Panic (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


You can't run!
You can't hide!
I'm gonna get you.
[muffled] Help!
Hello? Help!
[gunshots continue]
[Spurlock] You better
hightail it out of here.
I got eight or nine holes
dug in the back
just for this.
[laughs sinisterly]
You know what?
I'm taking your asses down!
You shouldn't have
fucked with me!
You don't know what
you're dealing with!
[door creaks]
[gunshots continue]
[gunshots continue]
That's it.
Time for phase two.
[rats squeaking]
[rats squeaking]

You'd think they'd know better
than messing with me.
[footsteps departing]
[door closes]

[door creaks open]
All yours.

[footsteps overhead]
[whispers] What the hell?
[camera clicking]
[door creaks]
[clock ticking]
[floorboards creaking]
[TV playing in distance]

[man on TV] My ex-wife
Tanya and I

[Spurlock] Nobody's
ever left here alive.
This is the part I love.
[gunshots continue]
- Hey.
- Hey.
[Spurlock] Tracking you down!
Did you see Heather
leave the house?
No. Call and see
where she's at.
- [Natalie] Heather!
- [Heather] Where are you?
We're almost to the car.
Phone. Phone.
[camera clicking]
[Heather] I'm almost there.
Don't leave without me.
[engine starts]
I'm here, I'm here!
Let's get the fuck out of here.
- Did you remember
proof picture?
- Shit.
Two minutes.
[camera clicks]
[laughter echoing]
They try to catch me ♪
Catch me, catch me,
catch me if you can ♪
Catch me, catch me, catch me
if you can ♪
I'm just trying to get
these bands ♪
I just came up with a plan ♪
I was born to be the man ♪
Yeah, I was born to be
the man ♪
Catch me, catch me,
catch me if you can ♪
Catch me, catch me, catch me
if you can ♪
I was born to be the man ♪
I just came up with a plan ♪
I'm-a see it to the end ♪
Try to catch me if you can ♪
Catch me, catch me,
catch me if you can ♪
Catch me, catch me
It's for Players' Ball.
- Players' what?
- Players' Ball.
It's tradition for the emcee
to host a party
for the players and their
Wouldn't they have sent
an evite or something?
No, I think it's
more festive this way.
- Festive? Okay.
- [chuckles]
Here, I'll help you out.
How about that?
[car alarm blaring]
Hey, hey.
Can I get in the truck?
What in the fuck happened
to you?
- Can I get in
the fucking truck, Ray?
- Yeah, hop on in.
[music playing faintly]
You have a handkerchief?
What the fuck was that, Ray?
What the
What the fuck you?
Okay, do you know the
you know the guys I had
a deal going with
down in Galveston?
- Yup.
- Yeah, so,
I got a little bit behind
on paying them back on product.
You dumb piece of shit.
I mean, what kind of drug dealer
steals from their own supplier?
I mean, I was gonna
I was gonna pay it back.
I got till the end of summer.
I-I need back in the game, Ray.
[sighs heavily]
You're in a lot of trouble.
Lucky for you,
I know you so well.
- Okay.
- I knew you were gonna
fuck some shit up,
so I went ahead and grabbed you
one of these relics anyway.
Here, look.
Check it out.
I sent in your proof.
- Looks like a dick.
- You asshole.
[horses neighing]
- [snorting]
- [clucking]
[Anne] He's gonna take
his cues from you.
Horses are extremely intuitive.
My late husband used to say
we should sign him up
for jury duty.
[man] Hey, Anne. Anne.
Oh, shoot, I forgot Little Bill
was coming over today.
- Little Bill Kelly?
- Yeah. You know him?
Um, just from, like,
around town.
His dad was the sheriff
before Cortez was.
That's right.
You know he did two tours
in Afghanistan?
Took a bullet.
Missed his spine by an inch.
Came back, he was all
muddled up.
- I try to give him work
whenever I can.
- Howsit?
Yeah. Hey.
Yeah, it's that seed barn
over yonder?
Yeah. Let me get the truck.
Otherwise we have to hike
around the lake.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, boy.
Now, don't forget,
you got to be firm with him.
All right? He's got to know
that you're in control.
Ain't that right, boy?
Ain't that right?
I always wanted
a horse of my own.
I wanted a lot of things.
Horses can sense fear, you know.
- See ya.
- Bye.
- Hey.
- [horse snorts]
Good boy.
[Williams] You know
this town, Reverend.
We're looking for any kids
who have gotten themselves
into trouble this past year.
The idea is that
some of these kids
might be carrying around
pretty big scars.
I'm not a Catholic priest, John,
if you're looking
for confessions.
Who is that?
He looks familiar.
We keep our doors open,
as God commands.
"I am the door.
If anyone enters by Me,
he will be saved."
It's Hunt Kenny.
Graduated last year,
he works with his uncle
- over at the Autolot.
- Hunt Kenny.
I know that name.
He in here a lot?
Not as much as he should be.
[Langley] So, I saw
Abby's mom yesterday.
What about those notes
she said Abby was getting?
Well, I think
notes we never read
can't tell us very much,
now, can they?
You ask me my opinion,
I think Mary's trying
to find someone to blame.
You know, somewhere
to put her grief.
Trust me, I know the feeling.
Any luck on those security tapes
I asked you
- to pull from the granary?
- No.
What? The graffiti must have
come from somewhere, man.
Hernandez has been culling
through 20 hours' worth.
Nothing yet.
But I did run by the church
earlier, saw this kid
Hunt Kenny skulking around
a recovery meeting.
[Cortez] Yeah, Hunt
played football with Jimmy.
I knew I remembered his name
from somewhere.
It turns out,
we picked him up a few times.
Vandalism, reckless driving.
We even booked him
on possession once.
All right, Langley, I want you
to drop in on this Hunt kid
and see what kind of trouble
he's gotten himself into.
- Okay.
- Ooh, Williams.
Speaking of trouble,
one of your old friends
is back in town.
- What do you mean?
- Which is funny kind of
timing, 'cause I thought
for sure he was
Beaumont's problem now.
- No.
- As of today,
the prodigal son has returned.

[vehicle approaching]
[engine shuts off]
Grandpa still breathing?
Last I checked.
Here I was hoping
on some good news.
Come here, you little asshole.
[both laugh]
[both hollering]
So what the fuck,
you miss me or what?
- Fuck no.
- [laughs]
- Eh, no.
- Ah.
I missed borrowing
your car, though.
Yeah, I bet you do.
Only way your dumb ass
could get laid, huh?
- Mm-hmm?
- Mm-hmm.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it
to graduation, man.
I wanted to be there,
but I got this boss
that's riding my ass so hard.
Fucker won't even buy me flowers
on my birthday.
But, hey, I got you something.
- Hope you like it.
- Oh, come on!
- Get off of me!
- Special delivery
from your older brother.
Thank you.
[entry bell chimes]
- Do you sell wax paper?
- Uh yeah.
Uh, I mean, it's at the back.
You can't miss it.
- Yeah. It's just there.
- All right.
[Natalie] Okay, wow.
Okay. Bake a lot of cookies?
Maybe. No,
I'm just a photographer.
This, uh my flash diffusers
keep disappearing,
so these work just as well.
I recognize you.
You photographed my graduation.
Probably. I did, like,
uh, 13 of them this year.
I'm at Maverick.
- Oh, come on.
You don't remember me?
- I'm sorry.
Black gown?
Matching cap? Tassel?
You're the one with the, uh,
- with the amazing smile,
- Mm-hmm.
See, there it is.
Now I remember.
- Yeah.
- Remind me of your name again?
Uh, I'm Nat.
- Max.
- Hi.
[register beeping]
- So, time to pay.
- Oh, yes.
- Sorry.
- [chuckles]
The old money thing.
Uh, you photographed
the parade, too, right?
- Yeah, I freelance
for the county.
- Oh.
So I do rodeos,
parades, graduations,
- monster truck rallies.
- Hmm.
So what happened
to those graduation photos?
When do we get to see them?
I sent them over to the school,
- put a couple on the website.
- Do you do headshots?
Yeah. If you ever want one,
you should hit me up.
- It was nice to meet you.
- Yeah.
It's nice to meet you, too.
[bell chimes]
Ooh, what do you think, huh?
Manic pixie dream girl,
tragic ingenue,
dangerous seductress?
Uh, what?
It's outfits. Players' Ball?
Hmm. Okay, let me think.
What about tragic
pixie seductress?
[laughs softly]
- That's a real good one.
- Thank you.
Think it's something.
You tell me everything, right?
Why? What do you want to know?
Nothing, just, like,
if you had a secret,
you would tell me, right?
Oh, Heather, look,
it's, it's not a secret
you and Bishop are,
like, stupid in love.
It's just a cliché.
Whoa-ho, whoa.
- Wait.
- No?
That's not,
that's not what I meant.
- Uh-huh?
- For real, okay?
It was just more of, like,
a philosophical question.
Oh, of course.
Do you remember that list
of names I found
in Spurlock's tunnels?
You know that means
a judge was with us, right?
It's got to be Ray.
His grandfather
used to own that land.
I mean, I bet he picked it
for the underground,
so he could, like, run down
and make names
of whoever made it inside.
Uh, who else could it be?
Bishop and I are not in love,
by the way.
Oh, gosh.
I mean, every time
you guys make eye contact,
it's like your eyeballs
turn into tongues.
- [kissing]
- Okay, first of all,
- that's disgusting.
- Mm-mm.
Second of all,
he's my best friend.
No, you know what? You're right.
I-It's not a cliché,
being in love
with your best friend,
it's just, like,
the number one
Google search term.
- You're delusional.
- You're procrastinating.
Where you going?
I have to get Lily from camp.
- [grunts]
- Fine.
- Procrastinating!
- Okay.
[Hunt] I swear to God,
I've never played the game.
I got enough problems as it is.
[Langley] No shit.
Hunt, you had a rough year.
Jimmy talked about it, though?
Once or twice.
All right,
we talked about it, but
it was only because
we had a pool going.
Who did?
Some of the guys on the football
team had a bet going
against some of the girls
on the dance team.
We picked Jimmy to win.
That's why the guys were mad
when he kept fucking up.
The guys thought
he was keeping his score low
so Abby would go to finals.
Finals? Russian roulette?
Okay, you said that Jimmy
had to keep his score low,
so that means the game
is based on points?
- It's a point system?
- I told you, I never played.
Dude, you were
on the football team.
You had money in the pot.
Who made it to finals?
So why would Jimmy
have to keep his score low
to give Abby a spot?
Who else had the points
last year?
Cole Warren had the points.
But he fucked off
with some girl to Colorado
before the game was over.
I don't know who took his spot.
Can I go now?
- [door opens]
- When you do know, call me.
- [door closes]
- [Lily] And afternoons,
we're going to do drama
with Miriam.
We're even going
to write our own play.
[Heather] Yes, you told me.
That's very exciting.
Don't forget the permission
slips in the welcome packet.
Mom has to sign both or I can't
go on any of the field trips.
I will make sure
that she signs them,
- I promise.
- [Bo] Damn bitch.
Who does she think she is, man?
[Lily] What's he doing here?
- Leaving, looks like.
- I wish he'd stay gone.
- [engine starts]
- Hey, baby.
You forgot something.
Give them to your next whore.
Hey, you know what?
I'm done with you, Sherri.
- You understand?
- [tires screeching]
You promise?
Yeah, done!
Well, you two coming in,
or do I need to get
a watering can and plant you?
[country music playing softly]
You want to watch something,
the remote's right over there
on the couch.
- Lily? Dinner in five!
- [Lily groans]
[Lily] I'm reading.
What is all that stuff?
Um, stuff the library sent home.
Permission slips so Lily
can go on the field trips.
Do they cost money?
So, you and Bo broke up again?
Yeah. Found some photos
on his phone of some slut
he met down at the racetrack.
Got something for you.
That's $400 back of what I took.
I made a little extra
working a few weddings.
- I know it isn't much, but
- Thank you.
I just wish I didn't have
to take it in the first place.
You know?
How's the new job going?
That woman got you cleaning
her toilets yet?
No, I mostly just work
with the animals.
Just remember.
You're nobody's maid.
The city people come up here,
think they own the place
and everyone in it.
Anne's not really like that.
She's gonna teach me
to ride horses.
She gonna pay you for that?
[laughs softly]
Lily, dinner! Now!
[Lily] I need to finish
this chapter.
I swear, that girl's gonna get
her nose stuck
in a book one day.
I don't know
where she gets it from.
When I was her age,
you couldn't've paid me
to sit there reading.
Wish I could go back and smack
myself into some sense.
No, when I was young,
all I wanted to do
was hang out with my friends,
listen to music, smoke weed.
No, I should've finished school,
saved up my money.
- Sometimes I think
if I hadn't
- Hadn't what?
[whispering] All I know is,
you're not gonna end up
like I did.
You're too smart for that.
No, you're gonna figure out
what you want,
and you're gonna go after it.

[dog barking]
[grunts softly]
Uh, hey.
- What are you doing here?
- Um
Have you seen my sweatshirt?
- Your sweatshirt?
- Yeah.
The green one
with all the patches on it.
You drove all the way out here
to see if I have
your sweatshirt?
I tried to call you.
My phone's dead.
Uh, left my charger
in my dad's car.
So you haven't seen it.
Okay, well,
um, I
um, better get back
to canvassing.
You know, the first 48 hours
after a sweatshirt goes missing
are the most important.
Why are you being so weird?
Could we talk
for a second, inside?
- Uh, yeah, n-now's
not a great time.
- [phone ringing]
I thought you said
your phone was dead.
- Yeah, um, I
- [door opens]
[Leela] Oh.
Hey. Bishop, your phone.
- Uh, uh
- I didn't know
you were coming over.
Yeah, neither did I. [chuckles]
U-Uh, c-could you
give us a minute?
Sure, no problem.
- [door closes]
- [Heather] Uh
- Right. Yeah.
- Heather.
- H-Heather.
- I just can't believe
I stood there
word-vomiting at you and
you didn't tell me
that she was
You should have told me.
Look, it's-it's not
what you think.
What I think is
that it's awesome.
You're, you-you-you're
not upset?
Upset? No. I
I am the opposite of upset.
I'm, I'm really happy for you.
W-Well, it seems
like you're upset.
I just
I just can't believe
you didn't tell me.
You know,
we're best friends, right?
Friends are supposed
to tell each other things.
- Especially, like, that thing.
- Heather
Heather, wait. I
I have something
to say to you, too.
And-and I-I've wanted to say it
for a while, but I'm
I-I'm scared
of losing you as a friend.
These-these past few months,
I've felt
a change.
I felt A-And I felt
like-like you might feel
See, the-the thing is
we've been best friends
for a while
and I don't want to
Me neither.
Oh, my God. Me neither. Um
You and me, like that, is
I've never thought
about you like that.
Like, not even for,
like, a split-second,
thought about you like that.
I mean, you're like my brother.
You know, the idea
of kissing you is, like
So, we're on the same page.
Yeah, I-I just
wanted to make sure.
So that it wouldn't be weird
with Leela.
Not weird.

I told you, I am not going.
Yeah, I'm not gonna
let you wallow.
I'm not wallowing.
Uh, yeah, this is
the definition of wallowing.
All right, listen.
You're going to Players' Ball,
you're gonna have fun,
you're gonna look hot.
You're gonna forget
all about Bishop. Fuck him.
we really need to fix you up.
[Natalie] You look so good.
I did a great job. Ready?
- Sure.
- [laughs]
- Ta-da.
- Ooh.
Oh, come on, you look amazing.
No, I Yeah, no, I just,
I feel like, I feel like
I'm trying to look good.
But you look super hot.
Who cares if you nailed it?
[clears throat]
[phone chimes and buzzes]
[laughs softly]
Who are you texting?
Um, no one. Just Dodge.
- Mm.
- He said he'd drive us.
What? What are you looking at?
Why do you blush
when you say Dodge's name?
I don't blush.
I mean, we can't win unless
we know the competition, so
Oh, right,
'cause he's a "tactic"? Right.
Haven't you ever heard
"keep your enemies close"?
[both laugh]
- You're scary sometimes.
- Only sometimes?
- Mm-hmm.
- [laughs]
Okay, you win.
I think he's cute.
[laughs] Aha!
And you know I like mysteries.
- Like father, like daughter.
- Ha, very funny.
Let's go.
I wanna see the light
with no light switch ♪
Pretending you is nice,
you ain't nice, bitch ♪
- [laughs]
- Ain't never made your bed ♪
I made mine great ♪
I made this flavor taste,
you just bite it ♪
I know that pocket empty,
but my life so packed
Welcome. I'll take that.
I'm an action girl, workin'
with a lot of passion, girl ♪
Make my own way, pass you,
don't pass me, girl ♪
So you won't toss back
the torch ♪
Ain't gonna light,
why you gotta mass-destroy? ♪
Oh, holy shit.
Luke Hall is here.
I thought he moved away.
[Heather] Or wasn't he
in jail or something?
He played Panic?
Uh, he won Panic.
Didn't he hit a pedestrian
with his car playing Joust?
No, there was no Joust
that year.
Luke won in Roulette.
No one else would touch the gun.
[Summer] I heard that Luke
and Conrad Spurlock
were in a stolen car.
- Bullshit.
- That
- [Summer] It's not bullshit.
- [Troy] Uh, absolutely,
the fact that
you have three kings is?
- [Natalie] Hey, you okay?
- Huh?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.
I'm gonna grab a drink.
You want anything?
- Mmm
- Shots.
- Yeah. I'll have
what she's having.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
[Shawna] Anyways, Hunt says
the story, it's all bullshit.
Yeah. Fake news.
Yeah. If he actually hit
somebody, they'd be in jail.
- [Shawna] Exactly.
- [Summer] Well,
Spurlock and the D.A.
are friends from high school.
So you think he helped
to cover up a murder?
No, he didn't kill the girl.
She's just paralyzed.
My cousin works
at a hospital in Freetown,
and he says that she's gonna be
in a wheelchair for life.
[Shawna] Jesus. That sucks.
- [cheering, laughter]
- Let's go, let's go ♪
Pump it up to the next,
let's go ♪
I know we know you know ♪
Pump it up to the next,
let's go, let's go ♪
Let's go, pump it up
to the next, let's go ♪
I know you know we know ♪
Pump it up to the next level,
let's go
- Hey, girl.
- Hey.
Let's go, let's go,
pump it up to the next
- Bienvenido a Casa Diggins.
- [cheers]
- I got a beverage.
- Ah, thank you.
And I see you've been
having some fun.
Nice dress.
[clears throat]
It looks good on you.
- Oh.
- Of course,
it would look better
on my floor.
Please don't tell me that line
actually works on some girls.
- I'm usually the one
working on them.
- Mm.
Did you download your
whole personality from Tinder,
or did you have to get
the douchebag custom?
- Um, it's definitely
one of a kind. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
You are an onion of clichés
about terrible people.
[exhales] Yeah?
So what do you want me to say?
Um [clears throat]
I want you to be, like, real.
Like a real person
for, like, two seconds,
instead of a walking condom ad.
[exhales] You want me
to be real with you?
I'll be real with you.
I like the way
that you bite your lip.
I like the way
that you walk around
like the world
is a crowded elevator
and your body's
just some luggage
you're trying to shrink up
so it doesn't bother anybody.
I like your body.
I like to think
about touching it.
I like to think about
how long it would take me
to walk my fingers
across every single inch of it
without missing a spot.
- [clears throat]
- Is that real enough for you?
'Cause it's all bullshit.
A line's a line, sweetheart,
even if it's dressed up pretty.
At least mine are honest.
- You're a fucking asshole.
- So I've heard.
But what do you care
what I think about you, right?
You don't care.
Like you said
at the last challenge,
you'd rather fucking die.

Fuck you.
Bye, guys. See you later.
See it in your eyes,
we 'bout to fuck
How come you never laugh?
- I laugh.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, I laugh.
- Of course.
I laugh when I think things
are actually funny.
Ouch. Okay.
Is this funny?
- [laughs]
- Seriously?
Not seriously. Come on.
- Laugh.
- Okay. Okay.
- I'll laugh if you stop
splashing me.
- I can't.
I'm a dolphin.
- You're a dolph
You're a dolphin?
- [making dolphin sounds]
I'm a dolphin woman.
- It's a real struggle.
- Okay, okay, okay.
You win, dolphin.
Half-dolphin person.
I think you're afraid.
What do you think I'm afraid of?
I don't know.
But I want to find out.
You want to know
what I'm afraid of?
[Natalie cries out]
[both laughing]
[making dolphin sounds]
I'm tryin' to dance on it,
I'm tryin' to dance on it ♪
I'm tryin' to, I'm tryin' to,
I'm tryin' to dance on it ♪
Ah, ah, let me show you
how to dance on it ♪
Find a ballin' ♪
Spend some bands on it,
bands on it ♪
Hell yes.
[all shouting and laughing]
- You wanna tap that?
You wanna smack that? ♪
- Yeah!
Freakin' idiot.
Send it in the cash app ♪
You want that that?
Where the bag at? ♪
It ain't trickin' if you
got it, send the cash app ♪
I want a with some ice
to come and drip it on me ♪
I want a pushin' bricks
to come and flip it on me ♪
Heavy weight up in the streets
but he ain't slippin' on me ♪
Water whippin' in the kitchen,
spend a ticket on me ♪
I been the one,
you know what's up ♪
Hop in the whip,
it's goin' up ♪
He keep a blick,
you know it's tuck
Your lips look really soft.
Thank you.
Like tiny lip pillows.
Yeah, well, Troy told me
if you exfoliate
- Oh, oh, yep, that's my lips.
- [both laugh]
Oh, my God, I love this song.
- Don't you love this song?
Everybody loves this song.
- [stammers]
You know who doesn't
love this song?
Actually, who cares?
Who fucking cares
if he loves me or not?
It. If he loves it or not.
By the way ♪
Honey, you're the only one ♪
There's a sickness to love ♪
And I don't know why

Are you gonna be okay?

[music playing faintly]
Nice ride.
Be a shame to see it
all banged up.
It's Dodge's.
I'm not driving.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy now. Easy now.
Watch the paint job.
Fuck you.
Cars are just like girls,
you know?
Treat 'em nice and gentle
And what, you can
ride 'em longer?
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
Do you have any feelings
at all
that don't come
straight from your penis?
I get hungry sometimes.
[both chuckle]
Wow. Hey.
- You're already trashed.
- [sighs]
When the ride's over,
you get off, sweetheart.
Party's that way, you know.
My grandpa used to drink
this shit in handles.
Used to
beat ice right down
into the bottle.
I could always tell
it was vodka night,
'cause the smell of piss from
his bedroom would keep me up,
even if I kept the windows open.
It's funny how
I liked that smell.
[bottle shatters]
It meant he'd stayed away
from whiskey.
He'd stay on his feet
and we woke up
'cause we heard him coming.
I feel like smashing everything.
I want to know
how Jimmy Cortez felt
when he put the barrel
of the gun in his mouth.
But most of the times
I feel like nothing at all.
Is that good enough for you?
[Heather shudders]
Do you ever want
something good to happen?
A really good thing?
Or, like, maybe
you think something good
is gonna happen
and you want it so much
that you forget that
it's not true already?
I don't think good things
are gonna happen to me anymore.
Keeps me
from being disappointed.
That's sad.
You're the one crying
in a parking lot.
[sighs, shudders]
I was not crying.
Oh. Then you have really,
really sweaty eyes.
[chuckles softly]
You know
you and I are a lot alike.
Okay, let's go,
let me have it. Come on.
We're both trash.
[exhales softly]
Wow, thank you.
So, do I take my underwear off
now or later?
I mean we're trash people.
We're the shitty exit
of a nowhere town
in a place
that nobody wants to be.
You know what people see
when they look at us?
Coupons that go in the garbage.
They see dirt that washes off
in their fancy showers.
They see shitty clothes
they'd never wear,
shitty jobs
they'd never want to work.
They can't roll their windows up
fast enough
to keep out the smell of poor.
But can I tell you something?
I love that smell.
Rich girls smell like plastic.
You turned into a bird
that night.
I don't know what you are.
It doesn't matter
that you're pretty.
I don't care.
I saw you fly.

[clattering nearby]
What is it?
I don't know.
I thought I heard something.
[girl] Over here, guys, come on!
[girl 2] Check it out,
it's starting.
We should split up.
Fine by me.
"Friday. From Dusk till Dawn.
Graybill House. "
Can't wait to clean this shit.
It's still wet.
Couldn't have gone up
more than a few minutes ago.
But that means
The judges are here.
At least one of them, anyway.

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