Geek Girl (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

[upbeat music]
This is it, we're doing it.
We totally are.
Doing what?
Starting the rest of our lives.
We skipped school.
I know breaking rules
goes against every fibre of your being,
but this is too big
of an opportunity to miss.
Tell me about the Thames.
Well, there are over
200 bridges that go over it.
And it used to freeze over
and people could skate on it.
Wow. Anything else?
There are actually 125 species of fish
that live in the Thames.
Thanks for the help for distraction.
Are you not nervous?
No. I was born for this.
Trust me, we'll be great.
I bow down to your mighty modelly wisdom.
[Harriet] Of which I have none.
[theme music]
[soft music]
[indistinct chatter]
Breathe, okay? In, out, in, out.
You're not in labour, Nat.
So glad you're here, honestly.
[whistle blowing]
Exquisite mentees and manatees,
playtime is officially over.
Now, not all of you will make it through
the next stage
of our extremely top secret
high-profile casting.
Some of you lucky primroses
will experience something most models
wait a lifetime to experience.
Now, without further ado,
allow me to introduce
your sister, your mother,
your priestess, your new god!
[rhythmic music]
It's Drew Payton.
[Harriet] And starting another list
of things I know nothing about
She's like a major deal, trust me.
As Wilbur has just said
in his usual understated manner,
our client is seeking a raw talent.
[Wilbur] Mmm
But Nobi Sushi raw. Not, um
Partially frozen that gives
your family food poison raw?
That means this morning,
we shall watch and assess
all of you new faces
with an open mind.
And at lunchtime,
those of you who show promise
will be retained to join the ranks
of our more professional models.
- [excited chattering]
- Believe me,
this job will be a huge learning curve
for any model. So
today's tasks have been devised
to test whether you have what it takes
to grace one of the biggest runways
in the world
for one of the biggest names in fashion.
And we will be ruthless in our assessment.
As the ravishing,
yet terrifying lady has said,
today will be tough,
the job even tougher.
Boot camp starts now.
- [whistle blowing]
- [startled gasp]
[Harriet] What on planet Earth,
population 8 billion,
have I got myself into?
[printer whirring]
["Fashionista" by Jimmy James plays]
Everybody line up ♪
The show is about to start ♪
Places ♪
Mind your manicure.
I can't believe Yuji's done this to us.
I mean, have you got any idea
how much money we're gonna lose
if she goes with another agency's model?
We have to find a girl today.
[clears throat]
Is that bootcamp punk song
really necessary?
It's to make it fun for the girls.
You have to put these girls under pressure
without giving them full Nervy B's
Or ourselves.
[whistle blowing]
Line up, line up.
Line up, line up
- [shrieking] Line up!
- [startled gasps]
We need you to be whatever
the client requires of you.
Now that may be
a tiger.
An angel.
[low voice] A demon.
I'm scared of you.
Yeah, that's good.
L'Arc de triomphe.
Ah, oui, oui
You okay?
[Harriet] Definitely not.
Maybe? No. I have no idea.
Define "okay".
Yeah, I'm fine.
I just haven't practiced this, so
[Wilbur] Ouais Triomphe, ouais.
Yes yes
[upbeat music]
Keep prancing, pretty ponies,
keep prancing!
- Your strawberry frap and health snacks.
- [excited squeal]
So, Yuji's casting director
is gonna be here at two,
and then, we're gonna present them with
our edited highlight of all the girls.
What do you think of my picks so far?
Something funny?
No, no!
I thought it was all the same photo.
[muttering] Très structured,
très classic, all of that. Yeah.
Classic is our brand, Wilbur!
Mmm but is it Yuji's?
Well, Yuji's quite clearly
lost her mind, hasn't she?
Recasting two days
before her biggest collection.
[serious tone] We must never question
the genius of Yuji.
Or yourself.
[softly] A fine moment.
I'm surrounded by two
powerful visionary queens.
What a great time to be Wilbur!
I've asked Nick to come in.
If we can get some chemistry shots
with our models
and Yuji's favourite nephew,
well, that's gotta tip her towards
choosing another Infinity girl,
don't you think?
Devilishly ingenius.
Ah, that's better!
- Now, get back down there.
- Okay.
Oh, and get me some real snacks!
- Ones with carbs in.
- Mmm.
- And don't tell my nutritionist!
- [Wilbur laughing]
Okay, my little ponies!
I want to see some trotting.
Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot!
Now, our client may
send you down the runway in
in anything.
A great model can make
even a bin bag look fire.
Can you?
[rhythmic music]
I feel like an idiot.
Did you know that 14 plastic bin bags
contain enough fossil fuel
to drive a car for a mile?
Well, then, I have an idea.
["Dead Ringer" by A.Skillz playing]
[Wilbur] Now, my little human mannequins,
I know you are simply
bursting with anticipation,
so take a breath and open your eyes.
Congrats on making it through
to this stage.
Six of my personally selected
new faces left.
Yeah, alright, moving on.
Well done. Very proud of you.
I cannot believe we're still here!
I know! I know, it's crazy, isn't it?
[door opening]
["Ain't Killed Me Yet"
by Adia Victoria playing]
I've been given ♪
A mighty hard road to row ♪
And this life I'm a fan ♪
Of dead ends ♪
Where did they come from?
Another planet
One last drink ♪
And lit me one last smoke ♪
And keep the jukebox paid ♪
to destroy the humans
- just as aliens almost always do.
- Yup.
Thank you for coming,
thank you for coming, guys.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay.
Let's see you walk.
Okay, girls. The heels are at the back.
Please try them on.
It ain't killed me yet ♪
Mmm it ain't killed me yet ♪
Mmm it ain't killed me yet ♪
[Harriet] Oh, heels Yay!
Ain't killed me yet ♪♪
And one more time.
Okay, ladies, let's see those walks.
Five, six, seven, eight.
["Levitate" by L. Richardson, J. Murill,
T. Ford, J. Cocozza & S. Diamond playing]
Very nice.
Looser hips. Yes!
Looser hips.
Okay, girls, heads up. Break time.
Strutus thou to the kitchen,
take a bathroom break.
A bide in London air for five.
[Nat] Keep going.
Just keep going.
Betty? Betty? Betty! Betty!
Sorry. I just forgot, uh
Sorry, um
Okay, uh Do you know what?
Honestly, you don't need
to say anything. I reject myself.
- Darling
- No, it's fine.
Honestly, I'm okay.
There's plenty of other things
that I'm good at.
I'm good at maths and and grammar,
and I'm pretty good at making lists
- like I'm doing right now.
- Girl, stop babbling.
I started out as a timid little thing
on the runway.
- You were a model?
- Rude!
Um, sorry. I just
Focus, focus.
I bet when you concentrate,
you're all in, am I right?
Like it's the only thing in the world.
- Yeah, but
- So learn to harness that power,
my little bunny button.
Embrace that special laser focus.
Stand up.
Oh, leave those.
Chop, chop, before the dragon comes back.
Pick a spot on the wall back there.
The spot is calling you, Harriet.
Wait for the click,
and just walk towards it.
[Harriet exhales deeply]
Walk. Just walk.
[muffled soundscape]
[heavy footsteps]
[deep exhale]
[music fades back in]
That was amazing. It
Um, it felt like everything just
Don't be so surprised.
Wilbur said it, so it must be true.
Now get these on. Come on!
- Come on!
- [Harriet chuckles]
Chop, chop!
[footsteps approaching]
- Time?
- 1300 hours, sir!
1 p.m., an hour before
Yuji's team arrives.
Great. Nick's gonna be here any minute.
Time for another quick call.
Break it to them gently.
Oh! We should reconsider this one!
Her? She can't even walk in heels!
Neither could you at first!
I've seen black and white footage
of your first ever runway.
Moving like a praying mantis
on rollerblades.
Thinnest of ice.
You can teach walking.
Come, I'll show you.
She's gotten much better.
[upbeat music]
Oh, she's got something.
[Jude] Uh what?
I don't know,
but isn't that what Yuji wants?
Something indefinable?
I don't know.
If we give Yuji's casting director
something this raw,
they're just gonna blow their top.
Aren't they?
I'll take the blame.
I've used too much Jamaican castor oil,
or something, I've lost my mind, and
I have a really good feeling about her.
[Wilbur] Prance,
my little bush babies, prance
Mmm Do not be
distracted by anything.
The lights, the noise
seeing the ugly man who just walked in.
- [models gasping]
- Uh, no!
- Do not look at him! He's hideous!
- Hi, Nick!
You'll turn to stone.
Welcome to the bunker, child.
Thanks for coming in.
It's really important to get an idea
of what this new girl will look like
with Yuji's male lead.
Not like Auntie Yuji
will be firing you last minute.
Oh, you remember her, then!
Yeah, she's got something.
Something, right?
I like her.
- [intrigued stuttering]
- For Yuji, I mean! I
Shh, shh! Indoor voices.
These girls don't know what job
they're trying out for.
Mmm, come on!
[indistinct chattering]
Tag, you're in.
- Hey.
- Hi!
Um, your lesson
was completely useless, by the way.
Not once have I been asked
to perform the pterodactyl.
Yeah, it's a bit outdated
by about 65 million years.
- [laughing]
- Are you at least having fun?
Mmm, it's just a lot harder
in front of all these people.
Well, just clear your head
and stop smiling.
Let your face go blank. Just stand there.
It's what the client wants.
A blank canvas.
What do you think about
when you're just standing there?
Mmm what I'm gonna have for lunch.
Whether I remembered to put deodorant on.
- Sharks.
- Wait. Sharks?
I like sharks. Sharks are cool.
Yes! Sharks are cool! Thank you!
Did you Did you know
that they have no bones?
So they just swim around,
all made of cartilage
like deadly ears.
- Like ears?
- Yeah! Ears.
I said no smiling.
- Hmm.
- [chuckling]
Seriously, just be yourself.
I'm not sure I know how not to be.
Okay, try this.
Close your eyes, look down.
Blink once, and then blink again
as you look up into the camera.
Like this.
[tense music]
[Harriet] I think my heart just hopped.
Nick, my pouting sunset.
Why are you distracting
this little hatchling?
Oh, interesting!
- What is?
- Mind your beeswax, girl. Scoot.
Uh, none of that waving.
[upbeat music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
[Nat] You okay?
I'm really starting to enjoy it.
"It" or flirting with Nick Park?
- No!
- [laughing]
No, no, no! We were not flirting.
- He has a girlfriend.
- Right.
No. I mean I mean the modeling.
I like the
the stillness.
It makes me feel calm, which is rare.
Don't get too excited, okay?
If they turn you down,
you mustn't be too bummed out.
I won't be.
We don't even know
what they're looking for.
You know, this client could be
searching for a particular type, like a
pale six-foot blonde, or something.
Whatever happens, it's me and you, right?
[upbeat music]
[indistinct whispering]
Miss Yuji Lee. How are you?
We were expecting your casting director.
Yuji does not trust other people
to know what Yuji is looking for.
- Of course.
- I want to see all your models,
not just your agency edit.
- And?
- Well
I'm still here, aren't I?
- Yeah, okay.
- Continue.
[Wilbur clearing throat]
[Wilbur chuckling nervously]
Here you go.
Uh, I
I'll give you a moment.
[upbeat music]
[indistinct chattering]
[photographer] Hold that.
Good, good, good.
Chin down. Okay.
[camera shutter clicking]
That's it. That's it, lovely, good.
Chin down a bit.
Lovely, okay. Be like a dying swan.
Just be like a twig in a river.
Good, good, good.
Yes, that!
Nick you're perfect. Don't do a thing.
That's lovely, hold that, yeah.
Good, one more. Brilliant!
Great! Okay, eyes there.
[Harriet] Harness this stillness
[photographer] Good, hold that.
Straighter back. Lovely. Back to me.
Nick, you're done. Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well done, Nicky! Good job!
[Harriet] He winked at me!
Okay, don't read too much into it.
It's probably just a fashion thing.
Should I do it back?
- [photographer] Okay
- [Harriet] Nailed it!
[photographer] Let's do closeups.
Give me your very best face.
One frame. You ready?
Three, two, one, go.
[camera shutter clicks]
Let me do that one more time
at this angle, just in case.
[camera shutter clicks]
Okay, R-Ray. Just hold it there.
Just hold it there.
You, have you ever worn glasses?
No, I don't I don't need glasses.
I have 20/20 vision.
[snaps fingers]
It's fashion.
Ah, okay, yeah. Hold that.
Look at me. Chin down an inch.
[camera shutter clicks]
Actually, get rid of the feathers.
Get rid of the feathers.
Alright, just hold it there, Ray.
Just hold it one minute.
I just wanna
[music stops]
Uh, no, no.
Burn the frames!
[upbeat music]
Hold that. Three, two, one.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Back to me.
Thank you, miss. I've got it. Well done.
- Well done.
- [Ray] Okay, who's next?
Can't believe we skipped
school to do this!
- This is way better than biology!
- I know.
[Harriet] Ah, who am I kidding?
I love biology.
[urban soundscape]
At least, Dad and Annabelle
haven't found out
about me skipping school.
I can't believe my plan
is actually working.
Say something cool, Harriet!
Say something hip.
I have never in my life
said "'sup?" before!
This is definitely not the time to start!
- I mean hey!
- [Nick chuckling]
I was just, uh, looking for a
protein bar.
Um, I did your blinking up and down thing,
and I think it worked.
Told you. You're a natural.
[Harriet] A natural what, though?
That's the big question.
So, I was thinking
Do you have a phone number?
Yeah. Otherwise,
this wouldn't really work, would it?
And do you think I could have it?
What for?
So I could text you or whatever.
Whenever I need
an extra fact about sharks.
[Harriet] Trying really hard
not to scream "Yes!"
at the top of my lungs!
Okay, be cool, be cool, be
[clears throat]
Yeah, I suppose that would be acceptable.
[phone keys clicking]
- [whistle blowing]
- [Wilbur] Back to the main stage,
trocadilhos! Hot, hot!
Good luck.
["Bullet" by Raphael Lake playing]
[door opening]
Get in line. Thank you so much, girls.
In a In a straight line, thank you.
Um, very, very straight.
I love your trousers.
Are they vintage Miu Miu?
- You've got an eye!
- [Nat chuckles]
Can you get closer ♪
[footsteps approaching]
Can you get closer ♪
it's been a long day, but
The choice has been made.
The die is cast.
- Mistress Fate has
- [Jude clears throat]
Would you be open to a change of mind ♪
It's Yuji Lee!
[indistinct excited whispering]
Indeed it is.
Cat's out of the bag.
The job is for Miss Yuji Lee.
[models chuckling]
Got a bullet with your name on it ♪
[inaudible whispering]
Got a bullet with your name on it ♪♪
[music stops]
[inaudible whispering]
[clearing throat]
I will now move amongst you.
The chosen lady will receive
paperwork from Betty.
Here we go, then.
[tense music]
You're a doll, but it's a no this time.
I'm sorry.
It's a yes, baby!
[soft music]
Take a mental snapshot of this moment.
Your life has changed forever.
[Wilbur laughing]
[Harriet] But what about Nat?
[soft sniffling]
Hey, Nat. It's okay.
It's not okay, though, is it?
I've been practicing for this
since I can remember.
My mom used to make me
do imaginary catwalks
in her heels in her kitchen.
I was so close.
And there are other agencies
and plenty of other castings.
Not for me.
I don't have "it".
You know, the
magical quality
that everyone's searching for.
I don't have it.
And I obviously never did.
- Nat
- [Nat sniffles]
Oh, God
It's okay, it's fine. I'm alright.
It sucks for the both of us.
How are you doing?
[Harriet] You think
I've been rejected too?
How do I tell you
that I haven't just hitched a ride
on the back of your dream?
I've actually stolen it.
Yeah, I'm I'm okay.
[soft music]
The stupid fashion world
and their stupid tall aliens.
We're better than that.
Yeah, right!
And you know, there are plenty
of other more recognized routes
into paleontology, so
We skipped school for this.
How much trouble do you reckon
we're gonna be in?
[Harriet] So much trouble.
I didn't lie to Nat, right?
I'm just waiting for the right time
to break it to her gently.
Also starting to understand why
Hamlet procrastinated so much.
[soft music]
There go the butterflies again!
Now I just have to tell my parents.
[indistinct television show playing]
[Richard] Good day at school, Harriet?
[Harriet] Oh, sugar cookies!
Yeah. Yeah, it was it was good.
- I think
- Mmm. Wilbur called.
[Harriet] No, no, no, no, no, no!
Darling, come on!
You really don't need to lie to me.
I know! I know!
I know I shouldn't have lied.
Because lying is bad, and I know that
because it makes me feel physically sick,
but sometimes,
on a more practical level,
it it is sometimes necessary, right?
- Mmm
- So yes, I skipped school,
and I lied to you and to Annabelle,
and I went to the casting anyway,
but I think it's important
to acknowledge that I do
have 16 years of good behaviour
under my belt,
and this is an amazing opportunity, Dad,
and apparently, I'm good at it,
a-and it's you that's always
telling me to just go for it
and to grab life,
and I've never really been
much of a life grabber,
but maybe this is my moment
to, you know
I hear we're off to Canada.
[screaming in joy]
[upbeat music]
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