Pact of Silence (2023) s01e04 Episode Script


[tense music playing]
- [Fer] We have to call the police.
- [crying] He raped me, the motherfucker.
I don't want anyone to know about it.
No. We cover this up,
they'll find out, and we'll go to jail.
But it was self-defense.
Who pushed him anyway?
[Irene] What does that matter?
Every single one of us is responsible,
and there's no time to argue.
We have to get rid of him.
- [crying]
- We're not criminals, Irene. We
- Irene's right, you guys.
- [Fernanda] Get rid of him, how?
And besides, if the police find his body,
what then?
I'm sure they won't look for him.
Pedro was poor and always on his own.
Nobody's gonna miss
this piece of shit rapist anyway.
[tense music continues]
[woman whispers, echoing] Shh. Silence.
- [turn signal clicking]
- [suspenseful music playing]
[owl hoots]
[Brenda breathing shakily]
[cell phone ringing and vibrating]
[ringing and vibrating continues]
- [ringing and vibrating continues]
- [seat belt clicks]
- [door alarm beeps]
- [Brenda moans]
[coughs weakly, panting]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [car doors close]
- [Brenda continues panting]
[suspenseful music building]
[Irene] Brenda, Brenda, Brenda
Oh, do you really think we're gonna
keep letting you dig into the past?
We let you get away with it once.
But there are no second chances here.
We're not gonna let you ruin our lives.
The four of you would rather murder me
than tell me who my mother is?
You hate me that much?
[music intensifies]
[gasps, panting]
[Adriano] Hey. It's okay.
[Brenda moans]
- Take it easy. Just calm down.
- [groans]
[continues panting]
You've got a neck injury.
The doctors said
that everything else is okay.
[monitor beeping steadily]
[quietly] How did I get here?
Wha Who told you I was here?
- Your manager called.
- [moans]
He wanted to know if I was with you.
Oh, that's true. [sniffles]
I was on my way to your place.
I spoke to some of my police contacts.
They told me you were at this hospital.
The police? [gasps]
- [grunts]
- They're outside.
- They wanna talk to you.
- No, no. I don't
- Relax. Easy.
- I don't wanna talk to the police.
They wanna ask you for details
about the car that crashed into you.
Can you remember
the make or color? Anything?
[Brenda exhales]
No, I can't remember.
It was probably just a drunk or something.
It all happened so quickly.
You were talking in your sleep.
You said, "You hate me that much?"
[tense music playing]
"Don't kill me."
Who were you talking to?
Not sure. Everything was, um
I was dreaming, so, uh
It must've been the painkillers, y'know?
Just know that you can talk to me
if you want.
And that I can help you
if you're in trouble, all right?
That's nice. Thanks. [sniffles]
Where's Alex?
[birds singing]
[laughing] So that the dog
doesn't get any.
[Lupita] Excuse me.
Breakfast is ready for you.
That's perfect.
Tell Adriano that breakfast is ready.
[continues laughing]
What is it?
- [Lupita] He didn't sleep here.
- What do you mean, he didn't sleep here?
Who was he with?
[Lupita] Jacinto left with him last night.
[Ricardo] You can just bring us
our food, please.
Thank you, Lupita.
[footsteps fading]
You don't have to worry about Adriano.
He's a grown man.
Yes, I know that he's a grown man.
But anything can happen.
He could be kidnapped.
I don't think one security detail
is enough for him.
Well, maybe Adriano is craving
a little bit of privacy, don't you think?
Oh yeah, privacy.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [indistinct announcements on PA]
[pensive music playing]
Adriano is talking to them,
but that's not enough.
You need to report it.
Weren't you the one who said
I shouldn't worry about that hater
the day that we went live?
That was a mistake.
- This has gotten real.
- This is between me and those women now.
If I get the police involved,
my whole plan was for nothing.
[Alex] Is getting revenge
worth getting killed for?
[Omar] Hey. I'm sorry.
I took the liberty
of making you a tea and a coffee.
- I'm not sure which one you prefer.
- I'll take the tea.
[Omar] Okay.
- You're welcome.
- Can we talk a bit?
Sure, yeah.
Why were you at the bar?
- You follow me there?
- [tense music playing]
No, Martina. I would never do that.
I saw that you posted something
from the bar, and so I figured I'd go.
- See if you wanted to drink or chat a bit.
- But I didn't invite you, Omar.
- [tense music fades]
- [Omar sighs]
I'm sorry.
I should be thanking you right now
for helping me back there.
Because if you hadn't,
then I can't imagine
what would've happened.
But that wasn't the first time that
Well, that a man didn't take
my no for an answer.
And you really wanna know
what I'm feeling right now?
Because if I try to report that guy,
they're gonna blame it all on me.
What was I doing at the bar?
Drinking alcohol,
dressed like that, alone?
They're all just going to judge me.
I don't, Martina.
[sultry music playing]
You're free to be where you like.
And no asshole has the right to touch you
if you don't want that.
[Martina sighs]
Thank you.
[music fades]
[kisses, moans] Why so far away?
- Put it down.
- No, Manu.
[Manuel] Mm.
[sighs] I'm looking
at the bank requirements
for us to get that loan.
- Mm-hmm?
- Look what they're asking for.
Let's see. Okay. [clears throat]
Let's put that there.
All right. Where was I?
- [whimsical music playing]
- [Manuel] Mm.
- I saw this on the internet.
- [Sofía giggles]
[Manuel] Mm.
- [toy vibrates and plays music]
- [yelps] What the hell is that? [groans]
- [Camila, outside] Mommy, Daddy.
- Forget about it.
- [sighs]
- No, Manu. I'm sorry.
- The moment has passed.
- [knocking on door]
[whimsical music ends]
[cars honking in distance]
I've gotta figure out who the hater is.
I'm sure it's whoever ran me off the road.
The problem is you blocked them,
which makes it much more complicated.
[Brenda] But not impossible.
We also need to find out
who this teacher is.
- Ugh. Let's get out of here, please.
- [Adriano] Sorry to interrupt.
Uh, did they release you?
They did, yeah. Um
They said the same thing you did.
Besides my neck, I'm okay.
Hey. I'll wait for you outside.
[indistinct announcement on PA]
[Brenda laughs]
Thank you.
[gentle pop music playing]
If Alex has too much to do,
I can take care of you today.
[giggles] Don't worry about it.
He's hanging out with me.
Well, if you need any medicine
or whatever,
you know, I could bring it to you.
[Brenda] Oh, that's all right.
Thanks. [laughs]
Wait. Don't tell me you're looking
for excuses to hang out with me.
I'm definitely worried
about what happened.
But I would also like it if we got closer.
I think that, whether we work together
or not, we can handle it.
[chuckles] You're sweet, Adriano.
- So, is that a yes?
- [both chuckle]
It's a "let's wait and see."
Have you ever seen so many lights ♪
By the way, um
I'm not sure it's a good idea
to tell your mom you spent the night here.
I don't have to explain myself to anyone.
No, I know, but
I don't think I'm in her good books,
and I don't wanna make trouble, you know?
- Well
- It's always seen, it's us ♪
It's you, it's me ♪
- Have you ever seen so many lights? ♪
- [pop song ends]
- [announcer] He passes to Santi
- Yeah, come on, Escobar. That was it!
[Tomás] Santi. Come on, Santi. Get it in.
[all] Goal!
- [announcer] Goal!
- My man, Santi.
[Rodrigo and Sam laugh]
- Did you see that pass?
- [phone rings]
- Oh man. What a goal.
- That was awesome.
- Oh no.
- So awesome.
- [Rodrigo] Hang on. Give me a sec.
- [ringing continues]
Do you think this coach
is better than the last one?
I mean, he's really been helping
the team out.
[announcer continues indistinctly on TV]
Are we gonna talk about that night
you were wearing my clothes, Sam?
[tense music playing]
[Tomás] Hey, Sam.
I want you to talk to me. Okay?
I'm serious, Sam. Let's sit down.
Look. If you're a lesbian,
it doesn't matter.
But if you're trans,
it's a lot more intense, dude.
Shut up, Tomás.
I'm asking you
because of the hormone injections
and a ton of other shit
that I don't know about.
But I wanna help you.
You're my sister, Sam.
- Shut up, you druggie.
- [Tomás] Hey.
Don't call me that. Hmm?
[sighs] Do you really think
that people don't notice, Sam?
So many people at school ask me about you.
I don't know what to tell them.
The plan was very clear, Omar.
You were supposed to tell that guy
to just corner Martina,
and then you would show up
and be the hero.
And instead, he acted like a lunatic!
I know that, but Martina hit him.
I wasn't expecting
the idiot to hit her back.
You told me you trusted him.
That you were friends.
And that you live together!
[Omar] I'm really sorry, Brenda.
- I shouldn't have trusted him.
- I shouldn't have tasked you with this.
Omar, if you make
another mistake like this,
you can forget
about the money for your degree
and to bring your mother over.
- [call disconnects]
- Come on, Brenda.
You know you can't control everyone.
And I think this is all getting
more and more out of hand.
You're messing with their families,
their lives. [sighs]
- You know you're playing with fire.
- You don't have to worry about me.
As much as I hate those women,
I'm not okay
with a woman getting attacked for nothing.
[birds singing]
Good afternoon.
Ah, looks like a certain young man
didn't sleep much.
- I'll sleep a little now.
- [Irene] Good.
And are you gonna tell me
who's responsible for your late night?
Do I know her?
From the looks of it, she kept you busy.
Come on. You can tell me. What's her name?
[takes a deep breath]
I was just out with some friends.
- Are you sure?
- Mm-hmm.
All right. Go and get some rest.
[gentle guitar music playing]
- [cell phone locks]
- [siren wailing below]
[tense music playing]
I'm going with Jacinto.
[Irene] I was told you were out
with my son last night, Jacinto.
Yes. Mr. Adriano was over
at the hospital all night.
At the hospital? But why? Was he ill?
No, not at all, ma'am. Don't worry.
He was there accompanying a friend.
A friend?
What friend?
Your son didn't tell you?
[Irene] I wouldn't be asking you
if he had.
Uh, well, I believe
he was with Miss Brenda.
The influencer who works with you.
[energetic waltz playing on radio]
Why didn't you call me?
I would've come to see you right away.
No, don't worry. It's fine.
The collar is just a precaution.
That's it.
You turn this way.
It's so sweet of you to have come today
to see Sam's rehearsal.
Ah, she looks beautiful.
[Fer] I had to hire dancers for her
because some of her friends
didn't wanna come.
I'm not sure that was necessary, Fer.
Chamberlains are a bit old-fashioned now.
- They are?
- Kinda.
Well, I'm still excited about them.
Can I get you some wine?
I shouldn't. Because of the painkillers.
Oh, don't worry.
Alcohol doesn't affect the painkillers.
Make yourself comfortable.
[choreographer] No, Sam. Hang on.
It's one, two, three. One, two, three.
- Let's go again.
- My poor daughter has no rhythm.
Well, these things can take time,
you know.
- [choreographer] Stop the music.
- Can I give you a tip?
Don't have children.
No matter how you slice it,
they're nothing but trouble.
[tense music playing]
Relax. I'm joking. [laughs]
Of course, women are born to be mothers.
Well, not all of them.
Martina's not,
but she's happy with her life.
[Fer] Honestly,
Martina's been acting weird.
She's started seeing someone
who's filling her office with flowers.
- [waltz continues on radio]
- No way! Flowers?
Well, it can't be one
of those young guys she's seeing.
- Because men my age are not that generous.
- [Fer] I don't know.
She won't tell me who it is.
It's a bit strange.
She won't answer his calls
when I'm with her.
Oh yeah. That is a bit odd.
She's your best friend, right?
What's she hiding?
I'm sure she's in love
and just doesn't wanna admit it.
- [chuckles]
- [cell phone vibrates]
[waltz continues]
Oh. It's my masseuse.
I've gotta change my appointment.
- It's loud here. I'll call over there.
- Sure.
- I'll go to the washroom.
- [Fernanda] Sure.
[suspenseful music playing]
Okay, put her down. No.
But, Samantha, don't jump down.
Do it slowly. Be pretty.
Don't just, "Ugh!"
And remember, you start it off.
- So keep the choreography flowing.
- [guy laughs]
[choreographer] One, two, three.
With your arms. And seven.
Samantha! You okay?
[suspenseful music continues]
- [loud thudding]
- [Sam sobbing]
[banging continues]
[door squeaks]
[sobbing continues]
- Samantha!
- [music cuts out]
What are you doing? Hey!
Sit down. Oh my God.
It's okay.
Tell me what's wrong.
Why were you doing that to yourself?
Let me see. Oh no.
What were you thinking, Sam?
[crying] I don't want a party.
I don't wanna dance. I don't want to.
All of those guys were laughing at me.
The same way my brother's friends
were laughing and everybody else.
[Brenda] But you can't hurt yourself
because of those assholes.
Or because of some cheesy dance.
It's not worth it, sweetheart.
We can figure this out.
How, though?
[sighs] Listen, I have an idea.
All you have to do is get your mom
to let you come with me.
Hmm? How does that sound?
That should be okay.
I think. My mom totally trusts you.
- [sniffles]
- Hmm.
[softly] It's all gonna be fine.
[energetic dance music playing]
We are each other ♪
- We are each other ♪
- [camera shutter clicking]
We have each other ♪
Oh my God.
My mom would kill me if she saw me
in this, but I like it.
[Brenda] Look, if she has a heart attack,
we'll call the doctor.
- [Sam sighs]
- [Brenda] Sam.
You look incredible. Want something
like this for your birthday?
[quietly] Yeah
Uh, I don't know. What do you think?
My mom will never let me wear this.
No, don't think about your mom.
Just look at yourself and be honest.
Does this feel like the real you?
I'm not sure who I am.
Hmm. Just talk to me
like I'm your big sister.
[gentle music playing]
Well, I'm afraid
I've never really fit in anywhere.
And I'm not really like everyone else.
That's because you're figuring out
who you are.
But I promise you're gonna be fine, Sam.
And I'm gonna be here
to support you. Always.
[gentle music playing]
So great. [chuckles]
I love it.
- [gentle music fades]
- [birds singing]
Here at our agency, you won't find
the kinds of houses you're looking for.
But I found these ones.
- Wow. They're beautiful.
- You like?
Hey. I don't wanna pry, but
how do you plan on paying for a house
like this if you're unemployed?
I have a job now.
You what? You started working?
- Sofi, why didn't you say that?
- [chuckles]
On what? What is it?
Oh, I'm sorry. I can't reveal their name.
Not until we publish the biography.
- It's a biography?
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, Sofi, that's great.
I'm just so excited for you.
Me too. Thanks.
Well, I'm happy to tell you
there's more good news.
I spoke to these people.
They can help you with a loan.
Tell them I sent you. I sang your praises.
[sighs] Martina, thanks so much.
You can officially start looking.
- Yup. Let's see.
- [typing]
- You interrogated Jacinto?
- [Irene] Yes. Yes, I spoke to him.
You told me you were out with friends,
but you were with Brenda.
You didn't have to lie to me about that.
I didn't tell you
because I didn't want things to get messy.
Adriano, the only one
making things messy is you.
Don't you get it? She's our employee.
- Brenda was in an accident.
- Really? Doesn't she have friends?
Or a family? Oh no. The only person
who could spend all night there was you.
What I do is none of your business.
- Oh? It's none of my business?
- No.
- None of my business?
- No.
All right, then.
In that case, tell me what you're planning
to say on the press junket
when they badger you about dating
someone who shows her ass on the Internet?
I can't wait because I'm very curious.
[tense music playing]
- So he defended you by punching the guy?
- [music fades]
Can you imagine what could've happened
if Omar hadn't helped me?
I couldn't defend myself, Sofía.
I just stood there, frozen.
I spent years thinking about
what I would do if something
like that happened to me again,
but then I froze like a stupid idiot.
Then, I passed out.
I'm pretty sure that's a normal response
after everything you went through.
[somber music playing]
I never thought that something like this
could happen to me again. I mean [sighs]
And now
Now every time I think about it,
I just can't help but blame myself for it.
[Sofía] You can't be so hard on yourself.
I just felt so vulnerable, Sofi.
In front of Omar.
But there's nothing wrong
with being vulnerable.
Yes, there is.
That's why this happens to me.
That's why men abuse me.
And I just can't stand it.
I'm the one who should be in control.
Of course.
If you have the control,
then they can't use you.
And they can't abuse you either.
[tense music playing]
[Alex] Brenda. Brenda!
What can I say to make you
not want to go in there, huh?
Someone died in there.
Either from suicide or murder.
It's the only way we'll be able
to find out about this teacher.
There's nothing online.
[owl hoots]
[Brenda] Ugh. You're kidding me.
When I followed Ramona,
the gate wasn't locked.
Well, now it is, so tough luck. Let's go.
We're not jumping over the fence.
Hey! Brenda!
[tense music continues]
[Brenda panting]
Hang on. You're not going alone.
Here. Hold this.
Step on that thing there.
That's it.
Got it?
[Alex grunts]
See? It wasn't that hard.
[Alex] Go slowly, Brenda.
This place is terrifying.
Looks like they abandoned it.
[Brenda] Yeah. When Ramona resigned,
the place went bankrupt.
They shut it down and left it like this.
But why didn't they try
to sell the place off?
Or the furniture, at least?
[objects clattering]
[Brenda] I don't know.
Boarding schools became unpopular.
Maybe they couldn't offload it.
Perfect. Look.
Come on, Brenda,
we should really get out of here.
- Are you sure that no one's here?
- Just calm down.
[Brenda sighs]
[Alex] Damn it, Ramona.
I guess she never thought
of going digital.
[Brenda] Looks like we're not leaving here
anytime soon.
Class of let me see.
'95, '97.
[Alex] No. Can we go?
- Did you check here?
- No.
Let's see.
[screams] Ah! Oh shit!
It's full of cockroaches!
Just relax.
[Brenda] Doesn't look important.
[gasps] I found the info on the teacher
who was accused of rape.
[gasps] He lives really close.
[sighs] Brenda, that's an address
from the 1990s.
It's better than nothing.
Come on.
- [music fades]
- [birds singing]
You smell good.
- And you're also very handsome.
- [both chuckle]
Sweetheart, I'm sorry,
but I've got a meeting before my trip.
So you're telling me I have to make
an appointment with you to have sex?
- Aw, Fer.
- Well, it's true.
You're always too busy,
or you have to go to work,
or you need to hit the gym,
or you've gotta meet your friends.
You make all kinds of excuses.
Like with Tomás and his soccer.
[scoffs] That wasn't an excuse.
I was taking care of our boy.
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be late.
I promise, as soon as I get back,
we'll talk about it.
It'll be okay.
Sure. Don't worry about it.
I'll just be here,
packing up your suitcases, perfectly.
Making sure things are organized.
[sighs] Because that's all I'm good for.
[tense music playing]
[birds calling]
[suspenseful music playing]
[sighs] Brenda, this is the moment
where you listen to your wise friend
as he tells you to stop this.
Don't worry. The article said
the teacher was never violent with anyone.
But he still abused his students.
I know. He was an adult who knew
how to manipulate
a bunch of 16-year-old girls.
He abused his position of power,
and now he has to pay for what he did.
Fine, but this place
is in the middle of nowhere.
Would you let me go with you?
He might get intimidated
if I'm with a man.
But I think I have a solution.
We can just keep this call open.
Then you can hear what's happening.
- Okay. If you want.
- [dial tone buzzes]
[cell phone rings]
[suspenseful music continues]
[knocking on door]
- [man] Yes?
- Hello. How are you?
Uh, are you Enrique Hernández?
- Yes, I am. How can I help you?
- Well, I'm a journalist.
- I'm here on behalf of
- I have to ask you to leave now, please.
I don't mean you any harm.
On the contrary. I've been investigating
What have you been investigating?
Who are you?
I'm here to help.
I don't believe that you were guilty.
[suspenseful music continues]
- What's your name?
- Raquel Álvarez.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.
What company do you work for?
Mexico TV News.
I've been researching a piece
on abuse cases in boarding schools
during the 1990s.
I didn't touch any of my students.
Not one. I swear it.
I would love if you could tell me
your version of the story.
[Brenda] And why you think
these allegations arose.
[Enrique] I was a young teacher
at the time. Years ago now.
I was passionate about
about teaching literature.
But the problem with teaching poetry
is that it's a magnet.
It's the same with Shakespeare.
And some of the students got confused.
And when you reject them
because they're underage,
they don't really take it well.
Would you tell me the names
of the students that accused you?
- You remember any in particular?
- Why is that important?
I went to jail.
I lost my marriage,
my career, my credibility.
All of it.
I thought maybe
if I contacted some students,
it could help strengthen our case.
I actually blame
the headmistress of the place.
She knew me, knew that I was innocent,
and did nothing to defend me.
The headmistress. Um
- Why do you think she didn't defend you?
- I don't know.
Maybe she thought the other things
she was dealing with were more important.
Around the same time, uh
a young gardener
at the school disappeared.
[tense music playing]
Do you remember the gardener? Um
- Do you remember his name?
- What does that matter?
I think it does.
We could expose a pattern of injustice
coming directly from the headmistress.
[sighs] Pedro was his name, I think.
He was a strange person. Mentally ill.
And then one day, he didn't come to work
and just never came back.
And his family pushed
for an investigation to find him.
The headmistress ignored it.
Like in my case.
[Enrique] I need to talk
about something that happened.
No, no, no, no. It's gotta be in person.
[tense music fades]
[tense music playing]
Miss, I just need confirmation on this.
Those flowers, were they delivered or not?
Because my boss sent them a few days ago,
and there's been no answer.
[employee] Let me check.
One moment, please.
Yes. The flowers were delivered
to the offices of Robles Realtors.
To the attention of Ms. Martina Robles.
Did you say she never got them?
Well, I just think there's been a mistake.
[employee] Um, no. Our system here says
they were delivered to Martina Robles.
And was there any kind of card
or a message at all?
[employee] I'm so sorry,
but that information
doesn't get saved in our system.
[suspenseful music playing]
[knocking on door]
Hang on!
- [Enrique] Hi.
- What's going on, Enrique?
You know how hard it is
for me to get here.
[Enrique] You look as beautiful as ever.
- [tense music playing]
- [Enrique moaning]
Is this why I'm here?
You know how much I hate to lie to Manuel.
That's not important. You don't love him.
[Sofía] You told me this was urgent.
I just had a visitor. A journalist.
She's investigating the supposed abuse
I committed at the boarding school.
She insisted on wanting to know
the names of my former students.
[Brenda] I'm sure that teacher had
a relationship with Sofía.
Why else would he have
so many copies of her book?
I mean, it was just weird.
[Alex] The guy went to prison
eight months before you were born.
He could be your father.
[sighs] Well, I hope not.
Even if Sofía was in love with him,
that guy is totally disgusting.
I mean, he's a child molester.
What I still don't understand is
why Adriano was keeping
clippings about him.
What does he have to do with Irene?
Couldn't you have taken him out
the back way?
Will you hurry up?
I don't want him to be seen.
Hurry up, Officer! Please!
[Fernanda] The police are taking him away.
[Martina] I think
a bunch of girls reported him.
No, none of it's true.
I've got to help him.
- C'mon!
- Sofi.
[dramatic string music playing]
[crowd murmuring]
[indistinct chatter on radio]
[crying] I have to go and help.
[Irene] Stay out of it, or they'll know
you were involved with him too.
You wanna be interrogated? Go on trial?
You want your parents to know
that you were sleeping with a teacher?
- But I love him.
- [Irene] Sofía, calm down.
- [music intensifies]
- [siren wailing]
The journalist's name is Raquel Álvarez.
She said she works at Mexico TV News.
Yep, got it.
You've been very helpful, Tania. Thanks.
My friend is the head of HR
at the station,
and she doesn't know who she is.
- Did you ask for her ID?
- No. Of course I didn't.
[tense music playing]
She said she was a journalist.
Why would she be investigating a case
that was closed years ago?
I won't be able to live
through that again, Sofía.
No, I just
I can't be falsely accused again.
I can't go back to jail. No.
- No. No, Enrique. Don't think about that.
- [Enrique panting]
It's not gonna happen.
You have no idea
how they treat pedophiles in jail.
I just can't go back in there.
I won't be able to handle
the humiliation again.
You were the only one who believed in me.
If it hadn't been for you,
I would have killed myself years ago.
- Stop it. Don't talk like that.
- Yes.
You know that I will always be
on your side.
[Enrique] Thank you.
So stay.
I have to go.
Sofía, please. Don't leave me alone.
Don't leave me now, please.
[Sofía] It's okay.
[Enrique] Please.
[fire crackling]
[cell phone vibrating]
[Fer] It's me, Sofi.
Can you please call me
when you get this message? It's urgent.
Our campaign plan needs
to encompass these three pillars.
[cell phone rings]
No, it's all right. Keep going.
- [indistinct chatter and laughter]
- [sighs]
[somber music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
- Alex!
- Put it on speaker. Speaker.
- [cell phone beeps]
- Fer, how are you?
[Fer] Hi. I'm I'm okay. I'm just
I'm just not feeling well.
I called all my friends,
but they're not around.
Let's meet up. Send me your location,
and I'll be there.
[cell phone chimes]
Brenda, come on, now.
You're not actually
Hey, you still haven't slept
since somebody tried to kill you
a few days ago.
Okay, you're going. I'll be right there.
There's gotta be another explanation.
I mean, Martina's my best friend.
So you're saying you found the receipt
in your husband's drawer.
I can't think of another explanation.
She's my daughter's godmother.
The worst betrayals always seem to come
from the people that we trust the most.
Which is why they're so painful.
How long have you two been friends?
So many years. Since boarding school.
You don't know
how many things we've shared.
Hmm. I guess your husband's
one of them now.
The more I think about it,
I can't see how it's possible.
Didn't you once tell me that Martina
and Rodrigo were high school sweethearts?
Maybe she never got over him,
and now she wants revenge.
Maybe she never stopped loving him.
You think maybe she started it?
[Brenda] Look.
I don't wanna add fuel to the fire.
But resentment and even bitterness
are very strong motives to betray someone.
- What should I do?
- [Brenda] That's really your choice.
If I were you, I would confront them.
Is he even on a business trip?
Do you think
he might be with her right now?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Brenda] Be strong, Fer.
You deserve to know the truth.
This is the right thing to do.
This is such a personal thing
between you three.
Probably best not to mention me.
[suspenseful music continues]
I think what you're doing here
is pretty nasty.
Plus, it could end tragically.
[chuckles] If it all goes well,
today will be
the end of a very long friendship.
- [suspenseful music fades]
- [somber closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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