Kaalkoot (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Nail Polish

Wear decent clothes.
What are you planning to wear?
- Clothes.
- Come on!
Will you come
dressed in the uniform?
Why not?
- It looks good.
- Right.
Spray some fragrance too.
How do I look?
You look nice.
Listen to me,
should I put the forehead dot?
- Yes, do it.
- But
I wonder, what people
might take from this?
Alright then, don't put it.
Else the girl will assume
that I'm old-fashioned.
Fine, then put it.
But then the girl's father
might think otherwise.
Okay, then don't put it.
- What?
- Don't put it.
Kind sir, can't you
stick to one answer?
Mother, you can do all
the fashion in the world.
But don't ask me
for any suggestions.
It's a lengthy process
to get these new-gen
children ready for marriage.
During our time, we would
agree with no hesitation.
And so, today I made up
my mind for this meeting.
- Sir, whenever I talk to Ravi about marriage.
- Okay?
He replies saying that
I am already man of law.
what would he do
with in-laws now!
Let me tell you
something about Ravi.
Our pump broke-down since days.
I kept telling him to get it
fixed, but he didn't budge.
But the day he paid heed to
it, he woke up all night long,
until it was fixed.
Even our pump
broke down few days ago.
Is it?
Son, how about going this evening?
This evening?
No, you must take your time.
To sum it up,
if Ravi commits
to doing some task, then
he would complete it for sure.
Does this mean, Ravi
will surely get married?
what I meant here was,
if he does marry
he will be committed.
- What happened?
- I'm sorry.
What's the matter?
What is it?
- Suhani?
- What's the matter, dear?
Okay, laugh all you want.
Laughter is good.
The youth enjoy my humour!
Sorry, Aunty. I
Whenever I am nervous,
I start laughing.
- Really?
- Yes.
On that note,
- let's shake hands.
- Shake hands!
Aunty, our pump is absolutely fixed.
It's fine.
Dad was only joking.
"This dark bumble bee (the world)"
"Just can’t woo me no more"
I've gone through enough
hassles to deal with hospitals.
My uniform stinks of phenyl.
This is worse in women’s cases,
we have to keep coming
back to the hospital every time.
"And I burn my hours of rest
worrying about it in the night"
"Whether it comes or doesn’t"
"My longing is always here"
"Oh this strange play of
attraction it has caught me in!"
"Ahh this foolish era (of love)"
Manav Gupta?
Where is Manav?
Who are you?
We are cops, son!
Tell me, where is Manav?
Sir, he will be here soon.
Has he gone to use the restroom.
No, sir.
He is out for a walk.
Seems like this hospital
has become a park,
that he is out for a walk.
Just bring him here
from wherever he is.
Don't keep standing here.
Go and bring him.
Sir, he is in the opposite ward.
Do you give her baths too?
- What?
- Hand over your phone.
Unlock it too.
He was trimming her nails,
surely he must be
doing her hair too.
And change her clothes too?
With all those adornments, were
you planning a photo-shoot for her?
- Are you shooting an album?
- Yes, an album.
Are you planning
to upload it again?
- I didn't upload any photograph.
- Then who did?
I have no idea, sir.
- But,
- What's this?
- Is this Parul?
- Sir, one minute.
- This is not
- Darn you.
Why do you have this photograph?
Sir, I didn't upload it.
It's on my phone since long now.
Parul had sent it to me.
- Did she?
- Sir, we were in a relationship
and she had sent once.
The moment they broke up,
he threw acid on her.
- Surely it was to seek revenge!
- No, sir.
Sir, I have no clue
where to buy acid from?
- Oh!
- What do you do?
Sir, I'm a college student
and run a hotel.
Don't you clean
washrooms of your hotel?
Acid is used to clean
washrooms, right?
You have the audacity to
click a girl's nude photograph
- and sit chest out before her mother and sister.
- No, sir.
Now he is acting to
be an innocent man.
Where were you
on the 7th of June?
I'd gone for a movie, sir.
Your girl was being acid-attacked,
while you were busy
watching a movie!
Sir, I'd gone with my friend.
He is sitting right here.
- Did you for a movie with him?
- Yes, sir.
- I'd booked an online ticket.
- Manav?
The glucose isn't
flowing from Parul's drip.
Could you please check it?
- Okay, I'll send for someone, you be with her.
- Sure.
Send me screen shot of the ticket.
Sure, I'll send it in a
while, but right now
And don't you leave the city?
And come to mark your
attendance at the police station.
Okay, sir.
Get going now.
He hasn't learned his lesson yet.
Sir, do you think
he could've done it?
He is capable enough of.
Might've left mid-movie,
and executed the attack.
Now tell me.
Were you here on 7th of June?
No, sir.
I did mention this to Mr. Yadav.
It was my day off that day.
Any boy in the institute
- who would harass Parul?
- Sir.
Boys do try to woo any women.
- Really?
- They are Hot-blooded, sir.
Who does this wooing?
Sir, when girls and
boys study together
wooing is natural.
But nobody harasses anyone.
Do you ever whistle at a girl?
Sir, I'm not hot-blooded anymore!
Then why don't you stop
them from wooing girls?
Better keep your eyes
and ears open now.
Give me names!
- Who are ones teasing girls?
- Speak up.
Sir, I don't remember
their names.
Last Wednesday, two boys
threw some blue water on a girl.
Which girl?
Sir, whenever the guard
sees us talking downstairs,
he goes upstairs and
complains about us
that we are behaving weird.
Is it?
Sir, none of the boys
here tease girls.
We all are friends.
So on Wednesday, one of your friends
must have thrown color on you, right?
Yes, sir.
Name your friends for me, will you?
Speak up now.
Who are your boy friends?
Not boyfriends,
- just friends.
- Right, boy.
Sir, I didn't go the
institute to play Holi.
Hence, these guys pranked
to throw color on me.
They are very naughty.
They ruined my hair-do.
Who threw the color?
It could be anyone, sir.
They all are my friends.
Just two days after,
Parul was acid-attacked.
- Surely could be one of your friend.
- No, sir.
The institute was closed that day,
so no boys would have been there.
Sir, believe me, all the
boys here are quite decent.
Nobody would ever stoop so low.
- Is Parul your friend?
- Yes.
She is my best friend.
Any enemy of hers?
Sir, she fights with whole Universe.
She is in a vulnerable state.
Did you go to the
hospital to meet her?
No, sir.
Sir, she was anyway not coming
to the institute since 15 days.
Alas she came to the
institute on the day it was shut.
Why didn't she come for 15 days?
Sir, I
I can't tell you that.
- Why?
- Why so?
Sir, I've promised her,
not to speak about it to anybody.
She has been
brutally attacked, you
I agree, sir. But I
have promised her.
How could I overlook a promise?
My dear, what world are you living in?
Do you think all this is a joke?
We are setting an inquiry with you.
You understand?
Speak up!
Her nude photograph
was published on the internet.
Boys would always pass
indecent comments at her.
Hence she didn't come for 15 days.
But the boys here
are very decent, right?
Right, sir.
But the photograph was indecent.
Everyone is a scoundrel
including the guards and students.
Rather than studying these
dimwits are playing Holi.
If the institute was shut that day,
why did Parul go there?
Sir, may I something?
Surely someone must have
come to play Holi with Parul.
Maybe he picked the wrong bottle.
- They will be here soon.
- And?
I'm anxious.
You’ve called in
the cavalry it seems.
- Sister-in-law?
- Yes.
Change this white saree.
- What?
- It's not looking nice.
- Really?
- Yes.
What should I do?
What should I wear?
Please don't ask me such questions.
All the best!
All the best.
Mother sent this for you.
Thank you.
You could sit here.
Please have some.
- I don't have a sweet tooth.
- Welcome
You're a very simple man, right?
Yes, I am.
Isn't that good?
No idea. At times, a
little mischief is good.
But there's punishment for it.
Why don’t you have some?
I smoke at times.
- Really?
- Yes.
- I do.
- How many?
Two or three.
Does your mother know about it?
Nobody in my family is aware.
And please don't tell them.
Neither to your family.
- So, it's only cigarettes?
- Yes.
I had a class teacher
in Kanpur.
I had a teacher, Sharma ma'am,
she was quite strict.
As a punishment,
Sharma ma'am would always
boycott the troublemaker.
Nobody in the class
would talk to me for 2 days.
But secretly,
everyone spoke to me.
talking secretly is fun.
Mr. Ravi, what I mean here is,
punishments are not always bad.
Hey, that's not what I am
getting at. It's just that
To be honest,
If I'd get caught doing a mistake,
I wouldn’t allow
myself to talk to myself.
Did you understand?
At times, I get into
deep conversations.
You seem to be fond of nail-paints.
Yes, nail-paints.
It's different from the one
you applied the last time.
You are already inquiring
about what I wear.
- Hey, no. Nothing as such.
- No?
I said it because,
I thought removing and then applying a
new nail paint is time consuming.
Yes, you are right.
I mean, I have to
literally scrape them out.
- Oh?
- I end up scrapping my fingers too.
Take a look.
I was joking with you.
It comes off easily with a remover.
But you aren't completely wrong.
Because this one is copper-based and
I don't have a remover for it.
So, removing it will
take some time now.
I'll be back in a minute.
Sir, Manav was in the theater
while the incident took place.
Didn't he leave the theater at all?
No, sir.
He stepped in at 10:03 pm,
and watched the entire movie.
He came out at 1:07 am, exactly.
Mr. Yadav, blue water
was thrown on Ms. Rashmi.
It struck me that copper
sulphate is also blue.
It's used to make sulfuric acid,
that is Acid.
And exactly two days later,
Parul was acid-attacked.
Definitely both of these
matters are co-related.
I suggest, let's call
that girl at the station.
No, let's interrogate Manav.
- Right? I'll be there soon.
- Okay, sir.
You've to go, right?
Yes. I'll have to leave.
Or else you allow
yourself to talk to yourself.
It's okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
There’s a boy, sir.
Ashish Awasthi.
Parul's marriage was fixed with him.
At the time, we had a fight,
so we weren't in talking terms.
When was this?
The engagement was on 2nd November.
I met her on 3rd November.
Cried a lot.
She also cried.
Then on 30th of November,
she called-off the marriage.
Ashish was crying a lot.
In fact, when he went back home,
he burst out crying
before his parents.
Parul was devastated.
'Now you're feeling bad about it.
Why don't you just marry him.'
'I could do something about him.'
'Rashmi is best at it.'
And then, it was Parul's
birthday on 17th December.
Same day she introduced
Rashmi to Ashish.
I'd advised her to
stay out of all this.
And that she will
be cursed later on.
But alas, she never listens to anyone.
"Ahh this foolish era (of love)"
- Hi.
- Hi.
Thank you.
"It stings me slowly with its poison"
"Does it even know of love?"
"It’s pain might squeeze
out the last of my breaths"
"Who on earth would call this love?"
"It wanders"
Cut it for everyone.
"But it won’t stay"
Sir, I was totally
against the fact that
Parul was racking her brains
in order to compensate her guilt.
"It’s black inside out"
"This cruelty doesn’t
deserve my heart!"
"Ahh this foolish era (of love)"
Listen up!
Don't make me clean your crap.
It's not crap.
Consider it as an
offering from me.
"The desire is blind"
"The mankind will slip again!"
"The city of love is veiled by
the mannerisms of the Royals"
"But it runs on the fear of the
havoc that the devil can unveil"
"Here greed boils in
the house of the poor"
- Hi, Parul.
- Hi, Ashish.
This is for you.
"For each being seems like a sly fox"
"Waiting for its chance to
Steal the catch and run away!"
"Pardon me, but the sweetness
of words here is worth shit!"
You like it?
It's very nice. Thank you.
You're so sweet.
Sir, she'd mentioned, she
wasn't in talking terms with Ashish.
Now I'm not sure how
much of that was true.
You motherfucker, you're
the reason for this ruckus!
You must've let the marriage happen,
between Parul and Ashish.
In this manner, today
neither you'd be sitting here,
nor the girl would
be lying there.
Sir, I had no control
over this marriage matter.
En-number of boys of
the college were after her.
Moreover, Ashish wasn't
worth being with her.
Why so?
Was he not a nice guy?
No, sir. He was nice.
Excessively nice.
When guys turn excessively
nice they simply become boring.
Surely she wouldn't have
married such a boring guy.
Let's go.
Come on.
We've got boring work to do.
- She is quite fair.
- Yes.
- She is beautiful.
- Indeed and kind too.
They will take me to a doctor.
Should I go?
Yes, why not.
You won't feel bad, right?
Mother, why do you constantly
ask me similar questions?
Should you go, should you not go!
Son, when your father was alive,
I would always ask him,
question him, ask his
advice for every little thing.
But now, he is gone.
The only man left now is yourself.
Whom should I ask if not yourself?
This house?
Or the walls?
Or his photograph?
Mother, you are taking it wrong now.
I've a headache.
You've to go, right?
- Ravi!
- Yes.
Your aunt is leaving,
take her blessings.
She is gorgeous and intelligent.
But Ravi,
just run a background check on her.
Please don't take it otherwise, son.
you aren't from an opulent clan.
She seems to be already
ready for the marriage.
Why this rush?
You're generous, Ravi.
And a kind man too.
But just being kind
won't get you a wife these days.
Otherwise you are intelligent.
- Sir, let's go.
- Grandma, I'm going.
Grandma, go home safely.
Be happy, son.
Don't worry, I've got your back.
Go to hell!
"The sun has tucked itself in"
Darn you!
"The dark night will freely
breathe again"
"The wound that was burning
in the heat of the sun"
"The night will torture it with
the steam of its dew"
"What can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
"What can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
"The wound came from a
sharp black thread in a dark night"
"How can you hide from it"
"When you can’t see it?"
"Now you go around looking
for the cure in this night"
"You shall find nothing but dirt"
"Slave of the fate!"
"So, what can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
"So, what can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
"And yet again, he tried
to run away from himself"
"The demons of the past,
they show up again"
"The knots that he
turned a blind eye to"
"Caught him again
in this blinded night"
"What can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
"What can I say about it?"
"The magnificence of this night!"
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