Gokusen (2002) s01e04 Episode Script

If you fail, start over

Mid-term exams will finally
begin next week.
- Listen, Miss Yamaguchi.
- What?
We won't see all the students in 3D
fail in their exams, will we?
No, of course we won't.
You said that you would make the
whole of Class 3D graduate together.
Yes, I did say that.
Are you making fun of me?
No, not at all!
Sorry I'm late.
You're late today too?
It seems you've been late
quite often recently.
I have a headache
What's wrong?
Have you caught a cold?
I think I have a fever.
Oh, my You must feel awful.
You should go and rest in
the infirmary. Right, Mr Ando?
If you ignore a cold during this
season, you can't get rid of it.
I think it's a hangover.
All right then.
Your first lesson is with
Oh, Class 3D?
If that's the case, Miss Yamaguchi!
Instead of Miss Fujiyama's English
lesson, will you go and teach math?
No, I can't.
- Miss Fujiyama, go and take a rest.
- I have to set the exam questions.
- Questions for the mid-term exam.
- Thank you.
Mr Sawatari
I'm sorry. Thank you.
Hey! Why do I have to
Oh, come on
I'll go for a drink with you
after school. Cheer up.
But I'm not really interested
in having a drink.
But I am going with Mr Shinohara.
Mr Shinohara?
It's the two of us
and the two of them.
We'll keep it a secret from
Miss Fujiyama and go alone.
(I love Shizuka)
What? It's you again, Yankumi?
Don't be ridiculous, you jerk!
What? Why are you here, Yankumi?
Oh, come on.
Our first subject is
Shizuka's English class!
Get Shizuka here!
Stop shouting her name and shut up!
Miss Fujiyama is not feeling well,
so it's a math lesson now.
Miss Fujiyama isn't feeling well?
I think she caught a cold.
A cold
How disappointing!
Guys, move the tables back.
Why are you moving back?
I took another photo
Hawaii, huh? I want to go there.
Excuse me.
I heard that you caught a cold.
Are you feeling okay?
Oh I'm better now.
I see.
There is something I don't
understand. Can you teach me?
Yeah, it's fine. What is it?
This one here.
- This one?
- Yeah.
Oh, Noda, you're finally
willing to study now?
Shut up, Yankumi. Don't disturb me
when I'm trying to learn.
- Noda.
- Yes?
- This one here.
- Yes?
The "to" infinitive phrase
can work as a noun, an adjective
and an adverb
- Do you get it?
- Yes.
This one functions as a noun
- I see That's what he's after.
- So in this case,
the adjective is "good",
so added to the meaning
Spring has come.
- Do you get it?
- Yes.
Let's try to translate it.
Class 3D's Noda is doing
his studies.
- Do you think so too, Mr Washio?
- Yeah.
So I didn't get it wrong.
It's not a mistake, right?
It's a miracle that a student in 3D
is doing his studies.
- Every morning.
- Every morning?
How admirable!
If you get high marks
in the English exam,
you'll capture Shizuka's heart.
Well, she isn't interested in me
anyway, though.
Strategy one in the capture
of Shizuka.
All women love presents.
How can I give her presents?
There you are, Bambi!
Are you free now?
Come and play with us.
What? You study at Shirokin.
But I'm cool.
Oh, come on, play with us.
How much is this?
It's 1,500 yen, but you can
have it for 1,000 yen.
Thank you!
A present for your girlfriend?
No, she's not my girlfriend
Oh, how long are you going to take?
Come on, hurry up!
No. Haste makes waste.
What if Miss Fujiyama finds out?
It's better to have fewer rivals.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
What is it?
No Nothing.
Is that so?
Oh, no. I have to hurry.
"Club Hanazono, Shizuka"?
Okay, see you.
Okay, this is it.
Do you think it's strange?
What? Strange?
Oh I look a bit plain.
I'm arresting you now at 7:30 pm.
Oh, you're so cool!
I know! I am cool, right?
What is cool?
So, do you like to watch films
Yeah, especially "Yakuza Wives".
"Yakuza Wives"?
No I like love stories.
- Love stories?
- Yes.
Me too! "Romeo and Juliet"
is a really moving story.
Romeo and Juliet?
That's exactly what
Mr Shinohara and I are!
Nothing "Romeo and Juliet"
is good, isn't it?
Forbidden love makes you
burn with passion, right?
It flares up.
Ginza makes me burn with passion.
It's nice to come here
from time to time.
Thank you.
Please take care.
How about that club?
It's a bit expensive.
Oh, actually, I know a nice club
over there.
- Let's go there.
- But
What the heck, jerk?
- Mr Sawatari
- He can run so fast
Young Boss!
This club is pretty expensive,
isn't it?
Are you really sure?
Don't worry.
I told you. I won a lot
at the horse races.
Stay still.
Yes, Young Boss
Welcome, I'm Mai.
I'm Ayumi.
Can you look up and greet
the ladies properly?
Yes, Young Boss
I'm Shizuka, it's nice to meet you.
You are
I am so happy to see you here!
You know this gorgeous lady?
No. She's a teacher
at Missy's school.
Is it okay for a teacher
to work here?
It's okay. Teachers are human too.
We fall in love and we burn with
love when we watch a romance movie.
Would you like to go and see
a movie together sometime?
Yes. Of course!
A romance movie
Please come and see it with me.
Don't you like stories about yakuza?
You're joking
Just try watching it once!
It's my only request!
Excuse me, I'd like to ask
a personal question.
Why does a teacher work
as a hostess here?
It's a part-time job.
Just two, three times a week.
You know, teachers' salaries
are very low.
But won't it be a problem
if the school finds out?
They won't find out.
The teachers get low salaries,
so they don't come to Ginza
for drinks.
There are 10 movies.
Just go with me to one.
She works part-time in Ginza?
Yes. I thought I should tell you.
Does she have money problems?
She complained that
teacher's salaries are low.
I see. Yes, that's true.
She said she wanted to go
to Hawaii in the summer vacation.
She kept asking Big Bro
to go with her.
Sorry, Big Bro.
Young Boss.
It seems like the teacher
has a crush on you.
No, that's impossible.
Tetsu, what about you? Do you have
a crush on Miss Fujiyama?
No joking! I am in love
with someone else.
What? Are you? Who
Micchan from the vegetable store,
Well, I
- I can't tell you.
- What? Tell me!
What, you all know?
Good morning.
Miss Fujiyama, the morning
is almost over.
The staff morning assembly
is over too.
This is not going to work.
If you're late so often, you'll
damage the school discipline.
And you are the only one who hasn't
set the mid-term exam questions yet.
Even Miss Yamaguchi has set them.
What do you mean?
You haven't been putting
your heart into your work.
Don't just apologize
Miss Fujiyama!
This is bad
Miss Fujiyama!
You taught me what I didn't
understand. It's a thank you gift.
Thank you.
She's a fine woman.
Older women are so attractive.
Does that meanYankumi too?
No one sees her in that light.
I got you? Yeah?
Oh! Hey
- You took quite a good photo!
- Don't look!
Show me
- You have a crush, idiot
- Hey!
(High School English)
No, not this one.
Why is she in Ginza?
- Hello, Shizuka.
- Hello!
Oh, Shizuka, your makeup is
better than usual.
Really? Thank you.
(Club Hanazono)
(Shirokin Gakuin)
What the heck is this?
What's the matter? Oh.
Isn't this Miss Fujiyama?
"At a club in Ginza"
"She works part-time there."
Good morning.
Miss Fujiyama!
Do you work at a club,
by any chance?
You don't, do you?
Say you don't.
That is really bad
Is this the reason why
you have been late so often?
What on earth is this about?
And you work as a hostess, of all
things! You are a teacher!
But who sent him this?
Say something, Miss Fujiyama!
I just heard that Shizuka works
part-time as a hostess!
- What?
- Seriously?
Seems that someone snitched on her.
Stupid Sawatari is outraged.
She's in big trouble!
What's going on?
Did you do it?
You sent Miss Fujiyama's photo
to Mr Sawatari, didn't you?
Yes, so what?
Why did you do it?
But it's the truth.
She does work as a hostess!
And you can do what you want?
What, so teachers can do
what they want? Huh?
It's her fault.
She threw the gift I gave her
into a garbage can.
She asked for it! Didn't she?
How dare you do something so stupid!
- Stop it!
- You!
You have a crush on Miss Fujiyama,
don't you?
Just because she gave you
the cold shoulder,
just because she didn't
return your love
You did something so mean to the
woman you love! You're horrible!
You said you loved her,
but how shallow was your love?
When Miss Fujiyama gave you
the cold shoulder,
didn't it hurt here?
It hurt, didn't it? But now what?
Did the pain go away
after you did that?
Do you feel better?
If it feels better,
you are not good enough
to love anyone.
Shut up!
Hey, Noda
Yes, what he did was horrible.
But I know how very well
how he feels.
Calm down Please calm down.
What is this about?
Please tell us what this is about.
We are investigating the matter!
You have done something very stupid.
What if you get fired?
I think the teacher now regrets
what she did.
Does she?
At least, she will realize
sooner or later
that what she did was wrong.
I hope she will.
In that case,
why don't you help her?
I have seen many kinds of people
in my life.
People who were abandoned
by their parents,
people who committed crimes,
people who were rejected
by society.
The difference between
those who can get back on the
right track and those who can't
is how many people they meet
are trustworthy to them.
If there is someone they trust
on their side,
people can start over
again and again.
If it's people who hurt
other people,
it's people who can save
other people too.
Yeah, you're right.
Miss Fujiyama will
resign voluntarily.
Do you agree, Principal?
Well There is no need to
rush into a decision.
If we take our time,
what if word gets out?
I'm against it.
Against it? Why?
Like me, Miss Fujiyama is popular
with the students,
and they are all eager to learn
when Miss Fujiyama teaches them.
They're not eager to "learn",
they're eager to "look".
Don't correct me.
So Miss Fujiyama will stay.
Everyone, what do you think?
Principal and Miss Yamaguchi,
you both say the students want to
learn because of Miss Fujiyama?
Yes, that's what I said.
In other words, they'll get
better results?
Of course! All the students enjoy
studying very, very much.
Okay, then
If you insist, all right.
Yeah, but on one condition.
Miss Fujiyama won't be giving any
lessons for a week as punishment.
But she could be fired.
What? Seriously?
However, Mr Sawatari promised that
if a certain condition is met,
he won't fire her.
What condition?
In the mid-term English exam,
everybody in Class 3D
has to get over 30 marks.
- Impossible
- 30 marks!
What? It's just 30 marks!
Do you know how we do in exams?
The marks I get in all subjects
are always in the single digits.
The highest mark I ever got
was 18.
What? You guys are that stupid?
You've just realized?
It's too late
Please, guys! Do your best.
If Miss Fujiyama is fired,
Noda might feel guilty
and quit school, right?
But it's impossible for all of us
to get over 30 marks!
It's totally impossible
In the week from today
until the exam,
I will give you extra English
lessons after school.
What? Extra lessons?
Mr Sawatari, how nasty of you.
You set such an
unreasonable condition
and to make it worse, you set the
English exam questions yourself.
If the public finds that out,
I don't know how much it'll damage
the school's reputation.
We have to make
Miss Fujiyama resign.
How about this?
Now I have no choice but to make
the boys get over 30 marks.
All right
Let's do our best!
They're gone.
Of course I'm not having
more lessons!
- Darn.
- Where are you going?
What's the matter, Kuma?
I'm going to the lesson.
Yankumi's helped me before.
I'll go with you.
I brought her trouble, after all.
Darn it! Fine, whatever!
I owe her one too.
- Dunce.
- Idiot
"Set the goal to 30 marks.
Extra lesson questions. Day one."
Hey, the spelling is wrong.
What? You're joking!
It's an "e" in begin, not an "i".
Wow, you're a genius!
I learned it in middle school.
Yankumi, can you teach us like that?
You're so unreliable.
Oh, just do the questions!
Yeah, let's do it.
Excuse me, Miss Kumiko Yamaguchi.
By the way, the three of us
got stuck at the alphabet.
Do your best
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
Hey! H, I, J, K
Blah, blah, blah
I, J, K, L, M, N
What's the matter?
What are you doing here?
Come back to school.
Yankumi has started
doing something weird.
She's bringing us trouble, yeah?
Fujiyama might be fired.
- Fired?
- But
She won't if everyone in 3D
get over 30 marks in English.
(Set the goal to 30 marks.
Extra lesson questions. Day one.)
She's not just doing it
for Fujiyama,
she's doing it for you too.
Hey, Noda.
(Day 2)
Oh, Missy fell asleep here.
When did Missy become
an English teacher?
She must have started
doing something again.
- Hey, Wakamatsu.
- Boss.
- Take this for me.
- Yes, Boss.
Miss Yamaguchi.
You're giving Class 3D extra lessons
after school, right?
Yes! We'll work hard today too.
But it seems that only four of them
are coming to your lessons.
The other students can get 30 marks
without coming to lessons, can they?
Don't worry, I'm the one setting
the exam questions.
I'll make them easy.
You don't have to be so considerate.
They can easily do it.
I was surprised at how well
they perform.
See you.
I think I exaggerated a bit.
It's only the four of them
today anyway
This is impossible.
You're late.
What are you doing?
Let's do this.
You all came?
For his friend, a man can do
anything if he tries.
It's duty and sentiment
It isn't bad to study occasionally.
Well, we had to,
after he asked us so desperately.
Asked you desperately? Who did?
Who else?
Good boy!
- Good boy!
- Stop it!
Oh, stop it.
- I'm back.
- Welcome back
Okay, guys! Let's begin our lesson!
Let's do our best!
Come on! Say it!
Oh, your voices are too soft!
Once more!
Oh, don't sleep!
Wake up!
(Extra lesson questions. Day 3
Create a miracle! By Yankumi)
Wakamatsu. This.
- Boss.
- What?
I don't have my glasses.
Hey, is "dog" a kind of food?
It's an animal.
Pen. Okay.
Who knows what you put here?
Wow! That's the answer
(Day 4)
Ask if you don't know something.
I am
- It's like this, right?
- Yeah
Third person singular in
simple present tense.
Memorize it as
"third, singular, present".
The basic form is
the infinitive plus s
(Day 6)
- For!
- Correct.
there will be a miracle.
At least the guys are working
very hard to make one.
You always frown and say it's too
passionate or stupid,
but when I look at them,
I can't dismiss them with
words like these.
Perhaps instead of being
the school nurse,
I should've become a teacher.
Okay. I'll return to the infirmary.
(Extra lesson questions. Day 7.
By Yankumi)
Kikuno's special rice balls!
Thank you
Guys, have more.
It's good!
Okay! Let's work hard for Shizuka!
Let's do our best! We have to get
30 marks, no matter what!
(Shirokin Gakuin)
(Mid-term exam. English)
Okay, put all your textbooks
and notes away!
I'll now hand out the
English exam paper.
Flip them over and
pass them down the row.
Guys, don't panic, stay calm
and read the questions fully.
You will achieve good results.
Okay. You can start now!
Okay, time's up.
Put down your pencils!
- Thank you.
- Okay.
This is the answer sheet.
Please mark them correctly
and don't make any mistakes.
This could be the last thing
you do as a teacher.
(Do not quit!)
(You're in my dreams)
(You are the only one)
(Don't quit)
(I worked hard, so you should, too!)
(Do not quit, because I worked
very hard. I want to see you smile)
Now, Miss Fujiyama, please give them
back the exam papers.
Come to the front
when I call out your name.
Yes! I got 37 marks!
I got 37 marks too! I did it!
Isn't this amazing? Isn't it?
Wow, he got 100 marks, guys!
No way!
Wow I got 60 marks!
Mr Sawatari, all of them got
over 30 marks.
Kumai still hasn't got his.
Twenty-nine marks.
All right.
Miss Fujiyama will resign
from her job here.
A promise is a promise.
- Okay, Mr Washio, let's go.
- Okay.
I sent you the photo, Mr Sawatari!
Mr Sawatari. Please.
Please don't fire Miss Fujiyama.
If you fire her, I
How do I take the responsibility?
It was you who did that?
Mr Sawatari, Noda has to be
punished as well.
Don't be ridiculous!
I won't accept it either.
What is this about?
Be quiet!
Don't make a fuss!
Be quiet! Sit down!
I'm sorry!
Our school doesn't want students
or teachers who cause trouble!
Everybody fails or makes mistakes!
Why do you only think about
how to discard them?
You make mistakes too!
Me? Mistakes? What mistake?
You lost the collection bag before,
didn't you?
You're being to Mr Sawatari.
- Mr Washio.
- What?
Your barn door is open.
See? Everybody makes mistakes.
But Noda apologized and tried
to correct his mistake.
Miss Fujiyama too, knows that
what she did was wrong.
They are trying to correct
their mistakes,
but you won't even give them
a chance.
Why won't you even try to help them?
You say they're trying to
correct their mistake
What about you, Miss Fujiyama?
Do you really want to resign
like this?
The boys worked desperately hard
for you.
Don't you want to
respond to their feelings?
I'm asking you, what do you want?
Being a teacher
wasn't my dream.
But today, for the first time,
I want to keep working as a teacher.
I want to continue to be a teacher.
I want to continue!
But a promise is a promise.
Excuse me
The answer to question 4
can be both A or B.
Oh. I don't understand.
Yes, it's true!
Both answers are correct.
That means you made a mistake
when you set the questions.
Kumai's answer is correct.
That means he got two more marks
Thirty-one marks?
You did it, Kuma!
So Miss Fujiyama will continue
to be our English teacher.
It's okay, isn't it, Mr Sawatari?
A promise is a promise.
It's okay.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Don't worry about it.
I won't worry about it.
Out of my way!
Mr Sawatari!
Disappear from here now!
I was thinking about opening
a club in Ginza, though.
You dare say that? You've quit
your part-time job as a hostess.
You have?
Well, too many men
make advances to me
and it's annoying.
Miss Fujiyama!
What are you doing?
I won't stop seeking your affection.
Don't just say that, come
and help me pick up my things!
If I get 80 marks in
the end-of-term exam,
please go on a date with me!
Yes! Seriously?
Let's go! I'll treat you all
to dinner!
He can't possibly get 80 marks.
Good afternoon.
Mr Shinohara?
Why is he here?
I asked him to come!
Mr Shinohara
What Wait!
Are you celebrating something today?
Miss Fujiyama is starting over again
and we're going to celebrate it.
I haven't heard.
Because I didn't tell you.
Miss Fujiyama and I are going on
a double date tonight.
- I'm going too.
- No, you're not.
Let's go
You're going?
Hey, wait for me!
Oh, just let me come!
What? Come on!
Let me join you!
Whose phone is this?
Hello, Missy? It's Tetsu.
Hello, Missy?
- Hello, Missy? It's Tetsu.
- "Missy"?
Mr Shinohara!
- Let's go.
- Mr Shinohara, this way.
My cell phone is missing!
- Thank you for bringing it here.
- Sure.
If the school finds out what
her family is, she will be fired.
Well, we all think of Missy as
our 4th generation boss.
- What are you hiding behind you?
- Nothing.
What? You want to fight?
- Let's go, Minoru.
- Come, Kuma.
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