Partisan (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Missing People

-Have you seen my wallet?
My wallet. Have you seen it?
It was in my room,
and now it's gone.
Maybe you should look better
for where your things are.
Maybe it's in here.
What are you doing?
What the hell, man?
What are you talking about?
What are you doing, man?
I haven't taken it.
Come on, man! What are you doing?
This is our kitchen,
I don't have your wallet.
What the fuck? Come on.
Come on, I'm talking to you.
Turn around.
Come on.
-Do you want to fight?
Come here.
-Do you need help with that, man?
-Should I call Kent?
-No Kent!
Get out! I haven't taken
your fucking wallet!
-Is that okay?
Hello, Maria.
-Good morning.
-Good morning. Have you slept well?
Have you seen Nicole?
Do you want waffles?
Here you are.
You know, I noticed that she didn't
come home last night.
Kent, Nicole isn't at home.
She should be home by now.
We've locked Nicole up in the
basement and sedated her.
We don't appreciate
this sort of behaviour.
You can come and go as you please,
of course.
But this isn't a hotel.
We've understood that Nicole
is having a hard time.
So I and Susanne have chosen
to take a step back,
and we hope that Nicole realises that
we just want what's best for her.
Where the hell is that bloody Pole?
I have to go. See you tomorrow.
Good bye!
Come on.
Sit down there.
What the fuck is going on?
We're 20 minutes late.
-We were supposed to leave at eight.
It's not going to work.
-It's not gonna work.
-He can't drive, boss.
-He had an accident.
I fell.
Damn, there's always
some fucking crap with you two!
I can't use my foot.
I think it's broken.
What the fuck did you do?
It was nothing,
I just need some rest.
You're both fucking useless.
I want you to pack your stuff
and leave.
-Hey, Kent, I can
-I mean it! Pack your shit and go!
-Hey! We know things.
-You know things?
What do you know?
You want to live, you cunt?
Should I kill you? Do you want that?
You have no problem with us.
Disgusting son of a bitch.
Damn it, I will get him
so he never recovers!
Fucking cunts!
Has something happened?
Nicole is gone. Have you seen her?
No. What?
So, when I woke up, she was gone.
I don't think she'd been home.
She hadn't slept there at any rate.
Could she have stayed over
with a new friend or something?
Maybe Victor, but I don't know.
I don't think it's anything to worry
about, maybe she needs some space.
If I see her, I'll send her home
straight away. Okay?
Change of plans.
You're driving the truck.
-I'll be back in 20 minutes. Okay?
-Hi there.
A hard night, or what?
Well, I just fell
when I was on my bike.
I got the handlebar in my eye.
When did you fall off your bike?
What difference does that make?
I'm just nosy.
It was last night.
I just wanted to ask if you know
where Nicole is.
-Why are you asking?
-Are you a bit testy today, Victor?
Hey, I've promised her
a delivery.
She's left.
-Has she left?
Last night.
-Did you see her go?
Or, no.
She said she was leaving.
But you're not sure.
How did she get out of here?
She was going to get on the bus.
-In the middle of the night?
She said this place made her panic,
and she'd take the night bus.
So you know that she's left?
You're confusing me, Victor. You said
you weren't sure she'd left.
-And now you say she's left.
-She has left!
Hey, do you smoke?
Well, these were for Nicole,
but now that she's left
maybe you want them?
Right. No, I don't smoke.
And there's a smoking ban here.
Yeah, that's right.
But hey,
in case you change your mind.
Johnny, hurry up!
We're so damn behind!
And one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.
No, no, no, Maria!
-Come on! What are you doing?
-I'm sorry.
Exactitude. You haven't stopped
counting to eight, have you?
Come on, once more.
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two
Come on, Maria! What's going on?
You were able to do it yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Don't say sorry. Do it right.
I don't get it.
You knew it yesterday.
It can't have disappeared.
Once more. Come on!
Five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
I have to fill up.
Ah, well, just hurry up.
-I can take over at the till, Wille.
Download the pictures on this.
One moment, please.
Did we have anything?
One of the girls I went there with
is gone.
Can we send a patrol in?
Based on what?
-She didn't come home last night.
-Damn it, Johnny, focus!
We've used half our budget
on this operation.
Did we have anything?
This might be something.
-What the hell is this?
-Can you just check it?
-I'd like petrol, number six.
Absolutely. Let's see.
-Was that all?
1,500 kronor, please.
Thank you very much.
Can you check if a bus stopped
at Jordnära last night?
-I want to know.
Damn, Magnus! A young girl's life
might be in danger. Fuck your budget.
-Have a nice day!
-You too!
You took your bloody time!
Drive now!
Yeah, I've got it.
-Do you?
Listen, take the fucking wheel
and drive.
Let's go!
Okay, you're done, you Arab cunt!
We'll stop there. Take five.
Good work.
It's looking really good.
Drink some water, do some stretching.
-Can I sit down next to you?
-Are you not having fun anymore?
You don't seem to be enjoying
the gymnastics.
You were starting
to make great progress.
Nicole is gone.
Gone? She chose
not to be a part of the group.
She showed that pretty clearly.
It's no wonder she isn't here.
No, I meant that she's gone.
As in not in Jordnära.
I've checked everywhere.
She didn't come home yesterday.
What if something has happened?
All of her stuff is still here.
-Hey! How old is your sister?
Do you know what I did when I was 17?
I thought gymnastics
was bloody boring.
Just like Nicole.
I preferred to party
and hang out with girls.
Or, well, friends.
But after a while,
that got quite boring too.
Then I started
doing gymnastics again.
I'm sure it's the same
for your sister.
She's probably hanging out
with some guy, or a friend.
She'll turn up here, you'll see.
It will be fine.
You have to think about yourself now.
It's about you, not Nicole.
You're good. You're strong.
I think that if you just want to,
you can be the best in the world.
Yes, I think so.
Come on!
Drink some water,
then we'll get started.
What's happened?
Clara! Oh, God! Clara!
No, Clara! Help!
Can we get some help?
-No, no, no!
-What's happened?
What's happened?
Clara? Wait.
What's happened?
-What's happened?
-No, it's too late.
-What are you saying?
-She's dead.
-If we'd been checking more often.
Whatever, it doesn't matter.
Oh, my little darling.
There, there.
There. Aren't you getting up
and moving?
There. Oh, you don't look well.
Oh, sweetheart.
Did you hear any of that?
I understand if it sounded
a bit scary.
Life is full of unpleasant
and sad things. You know that.
They also happen here at Jordnära.
It's important is that you know
that nothing happens
if you don't want it to happen.
So, this is what Clara wanted.
It was her decision,
and we have to accept it.
And that's awful.
But we couldn't force her to stay.
I'll make sure you get
everything you want.
Everything you need, to make sure you
get strong and healthy ahead of this.
And you know
that you won't have to move around
and live with people
who don't appreciate or love you.
You understand that, right?
Nicole, you're the greatest thing
that's happened here at Jordnära.
And we will never
take you for granted. Never.
I understand
that this happened suddenly,
but when you've got used to the fact
that you've chosen to help us
put new life on earth,
you'll feel so happy.
There is no greater purpose
for a woman, there really isn't.
And that you're doing this for us,
it's so great, Nicole.
Try to rest a bit now.
You'd think that the Poles
got injured to avoid work.
But you're a wog who behaves.
Excuse me?
Don't misunderstand me, but your
people aren't known for working hard.
Most come here and refuse to adapt,
live on benefits
and refuse to learn Swedish.
You'd think that it's human nature
to want to survive.
To adapt and excel
at what you're doing.
But apparently not.
If you just look out the window,
you'll see.
No go zones, 50 % unemployment.
In the Somali community,
the unemployment rate is 90 %.
It's about having the drive.
Wanting to find a solution to your
situation and get on with things.
But people run away. Nobody gets on
with anything, they flee.
Then they come here
and build ghettos here.
And they bring a shitload of crap.
Murderers, rapists,
suicide bombers
And then, when you want to build
walls to protect us and what is ours,
the Swedish things that you want
to be able to develop and refine,
that's wrong.
Sometimes, I think
that all the crap that happens
is nature's way of weeding.
You reap what you sow.
You get the life you choose.
You get the life you create.
You don't flee.
-That one?
-How are you?
Fine, how are you?
-Everything okay?
-Yeah, the crew is taking care of it.
Alright. So, you wanted
to have a meeting.
Well, yeah, that we handle it
in the same way.
We promise to deliver in time.
-This is the last time.
-What do you mean?
I don't want any more trucks.
Too risky.
-I mean, we deliver.
-Yeah, but I don't want any more.
The vial you found
contains Gonadotropin.
I told you like six months ago.
Sex hormones.
They can be injected
to stimulate ovulation.
Or sperm production.
We need to get paid.
We need our money.
-There's a lot of risk.
-We are here on time.
I'm calm. I'm just asking.
What are your suggestion if you
don't want to go with cryptocurrency?
This is the last shipment
that we're using trucks.
We'll start using
cryptocurrency instead.
Don't worry about it. We fix it.
I'm worried about my money.
Yeah, just get
I'm relaxed.
And the girls?
I told you like six months ago that
there was a lot of risk involved.
Now you understand
-And the girls?
-They don't show up in the system.
You know, we are taking the road.
What do you suggest?
Bring more muscle?
The bus????
I told you six months ago that I
want to go with cryptocurrency.
-Relax. Handle your part.
-Don't tell me to relax!
One bus per hour.
No nights, in other words?
No weekends.
-Are you stupid, you fucking idiot?
-Why do you have to talk like that?
-Don't touch me.
Don't you think
I'm going to pay you?
What the hell, you son of a bitch!
It's okay. We'll handle it. Okay.
Okay, Kent.
We'll do this, right?
Go and get them.
Help them with the loading.
-It's okay. I'll pay you.
It's too much risk.
It's a lot of risk with the truck.
We'll take care of it.
Let's get started. Come on.
Where are you going?
What were you thinking?
It's not time for your walk yet.
There. Get up.
Wait, I'll help you. Wait.
You see, we're going back.
Come on now.
Five, six, five, six, seven, eight.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Five, six, seven, eight.
It's the last four.
We'll take the last ones. Come on.
Kent, take care of it now.
And forget about crypto bullshit,
would you?
What was it you did time for?
Armed robbery. Six years in jail.
Why did you get caught?
Somebody snitched.
The worst kind.
What is it?
Is it not yours?
I've never seen that before.
What is it?
It was under your chair.
I'm not the only one
who drives this lorry.
But what does it matter,
it's just a piece of paper.
It's just a piece of paper.
Let's go home, Johnny.
It's been a damn long day.
Whoops. I think
you need to give her more.
-Blunt cannula.
Thanks. Calm down. Calm down.
Calm down.
-Can you hold her?
It will be over soon, Nicole.
You're doing so well.
I'll put this in.
Wait a moment.
Isn't she just perfect?
Her test results are so good.
Her values are optimal.
-Yes. Here your are.
Thank you very much.
Are you ready with the syringe?
-Syringe, please.
-Yes. Here is the syringe.
-I will start the insemination.
There. It's done.
Well done.
I have to admit something.
When you came to us at Jordnära the
first time, I got a special feeling.
When I saw you the first time in the
dining room, do you remember?
I thought you were so beautiful.
So pure.
Mine and Susanne's tests only
confirmed what I already knew.
That it is you we've been waiting
for all along.
Jordnära isn't
an ordinary little village.
But you knew that, didn't you?
Because you're my clever little girl.
And soon, we'll have more like you.
Healthy, strong and pure people.
And they in turn will do the same
journey as you are doing now.
And then
Who knows what happens after that?
We're the only ones limiting things.
Nothing is too big or too difficult.
And if there isn't a road,
you have to create your own.
Just like we're doing now.
Dad would have been so proud.
I wish you could have met him.
But maybe it's actually nicer
the way it is now.
That he gets to live inside you.
We're home now.
What the hell are they doing here?
It's absolutely bloody incredible!
Now, damn it!
What the hell have you done?
-He's a cop.
-Was a cop.
Says who?
Fucking wog!
We told you from the start.
He was all wrong.
So, maybe you'll thank us?
Hey, Kent!
-What are you going to do with him?
-You know what to do.
Use the Kärcher high pressure
cleaning tool. Remove the stain.
-Have you got him?
-Into the van.
My foot really fucking hurts.
Just a little bit longer.
I can't see a fucking thing.
Give me your hand.
-I'll go and get the spades.
-Should I dig with my foot?
We'll come back tomorrow
with the machine.
Fuck you, goat fucker!
Rest in peace, motherfucker.
-Let's go and drink.
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