Furies (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Fury is like scabies

- [gentle, melodic music playing]
- [Lyna] One isn't born a Fury.
- One becomes a Fury
- [gunfire]
and dies a Fury.
A bloody death, usually.
Their history, our history,
is riddled with tragedy and curses.
- But the greatest curse among the Aragos
- [baby crying]
is being born a boy.
Driss Arago was born
in the shadow of his mother,
and grew up in the shadow of his sister.
He never found his place
in the underworld.
The Fury's son inherits nothing.
No role to play, no responsibilities.
Driss wanted to write his own destiny.
Robberies, trafficking, drug smuggling.
But writing your own destiny
has its consequences.
This is where he's buried.
In the underworld cemetery.
And here is where I finally meet him.
[Selma] My brother was brilliant.
His presence never went unnoticed, ever.
He was special.
You're a lot like him, you know?
I have no memory of him.
Or my mother.
You were such a small girl.
[gentle, melodic music fades]
How did it happen?
The accident?
[tense music playing]
A robbery that took a bad turn.
A high-speed chase with the cops.
He ended up losing control of the car.
Your mother was with him.
Why didn't you keep me?
All you ever talk about
is family, tradition
But when they died, how long did it
take you to hand me over to strangers?
I did try.
I swear to you, I did.
But I couldn't.
And also, you know, often enough,
people around me end up here.
So I wanted to protect you,
to give you time.
Time is precious.
But I knew I'd find you eventually.
And you never asked
yourself what I'd want?
- What you'd want?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, you want power.
You wanna change things.
- Here.
- [scoffs]
That's your power?
We clean up The Godfathers' mess
because we're women?
- But not because we're women.
- [tense music becomes lively]
Because we've got principles,
a code, honor.
- And a gun.
- And a brain too.
And a gun.
Do you happen to know
why Furies are born in cemeteries?
Because two people
are coexisting in you now.
There's Lyna and there's The Fury.
If at some point, there's a conflict
between Lyna and The Fury,
always, no matter what,
The Fury has to prevail.
So, to become a Fury,
you have to bury a piece of yourself.
- That's why.
- [music stops]
You could've told me that when we met
instead of sticking a gun to my head.
The role of The Fury has to be earned.
Now I know
you're a true Arago. You love it.
What's the word?
Parques. He's trying to undermine you.
To take your place?
To take my head.
[The Fixer] He needs the approval
of the six Godfathers to bring you down.
[Mud Man] I'd like to believe
in your lucky star, boss.
But with the Bible missing and a dead
Godfather, you're not coming out strong.
That bitch Mama and The Trans
will turn on you, that's for sure.
- The Ks are still on the fence.
- Okay, I'll take care of The K.
You try and secure The Duke
and The Californian.
- Okay.
- You take care of Fehim.
[tense music playing]
He'll like you, I'm sure.
Look, he's a gross old man,
I won't flirt with him.
I don't mean that, dummy.
You're straightforward,
and he likes tough negotiations.
[music builds]
[music fades]
[church bell rings]
[Fehim] My condolences.
I know what it's like to lose a child.
[tense music playing]
Fraco, my friend
So, are you giving up on The Fury too?
Not even a god damn hello, huh?
- You know who you're talking to?
- Yeah, yeah, I recognized your odor.
You don't waste your time,
straight to the point, huh?
That's very much like Driss.
Hopefully you don't have
much else in common.
The other Godfathers are worried
at the thought
of his daughter becoming our Fury.
I liked your father.
It was easy running my business discreetly
with how much trouble he made.
You attract attention too.
We could beat around the bush for longer,
or you could tell me what you want
and save everyone's time.
[distant creaking]
Come on.
My support doesn't matter, you know?
I'm the smallest Godfather.
[Lyna] You're discreet.
Not small.
But you don't want us to think that.
I see you've learned a lot from Selma.
I owe her a lot, you know?
this is my loyalty.
[quiet, tense music continues]
The Olympus is here.
And here,
The Fury.
Why get myself burned
when I can stay neutral?
Parques is pragmatic.
He can look the other way, unlike Selma.
Is that your demand?
I'm a glutton, that's my flaw.
Well, for now, I snack in secret, but
If The Fury happened to find me eating
from someone else's plate,
from theirs, for example,
I'd like her to turn a blind eye.
Can she do that?
She accepts.
Long live The Fury.
[pills jiggle]
[The Fixer] Move aside, please.
Not The Godfathers this time.
Way too much shit happening.
The mortician wants to see you.
[music becomes lively]
[music fades]
The Fury's like scabies.
You think you're rid of it completely,
then you realize that it's still there,
and it's itchier than ever.
I see everything, you know?
She's been having tremors,
did you notice that?
- No. I did.
- [tense music playing]
Waiting for a natural ending
to The Fury line was fine by me.
[bird cawing]
But an heir? That's unacceptable.
What, so you'll eliminate Lyna?
No. [chuckles]
You'll do it, actually.
[music intensifies]
[music continues]
[music stops]
[Selma] So, did you get him to talk?
What a day.
Two members
of The Godfathers' families on my tables
and I get a visit from The Fury.
I understand you were one of my suppliers.
- Stop! Stop! Stop!
- [intense music]
[music stops]
I removed the bullets
from The Jelly's body.
But that's not all.
[quiet, tense music playing]
I was putting his teeth back in
and look what I found.
[ominous music playing]
Ah, allow me.
[music softens]
[music becomes mysterious]
Uh, quick question.
The paper, you found it before we arrived?
[man] Mm-hmm.
[Selma] So, you took it out
of his mouth, and put it back?
- [man] Mm-hmm.
- [Selma] You're insane.
[man] Yeah.
But I'm good.
[music stops]
[Selma] Hey.
Look at what The Jelly
didn't want us to find.
What are these symbols?
- A code?
- It's Fehim.
He created a way
to communicate with The Godfathers,
and he uses the pickpockets as messengers.
So this message contains the information
that cost The Jelly his life?
In order to decrypt it,
we'll have to investigate
the only ally we have in The Olympus.
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
[The Fixer] When The Olympus
was under digital attacks,
Fehim invented a new analog
communication system.
- Untraceable.
- Ink and paper.
Can't the cops decrypt it?
Fehim guarantees absolute secrecy.
[The Fixer] The sender writes
his message down, splits it into three
and gives each piece
to a different delivery man.
So if the cops catch one of them,
it's impossible to decrypt.
Only the recipient
can decrypt the message.
And that is Fehim's system.
- A human blockchain, with zero copies.
- [Lyna] Zero copies?
There has to be a copy.
If The Olympus heard there was a copy,
Fehim would get whacked right away.
He's not stupid.
[Selma] Even so, Lyna is right.
I'm sure there are copies.
We gotta find them, so what we have to
Don't even bother.
I see where you're going, I'll handle it.
- [distant motorcycle engine roaring]
- ["Terra" by Falcons playing]
[Selma] Fehim's system works well,
but there has to be a flaw somewhere.
And you'll follow
his messengers to find it.
Be discreet.
Find out where they copy the message.
And where they take it after that.
That'll lead us to Fehim's hideout.
I tell you we're upside-down
Get into the money ♪
Let's go ♪
The money make the world go 'round
'Round, 'round, 'round, 'round, 'round ♪
[thunder rumbling]
The money make the world go 'round
Get into the money ♪
I tell you we're upside-down
Get into the money ♪
The money make the world go 'round,
'Round, 'round, 'round, 'round, 'round ♪
The money make the world go 'round
Get into the money ♪
The money make the world go 'round
Get into the money ♪
I tell you we're upside-down
Get into the money ♪
The money make the world go 'round,
'Round, 'round, 'round, 'round, 'round ♪
I tell you we're upside-down ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money
Get into the money, get into ♪
Get into the money, get into ♪
[song ends]
He's very confident
in his system, huh? No alarms.
There's your alarm.
[intriguing music playing]
As expected of Fehim.
I can get through. I can do it right now.
At the slightest noise, he appears.
The copy of The Jelly's message
is here, Selma.
[music fades]
You could stop your war.
Do you really want Fehim
to know we paid him a visit?
[mysterious song playing]
Let's not jump the gun.
We'll come back later tonight.
Go get some rest.
[western-like twangy guitar music playing]
Uh, she want everything ♪
I don't make her choose ♪
Boss lady in the red
Thousand-dollar shoes ♪
[gun blast echoes]
Only thing I ever wanted
Was to never lose ♪
- [groans]
- [gun blast]
Payday feel like every day
A vacay, okay ♪
[cell phone vibrating]
Well, since I didn't get a response,
let's go with an easier question.
[song ends]
How long does it take to roast a pig?
[tense music playing]
Answer. Not long given the amount
of coke we're gonna find at his place.
[tense music continues]
You won't find anything down there,
except dust and a couple of crackers.
Oh, no need to panic.
There are no drugs in this apartment.
Well, not yet.
Find this amusing?
No, not really, but I hadn't heard
from you at all, so I got worried.
[groans and breathes deeply]
Give me what I want,
and I'll disappear.
You'll get your life back, your Elie.
Don't worry, he went out to get some food.
You can really work up an appetite
investigating The Fury.
You're so cute.
But next time, it won't be a threat.
And as you know,
cops don't last long in prison.
[quiet, tense music playing]
Come on, make up your mind.
He'll be back soon, and I'm sure
you don't want me to tell him everything.
That's fine.
I'll give you The Fury.
[breathing deeply]
I just need a little time.
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[electronic beeping]
[door lock clicks]
[door knob rattles]
[rapid beeping]
[tense, dramatic music fades]
[quiet, mystical music playing]
I'm sorry.
[gun blast]
[music becomes suspenseful]
[dramatic action music playing]
[gun blast]
[object clatters]
- [gasping]
- [gun blast]
[shouting] What's wrong?
First you kiss me,
now this is what you do?
I thought there was something between us.
[Orso] Just a kitchen counter.
[dramatic action music continues]
[gun blast]
[music fades]
[gun blast]
[quiet, tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
["Someone Else's Baby"
by Adam Faith playing]
[Lyna screams]
Someone else's baby ♪
Someone else's eyes are blue ♪
Someone else's baby ♪
[Lyna groans]
Oh, who's got a hold up ♪
- [hard thud]
- Ahh!
I wonder who's in the love-seat ♪
[Lyna groans]
Who's got a heartbeat ♪
- [crunch]
- [screams]
- [hard hit]
- [groans]
I could steal his fairy queen ♪
- [Lyna grunts]
- [hard hit]
But I can't resist
The thought of being kissed ♪
- By someone else's baby ♪
- [panting]
Someone else's special date ♪
Someone else's baby ♪
Someone else is kinda late ♪
Oh, he'd better mind out ♪
She's gonna find out ♪
- [Elie] Police, open up!
- [music stops]
[people chattering]
[faint, tense music playing]
[music becomes mysterious]
The bullets that killed The Jelly,
we know them well.
[Selma] That's impossible.
The Olympus destroyed
the people who made those.
Yet they exist.
I'm sure you noticed
that every attack against The Olympus
is linked to your brother.
What're you saying?
Don't start.
her whole family got shot up, right?
She got away without a scratch,
you think that's normal?
Why would she seek revenge?
She doesn't know
what happened 20 years ago.
What'll happen when she hears
you killed her father, huh?
[music becomes tense]
- Ow!
- [gun clatters on floor]
[music fades]
[both gasp]
- I'm really sorry.
- No, no, don't worry.
I didn't like this couch, anyway.
Or this living room.
Or the kitchen either.
[breathing deeply]
This whole apartment, actually.
And this watch?
Oh no. [mock whimper]
Here, give me your wrist.
It's been monitoring my heart until now.
But now it'll monitor yours.
[both snicker]
[moody, melancholic music playing]
Did you lose one?
- Hmm?
- Your earring.
Are you okay there?
[music fades]
[Lyna groans]
You're serious? Is it that important?
[Lyna groans]
I had a normal life before I met Selma.
I had parents,
I had a future, a boyfriend.
I mean, it's complicated.
Yeah, I can tell.
You and I, I wanted it.
It's the only real decision
I've made in a long time.
- It's just that
- It's complicated.
- [Orso chuckles]
- [Lyna] Mm.
Complicated's fine with me.
[Lyna groans]
The dead
How do you manage to live with it?
[moody, dramatic music playing]
Never get used to it.
They're there
and they become your universe.
Sometimes more than the living.
What do you think is gonna happen to you
when Parques realizes you let me live?
I'll figure it out.
[music becomes mysterious]
[distant chatter]
[door shuts]
[music becomes ominous]
[Elie] Lyna!
The hell are you doing?
- That's blood.
- Huh?
You should get away from me
as soon as possible.
[music fades]
Everything I touch turns to blood, y'know?
[mysterious music playing]
Driss and Kahina, my parents
They didn't die
because they had an accident.
They died because us Furies,
we're bad luck.
[music fades]
Wait, wait, an accident?
But who told you that?
Y'know, they don't talk about
Driss a whole lot in the underworld.
[mysterious music playing]
I'm not sure what The Fury
told you about your father.
I heard he schemed against The Olympus.
[music fades]
The Godfathers put a price on his head.
In such cases, only one person's
allowed to pull the trigger.
[intense, dramatic music playing]
[music becomes intriguing and dramatic]
[people chattering]
It doesn't look too complicated, actually.
You've seen Fehim. He's not Tom Cruise.
He gets through.
But them?
They do their rounds every 15 minutes.
- So, what do we do?
- We hurry.
Guys, what's it like out there?
[Mud Man]
Nothing to report. The coast is clear.
We get through, we find the info,
we leave without anyone seeing us.
Okay? You stay behind me.
[Orso] You know, they don't talk about
Driss a whole lot in the underworld.
The Godfathers put a price on his head.
In such cases, only one person's
allowed to pull the trigger.
[music becomes tense]
[pills rattling]
- Looking for this?
- Give me that.
[distant shouting and chattering]
What did you do to my father?
Lie to me and it'll ring.
Cut it out.
No more lies, no more made-up stories.
Tell me the truth.
What did you do to Driss?
[tense music continues]
The Olympus sentenced him to death?
You tracked him down?
- And you killed him.
- No.
I couldn't.
[music intensifies]
- [Lyna] You disobeyed The Olympus?
- [music softens]
I hid him. I locked him up.
In prison.
He would've returned.
You don't know him.
I don't.
All because of you.
[Mud Man] Selma? A vehicle's approaching.
Fehim and some of his men.
Get out of there.
Go ahead and get the copy.
I'll handle Fehim.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music intensifies]
[echoing car door opening]
[Mud Man] Lyna, did you find it?
I need more time.
Selma's handling Fehim. But his guys
are armed. It's not gonna end well, kiddo.
[music intensifies]
[The Duke] Two hundred kilos coke,
Thursday. Customs' wheels greased.
[The Californian] Successful fishing.
Bercy's computers under control.
[Mama] Judge Vanetti.
Too curious. Need elimination.
[Mr. Parques] Car blown up. Case closed.
[echoing gunfire]
[Mud Man] Lyna, hurry up.
Selma's stalling for time, but I think
her diplomacy's wearing thin.
[music becomes suspenseful and dramatic]
- [agonized groaning]
- [music fades]
I go out of my way to save you.
I told them you're as loyal
as it gets, and you do this?
Stop taking me for an idiot.
How long have you been doing this?
You're betraying them all.
Make these copies disappear, Fehim.
You know what? You owe me.
So, the only thing
that's going to disappear
is your memories of what you've seen here.
[Mud Man] You gotta get out of there.
You're out of time!
[The Duke] Schedule the weapons delivery.
Unmarked truck. A1.
Thursday the 22nd. 23:00 GMT.
[camera shutter clicking sound]
Let's go.
[quiet, tense music continues]
- [people groans]
- [music fades]
[Fehim] What the fuck is this?
Did you call them here?
- Care to explain this little get-together?
- I heard Fehim has something to show us?
[quiet, dramatic music playing]
He's saying it better be
fucking important on a game night.
Was it you who sent us
that invitation, Selma?
Where are we?
- [camera shutter clicking sound]
- [quiet, dramatic music continues]
[cell phone vibrates]
[clattering noise on cell phone]
[handcuffs click]
You're in no position to negotiate.
Give me what I want.
The message, give it.
[both grunt]
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[groans faintly]
- [muffled moan]
- [grunts]
[Lyna groans]
All this for what?
To track one of The Duke's deliveries?
Guess you need this, huh?
You need it, the when, the where.
[muffled gasps]
[Lyna gasps]
[high-pitched humming]
[tense, dramatic music playing]
[distant blast]
How many years
of private conversations are in there?
Someone's trying to frame me.
But you tell them.
Tell them I'm innocent!
I asked them to come here
so that you could serve as an example.
Nothing eludes my vigilance. No one.
[distant blast]
Don't ever doubt your Fury again.
[Mama] Very well.
I vote death.
[music becomes more dramatic]
- Same here.
- But you have no right!
You can't execute me without a vote
from the six Olympus families!
That's the rule!
[Mama] I only see five families
in The Olympus.
And they've just
become much richer tonight.
[Fehim] All right.
Take all of my businesses,
take everything, I'll disappear.
- I'll leave the underworld.
- Leave the underworld?
Who's in favor?
[music intensifies]
Selma, what do you think?
No one leaves the underworld.
[echoing gun blast]
Selma! Have mercy!
[echoing gun blast]
[music becomes ominous]
- [echoing thunderclap]
- [music fades]
[distant thunderclap]
So, did you find the copy?
[exhales deeply]
[Lyna] That's all that matters, right?
Your mission.
So go fuck yourself. I'm out of here.
You still don't get the picture?
You wanna end up like Fehim?
There's a little gizmo
that monitors me, and if I die the police
will get some tips on The Olympus.
You don't get to manipulate me
like that this time.
Now I'm gonna go find my father.
And I'm feeling pretty good
because The Fury's watching over me.
Okay, fine, Lyna.
[tense music playing]
I should've done things
differently with you.
I should've told you the truth right away.
[Lyna] You were right, actually.
We're the same.
I also have blood on my hands.
And I'm also ready to betray my family.
[tense music fades]
[door opens]
[Driss] I lost track of time
in this shithole.
[door slams]
Checking up on me, are you?
Or are you just here to make sure
the traitor's still in prison?
No, I just wanna know
who's using these nowadays.
Those are obsolete.
Just like you.
You've aged.
Don't know about me.
They took everything from me.
Even my reflection.
[tense music playing]
What about you?
Can you still look at yourself in the
mirror after everything you've done to us?
I took care of Lyna.
[music intensifies]
She'll make a perfect Fury.
[music fades]
[breathing deeply]
You can keep me locked up in here
but the truth won't stay hidden.
["Indigeste" by Xela Edna
and Eius Echo playing]
[screaming and thudding]
[Lyna] What will happen to you
when Parques realizes you let me live?
[Parques] All this because of her?
- Love is brutal, tough, violent.
- [groaning]
And you, my dear Orso
- [wet stab]
- [Orso grunts]
I love you.
[Orso moans]
- [knife slices]
- [body thuds]
["Indigeste" continues playing]
[song ends]
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