Kaala Paani (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Eraba Reta Mono

-[insects trilling]
-[birds chirping]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[in Japanese] The supplies are thin.
We wouldn't last more than three days.
It's time, Kanji We must return.
[Kanji] Go back
to scribbling, Mr. Isayama.
As long as the red sun of Japan
shines over the dark waters of Andaman,
I'm not abandoning my post.
But it's been 39 days.
The platoon
was supposed to arrive long back.
[Kanji] We have to wait for them. Here!
Then let this be my order, Private.
Don't forget I outrank you.
We are in the middle of a war.
Every soldier outranks a doctor now.
They get men like me to inflict wounds,
so that the men like you can treat them.
Mr. Isayama, you can
[man shouting] Long live the Emperor!
[gripping music playing]
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
Long live the Emperor!
-Long live the Emperor!
-Hideo It's Hideo.
-Hey, Hideo!
-[Hideo] Long live the Emperor!
-What happened? Where are the others?
-[Hideo panting]
Hideo, where is everyone?
[Hideo hiccups]
-Step back.
-The plague took them all.
Step back from the man!
[weakly] The plague, it took them all.
[Isayama] Go get some water for him.
And my camera Now!
[Hideo hiccups]
[Isayama] Hideo, did anyone make it?
Not in our squad. [hiccups]
[breathing heavily]
But there was a unit with two survivors.
It was a miracle.
The plague
They were completely immune to it.
Yes. Go to Jenkins Island.
You'll find the survivors
on the peak of Bogart Hill,
taking care of the bodies.
These soldiers Do you know their names?
They are They are not soldiers
They are They are
The Chosen Ones.
[theme music playing]
[phone ringing]
[LG Qadri in English] Hello.
Who? The SP?
[trimmer whirring]
[footsteps approaching]
[SP Shiva] Good morning, sir.
Morning, Shiva.
Today's bad news even before breakfast?
Sorry, sir. But I just
had to let you know right away.
All the top management from ATOM
have left the Andamans and gone.
But where, we have no idea, sir.
[tense music builds up and fades]
[breathing heavily]
[Chiranjeevi] Santosh sir? Santosh sir.
-Come on, get up.
You okay, sir?
Come. Let's leave. Tide is rising.
We better leave before it gets too high.
Come on. Better leave before high tide.
What happened to the boat?
[Chiranjeevi breathing heavily]
-Big problem, sir.
There was a storm, the motor broke down.
Don't know where we are.
If we go higher,
we'll get a better idea, sir.
[intriguing music playing]
[gripping tribal music playing]
Be careful there.
Where are we now?
How far from Port Blair?
[music intensifies]
Sir, we have enquired everywhere.
These ATOM executives were last seen
heading in the direction of the port.
But nobody saw them return.
That means,
despite having such a strict curfew,
the only people who
managed to escape from these islands
also happen to be the richest ones here.
What do you think?
How will the common people here
react to this coincidence?
Sir, I know this shows
the administration in a bad light.
They will lose all faith in us, Shiva.
[tense music playing]
If people are inside their homes
despite such agony,
it's only because they have faith in us.
We owe it to the islanders.
To those who lost their loved ones.
Before this news
finds its way to our people,
we have to reach these people.
We need to know where they are
and where they're heading.
Shiva, there must be someone
who knows something about these people.
There is, but, uh
I don't think
he's the most reliable voice in the room.
Not him.
[groans softly]
[indistinct chatter]
Sir, sorry if I am bothering you,
but but it's been half an hour, sir.
I asked Usman and even Sharad
to get me some tea and some snacks.
I am really hungry.
Please, could you check once?
Ketan, I'm just back
from meeting with the LG.
And I want a straight and honest answer.
Where are they right now?
I just told you, sir.
-I thought they'd gone to get my tea.
-I'm not
Ketan, you know exactly what I mean
when I ask that question.
Sir, you personally took my statement.
You really want me to believe
that those guys left before you got there?
And somebody knocked you out?
And when you woke up, we were there?
A little too convenient, right?
Sir, I know that I have cried wolf, wolf,
a little too often,
but this time a wolf really had come, sir.
Ketan, do you really think
that if you help them out,
then in return they would help you
get back to the mainland?
I used to, sir.
But things have changed now.
They don't need me anymore.
-And that's what I'm trying to
-Just shut up!
Why do you lie for everything, every time?
[shouting] Because I'm paying the price
for telling the truth!
[tense music playing]
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir.
I'm extremely sorry, sir.
Sir, I know you may not believe
what I'm saying, but,
right now I'm telling the truth, sir.
And if you still want to punish me for it,
then please go ahead.
Because that won't be a first for me, sir.
-You called for me?
-Come in, Kamat. Sit down.
[solemn music playing]
-I was just going through your report.
-Oh. The Jagdish Bindal case?
[chuckles] Exactly how many more
high-profile builders have you raided?
-But good work, I must say.
-Thank you, sir.
There were some errors in this,
-so I made some corrections.
It's good to go,
except for your signature.
Yes, sir.
[hesitates] This is incorrect, sir.
Sir, we recovered
around three crores in cash there,
but here it says just 18 lakhs.
The amount is correct.
Your team has also confirmed this.
No, sir. I was there. This can't
[pensive music playing]
So that's why the delay
in getting permission.
[officer sighs]
Mr. Bindal wants
to meet you personally, Kamat.
And he has a number in mind.
Sir, you want to save Jagdish Bindal?
No, Kamat. It is you I want to save.
If you don't befriend the hunter,
then you could become the hunted.
This is your chance
to rise up the food chain.
Sorry, sir.
Not all of us are animals
trapped in a food chain.
Some of us still have
free will.
But the matter did not end there.
The Bindal case created a lot of noise.
An enquiry began.
-When I was quest
-[knock on door]
[door opens]
Sir. Stone pelting at a truck
near Bhathu Colony, again.
[SP Shiva] Oh, God.
Do one thing.
Ask the PBMC to divert
all the cargo trucks
to Kamaraj Nagar with immediate effect.
And contact the local SI.
-Tell him I want to talk to him.
-Yes, sir.
[suspenseful music playing]
-Cargo containers.
Sir, most of the cargo containers
at the port right now are ATOM's.
-Maybe those guys
-No, Ketan, that's impossible.
Each and every cargo ship
carrying essential supplies
gets thoroughly checked
by the Coast Guard.
If they were on any of those ships,
they'd have been caught.
Exactly, sir. Only if they were on those.
Maybe the reason they were never seen
getting out at the port was
because they did not come out at all.
[dramatic music playing]
Our precious cargo might still be
at the docks.
-[birds chirping]
-[insects buzzing]
[Kaddu] Bhaiya, I'm thirsty.
[Parth] Hmm.
[intriguing music playing]
[Jyotsna] It's him.
He's definitely here.
[Parth] What place is this, Didi.
[Jyotsna] An old military bunker.
When the Japanese occupied
the Andaman Islands during World War II,
they built many such shelters here.
[exhales sharply]
You guys, wait here.
Anyone there?
Basu Uncle. It's me, Jyotsna.
[Jyotsna] Jyotsna!
I was Shouvik's friend.
After school,
Vinayak and I used to visit your place,
and you used to get us
tender coconut water.
[Basu] Do I look like
a coconut water seller?
Get out of here. Go!
Uh, Uncle I'm not here for myself.
These kids are tourists
and they need medical help.
I know you have medicines
in your supplies in there.
If you could just let us in,
I'll just take the medicines and leave.
I haven't opened
some kind of NGO for sick children, okay?
Get lost!
If Shouvik was alive today, he would
never have asked me to leave like this.
[door unlocking]
[door creaks]
-Basu Uncle.
-[Basu] Stop!
Whatever I ask you to do,
you'll do exactly that.
[Shashi] So this
antimicrobial peptide, LK-37,
it is potent enough
to kill the LHF bacteria?
Sir, Soudamini ma'am's research
does point in this direction.
This peptide can be got
only from a rare native plant,
Andamani Echinacea.
[intriguing music playing]
And you believe
that if we manage to extract
the peptide from this plant,
then we might have a potential treatment.
-It is a theory, sir.
-A theory?
Yes, sir. Something like this
has happened before. Right here.
Many years ago, researchers discovered
this rare native plant in Little Andaman
which kills Plasmodium falciparum,
the most dreaded malarial parasite.
Sir, so they basically found the cure
to cerebral malaria in our backyard.
Sir, what if what if the plant itself
is the cure for LHF?
It's a theory worth looking into.
-Don't call it a theory. It's just a
-[knock on door]
-Sir. Sir!
Dr. Aditi has collapsed in ICU 2.
She was working for 36 hours straight.
Take her to the staff room to lie down,
and get someone to attend to her.
I'll cover her patients.
[gripping music playing]
But where is this plant?
And how come I've never heard about it?
Because this species was believed
to be extinct for over 30 years.
But in the 2025 eco-survey,
at the Jenkins Biological Park,
they found an acre
full of Echinacea plantations.
I have a team of three residents,
and we're off to Jenkins
to collect samples.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. What?
Ritu, we are
terribly understaffed over here.
See, I appreciate your concern,
but now is not the time.
Sorry, sir, but now is the time.
If this theory works out,
we'll be able to save thousands
See, this this is my problem.
Don't call it a theory. It's not a theory.
What you were explaining to me
is merely a hypothesis.
For it to become a theory,
we have to conduct successful experiments
which are yet to be done here.
See, Ritu,
for 11 beds in ICU 3,
no doctor has been assigned as yet.
So instead of
running after a mythical plant,
let us focus
on saving real human lives. Okay?
Thank you.
Two teams of officers
have already reached the port,
but we haven't received any update as yet.
Uh, thank you, sir,
but this is not my flavor.
I'm still not convinced, Ketan.
There's something odd about your story.
If you had told the truth back then,
then why were you punished?
Because, sir, in this system,
what's actually being spoken
does not really matter.
What matters is who speaks it.
And in this case,
the enquiry committee told me
ACP Kamat, let me start by saying,
your report is really good police work.
And yet [sighs] our problem is
that the evidence
that you've mentioned here in the report,
where is it?
[pensive music playing]
The documents, the missing cash.
And why is your own team
not backing this report?
Ma'am, maybe
Maybe because this involves
a very powerful man.
But, ACP, we need someone
to corroborate your statement.
There were
independent witnesses too, ma'am.
Hotel staff and some other guests.
The signed testimonies
of all those witnesses are there.
-You can, of course, check with them.
-What if we already have?
What if all the witnesses have said
that all they signed
were blank pieces of paper?
And that you made them do it.
[tense music playing]
Why would I? I
Why would I do something like that?
I don't know.
Maybe because
this involves a very powerful man?
Ma'am, this is impossible.
[hesitates] All these testimonies
are genuine.
Listen, someone has
influenced the witnesses.
If you please allow me to explain
This committee
has already done it's due diligence, ACP.
They have all spoken
out of their own "free will."
Do you understand?
Don't worry, you won't get suspended.
Instead, I'll push for a transfer.
And, please, don't take this personally.
The food chain's smallest creatures
are the first to perish.
[pensive music playing]
And then I was
brought and dumped in this cage.
To get out of here and go back home,
I had only one way before me.
Instead of the prey
I had to learn to be the predator.
[constable] Sir.
Sir, Officer Jayant on line.
Yes, Jayant, tell me.
-[Jayant] We managed to find them, sir.
-[siren wailing]
Their containers
were almost at the entrance itself.
We didn't even have to search a lot, sir.
Your detection was spot on.
[SP Shiva over radio] Okay, listen,
take all of them back
to ATOM Paradise right away,
and keep the whole thing
as quiet as possible.
Post some officers on duty
at ATOM Paradise.
[gripping music playing]
[Santosh] We are
on the right route, I hope?
[Chiranjeevi] I'm your guide.
I never take a customer the wrong way.
It might be a little long, but,
as per Oraka territory,
the main road is that way, sir.
We have walked a lot. There's been
no Oraka tribal in sight as yet.
I don't know why I can't see them.
But it's possible
they could be watching us, sir.
[dramatic music playing]
[Chiranjeevi] Hey!
Is anyone there?
[in Tamil] Is anyone here?
Save us!
[in Bengali] Brother, anyone here?
We are from Port Blair
[in English] Anyone here?
We need a little help!
Pitched their tents,
but where have they gone?
Hello, sir!
We are your new best friends!
[in Bengali] Anyone here?
We are from Port Blair. We are in trouble.
[in English] We're your new best friends!
I'm Chiru and along with me
is Santosh sir.
[Chiranjeevi grunts]
[eerie music playing]
They must have brought water
from Port Blair before the lockdown, sir.
Might as well have drunk poison.
What's that?
[flies buzzing]
[Chiranjeevi] Those are turtle eggs, sir.
Turtle eggs?
With these people?
Actually, poaching is very common
in these jungles, sir
-They must have come to steal them.
They even dig ditches to trap big animals.
You better see where you're
What happened, sir?
-Sir, what happened? Sir?
[spray hissing]
Lift your hair.
Show me your neck.
[Jyotsna] Uncle, I'm also
a healthcare professional.
If any of them were infected,
I wouldn't have brought them here.
But you can check. Go ahead.
[device beeps]
My very first rule is that no one
other than me will set foot in my house.
Don't make the mistake of thinking
that I feel sorry for you.
You mentioned Shouvik,
that's why I'm breaking my rule.
As soon as you find the meds,
just take these brats and get out of here.
Until then, my rules will apply.
Eyes and feet
will be laid only where I allow.
Six feet distance.
[Jyotsna] But why do you live
in a place like this?
[Basu] I have an allergy.
I am allergic to human beings.
If any human comes anywhere near me,
I feel like ripping their heads off.
That's why I live here, alone.
I look after this place
and it looks after me.
I, too, have become a part of it
like its Japanese history.
Don't you dare touch anything.
You'll find two beds
in the room on the left.
Go there and sleep quietly.
And do not step outside
until I ask you to.
[door creaks]
[suspenseful music playing]
I like Andaman. Breakfast at 7:45 a.m.
Didn't eat much. Morning, a convoy
Heavy rain, very foggy
Nov, 1942, good sleep.
Ship shook violently. South of Andaman
-[Basu] Didn't I forbid you?
These pics show an LHF kind of disease
Did I not forbid you
from touching any of my personal stuff?
So they're refusing to tell us anything?
Yes, sir.
Our officers have finished interrogating
all their employee,
but regarding their destination,
they're still unable to get an answer.
-And since they don't have any authority
-[Ketan] May I try, sir?
Sir, I know their weaknesses
much better than
anyone else in this room, sir.
I can speak to them if you
Only if you trust me, sir.
[gripping music playing]
-I'll take it from here.
-Okay, sir.
It's been an hour, Ritu. How much more?
Little bit, we should be nearby.
Why the hell did we even listen to her?
She's not even a proper doctor,
and she'll find Echinacea?
Stop this nonsense.
This is one acre of Echinacea plantation?
[breathing heavily]
[pensive music playing]
[Ritu] No.
This isn't possible.
It's supposed to be right here.
Yeah, we're at the exact location.
This information cannot be wrong.
[woman] Maybe the experts are right, Ritu.
The plant could be extinct by now.
[Chiranjeevi] Stealing turtle eggs,
these guys have made a lot of money.
Look at all this stuff in their bags.
Wanna take this or shall I?
I'll keep it for both of us.
[man 1 on video recording] Drink up.
It's nice, huh?
-[man 2] Come on.
-[man 1] It's so much fun being with us.
-[man 2] You'll like it. Try, try.
-[man 1] Try this? Yeah.
You like it? Huh?
Come on. Have it.
Have this. Take this.
-[man 2] Yeah.
-[Santosh] What are they doing?
[Chiranjeevi] Around here,
this happens a lot.
-[man 1] Come on.
-A lot.
Poachers come here
and get young Oraka boys and girls
hooked onto booze, cigarettes,
and then they fully exploit them, sir.
So many Oraka girls
have been raped by them, sir.
This is so good. Have it.
Come on, drink up, man. Drink up.
-It's so cool. You'll feel nice.
-Don't drink it. Don't.
[man 1] Yeah.
Drink it, drink it. [chuckles]
That's my boy.
Drink it up. Very good.
That boy drank the water.
-[man 1] Drink it.
-That means even the Orakas
[box clatters]
Oh, my God.
The reason we didn't see any Orakas
is because there are no Orakas
left here at all, sir.
[tense music playing]
[Santosh] Eggs?
Why do you have these turtle eggs?
They're not eggs.
These are not those eggs. These are
You brought this bag with you
from Port Blair.
-Yeah. This is my bag, sir.
-That means it always had
-You came to Neil Island to deliver these?
-No, no, sir. You wanted to go there, so
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You convinced us.
You convinced us to come here with you.
You said, "It'll take just a day.
It's a nice place."
"Bhabhi ji will really love it."
That is where my Gargi passed away.
And my children are left alone over there.
Who knows if they are even alive.
-Don't say that, sir. They're fine
-You did this.
My whole family got ripped apart by you.
-What did I do, sir? [yelps]
-It is all because of you!
What are you doing, sir? Please relax.
Please, sir. It'll hurt, sir. Please.
[somber music playing]
Why the hell did we
board your taxi at the airport?
Just listen to me, sir.
Sir, listen.
-[shouting] Don't touch me!
-Sir, sir, sir.
You were never our guide.
You never ever showed us the right way!
In fact, you misled us. Enough.
-I'm not going anywhere with you.
-Sir. What are you doing?
Don't you dare follow me.
Sir, where are you going?
You'll get lost, sir.
Yes, but I'm already lost!
[Chiranjeevi] You won't manage.
You don't know your way around here.
Santosh sir, don't be stubborn.
It's getting dark. You'll get lost, sir!
Santosh, sir, please listen to me, sir!
You won't be able to manage!
Sir, just listen to me, sir!
[sinister music playing]
[Ketan] Sir.
I think we should reconvene in some time.
-[LG Qadri] Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.
[woman] Thank you, sir.
[Bhowmik] What happened?
Did they say anything?
[intriguing music playing]
-[line ringing]
-[Bhowmik] Uh
Whose phone number is this?
Yeah, hello, Samant. Uh, contact the SP.
And get me the biggest South Asia map
you have in this office.
It's not a phone number, Bhowmik ji.
These are coordinates.
[Bhowmik] Huxley. Huxley Island.
This name, why haven't I heard it before?
Because it's not ours.
In fact, this island is not even in India.
It is Burma.
Rather than Indian mainland,
it's Burma, we're close to.
And this island is part of Burma.
Was, sir.
-It was a part of Burma.
As of last week,
their government sold the island
to the ATOM guys, sir.
And all this information
they willingly shared with you?
One second, one second. They bought this?
-Yes, sir.
-They bought the whole island, is it?
For the safety of his wife,
it's a very small price to pay, sir.
[Bhowmik] Well, well
So, they must have planned
for a long time.
Sir. They should not be forgiven,
I'm telling you.
Strict action
should be taken against them.
You know what I think?
We should let them leave.
This island is unique.
For the first time since the outbreak,
we have access to a land
which is free from infection.
A place which is safe,
habitable and without any jurisdiction.
A place where we can isolate
and protect our non-infected citizens.
-It's a
-Safe haven.
[intriguing music playing]
The people of ATOM
will go to this island, for sure,
but they'll go along with thousands
of our non-infected civilians.
This won't be their escape mission.
It'll be our rescue mission.
-Bhowmik ji.
How many people
can our biggest ship hold at once?
Uh, it it can hold
even 5,000 people, sir.
But by saving a few thousand,
what will we achieve, sir?
A start.
No matter how long the journey is,
it always begins with a single step.
But, sir, these terms
won't be acceptable to ATOM, sir.
Arranging resources
for thousands on an island,
looking after them,
-I don't think they'd agree to this.
-They'll have to.
-Sir, they won't.
-Then make them.
I know they have
listened to you in the past.
Convince them once again.
In the next seven days,
5,000 people should leave Port Blair
on our first evacuation vessel.
Do what you have to
but get that ship to its destination.
[door creaks]
[Parth] What? He is translating.
[breath shaking]
Sir, I'm sorry.
Sorry, sir, I made a mistake.
No, you didn't make a mistake. I did.
I should never have allowed
you people into my bunker.
Get out! Get out of here!
Uncle, what is it?
Uncle, I apologize on his behalf.
I'm extremely sorry.
You broke my rules.
Your apology will not be accepted.
Pick up your stuff
and leave at once. All three.
[Parth breathing heavily]
Sir, what sin have I committed, huh?
I touched your stuff
and I apologized for it.
But it doesn't make sense.
You throw us out for breaking one rule?
Do you have any idea
what my rules mean to me?
1974, Bengal.
The smallpox epidemic
killed all four of my brothers,
-but I survived.
-[tapping cane]
Twenty years ago, the malaria epidemic
killed half my family.
I lost all of them,
and my son as well.
But I still survived.
From local epidemics
right up to the COVID pandemic,
I survived everything.
Do you know why?
Because I had certain rules.
So, listen carefully,
before you break my rules
and endanger my life,
you better get out.
-Get out!
-[Kaddu] No, we will not leave.
I've been watching your bad behavior.
You have no manners.
Is this the way to talk to people?
Hey, girlie, this is my house.
I can talk in whatever way I please.
He was touching my personal stuff,
and I will not tolerate that.
Then learn to share.
Divya Miss says, "When we share,
we make a new friend."
You don't like to share,
that's why you have no friends.
I don't want friends!
I don't need friends.
What I need is my rules.
Thanks to my rules,
I have survived this far.
-And will continue to. Got it?
-But for whom?
[Kaddu] If you don't have friends,
whom will you play with?
[solemn music playing]
I am going to sleep now.
Nobody will disturb me.
[somber music playing]
[man] Will you please sign this form?
I'm sorry, sir. I'm really sorry, sir.
Ritu, I specifically asked you
to stay here.
You couldn't have saved
those ICU patients,
but you could've
at least reduced their misery.
Sir, I thought
I was really hopeful that the plant
would lead to a treatment.
I am sorry, sir.
I just wanted to do a good thing.
That's exactly what your problem is.
You're so obsessed
with doing the good thing,
you seem to forget that your job
is to do the right thing.
[Ketan] Ouch.
[mimics groaning softly]
And I thought only my boss
plunges a knife in the heart. [sighs]
It's okay. The fault is mine.
He has a right to be upset.
Ketan Kamat, SDPO.
-No, I'm sorry.
-[clears throat]
-Hello, sir. Ritu.
[Ketan] Hmm.
-From the mainland, huh?
Same here. [chuckles]
Look where we are stuck. [chuckles]
You, too, must be wishing
you could go back, all the time.
-No, sir.
The fire brigade
can't run away from the fire.
If they don't stop for it,
the fire won't stop either.
-[SP Shiva] Ketan.
Oh, sir.
My boss.
Sir, I just have
a routine concussion check-up.
Sir, you should not have taken
so much trouble for my sake.
I am not here for you, Ketan.
Yesterday, near Oraka territory,
three NGO workers' bodies were found.
-[Ketan] Oh.
-Dr. Shashi needed a few details
for the post-mortem.
Uh, he just went back to his duty.
If you want, I can hand it over to him.
Thank you.
-Good that I saw you here.
-[chuckles softly]
Because I had something to ask you. Come.
[thunder rumbling]
They just revealed
their destination to you?
How did you manage
to convince ATOM to do that?
[solemn music playing]
[Ketan] I played them, sir.
I made them believe I'm working for them.
But I was on the other side. On your side.
[chuckles softly]
By the way, sir, thanks a lot,
because it took four years, but,
post the Bindal case, for the first time,
it feels like I'm fighting for the truth.
I'll take your leave. Thank you, sir.
One sec, Ketan.
Two years ago,
you were transferred to Port Blair, right?
Yes, sir.
If you were transferred here
because of the Bindal case
how could that have been four years ago?
[suspenseful music playing]
Uh, right. Uh, sorry, sir.
Uh, it's been two years only.
Actually, I mixed up the dates.
Not the dates.
You mixed up the facts, Ketan.
That case had nothing whatsoever
to do with your transfer.
Is that why I was feeling odd?
You were not the prey.
You were the predator.
[dramatic music playing]
You were always on the other side, Ketan.
Four years ago, it was actually you
who destroyed the career
of a junior officer.
You really want me to believe
that they had already left
before you reached there?
And then somebody knocked you out?
And when you woke up, we were there?
Tell me honestly, Ketan,
what really had happened that night?
I don't have a choice. So
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Ketan groaning]
-[Ketan] Stop! Stop, stop!
I can help you escape. Stop.
So you're saying
we should pretend to escape
and then get caught deliberately.
Look, you're going to get caught anyway.
It is impossible to escape
the Coast Guard and the Navy.
[sniffles] Mmm.
[intriguing music playing]
To get out of this place,
what you need is not a ship or a plane,
but the permission of the LG.
And the only way to get that
is if the LG stands to benefit
by your leaving.
One second.
If you say, we have to evacuate
thousands of people to get out of here,
then why don't we offer this to the LG?
-Why go through all this drama?
Because there's a food chain, ma'am.
Lion eats deer, deer eats grass.
The dear can't directly propose
eating grass to the lion, can it?
If you go yourself to the LG,
then it will always be
a proposal for your escape.
He might take the deal or he might not.
if you do what I'm telling you to do,
then the LG will come to you
with the deal himself.
And any such deal
will not just be risk-free for you guys,
but [sniffles]
you will also
get to decide the terms of it.
You're just speculating, sir.
And let's just say,
maybe I have done some such thing,
you won't be able to prove it.
Why don't I try, Ketan?
I can always make an attempt
to explain my speculation to the LG.
But you won't do that, sir,
because, without me,
this evacuation deal cannot go through.
And are you really going to risk the lives
of 5,000 people just to get back at me?
[inhales deeply, sighs]
[chuckles] Thought so.
[tense music playing]
Sir, please
don't take any of this stuff personally.
The food chain's smallest creatures
are the first to perish.
[dramatic music playing]
May I sit?
But six feet distance.
But there is no space here.
Okay, five feet distance.
[Basu sighs]
[clears throats]
I'm not here to make friends with you.
Even to this day,
I cannot share my stuff with anyone.
But, yes, there is some knowledge
that I can share.
Meaning LHF was here earlier as well?
Some days ago,
when I was listening to the radio,
I heard about this disease
and felt like I read about it somewhere.
This journal belongs to a Japanese doctor.
Thirty years ago,
he had come to the conclusion that, uh,
there are some people here
who are immune to this disease.
[Parth] Immune?
How can anyone be immune to LHF?
[kettle whistling]
You know, Parth,
in all the creatures living on this Earth,
from the trees to the birds,
and from humans to fish,
there's one thing in common.
They all are survivors.
Some survive by inflicting poison,
some suck blood, some of them build nests,
and some make rules.
Natural selection.
[Chiranjeevi] Santosh sir!
Where has he gone?
Say something if you can hear me.
Where do I search in this dark?
[Basu] Ultimately nature decides
as to who survives.
[suspenseful music playing]
Thousands of years ago,
when the lower leaves
of the jungle reduced,
animals started dying.
In order to survive,
the giraffe had to elongate its neck.
The tortoise could not run fast
upon seeing the predator,
hence they created
a tough shell over their bodies.
And some, like the elephant,
became so powerful
that preying on them
became almost impossible.
[suspenseful music continues]
[water dripping]
At Bogart Hill,
the doctor realized
that those who survived the disease
were, in fact, the local guides
who showed their army the path.
The ones who knew
every nook and corner here.
[suspenseful music continues]
[gripping music playing]
[fire crackling]
[music intensifies]
[camera shutter clicks]
So that means
[Basu] The Orakas have been
in these islands for 7,000 years.
Centuries ago,
they had learned to fight this disease.
And they're Andaman's Eraba Reta Mono,
the Chosen Ones.
[dramatic music playing]
However harsh nature may be,
it still gives
every weak creature a strength
and every strong creature a weakness.
[music intensifies]
[theme music playing]
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