Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e04 Episode Script

Pablo se entrega a las autoridades

Boss, you'd better get out of here.
- Get in here.
- What?
Don't leave me here.
What are you going to do?
I can take care of myself.
Look at this beautiful car.
It's very nice, but very expensive.
Well, we can get you something cheaper.
Maybe a used car?
A secondhand car? No way!
There are a lot of different loans
available to buy a new one.
- Hi.
- Are you Enelia?
Yes. And you are Chicho?
- Would you come with me?
- Of course!
Excuse me, thanks.
Pablo, Pablo, Pablo.
You're almost a specialist
at going from bad to worse.
Oh, please, Mom.
It was getting bad over there.
They got completely out of control.
And the mess with the wife in there.
I didn't invite her there.
I thought it would be best
to lock her in my cell.
She'd be safe there.
What happened to Gonzalo?
I don't know.
I shouted at him to get out of there.
I hope he's fine.
Listen, Pablo,
some stuff in life
can't be left to chance.
Only a few things can.
You need to forge your destiny.
You need to handle stuff.
That's what power is for,
to empower you.
I did what I could and got away.
That's why
tomorrow you'll turn yourself in
and go back to jail.
I need to take care of something first.
There's nothing more pressing
than justice.
Everything else can wait.
It can't, Mom.
I need to handle it, that's why I need you
to get me Peluche.
- We're almost there.
- Almost.
Relax, guys.
- I think you're too pale.
- Not at all, I'm fine.
- Was I too bad?
- Not at all.
It's been a while since I drove a car,
you lose practice.
I'll get better!
You did fine.
Do you need any of us?
No problem at all.
- You don't need to stay.
- Are you sure?
Have a nice day. Thank you, bye!
Good luck, bye!
- Thanks!
- No problem.
Where are my little darlings?
In the dining room!
Use this to protect yourself.
What's that, Gato? Put it away.
I don't like guns.
As soon as I take the car,
we'll meet in the place we arranged.
Okay, Peluche, take the slim jim.
I was driving
like an expert,
as if I'd done it all my life.
The guards were pale with fear.
I'll learn quickly
so we can go for a drive.
- Okay, Mom.
- Yeah, but we'll need
That's my boy.
- Help me here.
- Isn't that your new car?
No way! What's going on?
No, my car!
What happened?
Pablo said those guys wanted to hurt him.
That's not true.
They were trying to protect him.
Protect him from who? Or what?
Everybody here likes him.
In the mess we have here,
people change sides everyday.
Pablo Escobar is envied everywhere.
By you too?
I don't look below me, Peluche.
One more thing, sir.
We have a few men
outside the house in Cartagena
where your mother and sister live.
But don't worry.
No harm will come to them.
Pablo only wants to protect them.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Let them out, Duarte.
Will you tell me
what Peluche is doing for you?
He just came and talked to some people
here at the prison.
Just to guarantee my safety inside.
So nothing bad happens when I get back in.
- Are you sure?
- Rest assured that
he has nothing to do with us.
All right.
Honey, why don't you stay
at my mother's place?
No, sweetie.
I'll wait for you back in town,
where our home is. That's where I'll be.
Listen to my wife talk, Mom. Just listen.
I like how she speaks,
truly like your wife, Pablo.
That's right, ma'am.
Okay, son. May the Holy Child of Atocha
guide your path
and may the Virgin
cover you with her mantle.
- Bye, son.
- Bye, Mom.
- Take care.
- Bye.
I'll see you later.
God bless you.
Good evening.
I came to turn myself in
because I fully trust
the judicial system in this country.
Bye, Mom.
May the Virgin Mary protect you!
Peluche is a man of few words.
At least till he lets his tongue loose.
Yes, he can get talkative.
He isn't so bad.
Did you know that 32 prisoners escaped
and three came back?
Here comes the fourth one.
- What's up, Pablo?
- Hi there, sir.
Holy shit, cousin!
Come here!
I love you, asshole! How are you?
I'm fine.
You wouldn't leave me alone, right?
How can you say that? Of course not.
We were screaming
I didn't hear anything.
With all the ruckus, no wonder you didn't.
If they wanted you dead,
you wouldn't be here.
I guess not.
But now, whoever wants to harm me
knows exactly the kind of man I am.
Are you forgetting
that I made you who you are now?
No, sir. I'm very grateful
for all you've done.
That's why you should just come
work with us. Right, Gonzalo?
Yeah, that's right.
After seeing how you handled the business
and ended up in jail, no way.
I prefer to lay low.
Thanks for the offer, though. Thank you.
- I won't bother you anymore.
- Bye, Sheriff.
See you around.
- Bye, Pablo.
- See you, sir.
Get your things and let's go, man.
My clothes are full of flies, man, hurry.
I'd like to know which judge had the guts
to refuse the money.
Well, that will teach you
that there are still honest people
in this country.
The other guy wasn't so honest, though.
He even wanted more money.
That's why the other one
had to step down.
Peluche is definitely a genius.
He looks kind of dumb,
but he is badass.
How much money was it, anyway?
- Why?
- I want to know!
- Are you giving me some of it?
- What?
Are you putting some money?
Guard! Guard!
- Door!
- What's up? You leaving?
Open up!
That's it, we are out.
Thanks, bless you, man.
- Bye, have a nice time!
- These guys are crazy!
Afternoon. I want to clarify
The prison doesn't have
anything this tasty.
I'm listening to the radio, man.
there are some inconsistencies.
Starting with the threats
made against me.
My car was stolen, we aren't sure yet
if the same people were behind that.
And also the harassment
for the officers involved.
And they managed to get this case
transferred to another city,
where, surely, the money and the terrorism
will get them what they want.
These are the reasons
these people are out.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes?
Life is more precious
than a car. Treasure it!
With the public as my witness,
I want to make Pablo Escobar and
Gonzalo Gaviria completely responsible
for any physical harm
that might come to me
or to any member of my family.
Thank you very much. Excuse me.
All that work
and intelligence for nothing.
You know what, Gregorio?
Things will never change in this country
because power and money
can get you anything.
What now?
I'm sure Pablo Escobar
will screw up again.
We'll get him when that happens.
Hey! How was it?
- Tiresome.
- I have a surprise for you!
56th Street Barbacoas
Here is fine, thanks.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death
Patricia, let me help you.
I can do it, but thank you.
- Okay, it's all ready now.
- Have some ice cream.
- Sure, I'll have some.
- Yes.
How about that? It's so cute!
That's awesome, God bless you!
Let's see that, honey.
You can change them if you like.
- Okay, ma'am.
- When are you due, Patricia?
In three months.
That's so close!
- So close!
- We'll have him here in
What's wrong, Fabio?
We have problems with the product.
What kind of problems?
Production stopped.
How come?
The Motoas, our best buyers,
haven't bought anything.
- Hello.
- Hey, buddy.
- What is it?
- Is your boss in?
Who is asking?
I'm Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
- Go in, I'll let him know.
- Thank you.
Want me to get a couple of horses
for us to ride?
No, I'm here to talk about business.
Hey, Pablo, Gonzalo. How are you?
- Doing good, bro.
- Doing good.
I'm a bit worried because
you were supposed to be
a man of your word.
What are you talking about, Pablo?
here is the thing.
Fabio told us his kitchen
is bursting with food.
So we are worried
because he told me you said
you couldn't buy any more.
That's wasn't the deal.
We agreed on something quite different.
I'll explain this to you, Pablo.
You are producing too much.
We can't move that quantity.
I have an idea.
Why don't you slow down
and we'll keep buying the whole lot?
How dare you tell me to slow down?
We must lose money, then?
Pablo, why don't you
- calm down and come back later?
- I'm calm, Pedro.
I'm not agitated. I'm just saying
that because of your problem
we're losing out.
That was not the deal.
Take it easy, Pablo.
I'm not saying you need to lose money.
We'll talk when you're calmer.
That's not what you're saying.
Let's talk, Pedro.
Don't waste your breath, let's go.
Bro, we can't lose this client, Pablo.
We'll just get another one.
We'll figure something out.
It's not like they grow on trees.
If we keep waiting, we'll never know.
That's not serious!
What's up, dude?
You got me some moonshine, nice!
The way they spoke to us!
Like money gives you the right
to do whatever you want.
You threatened to get other clients,
when it's their business.
It was
What's Graciela doing in Miami, then?
- What about her?
- She is a liaison.
We need to call her and make her an offer.
Let's work together and start doing
what the Motoa brothers do.
What you are saying is
we should send our stuff to the U.S.?
- That's more money than we're making now?
- Of course it's more money!
Where do you think
all their trucks are coming from?
The farm, the horses,
everything they talk about.
And we have problems
putting food on our table.
- We got the short end of the stick.
- Exactly.
We need to turn that stick around.
If they want us to take over
their business, then we do just that.
We said we were going to work
on our own, without bosses.
Let's be our own bosses then.
Check out the tires.
Those get repaired in the U.S.
Can they fix those old ones too?
The oldest ones don't get repaired.
Do you sell them, then?
To tell you the truth, that's worth shit.
Then we can get them cheap, huh?
Do you think they'll believe
these need to be repaired?
Not in the U.S.,
but they will believe they're going out.
Once the tires get there,
they'll be tossed into a garbage dump.
Then we send word
to pick them up. That's it.
How many can you put in, Peluche?
Twelve pounds.
More will be suspicious.
Twelve pounds.
That 1,200 pounds, Gonzalo!
Do you think
15 pounds is too much, Peluche?
Only 12 inside these, man.
Get them inside. It's about 1,700 pounds.
We're close to a ton.
How are you, Graciela?
It's Pablo Escobar Gaviria. Remember me?
Of course I remember.
Who could forget a man like you?
Won't you say hi, Pablo?
Are you unhappy or too shy?
Of course I'm happy. I'm delighted.
I'm calling because
I have a business proposal for you.
I have a business proposal!
Be discreet, I'll fill in the blanks.
Do you remember my friend, Graciela?
We talked about her the other day.
The white girl.
Hello? I can't hear you.
The thing is Damn it. Listen, Graciela,
my cousin and I
want to do business with you.
We want to send some goods to America.
Can you receive it and sell it in Miami?
What kind of goods?
that one.
That one.
Which one is that? I'm not following you!
Let's see if I can
make you understand. Listen.
Do you remember my friend? The white girl?
I introduced you to her.
She's a white girl.
Her skin is completely white. Remember?
She was a very funny Peruvian.
Listen, Pablo,
do you know about a technology
called the satellite phone?
I've heard about it.
Get one and call me.
Do you know what we have to do?
We have someone
who'll unload the tires at the airport
and say that they need to be disposed of.
We have someone else
who will follow the tires and the goods
until he recovers it.
We already recovered it.
We need you to tell us
where you want us to put it,
and we want to know
if you can help us distribute it.
Neither him nor I
have the experience or
the contacts to distribute it.
You're so clever!
The American police
must be so angry about not finding it.
Will you help us, Graciela?
On one condition.
Yes, ma'am.
Buy one of those,
or take that one, whatever.
Listen, Pablo,
don't ever call me again from a pay phone.
It's very dangerous here in the States.
Speaking of presents,
we brought you some snacks.
- Thank you so much.
- And some achiras.
- Great, I love them.
- I ate them.
Who'd have thought you'd get this far?
I remember the face you had
when Sheriff introduced you.
And now, you're stuffing the Americans
with cocaine, even in their trash.
Listen, Eliecer.
We're going to put a man among his ranks.
They are dangerous
and have us under their control.
Eliecer, these people fooled us.
And we're under a lot of pressure.
They are asking us to do this quickly.
You know these criminals
spread like wildfire.
That's why we have a hard time
catching them.
But I'll say it again, be careful.
Because they are very smart.
Are you in?
If it weren't for this good man,
I'd be there with all my stuff,
waiting for a taxi.
Nice to meet you, Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Thank you. God bless you.
Take this money for being quick
and this tip for helping my mother.
You can count on me for anything.
Could you do me a favor?
Could you come over every day
and ask her how she's doing?
Ask her what she needs
or take her out to see her friends?
- Of course, you can count on me.
- Really?
Thank you very much.
I'll arrange for a monthly salary.
What's your name?
Great. Eliecer.
Okay, Eliecer.
Take care of my mom.
- Will do.
- Pretend she's your mom.
- Thank you.
- See you.
Okay, now,
tell me exactly what is going on, Gonzalo.
Graciela is not getting all the goods.
It seems that our guy
in the U.S. is stealing.
I'm worried that he knows
that the stuff is in the tires.
We're also having problems
with our guys at the repair shop.
- So?
- I have a good idea.
What is it?
We'll need a lot of money.
If you say that, it really means a lot.
We'll be broke.
Don't joke about it. I'm being serious.
Do you want a big business?
You want to be the owner
of a great business.
- What is it?
- Planes.
- Planes?
- Planes.
- Buy planes?
- Yes, we'll be the biggest dealers.
- Have you lost your mind?
- No, I haven't.
You and I will be great.
He's so cute!
Someone's got gas.
Baby. Sweet little baby.
Pablo, the baby's here. Go in.
Pablo, it's a beautiful boy.
He's completely normal.
So, my first child is a boy?
Congratulations, Pablo.
He's healthy.
His weight is 8.2 pounds.
- How are you? Are you okay?
- Yes.
- She was very brave.
- Did you want a boy?
Yeah, of course.
Take good care of him.
What does this mean?
Who do you think we are after?
Escobar or his mother?
This is a very sensitive matter,
a process that requires time.
I think we are on the right track.
Do you know what Escobar
is doing right now?
He hasn't been home for some time,
so he must be worried at least.
If he has some big thing coming,
I know he will put it on hold.
He recently had a baby,
and he's a clever man.
But even so, he hasn't realized
his security system is flawed.
The word right now
is that he has something huge going on.
Now, go and bring us
something worth our time.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
What business? What are you buying?
No, we aren't buying anything.
What we really need
are investors
for our new business in Medellin.
- What business is that?
- Shipping exports to the U.S.
- What kind of exports?
- Raw materials for pharmaceutical use.
Right now, Gonzalo, I don't have
the money for the investment.
So, you don't want
that 30% we promise you?
In a matter of days.
The earnings could be yours,
your family's, your friends',
anyone who wants to invest with us.
This is my cut.
- And this
- What?
We have what
the Jaramillo family brought in,
the Restrepos, the Amallas.
They're good sources of money.
These are stacks of one dollar bills?
This one?
This is 50, man. Here, count it.
Is that right?
You're having a hard time collecting
money. Don't we have six associates?
You think it's easy to get it
without telling them what it's for?
Everybody knows what the money's for.
Where's yours?
Your part of the money for the business.
Where is it?
Touch here.
Holy Mother of God
That's my investment.
My head, my ideas, my wits.
So, you're going to use just their money?
That's how it has to be.
If we fail, they're screwed, not me.
This is the spiritual rebirth of your son,
Emilio Escobar Urrea,
in the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
I don't know what you see.
Hold on, let's put this in order.
Come here, yes, here.
Oh, no!
One, two, three!
I got it.
Okay, you owe me 100.
Oh, God.
Hi, Graciela!
the bird's been flying
for about two hours now.
I think it'll be there soon.
Don't worry, we're playing
while we wait for it.
I sent you 100 packets to begin with.
We'll see how that works.
We're going to do great
because they're all loyal here, so relax.
I'm okay, I'm at ease.
Yeah, right. I can tell by your voice.
You're scared to death.
Don't be silly.
I felt the same way my first time.
But then I realized
I was going to succeed.
Okay, we'll be in touch.
Bye, Graciela, thanks.
Yeah, break a leg. Yes! Another 100!
- Pablo! Pablo!
- Pablo!
Come here!
- With the boy?
- Pablo!
First with the mom. That's right.
- Do me a favor, put this there.
- Okay.
And hide that bag over there.
This is beautifully organized.
- Do you like it?
- Yeah, it's great.
- Hello.
- Hi! It's so good you could make it.
- Eliecer.
- Ma'am.
You can leave if you want.
- Don't you need any help?
- No, thanks!
- I can stay.
- Don't worry, go home.
Look at the baby.
He's so handsome.
Come here.
Come, sweetie,
Daddy needs to use the phone.
He looks just like that.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Yes! Bottle rockets!
Don't throw it at me!
Everything will be all right.
Thank you.
What's with all the suspense?
- Suspense, suspense.
- Yes, so much suspense. What is it?
Do you like it?
Yes, it's a very pretty house.
I was thinking,
now that our family is bigger,
we need a more comfortable place.
Are you considering buying it?
Oh, no, no.
I already bought it.
What? You bought this house?
Pablo Emilio!
Oh, my God! Honey! It's amazing!
I can't believe it!
This is a beautiful house!
Holy Mother.
Thank you.
Everybody is happy, see?
That's how it's supposed to be, Mireya.
Everybody has the right
to have a happy Christmas.
Pablo, thank you so much for the party.
- Of course. Are you enjoying it?
- I am! I sure am!
what happened?
- Boss, I had to tell you something.
- Tell me, what's up?
There's a lady who's been saying
that you got out of jail
after doing something bad.
Judge Magdalena Espinoza.
- What happened?
- I saw her.
She has just bought a new car.
- Really?
- Yes.
Don't worry, I'll handle it.
The party is for you to enjoy!
Merry Christmas.
Go, enjoy the party.
It's not to waste on booze. Not on booze.
- It's for the family.
- Honey!
- What's up?
- Thank you for this great present!
- It's to show my appreciation.
- Thanks!
- I love it, may the Lord bless you.
- My pleasure. Merry Christmas.
How are you liking the party?
Enjoy! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Hey, Mom.
Merry Christmas!
You almost didn't make it.
We've been waiting for you.
Where were you?
I visited some poor people,
and gave them some presents.
Oh, dear.
If you were smart,
you'd have changed the shirt,
taken a shower and worn some perfume.
Wash yourself with soap or something.
You smell like smoke.
Is it that strong?
- What does he want?
- Gerson!
Peluche is annoying.
- Come on.
- What?
Imported straight
from the Manizales factory.
Gears adjusted perfectly.
Vulcanized bars.
The water bottle will come later.
I'll have it tailor-made for you.
The professional cyclist suit
will be brought from Italy.
Oh, my God! Peluche!
What a huge surprise, man!
Thanks, Peluche, thank you so much!
Do you really like it?
What do you think?
Go take a ride on it.
Oh, no, man.
I'll go tomorrow. I can't leave Viviana.
She'll have to dance alone.
I will tomorrow.
Okay. Gerson.
I'll introduce you to Marco.
He's the one I told you about,
with the uncle with a bad hip.
He can't afford surgery at this time.
That's awful, Marco.
I'm giving you this,
take it and give it to your uncle.
Anything you need for his therapy,
rehabilitation or whatever,
you come see me.
We will gladly cover the expenses
for the treatment.
Thank you, boss.
I'll also give you this
so you can repair your tractor.
But you also take this
because you need a new one as well.
Now you can start your own business.
Thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
- God bless you, honey.
You are so sweet! Thank the Lord
for letting us help our people.
It's so important for me
to share all this wealth, Patricia.
- With all my friends, neighbors
- That's so nice of you!
What's that smell?
- What smell?
- Like cheap perfume.
What are you saying?
I've met a lot of people today
so that must be it.
So, who's next?
What was that? What's going on?
Oh, my God!
Someone's stealing my car!
He's stealing my
Go back inside or I'll shoot you!
Get in! Get in and don't look at me!
Don't look at me! Get back in, now!
What's all that ruckus?
- Who? Me?
- Yes, you.
That's a nice ride, cousin.
Do you like it?
Do I like it?
I love it, it's amazing, Pablo!
Is it yours, cousin?
No, I'm still saving money
for something like it.
Give me that.
Listen to me, Gerson.
I'll give you the keys to that car
if you promise, in front of the family,
to be a responsible young man
and not to fool around
when you take it for a spin.
What are you saying?
Are you giving it to me?
To me? Man!
Thank you! Come, Viviana, come here.
Get in, come on!
Be careful.
In all this time, all you could find
is that Escobar bought a new house?
At least make something up!
We need to capture Gaviria's goons!
We don't give a fuck if his mother
goes shopping
or if his brother
hooks up with some chick!
Look, Eliecer.
You're off the case.
The best thing would be
for you to get out of the city.
What do you think
about our new ride?
I love it, honey! I like the roof!
It's awesome, Viviana.
- Oh, Viviana, my love!
- It's beautiful.
- You like it?
- I like being here with you.
- You swear it?
- I love you, you know?
- Viviana, you've never said that before!
- I love you.
- Do you swear?
- I swear it!
I love you too, Viviana,
I love you so much.
Pablo told me to bring
the love of my life here
- and that we should make a wish
- Get out of the car.
- But But
- I said, get out.
- No!
- Get off!
Calm down. Nice and easy.
- What happened?
- What's going on?
Aren't you the one
who helps my mom with things?
Don't talk to me like that.
I'm an officer of the law.
- Are you kidding me?
- Do you think I'm joking?
It's Christmas Eve!
Are you going to ruin the party?
Everything has to be joyful!
Why don't we have a drink?
I'll buy you one.
I buy my own drinks.
Nobody pays for my drinks.
Do you think I'm a hobo?
- No! What's going on?
- Hold on!
- I don't want you to get hurt!
- Stop!
Now, explain why your car
doesn't have plates.
The car had a paper plate there. I swear.
It's a new car.
If you want you can go in.
- It's true, it was a gift.
- Shut up, bitch.
- I'm not talking to you.
- Don't talk to her like that!
- Oh, no, please!
- Shut up, bitch!
- Get in, get in!
- Get in, Viviana.
- My love, look how he hurt you!
- Viviana, please, stop.
Shut up! Bitch, shut up!
No! Please, no!
Shut up, bitch!
What are you doing, man?
Don't you see you're too drunk?
This series is freely adapted from
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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