Generation Z (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

We have been given a gift.
Hello, Cecily.
Long time, no see.
Argh! Can I ask her out? What, Finn?
No, Kelly.
When I bit into my son was electric.
It's radical.
But it's wrong.
My dad was bitten.
On older people,
the slower immune system allows
them to survive longer.
On young people, not so much.
Your dad bit me.
LOUDHAILER: Please return to your
homes and stay off the street.
By order of the military
the town of Dambury is now under
full lockdown.
Please return to your homes
and stay off the streets.
By order of the military
the town of Dambury is now
Dad? Hi, Pete.
You all right? Can I come in?
Can I come in?
Yeah, Dad.
You all right? Yeah, course.
It's all right, it's all right,
it's all right,
it's all right. It's all right.
I know, I'm sorry about my face.
I know it looks terrible.
I'm sorry.
It's nice to see you.
I haven't seen you for years.
You OK?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
WOMAN: Are you all right, Pete?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, course. Just
Where have you been?
What's happened to you?
As I said, I was
I was in an accident.
I've been in hospital.
They've sort of made me better
and here I am and I'm
I, I, I did wanna say I'm sorry.
I am really sorry I've been away
so long.
Yeah, Dad. Oh, darling, oh, darling.
It's all right, it's all right,
It's all right, it's all right,
it's OK, it's OK.
Penny for your thoughts.
Just thinking about my family.
You never talk about them.
I've got a son.
I need to introduce you to someone.
Who's that?
His name's Phil. Right?
Er, Phil?
Your grandad's here.
Oh, no. It's your grandad.
No. Oh, my God, look at him.
It's your grandson.
He's so big!
My father is called Philip as well.
Isn't that incredible?
Just wonderful.
I feel like I can let it all go now.
That's good.
I haven't seen my son in years.
Sometimes I can feel him, though.
Right here.
Where have you been?
I've gotjust a feeling
that I wanted to share with you.
It's all right,
Dad, you can tell us.
Dad, what are you doing? Dad?
What have you done?
My father's name was Philip.
Come on. Give it some whammy, yeah?
Ah, this van is shot to shit.
I don't know if I can fix it.
Keep trying, Billy, yeah?
Are you OK?
Steffcan you give me
something to concentrate on? Um
I feel like I'm drifting in
and out.
Oh, OK, OK, well,
have a tea first and then we can go.
No, no, no, no.
You'll get your strength up.
We need to go to Morgan's.
He can fix me.
Justtalk. Um
Talk to me.
Here's a scenario.
There's this bloke
and he loves someone,
and it's complicated.
But everyone in the friend group
knows they're right for each other.
This is really irritating, Steff.
You said something
to concentrate on.
And they've had sex.
And he said he wasn't a virgin,
but he was and it felt
a bit, like, empty
Is this mysterious friend you?
God, am I that obvious?
And Kelly's the girl, I assume?
Yeah, it is Kelly.
You had sex with her last night?
Yeah, that also happened.
And she's the one who's now
in deep mourning for her parents.
Yes. And you are telling everyone.
No, that's why I did the story
I saw her kissing Charlie
the other day.
Where? On the mouth.
Brilliant. Where in the world?
At the party.
That was days ago, so, I, I, I mean,
sex ranks higher than a kiss.
It's not a hand of rummy.
I, I, I didn't mean
Well, you're good at these
things, right? What's it mean?
Poirot it. It's irrelevant.
Her parents died last night.
The Kelly you know is gone.
No. Time heals all.
My God, you are desperate.
Oh, come on.
Like a mind experiment.
One - she loves him,
and he is ignoring her advances
vis-a-vis the party
and she is trying to punish him by
having sex with his friend, ie you.
Oh. I don't like that one.
Two - you're a warm body,
the fuck buddy-type thing.
Three - she loves you
and wants to get married. Yes!
No! What the No.
There is no three, Steff.
Why is he on the floor? Bro!
Get up.
She's way too cool for you, by the
way. She's never gonna like you.
I'm sorry you got bitten.
Yeah. You didn't have to help break
my folks out of the base.
But you came back for me at
You didn't have to do that.
Oh, yeah. I did do that, didn't I?
Yep. Yeah, you did.
Hey, sit back down.
Get the fuck off me!
I'm not fucking dying, OK?
I'm just not.
Finn? Finn?
All right, get her up.
Take that arm, Steff. OK. Got it.
Slowly. All right, still alive.
Still kicking.
This van's going nowhere.
We'll have to walk back.
Hang on, hang on, hang on.
Hello? Michael. It's Karl.
Hi, Karl. Here, listen, mate,
have you got the money?
Yeah, course. Yeah, I mean,
the army are all over the streets
and there's a curfew on but, you
know Yeah, listen, mate, mate.
Dude, I don't give a fuck,
OK? All right.
Um, I don't know what you want me
to say to that.
Do we need to come round your drum?
What, you You know where I live?
Yeah, we do. No need for that.
Oh, fuck's sake. Hello?
Think it could work?
Looks like it.
Is this army style?
Nah. I saw it in a cowboy film.
Right, get me that sleeping bag.
Put it on.
Give it a test drive.
On. It should be strong enough.
As if all of this stuff
was in the campervan, bro.
Trust me.
It's like Mary Poppins' bag.
You look good, you look good.
Where's Finn?
She's gone. Fuck.
Well, she can't have gotten far.
Finn, come out. Finn?
Maybe she's gone to Morgan's.
Finn? Right, check over there.
Yeah. Finn! Finn? Finn?
Finn? She's not down there.
Finn? Finn?
Stay away.
Gotta say, I'm feeling
..a little bit
Oh, yeah?
A bit bitey.
I'm very hungry.
I've found her.
What are you doing?
I'm not sure.
I just got the
..overwhelming urge to eat you all.
What do we do?
Guess I'll go for the weakest first.
I wasn't asking you.
You're gonna kill her!
That's the general idea.
I feel pretty uncomfortable,
to be honest.
Oh, it speaks.
I wanna kill you all -
doesn't mean I'm not in
here somewhere.
It's crazy how fast the wounds have
healed from the beating you took.
Yeah, you went to town, Billy.
Like how my nan survived
when you shot her, Steff.
God, that was a lifetime ago.
I feel different.
Different how?
Like I don't care any more.
LikeI'm letting go
of my old life.
You know, I thought I'd be more
upset. About being infected?
No, no, that you slept with Kelly
last night in the woods.
Fucking hell, Christ!
Oh, do you think this is
an infection thing,
being madly honest? No, you're
pretty much this tactless normally.
Oh, come on, it was pretty obvious.
You both came back
with your buttons done up all wrong
and you had a shit-eating grin
on your face.
Am I really the only one
who noticed that? Seriously?
Well, it was heartbreaking
and stupid.
Don't really know why either
of you did that.
Though people do selfish things,
I guess.
Oh, oh! Was it because Charlie was
gonna betray us all
and go off with his sister? Was it
cos of that? I didn't betray anyone.
Or was it cos Steff just really
wants to be like Charlie
and getting with Kelly is basically
the next thing?
Which is, come on, so icky.
Oh, be quiet, Finn, please, right?
You know No, you know what?
I'm dying.
So if I wanna say something, I will.
I was always so jealous
of you all, your friendship.
Well, that's a fucking joke,
isn't it?
Some weird, Freudian snakepit.
You just wouldn't let me in. I mean,
I think I know why.
My parents abandoned me, which is
fucking embarrassing, isn't it?
And they just fucked off because it
suited them, like free spirits.
I told everyone they were dead.
But they weren't. They just left me,
which is kind of worse, isn't it?
Your parents go on holiday
without you, but for life.
Anyway, that was the barrier,
wasn't it?
That's what kept you guys away.
You didn't want to get
to know me, Steff,
cos it was catching,
all that bad luck and rejection.
But we're all joined by it now.
It's everywhere.
I never thought that.
It's just unnerving how you see
through me like an x-ray.
Everyone can do that, Steff.
Well, I think your parents are
I, I would never leave you.
That's very sweet of you.
I think.
this infection thing isn't that bad.
I can see loads of colours.
You guys all look beautiful.
If I died now, I'd be happy,
with all of you here.
We need to control this, Sir.
Hold it together
a little bit longer.
The worse it gets in the town,
the worse it'll be for the PM.
This goes a little bit beyond
party politics.
Colonel Wrollen is asking questions.
I can stall him. And what do we do
when we lose the town?
There is a contingency for that.
Operation Icarus. What?
We'd have to burn it out.
Burn it out?
What choice will we have?
Hold your nerve.
This will all work out.
I've always had faith in you.
I hired you when no one else would.
Can you have a bit of trust in me?
Janine is right. I feel incredible.
But your son?
Will be harder to convince
the others that are more connected
to their families.
That's not what I mean.
I know it's morally wrong,
but it feels right.
And who's to say that the sum of me
and my family
is not worth more than
the individual pieces?
Hang on, I would! Hmm?
This makes no sense, Frank.
Yes, it does, Frank, if you feel it.
Look, this disease,
this disease is telling us what
to do.
Now, that can't be right.
Oh, give over.
When I saw Morgan, I realised that
this is being manufactured.
I thought it was natural,
but it isn't.
We are all being manipulated.
I've spent years
with biology telling me what to do.
Exactly. How is this different?
It's different.
Will you betray me with Morgan?
Because that's biology, isn't it?
I can't help what I felt in the
And I can't help what I feel now,
and I feel furious!
I feel like tearing everything down,
breaking everything so they have
to start again,
because this is just rubbish!
Everything is corrupt!
His family are lucky to have him
lead them from the front.
Their memories will always be
safe inside him.
I just wannaget through
the next few days and survive.
What happened with Steff before,
it's ina whole other reality
and should probably beforgotten.
I wish we could all just wipe it
clean and start again,
do you know what I mean?
We could meet for the first time.
That's your happy ending?
This is it, Charlie.
I'm going to get Maisy and Num out.
OK. Well, be careful, yeah?
If you wanna come,
I'm leaving in an hour, OK?
Nah, I've gotta see this through.
Yeah, I know you do.
Be safe.
What's that?
A hatch.
Could have made this fucking easier
for me. Jesus.
Yeah, all right,
there's only two more steps left.
Yeah, two more steps tied up,
What is this, Finn?
Morgan's weed lab.
What if he attacks us?
Well, he was bitten, wasn't he?
Got it.
What have you done to her?
She's bitten,
she tried to attack us.
Oh, Finn, I'm so sorry.
How are you feeling?
Furious and famished.
Can you do anything for her?
I'm really sorry about what comes
You ever used this?
Oh, no.
No, I never use mine.
Never have any tenderising to do.
No, seriously, please.
Just sits in a drawer.
OK, kids, just, just,
back in a minute.
OK. Just gonna, er, go and have
a chat with your mum and dad.
Right, so let me get this straight.
There's no money? No.
I was hoping to get something
sorted, but I didn't.
Well, that is impossibly fucking
tedious, Michael.
And it's also putting us
in a terrible situation, you know,
because we can't,
we can't just come down here
to your fucking depressing
shithole house
and menace you or, or, or beat you
It's pointless. Really?
Yeah, because it doesn't
fucking work, man, OK,
because fucking self-destructive,
feckless, narcissists like you,
the only way to appeal
to you is through your families,
yeah, and your kids.
It's a real problem.
Gives me nightmares, to be honest.
So it's aggravating you've put us in
this situation.
It's a fucking drag, man and it's
Well, it's selfish, really.
So, repayment.
Now, proportionately across your
missus and, um, her daughter?
Come on, lads.
You can't ask me to choose that,
You're about 12 hours behind me.
You look better than she does.
Yeah, well, I caught it early.
He's been using
the inhibitor agent.
What? A cure?
No, not a cure, but it holds
the virus in place.
Basically stops you eating people.
Gives me time, maybe, to find a
So give the inhibitor to Finn.
No, I've already injected her.
The problem is, Finn is young,
so the virus eats through her immune
system much quicker.
It's all right,
she won't try and kill us.
But it won't stop her dying.
Hm. Skills.
Now, there might be a solution.
Bit risky,
but it might work.
Yeah, might work.
I'll tell you what, how 'bout this?
What's your favourite colour?
What? Colour.
Your favourite colour. Blue.
Blue. Good colour, blue.
Blue, all right.
Ip, dip, dogshit.
What's the colour? Blue.
It. Not it.
Put that fucking thing down.
OK, OK. Don't you move. All right.
Put the gun on the table. Ah!
Left hand.
All right. Just be cool.
Just be Be cool.
Mum? Yeah?
Get up. Go, go, go.
There's a van outside, go.
Come on, kids. Get up.
All right. Get up. I'm getting up.
Karl, get up.
I'm getting up.
Get out, get out, get out. Out.
Go, go, go, go, go.
I don't think you've got it in you.
You wouldn't even be the first
person I've killed this week.
We've both got kids.
Get back! Jesus.
Billy! Billy!
Go, Mum!Billy, don't make this
Billy! Mum, gogo. Billy! Billy!
Come on, Michael!
Don't touch me. Get off!
Easy, easy, easy.
Don't make it hard.
Let go of me! Billy!
Come on, let's reverse back.
Fuck you! Come here.
I saw myself going out
in a more glamorous way.
Not in a murder basement?
No, no.
Moresparkly and choirs and
Hold on.
I was hoping to engineer a bit more
of an atmosphere for this.
For what?
Well, in '40s films, they call it
a meet-cute. What '40s films?
Doesn't matter, you haven't seen
anything before 2017, have you?
I'm more of an in-the-moment person
myself. I don't like old stuff.
A meet-cute.
It's when a woman
and a guy bump into each other
and he's carrying flowers and,
and the woman's holding chocolates.
And they fall down and then they
help each other up
Right. So sort of romantic, then?
Yeah, well, this isn't that, is it?
Covered in scabs and about to go
into some backstreet surgery
is not cute. And we've already met.
Oh, shut up!
I fancy you.
W-what? W-why?
Oh, no, I'm not doing specifics.
There must be something.
You're confused about
the things that don't matter,
and you're true about the things
you don't notice. Fucking puzzles!
I knew the only chance that I had
was if Kelly and Charlie got back
It's clear as day that Kelly still
loves Charlie, so
I knew it was never gonna happen,
but, you know, justfollow your
It's a delusion!
Look what you're missing out on.
Something's not right.
I mean, how do they have all
this equipment?
Can you get me some water?
I don't wanna get like that woman,
Oh, Jesus! Morgan!
Morgan! Morgan!
You have been pushed
aside by the young,
put into homes, left to rot and die.
So what do we owe them? We fed them.
Now it's their turn to feed us.
And if they are our elixir,
so be it.
Or, we surrender ourselves
and bring this rampage to an end.
What are you saying, that you're
going to visit your children
and your grandchildren
and you're going to eat them?
Old world thinking.
We're not just eating them,
we're freeing them!
Showing them the greatest act
of love we can
by absorbing them into our flesh.
Or we can surrender if we go
to the authorities.
They can get a cure.
They sent soldiers to kill us,
see what mercy they show us.
They are afraid.
And to be honest,
I'm afraid to see what we have
You led us. It was your idea.
I know. But this, this is wrong.
It was in my head.
I felt I had no choice.
And now?
You have to stop them,
Frank! Let them fight!
Calm down, just calm down!
How long's she been like this?
She started ten minutes ago.
I need to perform some surgery.
What, on who? Finn? On me. What?
Whatever it is, do it now!
We won't have much time.
Move the gurney now, yeah?
It's OK, it's OK, it's OK, it's OK.
I don't think we could ever
have been friends.
But we could have at least learnt
to tolerate each other.
But no, you had to push it.
And now look at you.
You don't know what you're doing.
You got that right.
And Idon't care.
It's for the best.
Now, let's go hunting!
All right, Finn, give me your hand.
Look, I want you to make
an incision.
Starting at the ribcage, OK?
I want you to make an aperture just
wide enough to get your hand in
and cut the lower spleen,
then feed it to Finn.
Oh, good grief.
I know, but I believe
if you can digest some of my spleen,
which makes the
I know what the spleen is!
I do A-Level biology.
All right, all right.
The inhibitor is not strong enough,
but my spleen
I just think it might forestall
the effects of the virus.
Well, that's mad.
Yeah, well, that's science.
Sort of. Right. Come on,
get on with it.
You got this, mate.
OK. Now, concentrate.
Just relax, relax and think what
you're doing, OK? Now, do it!
Oh, fuck!
What, what is it now?
So much blood!
All right, come here.
Clamp it off. Come on,
stop me bleeding to death.
I thought you could self-heal.
I'm not indestructible,
come on, just clamp it.
Tie it, tie it. OK!
Now, listen. Steff,
just relax, relax. OK.
Agh! Just relax. Put your hand in
there. What? Put your hand in there.
Put your hand in. OK.
OK, you feel it?
It's all wet and slippery.
Right, now, just grab a piece
and cut it. OK.
OK. How, how?
Oh, my God.
Steff, he's dead. You killed him!
Oh, fuck, fuck! Morgan?
Wait, wait, wait. Morgan?
Oh, he's breathing! He's breathing.
OK. He's breathing. I'm doing this.
Hold her!
Grab her throat.
Jesus Christ. What happened?
Our A-levels are back on.
What? But they cancelled them.
Now they've uncancelled them.
Wow, really great timing.
Oh, it's typical. They're always
fucking about with the schedule.
Well, I, um I think
you should go. You are kidding.
I mean, as bad as things are,
you still need an education.
I just ate your spleen.
How are you feeling?
Revolted. But oddly better.
We're not doing this, are we?
Yeah. I'm doing it.
I'm not giving up.
Guess we're going, then. Well,
Cinderella, you can go to the ball.
But you've got to be back within
12 hours for your injections,
otherwise you'll relapse. Yes, Doc.
What happens in 12 hours?
Will you have a cure?
Bloody hope so.
I'm not going through this again.
They've been moving Salvepuerian
across the country,
backwards and forwards.
Now, why would they do that?
To cover their tracks,
in the hope of an accident.
And who are "they"?
..would have to be someone on
the inside.
Someone close enough to arrange
the release of Salvepuerian.
To stage the crash.
Someone close.
But who?
Disgruntled elements
within the armed forces.
Sick of underinvestment.
Wouldn't take much.
A coup?
What is it you say up in government,
er, "Disruption"?
Breaking down the norms.
Ripping out the rot.
Isn't that what you do?
It's different.
It's not an armed takeover.
I don't see any guns here.
You sound like you know
all about it.
It's just an assessment.
If you're gonna piss off
the armed forces for decades,
send them off on politicised wars,
while you run the country
like a children's tea party,
disrespecting everybody
as you do it,
you're gonna expect some blowback,
Then again,
that's just the opinion of one man.
Whoever's behind this
is playing with fire.
And what are you going to do about
apart from cover it up?
Or are you going to let it get so
that it becomes a massive
I'm just doing my job.
You don't see the bigger picture.
I think you need to step up
and sign the authorisation
for the bombing of Dambury.
Not many bothered. I can certainly
see an argument for not coming in.
What are the chances of this?
I've done nothing.
You've known about the exams for
a year.
Yeah, but it's all about the last
few days with me. I'm a crammer.
They were like this for
the GCSEs in Covid times.
Couldn't get their shit together.
How are you feeling? Never better.
Oh, that's good.
I'm lying. I feel like death.
This is mad. He may smell like
patchouli oil and urine
He's got a point.
Morgan? Yeah. We're gonna get
through this, and then
Yeah, we're gonna get through all
this horror and death
and then my geography A-level
will feel relevant again?
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah. I thought you were for it.
I'm just swinging wildly back
and forth.
No, I'm good.
So what are you gonna do
now your dream of rotting in Dambury
has gone up in smoke?
It wasn't a dream. It's just fact.
Dambury's dead.
You may as well, um, come with me
toscumbag college.
No, it's, it's fine.
I'll be doing this, so, um,
just let me.
Is everything all right
with Charlie?
Yeah. I think so.
Oh, I dunno.
Well, why don't you justtalk
to him? Clear the air.
You're setting me up. I know it.
What? You know I'll make a balls of
Why do you torture me, Finn?
All right, gather yourselves.
Come on in.
LOUDSPEAKER: This is a restricted
area for military personnel only.
Hello, mate, nice to see a friendly
face. What are you wearing that for?
OK. Hand over your weapons.
You what?
You heard me. You serious?
Let's go. Fucking hell.
Wake up in there.
What's going on?
This man here wants us all to hand
over our weapons,
is what's going on. Oh,
you giving away your guns?
SA80s, pistols, holsters, come on.
Fuck's sake.
Don't complain about it.
It's not a mothers' meeting.
All of them, let's go.
Get a move on.
If you're gonna take 'em, take 'em.
I don't have a gun. Fucking hell.
Come on.
Come on. Pistols, give 'em to me.
Now, get away from the barrier
and head back to the town.
Head back to the town? And do what?
Await orders. Don't make it hard.
Let's go.
Great, all right, thanks a lot.
Get back in the van. Come on.
For fu In you go. Sarge? Get in.
Wow, this is good. Nothing
we can do. What are you doing?
I used to get sick
in exams too sometimes.
Yum, yum.
Not that I had to do them during
some sort of cataclysm.
All right, eyes on your work,
Eyes on your work.
What is it?
What happened?
We need a way out!
Grab her legs, Finn. Get her!
In, in, in.
Your nan's here, Kelly.
I can smell them.
I think I think we might be OK.
We're all right.
Hold on.
OK, OK, OK. I'll distract them.
MUSIC: Die Fledermaus Overture
by Johann Strauss II
Fuck, fuck!
That door won't hold them forever.
Oh, fuck!
Get off me! Fucking hell.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
What are you doing?
Wait here.
We'll find another way out.
That's brilliant,
I'm crying in front of you as well.
It's OK, it's OK.
Why is Charlie so calm?
Argh. I'm a mess!
I think I've pissed myself.
Oh. Yeah.
That's the icing on the cake.
I've pissed myself. Gold star.
Well, at least they're really dark
trousers. You can't really see.
Yeah. True. Could be sweat?
Mm. Heavy, heavy ball sweat.
OK. Getting myself together.
I was eating vomit out of
a toilet earlier. Does that help?
I'm all wet.
he's pissed himself. What?
Yeah. I think he's, he's finally,
he's finally fucking cracked.
What does it matter what
Charlie thinks?
Well, it's all so predictable.
It would be me, not him.
Sick of it.
I mean, you saw it straight away.
It's always me fucking up
and he just floats through.
You are your own person, Steff.
I am?
Not really, but we can work on it.
They're all over the place.
Um, oh, OK. Well,
let's just go to the kissing hut,
at least we can defend that.
Well, how, how long have we got
before the spleen cure wears off?
Oh, I've got about nine hours.
But it's not worth
the risk walking all over town,
especially with the army out there.
Do you think Morgan can make
an antidote for this?
Um I'd be pretty surprised,
but I think we need to fight one
crisis at a time,
so right now, let's just get the
fuck out of here. Yeah, let's go.
Feed me.
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