P.I. Meena (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

The Pretender's Blunder

When did you come to Littnong?
One and a half years ago.
Are you from Littnong?
You look like a big-city doctor.
What do you mean by that?
I mean…
what is a man like you
doing in a place like this?
Two generations of Littnong…
have been suffering the effects
of radioactive contamination so far,
and now the third generation
is also falling victim to it.
I have been researching the matter.
You can say that
I'm doing fieldwork now.
Radioactive contamination.
And now, it's the virus outbreak.
This place is ill-fated.
Fringes of our civilization.
And nobody…
has got the time to think about it.
I have not seen such a case
of a throat infection ever before.
You should visit an ENT for consultation
as soon as you can.
Give him an ice pack, and let's
monitor him around the clock.
And make an appointment
with Dr. Saha. Okay?
Meenakshi Iyer has arrived in Littnong.
She is spending a lot of time
with Dr. Rakhaw…
even after the lab burned down.
Fishing is extremely calming for humans,
but it is equally dreadful for the fish.
Figuring out whether you are a human
or a fish can completely change the game.
And now is the time to change the game.
You scared me.
Well, I'd also be scared
if I pretended to be a virologist.
I can tell that you've never
used a microscope before.
Under a microscope,
things surely look scarier.
Meenakshi Iyer…
you are not a student of virology.
If you want to see the slide,
you must tell me the truth.
I'm not.
Then why are you here?
I'm a detective.
A private detective.
I never met Partho.
But on the day of the accident…
I happened to be there.
Later, I met his mother.
She told me that Partho was murdered.
Did she say…
the murderer is in Littnong?
She committed suicide.
So, who are you working for?
I'm not working for anybody.
Let me make some more tea for you.
What are you doing, come here?
You were supposed to
get the decorations, dude.
Yes, Subho?
Where is Meenakshi?
-She was supposed to be in Bangkok.
-I know that.
But I don't hear the international
ringing tone when I call her.
Well, she has sent Adi instead of her.
Is she in Kolkata?
I traced her location.
She's somewhere in Littnong.
And you guys know nothing about it?
No, we don't.
Anyway, you're coming
to the party, right?
I'll let you know.
Free booze, bro! Think about it.
To hell with the free booze! Bye.
Do you also think Partho was murdered?
And why do you want to find out…
who murdered Partho?
I am a detective.
You are a private detective.
You won't do anything for free.
I want to find out who murdered Partho…
for the sake of his mother.
I'm not doing this for money.
Tell me.
Why did Partho come back to India?
Why did he take an interest
in the virus outbreak in Littnong?
And why did he want to meet you?
How do you know that…
Partho wanted to meet me?
Detective's instinct.
Plus, I bluffed my way with you,
and it worked.
I don't have the answers
to your questions.
you can take this slide and…
have it examined
by some virologist in Kolkata.
And yes,
bear in mind
that this is the last slide I have.
We'll get a couple of more tests done.
The test reports will give us
some clarity on the infection.
Doctor, will he be alright?
What name do your friends call you?
Meena, this place is…
Don't come back here.
One virus outbreak…
and one doctor.
That too an MD in a godforsaken place.
And a lab that is burnt to the ground.
What is the connection of
all these things with Partho?
What do you think, Joy?
Do real investigators feel like this?
Ma'am, is this the first time
you're visiting Littnong?
It's a beautiful place.
Various types of flowers bloom
in that forest.
Do you see that mountain on the right?
Yeah, I'm looking at it right now.
But, Dr. Basu, I don't know.
I shudder to think that
it might be the Antarctic Giant Virus.
How is that even possible?
I don't know.
You should come here during spring.
You know, madam,
there was a pig farm right over there.
Around 600 pigs died
under mysterious circumstances.
So, they burned down the farm.
When did it happen?
The pigs died even before
the outbreak of the virus.
Alright. Please pull over.
-Could you please reverse the car?
-Just a second, ma'am.
They burned it down three days ago.
The fire hasn't completely gone out yet.
We'll get a lot of traffic in the city.
We should get going.
Go ahead. I'll be right there.
Okay, madam.
Please hurry.
Did you know that 600 pigs died
on a farm in Littnong
just before the virus outbreak?
The farm has been burned down.
Since the pigs died
around the virus outbreak…
do you think there
could be a connection?
Strange things do happen here.
Can you find out more about Dr. Rakhaw?
Like his background.
And what he is doing in Littnong.
He has been feeling restless lately.
His blood pressure also keeps fluctuating.
He won't even let me
give him an injection.
Give me that.
Dad, I need to give you this injection.
I don't need…
the injection.
You need it for your hiccups, Dad.
I'm suffering from esophagus cancer.
Why would I care about hiccups?
Why are you still here?
I'm not leaving until
you give me an answer.
there is no point in coming here
and asking me the same stupid question
over and over again.
You knew…
what your partners…
had stored in the godown?
Radium 286.
I knew it was dangerous.
You knew that…
the future generations would…
suffer the aftermath?
Do you…
have any idea
what kind of money that was?
I belong to a tribal community.
I tried to get out of the world
of tribes and create my identity
in the nonethnic society.
But the people never accepted me
as one of their own.
That is why I was compelled
to do such a thing.
I just wanted to give you a good life.
You didn't think about the consequences
and how it would affect people's lives!
People's lives?
I was only concerned
about my family's well-being.
Where is your family?
You are right here.
MD Medicine.
I have won.
You sound strange, Dad!
You're talking through your hat.
Life itself is strange.
You know what is strange?
People take me to be the wrongdoer
because of your misdeeds!
You wanted to find your father!
You have found out
what you were meaning to!
There is no point in blaming me…
Did you watch the video?
I'm on a flight, about to take off.
It happened earlier this morning.
You should watch it.
-you need to switch off your phone.
It's a bloody catastrophe.
I think I know what it is.
Ma'am, please.
I need to get this blood sample tested.
-Is it yours?
-No. I just want to get it checked.
What do you want to get it checked for.
I just want to know if it's normal.
But at least tell me
what you need to get it checked for?
Dengue, malaria, typhoid?
Do you have a doctor's prescription?
Would you please let me
speak to a pathologist?
You cannot speak
to a pathologist directly.
Would it be the end of the world?
-He's here.
-Yes, ma'am?
I've just come back from the hills.
There's a fatal fever outbreak
in that place.
I brought the sample here because
I couldn't find a good lab there.
Let me check.
Could you get it checked right away?
Sure. Please wait for a while.
What do I make the bill for?
Charge for CBC.
You've forgotten about
the Secret Santa gift.
I've got the gift.
Only thing is,
I have to give it to my man myself.
Best of luck.
What the fuck, Meenakshi!
Where have you been?
You knew.
You were making us spy on your own wife!
Sit down, Meenakshi.
That's so creepy.
This is gonna be my third divorce,
And every time there's a divorce,
I lose my assets.
I lose my money.
You sound pathetic!
What is that?
That's interesting.
Take a look at it.
Check it out.
This is…
Madhu Jain's engagement invitation.
You should go too.
Send me the video!
She has already landed.
"Madhu weds Rohit."
What are you doing, Meenakshi?
And what's so funny?
Let's go get a beer.
-Meenakshi, you need to talk to me.
-We'll talk.
Come on, dance with me.
Hey, Mr. Fraud!
How are you? Are you fine?
-More or less fine, yeah.
Oh, sorry.
-Thank you, sir.
-Are you just gonna have a beer?
-What the fuck is this?
-Lower your voice.
Yeah! Dogs just follow a bitch on heat!
I will!
Aren't you always fucking around?!
What happened?
-I'll check on him.
-Jeet, I'll go.
You're smiling?
It's always my fault, damn it!
My fault!
Perhaps. But we can
discuss this topic later.
I'll kill her!
Let's party.
Come on, let's party.
Oh, yeah.
Let's go.
You see, I want to be
the Prime Minister of India.
I knew it.
You are headed somewhere.
Hello, this is Dr. Basu speaking.
I got many missed calls from this number.
May I know who this is?
Sir, I want to meet you.
I just need ten minutes of your time.
Who is this?
I'm Partho's friend.
Parthopratim Dey?
What is your name?
Meenakshi Iyer.
Meenakshi, I'm in the college library
right now…
and I'm free.
Can you come?
Yes, sir. I can reach in 20 minutes.
Thank you.
-That's done.
-I'm gonna drink.
I'll be back in an hour.
Will you guys still be here or…
Where are you going?
You see, she has a secret boyfriend.
Am I right?
She hasn't told me anything.
I'll be back in an hour.
Don't drink anymore.
We'll have dinner together.
I'll have more drinks.
I'm gonna drink.
Anybody with me while I'm at it?
-Me too!
-Pass it!
Why do you think it was a murder?
Actually, Partho's mother
did not think it was an accident.
And you believed her, why?
Well, I didn't at first.
But then things happened.
Like what?
All sorts of things.
So, what was Partho working on?
The Antarctic Giant Virus.
Actually, sir,
I wanted to know if dead and dormant
viruses could be revived in laboratories.
They certainly can be revived,
but it's not legal.
And the virologists do illegal things?
Virology is a murky business,
my young lady.
Very murky.
Sir, do you think Partho was
involved in any such murky business?
How would I know that?
Was Partho in touch with you
after he went to Berlin?
He would share interesting articles
with me every now and then.
Yes, he was.
Didn't you meet Partho
when he came to Kolkata this time?
No, not this time.
can you imagine that
Partho was murdered?
Do you have a theory?
Sir, I read Partho's paper
on dormant viruses.
And I feel the Big Pharma would
be interested in those viruses
that can turn all
vaccine protocols upside down.
And they need to test it on humans?
Could be.
And Partho got to know about the testing…
and these Big Pharma goons
bumped him off. That's your theory?
Yes, sir. Somewhat.
You're a smart girl.
By the way, the Council for
Disease Control in Atlanta…
they're doing the testing.
Sir, can we get the data?
Only the government
has access to the data.
It only goes to the extremely
qualified scientists.
It's classified information,
and not for people like you and I.
You mean not for me.
But, sir, I'm not digging the virus.
I'm digging the death of a young man.
That killed his mother as well.
I'm devastated by Partho's death.
And his mother's.
I might need to see you again, sir.
Sure. Anytime.
Thank you.
-All the best.
-Thank you.
Is there any whiskey left?
Yes, dear.
She's not angry with us.
What are you doing, Meena?
What's your problem, lover boy?
Lover-- Who lover boy?
Aren't you in love with Meena?
Shut up.
Please, dear.
Okay, I'm out of here.
Adios, amigos!
-What will we do without you?
-And there goes one of the pretenders!
Our leader has left.
You know what I feel like doing?
Bungalow, Jain's bungalow
Bungalow, Jain's bungalow
Stupid, Jain.
-Get up.
-Let's go!
-Hey, stupid Jain!
-Open the gate, man!
-Open the gate!
-Open the gate, stupid Jain!
-What do you want?
Why are you making a scene?
Tell Mr. Jain that Meenakshi Iyer
is here to see him.
-Ma'am, it's late in the night.
It might be a late night for you,
not for us! Go and call him!
-Break his balls!
-Leave right now.
Guddu Jain…
-Guddu Jain…
Motherfucker, stop her!
Now this is a new low.
I'm sorry.
I lost my head.
I think I drank too much.
Meenakshi, RS Jain funds the ruling party.
-I know. I'm sorry.
-No, you're not.
Are you here to lecture me?
Hey, Subho!
Long time! Where have you been?
I've been busy, sir.
I know. You're bound to be busy.
After all, you've been
involved in shootouts.
What can I say, sir?
Collateral damage.
Subho, letting this slide
could get me into a fix.
I'm letting her off
only because you're involved.
-Thank you, sir.
-You can take her along.
-Thank you.
Hey, get the car!
I'm your friend.
I deserve to know what's going on.
Of course, you do.
But my head really hurts right now.
Meenakshi, you cannot be
on your own trip all the time.
Subho, I just want to find out
who killed Partho.
I want justice for him.
So, you're convinced that he was killed?
I am.
You have a sense of the why?
It's about his work.
The virus?
There was a virus outbreak
in the North Eastern Himalayas,
in a village in Littnong.
And that's why he came to India.
But he was killed just before
he could go to Littnong.
Is that the reason why you went
to Littnong?
So, what did you find out?
There's something very wrong.
Isn't this a bit too
beyond your pay scale?
It is.
Subho, I'm exhausted right now.
I'll sit down with you tomorrow
and tell you everything.
Do you want to do
the investigation all by yourself?
If my friends won't help me,
then what fucking choice do I have?
not every accident victim
in this world is your brother.
Why do you have to drag
my brother into this?
-I'm not!
-Stop the car! I can't breathe!
Well, alright.
Let's just go and have some coffee.
Here you go.
Should I always be the one
to tell you what I'm up to?
What do you mean?
What about the mess
that you're involved in?
Do you really want to know?
Of course.
Do you ever have time for me?
Oh, shit!
Oh, fuck!
Shit! Shit!
Fuck that shit!
What the fuck was that?
What the fuck are you doing, Meena?
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