Karamora (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

St. Petersburg
One year before all the events
Popenko now should be replaced by someone,
although he was no use at all.
Why Popenko? He's Popov.
Indeed, he is Popov.
When they say "Popov," you imagine a big, serious man.
And this one is so-so, just Popenko.
By the way, this is your fingerprints
from the rope he hung himself with.
So what, are you going to recruit me?
Look, Karazin, you're either acting naughty
or you're in the wrong business.
You are not fit to be a terrorist, you look like some kind of inventor.
And karamora is a mosquito, right?
Well, then you look like a biologist scientist
who runs around in Africa with a net, catching butterflies.
So you' ll let me go?
I have a case for you.
There is one group, "The Pale Riders".
Scary people, far scarier than you.
I baited them with Popenko's help.
Why are you telling me all of this?
I want to catch them.
No, I won't work for the police.
Then don't work for the police, work for me.
Nobody expects to catch these "Riders" anymore.
They ruin all the Ministry's work, they spoil all our plans.
Accept my offer, I don't want to hang you, it's pitiful and boring.
I won't betray my ideals.
By all means, you won't even be listed anywhere as an agent,
only I will know about you, and you do what you please.
Shoot, blow up, or whatever your ideals demand.
And I'll cover you up, and I give you a loan.
Within reasonable limits, of course.
I'm serious, you only need to gain credibility with these "Pale Riders",
so they' ll take you into their group.
Then I'll zap! all of them, and you'll take off.
And our paths will be parted.
And what about Popenko?
Popov? Right, it's a human life after all.
But he wrote not to blame anyone for his death, so we won't.
Opium 20 silver rubles.
The silver ruble was called the tselkovyj, but I could not find information in the English sources, so, in order not to overload the translation with terms, I translated it as silver ruble.
Is there anything cheaper but good?
What do you want, lunger?
Here the apothecary uses a slur, which was used to call the sick with consumption. As far as I know, there is no such slur in English. In Russian there is.
Easy, easy, easy.
Is the Baron in?
- You son of a bitch! What are you doing, huh?
- Shit! What did Karamora say?
- You sick bastard, what are you doing, huh?
- Right, the back of the head!
Baron Lusenberg is not a vampire,
silver has no effect on him, he died from an ordinary bullet.
Are we going to just act randomly
in a hope that someone will turn out to be a vampire?
It's fun, no denying it.
Well, figuratively speaking, he was a bloodsucker, a drug dealer.
But you're right, it's like a needle in a haystack.
Good day.
My name is Kryuchkov.
Baron should have left a package for me, as usual.
Have a great party.
Wait, have we met somewhere?
I don't recall. Were you here last time?
Easy, easy, easy.
That's Melnikov! That son of a bitch is alive!
That's who the real vampire! I had business with him
in Baku, I bought the factory from his widow in Tiflis!
But that's impossible, impossible!
Yes, I recognized him, the fate is on our side.
We need him alive. We'll track him down and use him to find the other vampires.
I've got a plan.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
Princess Yusupova is expecting you, Your Nobleness.
Damn. Help her!
Yes, sir.
We need to get the smell out.
Watch over her.
- Yeah.
- Clean it all up!
It's better to go through the servants' hall, Your Nobleness.
Come, come with me.
My God, Prince, how many times have I asked you
not to come to me dressed like that!
Runevsky, you are so young and already such a prude.
Have you never wanted to be a woman in all your 111 years?
I'm tired of being a Prince.
Try to be a peasant.
No, better a woman.
Why the hell is Internal Affairs bothering me?
Dashkov is your sniffer, isn't he? Keep him in check.
Alas, Dashkov is too principled for me to keep him in check,
he is obsessed with the purity of our species.
He will surely punish you along with Svechnikov,
if you break the rules again. But you don't, do you?
I suppose that's about it
Have a seat. I came here not for nothing, but on errand. Men's talk.
I came across your report on Manchuria the other day.
The one involving the Kappa samurai. Do you recall?
I recall, it was the Japanese who called them Kappas.
And you managed to kill him?
Well, yes, with that.
It wasn't just a vampire, but a mutant,
he was only saturated with the blood of other vampires.
Tell Stolypin in person at the Private Committee,
I can't take in the information twice. Go change your clothes.
Something like spleen, that scourge of Britain,
Or Russia's chondria, for short;
Alexander Pushkin, "Evgeny Onegin", Chapter One, Verse XXXVIII
Thank God, he had no inclination
To blow his brains out, but in stead
To life grew colder than the dead.
The only disease we have, Prince, is despondency,
but there is a cure for it as well.
I was in Vienna in my spare time, and there was this very smart doctor,
just for these cases.
He was talking something about us, about ego, about id.
Nothing made sense, but he prescribed this to me.
It's called cocaine. You want some?
I am so happy that I am a vampire.
I'm sure deep down you are, too.
We are the highest form of existence,
we are eternal, like angels, no matter what anyone says.
Don't get too much of it, or you'll ascend.
So boring.
We cannot deny that the last century was a serious challenge for us.
Scientific progress, educational enlightenment, the growth of cities.
This in itself is wonderful,
but brings us exposure and destruction.
Just the other day our European colleagues
had to do a monstrous deed -
they destroyed an entire publishing house,
so they wouldn't be exposed.
We were one step away from disaster.
The population is growing,
with a million people for every vampire.
We won't be able to hold them as we used to,
we won't be able to crush them like we did with Napoleon in France.
A world-wide rebellion will ruin us all.
So we have only one solution: we have to stop being vampires.
We need to be cured and make ourselves human again.
And how do you envision this, Pyotr Arkadyevich?
We don't have vampires, but what about the Germans?
At this time of threat from the West, you can't rock the boat.
Sergey Yurievich, we have a permanent threat from the West.
I know we've lived this way for centuries,
but we have to learn to live differently.
And how will we hold power without the force?
We won't.
We will gradually be replaced by others.
This is the natural course of history,
from the power of the few to the power of the majority.
Feudalism is over anyway.
And why on earth, your Marxist highness,
we should give up eternal life? What about our children?
Listen, it wasn't long ago that 1905 broke out, we barely stopped that wave;
the next one will be fatal.
And as humans, we will at least live out our lives
in peace, as long as we have left.
And our children and grandchildren and great-grand children will also live.
Nonsense. How will Russia cope with the coming
upheavals without our great power?
We need great upheavals – we need a great Russia!
A winged phrase and aphorism formed as a result of these words uttered by the Prime Minister of the Russian Empire,
Peter Stolypin, in the Second State Duma on May 10, 1907, during a speech about peasant allotments. The phrase has a conservative message and has been used by conservatives ever since.
I thank you for quoting me, Prince.
And I have no children.
Fuck, I can't calm down.
Faked his death so as not to pay his workers and to avoid the trial. What a bastard!
We'll sedate Melnikov and capture him.
We'll torture him and find out about other vampires in the country.
But we won't manage it alone, we need more people.
Let's go.
We are interested in fresh pomegranates,
сomrade Krasin highly recommended them.
- The shop is closed. Leave, everyone.
- How could that be?
Go, go, go. Young lady, the shop is closed. Close the doors.
You' re wanted all over the world, and here you are.
Look who's talking. Your underground center located near the prison.
So you're in charge of supplies now. Well, congratulations on your promotion.
Looks like you're making Muller's dynamite -
40 percent soda and sodium sulfate.
According to my calculations you have twenty kilograms. For whom may I ask?
Who is this member of the Academy of Sciences?
My great-uncle invented dynamite.
The Bolsheviks ordered 20 kilos from me, I'm waiting for their courier any day now.
Amazing lady, quiet crazy, you'd have liked her.
Comrade Patsia died in Tiflis.
What an order to go awry!
I'll take it, and I also need some sleeping gas.
150 thousand.
It's expensive, the prime cost is 20 thousands.
Is he also a part-time accountant for you?
That's all we have. I'm officially dead, I can't take out any more money.
You pay for the bomb, I pay for the men to capture the vampire.
Runevsky, listen, I summoned you on a more important matter.
Did you kill Kappa with that?
Yes, with this.
Tell me about it.
Well, what is there to tell? While our troops were at Mukden,
Runevsky recounts one of the events of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 - 1905.
a small squad of vampires was sent on a raid to break through to Port Arthur.
A few days later I had my first encounter with a vampire eater,
the Japanese let him loose on our trail.
He was faster, angrier, bolder than us.
He came upon us like a predator, killed two or three of us,
and disappeared into the darkness again.
The most striking part is that when I killed him, I felt pity for him.
He didn't know what he was doing, he just felt desperate thirst.
The same as ours, only a thousand times stronger.
The sleep, the intelligence, and many generations of incestuous
vampire bloodlines have spawned this monster.
Where are we?
In addition to those things I talked about
in the Committee, there's another matter.
You have a Kappa in there? Why don't you kill it?
The real problem is that as vampire families,
we've been in power for too long.
We don't accept many people into our circle. Everyone has got crossbreeded, we are all related to each other.
That's why such children are born to us.
We still hope to save them.
As you can see, we need to do something about it.
We have guarded the throne for centuries,
but now we can bring it down ourselves.
The continuity and insularity of power was good for the 18th century,
but that time is gone.
You must find a cure so that we can be human again.
Otherwise our own children will devour us.
Oh, Mr. Simonov, good to see you!
I am glad to see you too, Gavrila.
I'd like to take a good steam.
Do you want me to send you a bath maid or a bath attendant?
Bath attendants were an important part of the Russian bathhouse. This job required remarkable health, great physical strength and endurance. Whipping with a bath broom was a real art: besides the proper use of a bath broom. a good bath attendant could make a show out of bathing with jokes and humorous catchphrases. Good bathhouse attendants were also famous. Among other things, bathhouse attendants could provide sexual services, and the St. Petersburg bathhouses were a frequent meeting place for homosexuals of the time.
Give me the bath attendant. Only a good one, not like the last time.
This one's funny, sent him to me.
That's Apollo.
Come on, buddy, don't drag it out, take off your pants now.
Karamora, I’ll be dead!
Well, you'll still have time..
You should be married somewhere in South America by now.
Cheer up, Simonov, our deal on the "The Riders" is still on the table.
I'm as strong as ever.
I need a new combat team.
What deal, Karazin?
"The Riders" hate you, you blew everything.
What team? No one will work with you.
That's why I need young, unengaged people. Together we will fight the vampires.
I see your paranoia is progressing.
You give me people, I'll give you Karl.
They'll make you a general for that, won't they?
You know what, I'm going to arrest you now.
It would be difficult without pants.
Tell you what. If I don't give you Karl,
you'll pin all your unsolved crimes on me.
My failure will be your weight off your shoulders. Deal?
All right, then.
Karazin, how did you even find me?
You go to Moscow on all church holidays,
obviously not to see St. Basil's Cathedral. Shall I call the bath attendant?
To hell with you, you ruined the whole mood.
The Bolsheviks betrayed us, Karamora left. Apparently, with the money.
The hero leaves to return.
And you disappoint me, Verde, I leave the job to Franz,
He won't get away from Franz.
Change your clothes, you'll feel better.
Whatever they were, I am no better. I drank the blood
of living people and enjoyed it,
just like a monster.
Yes you wanted to blow up officials like a terrorist.
Bombs also tear people into little pieces with lots of blood and guts, you know.
Stop it, I'm about to throw up.
You killed the Bloodsucker family, the real freaks,
you saved many lives in the future.
Even I gave in to your righteous anger and did not interfere.
You have nothing to be sorry for.
Stay where you are! I can't do this, not with a bomb or fangs.
I should have died with my team.
It's the only option, enough with the stalling.
There is another option.
Today Stolypin instructed me to find a cure
for vampirism. It's a secret mission,
but if I manage to find the recipe, I need to try it out on someone.
You will be human again, and I will not be
executed for your unauthorized turning.
Let's help each other, shall we?
I confess to the premeditated murders and dismemberments of 11
What an atrocity. Can I confess to something else?
Bloodsucker is such a vulgar nickname.
I would recommend Dmitry Bogrov. A young anarchist
and individualist, he is not a member of any major parties
or circles, very eager for a heroic deed.
Are you heading for the afterlife or just taking a bath?
It's a weak cut.
That's my cognac.
We agreed to meet an hour ago, remember?
I decided to tidy myself up, and then I thought, I'll meet you out there later.
Everything is meaningless. Life is a thousand cutlets eaten.
It' s just that some people have regular ones, and some have à la Maréchale.
A method of cooking in haute cuisine.
Is there anyone who at least knows how to shoot?
There's one officer with his sister, they killed the general.
Ah, I'm afraid you're too late; the court-martial has
already sentenced them to death by firing squad.
On your shoulder.
Bogrov, remind me to teach you how to shoot.
- I hit.
- Whom?
- This one.
- Oh, don't make me laugh.
There's a hole in his skull. Here, I did it!
Who's here on a political article, step forward.
What is your article?
We attacked one place and had a lot of fun. Beat the Jews..!
Here was used a slur to refer to Jewish people. In Russian language, as far as I know, given all it's history of anti-Semitism, there is only one slur to insult Jewish people. There are many in English, so I decided not to stress the audience.
There were almost no young people left, after 1907 Stolypin choped them all.
But there is one naughty boy.
The guy doesn't know where to stick himself. He was seen
at a meeting of the Social Revolutionaries and the Cadets.
You wouldn't believe it, he even wanted to join the Skoptsy.
A sect within the larger Spiritual Christianity movement in the Russian Empire, best known for practicing castration of men and the mastectomy of women in accordance with their teachings against sexual lust.
This one?
In short, the young man is on a search for himself.
Let's make some noise, gentlemen!
Don't act as a satirist yet, by giving embittered advices
If you find the poems as awkward and lame, I apologize:
I couldn't find an official translation and had to adapt it myself.
To illustrious lyrical poets, to warriors of great sacrifices.
If on the fateful day the last giant falls,
Then as your precious friend, one only one,
I shall lead you to Berlin walls!
Bravo, bravo!
And out of the cigar smoke the drunken Severyanin's face
Igor Severyanin, a Russian poet who presided over the circle of the so-called Ego-Futurists. Mayakovsky's opponent
stretched like a liquor glass!
How dare you call yourself a poet and like a quail chuckle!
Today you must crush the world in your skull with a brass knuckle!
Your advice really helped me with my conclusions.
The topic came up right away, I see. Revolutionary.
It's just impossible to stand it anymore, the censorship
is reaching the point of idiocy.
You can't write about the church, it offends the people.
If you write about the government, they will put you in jail.
You can' t even write about those who died a long time ago, either.
The relatives, you see, would be outraged.
That's why I have to constantly change Pushkin for Ushkin in my epigrams,
and the tsar to some ancient king.
I really hope that at least in a hundred years this will all be over.
This is all very interesting, of course, but what about the real action?
A great man needs a great biography. What is required of me?
You have a nice apartment in the center.
Is he really the only one who knows how to make a vampire into a human?
He's the only one who says he knows how to do it.
There's a whole queue to see him, so we'll check him out.
How did vampires even came to our country? How it all started?
It was Peter the Great who brought them to Russia;
he left for the great embassy as a man,
and returned as a vampire. So he began to turn the boyars and nobles.
A member of the highest rank of the feudal nobility in many European nations, including Kievan Rus',
Bulgaria, Russia, Wallachia, Moldavia, and later Romania, Lithuania and among Baltic Germans.
Boyars were second only to the ruling princes.
And no one resisted?
Why, many have locked themselves away in monasteries and burned themselves.
A true Russian rebellion: the self-immolation.
Are you nervous?
This is the first time I've seen you like this.
He is a living classic. Have you read his works?
Yes, as a child, about a student and an old woman, an extremely reactionary work.
Alina mistaken the books: Runevski asks her about Tolstoy's works,
and Alina speaks of Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". That's why Runievski sighs.
Yasnaya Polyana
Lev Nikolayevich will not return to the fold of the corrupt church;
it is the church that must return to righteous Christianity.
That's not why we're here, we need to talk with Count in person.
Vladimir Chetkov. All questions, if you please, pass through me.
The Sacred Retinue has no power in our community.
We are against violence, but we can stand up for ourselves.
Lev Nikolayevich, please pretend that I'm not here.
Are you Tolstovians?
A social movement based on the philosophical and religious views of Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy's views were formed by rigorous study of the ministry of Jesus, particularly the Sermon on the Mount.
Basically, it's his fanclub.
Thank God.
Lev Nikolayevich, sorry to bother you, we are here by order of Stolypin.
Here's the question.
How did you become human?
The great Lev Nikolayevich wrote everything long ago in his work "What I Believe".
It's a long road of repentance, humility, and forgiveness.
Keep the commandments, keep a fast, don't eat meat, don't commit adultery,
give up private property, and start living like a simple man, or a woman.
Lev Nikolayevich, may I have a word with you in private?
Speak in our presence, every word of Lev Nikolayevich is important for history.
Excuse me, where is your restroom?
At the pond. The flaw of forgiveness!
Gentlemen, let's go cut some hay, simple labor ennobles us.
Take me away from here.
What? When?
Right now. They worship me like a calf, they won't let me make any move.
Help me and I'll tell you everything.
Runevsky! Runievski, come on, quickly!
Where are you going? Stop!
How I longed for meat.
How do I teach? The main thing is to love your neighbor and not to drink, not to smoke,
and not to eat meat if possible.
And how am I understood?
The main thing is not to drink, not to smoke, no to eat meat, and if it's possible, to love your neighbor.
Take your time, Lev Nikolayevich.
In an hour there is a train to Novocherkassk.
What Novocherkassk? Why do we need to go there?
You don't need anything, but I feel I will die soon,
so I want to spend the rest of my days in peace with my family, my wife, and my children.
We agreed to meet there without any lunatic admirers.
How romantic.
Wait a minute, what about us?
You promised to tell us how to turn a vampire into a human.
I wrote it all down. If you' re thirsty for blood, don't drink it, hold yourself,
distract yourself from thirst and temptation by work, preferably physical work.
Get so tired in a day that by nightfall you won't have any energy left to suck blood.
And how long will it take?
I made it in 30 years, not much by vampire standards.
We don't have that much time. How do you become human in a quick way?
You're like my brother when he was a kid.
He believed there was such a magic green wand, that whoosh - and all is well.
No one drinks blood out of anyone, everyone has plenty of everything, everyone loves each other.
There is no magic wand. And whoever says there is is lying.
Only a long road through pain, tears, and despair will help a person change.
Everyone will change themselves and everything will change.
We love to educate people, and you should educate yourself.
You know, I'm sick of it. You say you are Leo Tolstoy, but in reality you are
The reference to the Russian meme "You say you are Leo Tolstoy, but in reality you are a simple dick" is a characteristic that indicates the worthlessness of a subject who is trying to appear to be more than he really is.
You deceived us.
Bollocks to you, Lev Nikolayevich, and not Novocherkassk!
We'll take you back to your beloved Tolstovians.
That's it, let's go.
No, no, please, please, no, I told you everything!
Don't take me to the Chertkovs, not there!
Then stop prevaricating.
As you wrote, "Enough stupidity in every wise man".
Ostrovsky wrote that.
All right, enough. Do you like fairy tales?
When I was looking for a way myself,
I heard about an old man in Tobolsk Governorate,
in the Khlystovo village of Pokrovskaya.
Why don't you wait for the first-class train?
Don't be silly, we need to be closer to the people.
I'll take it to Ostapovka, where I'll change. Sofushka is probably already waiting.
Just don't sit by the window, or you will catch a cold.
I'm sorry for being so rude. I like your books too, especially "A Sportsman's Sketches",
"A Sportsman's Sketches" is a cycle of short stories by Ivan Turgenev. Alina again made a mistake.
as a child I used to read it.
Sweetheart, go with God already.
It's nice to see real fighters for the people.
Make yourselves at home.
Your hours were enough to fill another drum.
Well, at least my uncle's gift came in handy somehow.
Look, I'm not sure about the gas, I don't know the anatomy of a vampire.
It would work on a human being. But what about a vampire?
Then we' re going to have a plan A and a plan B.
Thank you.
How far is it from here to the baths?
It's a five-minute walk into the heart of the city.
Poets don't live so poorly these days.
Thank you.
Why aren't you eating, Tanechka?
Wow, were you eating a lot of sweets?
General Obleukhov, a great connoisseur of perversion,
knocked out all of Tanya's teeth
to make it easier to rape her, as he likes to.
She visited me in the unit; I wasn't there at the time.
I killed the bastard, and the general's comrades made it look like a terrorist attack,
so that we could be shot at once, so that there would be
no trial and no one would know the truth.
Yeah, well, it's softer without the teeth.
Stop it, Bogrov!
How dare you, Bogrov? If only I had a glove A duel!
Comrades, please be quiet.
Golovin, sit down, you're not an officer anymore.
Punch Bogrov in the face and let's get back to business.
Listen, our enterprise is extremely large-scale,
everyone must clearly understand their task.
We found out that Melnikov goes to the baths every Sunday.
There are a lot of people there on weekends.
In order to avoid unnecessary casualties and to do everything quietly,
comrade Nobel and comrade Tanya enter the roof
and release sulfuric ether through the chimney.
It is completely harmless, but it puts into sleep instantly
and dissipates in a few minutes.
That's him.
Madam, it is closed, it is written there.
How is it closed?
My husband left here this morning and still hasn't come back.
No, no, madam, that's out of the question.
He must be in the Danilovs baths
Oh, shame on you. I know what it means to be closed on Sunday.
Closed to private service, they rented prostitutes with friends.
Madam, please don't cry, just wait half an hour. Okay?
How do I wait? Outside?
I will give you my coat.
Be careful so he doesn't wake up.
How much you bore me my fellow comrades from "The Riders".
Likewise! You bought 20 kilos of dynamite from Krasin.
Are you really going to war with us?
I don't give a damn about you. Shit! Let us just leave,
then we can settle the score.
If that thing wakes up, it will be very bad for all of us.
What a lot of rubbish!
Here's the silver, keep him in your sights.
If anything, shoot straight through his heart.
Karamora is a traitor, and he is responsible for the death of his previous group,
five people who trusted him. This provocateur is not worth dying for.
Excuse me, what is your name?
- Franz.
- Listen, Franz.
I now address you to your allies. If you leave now, you have my word,
the "The Riders" won't touch you.
I agree.
Just in case, one over there and the other over there.
Son of a bitch.
You are digging your own grave.
Are you praying there or what?
It' s nothing, just a rhyme came up.
What is that thing?
He can smell us. Leave, Mayakovsky.
And you?
I'll lure him where there's less smoke.
I hope I get one good shot.
Are you sure?
Silver bullets.
Grab your bomb and follow me now!
It's not ready yet.
Doesn't matter, Nobel, hurry!
Gentlemen, why the hell wasn't I notified about the delivery dinner?
What the hell is going on here?
And I warned you, if you want to live
So, who else is there? I recognize the smell.
Ah, Robin Hood from St. Petersburg. You're still alive?
Why didn't you kill us at home then?
Death has its benefits.
You don't have to pay workers,
you can sell the factory, and get a huge amount of insurance for yourself.
In your friend's defense, he had long doubts,
but in the end something convinced him to help me.
It all started with you, Melnikov.
And by me, it will end.
I am the Alpha and Omega of your story.
This is for Alina and Arthur.
How is it possible to resist evil with violence?
"The Gospel in Brief" translation and exposition by L.N. Tolstoy with his notes.
How do you fight evil then?
He is a great man, we have yet to understand him.
He talked about this place, mentioned
the beast that guards it. I didn't quite understand.
Kappa. If the old man decided to hide from the vampires,
he couldn't find better protection.
Look, what happened next with the vampires after Peter the Great?
At one time they wanted to overthrow them,
but they didn't know how to kill us back then.
So Catherine the Great poisoned her husband and buried him in the ground.
So he got out of the grave, ran away to the Urals,
and rioted there. They barely caught him.
This refers to Pugachev's Rebellion - an uprising of the Yaik Cossacks, which grew into a full-scale war of the Cossacks, peasants and peoples of the Urals and Volga region against the government of Empress Catherine the Great. The leader of the revolt, Yemelyan Pugachev, posed as Peter III, who "miraculously escaped assassination by Catherine the Great".
They had to quarter and burn him.
So here we are.
Tobolsk Governorate
Good evening. Do you have any rooms?
No rooms for noblemen.
Anything will do for us now.
You've slaughtered a pig?
Yeah, I'm gonna make sausage.
Give us something warm to drink.
May I continue?
Paul had been righteously murdered with a silver pickaxe.
Then his son Alexander organized a Private Committee,
the authority of the vampires, and his secret police, the Sacred Retinue.
Vampires have learned to live in the shadows while remaining in power.
You probably think I'm stupid for not reading Tolstoy. You are right.
As a child, I read only fairy tales and novels about knights.
All the girls dreamed of becoming princesses and of being rescued by a knight.
And I wanted to be a knight myself, to slay dragons and save princesses.
It's weird, isn't it?
Still, how is it possible not to confront evil with violence?
Well, violence begets violence. It's like putting out a fire by chucking wood.
Isn't that what your Retinue does?
When I was young, I read Rousseau and dreamed of becoming a revolutionary.
You're lying.
No, I grew up on the French Revolution.
They set fire to our carriage.
I was a terrorist, people wanted to kill me, I became a vampire,people again want to kill me.
When we get to the old man, you'll become a simple
human being and you'll forget everything.
If we make it.
We can't escape.
- Do you trust me?
- Well, so-so.
- What are you?
- Run up there!
This, too, is a creature of God.
Your dog? Why it's without a muzzle?
Why have you come to me?
Can you turn a vampire back into a human?
I can't drink human blood, I don't want to.
We all used to drink the blood of Christ.
You are no longer in pain. Why are you here?
We were sent by First Minister Stolypin to find a cure for vampirism.
The vampires have begun to birth Kappas, the throne and all of us are in danger.
So that time has come, I've been waiting for it.
I'll help you.
We're going to the capital.
No, help me now. Prove that you know how to heal.
First, we'll go back to the capital.
How should we call you?
Grigory, Grigory Rasputin.
I'd have a drink.
Me too.
You really saw a vampire? What's he like?
He flew up the wall like a bird or like a cloud, only without trousers.
This is probably an allusion that in the bathhouse Mayakovsky came up with the rhyme of his iconic poem "A Cloud in Trousers".
Now that you're convinced that ghouls exist,
I don't want us to have secrets from each other.
It ruined my last team.
First, I am a nobleman, and second, I worked for the police.
Wow, confession night.
And I have a hussar's runny nose, it's very cold in the revenue houses.
A folk name for gonorrhea in Russia.
Oh, shut up, Bogrov.
You are a nobleman, so how did you end up in the underground?
In my youth, there was a lord who lived near our homestead.
His maid had a daughter about 11 years old.
One day the lord drank and raped the girl,
and then made her lick her own blood off the floor with her tongue.
To cover it up, the girl was murdered and her body thrown into the sewage pit.
But then it all came out anyway, but the lord wasn't even jailed.
What can I say, it didn't quite fit with the ideals I grew up with.
The position of man was above justice,
but no one, not a single person did anything.
As if something ordinary occurred, as if "What happened
has happened, it happens to everyone".
I've seen a lot of horrible things after that, but this
It was as if the world had broken down, lost its equilibrium.
I felt it was my responsibility to restore that balance,
so I looked for people who were as broken as I was.
I joined the anarchists, but failed on my first case.
I have been instructed to execute the provocateur.
I had not the slightest sympathy for "The Riders",
I only saw their animal cruelty.
I hoped to benefit from my alliance with the police, to outsmart Simonov,
but in the end, I only outsmarted myself.
My favorite woman died.
But I learned that lesson, and now I want to be completely honest about everything.
If anyone wants to leave, now is the time to say so.
You saved me and Tanya, we are with you to the end.
Are you kidding me? Miss out on all the fun?
We spent the dynamite and didn't get the names of the other vampires, but
My life has never been so entertaining.
I don't want to seem like a coward, but none of this is for me.
It's one thing to praise the deeds, it's another thing to participate in them.
You're not a coward, Volodya, you've shown great character.
And perhaps your struggles in the arts are no less important than ours.
Just do me one favor: until we' ve won, don't mention us to anyone anywhere.
Well, gentlemen
Be brave, my comrades, our cause is right, the victory shall be ours.
Translation done by kapyushonchan. Special thanks to KTP.
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