Paradise City (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Man of the Hour

Let me get this straight.
The singer is also
the promoter of the show.

-How does that work?
-Apparently, it works real good.
-There's nothing that
you have to worry about
with me and Johnny.
-What kind of piece of shit
are you?
-The kind that can ruin
a little bitch like you.
-How about that? [laughing]
-Come with me, ma'am.
-Is that your girlfriend?
-That's my sweet pumpkin pie.
Can you swab her cheek
when you get a chance?
-You don't want to
come meet her?
-Until I know for sure
she's mine, I--
I got enough goin' on.
-The baby's grandmother
is sitting across from me
at the Rainbow,
and she wants
quite a bit of money,
-otherwise, everyone finds out.
-Damn straight.
-We all have fucked up
personal lives, Johnny.
That doesn't give us a pass
to just put the band last.
Well, nothin' lasts forever
That includes me and you
-ELIAS: We're just
going to Maui, it's not
an international flight.
-WOMAN: I understand, but unless
you have the documentation
to verify your relationship
with the child--
-Can I just give my ID?
-Code Bravo. Code Bravo!
-The officer's taking the baby.
-The ba-- What?
-Sir, I need--
I need you to calm down.
-What did you do?

You know, I'm just trying
to figure this all out.
I don't understand how you
ended up with this baby
in my airport.
-Okay. I've been taking care of
babies for years.
They're all big babies.
So now, I got a real baby
because one of my big babies
knocked up a chick,
and she doesn't want the baby.
-He doesn't want the baby--
-This doesn't make any sense
to me.
-Just-- Just hold on.
I need you to be
a lot more specific than
what you're saying.
I don't-- Big baby,
little baby, knock--
-Have you ever tried to stop
a baby from crying?
You don't have kids.
I can tell you don't have kids.
Formula makes a baby
just shit like mud.
You're changing
the diaper and
it's just all over your hands
and everything.
-[door buzzes]
-Yeah, I don't really care
about that,
I just need to know why--
-Hey, hey.
-Well, not quite.
-Elias, this is Lizzie Thomas,
Faith Faust's grandmother.
-Oh, wow.
-Hey, it's a real honor
to meet you, sir.
-My daughter's been
buying your records
since eighth grade.
-See? She must have
a great set of ears on her.
-And some pretty fine genes.
-[laughs] Thank you.
-Ma'am, are you the legal
guardian of this child?
-Well, I'm its grandmother.
-I understand, that's great,
but do you have documentation
of guardianship?
-Like, on me right now? No.
-Where's the baby's mother?
-Meet my new friend.
He-- He's charming,
isn't he?
-I tell you what,
I'm gonna go use the phone,
I'll be right back.
-And how do you fit in
with all this?
-Who, me?
I'm with the band.
-Are you dating
the grandmother?
-Am I dating the grand-- No,
I-- Why, are you interested?
She's gonna cut my head off
But I don't care,
I don't care ♪
She's gonna cut my head off
But I don't care
-[women laughing]
[indistinct dialog]
-Welcome to The Hill Grill.
-[laughing] Yo. Let me get
a foot long Italian.
-Okay, uh,
what would you like on it?
-Uh, everything.
I takes it all
and I get it all.
We're working, girl.
-Oh, oh, oh, dollars flyin'.
-I got too much of it.
-We got a lot of 'em.
-Okay, that's two but
some olives and some, uh,
you know, extra--
-Get that good one there,
get that good one.
-The good stuff.
The crunchy stuff,
you know what I mean?
-Okay. Uh, do you want
these subs as meals?
-Uh, yeah,
we gonna eat 'em, girl.
-As in chips and a drink.
-Yes, a meal.
Can I get the good tomatoes,
and I want the brown mustard,
I don't want that yellow shit.
-Oh, and she also said that
she didn't want avocado,
but I did.
She started to put
avocado in there.
-I'm sorry,
I know you started,
but can you please
toast it for me?
[cell phone buzzing]
-I'm working. What?
-LIZZIE: Sweetie,
I'm here with Faith,
Johnny's manager and
the record label boss.
-What the hell
are you talking about?
-LIZZIE: I'm in L.A.
I need you to come here
right away.
-I swear to God,
if you are really there
right now starting shit--
-LIZZIE: The police
have Faith, Vivian.
We can't get her back
unless you're here.
I ain't foolin'. I'm having
these two industry fellas
book you a first class flight
right now.
-Oh, my God.
-Misty, she's on the phone.
-Yo! Bitch!
Where the fuck is my sub?
Get off the phone! I'm hungry!
-I'm sorry, I'm just dealing
with something with my daughter.
-Bitch, I don't care about
no baby mama drama.
-Thank you.
-Okay? You up in here
makin' my sandwich--
-LIZZIE: Hello?
-And I'm hungry!
Get the fuck back to work!
-There you go. Meat, cheese,
avocado, lettuce.
BOTH: Meat, cheese,
avocado, lettuce.
Meat, cheese,
avocado, lettuce.
-Make your own
goddamn sandwich!
But I don't care
They say you clean up nice
Just like a dead man
-[bell dings]
-MAN [on PA]:
Hello, everyone, this is
your captain speaking.
-MAN: Please take your seats,
we are ready for departure.
Our estimated time of arrival
in Los Angeles is 7 a.m.
Let's see.
Right here.
-Thanks. Of course.
Thank you.
-Hey, did-- didn't I meet you
at the bus station?
-You sure did.
-Uh, where's that beautiful
little angel of yours?
-I'm actually on my way
to see her right now.
Looks like we both got a little
upgrade to our travel game.
When people choose to
help us or be generous,
it can be a blessing,
as long as we don't
take advantage
or be malicious, you know?
Easier said than done
these days, it seems.
-Wow. It's synchronistic that
you'd say that to me right now.
I'm Vivian.
-What brought you
out to Vegas?
-[sighs] They call it Sin City
for a reason.
I'm needed here all the time.
-What do you do?
-I do my best.
[jet engines roaring]
-MAN: Good morning,
Today marks the three-year
of the passing of beloved
manager of The Relentless,
Ricky Rollins.
And how does the band
mark the occasion?
By getting into
more effing trouble.
-WOMAN: What you got?
-You want some? All right.
-Yeah, fucking bring it.
-How about that?
-MAN: Girlfriend and bassist
Lily Mayflower
was arrested yesterday,
driving a wedge between
front man Johnny Faust
and his ex-lover and band mate.
Some speculate the band's
comeback is even legit.
No new album date
has been announced,
and the band
hasn't been seen publicly
since their Roxy performance.
Is this
the band's renaissance,
or a complete rupture?

-Hey, lady! How much for
a golden shower?
-Ha, ha. Very funny.
I can't believe they made me
stay 24 hours for disorderly,
but that lady's
not pressing charges.
Hey, beautiful.
-Yes, really.
-I had to piss, and somehow
that lady made me lose my shit.
-So you decide to piss on her
in the middle of
a coffee shop?
In mid day!
-Are you fucking kidding me?
I just spent the night
in jail.
You know what?
-It's not "whatever," Jade.
It's my fucking life.
This band is fucking
important to me. Okay?
The Relentless,
we're finally back.
And now,
it's all gone to shit again.
And you couldn't have waited
two minutes
when you knew Gretchen
was about to get there.
-I'm so sorry that Gretchen
is not on the top of my list.
-Well, she should be.
The Relentless is how
I pay for this fucking car!
And our fucking rent!
-I wasn't thinking of it
in that moment.
I mean, are you kidding me?
It's not like I woke up
today thinking,
"Hmm, how could I fuck
Lily's day up today?"
-Well, you did, and now
Johnny hates me all over again.
-So, what band
you singin' for again?
-Fuck off, Dylan.
-Not right now with
the jokes, please.
With the shit that
you just pulled,
I'm back to square one!
-Yeah. Well, all that history
started way before me.
-You're selfish.
-Can you just drive?
I would love to take
a shower right now.
-Golden shower?
-Go back to London, Dylan.
[car starts]
-WOMAN [on PA]:
Welcome to Los Angeles.
Please remain in your seat
with your seatbelt fastened.

[door buzzes]
-Hello there, sunshine.
-Mom, what did you do?
-I made some progress
is what I did.
By the way, this is
my beautiful daughter,
Vivian Thomas.
-Vivian, it's a pleasure.
-Hey. Oh
-I apologize for anything
my mom has done
to make this more difficult.
How did this end up
at the airport?
Oh, God. Does Johnny
know what's going on?
-That's a good question.
-Yeah, um, I-- I guess.
[stammers] Are they bringing
Faith back in here?
What did they say? Did they--
-Yeah, I mean, I just--
I just signed for her.
-They've had her, like,
so long.
I-- I--
They just took her from me.
When Faith comes back in here,
why don't we all just
go back to my house
and-- and talk about this?
-We can all go in my car.
Yeah, I think maybe Vivian and
I should travel separately.
[door buzzes]
-Oh, girl.
-Oh, my God.
-LIZZIE: Hey, squirt.
-[door buzzes]
-Yeah, let's get the fuck
out of here.
Thanks for ruining
my only vacation.
First one in 25 years.
[traffic noise]
[baby crying]
-Look, it ain't my fault that
the record label man
didn't know that he
couldn't fly with the kid.
-Mom, I'm not mad that
I had to come out here.
I'm mad that you're trying
to hold them up for money.
It's blackmail.
-Blackmail? Really?
Let me get this straight.
Let's see if the numbers
are right.
The mother of this child
is demanding $1 million
to keep quiet,
plus $250,000 a year to renew
promise of silence contract
until the child is
18 years old.
-That's over
five million bucks.
-That's a lot of bucks.
-Okay, so why don't you
tell me how,
in your magical
fantasy world,
you plan on paying for
veterinary school?
You know, your father
didn't have a life insurance.
We have $1300 in the bank,
so why don't you go ahead
and educate me.
-It's either that or
Johnny faces the music.
-AKA loses Gretchen.
Right. Then what,
loses his sobriety,
loses his focus on the band,
loses God knows what else.
-DRIVER: You want to go to
veterinary school, huh?
That's admirable,
I love animals.
You know, the, uh, two-legged
animals in this town
are a lot worse than
the four-legged ones.
Right or wrong?
-Wait. You were my Uber driver
last time I was here.
-[gasps] Oh, yeah,
yeah, yeah, that, uh--
You know,
I think I talk too much,
'cause my ratings went down
and they gave me the boot,
so, yeah,
I'm kickin' it old school.
Drivin' a taxi.
So, gonna tell me why
you're really here?
Hm? Who's the baby daddy?
-ELIAS: It's the kid
we gotta worry about.
She needs a home 'cause
that chick, she don't--
she don't wanna raise her,
the way she
walked into the office,
just handed her over-- Boop!
-Yeah, yeah,
the kid needs a home,
but I think we should
negotiate with these people,
I mean, that's
a fuckin' lot of money.
-DRIVER: We goin' back to
the record label?
Come on, ladies,
talk to me!
-Miss, you have
the directions, right?
You have GPS. Why don't you
just look at the road
and stop talking now.
Thank you.
-[clears throat]
Sorry. I'm sorry.
You are absolutely right,
You know,
I've heard the road to Hell is
paved with good intentions.
Whoo, Hollywood Hills,
here we come!
-[baby fussing]
-ELIAS: It's the grandma.
-Yeah, exactly,
it's the grandma.
She's calling the shots.
She's got an itchy
trigger finger,
she's ready to go
right to the tabloids.
I don't trust her.
She's got
a crazy look in her eye.
Don't know,
you look into her eyes,
you don't know what
she's gonna do.
It's like a--
kind of witch eyes.
-[cell phone buzzes]
-You know what I mean?
Who's that?
Why are they calling you?
-We'll find out.
Hey, hello.
-Well, you are quite
the puppet master these days
with that big band of yours.
Lot of headlines this week.
-Yeah, that's me, mad genius.
Pullin' strings.
What's the special occasion?
-Why's it gotta be a special
occasion for me to call you?
-Because every time
you fucking call,
there's some agenda you got.
Now, why don't you just
own it and speak.
-Well, I would like to buy
your company.
So, why don't you say--
-[phone beeps]
-Puke nose dipshit.
-Did you just hang up on him?
-Fuckin' ant head.
-Wow, just like that, huh?
Hang up on Oliver Ostergaard.
-Yeah, you have no idea.
I'll never forgive that
puke nose
for what he did to me.
-I have never seen you get
hung up on like that before.
I mean, there's gotta be
a different approach
we can take with Elias.
Maybe we have legal send him
a big formal offer.
-It's never been about money
with him.
When we started Pantheon,
he had this vision in his head
that it was gonna be all about
the music and the artists,
and the business would just
fall into place.
But when I decided that
it was time to grow up,
to build a company,
he decided he didn't want
to be friends anymore.
-[scoffs] Okay.
What if we offer him
a major stock option
so he feels like
he's a part of us?
On top of the offer.
-He despises the fact that
I'm publicly traded.
It's just who he is.
Doesn't matter how many
great records we made together.
Just couldn't take the punk rock
out of the old bastard.
[phone chimes]

[phone buzzes]
-Hey, babe.
How's the studio?
-Um, yeah, it's-- it's fine.
I-- I gotta meet up
with Elias later.
Hey, do you wanna go get sushi
and see a movie tonight?
-GRETCHEN: Sure, yeah.
That-- That sounds fun.
-I love you.
-GRETCHEN: I love you, too.
[phone beeps]
-[baby cooing]
-Why don't we just
try to come to a--
a fair compromise on
the finances.
-Well, I think what
we're asking is fair.
-Um, Vivian,
if Johnny agrees to
the numbers,
why don't you just
raise Faith yourself?
-Same reason Johnny
isn't raising her.
I have my own dreams.
-Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
-Johnny and I both have to sign
off on adoption papers, right?
-Yes, you do.
-Well, you seem to
get along with her.
You like her.
Yeah. You have kids,
are you married?
-I don't have any kids.
[door closes]
-Well, there he is,
the man of the hour.
-Of course.

I can hear my train coming
It's a lonesome
and distant cry ♪
-ADAM: Look, we all want
what's best for Faith.
I think we just need to be
a little reasonable
about the money.
-JOHNNY: No, it's fine.
I just-- I want to find
the right home for Faith,
I want-- I want her to have
amazing parents.
-[baby fussing]
-JOHNNY: I want Vivian
to be taken care of.
And if that means
it's expensive, then so be it.
-Well, I don't see why
y'all can't just take turns
and raise her together,
I mean
why do you have to
give her away to strangers?
-Well, if Johnny wasn't
gettin' married,
and, uh, in a full time
touring band,
we might be having
a different conversation.
-I don't know that
we would be.
I don't even want to
think about the scarring
that would happen to her from
learning how she was conceived.
I did that interview before
I even knew she existed.
I don't have my shit together
enough to be a parent.
Especially when
there's responsible,
happily married people
out there
wishing they could bring
a child into the world.
I-- I mean, Adam, aren't you
and Janice the perfect example?
-Okay, um, it's been
a long 24 hours.
None of us have really slept,
so, um,
maybe we ought to get
these ladies some rest.
-We'll talk about this later.
Doesn't have to be
decided right now,
so do you guys have
any place to stay?
-Not yet.
-Well, you can stay here
if you want.
I got room.
-Much obliged.
starting to freeze
What makes a man
Want to break
a heart with ease? ♪

What makes a man
I think I might know
What makes a man
I think I might know
What makes a man
-Is she always
this well behaved?
-I think she likes you.
I can hear my train coming
Looks like time
is on my side ♪
I can hear my train coming
I'm still
runnin' for my life ♪
What makes a man pray
When he's about to die?
-Thank you.
[phone buzzes]
Shit. It's their agent.
-Just answer it,
and be yourself.
-Hello, this is Simon.
-MAYA: Hey, Simon,
it's Maya.
So Pauly told me you did
a great job for them last night
and the show was sold out.
-Um, yeah. Yeah, no, it was--
it was packed in there.
-MAYA: Well,
me and Jay are done,
and he is not a fan of yours.
-Yeah, um, he seems to think
he owns the whole area
when it comes to rock shows,
like, no one's allowed to
but him.
-MAYA: Well, I'm surprised
he didn't try to
sabotage your show last night.
Anyway, I have to move
all of my club shows
on the calendar with him.
How do you feel about
taking them on?
-Oh, my God. Really? Wow.
I-- I would love to.
Is that actually an option?
-MAYA: Oh, it's an option,
if you could send us
50 percent deposit
for all of them
with signed contracts.
It's five shows over
the next six weeks.
-How much is the deposit?
-MAYA: 12,000.
-[phone beeps]
-Are you out of your mind?
-Hey, it's a long way to the top
if you wanna rock and roll.
-MAYA: Hello? Simon?
You still there?
-Yeah, I'm-- I'm here.
Um yeah, we can--
we can do it, I can do it.
-MAYA: Great.
My assistant will email you
the details on each show
and the wire info
and then we'll lock it up.
-All right. Perfect.
Thank you so much.
-MAYA: Talk soon.
-Holy shit.
-Look at you, big time.
-Okay, but now I have to
find a new venue.
I don't even have a place
to put these shows.
-Well, I mean,
just take my car
and go hit up every bar
and billiard hall in town.
You're gonna find something.
-That doesn't solve
the deposit issue.
We don't have 12 grand.
-Uh, since when did not having
enough money ever stop us?
-Guess it doesn't.
-Don't Bogart that joint,
my friend,
pass it over to me!
-I'm sorry.
-You are so selfish.
-What? I'm selfish?
-MAYA: Hey, boys.
Come on in.
Come on, give me a hug.
-How you doin'?
-Hey. So, are you guys ready
to headline your own Ozzfest?
-Well, you've always been
our Sharon.
-All right, have you guys
thought of any names yet?
-No. None that really stuck.
We did discuss it, though,
and we--
we want to dedicate
the festival to Ricky.
Today's the three anniversary
of his death,
and if it weren't for him,
we wouldn't even be a thing.
-God rest his soul.
I'll never forget
the first time he came in here
to pitch me on you guys.
[British accent] They're really
fuckin' brilliant, Miss Maya.
No EDM folk hipster
indie bullshit.
-Oh, my God.
-They're a real
fuckin' rock band.
-It's like he's in the room.
-Yes, I know,
I sound just like him.
-And the rest is history.
[sighs] Okay, guys.
Here's the deal.
Hit Parader's getting into
the music festival business.
-Damn. Really?
-And if you're open to it,
they'd like to partner with us.
-Um, yeah.
But can we do it in D.C.?
You know, we want to bring back
the spirit of rock
when there was
a cultural consequence.
You know,
show people that this music
is about unity and change,
and, you know, I'm just--
Thank you.
I'm just so tired of watching
political opinions
divide our fans
and everyone around us.
-Well, I like the vision, Vic.
So, what are you guys thinking?
Stadium? Open field?
-Uh, no, needs to be outside.
-Yeah, in the grass and dirt.
Stadiums just don't have
the same magic as open fields.
-Well, it's gonna have to be
outside of the D.C. borders
in Virginia
because they have this
massive fairground there
that has a liquor license,
and they just got permitted
for concerts.
-Well, I mean,
if Hit Parader are puttin' their
entire machine behind this,
you know, front cover of
the magazine,
push the festival on
their network,
could be pretty perfect.
And they're a huge brand,
legendary at this point.
-Only thing I would want to
watch out for
is fuckery with the money.
-No, because we'll oversee
from the parking to
the concessions
to the merch, ticket sales,
even sponsorship.
The days are over taking
a flat fee from a corporation
while they force feed
Bud Lights to your fans.
Okay? We are the corporation.
-This is gonna be about
you and your fans. Okay?
-So, how real is this?
-Oh, this is about
as real as it gets, baby.
-All right.
-Michelle, can you get
Ash on the phone?
-MICHELLE: You got it.
-All right, the new owner
of Hit Parader
is totally erratic
and impulsive and crazy,
and he's got
crazy mood swings,
but he will throw down
real coin.
-MICHELLE: Ash from Hit Parader
is on line one.
-Let's do it.
-Hey, Ash, this is Maya.
-ASH: Mayushka.
How are you, baby?
-Are you ready to have
The Relentless
headline the very first
Hit Parader festival?
-I'm listening. Where?
-Outside of D.C.
-ASH: D.C.?
The Relentless invades
the nation's capital.
Okay, I'm in.
But that-- that's gonna be
heavy security;
drug dogs, metal detectors.
I mean, it's never been
a worse time
in the history
of live music for deaths.
Overdosing, shot's fired--
-Okay. Okay, Ash.
Um, so come by your office
this week
to get some ink to paper?
-ASH: Okay, I like that,
Miss Maya.
One more thing.
Maybe you tell the band
no pissing on the customers.
Save that fetish stuff
for the backstage.
Sick bastards.
And have that well-spoken
guitarist go on Pinfield tonight
and give a little hint of
what's to come.
-Dude, whatever,
you take this one.
-Are-- Are you sure?
-Yeah. No, I've got
stuff to do tonight anyway.
-ASH: Miss Maya,
what are you doing tonight?
Maybe we can have
a nice bottle of red wine,
maybe go have a movie.
You know,
I love rock and roll,
you are the queen of
rock and roll.
Maybe together, we'll have
a little rock and roll.
-Okay, boys. Bye.
-[phone line clicks]
-Well, cheers.
-Cheers. Yes!
-[glasses clink]
-Hit Parader.
-MATT PINFIELD: So We've got
a big announcement
pertaining to The Relentless
finally returning to
the east coast,
and I know your fans are
really excited about it.
-Oh, we're very excited, too.
-Hanging out with
guitarist Vic Lakota
here on the show today,
and, Vic,
I've gotta ask you,
what do you think about
Kanye West's recent rant
about mind control,
and Beyoncé's drummer
accusing her of
practicing witchcraft
and filing
a restraining order?
-Well, I mean, I--
I don't practice Santería,
but I-- I guess sometimes truth
can be stranger than fiction.
But, no, I can't comment
one way or the other
on any of that stuff,
it's not my place.
-Crazy stuff goin' on in
the music business right now.
Now, our number one request
from our viewers
is to talk about the occult and
the Illuminati in Hollywood.
Now, knowing
your band's history,
how do you feel about this,
and, uh,
do you guys still engage in
ceremonies or rituals?
-Uh, no. No, no, no.
No, um,
actually, ever since our
original manager died,
we, um--
we all swore against it,
none of us go anywhere near
any of that stuff anymore.
-Is that right?
-Dear Ricky,
beloved spirit,
I ask permission
to communicate.
Please speak to us
and move among us.
-His ashes are all that's
left on this earth.
His memories are all that's
left in your mind.
Now let Ricky's essence
fill your lungs.

Now let Ricky's essence
fill your brain.
-WOMAN: Now,
let Ricky join us tonight.

-You just want to pay 'em off.
You're sure that's how
you want to handle this?
-I'm sure.
-Now, where's the money
gonna come from?
-If my manager can find it,
I'm ready to work.
-Look, I think we should
offer the family
half what they're asking,
first of all.
-Her dad is dead
because of me.
-You can't blame yourself
for somebody's suicide.
-It's too late, Adam.
Dylan and I fucked her
and her mom on a bus
high out of our minds
just to be debaucherous.
If that gets out,
people will know
it was Vivian
and her mother.
I-- I can't-- I can't be
responsible for that,
I've done too much damage
-Okay, all right, all right.
I'll take care of it, okay?
It'll all be fine.
-There she is.
One more thing.
Lily's out.
-She's gone.
-That's the stupidest
fuckin' idea I've ever heard.
We'll talk about it later.
-Hi. I can't stay.
You look fantastic.
Enjoy dinner.
-Bring Janice to a game.
-Oh, yeah, that'd be great.
-We'll talk later, Johnny.
-Bye. Good to see you.

[thunder rumbling]
Dom, wake up,
it's your turn to drive.
Yo, yo!
-I ain't drivin'.
Make Kevin drive.
just stick to the order.
-My wife paid for this new RV.
Kevin's gonna drive.
Jesus Christ.
Wake up, man.
Wake up, Kevin.
Wake up, Kevin!
What, man! Fuck you!
Untie me, piece of shit!
-You've gotta drive,
you sloppy fuck.
-I ain't drivin',
it's your turn!
I'm still hammered!
-Yo, let me get some water.
-KEVIN: Fuckin' piss bottles
all over me!
-Why are we driving so far?
Maya should have booked us
in Carolina.
Dom, she tried everywhere in
the Carolinas, North and South.
-Maybe Elias should work the new
record a little bit harder.
-It's not whatever!
No one in Charlotte, Raleigh,
Winston-Salem, Wilmington,
Charleston, Myrtle Beach,
no one within 400 miles,
not one single promoter,
is willing to pay your ass
to get on stage.
We're goin' to
Chattanooga, bro.
Think about it
for a second. Fuck!
-Maybe you shouldn't write
Chattanooga riffs.
I'm the only asshole that's ever
gave a shit about this band.
All you care about is
booze and broads.
None of you's
ever had my vision.
Yo, I'm-- I'm over it!
-Are you over it all?
-Yo, did Maya try Spartanburg
in South Carolina?
-Go get fuckin' gas.
-Uh, I'll go get gas,
all right?
-Go pump the fuckin' gas.
-Untie me already, dude!
-Get the fuck up and
pump the fuckin' gas.

-I'll take it all off.
-Did you guys win today?
-We won!
How was practice?
-It was good.
That shit at the coffee shop
inspired me to write.
-Mm. Well, I'm glad
one good thing
came out of that.
I'm gonna take a shower.
-Did you get your period yet?
-No. Didn't, actually.
-Leo still doesn't even know
about the kid.
Any A level producer we want
is gonna be another half a mil
to a mil.
I mean, after paying for
the kid, your commission,
our attorney percentage,
the current band debt,
a month of everyone's bills
and a producer,
that whole three million,
it's gone.
This is insane, Adam.
-Well, if you want to
talk insane
there is one producer who
refuses to take money up front.
Leo's always wanted to
work with him.
-Get us a lot of headlines.
-No. Levi Svengali?
Yeah, right, man.
There's no way.
Johnny would never
work with him. No.
-You gonna give him
the option?
-MAN: All right,
this is the Mavens,
"I Don't Believe In Love,"
rollin' on take 17.
You know I'm
feelin' it tonight ♪
I wanna do it good
I wanna get it right
Tonight I don't--
-Stop, stop.
-MAN: Yeah,
cut the fuckin' song.
what you singin' about?
-Having a good time
with my friends.
-Well, happiness don't sell.
Especially when it's fake.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings?
-Oh, I did?
-Yeah, actually, you did.
-Good. Let's dive in.
Why you so happy you want to
sing it from the mountain top?
-These are the lyrics
I like for this song.
-Stop laying into her.
Let's just work on
something else,
preferably something with
a keyboard.
-Alyx, this song does not have
any keyboards in it,
and this is the one we're
workin' on right now.
-Yeah, and it's workin' out
real good for us, isn't it?
-Why don't you go ahead
and take a walk?
Yep. Just you.
Sheva, you like your day job?
You proud of what you do?
-I'm a dancer.
I take care of myself,
and I'm proud
I don't need a man.
-You don't need a man,
but what you do need is a hit.
You're trying to tell me you're
happy getting down on all fours
scrapin' dollar bills
off a stage?
Is that the stage you imagine
you'd be on right now?
I didn't try
if I'm honest ♪
Probably gave
a little too much ♪
Been on the edge for a while
'Cause I promised
that I would be, yeah ♪
-I make the real money
doing private dances.
Why are we talking about
this shit?
Let's just get back to the song,
that's why we're here.
-Oh, we're still in the song.
See, you call it
private dances.
I call it grinding on
the crotches of strangers.
You ever wonder how dirty
their denim is
when it's rubbin' all on
your flesh down there?
That filth ever cross
your mind?
-They're my clients.
-Your clients.
Excuse me. Well
how many of your clients
got wives at home?
What if that was your man
posted up in the back
with some bad bitch
naked in his lap
while you at home with
the kids, tuckin' them in?
How's that gonna
make you feel, huh?
-My man did worse than
that shit.
I had a normal day job,
and he was fucking my friends
behind my back!
-All right.
See, that's why you ended up
doing what you do.
And now we got some truth
and that's okay.
So let's sing about that.
-What? Sing about what?
-When you see one of
your clients
wearin' a big ass wedding ring
when he's grabbin' your tits
all bare knuckled,
what crosses your mind?
When you leave the club,
cracked out, 5 a.m.,
smellin' like God knows what,
God knows who,
and the first thing
you see is a new photo
that your ex posted with
his new girl,
little younger,
little tighter,
I bet you she's got a fuckin'
happy song to sing.
Why don't I bring in her
and start trackin' her?
-Play the fucking song.

No more nightmares,
I've seen them all ♪
From the day I was born
They haunted my every move
Heavy open hands
there to push and shove ♪
No time for love,
it doesn't matter ♪
He made a difference
I guess he had a way
Of makin' every night
seem bright as day ♪
Now I walk in shadows
Never see the light
He must have lied,
he never said goodbye ♪
I don't believe in love
I never have,
I never will ♪
I don't believe in love
I'll just pretend
he never was real. ♪
I don't believe in love
I need to forget his face,
I see it still ♪
I don't believe in love
It's never worth
the pain that you feel ♪


-VIC: Adam,
you usually make sense,
but now you're scaring me,
all right?
Johnny's favorite singer
committed suicide
after working with--
-After making one of
the most influential albums
in a long time.
Nobody knows for sure if
he killed himself.
It's-- It's rumors.
You got a better idea?
There's no end to trauma
The only hope is
one day I'll forget ♪
The pain of knowing
what could never be ♪
With or without love,
it's all the same to me ♪
I don't believe in love
I never have,
I never will ♪
I don't believe in love
I'll just pretend
he never was real ♪
I don't believe in love
I never have,
I never will ♪
I don't believe in love
It's never worth the pain
That you feel
The pain
That you feel

Not now
If only I could turn
this water to wine ♪
I need it one last time
Maybe I could turn
this darkness to light ♪
I need it one last time
I need it
one last time ♪
I wanna feel alive
I need it one last time
Your body has made
impressions on me ♪
I'm cravin' the high,
I'm down on my knees ♪
I love the way it tastes,
don't take it all away ♪
Not now
Not now
If only it was real again
If only I could be again
If only I could turn
this water to wine ♪
I need it one last time
I need it
one last time ♪
Maybe I could turn
this darkness to light ♪
I need it one last time
I need it
one last time ♪
I wanna feel alive
I need it one last time

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