Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e04 Episode Script

A Man's Path

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo wa
Komorebi no
shiba ni te wo furete
Kimi to katarou
Hora ranchi no benchi no ue de
Yume wa hana saku
Nami no oto wo sono mune ni
Yuutsu wa shizumete
Hashi wo asu ni nobashi
Tsunami nado anzuru kotonaku
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto
na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Ranchi no benchi de sodateta yume
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komorebi no hi ni umareta gogo yo
Hey, hurry up!
Wait up!
You are so slow.
Hey, wait!
Uh, I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
Excuse me, are you?
Hey, what's going on?
Shonen Bat, in a continuing
reign of terror
has struck yet another
victim last night.
From the start, I've had my
suspicions about these incidents.
And since the last attack
we've found a connection
to the previous incidents.
Taking a look at this chart
The assailant, Shonen Bat
first attacked the designer,
Tsukiko Sagi.
Then he attacked the journalist
Akio Kawazu, who was following her.
So, police
investigators believed
that someone close to Tsukiko Sagi
would be the most likely suspect.
However, the third incident
involving Shogo Ushiyama
and his classmate, Yuichi Taira
and most recently, Harumi Chono,
the private tutor of Yuichi Taira
Ah, yes. That's right.
You mean that woman is Maria?!
I don't believe this.
I see. Yeah, I think so.
I understand. Don't worry.
Yesterday's Traffic Accidents
Fatalities: 1
Injuries: 229
Are you thinking about
the law of causality again?
It's there like I told you.
Well, there seems to be a connection
but it's not helping our investigation.
I try to find out something
new with each patrol.
Excuse me
but do you have an
official wanted poster?
We can't even create
a police sketch
because, there's too little information.
Even after four people
have been attacked?
It's already five victims,
including Harumi Chono.
It would be easier if these
incidents weren't related.
Discovering how they are related,
is our job!
Even having this simple
sketch is better than nothing.
There has to be causality
between these cases.
Anyway, let us know
if you find anything.
Let's go.
You're looking rather tired.
Is this case so difficult?
No, it's not
I heard it's just a robbery case.
Yeah, we thought so at first.
We're still keeping
that idea open, but
You're beating around the bush.
That's not like you.
I just quit
So, what's going on?
You were saying there's some
connection between the cases.
So, what about the woman,
Harumi Chono?
She was the private tutor of
the fourth victim, Yuichi Taira.
Well, that's a connection.
She was a tutor on the side.
Her real job was as an assistant for
a professor at Jiai University.
What's wrong?
You're not cured yet?
No, I think this will stay
with me forever.
Oh, I just heard.
Construction has finally begun
on that house you always wanted.
The mortgage will stay
with me forever, too.
But it's for my family.
I just have to work
a little harder everyday.
You've treated your
family very nicely
for as long as I can remember.
Oh, stop it.
Flatter me all you want, but the only
thing you'll get out of me is snot.
Handa Enterprises
Suita Family
So, we have nothing
to worry about?
At least for now.
Harumi Chono didn't talk
about the prostitution ring.
However, it's only for the time being.
Thank you for your advice.
I can't beat you.
This'll do for now.
And one more thing.
You know
Let's see
This one!
Little Alice, how old are you?
I'm twenty. Why?
You're so good.
Oh, please stop.
How old are you, Mister?
You have to call me DADDY!
I have no choice.
The only thing I have left is my family.
Chief, I'm not like you.
I don't think I'd ever get promoted.
But still, I want to provide for
my wife and child adequately.
I think I should learn
from your attitude.
Oh, how old is your daughter?
She's seventeen.
A very sassy age.
Time passes too quickly.
She was still a little girl
when I saw her last.
It's very quick.
She grew up in a blink of my eye.
Well, I'm like a lone wolf!
I guess I'll just work
and live honestly
and complete my life
as a good man.
You've got a lot of nerve, stranger!
I advise you to pay up!!
And if I refuse?
Threats won't work on me!
Let's take him down!
Your parents gave you life.
Treat it better!
Look outside!
Oh, good evening, sir!
Tama Cemetery
Sorry for the surprise visit.
You know, I appreciate you
looking after my man, Handa.
Oh, no. I appreciate the opportunity.
Handa and I are
like good friends.
Yes, he told me everything.
Because of that, I'd like to ask
a special favor of you.
Two million yen.
Handa is engaged.
So, we are asking all his friends
for an engagement gift.
Two million yen per person.
Are you nuts?!
The money for your dream house
I heard that Handa
helped a lot with that.
If you act like you're not
his friend anymore
I might have to burn it down!
Ouch! It's hot! Stop!
Well then, I'll come by in three
days to collect the money.
Construction Permit for
Masami Hirukawa
Have a nice day.
One million yen.
Can you wait a little while?
I promise to pay you the rest.
Then, I'll pay the rest for now.
The remaining two million yen.
That's not right.
It should only be one million yen.
Handa was injured
and is in the hospital.
You'll pay, right?
To show your sympathy.
Makabe, you bastard!
Oh, no! No!
Wait a second!
Please don't! They'll never give up!
You'll be killed!
I can't turn back!
That is a man's path.
Yesterday's Traffic Accidents
Fatalities: 2
Injuries: 192
The adjacent jurisdiction
seems to be very busy.
I heard a masked man
is robbing the area.
I'm glad it's not happening
in our jurisdiction.
Brother, are you just going to
let them do whatever they want?!
I'm surrounded by
violence and crime.
The path I'm about to follow
is a very dangerous one.
A path that a real man
must go through.
I abandoned my love,
my tears and my life.
Now I just howl at the starlit sky.
The lone wolf's song is in my head.
I'm blowing in the wind
and floating over the world.
But I know I'll eventually
fall into red blood.
I'd like to bloom as
a beautiful red flower
even though my life's dream
has never bloomed.
But at the end of my journey
it just might happen.
My red flower just might bloom.
I must settle this as a man.
In Musashino City, a string
of robberies have occurred.
The local police considering this
to be the work of one person.
Witnesses have reported the
suspect to be in his 40's or 50's
wearing a pink mask, and a blue
I'm begging you.
Please don't let me do this anymore.
I'm sorry that I squeezed
Handa for too much.
I promise I'll never bother him!
You are mistaken, Mr. Hirukawa.
I'm merely trying to get back the
five million yen that I lent you.
Five million?!
Please forgive me!
I'm a policeman.
I have a wife and child.
My daughter is going
to college next year.
Mr. Hirukawa, do you know
that your happiness
was built upon
someone else's misfortune?
For your wife and daughter
someone has to suffer.
You understand?
Here, this is for you.
It should give you
some encouragement.
The weakness in
your heart will go away.
Huh, who are you?
I am no one!
A floating weed!
I'm here to!
Pay back what I owe!
- Ouch!
- Bastard!
Don't Shoot!
Where is the girl?
I'm asking you,
where is the money?!
Are you all right?
I'm here to save you.
Stop! We've been saving
that money for twenty years.
It's the money to buy our house.
Don't worry!
Young Lady, you're all right now.
It's you.
I! I!
I still don't know your name!
You have to
You have to
I'm home!
What's happened to you?
You have to!
call me DADDY!!
I am no one!
A floating weed!
Are you all right?
Oh! It's you Ikari.
Hey, don't say such things!
Why not?
You shouldn't say that kind of thing.
Is that your daughter's?
Is that your daughter's?
Oh, this?
She forgot this at her cram school,
so she wanted me to pick it up.
She doesn't see
a father's dignity in me.
What's the matter?
Something's bothering you.
Shonen Bat? Is that it?
- Hirukawa
- Hirukawa
- Oh!
Look at this!
It's Rising Sun Sakura matches!
That's very classic.
Hirukawa, why do people
commit crimes?
Oh, it's just because
There are so many reasons.
Hey, master, you've got
Rising Sun Sakura brand here.
That's really classy stuff.
Hey, I'm giving you a compliment.
Don't just say thanks.
Yes, there are so many reasons.
And our job is to find out
what those reasons are.
- Isn't it?
- Isn't it?
- That's right!
But, they may not have
so many reasons anymore.
Investigating is footwork!
Visit the crime scene 100 times!
A crime that has no motive
And now "no motive" has
become a motive for crime.
No matter how hard I look for
a connection or reasons
there just isn't one anymore.
That's the kind of
generation we're living in now.
- Master, I'll have that Koya Tofu.
- Master, I'll have that Koya Tofu.
- OK!
Think about the victims
when you're in a slump.
The criminal will always return
to the scene of the crime!
That's why I'm going to
find the assailant.
I'm going to grab hold
of this generation!
I see! You are investigating
the generation!
Great! Go for it!
Get this generation in your grasp!
Go speedy on the broadband!
Our generation's time is coming soon.
No one can stop us now.
Stop me
Stop me!
Please stop me!
Somebody please stop me!
Stop me!
I can't take it anymore!
Can't somebody stop me?!
That hurts!
Why the hell did you do that?
You bastard!
Come on you damn brat!
Why did you do that?
Stupid little jerk!
How do you like this!
Come on! Asshole!
Asshole! Asshole!
The serial street attacker
of Musashino city
who has been terrorizing people
was finally arrested last night.
With few witnesses, the investigation
had been progressing slowly.
Surprisingly the man
who caught the suspect
was an off-duty police officer
who works at a
sub-station in the area.
A press conference
will be held shortly
in front of the police sub-station
where he works.
Can you tell us how you
arrested the suspect?
Officer Masami Hirukawa (Age 48)
Officer Masami Hirukawa (Age 48)
Well, I was
You've started smoking again?
You can start the questioning now.
Oh, thanks.
Hey, chief
To begin with
Guided by the red rays
The road that divides
the present from the past
The rising sun cherry blossom
that steals your breath
In a thicket before you know it
The princess is possessed
The sacred sword knocks at the door
The surprise when it opens
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