Get Even (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Get Over It

Huge rock coming up.
Brake right,
brake right!
-I'm nearly there.
-We did it, yes!
We did it! We did it!
OK, but it's getting late here.
Have a good day at school, Margot.
Goodnight, guys.
I'll take the pill ♪
Gimme, gimme something ♪
I'mma keep on looking ♪
I don't want to feel
like this ♪
-Hey. Um
-Can I ask you something?
Do you like pretzels?
-I'm only human.
-I suspected this much.
Um, it's pretzel day at lunch
so I thought I'll buy you one.
Aren't they free?
I mean, it's the thought
that counts.
The thought is good.
I was also wondering, um
..I don't know if you maybe,
one time this week,
wanted to get, like,
a coffee or something.
-Oh, right.
-No, yeah, sure.
-I'll see you.
-Yeah, see you.
Oh, don't cry about it, Rivers.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
With all due respect,
this is a police matter.
I'm not going anywhere
until I've done my job.
Right, well, talk to Mrs Baggot.
She'll find you somewhere.
Ah, come in.
Right, Deringer, detention.
Very original.
Since you've made PE
your free period,
I'm going to take yours -
every one this week.
I mean, you've clearly got
a lot going on right now,
so why don't we just
let this one slide?
Don't worry, you'll have company.
Chairs are for sitting in -
use them.
My dad doesn't let me bring mine
to school.
Write an essay about
the opportunities
available to you at Bannerman -
the opportunities that
you miss out on when you skip class.
I don't suppose
I could request a private room?
Five pages minimum
by the end of today.
Hardly a nutritious food group.
Have you ever shut a door
on something without thinking?
Nope. Consider every option,
that's my motto.
I thought "live fast, die young"
was your motto.
Recent events have made me
value growing old.
What's this golden opportunity
you've turned away?
Logan asked me to go for coffee.
And you said no because don't see him that way?
I said no because I don't know
how to say yes.
See you later, Ed.
Just a couple lonely kids ♪
Tryna find a crown that fits ♪
What are you hiding, Ronny?
..Just a couple lonely kids. ♪
As promised.
Sorry if I made things weird
No, it's not you.
Right, so you just don't like
having coffee after school?
I guess not.
I mean, is it like a parents thing
or just an American thing?
It's a Margot thing.
I'll, um
I'll leave you to it.
How long's it been now?
-Literally seven minutes.
Oh, I forgot you were like this.
-Like what?
-Like you cannot sit still.
I'm better than I was.
Do you remember when we were eight?
I tried to jump off the roof
onto the trampoline.
Yeah. At the Mitfords' summer
garden party, I remember.
I mean, I definitely could have made it.
I've seen YouTube videos that
make me very glad we stopped you.
You're not going to stop
being annoying, are you?
Probably not.
OK, fine. Grab those pieces of paper.
-What, these?
-Bring them over.
Thank you. We're throwing them
into that bin. You go first.
OK, here we go.
I've been working out loads.
Obviously my arms are tired.
Yeah. Yeah, keep practising.
-Ugh, that looks
-Creepy and wrong?
-Why did Ronny have it?
-Cos he's creepy and wrong.
Well, he has used incriminating
photos of people before.
Is this what he was using
to blackmail Creed?
We can't let Creed
get away with this.
We couldn't go to the police
with just this - wouldn't be enough.
OK, look, it's Cam so there's going
to be more than one photo.
Yeah, she'll have at least
400 of the same selfie.
Yeah. So, maybe we should see
what else is on her phone.
She keeps it in the back pocket
of her bag.
I could get it
if I had some sort of distraction.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
-Who do you think you are?
-Oh, I'm sorry, Princess.
Seriously, what is your problem?
You're so entitled, it's annoying.
I'm entitled?
Have you taken a look
in the mirror recently?
Clearly not as much as you.
Have you ever actually considered
having a personality?
- Savage!
-Have you ever, I don't know,
maybe considered not being
a budget Billie Eilish?
Do you know what's interesting
about you, Olivia?
Your IQ is the exact same
as your dress size.
One more word, Deringer,
and you'll be dealing with me, not her.
Amber, it's fine.
It's not worth it. Just leave it.
"Budget Billie Eilish"?
That was savage.
I'll put it in your bag
when we get out.
I'm still not sure I'm OK with this.
We need you.
I know what it's like to have everyone
know your secrets.
It's not like that. You don't have
to go through it. Just unlock it.
Get into pairs, please.
-You caught him yet?
-Who says it was a him?
See you later, Deringer.
-Don't say anything.
-I'm not!
-I hate you.
-So, how was your day?
-It's not funny.
I've got to spend my whole week
with someone
that's essentially a rock with hair.
Oh, come on. He at least has
the mental capacity of a slug.
OK, there was a moment where
I saw this light behind his eyes,
as if there was a human
in there somewhere,
but, no.
It's like that bit in the rom-com,
you know, where they hate each other
at first,
but, then, forced together through
circumstance, they fall in love.
I hate you so much.
You know, like, to the moon and back,
it's like that
-With hate instead of love.
Oh, that's cute.
I'm sick of your cross talk ♪
I can barely understand a word
you're trying to say ♪
I've heard enough
of all the cross talk ♪
I've got to live this life
some other way ♪
Live this life some other way. ♪
Margot! Margot, come on,
we've got to go.
OK, settle down, please.
Settle down.
Take your seats.
Thank you very much.
I know it's a weird time
to be casting the play
but a distraction like this
could really help people.
I know it's helping me.
The show must go on so
..obviously, Antonio is Logan.
And is clearly dedicated
to the role.
-I didn't know if I should come over.
I didn't know if you'd want me to.
Oh, I did. I do.
So, were you planning on hiding
back here the entire rehearsal?
-Pretty much, yeah.
Do you want the guided tour?
That guy there is Christopher.
He is the director
and my oldest friend.
Lovely, doesn't bite.
-No, but she does.
But in this space, she actually
isn't queen of the universe.
-Cariola is Amber.
-The maid?
-It's made for you.
-There we go.
And drum roll please.
The Duchess is
What about her?
She is Amber's sidekick.
She's kind of like
the posh, rich, shallow type.
She's definitely the best actress,
-She's actually really talented.
-Good to know.
Hey, they're harmless really.
I actually think you'd probably
quite like them,
aside from the obvious.
-Are you kidding me?
-I know your father!
-What do you want from me?
I should probably go and save him.
This isn't music.
No, it's just good music
so you're probably not used to it.
You used to listen to normal music.
You used to be normal.
It's like you went to bed a princess
and woke up a vampire.
Yeah, I definitely woke up.
Well, what changed?
I realised that we're the bad guys.
No, I'm pretty certain
I'd know if we were.
No, like Bannerman
and our parents
You know, their whole world,
it just creates monsters.
Look at what happened
to your sister.
Yeah, but that was just
Ronny being
Yeah, but he's not the exception,
he's the rule.
Did you ever think about
getting him back after what he did?
What are you saying?
He would do anything to hurt anyone,
just for the fun of it.
It's no wonder someone
finally had enough.
Beforeall of that, I mean,
he was still my mate,
I didn't want him to
It's just weird.
It doesn't feel real!
-I wouldn't blame you if you did
-Just shut up, all right?
Acting like you understand
everything, Bree,
when you really do not have a clue.
I wish I'd written more notes.
Do you remember what I said
about the lighting?
Oh, I think I got most of it.
Amazing. Thank you, Margot.
You can definitely stick around!
Uh, I forgot something.
Hey. Are you coming to lunch
with us?
Uh, I
Of course she's not.
She's Cry Me A Rivers.
I don't get why you bother
being so mean.
It's no different
to what you did to Bree.
But it is. I had an argument.
You just went after Margot for no reason.
Margot thinks she can be one of us.
It's unrealistic.
She needs to understand
that's not how the world works.
So do a lot of people around here.
Listen up!
"Diary Of Margot Rivers".
"I feel like I'm finally making
some real friends here."
-Yes, that's my girl!
Thank you. "..invited me to lunch today.
She's so cool"
Four exclamation marks
and a love heart.
Wait, wait.
"I still miss home
"but I think
with some great new friends,
"it won't be long
before I can call this place home."
Hey, guys, guys, her name is
Margot Rivers and she's crying -
"Cry Me A Rivers"!
-Logan said this was your hideaway.
-Um, it was.
Lately people keep showing up
and wanting to talk.
Or kick chairs and cry.
It's a great place for that.
-I never explained about that day.
-You don't have to.
I kind of want to, though.
..broke my heart.
How is it?
How's it feeling now?
Better. Maybe it wasn't totally broken.
Oh, like a fracture?
Fractures heal.
It doesn't feel like that right now.
Yeah. I'm sorry about Amber.
Hey, you don't control her actions.
No, but I want you to feel part
of drama club in every way,
that includes eating lunch with us
in the canteen.
-I haven't been back there since
-All I'm going to say
If you did turn up wouldn't be on your own.
If you've got something to say ♪
If you've got to do it your way ♪
Don't keep it locked up ♪
Come on and give it up ♪
There are some things
you can't contain ♪
Don't want to be nobody else ♪
Express yourself ♪
Ah-ha-ah, ah-ha-ah ♪
Go ahead, express yourself ♪
Ah, ha-ah
Ah, ha-ah ♪
Don't want to be nobody else ♪
Express yourself! ♪
-You can't sit there.
Because everyone on this table
has earned their place here.
-And I haven't?
You haven't. You're nothing.
And you think you're something?
No, you're just pretending.
And all the designer clothes
and fancy make-up,
none of it hide the fact that you're
just as messed up as the rest of us.
That was incredible.
I'm obsessed with you.
-So how did you find today?
-Really good.
You were an absolute life-saver.
Very glad to have you on the team.
Ask me that thing you asked me.
-Do you want to go for?
Hang on, you didn't know
what I was going to say.
Yeah, I did.
It's unlocked and copied.
-Did you look at anything?
-One thing.
Then I erased it.
Good job in there.
-Excellent takedown, by the way.
-Thank you.
-Bree, come on.
-Wait, no, no.
Look at this, look at this -
"#Blessed, #Fresh, #Monday."
She has, like, 20 hashtags -
that's the sign of an awful person.
That's not what we're looking for.
-Check her DMs.
-Oh, no, wait, this is gross.
These are from Coach Creep.
"I want you. I need you.
I can't stop thinking about you."
OK. So, Coach Creed
was dating a student
and Ronny was blackmailing him
and we know
that Coach Creed hates us.
Yeah, that's three for three.
So, what do we do, go to the police?
Wait, there must be something
that links him
to Ronny's house on that day.
Let me keep looking.
Nice shirt.
I know you've worn it before.
I mean, I've seen you wearing it
before and I liked it.
British people are so awkward
at giving compliments.
-It's cute.
-I don't know about that.
I think I'm pretty smooth.
What am I supposed to say?
Oh, it's nothing.
I just found it in a bin.
Nice accent.
-What would an American say?
Yeah, you guys might be
onto something with that.
What do you think that couple
are talking about?
I think they're trying to figure out
how they're going to rob a bank.
No, no, they've already
robbed the bank,
but he won't let her spend
all the money on micro-pigs.
Yeah, everyone knows that's
just a scam. They're just baby pigs.
You're as bad as him!
Let a girl dream.
Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.
You know your
..your eyes arekind of amazing.
I was trying to be cool
and do the compliment thing
but I said "kind of".
Your eyes aren't kind of amazing.
-Your eyes are amazing.
-Thank you.
Uh, pretzel?
I'd like that. Yes.
-My turn to get one.
Listen, Coach and Cam,
they were with each other
the night Ronny died.
-Creed couldn't have killed him.
-So who did?
There are untold joys
that wait for us all ♪
Illusion cures
Come straight to your door ♪
The clear horizon
A burning desire to be love. ♪
You should have got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should have got out of the red ♪
In the red you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the Red Dead Sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people ♪
With big bellies
banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse
into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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