Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Beyond Madness

[serene music]
[Riyu squawking]
[Sora grunting]
Come on!
[annoyed grunt] Weird powers.
Why won't you work now?
I can do this. This, I can do.
[Arin whimpers]
Thanks, Mast Uh, Lloyd.
I really thought I could do it,
but I forgot something.
That I'm the worst student
in the history of students.
The worst?
Remind me to tell you
about the time my friend, Jay,
the lighting Ninja,
trained in the south wing.
The Monastery doesn't have a south wing.
Not after Jay trained there.
[imitates explosion]
Look, you learned a version of Spinjitzu
by yourself.
Totally unheard of.
But you have to unlearn
some of what you taught yourself
to relearn a more balanced approach.
-[annoyed sigh]
Well, I don't need to relearn anything,
'cause I never learned anything
in the first place.
This Elemental Power stuff's impossible.
It took me a long time
to tap into my potential.
But I did. And you will too.
I'm not even sure
I have an Elemental Power. Tech Power?
I haven't heard of it either.
But I've studied Elemental Powers
all my life.
I'm telling you,
the true power is inside of you.
No, I'm pretty sure they're Riyu's powers
and I just, like,
borrow them or something.
You saw me with the Matriarch.
She sent my powers into overdrive.
I don't know why dragon energy
enhances Elemental Powers,
but those were my powers, not hers.
If this power is in me,
how come I can't feel it?
Every Elemental Master is different.
Cole could feel the power
of earth in his guts.
Nya said the power of water
flows through her veins.
Zane could sense ice power in his mind.
What's got Riyu all worked up?
No way!
What am I looking at here?
[heroic music]
That's the old Bounty!
Kai took that ship
to search for the other ninja.
This must mean his mission was a success!
[all grunt]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
I'm thinking Kai's mission
was not a success.
Come on!
Seriously, guys?
Kai! Kai!
Battle damage?
What did Kai get himself into?
[Sora] Hey, guys, heads-up!
You might wanna duck.
Just a thought.
We should probably steer away
from those mountains.
Oh, no! The steering is jammed.
[Sora] The steering column isn't attached
to the rudder anymore!
That's bad, right?
[Sora] Really bad! Riyu, my tools!
Ow! Thanks.
Sora, anytime now!
[Sora] Try that.
[grunts] Try what?
[Sora grunts] Now!
[Lloyd sighs]
Gently, gently. This is how you do it.
Should we be taking notes?
Let us never speak of this.
There's gotta be some clues
about where the bounty came from.
Scorch marks?
Did Kai attack his own ship?
Doesn't make sense.
[Riyu squawks]
I doubt he made this massive blast hole.
Something huge hit this.
Ugh. And why is there a puddle in here?
Water and fire?
These are definitely Kai's notes.
Looks like he was filling in
this map as he went.
And he only got to here.
That would be in the direction
this ship was coming from.
Then that's where we need to go.
It's up to us to figure out
what happened to Kai.
Good thing we've got a new Bounty.
[epic music]
So, if the old ship came back without Kai,
does that mean Kai's
Maybe he got into trouble
and sent the Bounty back
on autopilot to get help.
It must have been pretty serious trouble
for him to abandon ship.
Serious trouble is something
Kai's great at finding.
Of course, there's the other explanation,
that this is all an elaborate trap
to capture and destroy us.
[chuckles] Right.
What are the odds
that someone would do all that?
In my experience, everything is a big trap
about half the time.
[chuckles] Seriously?
No. More like two-thirds of the time.
[Dorama] Oh, my, my.
This will make quite the show.
This guy you found is a definite weirdo.
He keeps inviting me
to his autobiographical one-man musical.
But he does know more than anyone else
about extracting
and exploiting exotic energy.
Will he get the Photac to work?
Hmm, hard to say.
[scoffs] When I ask a question,
I expect an answer.
Point taken.
My guess?
He'll get this prototype to work,
but mass-producing more?
Why not?
Because there's only one person
who can do that,
and you know who.
We should be here. You see anything?
Nothing this side, just mud.
Just two big dragons in a massive battle
with stone dudes.
Riyu's right. Those dragons need our help!
What's attacking them?
Craglings. Rock monsters
from the Realm of Madness.
Going in!
He just left.
You never run into a fight
without a plan of
See you down there, teach!
Isn't the point of being a student
to listen to your teachers?
Were we this bad with Master Wu?
Wait. Yes. Yes, we were.
[Arin] Messing with dragons, huh?
Then we gotta mess with you!
Nice. We gave the dragons cover
to get away!
[Arin grunts]
The only person who can control water
like that is
[both] Why are you fighting for the enemy?
I'm not fighting for the enemy, you are!
I take it these two know each other?
That's Nya.
She's one of the original Ninja.
Didn't you read the scrolls Lloyd gave us?
He gave us, like, four million scrolls.
It's good to see you.
Even if you do fight innocent dragons now.
Those dragons have been attacking
the Cragling village.
Oh, uh, that, uh,
does shed some new light on the situation.
I'll say. Who taught you
to just leap into a fight like that?
Definitely not Master Wu.
Uh-huh? You hear that?
That's what I was trying to say.
Don't just leap into
I literally saw you leap down
and just Spinjitzu Craglings.
So, how've you been?
Hi, I'm Nya.
Lloyd and I go way back,
if you can't tell.
-I'm Sora.
-And I'm Arin.
We're Lloyd's students.
Sounds like I missed a lot.
Any chance Jay's with you?
Don't worry, he's out there somewhere.
They all are.
Follow me.
We need to update the Cragling leader.
Ninja Nya,
our beloved champion.
Who do you bring to our gates?
King Crag-Nor, this is my friend, Lloyd,
and his students.
Ah! They are Ninja like you.
Then they joined our side in battle?
-Well, uh
No. They actually fought against us
and messed everything up.
But I've straightened them out.
Mm, I see.
Everyone makes mistakes.
The important thing is to accept others
for their flaws and
Why is that foul thing here?
He's our friend and teammate.
You are fools to trust such a creature.
Dragons are treacherous.
And none are welcome in this village.
-If Riyu doesn't go in,
we don't go in.
Wise king,
if this creature travels with my friends,
then I can vouch for him.
Ninja Nya defends us in our time of need.
Since she speaks up for the beast,
it may enter.
But it should beware,
our eyes shall be upon it.
[gulps] Mm?
[gags, coughs]
The Craglings can be pretty dramatic.
Welcome, friends of Ninja Nya,
to an authentic Cragling Feast!
[Sora gags]
-[Arin munching] Mmm!
I've always wanted to eat mud!
[munching continues]
Filthy dragons can't eat here.
This is the finest feast
in the Kingdom of Madness.
We used to call our home
the Realm of Madness.
But then, of course
The Merge.
Nya, is this where you woke up
when it hit?
A lot happened to me after the Merge.
But now's not the time
to get into all those stories.
Just know I woke up alone,
pretty far from here,
and started to work my way
back to Ninjago.
And then one day, I saw something.
After the Merge, the Realm of Madness
ended up next to whatever realm
Earth Dragons came from.
The Dragons found a field of Cragling mud
that, when they ate it,
gave them great powers,
making them larger, fiercer.
The field Ninja Nya speaks of
is no regular mud.
It is a Sacred Area,
burial ground to our ancestors.
That's not where this mud is from.
The mud the dragons are stealing,
it's the source of our life energy,
our very essence.
So they get their power
from some external source?
That's why the Craglings are crumbling
and breaking apart.
The dragons are stealing their life force.
Kai, searching the lands,
stumbled into this conflict,
and, of course, got involved.
Nya, is that you?
[Nya] We were sure
we could put a stop to this.
So we came up with a battle plan.
[intense battle music]
[Kai screams]
I needed help.
I sent the Bounty on autopilot
toward the Monastery,
hoping someone was there.
[Lloyd] Kai's gone?
[Nya] I searched everywhere for him.
I don't want to lose hope,
but it's hard not to.
Oh, I'm starving.
Ugh, how far away
is that Cragling Village?
I could really use
a cool mud bath right now.
And a mud dinner. Mmm.
All right!
My lucky day!
Hey there.
Kai's really gone?
He was my favorite Ninja.
Second favorite.
This isn't only about saving the Cragling.
It's about taking down the dragons
-that destroyed my brother.
-[Kai screaming in distance]
We can all help.
Sora and Arin are training
to become Ninja.
Sora has Elemental Powers,
and Arin taught himself
a strange form of Spinjitzu.
You can't teach yourself Spinjitzu.
I know. But he did.
My students are new,
but they're good and ready to fight.
Kai was your brother,
but he was also one of my best friends.
[screaming continues]
It's almost as if I can hear
Kai's cries for help
-in my head.
-[Kai] Nya? Nya?
You're not imagining that.
Kai! You're still alive!
I made a terrible mistake!
You brought the dragons right to us?
I'm gonna kill you!
Okay, now remember, don't just rush in.
-We need a battle pla
-Forget all that.
Oh, hey, Lloyd, when'd you get here?
And who are the kids?
You babysitting or something?
[Nya screams]
[Kai] I'll get this one.
Hey, I said I had that one!
[Lloyd] I didn't know which one
you were talking about.
Be more specific.
Kai! Take the one on the left!
[Kai] Whose left? [screams]
[Kai groans]
Is this what trained Ninja Warriors
are supposed to look like?
It's been a long time
since they were together.
Come on!
Hey, buddy, I know Lloyd thinks
I have the power in myself,
but I'm pretty sure I get it from you.
So any chance you could
Now that's what I call an upgrade.
[action music]
Who wants a ride for an air attack?
[Nya] I like this kid.
I'm losing my power!
[Kai] Get out of here!
[Nya screaming]
[screaming, grunts]
I'm sorry, Lloyd. I lost control.
This is all kinds of bad.
[epic music]
Is your dragon siding with them?
We gotta stop him!
No. This might not be what it looks like.
He's overloading them! Get down!
[Kai] What's happening?
The energy the Earth Dragons consumed,
it burst out of them
and is returning to the Sacred Field.
[epic music continues]
The sacred life force!
Ninja Nya and her friends saved us!
[Nya] It wasn't us.
It was him.
A a dragon?
A dragon saved us?
[Arin] He doesn't look so good.
Good morning, boy.
The great hero awakes!
[all cheering]
Hero dragons can eat as they want.
Good kids you found here, Lloyd.
And dragon.
I only wish Master Wu was here
to properly train them.
I think they're learning a lot
from you, Lloyd.
Learning? [scoffs] Maybe Arin is.
I almost got Nya destroyed in that battle.
You're wasting your time on me, Lloyd.
[closing theme music]
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