K-Pop Idols (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


K-Pop idols are just
like celebrity culture.
It's very strict.
Being away from your families
and your friends
And if you have all these people watching
you, that can create a lot of anxiety.
There's a real big issue
with suicides and stuff.
Sometimes it's not acceptable
in Korean society to talk about it.
They're not just, you know,
people that we watch.
They're also human beings outside of that.
- Hey.
- Did you pass?
- What do you think?
- Of course.
And you?
- No?
- I passed!
We did it!
I really can't believe
that we made it together.
The dream's come true, man.
I don't want to cry.
I'm a different type of beast
I'm a different type of beast
Beast, beast
I'm a different type of beast
But it's okay
Good to be alive
I'm a mother effin' rock star
Rock star
Rock, rock, rock with me
Feel, feel, feel
Feel so good to be alive
Feel so good
I'm the baddest B alive
I'm the baddest of the baddest
Bring it back
I'm a mother effin' rock star
You already wear hanbok, right?
Yes, but, like, it was just a simple one.
It's my first time and I'm really excited.
This is purple.
Oh, my God!
Look at this!
Yours Your upper part is
really, really pretty.
When we first see
Gabi training, we thought,
"She's gonna give up in ten days."
'Cause she was crying and whining a lot.
Because she had to diet and learn Korean,
of course Sriya struggled too,
but Gabi had a much harder time.
Thank you.
But the thing is, she never gives up.
So, at the end of the training,
everyone was like,
"We have to go with her."
'Cause she showed us and proved us that
she's got very clear passion and goal.
So, I think she's stronger
than we thought.
Everything's so pretty.
- I really want to take pictures.
- Me too.
My father and mother wanted to see me
in Korean traditional dresses actually.
So they will be really happy
when they see. And my sister too.
Okay, smile, smile.
You can move, move.
Taking, taking, taking.
I guess I took more than 200.
Am I in the middle?
I'm taking pictures.
You can say if I'm in the middle.
- If the mic
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Come The side, side.
Am I in the middle?
- The thing is in the middle in the photo?
- Yes, yes.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Was good?
But you didn't take
the photo in the middle.
- This one is different.
- No, but every photo. Like
It's just like this.
See? The middle?
I'm not a photographer.
EDDIE (Jessi's friend): Do you know
where you're going to get your tattoo?
I'm getting the Bible verse on my arm.
Jeremiah 29:11.
And this one means,
"For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
Plans to give you hope and a future."
So, meaning God has my back.
I decided I wanted to get a tattoo
to always remind myself,
through all the bumps in the road,
whatever you go through,
always remind yourself that you can do it.
Hey, hey, hey.
I'm at the I feel good.
You evil woman.
- Me? Yeah?
- Yeah.
Shy, yeah She's not shy at all.
She's so loud.
She's, like, louder than me.
She crazy, but in a good way.
It doesn't hurt at all, right?
I've known Shy
How long have I known you?
- Ten, 11 years?
- Ten, 11 years.
So When I met Shy
First time I met her,
we actually got into a fight.
Obviously, we were so young.
We got into a fight at a club
and I was like,
- "Let's do it outside."
- That was some big event.
But if you think about it now, it's like,
all my friends, a lot of my friends,
- I got into a lot of fights with them
- Right.
when I was young
and I became best friends with them.
I love Shy the way she is.
Like, her style.
Like, she's not, like, normal. You know?
And I love that about her.
I love that she doesn't care
what people think about her.
I don't have the typical Korean style.
Yeah. And
That's why I liked you too, because you
- A lot of people judge me
- Yeah.
based on my looks and my job.
But you don't have any prejudices.
You're the best.
Jessi has accomplished so much
in her career
and I think she's really thriving.
But if we're talking about her happiness
Since she struggled a lot lately,
out of a scale of 100,
I would say she's at a 50.
It's not specifically
about career happiness.
But in terms of her overall life, I'd say
she's having a hard time right now.
AGNES (Jessi's friend):
Shy, what do you want for Jessi?
- To meet a nice guy.
- Every day.
Meeting a nice guy is essential,
but also the hardest thing to find.
I thought,
"When my music does well, I'll be happy."
When it did well,
I was happy for temporarily,
but something in my heart told me
this is not it.
This is now where I feel really lonely.
The thing that has been
the hardest for her
was losing someone she
was deeply in love with.
And while it's still hard
for her right now,
at the time,
that loss was really tough for her.
However, as a famous singer,
she can't postpone her schedule
for personal reasons like I can.
So professionally,
she had to put on a mask over her tears
and then go up and give
a powerful performance onstage.
In Korean, we call this "emotional labor."
She suffered a lot because of that.
- We both like bad boys.
- No, no, that's not true.
But I think all of your
past boyfriends I've met had a tattoo.
All right, first of all
First of all, that is true.
Every single one of my boyfriends
that I've dated, they all were tatted out.
But, I mean, they were all
good people though. You know?
I've only dated, like, five to six guys
in total in my whole life.
But I've had long-term relationships.
I haven't really been able to meet a guy
because I don't go out.
I don't party. I don't like going outside.
And it's heavy.
Everyone's staring at me.
I don't like that.
I just gotta wait, you know?
And let it happen naturally.
And hopefully it comes soon.
You know? I really do.
- Unni. Oh, my God! I love it so much.
- Like this, right?
- Does it need to be wrapped?
- For an hour. One hour.
Damn, I got a big ass forearm.
It's finished.
Hello. What are you up to?
LEIA'S MOM: I'm in bed already.
It's nearly midnight here.
Oh, right.
- LEIA'S MOM: Have you eaten?
- No, I haven't eaten yet.
Goodness me! It's nearly twelve o'clock
and you haven't eaten anything yet?
- I'm on a diet, right.
- Geez.
Yep, on a diet.
I haven't even had a coffee with milk.
It would be so nice
to have some coffee with milk.
That's why you've got dark circles
around your eyes, starving like that.
It's not because I'm starving.
It's the lack of sleep.
Because yesterday we
trained until four in the morning.
Goodness me. It's crazy, right?
The other girls ended up sleeping there,
but I said, "No, I'm not going
to sleep here. Are you crazy?"
So I decided to leave and come home.
Where are you going to then?
I am going to the rehearsal room now.
Yeah, it's a kind of messy
situation with me and DR Music. Yeah.
I feel like I am kind of in the prison.
Yesterday, I have a talk with the manager.
And I said, like,
"I don't wanna go to the practice."
But I was forced, kinda.
Of course, there was no one, like, with
a knife, or, like, "We gonna hit you."
Was not like this.
But psychologic, I was not
in the mood, like, really.
If you want to know
what Leia's condition was like,
one day she'll say,
"Why am I not going to practice?
Why don't I get to hear the title song?
Hurry and give me time to practice."
She was very demanding
of me and my manager.
And then the very next day, she'll say,
"I don't want to do anything."
She kept contradicting herself so much.
But we couldn't force her to do anything.
We're not gonna force her to stay here
if she is saying
that it's painful to stay here.
But her mind of being
a K-Pop idol kept fluctuating.
One day, she wants to do BLACKSWAN.
Another day, she wants to quit.
It was hard for us
to make a certain decision.
They keep putting the fault on me.
Like, "You say you you can
Maybe you can do it."
They are putting words
in my mouth that I never say.
I never say, "Oh, I will try my hardest."
I never said these words.
We had a meeting with Leia
about her fluctuating mental health,
and she's decided to go
for psychiatric treatment.
It's stated in our written contract
that when there is a mental health issue,
the company must provide
appropriate medical treatment.
Like, to be honest, I'm drugged right now.
A doctor give me medicine.
I drink ten medicines per day.
For sleep and for anxiety.
I trust in the doctor.
They say if I don't wanna keep crying,
and don't wanna feel
in my heart, like, this pain,
I have to drink the medication.
That's why I'm not crying now.
I don't feel, like, anything.
It was our obligation
to take care of her health.
LEIA'S MOM: Don't forget I love you, okay?
LEIA'S DAD: Love you too.
The Leia she was
when she first came from Brazil
and the Leia she is now are
completely different people.
If she can return
to the mental state she was in
when she first came to Korea
to follow her dream,
I don't see any reason why
I'd have to remove Leia from the group.
Because she's someone who has
enough potential to make it big.
It's suffocating.
Everyone have to sign the contract, right?
So now I have to do more.
Like three or two years.
So, if I want to go,
I have to pay to break the contract.
They want the money
they put on the trainee, on the idol.
What they used on me.
What I eat, what My flights.
And what they can gain with me
till the final of the contract.
If we're just talking
about the contract side of things,
Leia has already been
in serious breach many times.
She kept skipping practice
and she would have issues with guys.
But because she's just a kid
who is dealing with a mental condition,
as a company,
we have never pointed it out to her.
I just want to be free
and do whatever I want to do.
And be happy.
So now, knowing that
Leia does not want to be in the group,
and she's struggling
with her mental health
If a person cannot handle it anymore,
why are you forcing
that person to still be here?
I feel like they should
release her from her contract.
- Shall we start from the beginning?
Let's start with the guitar part
and then move onto the last chorus.
Because CRAVITY hasn't been
as successful as the company hoped,
Starship thought
they should change their image a bit.
Okay, let's try it once.
CRAVITY has found
our sound for our comeback.
A comeback is when
a group releases new music
and they promote
and have fan interactions.
Starting from there. Let's go.
Looking back
on all the albums we've released,
it's been a roller coaster ride.
Let's break all the rules
The look of eyes
Losing all of its strength is criminal
Criminal, criminal, criminal
We had our debut mini album.
Season 1. Hideout: Remember Who We Are.
And with "Break all the Rules," we wanted
to show our rebellious sides to the world.
Telling them, like,
"We're not gonna conform to society.
Now we're gonna break all the rules."
Yeah, what's good?
And then we had
The Awakening: Written in the Stars,
with the title track "Gas Pedal,"
which showed our relentless drive
to reach for the stars.
To go full speed towards our dreams.
Chaotic and dizzy fever
And then we did LIBERTY: IN OUR COSMOS,
with the title track "Adrenaline"
My senses become dull
which was sort of a turning point
when we kind of switched up our concept
to show more of an energetic
and more approachable side.
And so with this album, NEW WAVE,
we're coming back
with title track, "PARTY ROCK."
We wanted to come out
purely as these bright, young adults
having fun with each other
in hopes that, you know,
our listeners would be reminded
that it's perfectly fine
to just enjoy life as it is.
We go rollin'
Party rockin'
The music they're working on
now is more suited
to CRAVITY's natural
personality of fresh and bright energy.
There are a lot of members
who fit better with brighter music,
so we made a lot of changes
since they first debuted.
Honestly, rather than doing music
with our own ideas and opinions,
I think we're mainly doing
songs that the company wants.
I feel so free
I feel so free, we rockin'
After doing this for two years,
I really want to show people
a cooler and more exciting side of us.
If you want to take a break,
one more time!
I know CRAVITY is passionate, right?
If you compare MONSTA X and CRAVITY,
MONSTA X members are very masculine
and powerful in their performance.
Since those are the strengths
of MONSTA X as a group,
I thought CRAVITY should take
a different approach.
It is really difficult to figure out
a group's concept,
and so it is something
I still worry about.
We rock
The feedback from my last
evaluation was hard to deal with at first,
since it wasn't the most positive.
But all the managers told me
to just do better moving forward.
Starship still hasn't told us
about any new boy groups yet,
but hopefully, I can make the next team.
Jiyong always works hard
and so I know he will continue
to work on improving himself.
Why are you sweating so much?
I'm so tired.
I know you're doing a good job.
I saw you training hard.
At my evaluation, I danced to "JUMPER."
- You did "JUMPER"?
- Yup.
- Like, our song?
- Yup. I totally blew it.
I really wanted to do well.
So were you scolded?
I wouldn't say scolded.
There just weren't any compliments.
Should we see this stress-inducing dance?
You want to see "JUMPER"?
It's your world
Just do what you want to do, aight?
Up, up we go
We're a JUMPER
I feel so high
Up, up we go
We're a JUMPER
'Cause we got power
- Okay.
- How was it?
Why is the dance so cute
when you dance to it?
I chose this song
so I can get away from that.
Something about it is cute.
When did I ever do that?
It looks like you have
a habit of sticking your butt out.
- My butt?
- It's kind of like this.
This kind of look.
Ah, I'm not sticking my butt out,
I just have a big butt.
- Your butt is big?
- Yeah, it's a bit big.
When I was a trainee,
I beat myself up over things every day.
I felt like I was always doing worse
than the other trainees.
So back then, my only goal was to give
a better performance than before
in every monthly evaluation
at the company.
So, I would take the feedback,
but I would try
not to be intimidated by it,
and just be as confident as possible.
- You got a lot better.
- Really?
A lot better. I wish you wouldn't be so
discouraged by the title of a "trainee."
I didn't learn that until after I debuted.
I often wonder while I'm practicing,
"What would I be doing
if I wasn't doing this?"
But it's been a great experience,
and good memories.
I would do it again.
Tuck in that butt.
- Work hard.
- Bye.
- See you later.
- Keep in touch.
No one knows
who will debut next.
But the company does always have a plan,
so we want Jiyong to practice
so that he might
be selected for the next group.
Hey, guys!
- Hey, Jess.
- Came to see you one day.
My brother! How you been?
- Chewy!
- Chewy, come here.
- Eddie!
- AGNES: Snacks! Sit!
We need someone to say grace.
I thank you guys for all coming.
Thank you, unni, for this food.
With Jessi, I've known about her
for the longest time, 'cause
coming into Korea as a Korean American,
I thought she had the total package.
Voice, looks, singing, rapping.
Whatever it is, you know?
God, I pray for all my friends
here to be successful and stay healthy.
Thank you for all the happiness
you've provided this year.
Thank you.
You know Bobblehead. Yeah, we produce
and song write for all the artists,
but Jessi, that's someone I
really wanted to work with.
And eventually we did.
What I love about working
with Jessi is, like,
when we create the music, she delivers.
She could say the dumbest shit, like, but
it sounds good with her energy and voice.
You know like, "I love fried chicken!"
Like, it's like, "Oh, shit, Jess.
That shit is fire."
Like, you know.
Everything is so good.
We worked together on a lot
of tracks, like "Drip" featuring Jay Park.
Who dat B?
All you little kiddies run along
How many millionaires under me
I own about 4 or 5 companies
We contributed to songs like
"What Type of X"
Yeah, I'm different
"Zoom In Zoom Out"
I see you lookin' at my
Nuna nuna
and a lot of magic happened.
- Okay, do another one. Do another one.
- A picture of a person.
We gotta guess his name
- but you gotta be kinda like
- You can't think You can't do
- You gotta be someone like
- You gotta be creative.
He has to be famous though.
- This is a really good one.
- Hey.
He's in a movie.
His first name starts with an R.
- Russell Simmons.
- You're close.
Russell Simmons is the head of Def Jam.
Richard Simmons.
Okay, I'm gonna find one too.
Like even before we started the music.
I just thought of her
as like a really cool, like, homegirl.
Like, a lot of gyopos
get along with gyopos.
Like Korean that was born and raised
in America and then coming to Korea,
I feel like whoever speaks English kinda
link up 'cause we're like part of the few.
- You like the crust.
- I like the crust.
- She must be the crust girl.
- I am.
With Jess, I met her in 2012,
through mutual friends.
We were just, like, chilling at cafés,
eating together
and then I think she found out that we did
make music. Like, what the hell?
So, one thing naturally
led to another and she was like,
"Hey, why don't you guys
come to the studio?"
That's how we started
working on music together
and then just kept
going and going and going.
But before music and everything,
we're friends.
That's where us and Jess
is kind of different.
It's like we don't look at her as,
like, a product.
We actually care about her mental health.
I wish more people
would do that with their artists.
Somebody told me, "Jess, you know
that it's very lonely at the top, right?"
You start losing friends.
You start not trusting people.
It just happens that way
because people change.
So, I actually like
that I only have a few around me,
and those few people are just really
my ride or die, you know.
Seriously, Jess.
Thank you for being in our lives.
Thank you for being
Thank you. Thanks, Jess.
- Thank you everybody.
- Bon appétit.
Okay, Chewy! You're getting kicked out.
Today's my highlight
Dazzling climax
I feel like I swallowed the sun
With you, oh, sunrise
SEONGMIN: The set is really pretty.
When making a comeback album,
first we have to set a theme
for the album,
and then we'll plan the album cover
and the music video to fit that concept.
Look at the camera. Smile.
CRAVITY members are all in their early 20s
so the company gave us the assignment
to find an image that fits CRAVITY better.
We can go right away if we're ready.
We'll start. Camera. Ready, action.
Let's go
Hey, let me show ya
In terms of content, since the title
of their song is "PARTY ROCK"
and the key word is "party",
we wanted to highlight their attractive
points through different styling.
We don't stop
We don't stop till the party's over
Just turn it up, eh
Go dizzy
We go rollin'
Party rockin'
I feel so free
And so I wanted them to wear sporty
clothes and sometimes prince-like clothes,
and sometimes a tuxedo. I really
wanted to try changing up the styling.
I feel so free, we rockin'
We go rollin'
Party rockin'
I eat more on music video days like this.
TAEYOUNG: Let's work out.
If we ate, we should work out.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Do 100 push-ups a day.
Isn't it too narrow?
I'm working out chest these days.
- It's triceps if it's narrow.
- It's chest if it's narrow.
How much do you wanna bet?
You wanna bet?
- How much do you want to bet?
- Bet?
Let's bet on lunch.
- TAEYOUNG: Serim!
- SERIM: Yes?
If you do push-ups with narrow shoulders,
is it chest or triceps?
MINHEE: It's chest, right?
- SERIM: It's triceps if you do it narrow.
- Why is it triceps?
Of course, it's triceps. How is it chest?
- Come here.
- Really.
Hey, touch my chest. Touch my chest.
- Try it, try it.
- Move up a little.
Yes, do it. Do it.
It's chest.
Okay, we will start the filming now.
DIRECTOR: And action.
'Cause the night has just begun
We don't stop
We don't stop till the party's over
Just turn it up, eh
Make it hotter
We go rollin'
Party rockin'
Okay, cut!
- This move is off.
- Right.
Seongmin, I think your move
is slightly different from the others.
We're going to be filming for a long time
if we continue this way.
No, it's okay, I got this.
Fighting! Thank you.
Let's go!
DIRECTOR: Three, two, one, cut!
Ah, I'm tired.
Think it's our first time
shooting for so long
for, like, just one music video.
Compared to other comebacks
it was pretty rushed, I would say.
But everyone's working really hard
to make this perfect, to make it work.
Filming a music video
is truly a very hectic experience.
There's only time for power naps
before they have to get going again.
And because they are managing their diets,
they just power through (their hunger).
It really is a vicious schedule.
JUNGMO: Jjolbyung.
JUNGMO: Aren't you trying to choose one?
You want to eat Jjolbyung?
Woobin, you didn't eat dinner?
- No, I didn't.
- Why, why, why?
I just picked up on the vibe
that I shouldn't.
I'm starving to death.
Since the visual part
of K-Pop is so important,
every K-Pop idol feel the pressure
that they have to look good.
WOOBIN: I'm too tired to eat.
STAFF: Standby!
- STAFF: It's the last take, guys.
- STAFF: Last one!
Let's go! We got this!
We rockin'
DIRECTOR: You did good.
I'm just glad that,
okay, it's finally over,
and that soon the final product
will be released to the world.
Hoping for it to be
well-received by our fans.
CRAVITY would like
to thank everyone, two, three!
CRAVITY: Get closer! Thank you so much!
The makeup is very important
because it transforms you.
I think this kind of look
would be really nice on you.
Like, adding some kind of little shimmers,
and then glitter.
- I really love glitter. Shine.
- Really? Yeah.
Like, if I can put glitter in my
in all my body, I will.
I would like to see
this kind of very strong face on you.
- This is my favorite.
- Really?
Yes, I really love this kind of look.
This is my favorite.
Yes. Makeup and hairstyle can be vivid,
to the edge and then very trendy.
Then in Korea,
lots of idols expected
to be super cute and very sweet.
It's kind of boring.
not try to be cute.
They go further. Push the boundary.
They are happy doing what they are doing.
For the clothes,
if you feel uncomfortable,
we find the solution
because it's really important
to feel comfortable
in what you are wearing
- Yes.
- and what you are doing.
- Otherwise it wouldn't work.
- Yes.
Yeah, so the most important thing
is you feel comfortable.
I think idol has to give
some kind of fantasy to the fan.
They have to be special,
they have to be ahead of the trend.
So, they have to be
comfortable with themselves.
You know, in Korea people
consider short skirt is okay.
But showing too much upper
part is little bit indecent.
But in Europe,
it's okay to show your upper part,
but it's not okay
to have a very short skirt.
In India, this is no and this is no.
- No?
- In Brazil, you can show everything.
- Right.
- That's okay.
You're going to look amazing
after this session.
- We almost didn't sleep this night
- Yeah.
because we were really looking forward.
Being an artist is not easy.
But being a K-Pop artist is even harder.
I'm looking forward to show the people
this brand new Gabi.
You look like a supermodel.
As a first Indian K-Pop idol,
I cannot even describe in words, actually.
Because, the thing I never imagined of,
has come to my hands.
But I do have a lot of worries.
Because I'm the first one,
I need to do really well
so that nobody doubts Indian,
and make everyone feel proud.
You look great.
Here you go.
HYEONGJUN: What's going on, Hyungwon?
I can't believe that you are here.
I feel like an older brother
to the CRAVITY members.
And there are many
similarities between us.
Not as a senior, but as an older brother
that cares for them,
I hope they can persevere.
HYUNGWON: If there's anything on your mind
these days, please talk to me.
We don't have any free time these days.
We just get free time whenever
we don't have anything scheduled.
HYUNGWON: We went through that too.
We only had two holidays.
The Lunar New Year
and Korean Thanksgiving Day.
I think most K-Pop idols
have the same issue as us
that they don't know how to use
their free time or holidays.
HYEONGJUN: What's the maximum number
of weeks you worked nonstop?
HYUNGWON: Thirteen weeks.
- Without a break?
Thirteen weeks?
What we just did was nothing
compared to Hyungwon.
It was nothing.
You are too beautiful
After a release of an album,
we do our best to promote the album.
So, we do ten music shows every week.
Usually music shows,
they go on for six days in one week.
And, in addition to music shows,
we'd also shoot variety shows.
There are nights with no sleep,
and this physical and mental fatigue.
It gets really hard physically.
And so, Hyungwon-hyung telling us
about his personal experiences
really helped us a lot in preparing us for
what's to come in the future.
I felt like I actually lived
at the broadcasting station back then.
ALLEN: Could you please tell us
- MINHEE: What do you think?
- HYUNGWON: My thoughts on what?
From the company's perspective,
because "PARTY ROCK"
is getting a positive reaction,
they want us to capitalize on that
and get an even bigger reaction.
But we think
that people just lose interest
after three weeks of performing.
It doesn't feel that fresh anymore.
Yeah. That's what we think about our song,
and it'll probably be boring
for our fans watching us every day.
I don't think this is the right choice.
HYUNGWON: There is no answer for that.
The company's
choice could be right or yours.
That's why I say it's complicated.
We experienced the same thing.
You may think this is wrong,
but you're not always right.
I think if it's a terrible situation,
then you have to talk to the company.
SERIM: That's the thing.
This is not a terrible situation,
so we're just being patient.
I think it's good to state your opinion
as a group if that happens.
You guys must be tired. Go home and relax.
You probably don't know if you'll be
working on a follow up song,
- but whatever you do, work hard.
- Yes.
If we ever do a song together,
let's talk more then.
Bye! See you later!
I think it's going to be
really tough today.
We don't even have chocolate today.
- Chocolate?
- Yes. To give to our trainer.
"Please have some chocolate.
Don't be mad at us. We'll all do well."
Bribing, are you?
Try like this.
- Hello.
- Hello!
- Let's sit for this meeting.
- Yes.
Leia, you have a healthy complexion.
Oh, it's makeup.
Did you go to the hospital?
Yes, I went to the hospital.
Make sure you're taking your medicine
regularly without skipping.
Yes, yes. But yesterday was my first time
taking a new medication
so I was feeling off the whole day.
It's because the grade
of medicine is raised.
Yes, they also prescribed
more sleeping pills.
It was four. Now it's five.
I think it would be good for Leia
to take six pills a day.
I want you to do nothing but sleep.
Okay, so today I have bad news.
So, Youngheun and Judy
have reached a point where
they will no longer be sweating with you.
Because of some differences
we have come to a place
where those two members have graduated.
With our company,
there has always been questions
about why we change our members so often.
There is no other company in
Korea that has a "graduation system."
At other companies,
once you make a contract,
you need to fulfill it
whether you are happy or unhappy,
or even if you don't feel
that it is your path.
It's very hard to work as a team
when there is tension among you.
So, DR is a company
with a graduation system.
And so now,
I want you all to practice hard
and show the new BLACKSWAN.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Since you're a global group,
I want you to be loved by many fans.
- Yes.
- Especially Sriya and Gabi.
You are filling the spots
of the graduates.
That means you are taking
the stage as professionals.
I want you to practice enough
not to make a mistake.
- Yes. Yes.
- We really don't have a lot of time.
- Okay. Fighting.
- Fighting.
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