Narco Wars (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Escobar's Empire


Man: Hooah!
All: Hooah!

Reporter (over tv):
Shake this square world
and blast off for kicksville!
Nixon: Public enemy
number one is drug abuse.
Nancy: Just say no.
Reagan: Halting the drug
problem in america is like
Carrying water in a sieve.
Bush: Take my word for it,
this scourge will stop!
Reporter 2 (over tv): There's
now an understanding that the
War on drugs was
an abject failure!
Trump: We will build a wall.
Marroquin: My name
is sebastián marroquin.
I am the son of pablo escobar.
He raised me with a
lot of human values,
With respect for life.
I grew up in a
family surrounded by love.
Love made the
difference in my life.
My father was perhaps one of
the richest men in colombia,
But we shouldn't forget how much
blood was behind that money.
Reporter (over tv):
This all-american
group includes a teacher,
A nurse, a recording
engineer and a photographer.
Ten years ago, they might have
stuck to smoking marijuana,
But now they pass around
the lines on the mirror.
Man (over tv): Save
some for the rest of us!
Mcdermott: His structure
is based on two foundations.
One is extreme violence
and the other is business
And logistical organization.
His capacity for violence,
his ambition and
His smarts single him out.
And no one actually ever
challenges escobar's leadership.
Mcdermott: Planes would leave
the jungle drug laboratories
Laden with cocaine and
begin to fly northwards.
And hopscotch
across the caribbean
before it hit us shores.
Turner: And that was all
coming in through miami.
So miami was a
distribution point.
And miami became the
hotbed of corruption,
Of the cartels.
Reporter (over tv):
So this is why police in
South florida are worried.
They are seeing more and more
colombian traffickers bring
Their incredible
brand of violence here.
We have had
kidnappings and machine-gun
murders in broad daylight,
And police worry the
violence will spread,
If steps are not
taken to stop it.
Wetli (over tv): We have to
start taking the war on drugs
Very seriously.
If we don't, we're
going to have something
like a domestic vietnam.
We're either gonna fight the
war and win it or we're just
Gonna give up.
Turner: United states
is a patient.
It's got a severe cut,
it's bleeding to death.
Policeman (over tv):
Get down! Police!
Turner: So you gotta
stop the bleeding in miami.
Turner: Reagan came
into the white house,
He looked at the drug
issue as a detriment.
He sort of took the view of
"I'm the sheriff,
it's my responsibility.
I'm gonna do
what I need to do."
Reagan (over tv): You wanted
law and order in this town,
You've got it!
I'll shoot the first man
that starts for those steps!
Man (over tv): Come on!
Turner: My name is
carlton e. Turner.
I was president reagan's
policy adviser from
1981 to January 1987.
Ronald reagan was
against drugs, period.
Reagan (over tv): Thank you!
We intend to do
what is necessary,
To end the drug menace
and cripple organized crime.
We live at a turning point.
We can and will
make a difference.
Reporter (over tv): Miami
is the source that supplies
Two-thirds of america's
drug habit, and the target in
Mr. Reagan's crusade to get
america to kick the habit.
Turner: Only way you going
to ever stop it is attack.
And it became a war on drugs.
Reporter (over tv):
It really is a war, too.
There's a big air force radar
balloon checking on anybody
Trying to run
the drug blockade.
The army's contributed a
couple of helicopters to
Help enforce it.
The navy's sent
some radar plains,
And the coastguard
has a fleet on patrol
In the florida straits,
whilst 300 drug agents going
Over south florida
with a fine tooth comb.
Bush (over tv):
5,100 pounds of cocaine,
165 vessels seized, $5 billion
in street value of drugs.
I mean there has
been a major impact.
Marroquin: My father
was called by the
Vice president of colombia,
the da vinci of crime.
Of course he was a
very intelligent man.
The way he show his own
intelligence was finding the
Simplest solutions for the
most complicated problems.
He was always imagine how
the enemy was going to behave.
Always pushing
things to the limits.
Reporter (over tv): He's known
as pineapple face because of the
Smallpox scars he's
carried since childhood.
He's a buddhist,
a multi-millionaire,
In spite of his
small army salary,
And a collector
of old masters.
Brownfield: The
government of panama,
Which was controlled by
general manuel noriega,
Had an unfortunate tendency
to accept basically any sort of
Business relationship
with any entity that could,
In fact, put
revenue into his pockets.
Panama was very useful
for moving up by sea,
For moving by air, or if
you're pushing it up overland,
You can't get from
colombia to north america
Without going through panama.
Escobar reached out,
and they establish a deal.
Brownfield: That was how
noriega became, if you will,
A key in the, in the western
hemisphere drug trafficking
Routes and industry.

Marroquin: My father,
he had so much money.
We had our own jurassic park,
even before spielberg.
He imported, like, four hippos.
And now there are more
than 40 in, in our country.
Marroquin: My father, he used
to tell me he was willing to
Use the drug trafficking
business in favor of the
Poorest people in colombia.
Reporter (over tv):
Medellín is a boom town.
Here the drug lords make
most of their investments.
New construction,
office buildings,
Apartment complexes,
shopping malls.
Marroquin: My
father used to say,
"I prefer to die in
colombia than to live in a
cell in the united states."
Turner: Our
government was pushing the
Colombian government to do
more about interdicting and
About the control of narcotics.
We were looking for people that
had basically a commitment.
Turner: Lara bonilla was a
minister of justice in colombia,
Who basically took it
to them straight on,
He didn't back down at all.
He knew what had happened
to the other people that
Opposed pablo escobar,
but he did it anyway.

Reporter (over tv): It
took satellite surveillance to
Tell the colombian government
that the dense amazon rainforest
Was playing host to the
world's biggest cocaine factory.
The jungle is scarred with the
new airstrip and buildings of
What the drug barons
call tranquilandia.
Reporter (over tv):
When the troops arrived,
They found a
self-contained town,
Built by
colombia's cocaine mafia,
And capable of producing several
tons of the drug each week.
The drug processors left in
such haste that a light plane
Was left abandoned,
camouflaged between the trees,
A sign of the
growing sophistication
of the drugs industry.

Turner: Lara bonilla
was a crusader,
And he didn't back down.
And they knew that the only
way to stop him was to kill him.

Turner: I lost a friend.
We began to realize,
in the us, and in colombia,
That the cartels had
amassed tremendous power.
Think about
someone assassinating the
of the united states,
It just doesn't happen.

Reporter (over tv): Police and
army units found a new vigor
For a series of
country-wide raids,
And hundreds were arrested.
Most of them were
relatively small-timers.
The barons of the cocaine
traffic had gone to ground.
Reporter (over tv):
M-19 carried out its most
Spectacular operation in 1980,
when it seized the
Dominican embassy in bogota,
and held hostage an
Army of foreign diplomats.
Reporter (over tv):
Ana cecilia cartagena was
A medellín judge, who worked
hard to imprison drug dealers.
For that, she was murdered,
shot in the head as she drove
Up to this intersection
after leaving a workshop,
Sponsored by the united states
drug enforcement administration.
Quiñones (over tv):
Three, two, one.
This morning,
the judicial palace
is still smoldering,
But there is still no word
on how many guerrillas or
Hostages are dead or alive.
The standoff continues.
John quiñones,
abc news, bogotá.
(gunshots and explosions)
Man: My uncle told him,
"you piece of garbage.
One of us has to die."
Man 2: Every person
he wanted to kill, he killed.
Reporter (over tv): In the
city of medellín yesterday,
Four powerful bombs were sent.
Reporter 2 (over tv):
This is the terror.
A ruthless campaign
of car bombs, grenades,
Hit squad assassinations.
Man 3: What he did to
the colombian people,
He was behind
thousands of deaths.
Captioned by cotter
captioning services.
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