Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Soft music
- Stop, he's going to see us!
He screams.
- You won't get me!
- Come back there!
- You won't get me!
- Stopped !
- Chez Fabre, at the market, the bib
has risen to 3 francs a pound.
When do you see them again,
your butcher buddies?
A real pleasure to chat with you!
Baby crying
- Police ! Come here !
- Ouch! Stopped !
- Dirty anarchist!
- Oh !
Fiersi s'exclame.
You never touch that!
Never !
A door opens and closes.
Calm music
Clock ticking
Knocking on the door
- Wingspan:
41.1. Head length:
Head width: 14.1.
Right ear:
Left foot: 25.
- To the millimeter, Bournazel.
The bertillonnage is precise.
- Left foot: 25.2.
- Professor
- For God Sake !
- The Jews finance anarchy!
Rothschild's bombers !
Buy L'Antijuif !
Street hubbub
Jews finance anarchy!
- My wife was at a charity gala
She didn't come home.
- Should we have her searched for?
- You want to take care of it?
Be discreet, please.
The phone is ringing.
Prefect Lépine's office.
What can I do for you ?
Professor Bertillon!
It's urgent.
- I listen.
- How to tell you ?
We had a little astonishment.
The pulse is stable, so is
Would still have to
bring in a doctor.
Above all, she needs rest.
- I went to this painter,
Adolphe Steinheil,
to commission you a new portrait.
He was'nt here.
I sympathized with his wife.
- You pricked yourself.
- With which product?
- Heroin.
I closed my eyes and
I woke up in hell.
I don't remember anything else.
A door opens.
A bell rings.
- Did you order the portrait?
- I said I'd tell you about it.
I have no more. Neither syringe nor product.
I misplaced my things.
Soft music
- I can count on you
not to do anything stupid
or dangerous?
We will talk again.
The door closes.
- Heroin is a safe product.
Excellent pain reliever.
No case of amnesia, to my knowledge.
Nothing is poison, everything is quantity,
as with opium and alcohol.
It's excess
A door opens.
which is a little bit harmful.
- A patrol officer
spotted her on rue Saint-Denis.
She refused to disclose her identity.
Solicitation offense.
She stayed 4 hours at the depot.
We didn't recognize her.
- I answer for my assistants.
They won't tell anyone.
- I swear !
I saw the real Mrs. Lépine!
Half naked!
Not, corn une foldingue!
At the gnouf
with bells and turbines!
Can you imagine the old man's face?
- His jigs were 5 francs.
5 francs is not cheap,
but for the prefect's wife!
- Hey ! I would have given it to him afterwards!
- After what ?
- No cliché
I have known you to be more efficient, my boy.
Creaking door
Disturbing music
Mr. Prefect,
what is there for your service?
- I gave you an order yesterday.
Cochefert is waiting for you.
The door closes.
I was going to come see you.
All Paris has been tearing up L'Antijuif
for 2 hours.
I have been informed of troubles at La Villette.
Degradation, aggression.
We're going after the Jews.
- Send reinforcements
at the 19th district police station.
About a hundred agents.
Deterrent presence,
but no violence.
For damage,
they do not intervene.
- A showcase is replaced.
Lépine nods.
Forgive me,
but how is your wife?
- You'll find out by reading the papers.
The door closes.
Melancholy music
- I cleaned the workshop, madam.
Are you indisposed?
- There is money on the dresser.
Take it. Go to the post office.
Telegram for Melun.
My mother's address is written.
It's for my husband.
- What message, ma'am?
- Three words :
"Don't come home."
- I've seen murderers looking
better than you.
- I sleep badly.
- We wonder why.
Émile Terrail, detailed report.
- He didn't kill the Swallow.
He didn't kill himself.
We set him up.
My idea is the chimney sweep.
It's yours ?
The door opens.
She had to see a rupine to
blackmail it. Mimile was protecting her.
She knew the place.
She had a key.
I think he recognized the rupine
and was afraid.
Beefy, Mimile,
but not reckless.
He let her down.
He didn't go.
When I questioned him, he was afraid.
He gave me the key.
I had to pay it
to get the address. So ?
How am I doing?
- Not too bad.
We are not
at the difficult questions.
Late !
- I was at the post office.
A letter for Mrs. Berger
left this morning.
What is he doing there?
- Inspector Fiersi
is attached to the investigation.
That's the lesser of it.
He knew the victims.
- I have a good heart. I like to be of service.
- You sound like Puybaraud.
- You can talk to me,
I visited your room.
- Enough!
Two victims.
Two assassins.
An amateur, the rupine. A professional,
the chimney sweep.
the first has engaged the second.
The chimney sweep interests me.
Jouin leaves.
Have you visited his room?
- Gustave Pertaud,
cross representative at Joséphine.
He took over Josephine's room.
I was questioning the Dornets, he was there.
He could hear.
- Representative in what?
- Medical material.
Intriguing music
Squeaks and moans
Wait, I'm putting on the ribbon.
- You don't mind!
- Police !
You close your valve!
Fearful moans
Cover yourself, ma'am.
- What are you doing, Mrs Dornet?
- I'm paying my rent.
- Eugenie?
Eugenie, what's going on?
- Madame's husband.
- I see.
Little cry
- We are looking for Gustave Pertaud.
- The representative ? He left.
The day after your visit.
He left no address.
- We saw it.
We could paint the picture.
Fiersi acquiesce.
- The Fiersi Initiative
and the Countess of Vaudois
was a criminal.
They will be punished.
our justice cannot pass
through the courts.
- Madame Lépine wouldn't survive it.
- Good !
Your report, ma'am.
He hardly blames you.
You redeem yourself
by denouncing your accomplices.
- Why this report?
- Personal archives.
- Funeral ?
You don't need me to sign.
- The y aura a rapport.
Yours is more complete
than that of the countess.
His is
Let's talk about our anti-Semites, rue Chabrol.
You will give them momentum.
For you, madam.
Read. Learn.
- I'm quitting.
I quit!
You introduced me to the Guérins.
Me, an amateur.
I teach you nothing, you know everything.
I don't spy on them, I help them.
- You earn their trust.
- The information I give
has consequences.
Deputy Berry, committed suicide.
And Rothschild's lawyer,
what happened to him ?
- You don't give anything, madame.
You sell.
- What purpose ? Do
you blame them or do you support them?
- What does it change ?
You get paid.
- How ?
I want to know it, otherwise I'll stop.
She exclaims.
Calm music
- Patience, Mrs. Steinheil,
is the virtue of survivors.
- Looks like I've run out of yours.
She moans.
She is blowing.
- Tell the gentleman
and the little one to come home.
They are no more safe
with your mother than they are here.
And learn.
- Eyes closer together.
Undereye bags.
The eyebrows less provided.
The nose…
- You don't even know what it is,
- Be polite to your wife.
A door creaks.
- Bertillon !
Bertillonne me.
You bertillonné my wife,
it's my turn.
- You're welcome.
- Is there an inspector Jouin here?
- It's me.
- The Weidmann cabinets.
- You heard the prefect.
Gentlemen, let's proceed!
On bertillonne!
Dynamic music
It is I who will bertillon you.
- That's too much honor.
- Jeanne, is that you?
It's me, Antoine.
I think of you, we have to meet again.
- Inspector.
Here master Weidmann. Your feelings
are not the reason for my call.
Miss Chauvin told you
about a check.
Now I know why.
I ask you
not to tell anyone.
This story is serious enough
without the police confirming it.
It should not be
let this case end in a pogrom.
Panicked cries
Can we count on you?
- I want to talk to Jeanne.
- Answer.
- I want to talk to him.
- Tell him to meet me here.
- She'll be at my office
at the end of the day.
Glass breakage
Glass breakage
They are going to leave.
They will get bored and they will leave.
Glass breakage
- Comrades will come.
- No !
You will be leaving discreetly.
Sébastien and his men
will escort you.
- And you ?
- I have nothing to fear.
A policeman will come.
- Right ear:
Scary music
Skull width:
- Just a word, sir.
- Left ear…
- Have you read L'Antijuif ?
- 7.7!
- Like everyone.
- The Guérins got the information
in a criminal way.
An anti-Semitic assault
that I witnessed.
- Jaw:
10, stacks.
- This is the result of the spoken portrait.
That's the chimney sweep.
- And Jouin?
- He was talking to the prefect.
They dated.
He wanted to go to court
to consult Josephine's trial.
- You have the evening.
Sleep well.
- My boy.
Couldn't the neighbor who pissed off his wife be him?
A story of horniness between neighbors.
- I dunno.
It really doesn't stick with the rest.
- You owe me.
For your failure with Mme Lépine.
And for many other things.
You are smart.
You have a good memory.
You know what you owe me.
- Yes.
I know.
- I'll be honest with you.
The prefect wants our skin.
We play our careers,
and maybe more, right now.
Soft music
You trust me ?
- You know it does.
- The neighbor !
Shake it well!
You will see that it is him.
Squeaks and barks
- Any news from La Villette?
- The situation seems under control.
Thirty arrests.
- Let me guess.
Ten vandals
and twenty Jews?
- Order is restored.
Lépine nods.
- Summon a certain Weidmann,
lawyer, rue de Flandres,
for tomorrow morning, ten o'clock.
- Good.
- That's it.
Hector gets up.
Lépine blows.
- The police don't like Jews.
Good evening, sir.
- Did you see what is written at the entrance?
- It's written all over the neighborhood.
We'll erase it.
What I told you yesterday, did you talk about it?
- I would have liked to come earlier.
I went to court.
I found the minutes
of Josephine's trial.
She was convicted
of stealing handkerchiefs.
She gave birth in prison,
where she stayed for 2 years.
According to Joséphine,
his employer was the father of his son.
Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès.
- Do you know who the Sabran are?
He takes a deep breath.
- Less well than you, it seems.
Calm music
- Three years ago, Alfred Dreyfus was
serving his sentence on Devil's Island.
France is in shock.
A German spy
in our beautiful army!
A Jew, of course!
Drumont released his pamphlet
"Jewish France!".
The public is asking for more.
Explode the rotten meats affair.
Two Jews are accused
of selling sick animals to the army.
In the role of investigators,
two crooks come out of nowhere:
the Guérin brothers.
Behind them,
Drumont raises the matter.
"Death to the Jews, those dirty traitors!
"They are poisoning our soldiers."
The traders
are defended by Weidmann. Acquitted.
But the army is changing
of suppliers.
Conclusion: Jews are guilty,
but protected.
Nobody asks the angry question.
Who will feed the French army?
Count Sabran seizes the market.
He was rich, he is extremely rich.
The Guérins take advantage of this.
Our two crooks create L'Antijuif,
found their League,
recruited among the butchers,
spend lavishly.
Jules becomes a star.
Louis remains in the shadows.
Cry of joy
His favorite weapon is vitriol.
The count's son,
Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès, is a colonel.
Information service.
These people
live on hate.
It fattens them.
Their appetite is endless.
- Triple draw, sold out!
To laugh
The big dailies are taking us back.
Le Matin, Le Figaro , everyone!
The Antijuif dictates the opinion!
Yes, my friends!
We are
the leading newspaper in France.
Playful music
Everyone sings.
- The public is ready, the omens
are good, the union is near.
The power is at your fingertips.
- Leave them where they are, your hands.
- We will soon be able to purge France
of its real enemies.
Enemies from within.
- Let me guess. Who are they ?
- The reptiles.
Cosmopolitan spies,
most of which
are in the service of Germany.
- Dreyfus, again?
- The most famous.
The tree that hides the forest.
- My father fought in 1970.
We were not beaten,
but betrayed.
In 70, if a soldier was looking for
his regiment, he would ask for directions
to the Germans.
- Who informed them?
The Jews ! Of course !
Highly paid!
These people
cannot be patriots.
Their religion forbids them.
The French brother, the German sister,
the Italian cousin.
At all times
and in all countries,
a Jew remains a Jew.
Health, gentlemen!
- Does he tire you?
- He doesn't mind me.
I was tired when I arrived.
- Everyone makes sacrifices
to serve their country.
Hanging out with Drumont is one of them.
Put on your armor, ma'am.
You are going to be taken by storm.
- Soon, my dear,
you will go to the pan.
- Warning ! Mom is watching!
She laughs.
- It was cruel.
- Poor little !
- Well done, Guérin.
Don't change anything, you are irresistible.
- Very good.
Let's talk business.
What do you have to sell this time?
- About ten deputies: 5 moderates,
2 Catholics, 3 Bonapartists.
- Depraved?
- Corrupted.
- I love you.
- It's your money that I love.
- Ten deputies, is it expensive?
- The market is on the rise. Why ?
Can't afford it?
Food costs?
- Let's introduce her to my father.
You will please him very much.
- Or not at all.
- Tell Count Sabran
that we do business when he wants.
Unlike you,
her son is a gallant man.
Intriguing music
Clock ticking
He blows.
Jerky breathing
Little moan
He is short of breath.
- I beg your pardon.
Sad music
You are my wife, Marie. I love you.
I am nothing without you.
I'm afraid of losing you.
At the question :
Did your wife spend the night in a cell?",
The answer is yes.
"My request."
Was it the subject
of an anthropometric sheet?
There she is.
Cries of amazement
And here is mine!
Each agent of the prefecture
will soon have his own. Mrs.
- I will never forget
what I experienced yesterday.
There are still places
where we live in the Middle Ages.
- Goods.
it is high time
to reform the police.
Strong in the face of crime and anarchy,
she must remain human
with innocent citizens.
- Did you know her, Josephine?
- Barely.
- Come on! A girl alone with a kid
on your landing,
don't tell me that doesn't make you curious.
Did you sleep with?
- No.
- You slept with it.
- Not !
- So much the better, it was heavy.
Fiersi bursts out laughing.
My Jeannot!
Jeannot, Jeannot!
You just made a face of guilty.
- It's not true.
I did not do anything.
Intriguing music
- I'll prove to you that it is.
- Gentlemen,
for science!
In a large vagina
600,000 lice were fighting
To an equal number
Who defended the entrance of the cunt!
- Out morpionibus
They are humming.
- Come on !
Come on, kids!
- Ouch!
- Goods.
Phtirius pubis.
Recognizable pseudo-pliers.
Ah! And here, lice head.
Two vermin found
on the victim's pubis
and on the pubis
of sir.
- Maître Albert Weidmann
and an employee of his office.
- You are the lawyer
des Rothschild?
- Yes sir.
- Very good.
We are therefore allies.
I'm trying to prevent a pogrom.
You will help me!
The check does not exist.
No one came to your office
to steal it.
- Go tell the Guérins!
- I go.
I'll have to threaten, negotiate.
If I have to say "please"
I will.
The day the leagues take to the streets,
my policemen will not stop them.
- They might even help them.
Is not it ?
- Who is it ?
- Jeanne Chauvin.
- My assistant.
- I am a lawyer.
Tell the Guérins that we are filing a complaint.
Say that Jouin will testify.
The matter is public.
We have nothing more to lose.
- Are you making a complaint?
- Not !
- The Guérins don't know.
- You fired
on one of the attackers?
- Yes sir.
- Which ?
The one using the vitriol
or the other?
hubbub Intriguing music
- Lepine?
- It will be Monsieur le Préfet, for you.
- You have no rights here!
This place is a political association
and the seat of a press organ!
Do not abuse your power,
Mr. Prefect.
Otherwise, I'll claim justice
in front of the Assembly.
Lépine knocks on the door.
- Here then !
The Prefect himself!
Out of his fortress!
In what honor ?
- In your opinion ?
He plays the errand boy.
For Rothschild.
It will be for his trouble.
- Dear Mrs. Guérin,
you are just an old baked cow.
- Don't answer.
He insults me to provoke you.
He's desperate.
- Tough!
I want this check.
Madame Guérin bursts out laughing.
The Guérins laugh.
Mrs. Guérin exclaims.
- He's having a whim.
Definitely, the Prefect
does not know how to behave.
- He has problems
at home.
Madame goes to bed, the prefect gets angry.
She laughs out loud.
- You want war?
You are going to have it.
First victim: the little cadet!
Louis screams in pain.
- Jules, don't move!
- Gunshot wound?
Warning ! Watch out for infection!
Robbery with violence,
attempted murder. Two victims,
a witness police officer.
Weapon used: vitriol.
One attacker was shot and wounded.
I continue ?
- He lies !
The kites
will not dare to file a complaint.
- Why ? The matter is public.
You will have to choose.
Either I leave with the check,
or I leave with this one.
Louis moaned.
What are you waiting for ?
That I walk on your brother?
- Women-him!
Jules exclaims, exasperated.
Calm music
- Thank you, my good man.
Tomorrow you will publish a denial.
- Next time, Lépine,
come armed!
- And… Ah!
Well !
Laughter of children
And There you go ! Well done, Guignol!
Oh !
- He forgot to be stupid, Puybaraud.
He's using you to help the leagues.
- Never mind the secret,
I'm a credible source.
The mistress of a dead president.
- You're a fuse.
- Pardon ?
- You don't have electricity
at home?
- Not yet. It's expensive.
- It's a wire that melts
when the current is too strong.
The fuse blows
to prevent the house from burning.
- You are not like the others.
All selfish, they want to enjoy.
You are sad.
- You are good, for an amateur.
This is what will lose you.
You sense that the outcome will be fatal,
yet you stay.
Why ?
For money ? I do not believe.
I believe you're lying to yourself
pretending to be venal.
You have revenge to take.
On which ?
Scary music
Men ?
At least, a certain type of man.
Those who exploit you.
Those who take you.
- They enter me and they spit.
Should I say thank you?
- You like danger.
You are still looking for your knight.
- Attention !
The last time I made love
to a man, he died.
- Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès.
We have nothing concrete against him.
- Former lover of the victim.
- The accusations of a dead woman
They were rejected by a court.
- I'm doing what you taught me.
- Please proceed.
- Handwritten dedication.
Graphology possible.
- Ah, graphology! Good idea !
Bertillon had Dreyfus condemned
with that.
Mr. Bertillon leaves Tuesday for Rennes
to express his repentance.
- Scene of the crime ?
The Sabran have property.
Houses, apartments.
Their son may have a bachelor apartment.
And us, the key.
- Good luck finding it.
- Radius of one km around the Pont Neuf.
Archives, conservation service.
It will be long,
but it is doable.
- What else ?
- Shirt.
Either he had something to change,
it wasn't the one he was wearing.
I've seen these shirts before.
In the Army.
It's a uniform shirt.
- Petit with!
I'll find it, your laundry.
You will be entitled to the archives.
- Well sir.
Suspense music
If I find an address, the key…
- In my office, left drawer.
- Weidmann spoke to the prefect?
- I trusted you.
- You want a list of the goods
registered under the name of Sabran?
- Within a certain perimeter.
It will be long.
- Not at all.
The town hall
is not the prefecture.
Sabran, Sabran
Sabran. It's crazy
how much these people have.
Rue Custine. Import-export.
Boulevard Saint-Germain. A brewery.
Don't Ah!
An apartment building,
31 rue de Nevers.
Intriguing music
- Therefore…
Madame is out, she's playing.
The children are sleeping.
You will see the neighbor.
A girl alone, right next door,
you can try.
Miracle! She lets herself go.
She's in trouble, you're not.
Madame reports. You have enough to pay.
Come on, don't tell me otherwise.
Crabs are science.
It's over, you're stuck.
You stuff it well, Joséphine
And after?
Don't you want to pay?
Do you want to put it in the turbine?
You are ambitious.
You see it from here, your little stable.
But she gets angry. The bitch!
She resists. She insults you.
How is your wife going to take it?
- Not !
I skipped it, it's true.
That's all.
It was a straw mattress.
She wanted more.
- She wanted more?
I saw your machine!
It's a child's toy.
- It's not true.
- She laughed?
- No.
- She said she didn't feel it,
you hit her.
We would all have done the same.
It’s an accident.
- Not !
- Stand up.
Hands on the table.
Let's talk about Mimile.
You knew him.
He came to the garni, he told me.
Your wife threw it around.
- It's wrong.
Everything is false. I didn't know him.
- 1 hour ago,
you didn't know Joséphine.
Jouin questions you.
You're scared, but you have an idea.
A butcher who cuts his bitch,
it makes sense.
Mimile goes there!
- This is nonsense!
- You had time to do it.
- It's not true.
I know my right!
- We'll see what the prosecution says.
I already see the guillotine
above your head.
Mobile and opportunity!
You slept with it! You were there!
You had time to kill her
and hide her.
Hands on the table!
- It's not me. It's not true.
- Where did you hide it, tell me?
The owner knew nothing.
How did you do it?
Did you stash it in your house?
Mrs. Dornet helped you?
- Not ! Not ! Not.
- Listen to me carefully, Jeannot.
You are going to fall.
As sure as I'm a police officer,
we're gonna cut you in half.
If you continue,
your wife will go there, as an accomplice.
- We didn 't do anything !
We are poor people.
We have kids.
One does what one can.
I beg you.
- Are you begging me?
(- Yeah.)
Jeannot blows.
- Your kids, do you love them?
- Yeah.
- And your wife, do you love her?
- Yeah.
- So save them.
- No !
- Look at her !
she had her life ahead of her.
Remember she was alone.
She was trying to get out of it!
Remember you fucked her
and abused her.
Reminds you
that she deserved to live!
Request forgiveness !
- Sorry.
- Stronger !
- Pardon !
- You killed her, say it!
- Yes !
Yes !
Yes, I killed her!
I killed her!
Fiersi is out of breath.
He is crying.
Dramatic music
"And the murderer,
seized by the horror of his crime, confessed."
Good boy.
Panting breathing
He takes a deep breath.
Moan of pleasure
Disturbing music
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