Max & Ruby (2002) s01e04 Episode Script

Camp Out/Ruby's Clubhouse/Max's Picnic

[theme song playing]
Max and Ruby ♪
Ruby and Max ♪
Max and Ruby ♪
Ruby and Max ♪
[man] Max and Ruby.
[woman] Ruby,
and her little brother, Max.
[children] Max and Ruby!
[children giggling]
[Ruby reading]
[bubbles popping]
[Ruby] We're having
a heat wave, Max.
It's so hot we're going
to sleep outside tonight.
Not outside outside, Max.
Outside inside a tent.
Sleeping inside a tent
will be fun, Max.
Inside, Max.
Our Bunny Scout Leader
says be prepared.
When sleeping inside a tent
be sure to bring everything
you need.
Like a flashlight,
when the sun
turns off at night.
You go find a flashlight while
I finish putting up the tent,
All right, Max?
[rope twangs]
[switch clicks]
[switch clicks]
Oh, good.
You got the flashlight.
Oh, you found your
Electric Eel, too.
We can put it inside the tent
next to the flashlight.
It's not playtime, Max.
I have my flashlight,
And you have your
Electric Eel,
but we're going to need
a lot more gear
to sleep outside.
Like a sleeping bag and a radio.
You go get sleeping bags, Max.
I'll get a radio.
Into the tent you go.
[radio crackling]
[instrumental music playing]
Now we can
listen to music, Max.
Sleeping bags
go inside the tent, Max.
[Ruby] Max!
Now your sleeping bag.
It's not book time, Max.
We need pillows
to sleep inside the tent.
You go get the pillows
while I clean up this mess.
[Ruby] There, all done.
[toy whirring]
Pillows go inside the tent too.
You want all your toys. Max?
Okay, Max.
Hmm, I hope I've remembered
everything we need.
[Ruby] Flashlight, radio,
sleeping bags, pillows.
And all your books and toys.
[crickets chirping]
It's time to go
inside the tent, Max.
No, wait, Max.
How about
We can't have a camp out
and not have marshmallows.
I want you inside the tent
before I come back with the
marshmallows, all right, Max?
I found marshmallows, Max.
Where are all your toys
and why is the tent closed?
The tent is full.
Where are we going
to sleep, Max?
[Max reading]
Are you sure we have
everything, Ruby?
I think so.
I have blankets
and clothes pins.
I've already set the chairs up
for our clubhouse over here.
Later, we'll go back in
to get cookies.
What's he doing here?
Max, Louise and I
are making a clubhouse
for our club.
Our club?
It's private.
You know what
private means, Max?
It means little brother bunnies
aren't allowed in.
I'll play with you
later, Max.
But right now,
Louise and I
want to play alone, okay?
This blanket will be our
clubhouse roof and walls.
That's perfect.
Yes, using the chairs
was a great idea.
Hey, wait a second,
what's that?
You can't come into
our clubhouse.
It's private.
I can't wait till we get inside
and have our club meeting.
What else do we need?
More members.
My dollies!
Let's go.
The dollies are joining
our clubhouse ♪
The dollies are joining
our clubhouse ♪
Do you think we have enough?
Yes, this is exactly
the right number
of club members.
The dollies are joining
our clubhouse ♪
The dollies are joining
our clubhouse ♪
[Ruby] Max!
You can't be in our club.
It's private.
No little brother bunnies.
Sorry, but those are
the rules, Max.
[both] Out.
Okay, what do we do first?
We have to sing
our club song.
Of course.
[Ruby and Louise]
Rub a dub dub ♪
Here's to our club ♪
Yeah Bunnies! ♪
[Louise] Ruby, look.
[Ruby] Max,
you can't come in here.
[Ruby and Louise]
It's private!
[Ruby] This is fun.
What should we do next?
I think we should have
our club snack.
Okay, let's get the cookies.
I think we should have
cherry juice with our cookies.
The club rules say
we have to.
We're having cookies
and cherry juice ♪
We're having cookies
and cherry juice ♪
I've got the cherry juice.
And I've got the cookies
and the cups.
[both] Let's go!
Rub a dub dub ♪
Here's to our club ♪
Yeah Bunnies! ♪
Hmm, I guess Max gave up.
I guess so.
[Ruby] Max.
[Ruby and Louise] Out.
I've got an idea, Max.
Why don't you have
your own clubhouse?
Let's see.
[Ruby] Aha!
I know just the thing.
Here, this is perfect.
You can use this umbrella
as your clubhouse.
Rub a dub dub!
Here's to your club.
Yay, Max!
My club.
How about here?
I'll even get some of your
toys to play with
in your clubhouse, okay?
I hope this works.
Now you've got your Rock-Crusher
Dump Truck and your Fire Truck.
Enjoy your clubhouse, Max!
[siren wailing]
I just adore the food here
at the club,
don't you?
Especially now
that we have
that new baker.
Yes, Grandma's cookies
are divine.
Where do you learn
words like that?
When you're in the club longer
you'll know all kinds
of new words.
[rain pattering]
What's that?
Uh-oh, that sounds like rain.
Oh no, it's coming through!
We're going to get all wet.
I know what we need,
the umbrella.
Max, we need the umbrella!
My club.
[Ruby reading]
[Ruby] Nuthatch, waxwing,
You know the names
of lots of birds, Ruby.
Thank you, Louise.
I also know blackbird, magpie,
barn swallow,
house sparrow,
starling, chimney swift,
morning dove.
No, Max.
The cupcake is for later.
You can have it
after bird watching.
Louise and I need one more bird
to get our Bunny Scout
Bird Watching Badge.
Every time we see
a different bird
we write it down in our
Bird Watching book.
But we haven't seen
one speckled warbler.
That's because
speckled warblers
are very shy.
We're going to find
a speckled warbler.
You can carry
the binoculars, Max.
So, keep your eyes open
for speckled warblers, Max.
Not now, Max.
We have to find
the perfect spot
for watching birds.
The potting shed
is a good place to hide,
but it's hard to look out
and see the birds.
And the sandbox
is too out in the open.
We'd scare the birds.
I know the perfect spot!
[both] Under the apple tree.
This is the best spot
for bird watching.
We can see the whole back yard
without frightening away
the birds.
We can't have our picnic
until we've watched
a speckled warbler, Max.
But that won't take long
because we know where to look.
The back fence
where the birds
like to sing,
the vegetable patch
where birds like
to dig for worms,
the garden hose where birds
like to take a bath.
Quiet, Max,
you'll frighten away
the birds.
Here's some yummy celery
if you're hungry, Max.
Remember the time we saw
a purple martin
and an indigo bunting?
And my favorite,
the ruby-throated hummingbird?
[both giggling]
Do you know why
hummingbirds hum, Louise?
Hmm No.
It's because
they forgot the words.
[both giggling]
[Max] Cupcake.
Max, you'll frighten away
the birds.
I still don't see
any speckled warblers, Ruby.
No cupcake yet, Max.
Here, have an egg.
Those speckled warblers
must be hiding,
but I know a clever trick.
Speckled warblers
love to sing along.
They can't resist a sing-song.
I see a Ruby warbler,
and it's you!
[both giggling]
Let's see if it worked.
Wait, wait!
I see something
in the vegetable patch.
What is it?
It's It's
A robin?
[Louise] A robin?
Oh, we already have
a robin checked off
in our Bird Watching book.
[Max] Cupcake.
Here, Max.
You can have
the cupcake.
Max has got a lot to learn
about bird watching.
It's no picnic.
[bird tweeting]
[birds tweeting]
Did you hear that?
It sounded just like
[birds tweeting]
[both gasp]
[Ruby] Speckled warblers!
[birds tweeting]
How did you do that?
[theme music playing]
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