Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

You Want In Or Out?

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
If you are still with me,
please save this person.
She's got low blood
pressure, but it doesn't
seem to be caused
by clogged arteries.
Eye ground appears to be pale.
There are neurofibromas
on her face and wrists.
She suffers from neurofibromatosis, right?
[Neurofibromatosis: An incurable
disease which causes neurofibromas]
[Neurofibromas: Specific abnormalities
that show in the skin
and the central nervous at the same time]
Huh? What's that?
It's a disease
where vessel rupture
can occur spontaneously.
Her lungs are filled with blood. We need
to reduce her blood pressure immediately.
Let's save her together.
Good! Good! I survived.
Hey, how can you just leave like this?
Didn't you say she suffers
from neuro whatever?
How can you leave?
Aren't you a doctor?
If you are still with me,
please save this person.
At this point, this guy is still
Are you going to do the same thing again?
You are only good at theory anyway.
[Episode 4]
[Emergency Medical Center]
A roughly 50-year-old female found
at the intersection of Dayang Road.
She is believed to be a
neurofibromatosis patient.
Go Go Seung Tak?
She was saved after receiving
first aid treatment on her left side here.
It took nine minutes to send her here.
Yeah. I'm Go Seung Tak.
This way, please.
Hey, Go Seung Tak.
Hurry inside. What are you doing?
I'm coming.
How have the interns been trained recently?
[Emergency Medical Center]
Please make way.
Where's Go Seung Tak?
He's right behind us.
One, two, three.
Ma'am. Ma'am.
Can you hear me?
TER effusion 400cc.
Set the RI at 15.
Can you hear me?
Please do ECG and SATs.
Get ready for an ABG analysis.
She's saved!
These are golden hands!
Are they coated with gold?
Ma'am, can you hear me?
What happened to her?
The Rescue Team said
she fainted by a roadside.
Luckily, Go Seung Tak happened to
be there and gave her first aid treatment.
I think she's out of danger now.
What? Who?
Go Seung Tak, what happened?
Oh, I think she suffers
from neurofibromatosis.
Neuro what? What is that?
I heard of it before,
but I don't know about it.
What kind of first aid
treatment did you give her?
Oh, the first aid treatment.
About that, I just quickly
Jeez. Is that how you answer it?
Makes sense though. If you knew,
you wouldn't be Go Seung Tak.
I supposed that she got
spontaneous hemothorax,
[Spontaneous hemothorax]
so I opened her chest to
reduce the blood pressure.
[Artery bleeding]
There's probably arterial bleeding,
so make sure to give her relatively
higher dose of hemagglutinin.
If the CT scan shows that
her vital signs are stable,
let the Medical Imaging Department
perform an interventional operation on her.
[Intervention: An interventional
operation performed by
the Medical Imaging Department
for therapeutic purposes]
If it's hard to arrange, then
do it in the operating room.
They are all ready, right?
Oh, sure. But, um
I thought it happened on the street.
How did you open her chest?
Why are you? Stop asking questions!
What's wrong with him?
I borrowed a bottle of wine, a knife, and a
pair of scissors from a nearly snack stand,
and I took a straw from a passerby.
After disinfecting the knife
and the scissors with the wine,
I stabbed her with the knife,
opened her chest with the scissors,
and drained the blood with the straw.
Is that good enough, Dr. An?
Do you have other questions?
Please shoot if there are more.
Let's do CT scan first.
Okay. I'll inform the
Medical Imaging Department.
Wow, Go Seung Tak. With a straw, huh?
Good for you!
[Emergency Medical Center]
Go Seung Tak said that himself?
He said he injected the heparin.
That's why I thought he
injected again after I did.
I'm sorry.
Just keep him close and watch him first.
Hey. If you are still with me,
please save this person.
Don't tell me you know who I am.
Ah! I've been wandering
around the whole day?
I must be crazy.
You brat, you scared me!
[No Entry & No Exit]
I haven't got a haircut for so long.
I may as well take this
chance and curl my hair.
What's going on with you?
How can you be so calm?
Aren't you even concerned
about this situation?
The patient was sent to the
Medial Imaging Department.
They said she didn't need an operation.
Oh, yeah? Good to know.
I heard you called in sick today.
What brought you to that intersection?
And dressed like this?
Oh, I was jogging.
Whenever I do it I'd jog as far as I can.
And then I got lost
and happened to find
the patient lying there.
And you can fool
people like this every time?
You also think I've been
acting weird lately, don't you?
I'd sometimes talk like a crazy person.
Yeah. You are like that lately.
Do you know why though?
Hmm. I do.
You know
that I've been doing a job
that's way too demanding for me.
I'm more suitable for a fun job.
You know cognitive dissonance, right?
Abnormal symptoms would
occur when there's inconsistence
or conflict between what
you think and what you do.
How come even his excuse
makes me nauseous?
when you see me acting weird
and talking like a crazy person,
just go ahead and smack on my back
like how you did earlier
so that I can sober up.
Hey, don't let her do that!
She's such a strong girl.
What if I get smacked out again?
No. Say no.
No problem.
Hey, what are you doing?
I've been having this feeling.
O Su Jeong, it's so nice
to have you as my friend.
Then I'll take off.
If you want to drink something,
try this flavor. It's not bad.
You rude brat.
Hey, tell her not to smack you first! Hey!
Why does it taste like this?
That's the flavor you chose.
Try the blue one next to it.
Hey! Hey! Hey!
You can see me, right?
Your shoelace. Your shoelace is loose.
By the way, you left your
phone on the ambulance.
I knew it! You can see me, right?
You can hear me!
Hey, wait! The car The car is not there.
My car. Where's my car?
My car!
[Penalty Charge Notice]
You think this place is
as comfy as your home?
That's why people say
nonsense like being alive
is the best even if
you fall into a toilet pit.
Look at your depressed face.
Something happened, right?
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't know you were
gonna go out like that.
Even if I had told you in advance,
you wouldn't have listened to me.
What would have happened
if I hadn't repossessed him?
You are gonna die straight away.
You are there and your body is here.
Don't be afraid.
You're not dead.
He put out his hand
and let me possess him.
He let me possess him
and save the patient.
Well, he was thinking about
the patient at that moment.
Well, you always go in and out.
Wouldn't it be even weirder
if he didn't know?
Well, that young man is your savior.
That's so
Why do you say it in such a way?
Does he know it's you?
I I don't know.
I don't know how it happened,
but it looks like your
gallbladders are connected.
I hope you're not bored now.
For ghosts,
something is particularly awkward.
and endless persistence.
You can also try to
solve your own doubts
and persevere endlessly.
I'm gonna go.
Woah, it's nice.
You can eat and do some exercise.
That kid was one of
Professor Cha's patients, right?
Her operation was postponed
because of President Jang's operation.
But her pulmonary valve
became narrower during this period.
Her liver tolerance dropped.
She's also starting to
have pleural effusion.
Well, she needs surgery
as soon as possible.
Why hasn't she had surgery yet?
None of the other professors would do it.
Dr. An, why don't you operate on her?
Your skills are very good.
Don't you have the ability to
perform this kind of surgery?
There's no other way.
Talk to the guardian.
Get them transferred to another hospital.
What you said before really came true.
The 7-year-old patient O Seung Ju
had pulmonary atresia.
She underwent cardiac catheterization
21 days after her birth due to
ventricular septal defect and Rastelli
surgery when she was one year old.
Two days later, she
will have surgery to repair
the double outlet
of her right ventricle.
Check her vital signs again.
Make sure to check her peroxidase
and electrode reactions tomorrow.
Honey, don't be rude to the doctor.
I don't like this doctor.
I didn't realize you were
such a good judge of character.
Do you also find that doctor annoying?
He ignores his patient
Do you really want to
let that pesky doctor operate on you?
It's not too late to regret it.
At your age, you can totally
choose your own surgeon.
I didn't have any of
these when I was an intern.
Internship conditions
have really gotten better.
I don't have anywhere else to go right now.
I'm just gonna hang out here.
I think I owe you one.
Go Seung Tak.
Help him.
A 40-year-old male patient.
He fell from a 3-meter-high
platform at the construction site.
The left side of his chest was penetrated.
BP 90, pulse 120.
Go Seung Tak.
Prepare to do intubation.
Come on
A doctor can't even intubate
You're a disgrace to the
Cardiothoracic Surgery Department.
Hey! Brat!
Open the patient's throat first.
Press his tongue with a laryngoscope.
After the laryngoscope passes the
base of the tongue, pull it upward.
It's the only way to
insert an endotracheal tube.
The patient will die if you don't help him.
You are useless.
Let me do it.
This kid can't even do that right.
You can't even do basic things.
Did you see that?
Did you?
That's what intubation is.
Well done.
Good job.
Yeah, I did a good job.
Could Could he have done it on purpose?
Was he just complimenting himself?
It's just intubation
Let me go.
Please be quiet.
Please be quiet.
What are you doing?
Do you know me?
Why should I know you?
What are you doing, Sir?
Are Are you there?
I I am not here.
Do you take me for a fool, boy?
How could I be fooled by you again?
A little harder.
Sir, Sir.
Are you all right?
What's wrong with him? Why is
this happening all of a sudden?
Doctor, take a look over here.
Nurse, take a look at this man.
Myocardial infarction.
Prepare to do intubation.
And artificial lung.
Hurry up.
I can't believe that
he gets played every time.
As a result, he rushed
into his body every time.
He's a doctor.
It is a place where patients are treated.
And he's a doctor.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Why isn't Go Seung Tak back?
Where did he go?
In my first year as an intern,
I didn't even have time
to go to the bathroom.
200 joules. Charging.
200 joules. Charging.
Ready. Shock.
When the body dies,
the soul goes up to the heaven.
It's both the order of divinities
and the law of nature.
Why stop it from happening?
People who wander between
the world and the underworld.
Why is he looking at us like that?
Does he think we are pathetic?
That's what I want to say.
I wish he'd looked at us like
that when we were still alive.
But Why did he come here again?
They transferred me to
another hospital while I was gone?
Where have you been?
You don't even know
your body's been removed.
[Patient: Cha Yeong
Attending Professor: Jang Se Jin]
The room is still a little cheerless.
Just give me some time.
I'll see
where to start.
Han Seung Won.
What are you doing here?
Is this ward to your satisfaction?
It is nice and sunny.
This empty ward must be
expensive. Thank you for this.
I should thank you.
Thank you for making
such a big decision for us.
I thank you on behalf of the hospital.
It should have happened a long time ago.
I just have been too busy lately.
You're a smooth talker.
I know.
You've been very busy
lately because of the President.
As you requested,
I transferred Nurse
Jeong Eun Mi here from ICU.
If you need anything else,
just let me know.
Years have passed,
and you are still the same.
As kind as ever.
How do you two know each other?
How do you and Se Jin know each other?
If you
mess up with Se Jin,
I'll kill you.
You asked a busy man like me to come
and kept me waiting.
I don't think that's right.
We are in hospital.
You need to observe some basic decency.
What's bothering you?
You get super sensitive when
something's wrong with you.
I thought you must be tired
working in the emergency room.
So, I wanted to get you up here and relax.
Is there anything to eat?
I'm hungry.
Seung Tak, do you know
you've been doing surprising things lately?
What have I done to surprise you lately?
Well Like Professor Cha's surgery.
And what happened to President Jang.
Why didn't you tell me about it?
President Jang?
Well, I didn't expect that
at the meeting either.
I would have told you if you had asked.
But did I do something wrong?
Can you explain what you did
when Professor Cha was being
transferred to another hospital?
Well, I heard it was your instruction.
I thought it was Chief Ban.
Anyway, it's been handled properly, right?
He's even got a guardian.
They're calling.
I'll assume I already snacked.
Seung Tak.
Professor Cha, whom you respect so much,
has been transferred to the VIP ward.
What respect?
I guess we don't have
to see each other again.
Have a good rest.
Seung Tak. Why don't you tell me
what you are up to?
Got a place to go.
Now you can leave me alone.
- Put the books over there, please.
- Okay.
Put the case by the table, thank you.
Put the table in front.
The curtains need to be changed.
What's going on here?
You're here.
I'm gonna have to take care of him
until we can find a caregiver.
You're practically planning
on living here with him.
No. I'm not.
The laboratory is far away, and it's
too troublesome to go back and forth
I'm staying in his room for convenience.
Who's that?
Why are you here?
I'm gonna live here from today.
What are you talking about?
Why do you want to live here?
It's too troublesome to go back and forth.
In this way, I can save time for study.
I'm staying here for convenience.
I'll pay half of all kinds of bills.
What are you talking about?
No way, you have to go.
I'll take you home.
When we get married, we're
gonna live together anyway.
Can't we just do it a little earlier?
That's impossible.
I'll take you home.
It's so late.
We can't catch the last bus.
Take a taxi.
I haven't eaten yet.
What? Haven't eaten?
It's not good.
Why haven't you eaten so late?
I have told you many times.
Be sure to eat regularly.
And no matter how forgetful
you are, you can't forget to eat.
How long do I have to take care of you?
I can't do it anymore.
You never listen to me.
It's so nice.
Well, you can just eat.
We can't do anything else.
I have made it clear. We can't.
Something else?
What does that mean?
Sleep before you go No.
I mean, we can't sleep together.
Absolutely not.
Yeong Min,
we must live like this in the future.
And both of us will
work in the same hospital.
You, a cardiothoracic surgeon
and me, a neurosurgeon.
What do you think? It'll be great.
There will be a thorough
examination tomorrow.
Start injecting drugs in
this order from tomorrow on.
Please also record his blood pressure.
Why is this happening now?
What are you
Work harder.
Go Seung Tak, what are
you doing here at this hour?
You can see it. Morning exercises.
Didn't you say you were too sweaty to come?
Cardiothoracic surgery depends on
physical strength. Don't you know that?
Ah, you don't know.
It is true for doctors.
Stocks of Tianming Group?
Have you sold them all?
Buy them quickly.
So fast? The news travels so fast.
Buy as many as you can get.
The price will go up again. Buy them now!
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Michael, have you checked
the records I sent?
Yeah. I think it's hypoxic injury.
He's breathing but still in a coma.
The patient?
Someone important to me.
Could you figure it out?
Michael, I'll call you back.
[President Jang Gwang Deok of
Tianming Group Regained Consciousness]
[President Jang Gwang Deok of
Tianming Group Regained Consciousness]
Here he comes.
Please say a few words.
Is it true that President
Jang regained consciousness?
Thanks to all of you,
he finally woke up.
Will he recover after that?
He has to be observed for a while.
But I believe he will.
As for the matter of the heir,
does it remain unchanged?
It is said within a month
the Group will change
My dad's recovery comes first.
Director Jang! Director Jang!
Open the door! Open the door!
Thanks for your calling, President Song.
Yeah. Yeah.
It is still a little difficult to
visit him for the time being.
I'll be sure to tell my dad.
Yeah. Yeah.
Why are you here again?
I heard President Jang is awake.
Let me meet him.
Didn't you hear me?
A visit is not allowed for the time being.
My dad said it himself.
No one is allowed in here.
By the way,
I heard you became a
doctor in this hospital.
You are pretty impressive.
You don't have to worry about going hungry,
even though you don't depend on me.
You can't go in there.
President Jang, what's going on?
The news
I heard you suffered in
a wheelchair yesterday.
Ah, those guys out there had a rough time.
You're heavy, after all.
You finally woke up.
You don't know how happy it makes me.
You just need to get better slowly.
Very slowly.
You jerk!
Yeah, I get it.
Dr. An, have you seen the news?
So, you will go there to check it?
Yeah, that's what you will do.
But do you know where the patient is?
Dr. An?
Han Seung Won ordered him.
They two colluded with each other..
That's the way you are.
I said I trusted you.
You are quite right.
Here it is.
Go in.
Wow, this is crazy.
These guys just happen to be together.
I'd like to beat both of you up.
Hey! Be confident! Don't
be afraid. Ask them directly.
If you can't persuade them,
just say you want to see the patient.
"I'm a doctor and
President Jang is my patient."
Why don't you say something? Be quick!
This is the cardiothoracic
surgeon I mentioned last time.
My name is An Tae Hyeon.
Ah, the starting pitcher
of this game, right?
I heard it. Thanks for your hard work.
You flatter me.
Things went wrong.
But I'm sure Vice President
Han will take care of that.
Dr. An will be President Jang's
attending doctor from now on.
Will you?
You just have to keep
my dad's pulse beating.
It won't be too long. One year is better.
In the meantime,
I have a lot of work to do.
I'll do my best.
An Tae Hyeon?!
You did that?
That was you!
An Tae Hyeon, you
You jerk!
Why? Why did you do something like this?
I trust you the most.
How could you do this to me?
could you
this to me?
Why are you in here?
Why are you in my office?
The other day when I stopped you,
if only you had listened to me.
Please listen to me. Do
we have to do this surgery?
No worries. Autotransplantation
may be successful.
Surgery is risky and
there is a risk of recurrence.
That's not the way you are, Professor Cha.
Your greed caused all of this.
Don't resent me.
Since that time
But I have protected your reputation.
The patient woke up after the operation.
Why did you have to
save someone from dying?
It gets worse now.
When did you know my man did it?
I'm really sorry.
I am unable to educate my
son well. What else can I say?
I will help you set the record straight.
I'll be sure to help you.
You don't know how to play go, right?
I want to enjoy playing
go for my last year.
I find it boring to play go by myself.
Please teach me!
[Instant Food Cookie]
We can penetrate through
living things but not inanimate ones.
We can eat, drink and fetch things.
It won't affect the real world.
You can think there are two worlds.
You even can't do this trifle.
You take so much effort every day.
Have a try.
No. No.
You always remind
yourself that you're a ghost.
That's why you can't open the door.
Do it naturally and unconsciously.
Like this.
We didn't always remind ourselves
that we were living people
when we were alive.
Do it again.
I made it! I made it.
Do it naturally.
Ask him to get changed first.
You've been wearing
the same clothes for days.
Do I smell bad?
Ah, ghosts are odorless.
I guess you have a bad temper.
You usually looked elegant.
Now it's been a little
You were handsome before death
and always caught people's eyes.
What are you talking
about? I'm not dead yet.
The best way is to choose
someone with a similar dressing style.
So, you don't have to think
about what to wear every day.
It's really convenient.
Tes has a keen eye.
He's quick to spot someone with good taste.
He actually likes new styles.
These are my clothes.
How are they? Aren't they nice?
Leave it aside. Let's
talk about something else.
Can I hit someone or
do something like that?
What? Are you afraid I'm gonna hit you?
Hit Hit me?
Of course not.
I thought you had a way
out. Why bother asking?
An Tae Hyeon, get up.
Go Seung Tak?
Do you think I am Go Seung Tak?
I'm Cha Yeong Min.
The day you failed the expert interview,
I chose you because of your toughness.
When you got into trouble in
your second year of employment,
the patient would have died
if I hadn't found it out timely.
I helped you with a lot more than that.
You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.
You're a doctor because of me.
But how did you repay me?
How could you be so heartless?
What? Are you out of your mind?
You said you protected my
reputation. But I am stainless!
As you said, I saved people from dying.
You're the one who killed the
patient. Why don't you go to hell?!
Come clean about what you've done.
Or you'll have nightmares
every day. Remember it!
I'm gonna keep an eye on you.
What the heck are you?
Who are you on earth?
What did you just say to me?
How do you know all that stuff?
Did you have a nightmare?
Or did you dream about me?
What did I say in your dream?
Looks like it didn't sound good.
Have you been fully awake?
Since you're here, why
not be on duty for me?
I thought you were off duty.
What are you doing here?
This is my white gown. I
brought it here to be washed.
Are you scared? I haven't
done anything serious yet.
It just gets started. You'd
better remember it well.
You don't understand.
How did I get the surgery?
With what kind of mentality? You bastard!
You know who I am?
Please show me all
videos before and after that.
Only those ones.
It's getting crazy.
You think you're really a ghost?
You think you are making a movie?
I wish I could bring my car.
All right. Let's go get your car.
I made it.
Man Du!
Cha Man Du!
Cha Man Du!
Where is my little darling?
Dr. Go? Dr. Go.
Gim Why are you here, Dr. Jang Se Jin?
His apartment hadn't
been visited for too long.
I got the address from Nurse Jeong.
Have you been here before?
No, this is my first visit.
Dr. Go, how did you get here?
I have the same reason.
Looks like you two are pretty close.
- No, we hate each other very much
- No, we hate each other very much
No, I don't mean that. Well
Have you still not changed
your mind about the favor I asked?
Professor Cha is not in good condition.
I compared today's diffusion MRI
with that done the other day.
Here is the newly added
intensity signal boost section.
The amplitude of the neurofeedback
widens, so the basal ganglia also
So what I mean is that
his health is getting worse.
The vital signs and examination
results and indicators are alright,
but it seems that something
is doing repeated damage to the brain.
There shouldn't be that kind of factor.
Quit possessing somebody
and coming out constantly,
or else you might never wake up.
If you insist on doing
that, I can't stop you.
It's already dangerous.
How can I stop you from
putting your own life at risk?
Dr. Go?
Good. This room is spacious and warm.
Then have a nice time.
I'm leaving.
But what is that?
This is when I was alive oh, no.
I don't like wearing used clothes,
and there is no one having
better taste in clothes than me, so
You won't give up fashion even as a ghost.
And there are new clothes.
No, do you know who I am?
No, you can't see that.
Don't let her see this, or I'm doomed.
[Deposit Book, Bank KD]
No, no.
Oh, she saw it.
You don't think I stole it, right?
You know me, my family is rich. This
this is the top 1% black card.
I am rich. How can I do that?
I wasn't mean to give
you the card like this.
Medical fees in this hospital
are expensive, aren't they?
It seems that it can sponsor
you, so I brought it here.
you know who I am.
Our Professor Cha
has been sleeping for too long.
he caught me on my way home
and went to his own home.
Well, he should have
gone by public transport.
Is that his car?
Or he should drive it back.
Gee, what a person!
Why does he still do this when he knows
What's the matter between us?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Cha Yeong Min, do you wear
this kind of clothes recently?
You have improved a lot.
At that time, even if I begged
you, you refused to wear it.
Why is it so expensive?
Yeong Min, let me see.
No need, just choose your own clothes.
No, we must buy your clothes today.
Aren't you tired of
wearing the same clothes?
You have been wearing it for years.
No, I bought it last year.
I know even if you buy new clothes,
you just buy the same
style of different colors.
You just wear the same hooded
sweatshirt and jeans all day.
Hey, it's our professor's wedding,
how can you dress like this?
Do you know how people say
about you behind your back?
They say that you are a fashion terrorist.
What is the importance of clothing?
Only clean and tidy matter.
Forget it, I feel comfortable in this.
Yeong Min.
With the appearance like
this, if you dress casually,
it's a waste.
I must see my boyfriend become handsome.
This one
Why did you buy clothes for me
again? I said to buy something for you.
I really want to see it.
Come here.
You come here.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Yeong Min,
Am I here to kill you,
or am I here to save you?
I shouldn't have come.
If I hadn't,
then you
and the president
might not have ended like this.
It's all because of me.
I should not have come.
Yeong Min,
don't let me do your death declaration.
Please don't let me do that.
I know something complex is happening,
but even in that case,
please wake up first.
You should wake up to solve them,
the complex matter,
and our matter.
So don't think about anything else,
just wake up.
I am going to save you,
so you have to do it, too.
You will, right?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
That guy has changed into a
better ward, and he looks nice.
Wow, he's still charming.
And handsome.
What handsome?
No matter what, he is just
a ghost. Who can see him?
Your iced Americano.
Thank you.
How good.
The iced Americano in
this shop is really tasty.
What is he doing?
A cup of iced Americano.
Is he doing well?
How else?
He does that because he wants to live.
Look, who is he?
I've never seen him before.
Is he a newcomer?
But what is he watching right there?
I thought he finally settled down.
Something is happening again.
[Rescue Team]
[Emergency Medical Center]
It was raining, and he hit a tree.
Looks like he got hit in the chest.
How about the vital signs?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Did you call the Cardiothoracic
Surgery Department?
Go Seung Tak is there.
Didn't you see the patient is badly hurt?
Call somebody else.
Ah, yes.
Doctor, where is my husband? Doctor.
Please save him, doctor.
My husband
That way.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
It's cardiac tamponade.
There's nothing you can do.
It just had to be this bastard.
One times two is two, two times two
is four, three times two is six.
Just bear with it.
Cardiac ultrasound.
But doctor, why is your hand
I fell at the stair, and
it might be sprained.
It's cardiac tamponade.
It might be right ventricle.
Do we need to send him to
the operation room right away?
That does not work.
Then what should we do? Call other doctors?
There is a symposium today.
The other doctors are out.
Then what should we do?
Go Seung Tak,
how about you trying it?
Are you crazy?
He is just in his first year. How can
he do a cardiac tamponade surgery?
It's the same case as Professor Cha.
Didn't you do the surgery at that time?
I'll watch by the side.
This time you can finish
it from the beginning.
What's the matter?
You can't do it?
Of course he can't.
Even a fourth-year
doctor can't do a
cardiac tamponade surgery.
How can he do it?
Don't you know Go Seung Tak?
Then there's no way.
Let's call other hospitals
to see if any of them can do
a cardiac tamponade surgery.
Ah, yes.
But can the patient survive till then?
We have no other option.
Let's hurry and ask.
What are you looking at?
I know what you are thinking
about, but this is open-heart surgery.
It's quite different from doing
emergency treatment in the street.
I'll do it.
Are you crazy?
Transfer the patient to the operation room.
Go Seung Tak, Go Seung Tak.
Forget it.
Do you know who I am?
If you do that because you trust me,
cancel it right away.
How can you know if I'm by your side?
Even if you know it, it's useless.
I can't possess you,
so go cancel it right now.
Of course it will hurt
your pride, but I don't care.
Of course the patient will be in danger.
But it's not the time for me to
care about other people's life.
Gee, what is the use
of me talking to myself?
Anyway, take care of what you've caused.
I'll go to my ward.
Why did you try to take care
of all the things by yourself?
If An Tae Hyeon can't
bear it, he will definitely help.
[Operation Room
Waste Treatment Room]
The surgery is left to Go Seung Tak.
It's the same case as Professor Cha.
Come to Operation Room 7.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
[EunSang University Medical Center]
What's the matter, my son?
You don't have appetite?
You don't have anything
to do, why are you so down?
How does he have nothing to do?
I heard that he treated half of the
patients in the emergency room recently.
I didn't expect it.
Dad praised Tak.
Did you know that, so you praised him?
Do you think my ears are deaf
sitting in such a high position?
Gee, my son, really?
Did you really treat half of the
patients in the emergency room?
My dear grandpa,
saying half is an exaggeration.
One sixteenth is more accurate.
[EunSang University Medical Center]
It's not too late.
Just say you cannot do it.
I don't know what they're
up to, but they're complicit,
so say you cannot do it.
These bad people,
are they joking about life?
Are the patients something
you can use casually?
Give me the scalpel.
What are you doing right now?
Do you really want to do it?
You've become a specialist.
How do you still hold a scalpel like
You should hold it like holding a pencil.
Put your index finger backwards.
Put your index finger on it.
On the head of the scalpel.
What's wrong with you?
Can you hear me?
Let's save the patient first.
Cha Yeong Min.
Please, please.
Hurry and come here.
Okay. Let's begin.
[Ghost Doctor]
-=Preview of the next episode=-
Because you have that kind of constitution,
so you want to order me around casually?
It was you who possessed me casually.
You can't even move your fingers.
You can't even open your eyes right now.
I'd rather die than possess you.
I don't need your body, you brat.
If you ever possess me,
I'll tear your soul apart.
You have to give orders.
You are the chief surgeon.
What are you looking at? Are we close?
Of course, revenge is childish.
Do you think it is a noble character?
Dr. Go.
What on earth do those brats want?
That brat will never pass the boards.
Se Jin, no.
That is not me.
I cannot die like this.
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