No Second Chance (Une chance de trop) (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 Hey, you, don't move! Police! Slay where you are! Slop! Mallet here.
We have a suspect, gate U, heading east Who was that guy? He came from nowhere.
A million! - Was he a cop? - No idea.
You're the security guy.
Shit! It's OK, Pavel got out.
I must have overlooked something.
We have to be careful.
Shit! Fuck! Nothing broken.
I'll tell the cops I'm keeping you under observation, OK? You're in shock.
I'll give you something.
I so wanted to believe it.
I'm still trying to tell myself I didn't see clearly But no.
It was a little boy.
It wasn't Tara.
I'll never see her again.
You're not hurt? - Did they catch anyone? - Besides you? Not as far as I know.
A few questions, as your lawyer's here.
She's in shock.
She can't talk now.
No, it's OK.
You seem more cooperative.
Why did you keep us out of it? - They said they have a mole.
- The kidnappers? The same ones as two years ago? - Have you found them? - No, nor the money.
Not very good, are you? What happened to the money? - I don't know.
- You don't know? I left the bag.
I thought my daughter was there.
But it wasn't your daughter, right? There's one thing I don't get.
Let us explain.
Richard Millot.
Why use him? We told you what he's capable of.
Did you ask him about his wife? - Why didn't you say you knew him? - I never lied.
You just didn't ask.
How is this relevant? He took a million in counterfeit notes from the fraud squad.
See how it's relevant? Where's Millot? I don't know.
Was he your lover? Yes.
A long time ago.
- And you hadn't seen him again? - No.
You're lying.
Two months before your husband was killed, he called your home.
That's impossible.
You didn't see him again before your husband's death? Never.
- What are you getting at? - This.
- What are these? - Photos from over 2 years ago.
- I've never seen them.
- You tried.
The Orion agency, yesterday.
Orion The private detectives your husband hired to follow you.
Oh, yes.
- I don't understand.
- You don't? Your lawyer understands.
Your former lover showed up two months before the kidnapping.
Which has netted 2 million euros! It wasn't hard to get the judge to extend your custody.
See you.
I didn't know.
Yes, speaking.
Yes, she's here.
Are you sure? OK, thanks.
The DNA test.
You left her mobile on purpose, I suppose.
I doubt Millot will call her on it, but you never know.
- Cappuccino, no sugar? - Right.
- You're becoming quite a gent! - Oh, yes! - She's had a call.
- Already? - How long to locate it? - Done it already.
She was called on the internal line in the hospital.
- Shit! - He's here! Let's go.
Give me your phone.
- Are you sure about this? - Yes! How do we do it? Alice.
Slay alert.
Millot's here somewhere.
OK, understood.
Wail! That won't work.
We're one floor up, right? - Where's Richard Millot? - Who? We don't have much time, OK? I'm worried about her.
She should be in You're wasting your breath! We know Millot's here.
- Are you sure? - Yes, 100 percent.
That's her daughter's hair.
- We'll need to double-check.
- We already have.
Can you imagine how she feels? She's going to run.
Mallet, get to the main entrance.
- Are they the results? - Yes, both sets.
Ferrand, grab Lambert! Shit! She's jumped out the window.
What? Jump after her, then! - You're coming with us.
- Why? Nadia too! You can come out.
OK, come on.
Take this.
Louis is waiting for you in A&E.
Come with me.
- Why? - You know why.
- I haven't done anything! - Come with me! What do I tell the judge? I've got an emergency, just sort it out with him.
You should have told me.
Getting help from your ex? You know how that looks? He has the GPS tracker.
My only way to find Tara.
- Can you trust him? - I have no choice.
Know how many laws you've broken? Hello! Do I exist? Richard, it's Alice.
I'm on Nadia's phone.
Call me as soon as you can.
It's ridiculous! What have they done with Tara for two years? Fed her, taken her to nursery school? Why didn't they hand her over? Stop asking questions like that! I don't know! You'll end up in prison.
- You're my lawyer.
- I'm your friend! - Yesterday's car park.
- The truth Had you seen Richard again? I'll gel the metro from here.
No, I hadn't seen him again.
Shit! Alice.
Good God, Richard! - What happened? - Come on.
- You weren't followed? - No.
The DNA test was positive.
They really do have Tara.
I lost the signal.
I'm trying to gel it back.
I don't understand.
Why didn't they bring her? Will the ransom demands never stop? What the hell is their game? - Have they found the transmitter? - We'll soon find out.
The cops know where the money was from.
I know.
- You thought you'd get away with it? - No.
There they are.
How did you let her get away? Find her! If she finds the kidnappers, her kid'll be in danger.
We'll find her and Millot.
Leave Millot for the fraud squad.
- What? - Millot is for the fraud squad.
Concentrate on Lambert.
But they're linked! It's more efficient to That's an order.
Deal with it.
What's your relationship with him? You brought him in here.
When he shot me, it was hushed up.
Why? Don't make me suspend you.
You have a little girl to find.
Bloody hell! - Are you OK? - Yeah, great.
And you? She says she was "manipulated".
- Yeah, and I'm Beyoncé! - Who? Never mind.
I owe you a cappuccino.
Sir, the cameras at the Stade de France - Short-circuited! - Like at the aquarium.
There were 4 mobiles there at the time of the handover.
Millot's, Lambert's and 2 prepaids.
The serial numbers? Thanks.
There was a GPS signal too.
Not a car one, then? No, a sort of beacon.
They're smarter than we thought.
They bugged the money.
Still far? Five kilometres.
They're going along the river.
- What shall I do? - Take the inner ringroad.
Did you phone two years ago? The cops showed me some photos.
You came to the hospital.
Straight ahead.
- I need to know.
- Not now.
Next right.
I want an explanation! If you don't trust me, hand me over to the police.
Should I? They've stopped.
I'm a lawyer, so I know how to manage the legal process.
But it's a fight.
We've already tried three times.
No luck? It's been years now.
Nothing ever happens.
So you're starting to lose hope? Look If you choose our association to help you, we won't give up.
Believe me.
We'll do all we can to help you adopt.
Here's a couple for whom it worked.
If you'll see my secretary about the formalities? - It's the next office.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Have a nice day.
Make yourselves at home! We want our share quick.
- When? - Tomorrow.
Money-laundering lakes time.
Three days.
Just a second.
Are you sure? They're here.
Which building? That one.
Do you know what floor? No.
What are they doing? I don't know but that's where they are.
I see.
- Well? - Listen carefully.
- We're not touching this money.
- Are you joking? Do I look like it? You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you.
- I'm the one who feeds you! - Fuck this! It's counterfeit.
And it's all marked.
All that work for nothing? Fuck! - Still want it? - Who told you? My mole.
Who? Someone who got his hands dirty two years ago.
A cop? - Was it their trap? - No.
It was Dr Lambert and her friend.
They must be heading here right now.
You were in a hurry.
We've lost the signal.
Shit! Alice! What are you doing? - Alice.
- They've found the transmitter.
You can't just walk in.
They're dangerous.
Do you want to wail in the car? - Alice, you have to trust me.
- Trust you? You've been hiding things from me from the start.
You still haven't told me why you came to the hospital.
The signal's back.
They're 40 metres away.
20 metres.
10 metres.
The van! They're following us.
Give me time to meet Pavel and gel everything ready.
The guy saw me at the stadium.
Edith! - Edith! - Yes, I'm here! Tara's alive.
They got the DNA results.
Does Alice know? The police think she's behind it, along with her accomplice.
If they were having an affair, why would he have shot Alice? I have no idea.
It makes no sense.
She kept this fellow's existence a secret.
She lied to everyone.
She kept the police out of it.
They're wrong.
She just wants to find Tara.
I don't understand you.
Are you defending her now? I'm sorry.
Stop doing that! I should have killed her.
They've been driving for an hour now.
Over the bridge.
This is near my house.
Any problem, gel rid of this.
Drop me here.
I'll meet up with Pavel.
Alice, it's Edith.
I heard the good news about Tara.
I'm so happy.
I can understand if you don't want to talk to me.
I turned my back on you when you needed me most, but I want you to know that I'm ready to help you.
Here we go.
They'll be here in a minute.
Why are we doing it here? It's broad daylight.
This is where the problem started.
Hide there and watch my back.
I don't like this.
- What are they doing? - Slow down.
They've stopped.
They're at my house.
It's a trap.
- They've sussed it! - Go! Slop them for fuck sake! Finish them off.
Go! Go! Sam.
Sam, right now! Alice.
Are you OK? Wait here.
Iran him over! An artery! An artery! Gel me to a fucking hospital! What are you doing? Lisa I love it when you speak Russian! There's nothing to identify him.
Alice, we have to go.
He killed Laurent and took Tara.
He's my last chance! Hang on Yes! Your gun! OK? Two broken ribs.
- Are you sure no one's in? - They go swimming on Wednesdays.
Alice! Don't be scared.
- The police are at your house.
- Yes, I know.
Come here.
- Are you OK? - Yeah.
Do you know where your Christmas present is? - Can you show me? - Who's he? No one.
Can you show me? It's Sophie.
There's been a shooting in our street.
- What? - Yes.
- It's just been on the radio.
- How long ago? Fifteen minutes.
I was at the pool.
I'll be right there.
You haven't used it much.
Not really, no.
So I see.
He had a rotten tooth before.
This is a replacement.
The implant is metallic.
We use them to identify people killed in accidents, see? Yeah, I understand.
Got it! - Hello.
- Hello, Nadia? Alice, where are you? It's too complicated.
I need you to trace a dental implant.
I want to know the name of the patient.
Go ahead.
- It's a series-2 Zimmer.
- Are they still used? Only at university hospitals.
- Can you do it quickly? - I don't know how quick.
- What's the number? - I'll call you back.
Tom, go in your room with your brothers, please.
I'm sorry, I You come here covered in blood and you're "sorry"? - Sophie - Shut up.
Shut up! Gel out of my house right now! Go! - Quickly! - They slay.
Leave this to me, please.
Go to the boys.
Thank you.
Alice, we have to be quick.
Sorry, we shouldn't have come here.
Go through the garden, I'll meet you by the stud farm.
Thank you.
We have to search your house.
You don't enter a lawyer's home without a warrant.
This isn't negotiable.
Change the law, then we'll talk.
Tom, gel inside! Tessier, it's Ferrand.
I'm in front of Barthel's place.
He won't let us in.
Fucking Barthel! Thank you.
- Call me soon.
- Yes.
- Where did it happen? - Back there.
- Any witnesses, Martinez? - Not a single one.
People ran away when they heard shots.
- Who is he? - Can't you tell? - No.
- The guy Lambert described.
Easily six-foot tall.
And look Show him.
- The famous tooth.
- Well spotted.
Hypothesis? They tracked him here and it got out of hand.
They tortured him to find out where the girl is.
- Then killed him.
- Right.
Very good.
- Except it makes no sense.
- Sorry? Why come here, two years later? Millot and Lambert, cold-blooded killers? Something's wrong.
It's been wrong for two years.
We missed something.
Where's Romano? She's tracked down the person who bought the prepaid phones.
Not bad.
Not bad, Romano! Can I help you? The guy who lives here, Mr Sékou? I don't know his name.
Can you describe him? Black guy, short hair, glasses.
Why, what's he done? He hasn't paid his phone bill.
Well, he's usually back around this time.
Can I offer you a cup of coffee? No, thanks, I'll wail here.
You'll freeze out here.
A coffee won't hurt.
Answer the bloody phone, Romano! All my friends praise my coffee.
Thanks, but no.
- Yes, Tessier? - About time! We've found the guy with the rotten tooth.
In Dr Lambert's garden, shot between the eyes.
In her garden? What the hell! She's screwing with us.
She and her old boyfriend.
They tracked the guy, took the money and got away.
The money's fake.
You can spend that anywhere! Didn't you know? Lisa, we've got a problem.
Richard, are you OK? Richard? Oh, shit! Richard, say something! Want to see the results of the second DNA test? Back to square one.
Are you sure she was looking for us? She mentioned phones.
- Should have bought them in a shop.
- Security cameras.
- How'd they find the numbers? - Geopositioning.
Couldn't you have thought of that? That cop was right here! We can't slay here now.
- What the hell's wrong with you? - I don't know, Lisa! Look Maybe you'd be better off without me.
I'm sorry.
Losing my temper like that.
No, it's my fault.
We'll find somewhere else.
But first we have to lake the usual precautions.
Do you love me? OK, then.
Do it.
Feeling better? Thanks.
Has Nadia called? No.
Tell me about your wife.
What do you want to know? The truth.
What were you told? The police told me you killed her Shot her in the head.
Yeah, it's true.
I killed her.
But she wasn't my wife and I had no choice.
Alice I work for the D.
The secret service.
She was a double agent.
I took the rap and they made it look like a crime of passion.
If you really must know After we split up I never stopped thinking about you.
I was even stupid enough to leave you a message once.
I never heard it.
What did you say? I don't know, I wasn't thinking straight.
I'd been drinking, I must have said stuff like "I miss you, you're the woman of my life.
" Stupid! Why did you come to the hospital? To see you again.
To see me again? But what were you hoping for? You suddenly disappeared without a word.
I believed you'd be back.
I waited for years! Then, 15 years later, you leave me a message saying I'm the fucking woman of your life! I found your implant through A&E at Salpêtrière hospital Anyway, that's not important.
Your mother-in-law left you a message.
- You should listen - The implant! He gave his name as "Paul Thomas", no social security number, and he paid cash.
- Is that all? - No.
He did leave an address.
- Where? - Some dump an hour from Paris.
I'll text it.
Thanks, Nadia.
The pathologist's report Nothing! That big guy's a phantom.
All we have is this card.
Hey, Steve Jobs! Find where this came from.
That's it, got him! Look.
The neighbour at the place where the phones were delivered.
- You know him? - His face rang a bell.
I must have seen it in these files.
Samuel Armand, foster kid In '94 he did 2 years for? - Extortion with violence.
- Violence.
With a degree in computing.
Pretty unusual.
Look at the kind of jobs he's had.
All in security systems.
Perfect for nobbling the system of an aquarium, or The Stade de France.
There it is! Richard! Look, toys! Alice, no! Leave it! Drop your gun! Drop your gun in front of you! Slowly! Slowly! Turn around! Don't move! Tie him up.
- Wait - Shut it! Tie him up! Hands behind your back! On your knees! Richard! June 2017
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