look clean enough.
I suggest that this time
you take it with Pépita.
Take your shower alone
and have a cold one.
I'm a bit of a manipulator.
I've stayed to one side,
but in real life, I'll swerve
left and right. I like that game.
Frankly, I love it.
I still sleep with Melvin.
I won't stick
with this story for 20 years.
I'll never know the truth. But
one thing's for sure, if I find out
that they lied to my face, seriously,
they're going to have
to deal with the fallout
and I don't want
to have any more fun with them.
I feel like something's
come over me
since you started things with Kara.
You've really put me on the spot.
No, wait, let me finish.
I don't expect anything between us.
I don't want anything to happen
because I really don't want to lose
the relationship I have with you.
If you really want
to sleep with her, go ahead.
I'll tell you
everything I have to say too.
If I want to sleep with them,
I will do it.
I'm telling you how I feel. I'll
tell you, just in quotation marks,
since you've been hanging out with
what's her name? Kara,
I felt like I was in over my head.
The moment I could be with you,
you were in the Jacuzzi,
she was jerking you off
with her foot.
My friendship
with Tristan is peculiar.
Ever since his romance with Kara,
he's been putting me
on the back burner and I'm fed up.
Maybe I'm just hyper possessive.
Maybe I must pace myself.
I was the first to criticize Ouryel,
but I'm just like her.
I sleep with Enzo.
- You're sleeping with?
- Enzo.
- No, you're sleeping with me.
- No.
Yes. We're spending our first night
together. Don't you think?
Well, no.
If you don't sleep with me,
we won't sleep together anymore.
Well, I'm not.
I'm shocked.
I've never had a guy say
no to me when I want to fuck.
What the hell? So I decide
to go to bed and sleep frustrated
and we'll see what happens tomorrow.
How are you today?
I've known all along
you've been horny.
I'm less horny now.
I'm disgusted.
I wake up, bad,
frustrated from the night before.
I've been mistaken for a public pool.
He thought he could put a stop to me
and it really annoyed me.
I'm going to the love room.
I like to fuck myself, actually.
Frankly, I'm going to go.
And I like doing good to myself.
I'm frustrated.
If I don't loosen up,
I'm going to lose my mind.
What's important
is that you don't focus on Tristan.
He'll get frustrated and come back.
You know what?
A dog always
comes back to its master.
What am I going to do?
For the time being, it's fair game,
but I'll get on your case.
The ball's in my court.
- How's it going, guys?
- Taking it easy.
Check it out.
It was as hot as a deep fryer,
I said I wanted some foreplay
and you said,
- "Go to sleep."
- I think you're too used to men
being like that with you.
Aren't you used to girls
being like that with you?
- Yes, I am.
- What's on your mind then?
Don't worry about it. Take it easy.
It's good you
gave me the hitchhiking experience.
We're off to a good start.
I love teasing my Kara.
We make peace
and I'm glad she reacts like that.
It means she's a player.
And that's what I like about her.
Can you let me put on some perfume?
Oh my Tristan!
I really feel like
I'm in some sort of school open day
and everyone wants to go.
It's just awful.
I want to lift you up.
Ah, that's good.
What's wrong with her?
I go into the bedroom
and see Ouryel and Tristan
playing touchy-feely.
I say to myself, "What is he up to?"
He's in the mood to mess with me.
- Should I be serious with you?
- No.
But you're pissed off.
No, not at all.
Can't I just take a nap?
- Why are you on your knees?
- I shouldn't?
Can you buy me a protective sheet?
Tristan, be careful,
I'm a bad player.
We'll see who gets smart tonight.
When you have to do it yourself.
- Come on, boys!
- Come on, let's go.
Today, we're going pole dancing.
I've never done it in my life.
I'm not very comfortable.
But we'll play along.
Another thing
I've never tried before. Why not?
- Hi.
- Hello.
- I am Manon.
- Poles everywhere! I'm so excited!
Manon, I see her.
And actually, I see her feet.
I'm obsessed with her feet.
I can only see Manon's feet.
All I want to do is eat up
Manon's feet. Amazing.
Feet are my whole life.
Here we go.
Let's go round the back.
Bend at the knees.
Come on, one arm straight,
one arm bent.
- Circle with your knees.
- You know how to spread your legs.
In life, I'm more
lickable than likeable.
Now that's French class,
not really Ouryel, so there you go.
Let me show you
the first pole dance move.
It's called Fireman cross leg.
And here we go.
Wow, it's beautiful.
I'm on a roll right now.
Julie looks like a fish in the sea.
I'm a whale in an aquarium.
I've been wanting to do it for years.
So I'm really excited.
What's more, I love big poles.
In fact, with a pole,
I'm just as comfortable
as with Théo's cock.
I'm good with both poles.
If I do it right,
can we go on a date?
- Oh, boy.
- Ask my man, I think he'll disagree.
I'm heartbroken.
Manon broke my heart
when she told me she was married.
Because frankly,
I'd have snapped her up
with those little feet.
I'll show you a little sequence
and you can try to reproduce it.
Yes, of course. Oh, yes, of course.
On a scale of one to ten,
I'm going to do zero.
I think we're a bit of a broken team.
We're definitely
not the best during this activity.
Ouryel and I have made no effort
and we're already sweating
our asses off. All right, stop.
- I can't get going.
- What's wrong?
Tell yourself that you
don't need to be looking for height.
You don't need to pull yourself up.
I'm pretty intimidated.
I'm absolutely not flexible,
and a bit tense.
I'm not going to make it.
One, two, three. Up, perfect.
Tighten your thighs.
Pass your arm in front,
I'll take it. Here we go. In front,
up. Squeeze. Squeeze hard. Pull.
When I pulled away, it opened.
It hurts too much.
- Try it again.
- That's how I do it.
One, two, three. Yes, yes!
Oh, no!
Because you didn't use
your second hand. Go ahead!
It makes me uncomfortable because
even though I'm confident in my body,
it's not easy sometimes.
And standing in front of a mirror,
with a pole, I think it's a sport
that needs to be quite graceful.
I'm not in my element at all.
I'm going to teach you
a little choreography.
And one, two, three.
Catch, lower, open.
And here we follow up the step around
with the crook of the arm
we did earlier. Yes!
Push again!
Last one!
Amazing! Give yourselves
a round of applause.
Thank you, Manon.
You're welcome.
Let's go.
My impressions on
this pole dance lesson, I loved it.
I learned I had a hidden talent.
Honestly, it was
a really great afternoon.
Now that we're all together,
I need to announce something.
I've got a present for you.
I'll be right back.
- What's he talking about?
- Don't worry, I won't pull it out.
I don't know if this is shit
or misunderstood genius.
Either way, I'm in a hurry.
He's got to show me right now.
Oh! T-shirts!
Oh no!
Is it printed or not?
It's not printed yet.
We're going to print them.
Well done, artist!
To symbolize TTM,
I'm taking the initiative of creating
a personalized T-shirt for us.
We're going to have a really good
evening, and rip it all off tonight.
- My dick hurts.
- You've been jerking off all night.
- No, I got sucked off too much.
- You did?
- In the hot tub
- Don't do that in the hot tub.
She was breathless.
Over there, over there.
So, my dick hurts today.
You should have fucked
instead of doing kids' stuff.
Tonight, if you don't go there,
you're a pussy.
TTM is becoming a pain.
Frankly, pole dancing made me
lose a bit of self-confidence.
I wasn't necessarily comfortable.
I'm not feeling very good.
I'm coming undone. It's the activity
I've most dreaded in my life.
I didn't feel
like a graceful woman at all.
- I just felt like a pudding.
- You're sexy.
You don't realize.
I can't even lift myself.
I wish I could have been there.
We would have been clumsy together.
It would have been fun.
I try to reassure her,
but I know it's easy to say,
"Have confidence in yourself."
I understand that she's upset,
but fake it until you make it.
Look in the mirror, you're beautiful.
I know that sometimes
we're really hard on ourselves.
But I think you're being
too hard on yourself.
But all my life,
I've lived like this, being hard
Stop doing that.
Talk to yourself with love.
Of course, you know.
It hurts me to see Iris cry
like that and for that.
I hated my body at one time.
I know how much it can hurt.
So I won't let anyone
feel bad about themselves.
You know how I twerk?
I'm going to make you laugh.
People call me the earthworm.
My mates call me the earthworm.
I say, "I'm going to do the worm."
And I do this.
It's not a twerk.
I move my spine, it's not a twerk.
Most people would say that she has
a perfect body and that she doesn't
have to have difficulties.
But she does have difficulties.
it got to me a bit. But I've got
some great friends around me.
They comfort me
and warm my heart.
Let's play a little game.
So, as you can see,
we created relationships yesterday.
The little meal we had
brought us even closer together.
But then, I thought
it would be cool to test
who's the best duo here.
I'll let you create teams,
one guy and one girl.
Everyone chooses which duo
they're going to be in.
I'm really fit.
May the best one win!
Three, two, one. Go!
The first game is all about each
guy having a pump between his legs.
And it's all about the girls
pumping the guys.
Be original, girls,
this is your moment.
We'll see who'll be eliminated.
Get fired up. Get fired up,
big guy. Be fierce, girl.
I got arms. I can pump.
Everything's going great.
I'm gonna win this round.
She's not inflating.
Ow! My balls.
Of course,
I've been training pretty hard
over the last few days. So I'm
telling myself that I'm going to win.
And that it's going
to be super easy for me.
Ah, damn! It broke.
- We inflated it so much it bust.
- We won.
The winners of this first game
- are Nico and Pépita.
- Yeah!
It's tiring to always be the best
at everything I do. Please stop me.
Pépita and Nico,
you have the choice of eliminating
- a pair.
- We're eliminating Melvin and Ouryel.
- Melvin and Ouryel.
- I'm not talking to you anymore.
I'm really pissed off at you.
What the fucking hell?
Fuck them!
I don't give a shit!
You girls put as much whipped cream
as possible in your mouths.
The boys will go
mouth to mouth with you
to get as much cream as possible.
And they will fill the bowl
- corresponding to your partner.
- Defeat is not an option.
Théo, you'd better
open your mouth.
You're about to get spat on
like never before.
Three, two, one, go!
Pépita, Pépita! Come on!
He wanted a smooch.
Come on, Pépita! Quickly!
Pépita has got a deep throat.
She swallows cream.
She's strong, the minx.
Tristan, we're going to lose.
I know how to use my mouth.
Tristan knows it.
But I don't think he's the type
I don't think he likes being spat on.
Stop. Stop. It's okay. Stop.
I've run out of the stuff
in Theo and July's pot.
So guys, you're the winners.
Which pair would you like
to eliminate for the next round?
The Nicolas-Pépita pairing.
All fake here.
Zero. No way. We're here to choose
the best pairing.
I'm not going to let
these people win.
- What the hell?
- Because they're fake.
Just because you sucked his dick?
I'm a sore loser because
when I give it my all, when I win,
I simply deserve
my place in the final.
Ah, Nicolas. Nicolas isn't the
Come on, get out,
you lost. On the bench.
- Can we play without getting messy?
- Go sit down! Go sit down!
You're angry. You've lost.
You're a loser. Goodbye.
OK. For the grand finale,
I've got the cock ring game.
The boys wear some kind of underwear
with a dick in the middle.
The chicks,
three steps apart, have to throw in
all six rings using the strength
they've got in their body.
Three, two,
one, go!
No higher. Slowly.
Fuck, slower.
Actually, help me, please.
Putting things on my big dick
is not a problem.
It's not even a game.
It's an everyday reality.
- Kara, come on!
- I have four on Theo and July's side.
- Kara, we're taking it back.
- Taking it back.
Ah, fuck.
Can we put two on, do you think?
Theo and July win!
We won!
It's victory
for the duo of Théo and July.
We win the fuckpad for the evening.
I love it, it's perfect.
Thanks, baby.
Come over here. Are you planning
on cheating on me?
Cheating? What's cheating?
What's that word?
You're cheating on me?
- Are you?
- No.
As long as I can't find
someone better than you,
I'll only be faithful to you.
He tells me it's all the same.
It's a blast.
You're the hottest. Why should I
break my balls? I mean it.
If I find a hot girl now.
I come to you, and I'll see about
getting the girl back for the
- The two of us?
- Yes.
Yeah! For sure!
But she's gotta be gay.
Crazy Julie. Now I'm digging it.
I want a threesome just for me too.
So I can't wait to see it. Honestly,
it's great to have a cool,
open bar girl like that.
Are you wearing this? Cute.
- We have to match.
- OK.
- What's that T-shirt?
- TTM!
- Are you stupid?
- It's so ugly.
Tonight, we're going to Amnesia.
We have to dress up.
Wear accessories,
but we don't need accessories.
We have our TTM T-shirts,
and with those,
everyone will look at us.
We're gonna kick ass.
They're shit, you're ugly
and you don't give a shit.
We're together, I'm with my boys.
T, T, M! TTM! TTM!
- Dry it a little.
- It's got to dry, or it can go.
Tonight, we're going nuts boys!
- Let's rock.
- Tearing it up.
- Tonight, what do we do?
- Tear it up, especially your ass.
Okay, you're going down.
Save your energy for later. Or don't?
I'm clear. Tonight, you look,
but you don't touch.
I haven't forgotten the stop sign.
Were you showing off this morning?
OK. Let's see
who's getting cute tonight.
Frenchie shore!
Tonight, we're going to Amnesia!
We're gonna smash it, baby!
We're gonna kick ass!
Boobs out! Boobies and twerking!
- Are you hot for Amnesia right now?
- Yes!
- TTM, are you hot tonight?
- Yeah!
We're all gonna get laid. TTM goal,
rip it all off.
- Hi!
- Hi!
Oh my God, he's so handsome!
It's going to be crazy tonight.
- Kara
- Ouryel
Chaos Show!
Frenchie Shore!
Amnesia, it's crazy, baby!
That was for the Frenchie Shore!
We're in such a cool place.
There's too many people.
There's choice.
It's an all you can eat buffet.
Everything you need
for a great night out.
Tonight, Pépistar is out.
I love the night.
I don't get many people
except to make out.
That's when I unwind.
Stuff my mouth. Stuff that tongue in.
This is pure pleasure. I love it.
Iris, she hooked up tonight
Iris, she hooked up tonight
And I'm so proud.
It's nice to finally have
some new DNA.
Yeah, Iris, yeah!
Tonight, it stinks of making out,
it stinks of sex.
Even if it doesn't end in an orgy,
I'm going to fuck hard,
hard with my Théo.
Frankly, I don't know where to turn.
It's taking off everywhere.
It's no longer Melvin who's thinking,
it's Bébert. I follow him.
He's my guy. I trust him.
I launch the hostilities.
I'm here to tear it up.
I see Melvin talking to a girl
after five minutes. Okay.
You started the hostilities.
I'll respond.
Look at the whore. Look at the slut.
I'm mad as hell.
I think it's a little bit
of my ego talking. I think
I've been taken for a fool.
There really is
a lot of sexual tension.
It's possible that one of his fingers
has fallen into my vagina.
I'm really pissed off.
I'm in a loop.
I don't know how to react.
- I hope the guy won't mind.
- Don't worry. I'm the boss.
This is clearly, by far,
the best evening I've had
since we arrived at the villa.
I feel like I'm the queen
of this party.
And I live for it.
Because I'm a fucking
super queen bitch.
My goal tonight is to get Tristan.
I want to get a reaction out of him.
Tonight, it's the chaos show.
And the TTM is pissed off.
They're players,
but only chicks play.
Spiderman really got them in a web.
I'm disgusted, but whatever.
We'll talk about it at home.
Let's go. Come on.
I'm sensing some tension.
What's going to happen at the villa?
The whores are out of the club?
Shut up a little.
I think Melvin wants to rip Ouryel's
head off. He's totally losing it.
I've never seen him like this.
Melvin, how did it go with Ouryel?
- We'll settle this at the villa.
- Baby, are you upset?
Baby, I'm not pissed, it's just that
you hang out with whores, that's all.
The guys are total hypocrites.
They've got to shut up and behave.
I'm going to put a bullet in the ribs
of every one of these fuckers.
They're busting our balls,
all of them.
I don't really like Melvin's mouth.
He opens it up a lot.
He has to be careful,
he can be finished off
very quickly.
My tongue touched all the Cap d'Agde!
You hear what that asshole just said?
He said a party for whores.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Or what?
Yeah, we're whores, so what?
I'm happy
that he feels a certain way,
but it's going to be explosive.
- What's wrong with you?
- Take responsibility.
- Responsibility for what?
- Shut the fuck up.
- I've kissed 15 guys tonight.
- I'm not even talking about that.
- It's between friends.
- What are you talking about then?
A classy woman doesn't
go looking left and right.
And Ouryel, tonight,
was not a classy woman.
I don't like that kind of behavior.
Melvin, seriously.
Let me just tell you something.
This is too easy.
It's going to your head.
Forget about those crazy
Who are you talking about?
Are you insane?
Who's crazy?
When you took them for pricks,
it gets on my nerves myself.
But you're sick in the head!
Shut the fuck up!
Too much fuss,
too much blah blah blah.
You're crazy! Exactly so.
- Sure I'm crazy, don't forget it.
- What now? Who kissed who?
- What did you see?
- You know what you did.
What have I done?
When we said, time to go back.
Stop stuttering.
What do you care?
I care about what I want.
- What do you care?
- You're a freak.
And you're a jerk.
- I don't give a flying fuck, asshole.
- Go home.
This was Theo's big moment.
He had to open his mouth.
But, Theo, calm down.
You're all aggressive. Why, really?
We'll keep doing what we want to do.
If you're not happy, it's nothing.
Look, I'm not a sucker.
I take responsibility, I'm not lying.
Don't act wrong, and you won't
have to take responsibility.
You hooked up with other girls
before I hooked up with anyone.
And you dare to blame me?
It's his ego and pride
that are stung.
I'm just the problem. I trusted you.
You didn't know how to take my trust.
- I got screwed again.
- You never gave me your trust.
You've never confided in me
about anything.
Every time I tried to open up to you,
your back was turned.
Thank God I didn't.
- I'm too good for you.
- You don't wanna sleep with me?
- What?
- You don't wanna sleep with me?
Not at all. Not in a million years.
- OK.
- You'll see.
- You don't want to understand.
- You're making out with three guys,
- and then you act jealous?
- OK, I've heard enough.
- Have a nice life.
- Shut up.
Melvin got caught in his own trap
as much as I did.
I think that's really good.
But if I've lost Melvin,
I'm going to bite my fingers off.
I'm upset. I didn't even want to make
a big deal out of it. I don't get it.
I don't blame you.
The only thing that pisses me off
- is Spiderman.
- I didn't know it would piss you off.
Forget it. I'm acting
like I don't give a shit, but I do.
All I wanted to do was enjoy it
like everyone else.
I didn't really get it at the time.
I should have taken his feelings
into consideration a little more.
And if I could go back,
I'd do things differently.
Come on, give me a kiss.
You've tired me out, I tell you.
Oh, dear.
At the end of the day, Frenchie Shore
is a complete mess, as usual,
but that doesn't stop me
from going to the fuckpad with my
girl. Fuckpad means there's a pitch.
And when there's a pitch,
there's a game.
Peanuts, donuts,
big tits, refreshments!
Anyone for ice cream?
No time to reply,
just get your wallet out.
- How much?
- Three fifty.
Kiss Pépita now.
It's definitely over
for Melvin and me.
Take off your panties.
Fuck off. I'm not talking to you.
- That guy drives me crazy.
- Why are you crying?
- What more do you want?
- I want you.
I think I'm going to steal your guy.
I want to test my heterosexuality,
to show the guys
who they're up against
should I be interested in girls.
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