Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

The Empress and an Imperial Charter

In the three months since
the Empress's house call,
Bruno and I began to exchange
knowledge and information.
Regarding the new medicine
for the white death,
a contingent from the Novalout
College of Medicine
showed up demanding the
recipe be made public.
That's still something only I can make
I know.
I made up a reason and sent them away.
The treatment is a miracle
wrought by the Panactheos.
I doubt there's any point to telling others.
On the contrary,
it can be produced without
the use of Divine Arts.
Eventually, I will make a
production method public.
My word!
It can be made by ordinary people?
Useful knowledge ought to be
shared with everyone.
I believe doing so will make
new discoveries possible.
Hmm. Quite right.
Is that, too, the will of the Panactheos?
I'd say it's more my conviction
as a pharmacologist.
Still, not everyone can
understand that will.
Both your knowledge and beliefs are,
from a pharmaceutist's perspective,
heresy itself.
I expect some will attempt
to get rid of you.
Of course, such attempts won't just
come from pharmaceutist circles
Returning to the Empress's case,
there is talk that someone attempted to
bring the white death into the palace.
You mean intentionally?
It would mean someone schemed to
assassinate or depose Her Majesty.
That sounds far-fetched.
Even if infected, the probability of
developing illness is about ten percent.
It would seem difficult to target
Her Majesty intentionally.
Ten percent?
Is that knowledge also a
revelation from the Panactheos?
Oh Something like that.
Ah, it's about time for
Her Majesty's appointment.
I see. Be careful making the trip.
Yes, Father. I'll be on my way, then.
Just how much devoted study would
it take to approach that level
A heretical pharmaceutist
Bruno, do you still not see it?
This world's beautiful
Episode 4
The Empress and
an Imperial Charter
Hey, Farma!
So it's that time again.
Greetings, Lord Noah. How is Her Majesty?
First, can we talk for a sec?
Come with me.
Listen, I got some juicy
info for ya. Wanna hear it?
Huh? Uh, no Not really
See, it appears Her Majesty is considering
what reward she will soon give you.
A reward?!
You dummy! Why're you
acting like ya don't get it?
Ow, ow, ow!
You saved Her Majesty the Empress's life!
And provided examinations and treatment
for everyone in the court!
Right now, no one else has rendered
greater service to the nation!
So, just between you and me,
what piques your fancy?
Money? Status? Territory?
Oh, I don't need a territory or anyth—
Idiot! You're a noble,
so grab anything you can!
That doesn't mean I have
something in mind
There must be something you want.
Come on. Maybe a goal for the future.
I won't tell anybody.
A future goal
In that case,
I'd say opening a pharmacy!
A pharmacy that provides safe,
affordable medicine for everyone,
whether noble or commoner
That's my dream.
I can say that for now,
the medicine appears to be working.
No need for modesty.
The new medicine is definitely effective.
My condition is improving
every day, after all!
So far, yes.
With medicine and people, you never
know what will happen tomorrow.
Hmm. You mean to say no medicine
is an absolute guarantee.
That's not the demeanor you had when you
gave a grand speech to the court physicians.
I understand.
At the time, I was in the depths of despair,
simply waiting for death.
The reason you spoke so definitively
was to make me believe I would recover
and light the flame of hope in my heart.
After I was afflicted with the white death
and my euthanasia was decided upon
my authority as ruler and my value
plummeted straight to the ground.
Your Majesty, that's not
Having become worthless once,
am I fit to occupy the throne again?
Your Majesty, who was it that still
needed you, even when you felt that way?
Why, my son Louis.
Then firstly, as his mother,
Your Majesty can hardly be called
a worthless person to Prince Louis.
Furthermore, in the Empire as well,
there are a great many people
who adore and need you.
As long as those people exist, Your
Majesty can never become worthless.
You say such interesting things.
Forgive me for speaking out of place.
Your words are as medicine for the heart.
I will take my leave, Your Majesty.
Oh, allow me one more thing.
Humans move continuously toward death.
Your Majesty has experienced
death once already.
I am certain Your Majesty will live
this second life even better.
I, too, was moved to live
my next live better.
To value each and every day.
What do you mean by that?
It's nothing. Until tomorrow, Your Majesty.
Please take care.
Several Months Later
Allow me to express my congratulations
on Your Majesty's convalescence.
Yes. My sudden summons
must have startled you.
Today, I wish to discuss your son.
My son, Your Majesty?
Father, are you sure it is okay for me
to attend such a grand ceremony?
What kind of question is that?
You are the son of an archduke. Stand proud.
Y-Yes, Father
Her Majesty Élisabeth II, Empress
of the great Sain Fleuve Empire!
Chief Royal Pharmaceutist Bruno de Médicis.
You have served brilliantly in my treatment
and in training the next
generation of pharmaceutists.
Both are the result of
long years of loyalty.
So this has earned him the
territory of Marseirre.
Accordingly, I grant you the
territory of Marseirre.
That large territory,
known for its medicinal herbs?
Continue to pursue pharmacological
Fitting for His Excellency,
the Chief Pharmaceutist.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
Next! Apprentice Royal Pharmaceutist
Farma de Médicis!
Huh? Wh-What?
What is the matter? Come forward at once!
Y-Yes, Your Majesty!
Farma, I permit your promotion from
apprentice to official Royal Pharmaceutist.
Farma, what are you doing?
Give Her Majesty your oath!
Um I am honored, Your Majesty.
Go on, Farma. Take your
Royal Pharmaceutist's badge.
Is this really okay, Father?
That is not all, Farma.
In addition, I grant you special permission
to open a pharmacy in the capital.
Continue to devote yourself
to me and the empire.
Congratulations, my son.
Thank you.
Thank you, Father!
By Her Majesty's command?
Yes. We were ordered to
begin construction today.
What? Hold on a moment.
I'm not mentally prepared,
or prepared at all!
That may be the case, young man.
But the carpenter, the stonemason,
and the various craftsmen and
workers are all assembled.
We need to receive some instructions.
I brought tea!
Set your mind at ease!
We are all super-first-rate
workers employed by the palace!
Ah, that's not really the issue
Please, have some tea.
Prime real estate within the
capital has already been secured.
I assure you it's quite delicious!
Please guide us in creating
the blueprints at once!
What? I-I'm deciding that?
Oh, my! They're here already.
You're all starting early.
Elen, what brings you here?
The master summoned me.
He told me to assist you with
establishing your pharmacy.
what sort of pharmacy do you want?
You must have some kind of image in mind.
We're deciding already?
I'd like to visit other pharmacies
and take time to consider ideas.
That won't work, sir!
If we don't start immediately,
it'll be our heads!
That's right.
and physically.
But I'd like to consider user-friendliness
and other issues
"If it is not to your liking,
you can simply rebuild it!"
That's how Her Majesty is.
In that case
The ideal pharmacy I've dreamed of
My word Now this is something.
I must say, the plans you drew up
for us were so precise
that work is proceeding splendidly!
So, what'll it be for the name?
Huh? I have to decide that now, too?
It affects construction time.
Something like "Imperial City Pharmacy"?
That seems a bit much.
"De Médicis Pharmacy" would be
a standard, straightforward name,
but I'd prefer not to publicly
brandish the family name for this.
My dream to start a little pharmacy
of my own one day
I never imagined it'd be a
parallel world pharmacy, though.
Got it! Very good, sir!
Hey! Sign-maker!
Parallel World Pharmacy
O-Oh my
How did it turn out this way?
Oh, my! That's quite a name!
Th-This was just a little miscommunication
Oh? Well, I think it's fine
this way. It stands out.
I'd prefer not to stand out
in a bad way, though
It doesn't matter.
No matter what name you choose,
all-out confrontation with the
Pharmaceutist Guild is inevitable.
The son of an aristocrat—the son of
an archduke at that—running a store?
It's absolutely unheard of.
I would've liked to have had
a more peaceful start
Just think of it as good advertising.
My, my!
The storefront is as impressive
as the rumors said!
You there, boy.
You're an employee here, yes?
Where is the proprietor?
I am the proprietor.
How may I help you?
Oh, do forgive me!
I am Veron, head of the Sain
Fleuve Pharmaceutist Guild!
A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I am Royal Pharmaceutist Farma de Médicis.
Nice to meet you, Veron.
This is quite the storefront.
But what sort of medicine
do you intend to sell?
For someone of your age,
I suppose it would be hard candies.
Now, see here—
Indeed. Dosage forms similar to candies
will be available, such as lozenges.
"Dosage forms"? You have
studied well, young man!
Much obliged.
If I might confirm something with you,
do I need to join your guild to operate?
Unfortunately, we do not offer
registration to aristocrats.
We are commoner pharmaceutists only.
But if you truly wish to join,
we could accommodate you.
I appreciate the offer, but no.
I thought not.
You noble individuals approach
things differently.
I expect your selection of
goods will be quite pricey.
No, we should be able to offer low prices.
"Low" prices?
"Low prices"?!
Do you know how far out of reach
your conception of "low" prices—
Yes, yes. That's quite enough!
How can a grown man
treat a child in this manner?
If you want to crush this store,
then simply say so!
I'll gladly deal with you myself.
Oh, no, no.
I simply came to offer greetings.
May we develop a fruitful relationship.
I must be going now.
We don't need your greetings or relationship!
Get lost yesterday!
I think we're all set on tools.
Yes, you have everything covered.
We can take care of the compounding,
sales, and customer interactions,
but what do we do about the accounting?
Ooh! Ooh!
Okay. Ms. Lotte.
I'm Lotte!
I'm good at arithmetic!
And I can read and write!
So please allow me to do it!
Yes! And my handwriting is neat!
I think
But you're only nine years old.
Employees need to be adults.
Master Farma, you are only ten yourself!
But I, uh
I want to always serve at
your side, Master Farma!
Please let me work for you!
I'll clean or do odd jobs! Anything!
Then, I think I'll have you
do simple jobs and errands.
Really, Master? Thank you so much!
I'll do my very best!
So please, give me lots of tasks!
Now then, allow me to perform
my dance of gratitude for
Master Farma's kindness!
With Lotte around, the atmosphere
of the shop will certainly be cheerful.
That's true.
But I still need someone who can handle
the finances and prepare official documents.
Got any possible candidates?
No, none.
I hope I can find someone trustworthy.
What's going on?
Oh, Master Farma.
I appreciate my years of employment here.
Mr. Cédric? What do you mean?
As of today, my retirement begins.
What? This is so sudden!
I haven't heard anything
about this from Father.
We are surprised as well.
To think he'd be suddenly dismissed
Even though Sir Cédric managed
the estate's finances
and has served for many years.
Now, now.
This is the master's way of telling me to
give my knees a rest out in the country.
It is?
Even if I said I still wanted to work,
you can see how my knees are.
So, if your knees could get better,
you'd like to keep working?
I would love to.
Then come to my pharmacy!
I'll also treat your knees!
I see. You're saying you
wish to hire Cédric?
Yes, provided I have your permission, Father.
I have already released Cédric from service.
You may do as you wish.
So then
Simon, bring it in.
Yes, Master.
Here it is.
Go ahead.
This is a congratulatory gift from me.
Use it to operate your pharmacy.
Th-This is
There are many costs when
starting a new venture.
It never hurts to have more capital.
But I couldn't possibly
accept so much money!
My dear son is starting a
new chapter in his life.
Let me make a grand fatherly
gesture on this occasion.
Cédric is honest and loyal.
You should have no worries entrusting
the pharmacy's finances to him.
Give it your all.
I will, Father!
Wait, was this whole dismissal about
Thank you, Father!
With gratitude, I received a charter
directly from the Empress,
which allowed me to successfully
open this pharmacy today.
And so, we wish not to rest on our laurels
but to support everyone in the capital
in living healthy and bountiful lives.
A aristocratic pharmaceutist
is opening a pharmacy.
As was written in that imperial rescript,
I guess he's playing shopkeep
with his parents' money.
What's with the way he's talking?
we aim to provide a pharmacy
for everyone living in the capital.
Can he not distinguish between
nobles and commoners?
So that we may provide treatment
that meets the wishes of each patient,
care for both the body and mind,
and become a pharmacy you will all choose,
I and my staff together will strive
to deepen our skills and commitment.
You know, for a kid proprietor
this speech is long.
Without further ado,
our pharmacy is open for business!
Episode 5
Daily Life at Parallel World Pharmacy
and Cosmetics
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