Frikjent (2015) s01e04 Episode Script


-I'm going to Norway.
-How many times have I asked you to tell me about your past? You're so vague.
There's nothing else to tell.
2 million That is the price for Karine.
-Tonje saw him elsewhere.
-That alibi's a joke! I know it was difficult for you.
-You ruin everyting in this family! -Did you just come from Eva's? -Is the offer still standing? -Great, Lars! This is not over until they've got to know who you are.
I miss you so much.
If they don't cooperate, that's their problem.
Then let 'em sue us, we'll have fun in court.
No, I'm in Scandinavia.
I know - don't ask.
Listen, I'll be back in a few days.
I'll see you then.
-Aren't you his family? -Depends on who you mean.
The man who bought Solar Tech - Aksel Nilsen.
Nilsen? -Is that Dad's middle name or something? No.
Yes, it's Aksel.
Klein! Yeahsure.
I'm at SolarTech's office right now.
Really? That's great.
Of course, we'd be delighted to SureI'll talk to the CEO right away.
Absolutelyperfect - bye.
That was Bundeselk.
They're sending people here to evaluate the new panel.
-The Germans? -This is a huge contract.
It's just an overture, but they're sending their scouts.
Look, I'm You're married.
I know.
I have friends.
-I should go.
-I don't want you to go.
Angie? Tim - I can't believe you're here.
-I heard we bought a house.
-Yeah, it was for mother, but Hi! Hi.
The rental market is actually OK In the ski season, anyway.
Just look at that! Who's Aksel Nilsen? -What? -You heard me.
Nilsen was my family name.
It's the Norwegian equivalent of Smith or Chang.
-So I changed it.
-You never told me.
Hi, Lars.
I'm a little late.
But I'll come as soon as I can.
Listen, I haven't been completely honest with you.
You know this case I've been working onit's a bit more complicated than I first thought.
That's what this is all about? You told me you stayed on because of your mother.
Oh my God! Unbelievable You're just so full of shit.
I'll find a hotel.
KARINE'S BOYFRIEND CHARGED WOMAN MURDERED IN LIFJORD -Want a ride? -Per Olav's waiting on shore.
We can't go on like this.
If you were serious, you would've done something long ago.
-Going already? -Yes, I'll run Helene to school.
-Can't Eva do it? -She could, but She can ride her bike.
If she runs away, shouldn't she face the consquences? -She needs some books, could you? -No.
She's 16 and she needs to take responsibility for herself.
AkselGermans? I heard.
I'll come as soon as I can.
What? It's just you're so perfect.
I should've told you the truth.
I don't know why I didn't.
-Guess it's just a habit.
-I'm sorry.
I was confused.
The idea of coming back You know me, I'm terrible at these things.
We'll sort everything out when we get home.
For Christ's sake, do you think I'm stupid? It's about my mother as well.
-It's really complicated.
-It's always complicated with you.
-I've worked really hard to accept that your past is out of bounds.
But flying off the other side of the world like this, lying to me about your name.
You told me you only needed to stay on for your mother, so I came here to support you.
And now all of a sudden, that's not even true.
It's just another business deal.
She really is sick, you know.
How do I even know that she exists? Then it's about time you met her.
Helene You have a test tomorrow? I took the job because I believe that it is right.
I still do.
-You're working for a murderer.
-Now that's nonsense! I know how fond you are of your grandmother.
She's been wonderful with you since your mother and I divorced.
But she can be wrong, and now she's barking up the wrong tree.
We'll talk more tonight.
I expect you to come home.
Do you downhill? -Downhill? -Yeah, biking.
-Do you? -Yeah.
Then I do also.
We'll shorten the delivery time.
Svein guarantees delivery within 8 weeks.
Then there's Article 4.
2 We've got service for five years.
I'll draft a Powerpoint presentation.
What defines us? What do we have that others do not have? It says here: "World class performance, innovation and reliability.
" No, we have Tonje.
-Me? -Tell them what you told me.
-Would German suits save the world? -Yes, that's all.
It's a mix of idealism and realism.
To showcase Solar Tech through idealism? Icing on the cake.
Sorry, but that's not my style.
Now you're sulking.
It doesn't suit you - not in the least! Come on How long will it be? Just wait here.
It's just me.
Mom Angeline's with me.
My wife - I thought you like to meet her.
-I haven't done up my hair yet.
-She'd like to meet you.
-She's traveled all the way from Malaysia.
-Yes, but I don't feel well today.
Hi, I'm Angeline.
So lovely to finally meet you.
You can talk.
You don't have to speak English.
It is she who writes so well? She has such beautiful handwriting.
Is that her? -Are you talking about the Christmas cards? -I can find them.
She wants to show you pictures.
They are so beautiful.
This is from 2006.
He's got such a nice smile.
He is like Erik.
It's almost like he is Erik.
Maybe she hasn't met Erik yet.
Go and get Erik.
-Your brother saw me.
-Take it easy.
He won't say anything.
Erik's sleeping.
Why isn't she sitting down? Tell her to sit down.
I'll get the milk.
-Is this your high school sweetheart? -Tell her to put away the photos.
Why is she asking about her? Tell her to put away the photo.
Angeline doesn't know about that.
Now, let's have some coffee.
-She should go! -She means no harm.
-It's OK.
It's not OK -You must go.
Where's Erik? -OK -You must go! -Yes, we're going.
Sorry about that.
She's a bit paranoid.
You were ashamed, that's why you blocked me out.
She was your girlfriend? The girl in the photo.
Did she break your heart? What? She was killed.
Someone beat her to death.
Oh my god! And They arrested me the following morning.
Kept me in custody for weeks.
I was 18.
I was acquitted, and then I left.
I had nothing to do with it.
There was no evidence, nothing pointing at me.
I was at home in bed.
But still People here You don't know what it's like when everybody despises you.
Why didn't you tell me this? -17 years! -I tried to forget.
I just needed it to go away.
I need some air.
Erik? Erik! You must come.
Wait here.
Jag coming! - Stay here.
Are you here? Eva You saved all this? From We need to talk.
I want us to try and get them to reopen the case.
What? It is not us that's wrong, but him being here.
It is an open wound.
I think there is only one way forward.
Don't you also want to know? We've been through this already.
We've turned over every stone.
Two trials.
I know you think he's innocent, but someone must have done it.
It would mean a new hearing, speculation, memoriesIt would all come back.
It is already back.
I wake up every night and can not breathe.
Don't we owe it to her? ButI can't.
William William Damn -We need to go if we are to make lunch.
-Listen: "The advantage of using black silicon is that it ensures an effective surface passivation.
" -"Surface passivation" - Should I empathize it? -That's good.
Use it.
Be serious! There's no easy way to put it.
It's good as it is.
Now let's go.
Go ahead.
I want to finish this.
-What's with you? -Go, Frederik.
I sent an email.
First, let me say that I understand why you want to do this now.
But this will only to rake it up again.
I understand, but I just thought you might examine it all over again, with new eyes.
I really wish I could help you.
But we're only two men here Resources? There were you talking about as well.
-It's just not possible.
-NoI must do something.
I undersand.
You know you can always call me.
Finn let me look at it.
-Give me all the evidence.
-From the investigation? Just a copy, of course.
I have to get some sort of overview! There were so many loose ends.
They're confidential.
He is here! I can run into him any time.
Doesn't it bother you too? But will it do any good? There are some upsetting things in the evidence.
Crime scene photos Maybe that's what I need.
I will see.
-It's not right.
-Finn Where should I go? Where should I go? I only have you right now.
Finn Please.
I have nowhere else to go! Please -Where you have you been? I called -I was out taking care of something.
They're on their way.
-I know.
I look like a Christmas tree.
You look great.
You are right We have to go now.
-Welcome to Norway.
This is Mr.
-Lars Hansteen.
-We really appreciate you coming all this way.
You had a long journey.
We have some refreshments waiting for you at Solar Tech.
He doesn't speak English.
We emailed your CEO about that.
This is every embarassing for him.
I do apologize.
Our translator is a bit late.
Of course, we'll make sure everything's sorted out.
Just go and sit in there.
-Do you speak German? -No, I read French.
-What were you doing? -I missed it, sorry.
-I really regret it.
-Regret it? Angie, it's me.
Where are you now? -Are you out of your mind? -You speak German.
It's an emergency, please! I said no.
Listen, I know you're pissed off with me.
We'll talk about it later, OK? No, how about we talk about it now? I've tried so hard to be understanding and not put pressure on you.
I'm such an idiot! I'm sorry.
You have to let me in, Aksel.
-No more secrets.
Honestly, I can't do this anymore.
-This is it, I promise.
Coming hereit was a good thingfor both of us.
I'm happy you know the truth.
Things will change now.
-You know I love you.
-I love you too.
Someone has to come now.
The fruit was eaten 20 minutes ago.
-Where did Aksel go? -Excuse me -Have you notes? Good.
-Should I start with the 4G prospectus? -Haven't you heard -Angeline must give the presentation.
-Angeline? It must be done in German.
-Tonje, this is my wife.
-Hi, can I see the notes? I just going to have to wing it.
This is way too complicated.
-Well, it is kind of complicated.
-Well, not really, the point is that we need to wow them, right? Yup.
We need to improvise.
Let's go Weren't you supposed to? WaitAse! WaitI'm sorry about Mom.
-Leave me alone! -YouI'll get my own place.
-Mom will have to accept it.
-Stop! It's too late.
Asa I love you.
Do you hear me? Don't look for me.
Don't message me, don't call -I don't want to see you, understand that? -Does Per-Olav suspect something? You have to leave him, don't you see that? -For the last time, Erik -You don't mean that.
You don't mean that.
It's just the two of us, right? -Youit's the two of us.
-I'll call for help.
Ase! Helene, are you here? Hello You shouldn't look at that.
Oh my god.
! -What are you doing? -This is supposed to be locked! -Please come home with me.
-You're worse than I thought.
-IngerMy God! Look Please Bye.
LarsExcuse me, but you're not answering your phone.
-No, we've been in a meeting.
-It's about Helene Something happened and I can't find Helene.
I think I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do You go, I'll take over.
Here's to our partnership.
Prost! You're a very lucky man.
-Prost! -Thank you.
I know.
-What's going on? Hi.
-We're in the middle of a meeting.
I noticed.
All dressed up and everything Is that your mail-order bride? Damn! How much did he pay for you? -Hi, Angeline.
-How much did he pay for you? -Stop it.
Go home now.
-Are you ashamed of your brother? Take it easy.
-Who was that? -My brother.
I'm sorry.
-Hi -Hi -Are you taking the ferry? -Yeah.
-Can I come with? -What? -I don't even know you.
-My name is Tim.
I'm from Malaysia.
You You're not named Borgen also? Yeah.
I must go.
-Helene -I can't find my damn keys.
So, you're so superior now? Thai bride, we're like family.
Yes, I'm talking to you.
I can't believe you two are brothers.
-He's the one who's been in prison, not me.
-He was acquitted.
I know all about it.
-You do? That's interesting.
That's fucking interesting.
-You should watch your mouth! I'm just saying no one was actually caught.
So what the fuck are we supposed to believe? You know what? See the pretty blonde over there? Tonje.
If it hadn't been for her, he'd still be inside.
-What do you mean? -I thought you knew everything Did he forget to tell you that he was convicted too? No? Well, she saved his ass.
You're wrong.
They had no evidence against him.
No, it's you who's wrong.
And my brother has always been a liar.
You don't know shit! Do you? Hey, what happened? Who are you, Aksel?
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