Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution (2010) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Previously on Jamie Oliver's food revolution: Big boy, this looks great! Jamie Oliver opened a kitchen in the heart of West Virginia.
This room here represents where the food revolution's going to start.
But his revolution is still meeting resistance.
Today I'm going to the radio station where rod is even more aggravated than last time I saw him.
Do you think when you leave here that things are going to be turned around? That things are going to be turned around? Dude, if everyone in America was like you, you would get nothing done.
I've got to have him supporting what we're doing.
Do you think that we're slowly starting to like each other? Do you think that we're slowly starting to like each other? No.
It's Jamie Oliver's food revolution.
Eat your vegetables! It's been two months since I first got to Huntington.
I've been working in the elementary schools, I've been working with people in their homes, and at the same time I really need to sort of redirect my focus and start working with this community, getting the community involved in all the projects that I'm doing and getting to know that the kitchen's here.
Without the community, there's no way I'm ever going to start a food revolution, no way.
So I'm going to go and see rod at the radio station.
Even though it's fairly nerve-racking and painful going on the show, it is a great way to get my voice out and around the community.
Country favourites and fun, 93.
It's 8am this morning on the programme.
A lot of people in Huntington find me annoying.
But rod can't stand my guts.
He's actually the biggest enemy of the food revolution, without doubt.
In the studio this morning it is the naked chef himself, Jamie Oliver.
The last time you were here you were talking about this Jamie's kitchen that you're opening.
What is it exactly? Is it called Jamie's kitchen? It's basically a free place to come and get free cooking lessons, advice on budgeting, you name it.
It really does change lives and helps people.
And it's somewhere that anyone can come.
Are you sure this is actually going to work? All I can say is four years ago I started one in england, and it really does help.
I don't know if it's going to work around here or not, Jamie.
I think it will.
I promise you.
Jamie, what it is, I really want to like you because you're a likeable guy.
I just don't know if I trust you, not necessarily you, it's just how this show is actually going to turn out.
All I would say isYou've got to be afraid of me or go with me, and I would suggest come with me and let's make something that really is going to start off a real revolution.
And I know that's a big word to use, but And I know that's a big word to use, but We're very cautious of you is what we are, Jamie.
Yeah, but that time's got to stop.
Yeah, but that time's got to stop.
We'll find out how it goes over there at your kitchen.
Jamie, thank you so much for being here on the programme.
Jamie, thank you so much for being here on the programme.
Thank you.
Jamie Oliver, ladies and gentlemen.
'I don't want to muck around.
I'm going to fight fire with fire.
' and I want to get that crusty little git, I want him to be excited about what I'm doing in this town and I want him to be one of the people that gets transformed.
Thinking about that kitchen, you don't think it's going to work.
Thinking about that kitchen, you don't think it's going to work.
I don't think it's going to work.
If I can prove to you I can get 1,000 people taught to cook in the next five days, can you start helping me and being on my side a bit? You prove to me you get 1,000 people over there.
It's a bet.
It's a bet and a beer.
'I don't know if I can get 1,000 people, ' but hell, let's just go for it.
If you don't give yourself a target and a goal, you're never going to have a go, are you? And if we can get rod to see the light, hallelujah, praise the lord.
You drive a hard bargain, brother.
See you, Jamie.
See you, Jamie.
See you, man.
The bet is a joke to me.
The bet is truly a joke.
He's not going to get 1,000 people, it's not going to happen.
I can't get 1,000 people to listen to the show.
He's not going to win, he's going to get nobody.
'If you know anything about cooking on tv, ' you know about Jamie, right? I hope so.
'I've made a bet with rod' that I'm going to get 1,000 people going through that kitchen.
Anyone interested in helping me do what I'm doing, or get involved in being taught, come down see me today, one o'clock.
'Now's my time to focus on' the heart of this project - my kitchen 'to get it buzzing and get people talking about it around town.
' there's a lot to be done.
I've done a bet with him that I can get 1,000 people taught to cook this week.
It's a big deal.
I want to win this bet, not just cos of the bet, it's part of the food revolution.
We've got to get out there and drum up a load of attention and getting people in my kitchen.
And is it actually in Pullman square, or right across the street? You'll see just look for the smoke billowing from the windows and that will be me.
I do hope that I can prove to rod personally, not just because of the bet 'Look, if I can turn rod around, 'honestly, I think we can achieve anything in this town.
' country favourites and fun.
7 the dawg.
It is rather windy outside, so make sure you have a jacket on.
'Right, folks.
Basically, Jamie Oliver has been on the programme 'and he's placed a bet with me that he's going to get '1,000 people to come to Jamie's kitchen and cook.
'Why do we want to come to Jamie's kitchen? 'I don't think we need Jamie Oliver to tell us what we need to do.
'Stay home and he has no chance in hell of winning this.
' 'since I got here, all I've done is go on radios and been abused.
'I've done journalists in the paper and there's nothing I haven't done 'to get people here and no-one's come yet.
' come on.
For God's sake.
This is not good.
'So I've got five days to teach 1,000 people a dish, 'and so far, no-one's turned up.
I cannot let rod' win this bet.
If rod wins this bet, it means that Huntington doesn't care, and if that's the case, I might as well pack up my stuff and go now.
'Where the hell am I going to get 1,000 people from?' we've got five days to get 1,000 people cooking, so I can win this bet with rod, which is important to me, because I want to get Huntington to rise up and start a revolution.
Today was an absolute failure, it did not work at all.
But I'm not going to give up, I'm going to keep going, but I need to come up with something clever.
This town really is based around Marshall university, and I haven't even been there yet, and that's where 14,000 people are.
If I can get just a fraction of those 14,000 students in my kitchen, then I can definitely beat rod.
How you doing guys? I know you guys are really busy, so firstly, thank you for getting involved in this, it's going to be big, it's going to be fun.
How do you get to a load of students at university? Well, students like good food, they like it to be easy, or fun, and I think I'm going to go along the fun route.
I want to do a flash mob.
The whole point of this is just to remind people that cooking is fun.
A flash mob is about creating an unusual experience, in a really normal place, and shocking everyone with something brilliant.
Can I have group one out on the floor? I've got this very, very cool choreographer, who has pulled a bunch of dancers together, and I've presented this stir-fry recipe, involving a wok, and all these moves, and she's turning these moves into dancing things, and I just don't know what to expect.
One, two, three, four, we walk to our group.
Keep walking, and stand in front of your group.
And group one comes and puts on the apron.
'I can see where Lauren's going with this.
She's done an amazing job.
' 'I can see where Lauren's going with this.
She's done an amazing job.
' Keep stirring, and stirring, and stirring, and I'm just worried, as a non-dancing person, unless I've had about ten drinks, that I'm going to be able to do anything decent.
Walk to your station - that's when they're going to do the rep counting.
So this is before we walk? This is during the walk.
And so it's like, it's just one, two, walk.
Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk.
'I'm hoping this flash mob's going to work.
'If we get it right, it's going to be a celebration of food, 'it's going to be a celebration of Huntington.
I just hope 'that it gets people to come to the kitchen.
' Oh, my God! All right, so we still got a lot of work to do, right? Grab the meat, pour it in, and stirring, and stirring, and five, six, seven.
Today is the flash mob.
I'm nervous, I'm excited.
You know, Marshall university here in Huntington has had awful things happen in the past.
If you saw the film we are Marshall, 40 years ago nearly they had the plane crash here, and when that plane went down with all those people from the football team, this town came together to get that football team back up again.
There's a great community here, there's an amazing spirit.
I'm really hoping to tap into that spirit to give this food revolution just a little bit of a boost.
So the plan is for all the dancers to turn up at the centre of the university campus at 12 o'clock.
Just blend in with all the normal people that are there, wait for my signal, and then we'll hit it.
If we can pull this off, it's going to be the coolest kick-ass thingEver.
Or, of course, we could just look like a right bunch of idiots with pans in our hands.
Music plays it felt brilliant to do it, brilliant to do it, but I didn't want to do it, I wanted to watch it.
It was so good.
To see the future generations just expressing themselves like that, in dance, in cooking, having a laugh, you know, not taking it too seriously, making a stir fry, you know, it was a big, big Huntington celebration, and that is the coolest thing I have ever done.
Yo, guys I just want to say a massive thank you to all of you guys that helped out.
Thank you very, very much.
Cheering the whole point of this was to let you guys at Marshall know, I've made a bet with your local radio dj that I can have 1,000 people come through my kitchen.
I'd love as many of you and your friends to come through my kitchen.
But really, that was the coolest thing ever, thank you very much.
It's so cool, so cool.
It was awesome, it was just the most amazing experience of our lives.
It was explosive, man! Explosive like I can't even play it back.
It was really good, I'm thinking about going down to take those cooking classes.
If Jamie wanted to get the word out about his kitchen, this is the perfect way.
The flash mob was great, but I've got four days to get 1,000 people through the kitchen, and tomorrow is the cookathon.
Will anyone turn up? I don't know.
Hopefully they will.
We are! Marshall! We are! Marshall! We are! Marshall! Nice one guys, respect.
Thank you.
I've made a bet with rod from the radio show, I could get 1,000 people from this town taught to cook in a week.
If I can get a 1,000 people in a week, that means I can get 50-odd thousand people through that shop in a year, the whole population of this town could come through our shop, which is absolutely what the dream is.
So on here, see these little squares? There's 1,000 of these on this board, and I've got to get a picture of all the different people holding the dish that they've cooked, that's my proof, ok? To get these 1,000 people, we've closed down the street, we're going to do a cookathon and then basically, hope that a bunch of people turn up from our flash mob, from all the pr and radio we've been doing.
But I am worried that I've bitten off more than I can chew.
1,000 people.
When I opened the kitchen today, I could not believe how many people had turned up, it was amazing.
I don't know if it's because of the flash mob, the tv or the radio, but one thing is for sure, is the town showed up in full effect and the word is getting about.
Ok, this is great.
Are you all right all to head outside? Thank you very much for coming, I know you're all really busy.
Ok, you guys are the beginning of the 1,000 people we've got to get through here this week.
We got a cookathon going on in the middle of the street.
You've got kids, old, young, you name it, they're all here.
And we had a good old cook-up, 45 people at a time.
Right, lovely people, we're going to do a quick stir fry.
We're using good quality American beef.
So pick up the little bowl with the spring onions, chilli and ginger and just, from a height, sprinkle it in.
If you look at the ingredients in that stir fry - ginger, chilli, garlic - all the medicinal qualities and the vitamins and nutrients in that food, it'll improve your kids' health, your skin, your hair, your happiness, you know, it makes your sex life better.
Yes, mother! It absolutely improves everything.
Can everyone smell that? Yes.
We're going in with our sliced beef.
Yep, I'm doing my little 1,000 people bet, but also it's getting people going home and talking to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives and spreading the word and this is what we're doing.
What I want to do is get a picture of you with your plate of food.
Darling, if I could have a little pretty photo.
There you go.
Hold it up, sir, there you go.
That was the first time you ever cooked? Yeah.
Give me five.
Hold that closer to your head.
Now you're showing off on the old tossing now, aren't you? You're going on our wall.
And we were doing our 50, then we did 100, then we did 150.
As you can see, this is very quick.
We had businessmen, builders, we had firemen turning up, you know, we had students, it was brilliant.
How you doing guys, all right? Marisa, how you doing at the back, darling? Marisa's one of our lovely students from Huntington high, who's been helping me.
I've been here long enough now to have made quite a few friends.
Let's do it.
Ah, pastor Steve is here, my lord! Ah, I didn't know you were coming.
Pastor Steve turned up.
You know, he is a friend.
It was great to see him with his whole family.
Tear it into small pieces, into the wok.
The Edwards family Justin! Come on, Justin! You didn't tell me you were coming.
We had Justin and stacie turn up, we had all sorts of people turning up, friendly faces.
You should have a wok on full blast.
I see you rod, how you doing, brother? How you doing, Jamie? Can you see the chaos you've made me create? I can see.
Are you going to cook? No.
Are you sure you don't want to cook? Are you sure you don't want to cook? I am positive.
'So I walked up and there was a lot of people cooking in the street.
'I didn't think there'd be that much interest.
' I still doubt seriously that he will receive 1,000 people.
So guys, do you reckon we can get 1,000 people to cook? Cheering let's hope so.
Because if I get a 1,000 people, rod is going to buy me a beer.
Where has he gone? Ah, there he is.
A lot of effort's gone in today and a real sense of community.
So hopefully rod's going to be thinking, "you know what ".
This might be something, this might be something.
" Enjoy your food, guys.
Lots of love, cheers.
We had a really brilliant two, three hours of hard cookathon cooking.
All sorts of people from all over the community came.
It was fast, furious and epic.
This is what it's all about, this is exactly what it's all about.
You've got police, policewomen, firemen, postmen, paramedics, rockers, foxy chicks, old nannies, I just love it.
We're doing fairly well, but we're nowhere near, we're not even halfway yet.
I can honestly say I'm not sure if I'm going to get 1,000 this week.
The cookathon was epic, but I can't do it again, so now I've got to get busy around this town and really start thinking about where I can go to different groups of people, so hopefully I can get another 500 people taught to cook in the next two days.
I've got no spare time.
Tomorrow's a big day.
It's a gen away from nine this morning of the program.
Watch out for some showers and thunderstorms possible for the next two days.
We've been talking about Jamie Oliver.
He's got this bet with me, which is that he's going to get a 1,000 people to start cooking healthy in this city.
I doubt that's going to happen, we got other things to do besides learn a few recipes.
The whole thing with thiscooking thing, is once you get people on it, then it just snowballs.
You've got to go everywhere, get on the radio, the tv, go to the businesses, go to the people, wherever they may be, got to set up a stand and start cooking.
I've got to get 1,000 people cooking a dish.
I think we've got about 50 of you guys here today.
Are you ready to do some cooking? Yeah! That's what I like to hear.
Let's get our woks! Jamie, before you go Yeah? .
Thanks for being here, we would like to present you with a special hardhat.
The one you've got on is bland and blue.
We're going to get you one a bit more exciting.
Ok! How do I look? Ok, so shall we do some cooking? Yes! Let's do it.
Get about a tablespoonof the oil and put it around the outside of the wok.
We are a family-owned business.
We've been around since 1904.
We do care a lot about our employees and we want them to be healthy, so it's just exciting for him to be here.
Now by this time, you should have a nice bowl of noodles and beef.
Well done.
Give yourself a massive round of applause.
Yeah! All those guys in there, I mean, they bend steel for crying out loud.
They're the guys that you want in your revolution, not just all the ones that look like they should be in your revolution, you want steel benders! I'm really chuffed we did this today.
Still a long way away from having 1,000 people, I don't know where we're going to get the rest of them from, but I've got to win my bet with rod.
Take care, guys, thank you.
Here's who Jamie oliverthinks Jamie Oliver is.
Jamie Oliver thinks that Jamie Oliver is the naked chef and he can save anybody.
He thinks, "if I go to Huntington, West Virginia, they'll listen to me.
"Why? Because I'm Jamie Oliver, I'm famous.
" Alice, you're here.
I'm here.
I thought you weren't coming.
Wouldn't miss it for the world.
Thanks, darling.
Come on then, guys, come through.
I've been of working with the local elementary school, and I wanted to get them to be part of the 1,000, so I've got them all down in the kitchen, cooking some lovely grub, and even Alice came.
We're going to do a pasta dish.
They want us to cook? For Alice to come must mean she kind of gets it.
It must do.
Why would she come otherwise? She can't stand my guts.
Do we have gloves? Ultimately this week is about spreading the word.
"Heat down to low, add tuna, continue "to cook for ten minutes, stir in chopped basil and season nicely.
" If you can get 1,000 people done in a week, then really this population of 50,000is not going to be a problem.
He hasn't reached 1,000, I think he's up to about 700, is what I understand.
One person cannot change 50,000 people in the city of Huntington, West Virginia.
Our next guest tonight is a bestselling author and a world renowned television personality.
Please welcome Jamie Oliver! Every house should have a wok, right, and you've got to learn to spin it, brother, for sure.
Ow! Having Jamie Oliver in Huntington, West Virginia is amazing.
I mean, he really is enthusiastic about what he does.
All of these ingredients are incredibly good for you.
People see how excited he is, and how easy it is to cook, and with him doing it, I hope people say, "this is easy.
Let's make a change and let's start cooking "like this, and try to be healthier.
" "Like this, and try to be healthier.
" I want to win that bet with rod, send in your pictures with you with a dish, and be one of the many thousands that will hopefully get involved.
Jamie, thanks for coming on our show.
Jamie, thanks for coming on our show.
Take care, lovely to meet you.
Jamie, thanks for coming on our show.
Take care, lovely to meet you.
Jamie Oliver, everyone! I'm sick of talking about Jamie Oliver, I'm sick of talking about lettuce, carrots, I'm sick of talking about the whole damn thing.
I wish Jamie Oliver would go back across the pond and never come to Huntington, West Virginia again.
The last four days has been amazing, I've been all over town, getting hundreds and hundreds of people to cook, but I'm still really short of 1,000 people.
So at the moment it does look like I'm going to lose my bet.
And it's not just the bet with rod, he's still quite down on this whole revolution, and I really need to get him onside.
What I'm thinking about doing is actually asking rod to help me get the last 200 people through the kitchen.
You might think it's crazy, but I want to try and get the man who hates me to lose his own bet.
So what I'm going to do with rod is take him on a journey, for a day, to get him to see why it is that I'm here.
This is about real people, real families, health, life and death.
Hey, rod.
What's going on, Jamie? Yeah, good, man.
You ok? I'm ok, what's up? Cool, cool.
Thanks for coming.
I hope you're comfortable with this, but we're going to a mortuary.
Because you remember the first time we met and you said "why are you coming here?" And I said it's because of death, because there's a problem here.
And I just wondered if I could just tell that story in a bit more detail to you today.
Sure, sure.
All right, mate.
You sure you're comfortable with this? I'm comfortable, yeah.
Hello gentlemen.
Jamie Oliver.
Pat raker.
Nice to meet you.
How do you do? David amis.
Good to meet you.
Rod Willis.
David amis, nice to meet you.
David amis, nice to meet you.
You know I'm in town doing some various work, and a lot of it's about family and fun and We're doing all sorts of things, as you know.
But if you don't mind, I'd like to see the other side, the side that people don't really want to talk about, but the sort of reality of where we've got to in health in this country, really.
Oh, my lord.
My God, that's huge.
This is a normal one? This is a normal casket.
I never even knew these things existed.
More and more a part of our jobs as we see what's happening with our society.
To prepare a family to understand that, you know, their loved one is so large that you're not going to be able to have a traditional viewing and funeral that you're used to.
And then this has to be transported either in the back of a cargo van, it will not fit in a hearse.
Then we get to the cemetery.
The cemetery's going to require you to have two grave spaces.
Wouldn't they elect cremation? The problem is the cremation of that body.
The size.
Oh, my Does it affect the way, sorry to be blunt, but does it affect the way the body burns? Once the body starts to burn within the crematory, the body consumes itself.
It's basically a massive great human candle? Yes, yes.
Oh, God Jamie brought me here to show me the other side, to show me what not eating healthy can do to you.
It's not something you want to see every day.
It's hard for you to have dignity.
It is, it is, and that's foremost for us.
One thing's for sure, this meeting for me today has inspired me, it's upset me, it's made me angry, and that's a good cocktail of things.
But also I hope that rod is feeling what I'm feeling.
Jiminy Christmas.
There's rods all over the country and there's parents all over the country, and there's senators all over the country, and if they all do a bit, we can change the world.
And I hope that rod's starting to see why this little, annoying, pumped-up English boy is here.
Do you know what I mean? Cos it ain't about cooking lettuce.
The food revolution is about saving lives.
Ok, rod.
Go on, brother.
I've got some friends of mine in here.
Hi guys! Hey, Jamie.
Take a seat, brother.
Rod's kindly allowed me to show him a few things today, and I wanted rod to see the harsh reality of what's happening in this town, not just for the dead, but also for the living.
These are some of my friends from Huntington.
This is rod, the dawg, from the radio station.
You've probably heard the rocking rod show? It's all very well me going on his radio show and trying to tell him what's really going on.
But I think for him to experience it himself, I truly hope that that's going to give him a perspective that he's never had before.
Who wants to go first? Stacie? Oh, you want me to start? Ok.
I'm a mother of four kids, I've three boys and a girl.
And, um, just like any other American family, we ate burgers, fast food, you know.
And my youngest boy is 12 years old here.
What's his name? Justin? It frightened me when I took him to the doctor and they said he weighed, you know, 318 pounds.
It just crushed me as a parent, because I have helped make him this way.
Jamie cares, we all need to stand back and behind him and, and Put it in perspective on what he wants us to do.
Marisa, would you mind saying a few words about your story? Hi.
Well, I was adopted when I was six and I was adopted by my mother here.
And, of course I had a father that adopted me and I loved him, he was like my best friend.
He was really overweight.
I have a picture, actually.
Almost obese, would you say? yeah, he was.
Sorry, here.
He was big, he let me do his hair in that picture! What does he weigh in this picture? Probably 400 and some pounds.
Yeah it was, it was bad.
And he decided to get gastric bypass surgery.
He got through it and he was home for like a week or so, and one day I just woke up and I heard something in the hallway and he'd passed out in our hallway.
And we had an ambulance and firefighters and everything come take him, and take him to the hospital and, and he died, because he was overweight.
And, I mean, my mom lost her husband, and I lost my best friend Man Obesity doesn't just affect the person that passes, or the person that has the issue, it's the whole family.
Last but not least, Britney.
Well, I've had weight problems all my life, since I was two years old.
My mom, being a single mom all of her life, she's always, you know, trying to find different ways to feed us all for cheap.
But I was just recently told, because of my liver, that I could only have five to seven years Oh, man.
I'm proud of you, Britney.
I'm sorry.
And I've tried everything, all the different diets that have came out, I've tried exercising, but I never had the motivation to do anything, I just felt so helpless.
And then once I found out that Jamie was coming and I felt finally that this is my chance, my open door to finally get my life under control.
And he's done so much for me and he's taught me how to cook different meals, you know, how to use the fresh vegetables, and I mean, he's just he's been a dream come true, an answered prayer.
'Britney's story really, really, really touched me.
' I mean, to be that young and for the doctor to tell her that if she didn't, you know, start eating healthier that she may not have long to live, she may only live seven more years.
And it just broke my heart.
Rod, I know you're thinking, "bloody hell, I'm just a local dj, "why is Jamie giving me all this attention?" But I could be spending this time with a senator, or a governor, and I actually think someone that they listen to every day in the morning, on their favourite radio station, is more powerful than a senator that's got to watch what he says, cos he wants to stay in power.
You know what I mean? 'I think we're starting to break rod.
'I think it all just needs to sink in a bit, ' and I really believe that he's got a crucial part to play in this.
So rod, thanks for being here and thanks for Oh, man.
Doing your stories.
I am shocked and amazed at the same time.
Shocked that it's right here in front of me, and amazed at the things that you're doing with it.
'I just hope now that rod is prepared to swallow his pride, 'get back on that radio, and help me win this bet, ' and help Huntington, and get this food revolution kicked off properly.
Today's the last day of my bet with rod.
I've got another 100 people to get through the kitchen, and I just hope that we got through to rod, really, and I hope that I can win.
Country favourites and fun, 93.
7, the dawg.
7:21 this morning on the programme, and we are live here at Jamie's kitchen.
If you're out there and about this morning, before you go to work, come on in here and help us cook.
I can't believe I'm saying it, I bet against the guy, but I don't think we're going to get to 1,000 people if you don't come out here and help out.
You're going to help me lose the bet, basically, that's what you want, because it helps out the city of Huntington.
At this point it's not about Jamie Oliver any more, it's about us as a community.
It was probably unbelievable to the listeners that I was actually at Jamie's kitchen, because it sure as hell was unbelievable to me.
We got to do this for the good of the city, because the city is actually turned around a whole lot since Jamie first got to town.
It is awesome, we got about 50, 60 people here this morning here at Jamie's kitchen.
In my entire life, I didn't think we'd get this many people, this early in the morning.
But it looks like I'm going to lose this bet, it really looks like I'm going down and I'm going to have to break down and buy Jamie a beer.
I feel really about that.
Oh, wow, look at this.
My lord.
Hey, everyone.
Are you guys are all here to cook? Yeah! So I turn up at the kitchen to do all these live radio shows and live tv shows and it's just absolute chaos.
And there's Jamie right there.
How you doing? Yeah, very good.
Thanks for coming down.
'I couldn't believe it.
' it's good to see you.
I brought the whole crew with me this morning.
I was so pleased that rod and rocky were there, doing their radio show.
But I was even more pleased that they'd asked their listeners to come in and get involved.
Listen, rod, we've had a bumpy start, I think we're friends now, and I thank you for your support.
And it's my final push to see if we can get beyond the 1,000.
But you know, me and rod know it, it's a silly bet between us What I want to say Jamie, it doesn't really matter who wins this bet, just as long as the city of Huntington comes out on top.
Me and rod have been through a bit of a journey.
And I never thought that we'd be friends.
To really get this town motoring, we do need the biggest radio show in the town to support us, and to support what's going on after I've gone.
So I feel really proud, actually.
Ok, guys, I'm going to crack on, thanks for having me.
Thanks for having us in the kitchen.
Coming up next hour, it's crimestoppers Guys, it's going to be a crazy morning, we've got a live radio show, we've got gma here, we've got local news here, so bear with me.
We've got the mayor here, hello sir, thank you very much for coming down.
So I managed to convince good morning America to come and do a live broadcast from the Huntington kitchen.
But then I thought, if I can do that, why don't I try and get the main man of West Virginia to come, the governor? I doubt he'll come, but if he did come - wow! Can I have the first ten people make their way down and I'll get through the rest of you in the next hour.
Thank you, guys, cheers! If you want to fire up your woks, that's what we like to see.
Let's make sure the mayor's got a nice bit of heat.
Here's the one thing, I'm going to use frozen veg here, ok? Frozen stuff literally is picked and frozen within a matter of hours, ok, and that does contain, if not more nutrients than the stuff that you'll get in the supermarket that's fresh.
We'll be using the sugar snaps here, peas, you should have all these in your freezer, ready to go.
So I want a tablespoon of olive oil going into the wok.
The revolution's kicking off, people are starting to listen.
Use the shape of the wok, just to toss it.
So we've got the fire department here doing some very impressive tossing.
Now's the time to just taste it.
And also, just with the people that were in that room, it meant that Huntington was standing up and being counted and, like, supporting this.
Now it's time to plate with pride.
Right in the middle, pour the noodles and the steak onto your plate.
Look at that, there we go, that's great.
So, what I'd love you to do now, I want to get a picture of you just holding your noodle dish.
We need about another, we need about another 50 to get to 1,000.
For me, personally, this board, this represents the community and to me it speaks volumes, that these people would want to come to this kitchen and get involved.
So I'm chuffed to bits, really, really chuffed.
Sure, I wanted to do this bet to get rod on side.
But I am competitive, and I just want to see this wall full of 1,000 people, and I want to win.
50 more people to go, let's do it! 'Things in my kitchen are going great, I've nearly won my bet, 'and the one thing that could go brilliantly is that the governor of 'West Virginia turns up in my little kitchen.
That would make my day.
' in the next three minutes, we're going to go onto gma.
We had good morning America there, going live around the country.
Lovely to meet you, thanks for coming down.
Lovely to meet you, thanks for coming down.
Nice to meet you.
You're doing a great thing here.
We had this pretty boy, Cameron, who has come all the way down from New York.
Show me what you're doing and why this is a great salad.
Then I'll say, "but you've got a simple and easy "main course here, tell me what we're doing here.
" Governor manchin's right there.
Governor manchin, good to see you.
Thank you for coming down.
'Governor Joe manchin, and his wife, 'the first lady, they turned up, and I couldn't believe it, they're busy people, they come from an hour and a half away, it was early in the morning, and he was incredibly supportive.
Governor, towards the end of this, we're going to come to you.
Ten, nine, eight Cheering and applause Jamie, you're making a real impact with the people here in Huntington.
How has that been going? Basically what we want to do is work with this beautiful community here in Huntington, West Virginia.
It's a lovely area, around you, you've got all the lovely locals.
It's a lovely area, around you, you've got all the lovely locals.
You've got the governor here, governor Joe manchin's here.
To have him there, live on tv, supporting me at the kitchen in Huntington.
Basically, what I want to do on this is show them that they can make quick food that's tasty and nutritious.
This morning in the kitchen was an amazing day, you know? We got out to millions of people across the country, just saying again that this is happening, but not just me this time, I was with the governor, with the first lady.
I just feel that we achieved a lot, the revolution is alive, it is happening, and we're moving forward.
I want to show Huntington as an example as to what we need to do in America.
You're doing a great job of it.
We're going to keep cooking and getting healthy.
Hopefully it'll spread all over America.
Back to you guys.
We're just not going to let fade away what you've started.
The excitement, the education process.
'Governor Joe manchin, I mean, he gets it, ' he sees this as an opportunity, you know, and really wants to make sure there's not, sort of, red tape or bureaucracy, or people stopping this simple, common sense progress.
For us to let this fall to the wayside would be an absolute sin, and we're not going to do that.
This town is really on the move, this state's on the move.
Knowledge is all we need.
We can teach them how to read and write, now we can teach them how to take care of themselves, we won't stop.
Guys, you are the last group that are representing my thousand people.
I don't know how Cheering we've got some great guests here.
We've got the governor and his lovely wife here, how about that? Not only that, we've got rod and rocky from the local radio station.
This whole thing about the thousand people started with me and rod, and what we want to do now is finish it with rod getting his face on the end of that board.
So let's do it.
First, we're going to take some of this oil, rocky, come over here.
We're going to put about a tablespoon of oil into this wok, and then we're going to put our handful of spring onions, chilli, ginger and garlic into that wok.
Rod, I think we need more of a tossing action from you brother, erm, than a swilling.
To get rod cooking was just hilarious.
How do you do that? What you want to do so we get it just it's like little flicks.
All right.
I never thought I'd see rod with a pan.
Sprinkle it from a height guys, give it some style, come on.
There you go, rod.
'I think Jamie Oliver really enlightened me on the joys of actually, you know, cooking for yourself and cooking healthy.
It's pretty awesome.
How we doing, rod? How we doing, rod? We're doing great.
Good man.
Good man.
'I think this is a step forward for the city of Huntington.
' it sure wasn't pretty, but I bet it's good.
Yeah, it wasn't pretty at all.
Now, now, lovely people, all I can say is you've done it, you've done a great job.
Very, very good.
Governor, would you be as kind as to take a picture of me and rod? We've been on a journey together.
Oh, it looks like you like each other.
This is number 1,000.
And, you know, this started off with a little bet with me and rod.
So rod, with great pleasure and the future possibilities of multiple beers All right! Cheering there it goes.
'I was his biggest sceptic, and to be the 1,000th person, ' it had special meaning to me, and I'm sure it did Jamie, too.
He seemed to appreciate the fact that I've come around to his way of thinking.
When are we going to do that beer, then? We're going to do it soon, James, soon, soon.
It was a bit of fun to start off with, but, actually, it represented a lot more.
If you look at the faces, the ages.
To me, it represented not 1,000 people, but what was possible if you put your mind to it.
Thank you for your time today, guys.
I really appreciate it.
It's been totally mad, but I think we've done a good job, so thank you very much.
Good on you.
Now, who hasn't cooked yet?
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