Maamla Legal Hai (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


-[phone rings]
-[man 1] Case number 137.
Sukku Mahto versus Birju Mahto.
[Bagai] This is Jaitleyji.
Nagrath Constructions has appointed him
as their lawyer.
Poor laborers, dying of hunger,
working hard to survive.
I didn't get a chance to say any of that.
He went straight
to the issue of compensation.
He asked me, "How much will it take
to get these poor people off this land?"
I took a chance and said, "Three lakhs."
But he said, "No, not three."
Because it's not easy
for someone to move their lives,
belongings out of their one and only home.
So instead of three, take five
but settle this quickly.
He must be coming with the check.
[VD Tyagi] Bagai.
When you agree to a settlement
with Jaitley Saab,
you must have felt a little ashamed. Hmm?
"Slut, fucking idiot, bimbo
fucking bitch."
If this is the language
that Golu has been using,
then the woman was right
to file a molestation case.
Lowkey outraged her modesty, right?
That's a straight one-year jail term.
Didi, how can you blame my little Golu.
He's still a small baby.
So he used a little foul language,
how can they send him to jail for that?
I mean, this Hemlata also uses
a lot of foul language for Golu.
"You dog, rascal, son of a bitch."
Arre, these are not swear words,
these are just insults.
And what's the difference in that?
[scoffs] The "F" word.
A real swear word
will always have the "F" word.
Arre, "F" has the power
to turn a man's duty into profanity.
For example,
Shuklaji has a physical relationship
with his wife.
So, Shukla is a number one wife-F.
You see, "F" is the villain
in our vocabulary.
A total scumbag.
Didi, they were right about you,
you can win any argument.
[Golu's guardian] Now I'm sure
you are going to save my Golu.
Of course, I'm gonna save him.
And I'm gonna charge you 3,000.
Forget three, I'll give you four.
[Golu's guardian] But please get
my poor Golu released today.
Look. Look at how weak he has become.
He's right there.
[bemused music playing]
That's your Golu?
[Golu's guardian] Yeah.
[Sujata] He molested someone?
[theme music playing]
[VD Tyagi] So just because Jaitley
is a high court lawyer
with his own law firm,
you're going to give up this case?
Look, Bagai Saab,
you and I are litigation lawyers.
We wear black coats
in this sweltering Delhi heat
and present our arguments
ourselves every day.
And these firm guys, they sit comfortably
in a fancy air-conditioned cabin
in Greater Kailash
taking calls and consulting with clients.
Bagai Saab, he should be
taking selfies with us instead.
Jaitleyji taking a selfie with us?
I know that a litigator should never
lose a case to a law firm owner, but
Jaitleyji is in a league of his own.
[Bagai] He is a very big player.
Arre, who cares if
he's the biggest player in the game.
This Patparganj casino belongs to us.
All the dealers here work for us.
Forget dealers,
all the cards belong to us.
So, when we finally have to show,
we'll have three aces.
How many?
[snaps finger]
-Have some.
Vaah! Your home, your family,
your son, and now his office.
I think I have seen everything I need to.
Bhaisaab, we will have
a destination wedding
in the grounds behind our house.
Papa, that's not a destination wedding,
it's a wedding destination.
[Vishwas' father laughs]
So, bhaisaab, let's go ahead
with the engagement.
-[Varsha's father] Yeah, yeah.
-[Ani] Vishwas!
Please put numbers
on the desks in the foyer.
Otherwise, my clients
Sorry! Were you
in the middle of something?
-Uh, no I
-[Shambhu] Vishwas Sir is getting married!
[in joyful tone]
Vishwas Sir is getting married!
Wow! Congratulations, man!
Thank you!
Papa, this is Ani.
Ani, uh, this is my dad.
-[Ani] Hello! Hi!
-[Vishwas] This is Varsha's dad.
-And this is Varsha.
Varsha, you're a very lucky girl.
[Vishwas' father] You know,
he talks about you all the time.
He was telling me, "You know at the court,
all the boys have a big crush on Ani."
-[bright music playing]
-[Vishwas' father chuckles]
[Vishwas] Okay, what were you saying?
The desks in the foyer.
Could you please number them?
Okay, I'll do it today.
[Ani] Great!
Nice to meet you all. Oh, Congratulations.
-So, bhaisaab
Shall we get them engaged?
-Yes, of course. Let's do it.
-One minute!
[music stops]
I need time to think about it.
Courtroom number 134 in 45 minutes.
-Okay, Didi.
-Don't be late.
-Wanna have lunch?
Yeah, sure, Didi.
You'll get it outside the gate.
Great food.
Shambhu bhai, two Masala Dosas.
Didi, tell me what was the second
swear word Golu used against Hemlata?
-Fucking idiot.
-That's what you are becoming.
Daleel bhai, mind your language
or I'll give you a tight slap.
You're the one slapping your own face.
[Daleel] The band guy
would have easily paid 40,000.
We could have given the case
to Bagaiji and made 4,000.
But you took three
to fight the case yourself!
[Sujata] Don't say "ji"
and give him respect.
I mean, is he the only lawyer here?
Aren't we lawyers? Huh?
Didn't we get our degrees?
Didn't we do our BA LLB?
Wouldn't it be nice
to fight your own case someday?
[Sujata] It's been years, yaar.
Imagine Bainsla Sir saying these words,
"Nice work, Sujata! Oh-oh!
You're a real legal mama!"
So, we are fighting this case ourselves?
But are we in that league?
Daleel bhai, Munshiji always says
Munshi doesn't even have his own chamber.
He sits next to Tyagiji.
Hey, Daleel bhai!
Munshiji says, "If you want
your own chamber,
then you have to fight your own case.
-And where will you find
an easier case than this?
-The first hearing, he'll be out on bail.
-[Daleel] No, you're right about it.
Who ordered this Rajma Chawal?
They have only made Rajma Chawal today.
With extra ginger.
Tyagiji's orders.
[upbeat music playing]
[Mintu] This is perfect, Tyagi!
Very, very tasty!
-Jaitley getting screwed today!
-[VD Tyagi chuckles]
If the Rajma is cooked well,
that means you've got
your first ace up your sleeve.
I'm confused now.
How can the beans become an ace?
You'll find out very soon Bagai Saab.
Thank you, Simran.
You're thanking your little sister?
If you thank me again,
I won't help you with your scams anymore.
Give my little sister her gift.
Curler! That too by Michelle!
Now my curls
won't get spoiled in the shower.
-[Simran] Okay. See you later!
[footsteps approaching]
Tyagiji, here are your other two aces.
Bagai Saab.
Oh, my God!
[Bagai] Tyagiji,
now this is what you call an ace!
Thanks a lot, Peshkarji! Thanks a lot!
-Law and Order.
-[both] Yes, sir?
Get on your sports bike right now,
and go and find Virendra Madhav
and turn this into an ace.
-Yes, Sir.
[Mintu burps]
Your Honor, Jaitleyji is here.
-[Judge Sunil] He's here?
-[Simran] Yes.
[upbeat music playing]
[playful music playing]
[clears throat]
Your Honor, the parties have reached
an agreement in the Honorable High Court.
In spite of the illegal occupation,
my client, Nagrath Constructions,
has shown immense largeness
and offered a very generous compensation.
Jaitleyji, I am Sunil.
It's the first time
I'm seeing you in person.
[Judge Sunil] Please don't mind, huh?
I mean, the importance
of the matter is quite obvious
since you have come
personally to seal the deal,
but don't worry, we are going
to wrap this up today.
Okay, Bagaiji, let's hear it!
Hear what, Your Honor?
Bagaiji, Jaitleyji has the check ready.
Should we sign the agreement?
I wasn't paying attention
to him, Your Honor.
Excuse me?
-Excuse me.
-Uh-uh, excuse me!
You weren't paying attention to him?
[Judge Sunil] Do you know
what a big lawyer Jaitleyji is?
He calls the High Court just court.
Sorry, Your Honor.
But you also can't pay attention to him.
He's not the appointed lawyer
for this case.
Really, Bagaiji?
What are you talking about?
He has filed
an invalid letter of authorization.
This has the name
of the associate council.
But his name is nowhere.
Your Honor, he must be mistaken.
My colleagues cannot commit
such an oversight.
Peshkarji, check it, please.
Yes, Sir. Look at this.
Jaitleyji's name is missing.
[Bagai] Your Honor
these big law firms types think that
since Patparganj Court
is not a high court,
it doesn't deserve any respect.
[Bagai] They think they can
just walk in here
and start presenting their case.
Your Honor, I will duly fill in
the authorization letter
after the hearing, but I don't think
it's needed for the signing
No, no, no. Jaitleyji, Jaitleyji.
That would be a mistake.
If it was any other lawyer,
I might have allowed it.
But it's you,
and you move in the same circles
as high court judges.
It would give the wrong impression.
[Judge Sunil] Why don't you sign
the authorization letter
and come back by 12:00?
I'm not going anywhere. Okay?
Look, why don't we talk
about this in private?
It doesn't look good to argue
like this in front of our fathers.
Really? We can't argue
in front of our fathers?
-But you can hug a girl?
-[Vishwas scoffs]
He wants to marry me,
but has a crush on Aniji.
Bhaisaab, what's the meaning of "crush"?
Uh, crush means, uh
to grind. To grind.
Oh! To grind?
[playful music playing]
Arre, Varsha, so you have a crush
on Ranbir Kapoor.
Are you going to run away with him?
No. Because he won't barge into my room
and put his arms around me like that.
Come on. What's wrong with all of you?
Okay, I admit that Ani is very beautiful.
But I know she's way out of my league.
Uncle, we are certified
middle-class people.
Even our glasses aren't made of glass,
they're made of steel.
Nothing will ever happen between us.
-Trust me!
I want to hear
the same words from her mouth.
Let me know.
[whimsical music playing]
Slut! Fucking idiot! Fucking whore!
[spectators laugh]
[Golu chirps]
Hey, cover him. Cover him up!
-[indistinct chatter]
-[gavel thumps]
[Golu] Bimbo!
Get him out of here. Take him away.
-[PP] Take him!
-[typist] Your Honor
did he say fucking idiot
or fucking whore first?
Arre, you don't have to type all that.
Go ahead, PP Saab.
Your Honor, every intelligent Indian woman
knows that when
she steps out of the house,
she's going to have to put up
with a lot of catcalls.
Like "baby doll", "sex bomb", "hottie",
and many others like that.
[keyboard clacking]
But to hear "fucking whore".
[woman giggles]
[PP] Your Honor.
Because of the neighbor's parrot,
it is impossible for Hemlataji
to leave the house.
[PP] And it is not as if, uh
all this teasing
and harassing is going on behind her back.
No, no, no!
It's out in the open.
Children gather around
then entire families come out
of their houses and stand there.
Everyone's laughing as if
they are watching a matinee show.
Just like they are doing here.
This is how they respect women.
Not so funny now, is it?
[PP] Eh?
Weren't you the one going
ke-ke-ke-ke-ke-ke a minute ago?
-[Judge Baisla] PP Saab.
-[PP] Yes. Yes, Your Honor?
-Please address the bench.
-[PP] Your Honor,
these are the same women
who sit in the evening shelling peas.
Expressing their disappointment, saying,
"Why didn't our Golu call Hemlataji
a fucking whore today?"
And the person behind all this
is her own nephew.
Where is he? There, that's Praveen.
[whispers] She's your aunt?
-It's a 509 violation.
Your Honor, the parrot swore at her.
So how can 509 apply to him?
Sit down!
This is why I don't like to have arguments
with lawyers from the foyer.
God knows where they get
their degrees from!
[Judge Baisla] PP Saab.
Uh, Your Honor,
Bhuvan Singh versus Union of India,
Rajesh Sharma versus State of Jharkhand.
I can present multiple precedents
where the owner was held liable
for the bad behavior of their pets.
-Show me.
"How can 509 apply?"
Does the defense have anything to say?
[PP chuckles]
Your Honor, she only makes deals.
She's a broker.
-[PP] Ha!
-[somber music playing]
She's come in here by mistake today.
And anyway,
I doubt she's prepared anything.
[PP chuckles]
Now she'll ask for an adjournment.
I don't want an adjournment.
But now, this also involves animal law.
So, in order to prepare our defense,
we just need
a little more time, Your Honor.
That's what an adjournment is.
That's what an adjournment is.
-[upbeat music playing]
-Yes, sir.
-Sir, we actually found his office
more than half an hour ago,
but we're not able to enter it.
[Order] Hey, Madhav! Hold on!
Arre, stop, yaar!
[Law] Sir!
[Order] Madhav!
[Law] Sir, Order is after him!
Sir, Order got him, sir!
-Are you Virendra Madhav?
-What do you want?
Arre, you're a fucking jackass, Madhavji!
If you are going to run a notary office
from a rickshaw against court orders,
then at least park it in one place!
If someone wants to get
their documents verified,
how do they find you?
You're juniors, right?
The day you motherfuckers get fired,
don't you dare come to me.
I'll beat you black and blue.
What do you want?
-Tyagiji wants to talk to you.
-[Madhav laughs]
Oh, Tyagiji! [laughs]
Sir, pranam!
[VD Tyagi] I know they don't look like
it but both of them are my juniors.
They'll tell you what to do
but I want it done by twelve o'clock.
[Jaitley] Your Honor, as already agreed
upon in the Honorable High Court
[Bagai] Your Honor!
I would like to ask the court,
is only the High Court
deserving of respect?
Doesn't Patparganj Court
deserve at least a little respect?
Uh uh
It deserves a little respect.
Your Honor, I've duly filled
the authorization letter.
Now, let's proceed with the
[Bagai] If we deserve respect, Your Honor,
then why did Jaitleyji commit fraud?
You Honor, this is the second ace.
Ah! Affidavit.
This affidavit was notarized
on 14th of February, Your Honor.
This bears the signature
of the Chairman of Nagrath Constructions,
Mr. Vedant Nagrath.
But Vedant Nagrath wasn't even
in Delhi on 14th February.
This is nonsense, Sunil!
Your Honor.
-Do you have any proof?
-The notary is here Mr. Virendra Madhav.
Your Honor, I have photographs
of posts made by Mrs. Nagrath on
social media date February 14th.
[Bagai] They were holidaying
in the Maldives.
Mr. and Mrs. Nagrath
can be seen sitting by the poolside
sipping cocktails from glasses
with, uh, little umbrellas in them.
Who got this notarized?
[indistinct murmuring]
[Bagai] Look at that!
They don't even know who got it notarized.
Your Honor, we know that
notary fraud happens all the time.
But Jaitleyji didn't even think
it necessary to remove the pictures
from social media.
Sir, you can see for yourself.
He doesn't have too much
respect for this court.
Your Honor, this is indeed
a great lapse on our part.
But I assure you this is not
how KSA Legal operates.
What rubbish!
-Sir, it's all an act.
Arre, what does he know
about a poor laborer's hunger pangs?
[Bagai] All the blood, sweat, and tears.
His widowed mother
sitting all alone, crying.
That's enough, Bagaiji, enough.
You're overselling it now.
Jaitleyji, Bagaiji may be creating a fuss.
But he does have a point, right?
-Your Honor
-Just as a formality,
write a small letter of apology
and bring it to my chamber.
We can take it up after lunch.
Your pal, Sunil,
will wrap it up today. Hmm.
[upbeat music playing]
[knocking on door]
[Daleel] Arre, Didi.
The band guy is waiting for you.
What do we do about Golu's case?
The same thing
we do every time.
[Daleel] You want to put Bagai on it?
-[women 1] Arre! Move!
-[women 2] Out of my way!
[Bagai] Thank God!
We have got the old Sujata back again!
Yeah, Daleel bhai.
Why embarrass ourselves?
I agree, Didi.
This Bagai, this Singh, this PP Saab.
What do they get fighting their own cases?
Bainsla's approval?
I don't care about that!
-Client's reputation?
-[both] I don't care about that!
-Expensive new car?
-[both] I don't care about that!
Our own chamber?
-I don't care about that!
-I don't care
An air-conditioned chamber?
I care about that chamber.
-So where are you going, Didi?
-[Sujata] Library.
[Daleel] Library? Why?
[Sujata sighs]
You'll find out why in court.
See you there.
What? Have you lost it?
Shuklaji, please explain to him.
It would be so out of line for me
to convince his fiancée about him.
She is totally right.
What will a swan do between two ducks?
Arre, the swan will tell the duck
that she has nothing going on
with the other duck.
He just has a
crush on her!
There! It's because
of this stupid attitude,
Varsha has her doubts!
He openly jokes about this.
"I have a crush. I have a crush."
So obviously,
she's gonna be concerned, no?
It's not a joke, it's a fact.
All the guys do have a crush on you.
Tell her.
-He's right.
-So we shouldn't get married?
So we shouldn't get married?
And Shuklaji,
you had a crush on Hema Malini, right?
-Major crush!
-[Vishwas] Yes.
And in spite of a crush on Hema Malini,
you had two beautiful daughters
with your wife, huh?
Hema and Malini!
Why is everyone so interested
in my married life today?
All I was trying
to demonstrate was that the swan
and the duck
are two different types of species.
[Vishwas] They can never
be together, right?
I don't believe
in such classist theories, all right?
And I'm not gonna talk to Varsha.
Okay, in that case,
uh, please give me your car keys.
Give me your car keys, please.
[clicks tongue]
[loud clank]
[indistinct chatter]
As long as we are standing here,
why not accept this card?
You might need it.
I don't need your card.
Would you please check?
Sunil asked me to come at 3:00!
Uh, Jaitleyji, have you brought
the apology letter?
Judge Saab told me
to file it before he left.
Before he left? Where has he gone?
Home. He wasn't feeling very well.
In two hours?
Yes. Gas.
[Simran] Uh, who would have thought
on the very day you had
such an important case.
The canteen would serve
only rice and Rajma.
That too, with extra ginger.
Jaitleyji, so this card, please keep it.
-[loud thud]
-[Jaitley] Bloody asshole!
It's not your case, it's not your client,
but you're still creating such a nuisance.
What the hell do you have against me?
[breathing heavily]
One second.
Are you Shobha's boyfriend?
Shobha? Who's Shobha?
Nothing. Leave it.
-Sir, tell me, who's Shobha?
-No one.
Why this animosity?
Animosity? No, sir.
I'm a fan of yours, sir!
I just want three favors
from you, sir, that's all.
[Jaitley] Is this the way to seek a favor?
Couldn't you take an appointment
and meet me in the office?
An appointment from you? [chuckles]
Sir, come on, tell me the truth.
When was the last time you gave
an appointment to a sessions court lawyer?
And be honest.
[sighs] What do you want?
Sir tell me, where did you
find this coat?
I didn't find it, it's bespoke.
Amaltas Stitches, Maharani Baug.
-[Jaitley] Entry by invitation.
Second favor.
Sir, could you
forward this mail to the 375 lawyers
who work for you, sir?
[Jaitley] "Vote for a star, Tyagi in Bar"?
Yes, sir. Sir, I know that the lawyers
in your firm don't take part
in the Bar Association elections,
but if you tell them,
they'll definitely participate
and I'm sure
they'll vote for VD Tyagi, sir.
I don't know. I don't know.
Sir, Nagrath Constructions
has 20 acres of land under dispute,
and I'm just asking for 20 kb. 20 kb. 20.
Fine, I'll do it. But listen, Tyagi
[VD Tyagi gasps]
I want the case wrapped up today.
Not just wrap up,
it will be finito, finale.
What is the third favor?
[mischievous music playing]
[Vishwas] Uncle, the car
is fully automatic.
Just put your foot on the accelerator
and go straight to 150.
-One fifty!
-[Vishwas] Yeah.
Look, bhaisaab, there's a fridge in here!
Papa, look at this.
It has a TV too!
Arre, this isn't a car,
it's a five-star hotel room!
Uncle, it's worth 1.5 crores
of features alone at 65 lakhs.
-1.5 crores!
-[Vishwas chuckles]
It's amazing, isn't it?
Take it out for a spin. Go.
Go on, try it. Why? What happened?
Arre, beta,
do you mind if I take a selfie with it?
Why just a selfie, Uncle?
Here are the keys.
-Arre, no, no, no, no.
-Go. Take it for a spin. Arre.
-Arre, uncle. Take it for a spin.
-No, no, no.
Uncle, don't worry,
you don't need a separate license for it.
-No, no.
-Go easy, beta, don't force him like this.
-Okay, Papa, why don't you drive it?
-Uh, no.
-Come on, Papa.
-No, no, no. Absolutely not.
You have this amazing car in front of you.
The latest model, keys are right here,
and you're not going for a spin? Why?
Arre, beta, this car is
totally out of my league.
-I won't dare drive it.
The car is out of your league,
so you wouldn't dare drive it.
But I'll dare to have a fling
with the owner, huh?
[pensive music playing]
Trust me, it's nothing.
[Varsha's Father] Varsha!
Let's do the engagement.
[Sujata] Your Honor, I'd like to present
printouts of 15 Google links,
3 YouTube videos,
and a testimonial
in front of the Honorable Court today.
What's this?
And what exactly are you trying to prove?
All I want to prove, Your Honor,
is that a parrot doesn't learn to speak,
it learns to mimic someone.
What do you mean
he learns to mimic someone?
Doesn't he swear at Hemlataji?
-She said yes.
Of course, he does.
This man uses the dirtiest
swear words for his Aunt.
-Excuse me.
You're accusing your own client
of being guilty?
Yes, Your Honor.
But my client swears behind her back.
Have you ever called your aunt
a stupid bitch on her face?
Nah, nah. Not to her face. She's my aunt.
This is our culture.
Your Honor, my client used horrible words
while swearing at his aunt
behind her back.
And the parrot learned those words.
So how does that make it his fault?
Is it really a crime to swear
at your relatives behind their backs?
Your Honor, isn't swearing at our elders
in front of their faces
against our values and culture?
[Sujata] And that's why we swear
at them behind their backs.
Who doesn't curse and swear?
Don't employees curse their bosses,
students curse their teachers,
women curse their mother-in-laws,
PP Sahab curses you.
No, no, no, no!
I never said anything! Impossible!
He does, Your Honor.
-[playful music playing]
-[PP] Arre.
By God, I promise!
[PP] I would never do such a thing.
Wha-What nonsense is this? Sit down.
-PP Sahab, there's nothing
-Sit down!
PP Sahab, don't feel bad.
You didn't do anything wrong
because until profanity is used publicly
even the Supreme Court
doesn't deem it punishable,
so who are we to judge?
-[PP] Yes?
The prosecution um, needs a little time.
PP Saab, you want an adjournment?
No, no, no. A little adjustment.
[nervous chuckle] Little.
That's what an adjournment is.
Yes, sorry.
She has come prepared today.
Nice work, Sujata.
You are a real legal mama! Amazing, Didi!
Your Honor.
[VD Tyagi]
"Vote for a star, Tyagi in Bar."
Jaitley's mail has arrived!
[Bagai] Here you go.
Everyone gets a check
for seven lakh rupees.
Pack up everything you own
and go to Lajpat Nagar tomorrow morning.
There's a large government-owned
plot of land lying vacant there.
Put up a sign over there,
stake your claim.
[Bagai] This time I won't get you anything
less than eight lakhs to vacate the plot.
But Bagaiji, what about our survival,
and our blood, sweat, and tears?
Asshole. I'm going to kick your ass
so hard there won't just be tears,
there'll be blood and sweat too.
-Out! Get Out! Out, all of you!
-[laborers murmur]
Asshole! Ungrateful little shits!
Using my words against
[Bagai laughs]
Hats off to you!
You are true president material,
no question about it.
You got Lallan Bagai to defeat Jaitleyji.
Amazing job, Mr. President!
-Are you guys done?
-[Law] Yes, sir.
Arre, then turn the light on.
[switch clicks on]
[upbeat music playing]
[VD Tyagi]
Mr. Bespoke Suit cuts down to size.
[camera shutter clicks]
[closing theme music playing]
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