From Darkness (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 Agota was murdered by a girl, a woman, a victim of the original attacks in the '90s, someone who suffered but survived the ordeal.
- "Ellie Myers.
" - That's just a friend.
It's nothing.
You're involved in some serious shit, and if in any way you feel that now endangers us, your family - You want me to go? - Just till this is over and done with.
- What are we doing? - I don't know.
You tell me.
If my baby had survived, would you have stayed with me? You're only saying that because you're scared.
That's the only reason why you're listening.
I could make you listen harder.
Turn out the light I shall escape Free at last But how can I slip away When the future becomes my past? Here.
- Where is this? - It's the A57 somewhere.
I wasn't safe to drive last night.
This woman, Lucy, you said she's responsible for Agota's death.
Has she admitted it? As good as.
- She said she made her suffer.
- How many times has she contacted you? Twice.
That's it.
- Have you met? - No.
No! She was in my flat once.
She broke in the last time she called.
She broke in.
It was a threat, but just as much a cry for help.
That's what she wants help.
But she doesn't trust us.
- My silence was part of the deal.
- The deal? - Well, how else could I gain her trust.
- You did see her, Agota? You saw what she did to her.
- She needs some help.
- If she's a killer, Claire, she needs Christ! Even you must see that.
Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me about the baby? Why didn't you say anything before? When you left, I had no idea.
If you'd have told me If you had said how bad things were for you back then, - I would have - You would have what? Oh, I thought you'd gone.
It's just if, erm, Anna It's all right, I was just going.
Erm, look, about about last night.
It's fine, honestly.
We can still be friends? You know, you don't have to do this.
I am perfectly capable of walking to the ferry.
Just to the end of the road.
- Have you spoken to her yet? - No.
- I left her a message.
- You're rubbish.
You know that? A coward! Just call her! And call her again! What the hell do you know about relationships? Just back off, OK? Megan, I'm sorry.
Megan, I'm sorry! Megan! Come on.
Hand over your car keys.
And your ID badge.
Call your Federation rep.
- And go home.
- But There is to be no further contact with any of your colleagues, that includes Claire.
Understood? You, come.
But, John, you can't! It's not right! I pushed him to go to Harding's.
It was my idea.
You've got it all wrong.
You break the rules, you suffer the consequences.
But it was my fault! This is a murder investigation.
I need detectives, not martyrs.
Get down off your cross.
We're going to your apartment.
Jackie Fenton filed a case of abuse against her stepfather today.
She said it was Claire Church, quote, "who gave her the guts".
As for bringing us closer to who killed Agota, you're the only one with direct contact to a suspect.
Forensics think they've found a match to our fingerprint in Agota's flat.
All she wants is justice.
She'll stop if I catch him.
That's all she wants.
We need to install some software on your phone.
Shit happens.
Survivor or victim, that's the choice.
Choose to look after yourself.
What are you doing here? - Hi.
- John, this is Martin.
Martin Wallis, NW Action.
Martin, this is John, my husband.
Nice to meet you properly.
- I'd best be going.
- I'll see you out.
- What's going on? - I could ask you the same question.
- What's he doing here? - It's business, John.
He's offered me a job.
- Events organiser.
- Oh, Christ! The money's not great, but the opportunities are.
Well, could you at least say, "well done"! John.
What is it?! I, erm I, erm I No.
Don't say it, John I know.
And once one lie comes out You've never bothered being honest with me before why start now, eh? Hi.
All right? - What you doing home? - Study break.
'Hey, did you see Sarah's face?' Come here.
- Mate, tell me about it.
- Ollie.
'Detective Chief Inspector John Hind.
Please leave me a message.
' 'John I'm sorry.
'I'm so sorry.
'I never meant this to happen.
' Make no mistake, I will kill whoever's responsible! The Hardings are going to fuck us! Boyce.
Talk us through it.
I want to see where the holes are.
Sally Fisher, Mimi Fenton, Trudy Mills.
All working as prostitutes, all killed between February 1998 and March 1999.
Another girl, Lucy Maxley, a student is attacked on her way back from her boyfriend's house.
She survives.
16 years on, three bodies are unearthed.
Maxley spirals out of control, kills Calgys a foreign student and part-time sex worker.
And contact's Claire Church threatening to kill more unless the original killer is caught.
It puts Marsh back in the frame.
It was only on Agota that the case against him fell down.
- And Harding too.
- Also Matthew Kimlee, Stuart Gale, James Royce, Graham Hayes, all back as potential murder suspects for the attacks in the '90s and on Maxley as a student.
Then there's this man.
Not Harding, but who is he? Of course, it is feasible Lucy committed all four murders, her own wounds self-inflicted.
Or, alternatively, she's not responsible for anything, hasn't hurt anybody at all, she's just delusional.
Revisit all the original suspects.
Kimlee, Royce, Gale, Marsh, Harding.
Identify this man, Jag man.
Knock on doors, contact anyone who knew them.
Let's go! Hello? '.
professing his innocence.
' You were wrong.
It's not him.
'It's not Harding.
'You promised me you'd get him.
' 'The only criminal acts committed 'are by the Greater Manchester Police themselves.
' - 'Lucy' - 'A gross invasion of privacy, 'trespass, slander and lies.
- 'We'll be seeking a full apology through the courts.
' - It's not his skin.
- 'Not his voice.
' - What do you mean, not his skin? You lied.
Tell me what you can remember about him? - It's all lies.
- 'So help me.
' 'You help me catch him.
' Just tell me what you can remember? 'Tell me what he was like.
' You said you had him.
You promised me it would be all right.
'Greater Manchester Police have so far declined to comment, 'although their press officer did say 'that he would be releasing an official statement.
' We got it.
We've traced Lucy's phone to Agota's estate.
Well done.
This is too much.
- Let me speak to her.
- Stay down! Armed police! Coming up! Armed police! - Get down! Get down! - Armed police! Clear! All clear! All clear! - Clear! - All clear.
- Room clear.
- Nothing? - Gone.
- 'We're still getting a signal.
' It is clear.
Shh! Shit! Lucy? Oh, my God! Tickets, please.
Ticket, please.
Thank you.
- 'The next station will be Manchester.
' - There you are.
- There you are.
- 'Manchester Piccadilly is your next stop.
' Mr Marsh, DC Weir, DS Boyce, Greater Manchester Police.
You lodged a complaint about your door.
We've come to assess the damage.
It won't affect your claim.
- I'll wait in here.
- Actually, I was hoping you could show me round.
I've been looking for a dog for a while.
You won't find Lassie here.
- We only take what everyone else would put down.
- I know.
I want a rescue dog.
That's fine.
Isn't it, gorgeous? Well, meet me round the back.
- Boyce? - 'Yeah.
Are you all right?' - I need a favour.
- 'A favour?' - A copy of the case files.
- I'm sorry, I don't even know if I'm meant to be speaking to you right now.
Oh, that's nice.
It's a shame you weren't so coy - when it come to your new journalist girlfriend, Ellie Myers.
- She's not my girlfriend.
No, and that's another thing we need to talk about.
- Get me the files, meet me back at your flat.
- Mine? Key under the mat, eh, Boyce? Schoolboy error.
Here's the letter from Agota thanking Lucy for trying to find her a job.
Some kind of cleaning company.
That'll be how she got access to the station, your flat.
Agota didn't accept.
"I earn more in one night than you do in a month.
" Something about a man, a boyfriend.
"You don't understand, he's kind.
" Look.
Could it be the man you disturbed in Agota's flat? Agota's flat.
Lucy was watching 'em.
I need you to run a plate.
Jaguar registration number - Hey, Norrie, I'm sorry I haven't been in touch.
- I can't find Megan! - What? - She's gone.
Her school called, she didn't attend any lessons.
And none of her friends know where she is, and and she hasn't come home again.
I've tried her on her phone, but it's either off or the battery's dead.
Look, I I know I'm probably overdoing this, but We've been arguing and I thought maybe she's headed down to you in Manchester.
Has has she said anything? Or called you? - Norrie, I need you to stay by your phone.
- OK, but - Please! I'll call you back really, really soon.
- Claire?! - What's happening? - We're waiting for access to her social media accounts.
- 'Her phone?' - It's still turned off.
Hey, Norrie, it's OK.
You don't believe that, - or you wouldn't be taking this so seriously.
Shit! - Sir.
'I'm going to have to ask you to be quiet, out of respect for the other passengers.
' I'll be quiet when someone moves this fucking thing at a decent fucking speed.
Fuck! You don't understand, Claire, she's my she's my baby! 'She's all I've got.
If if' We've got CCTV footage of her coming out of the station.
- 'Now?' - 20 minutes ago.
- Fuck! - Mark her Portland and Newton, 13:24, 13:25.
Go on the high street.
Norrie, I need you to think.
Your trip to Manchester, where did you go? If she's arranged to meet somebody, it'll be somewhere she knows.
I don't know, shops.
She's dragged me round shops.
- We're in.
- We're into her account.
- She's meeting somebody.
- Who the fuck's Tom?! I don't know.
I don't recognise him.
It might not really be Tom.
He says he's from Manchester.
They're meeting at the Print Works at 2pm.
She's 500m away.
She'll be there any minute now.
Norrie, darling, we've got everybody working on this.
I'll get there as quick as I can.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Stop! Police! Stop, armed police! Oh, my God! This is so embarrassing! Stand down! Stand down! Thank God! I love you, darling.
What are you playing at?! Hi.
- Come in.
- Thank you.
How are you? All right? Jesus! You never, ever, ever, ever do that to me again! (Thank you.
) We're on our way now.
Finish it.
Sir? Oh.
You know, you don't have to call me that.
Not any more.
I used your shower, I hope you don't mind? You wouldn't have any clothes I could borrow? A clean shirt, trousers? - Joggers? - Yeah.
Is that them? - Yeah.
Nothing happened.
You need to know that, erm, someone needs to.
It was the wedding.
Everyone teasing me, "Oh, under the thumb.
" Anna, her mum stressing about everything.
Mates going on about how crazy the stag do's going to be.
And I just I don't know, I just thought - Fuck 'em.
- I wanted to do something for me.
It's too easy, isn't it? One selfish move, you will destroy everything.
People's hopes, your self-belief, the woman that you I told myself I was being responsible.
Really, I was too big a coward, I couldn't cope with the guilt.
And now everything is rotted.
I chose the wrong woman.
Nothing happened.
I'm not you.
I'm happy for you, Boycey.
So we went to Marsh's.
Meet Tyson.
No kill.
That's Marsh's rescue's official policy.
- What did you find? - Dog food.
Erm, dog hair.
Dog shit.
The idea of him having a girlfriend, that was the only thing that stood out.
Kimlee gets my vote.
He was a convicted rapist, after all.
- And now Jag man's been cleared.
- Sorry, who? Calgys' boss and boyfriend.
When you startled him in Agota's flat, he was trying to get back the cash he'd given there he night she was killed.
A present not payment, apparently.
They were close.
All right, describe her again.
- Go on.
- A normal girl, bright, brainy.
- Cast aside, feels alienated, tricky family.
- Go back to the party.
She arrives home uninvited and finds her boyfriend with someone.
Then - How did he describe it exactly, the party? What did he say? - Erm "Pretty wild.
" - A bit like your stag weekend.
- Rumours of.
They lived right on the edge of the red-light district.
Three lads, they throw a party, they don't invite their girlfriends, - pretty wild.
- Do you think? She walks in uninvited, finds her boyfriend in bed with a prostitute.
And then gets attacked, mistaken for one.
- That's a motive.
- But why wouldn't he say that at the interview? When he'd been pretty candid about everything else.
Hello? What are you doing home? Er The boss Erm, we're heading back in in a minute, actually.
We're just His wife was with him.
His wife was with him.
"The brave little princess found herself playing "in a part of the castle that she'd never seen before.
" - Hello.
- We're through here.
"Everything there was very old and very dark "but very exciting! "And in this dark, dusty part of the castle, "she found a dark, dusty door.
" "And behind this dark, dusty door, she found a spinning wheel.
" And guess what she did? - Touched it.
- Yeah.
Chris, this is Kirsty.
She's here about looking after Jessica when I start college.
Hi, Chris.
What are you doing here? I'm just telling a story.
We're about to get to the part with the handsome prince.
- Jessica, I'd like you to come here.
- No, Daddy.
That's not a good idea.
Oh, God! Sit down.
Sit down.
Now, if we're all sitting comfortably .
I'll begin.
'Hi, this is Chris's phone.
Please leave me a message.
' Hello, Chris.
This is Detective Chief Inspector Hind of Greater Manchester Police.
Could you give me a call as a matter of urgency.
I need to speak to you about your ex-girlfriend, Lucy.
Millbridge Road, please, mate.
- What kind of make-up did you find in Marsh's? - Foundation.
Lucy said it wasn't "his skin.
" It's not a girlfriend's.
He's using it to cover something up.
The man works in an abortion clinic and then runs a dog sanctuary.
No kill.
The original girls were all bound and buried in foetal position.
What if Marsh's mother had attempted to abort him? Could you get me Marsh's medical records and his birth certificate? You don't have to do this.
- Let them go, keep me.
- I didn't ask you to speak.
I was 18 and I was in love with somebody.
Please, this isn't meant for them.
Don't move.
- Dad.
- Ollie.
- Ollie? Son? - What have you done? Hey, is everything OK? How could you do that to Mum? Hey, listen She never wants to see you again.
Dad - Bye, Dad.
- Ollie, please, wait, son.
The parties.
Well? - Has he told you about the parties yet? - Please.
The whores? The prostitutes he slept with? I was 18, for Christ's sake! What's wrong with Daddy? Why is he so upset? Daddy.
That sounds so innocent, doesn't it? So much blind trust, love and perfect fucking stupidity.
Get out.
- Mummy! - No.
Mummy's going to stay here with me.
Go, Jessica.
It's all right, baby.
Go on.
Go on.
Where do you live? Here? Come with me.
Let's take you next door, eh? - Excuse me.
Do you know this little girl? - Yes, it's Jessica, isn't it? Could take her in for me, please.
I want you to call 999.
You tell them there's trouble next door and then both of you stay inside, OK? Do it now.
Come on, sweetheart.
Even before I left your flat, I felt abused and degraded.
I went outside, I called a cab and a car just slowed down.
And I got in.
What happened next was a nightmare.
No, stop! Sit down! I gave you a chance to listen but you wouldn't and now you will! I was woken by the sound of my own screams.
I couldn't see because he'd covered my face.
He started pouring something on me.
I could smell it burning my skin.
Then he stopped.
He uncovered my face.
He was crying like a baby.
He'd got the wrong woman.
It was meant for one of the hookers you'd slept with.
Lucy, please.
I came to you for help but you didn't believe me.
And now you'll see.
There was one person who said she'd help.
- Help me! Help me! - Claire! Come on! Help me, please! Claire, come on! I'll come back.
I promise I'll come back.
But, that night .
even my fairy godmother turned out to be a whore.
- Hello? - Help me! Help me! My name is Rosanna Templeton.
My husband and I Help, please! Hello, Claire.
No more hiding.
Argh! Argh! Those girls, they were the most innocent, most lost Get out of my way! .
vulnerable, weak, and you chose them as your prey.
Get off my way! I killed my baby, Roy.
Get out of my way! You know nothing! 'Suspect has been arrested' We've got him.
He worked at a women's clinic targeting prostitutes.
Women he knew who had had a termination.
He used acid to mimic the bleach that left him scarred after his mother tried a back-street abortion.
Arranged victims in the positions of aborted foetuses he'd seen.
Trussed you to show you were nothing more than meat.
He kept pictures of everything.
Lucy, we've caught him.
He's under arrest.
It's justice.
Set them free.
Go on, get out.
You heard me.
Tell them, if they send Claire Church, I will go out unarmed.
Just go.
Tell them to send you in.
- Where's Jessica? - She's safe, she's OK.
Is anyone else inside the house? - No, no-one else.
She's the only one in there.
- Is she armed? - Yeah, she's got a gun.
- Right, come with me.
Detective John Hind.
It's OK.
I want to help.
Please help.
'They're free.
'Lucy is still inside.
'Tactical is on its way.
' She set them free.
We did it.
Most annoying thing about Hind is that you can't hate him.
'Detective Chief Inspector John Hind.
'Please leave me a message.
' John.
It's over.
It's over.
It's because I think she loves you.
I love her.
I love her.
Claire! - No! - No! No! - No! - Get back! Damn.
Lucy? Lucy, it's me, Claire.
Constable Church.
I need you to put your weapon down for me.
I'm not going to hurt you.
(I'm not.
) Take it.
You gave me hope.
But there is no justice.
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