Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Don't Drink the Tea

Grass, tree, dirt.
Wow! The countryside is so
the same.
The city was right
to cut this stuff down
and put up street signs.
Where should we go, Gizmo?
You still mad about Sam?
Yeesh, you'd think
I ditched you on the train.
Oh, so I'm the bad guy?
The Odd-Odd almost ate-ate you
because Sam was too scared
to do anything.
But if you want to reach
your "Ghost City,"
you gotta work with me.
Hey, no need to panic.
This isn't just a weapon.
Okay, panic a little.
can the countryside get any worse?
Finally, shelter!
Those bandits
wouldn't stop chasing me.
Oh, my goodness!
You're soaked
from the rain and tears.
Let's get you cleaned up.
You're safe here,
Miss Dandelion Puff.
No bandits allowed
at my inn.
But I, I can't pay.
The bandits took everything
Grandma gave me.
- And, and maybe even Grandma.
- Aw! So sad.
So here's something happy,
Meng Po's Inn
isn't only bandit-free,
it's also free-free.
- Free?
- You heard right.
Hugs are the only
acceptable currency here.
And I require payment up-front!
And the fun surprises just
keep coming because
tonight, we're having
crispy duck
in honor of
the Mid-Autumn Festival!
- Yay! Thank you, Meng Po!
- Happy Moon Festival!
Oh, I love crispy duck.
I hate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
- Who doesn't like a festival?
- Maybe she hates moons.
Or autumn.
Hey, judgy junipers!
Don't you all have plates
to clear?
Here, sip this, little lilac.
- Wow, what a chandelier!
- Aw, cherish.
Oh! It is unique, isn't it?
My sister designed that.
Oh, does she work here too?
Once. My parents did too,
but that was all very long ago.
There I go, being
a Sappy Sally.
Oh? You drank it all?
Fear makes me thirsty,
but now I feel fine?
Must be good tea!
You do seem more relaxed.
Yin, show our new guest
her room?
It's my first day too!
Step one, find Elle and Gizmo.
Step two, apologize to Gizmo
for losing him.
Step three
What are those things doing
to themselves over there?
Doesn't matter.
What we need to do is get out of here.
Step one,
we find a way out of here.
Step two,
we find a way to help Sam.
Step two-point-five, I hug him
and never let go ever again.
Still mad, huh?
Yeah, same to you.
But look, we're stuck here
till the rain lets up,
so you and I need to find out
what we're dealing with.
There's something off
about Meng Po, and her guests,
- and definitely her tea.
- Huh?
- I say we sneak around and maybe
- Uh-uh!
Oh! You want
to stay here, alone?
Sure, I'll miss you.
Yeah, you know,
didn't the Odd-Odd say
that magical beings could smell
you and your yummy immortality?
It would be a shame
if I wasn't there to save
Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!
New girl!
- Wanna see a neato trick?
- Oh, um, sure.
Huh, neat.
Name's Wei, by the way.
Elle. Super nice inn, huh?
Know how long
Meng Po's been running it?
Eh, no clue. Just got here
today, like you did.
All of us did.
But, boy, I sure am glad
I'm not the only teenager
here anymore.
All the other guests
are so old.
Sometimes people think
I'm 17, but I am actually 15.
Ah Yup. I would not guess
that you're 15.
Uh, well, I'm going to go
get to know this place
a little bit better.
See you around,
uh, fellow teenager.
Has anyone seen a girl with
shaggy hair and a catdog?
Because I have business
with her.
Oh, come in, Mr. Cutie Bao.
I'd be angry too,
out there in the rain.
Oh. Thank you.
Drink, drink.
Hot tea will cool that temper.
Ooh, I do love
a good herbal blend.
Oh, cutie bao, you have lived
more life than I expected.
There. I think
you feel happy now.
Yes I do feel happy now.
Now maybe do some chores?
All my guests like to help out.
I like to help out.
See, Giz? No horses.
No trails in or out.
It's like no one has come
or gone in a long time.
But everyone thinks
they arrived today.
Is someone here?
Meng Po asked me
to clean the stables.
Sam's here?
He must want to kill me.
Or at least lecture me
to death.
Whoa! Aw, he's such a cute
baby panda dragon?
- I'm Sam, by the way.
- I'm
You just got here?
- Yep. Arrived today.
- 'Course you did.
And you've never
seen us before?
Nope. But I'm excited
to get to know you guys.
Tell you what,
after I'm done cleaning,
let's have a cup
of Meng Po's tea.
It's dee-lish!
Huh, the tea.
Hey, Sam, is it?
Let us help you.
You take that side,
and we'll clean over here.
It's the tea, Giz.
You know, I never asked,
can I call you Giz?
I've heard angrier chirps
from you,
so I'm gonna
take that as a yes.
Giz, what if the tea
is wiping people's memories?
Maybe that's why
Sam doesn't know who we are,
why everyone thinks
they got here today,
and why Meng Po
keeps pushing her tea.
Everything else in our lives
is magic these days,
so why wouldn't the tea be too?
So, Giz, it's time for you
to fix it. Magic away!
Eh, figured you're magic,
the tea's magic
Know what, it was worth a try.
Sam could help,
if Meng Po's brain-suck tea
didn't erase
all of his herb knowledge.
I mean, that guy who's the
world's oldest 15-year-old
still remembers
his card tricks, so
Hey, Sam.
Got a new chore for you!
Meng Po told you she wants us
to organize all of this?
What an honor!
Look at all she has.
Ginseng, gingko, leeches.
Ooh, that's thunder god vine.
Great for arthritis.
That mushroom cures itchy feet.
That one makes feet itch.
Not sure why you'd want
to do that, but you can.
You know how to use
all of this stuff?
Ooh, these leaves.
I've only read about them.
they can wipe memories.
Oh, and here's
five-spice powder.
That's dangerous -ly tasty!
Mmm-hmm. Back up a bit.
If someone, say,
had their memory wiped with this stuff,
- there a way to undo it?
- Hmm.
It's tricky,
but there is one powder
that can reverse
any bad effect.
There. Just eat or inhale this,
and all the toxins
should clear out.
This chore is fun.
And you're pretty cool.
Oh, yay! It's time
for the Mid-Autumn
Festival dinner.
I hate the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Festival time!
I knew something was off
about you.
No, no, no, no, no.
I was just looking
for, uh the door!
Where are we? Is Elle here?
Precious patrons, stop her!
Look, if I'm going
to be honest,
I'm really more
of a coffee drinker.
My tea is an acquired taste,
but you'll love it soon.
You, Henchman Number One.
It's Sebastian, sir.
Don't humanize yourself
to me. Apply the water.
Not only are these
hideous mogwai stronger,
but I can make more
whenever I want.
Easier than recruiting
new henchmen.
I simply need to channel
their destructive energy.
Whoa, look at 'em!
They're kinda cute when they
Sir, I'm not so sure
they can be channeled.
Oh, you have no vision.
That's why I'm the boss,
and you're Henchman Number Two.
And don't you dare tell me
your real name.
After a few days
trapped here without food,
they will become compliant.
You shall see.
- Now's our chance.
- To do what? Also scream?
Just so you know,
that arm will get infected.
He'll lose it
if it doesn't get treated.
Uh-huh. And just so you know,
I don't care.
Sure, but it's going to smell.
Oof, really bad.
Like rotten chicken
mixed with rancid milk.
The kind of smell
where you sorta taste it too
Stop! Stop!
I can prevent that. I just need
astringent, fresh bandages,
string, and my assistant.
This is a two-person job.
Especially if we need
to amputate.
But as soon as you're done
providing medicinal services,
you're back
in the magic bubble.
That's actually
what it's named?
Actually, its proper name
is a curse,
only spoken by demons
of the 7th Court.
If you do amputate,
I want the arm.
I only give my tea
to the ones who need it.
The ones without family
or friends.
Lonely lost lambs.
Back before I made this tea,
we would go weeks,
months without a guest.
It broke my parents' hearts.
And after they passed,
my sister left as fast as she could, so I
I had no choice.
Anyway, the isolation started
to get to be too much,
until I discovered a way
to get people to stay.
I could keep them here.
I could make sure
no one would ever feel pain
like I did, ever again.
Oh, a Mid-Autumn
Festival celebration.
How beautiful.
No, it's not.
The worst thing
that ever happened to me
was during that
Mid-Autumn Festival.
I was seven years old.
My parents and I were
celebrating as usual.
Then we got separated.
Oh, dear, whoever you're
looking for is long gone.
But you're in luck.
I repurpose all kinds of trash.
Mommy? Mommy!
I waited days and days
for them to come get me.
But they never did.
Later, I heard why.
Every year, we would steal
floating lanterns
and resell them
during the festival.
Easy money.
But without a kid
slowing them down,
my parents got greedy.
They grabbed too many lanterns,
and before they knew it,
they were floating
high above the city.
No one ever found out
how long they held on for.
But their cries echoed
through the night.
Weeks later, a fishing net
caught my mother's left shoe.
They never found the right one.
Okay, that's a good reason
to hate
the Mid-Autumn Festival.
But it's still no excuse.
She abandoned me,
left me alone, and
Oh. Just like how she was left.
We've got to save her.
Gizmo, I really missed you.
There, there
Let it all out.
Crispy duck time!
What? It is?
Huh, who are you?
Stop! Don't eat that,
cutie baos!
Sam? What do you
Wait. You still
don't remember me, do you?
Who can forget the girl that disconnected them
from a moving train?
Ooh, is that sarcasm, Sam Wing?
Do you want me to save you or not?
No. Let go.
Sweet sprout, help me!
We are not listening
to you anymore.
I helped you!
The tea of forgetting
took away your pain.
She stole years of your lives,
all to satisfy
her own selfish needs.
The tea of forgetting
is too good for her.
Without her magic
trapping people here,
Meng Po will soon
be left all alone.
No one to talk to,
no one to boss around,
no one to give a fig about her.
But if you take her memories,
she won't even know
what she's missing.
Her punishment should be
remembering that she had
everything she ever wanted
and she lost it all.
Fine. I just want to go home.
I just want clothes
that fit.
I just remembered
my real name.
Come back. Come back.
Come back.
Come back
Come back
Come back
You coming?
You still want me
to go with you?
We need you. Who else is going
to sneak us onto trains?
Plus, after seeing
all you've been through
Please spare me
the sad boo-boo eyes. Ugh.
You know, I liked it better
when your memory was wiped
and you just thought
I was cool.
Um, never thought that,
and lying is definitely not cool.
Giz, didn't Sam say
I was pretty cool?
Who's side are you on?
And are you okay with being called Giz?
Oh-ho, he loves being called Giz!
Well, only I can call him Giz, actually.
He won't let you call him Giz.
We're really good friends now.
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