Passenger (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

What do YOU think happened?
Choked on a nut?
Pathologist hasn't even started yet.
You're not telling me
a Punto's done that. John proposed.
He left the pub with Debbie Nickson
on Friday night.
I wish I'd never met you,
John Trowbridge.
You're just like your dad.
No, stop!
He needs help.
Nina stayed at Cath's B&B.
She didn't check out,
she didn't pay her bill. Hey, Ri.
Hola, Riya.
Looks like, in the last month,
we've had two
replacement bin requests.
And in the last six months?
We need a room.
One room? Please.
And then he raised his head.
Soaked in the memory.
Seeing his own life re-lived
among the scattered seeds of time.
"The scattered seeds of time."
That's wonderful.
Fear - is it something
that looks at me or lives in me?
Very good.
How we getting on?
Not long now.
We haven't arrived here by chance.
We've arrived here by choice.
No activity yet.
Then we wait.
We'll be ready
when it reveals itself.
We fight.
To living without fear.
ALL: To living without fear.
Lilly Wells, I know this was you!
D'you hear me? Your friend's death
had nothing to do with me!
Fracking starts again today.
Come on!
MAN: His blood is on your hands!
I'm tired of being intimidated.
Get away!
Where would you put yourself
on a scale of one to ten?
In terms of?
Well, just generally.
Oh, you mean just like as a person?
Probably six.
You're not a six.
Oh, aye, where would you put you?
But, some days if I'm ratty,
I can be a three.
Good work on the bins, boss.
Nailed it.
Mm, yeah, you smashed it, boss.
Al, you did all the hard work,
I just put the cherry on.
Who knew when Linda was banging on
about the bins,
she was talking about 200 of 'em.
Where is Linda?
Getting her teeth done.
Honestly, my gut has been
screaming out this whole time,
and last night,
it confirmed it all for me.
Confirmed what? That something's
not right with this town.
I'm sure it's nothing, boss.
I'm sure it's just some scally
bell-end nicking bins for kicks.
It's not just bins, though,
is it, Ali? It's everything -
it's Nina, it's Katie,
it's a 28-piece stag.
It's what happened to Mehmet.
What if it wasn't suicide?
And what the hell happened
to Nina Karlsson?
I mean, is she dead too?
And why is Linda
getting her teeth cleaned
when her town is turning to shit?!
What you looking at, boss?
Land Registry.
Need to find out who owns
that lockup.
Come on.
Come on!
Come on, you piece of crap.
It's not the day for this.
She's lost the plot.
Er, don't give me that look.
What look?
That look you just gave me.
And no more "soz". We're not 12.
And John Trowbridge is in hospital.
Found in the forest.
Same forest as Katie.
I mean, d'you see what I'm saying, people?
Something is not right, in general,
in this town.
And I need answers. Today.
I mean no more fucking about.
You two, go down to the lockup.
I want you to check out every bin,
see what's what.
On it. Like Sonic, Boss.
What "oh"? Whose lockup is it, boss?
Have a guess.
Vicky's just text me.
What's she texting?
Said John's in hospital.
What's happened?
She doesn't know.
Was it you?
What? Few days out, and now,
suddenly, John's in hospital.
Hey, coincidence, Kate.
Is it? Is it, though?
John's never in hospital.
You do owt to him?
Why would I do that?
Cos you're you, aren't ya?
What's that supposed to mean?
Cos you're an animal.
That's boiling!
What are you doing? Yeah, I will.
Go on, fucking throw it at me.
I will!
Throw it right in me face.
Go on, do it! I hate you!
Never had you down
as a collector, Tone.
Start with stamps
and work your way up?
A few months back, one or two
people's bins went walkies
and now we're up to 200.
We found them.
In the lockup on Daleside.
Mm, happy times.
YOUR lockup.
Now, I really don't wanna put you
away for theft, I really don't.
Yeah, you're right,
that is my lockup.
Well done. Spot on.
If you'd bothered to do any digging,
if you'd taken any time
to scratch the surface,
people would've told you
that two year ago,
I had no use for it.
It were lying there idle,
so I loaned it out.
To who?
Poor little piggy,
so shit at her job.
Busy, busy!
Morning, Derek.
Nabbed a muffin.
Hope you don't mind.
Oh, sure, sure.
You look buggered.
Oh, spinning plates.
How can I, erm?
Heard about John.
Quite the hero, aren't you, Dez?
Ah, I look after my employees,
you know.
Someone's in bother,
I keep an eye out.
How'd you know he was in the forest?
Well, after the news about Mehmet,
I could see him struggling,
you know?
A lot of 'em head down the forest,
don't they?
Drink, drugs, whatever.
You ever leased anything off Tony?
No storage?
I think we're all right for storage.
Why, what's the, er?
Facility on Daleside,
found it full of nicked bins.
200 of 'em.
Full of God knows.
Tanks full of strange liquid,
all sorts.
I just wanna clear it off my desk.
Preferably before tonight's pint.
Oh, no, course.
I mean, I might be
a few shit things, Ri,
but I'm no bin thief.
Tony said he gave you the key.
Few years ago.
Y You talking about his lockup?
That's the one.
No, he-he lent me the key.
See if I wanted to use it for owt,
but it was way too small,
so I handed it back.
Roger that.
Yeah, when you say, erm, er,
a tank full of liquid - what?
Terry's running tests. God knows.
How odd.
I know.
Yeah, well, I'm
I'm sure it's nothing.
Are ya?
Cos I'm pretty sure it's something.
And if there is something in there,
I am bang in the mood
for finding out what it is.
But not your concern.
Ta for the muffin.
Ri! The missing Swedish girl
in the picture.
What about her?
Been bugging me for ages.
I couldn't put my finger on it.
Then this morning, I realised.
She's not missing -
I've been buying eggs off her
the last few months.
What d'you mean? She works
up in the farm in Doffston.
Her name's not Nina, though -
it's Claire.
You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
It is Nina, isn't it? Nina Karlsson?
Who? My name's Claire.
Is everything all right?
Would you give us a second?
Erm, this is my wife.
Er, there's a connection -
you, Sweden, Chadder Vale.
Sweden? Were you born there?
Did you ever live there? Which part?
From Halifax.
Er, could you shut up?
How d'you know Katie Wells?
I'm-I'm sorry, I honestly have
no idea what you're talking about.
You were seen. In Chadder Vale.
You left some stuff in a B&B.
Then you were reported missing.
And you weren't the only girl
to go missing,
so you can understand why
I'm taking it seriously. Sorry
Who the hell's this woman?
I don't
Er, this woman will turn you to ash
if you don't,
for the last time of asking,
shut up and piss off.
I was just gonna go fix this anyway.
Are you trying to ruin my marriage?
I met someone on an app. All right?
We had a We had a bit of a thing.
I I booked us a B&B in Chadder.
I got-I got hammered, all right?
I wasn't in a very happy place
at the time.
And I-I started telling him stuff,
personal self-harm stuff,
stuff I'd thought about doing.
Anyway, look,
when he-when he woke up
and I wasn't there, he panicked,
called the police
and told them I was missing.
So, who's Nina Karlsson?
Nina Karlsson's the lead detective
on that Swedish TV series.
I just borrowed a name
for a weekend shag. Is that a crime?
Even did the accent, an' all.
Look, I just I do not want
my husband finding out about this,
so please,
just-just leave us alone.
Oh! Phe-wee!
Best day of your life bar none,
Terry? Not really.
What's in the tank?
Don't go near that,
it's highly corrosive.
Explanation in three, two
We were just, er
We are just Yeah?
Ooh, we are just giving these bins
a thorough check, boss.
For what reason? Er, to be fair,
we weren't told that bit,
so I don't know.
Talk to me, Terry.
Er, I was just asked to run
a few tests.
On bin juice?
Right, call the council.
Get 'em to rinse 'em, spritz 'em
and get 'em back where they're meant
to be. Yeah, will do. Yeah, will do.
Where's Riya?
Ooh, erm
We're not sure, are we? No.
Try again.
RIYA: 'Ali, love.'
Did either you or Nish
ever actually google
the name Nina Karlsson?
We just passed that straight
to Manc Met. Hang on.
Nish, did you ever google
Nina Karlsson?
'Google? No. Why Google?'
Only cos she's off the telly!
The telly? 'Yeah,
a fictional Swedish Detective!'
This girl, her real name's Claire.
We just wasted all this time.
WHISPERS: She could've googled!
So, we've been burning man hours
looking for someone off a boxset?!
You're on speakerphone.
WHISPERS: Fucking no way, Ali!
'She's already been found!'
Great sleuthing (!)
I'm sending these two back.
'The bins will be collected
by the council.'
And you and I will talk later.
BOTH: Sorry, boss.
SUE: The air was too thick, you see.
You couldn't breathe it in,
so how was I supposed to breathe
if there was no air?
All right?
"You wouldn't treat a
a rat like this," I said.
"It's It's inhumane. It's cruel."
And they just stood there
in their little lines
with their little
packets of drugs.
And I
I needed air. Do you understand?
Why couldn't they just
give me air?
How many corners, Kane?
What do you mean?
You live your stupid little life
cutting corners
and I mop up the mess.
When does that end, I wonder?
I don't know what you're talking
This machine, for one.
Brand spankers, sitting idle.
I know what you're gonna say.
Oh, what am I gonna say?
The thing is, Dez
£20,000, that cost!
Hasn't even been touched.
I-I-I know.
You don't know! You don't!
You don't know the first thing!
It's still on there, Kane.
It nearly killed John.
And now we've got filth popping in.
Mithering me about lockups and bins.
Is that how you've been disposing
of 'em?
It were just easier.
Than a 20-grand machine?
The manual's, like, 60-odd pages.
And what's she gonna find in 'em?
I swear.
Dissolved 'em all.
She comes
anywhere near here again
I'll hang you out to dry.
'Good afternoon. Manchester Met.'
'Hello, it's Chadder Vale here.
'You couldn't put me through
to Michael Douglas, could ya?'
Michael, Linda.
Yeah, yeah.
Not too bad, ta.
Erm, having a nightmare
with one of mine.
Yeah. I was just wondering
if I could cash in that favour?
You got back late last night.
Left early this morning.
I thought we were meant to be
getting to know each other.
Can you not talk to me, please?
Why not?
What did I just say?
What happened?
Doesn't matter.
Feels like it does.
You're a nosy bitch, aren't ya?
My team messed up.
How big?
Fucking basic!
Never seen you this angry.
You don't know me, Jakub.
Stop acting like you know me!
I'm just saying
Well, just don't!
Talk to me.
I am!
Fine, I
I'm worried.
A girl went missing
and I didn't even google her name.
I mean, this town
it's making me lazy.
I'm I'm shit at my job.
I mean, what else am I missing?
Katie, Mehmet.
I used to be pedal to the metal
24-7, firing, on it.
But now, I just
I don't even know. I don't know.
I feel like I'm going mad.
Don't think I'm something cos
I feel like I'm nothing.
Oh, ever the professional (!)
Jakub. Always hard at it.
Just wanted to iron
a few things out.
You've been getting yourself
into a bit of a flap of late.
Did you get your teeth done?
Nina Karlsson.
What a phenomenal waste of time
that was.
Yet true to form.
Katie Wells, missin',
but not missin'.
Yeah, then we've got Mehmet,
God rest his soul.
Desperate to prove foul play
when it was always a clear case
of suicide, with a note.
So how do you explain
the obliterated stag?
What the the one lyin'
in the middle of a busy road?
With trucks thunderin'
up and down it?
Well, you tell me, eh?
And now, finally, the bins.
What a palaver.
You've got Terry testin'
for carton juice.
It's more than that.
No, "more than that"? It's always
gonna be "more than that", though,
in't it, with you?
There is never an end in sight.
You sing from your own hymn sheet.
Always have.
Problem is,
we're all bored of the song.
So I've got you a transfer.
To Manc Met.
You've missed rollin'
with the big dogs.
Now's your chance. You go next week.
Best for everyone.
Best for you.
If you like.
Confidential police material
pinned to a fridge in a garage.
Smart, that. Very (!)
Zip up, Jakub.
What's up?
Re-opened the site.
Kids went mental.
Filth not help?
They don't fight it, they bury it.
Pack it away
and just pretend it's not happening.
That's their way.
Thought you and her were best buds.
The more I beg,
the less she listens,
and I'm tired of it.
When you gonna stop all that?
I'm numbing the pain.
You're not numbin' the pain,
you're numbin' the memory, kid.
The memory of what he did.
Maybe it's time
to start facin' the pain.
Maybe it's time to fight it,
not bury it.
That side of you
at breakfast.
Never seen it before.
Don't exaggerate.
Not doin'.
Had a look in your eyes.
What look?
Look I haven't seen.
Reminded me of someone.
Shut up.
No, it's true. Your head were gone.
You weren't thinking straight.
It were a cup of coffee
You could've scalded him.
Yeah, but I didn't.
Only cos Mum stopped you.
So, what is this?
Just saying.
Don't make me out to be him because
you're wrong I'm not saying that.
Well, you're saying something,
and I don't like it. I just
Maybe you've got a bit of Dad
in you. Ever thought about that?
I mean, burning mannequins,
that's fucking twisted, Lil.
Jim can barely open a tin of beans,
let alone chuck someone off a tower!
I don't know how Mehmet died,
but Jim had nothin' to do with it.
So just drop it
and do summat useful instead.
Are you there? Are you?
Are you there?
You You hear that?
It's my heart.
And it beats like a lion.
Tells me I'm still alive.
I know you're there.
I know you're listening.
So hear it from me.
The pain I've suffered every day
for five years
because of you.
What did I ever do to you?
Your evil, spawned evil,
in that daughter of yours!
committing crimes to torture me.
The cycle just goes on and on,
and the rest of us just suffer.
I don't hear your heart!
That's what separates us.
We're different, you and I.
You don't feel.
You're a monster.
You're a monster.
All welcome, it says.
Get out.
And if I see you anywhere near
again You'll do what, eh?
See, my wife don't want me.
My little girls don't want me,
so there's nowt you can do
to top that, is there, eh?
Take my money.
Who wants to fight me? Eh?
Come on!
You know what kept me going while I
were inside? D'you know what it was?
It were knowin' that
because of what I'd done,
all you lot were sufferin'.
D'you hear that, Tony? Eh?
Can I get you anything?
I were thinkin', d'you want me
to help at the shop for a bit?
I wouldn't need paying,
just wanna do summat.
For you. For Mehmet.
He were the best.
Why did you do it?
Don't worry, I'll
I'm gonna pack a bag,
I'm gonna get out of your way.
Well, that's the problem wi' you.
Even when you're out of my way,
you're still in it.
Who did this?
Shit job.
I think I could've done better.
Yeah, I think you're probably right.
Sympathy card?
I don't need sympathy.
Liar. You're the most
neediest fucker I know.
Don't Hurts.
Few cuts don't excuse what you did.
I know.
Take your shirt off.
No, you don't
you don't need to do that,
I'm I'm all right.
All right! Now, don't hit me.
It's like
you're a thousand-piece jigsaw.
Living in the town
that can only take ten.
And all the good staff
transfers to Manchester.
Now you are too.
Maybe you should slow.
I don't want to.
Oh! Hello.
Are you sure you don't have
a bit of a drink problem?
You can shut your fucking fat face.
I'm kidding! I am just kidding.
You look nice.
As in, the ex-husband.
Husband. Technically.
Gin and a slimline, please.
Slimline. You're such a tosser.
I am not a tosser.
Why are you even here?
Oh, I needed a breather.
You've only been back ten minutes.
She is a nut-bag.
She's your mum! I know!
I keep tellin' myself that.
Shall I go?
No! No. Don't be ridiculous.
Her pills, is it every two hours?
Oh, my You've got one job, Nick!
We just got a bit out of sync.
She might've missed a couple.
She'll be all right.
How is Banderas?
Not keen on the weather.
Oh, is she not?
How long
are you planning on staying?
As long as it takes.
What are we toasting, then?
Getting fired.
Mm. Transferred.
Same diff.
You all right?
When am I not?
Most of the time.
Laters, dickheads.
John, I'm talkin' to you.
What is this?
What's what?
This cry for help shit.
Grab a phone, talk to a mate,
but don't do this.
It's small.
It's weak.
It's not who you are.
What am I?
A cheat, John.
What did you take?
I I wasn't going there to
I just wanted some space.
Time to think.
Don't play the coward, play the man.
This was different, though, Katie.
My dad was there.
In the forest.
So were you.
It was like all my worst fears
playing out.
Say that again.
I-I don't remember much, but
I didn't take anything.
I-I wouldn't.
Somethin' ain't right, Katie.
Somethin' ain't right.
It's the curse, Katie.
'Derek, it's head office.
'Something you forgot to mention.
'You and your brother too scared
to tell me what happened.
'Major fuck up, Derek.
'You better pray my team find it.
Last chance.'
Item detected.
I wanna know what you are!
I wanna know why.
Location identified.
Strike. Strike.
What are you?
No, no, no.
You belong here.
What do you want from me?
I don't wanna be here.
Mum, what are you doing?
Time for a cig?
You want a cig?
I need help?
Sleep little baby
Don't you cry
Sleep little baby
Don't you cry ♪
..don't you cry. ♪
You OK?
Who are you?
Would you like some water?
Thank you.
Thank YOU for your help.
Is it boarded?
Aye, it's stored.
Mission complete. Target recovered.
We found it.
Restoring to level eight. Out.
How d'you know where I live?
I'm a detective, Alison.
One of the best.
Sorry, are those your home clothes?
What? No.
You You You wear that sort of
thing around the house, do you?
Why would I not?
No reason.
Anyway, erm, I just came to say
Linda's had Riya transferred.
That's shit.
Isn't it, though?
I remember
when I were in high school,
I wrote an essay,
I thought it was amazin'.
WHISPERS: Spent two weeks on it.
Teacher read it and gave me an E.
Told me off
in front of the whole class.
Said it were nonsense.
Horrible when you really believe
in something,
when you think something's so right,
and it
turns out it's wrong.
Anyway, I was, er
I were thinkin' about Riya.
Maybe we should, I don't know
help her out?
Well, I'll wait outside
cos you need to get changed.
I'm not walking in public
with you wearing that.
Ugh, why would you nick a load of
bins just to store all this junk?
What was it about? Your essay?
Well, we were told
to write about an event.
Any event
that changed the course of history.
I chose, erm, Grand Theft Auto.
The computer game?
Yeah, I know it's just stupid.
Not really.
San Andreas had just come out.
Huge, it was.
Complete freedom and independence
to do whatever your mind wanted to.
If the game world could make
you think different you sort of
you sort of face the outside world
in a different way.
I know it's just a game,
but, honestly, it
it's like when you discovered vegan.
Were you any good?
Well medium.
There were some lads in my school
that were right up there, though.
Right up.
There was this one guy who won comps
and everything.
I'm more of a Vice City girl, me.
You-you You're a gamer?
Course I'm a gamer.
What, at Vice City?
Yeah, damn right.
But I always stop
at the traffic lights, Nish.
What we actually lookin' for here?
Clues, Alison. Clues.
What are youse doin' here?
So we went back to the lock-up.
My idea.
Yeah, it was his idea.
Erm, and we went through
a tonne of stuff from the bins.
This isn't my case any more, kids.
But a lot of this stuff,
it's pretty odd.
Like, wire cutters or
Yeah, and like overalls.
And there there's torches
and, like, knives and stuff.
We thought maybe
if we can scan the stuff for prints,
we could find out
who's using the lock-up.
You don't need to scan for prints.
It's pretty obvious who it is.
Know anyone else in Chadder
that smokes Houston Blues?
You got 60 seconds.
Before I start getting ratty.
Tony gave you the keys.
Let's start there.
This is
Is this about the lock-up?
More about the 200 missing bins.
I I'll pay I'll pay the fine.
Damn right you will.
But what's all that stuff in there, anyway?
Just what?
Bread waste.
Bread waste?
From the factory?
Water, yeast, that kind of thing.
One of our machines broke
about two years ago.
It takes ages
for the parts to come back,
so I went out after hours,
sorted it out myself.
What about all the other stuff?
The knives, the torches,
the corrosive liquid,
what about that?
I was just messin' about.
Meltin' chicken bones,
that sort of thing.
Why do I feel like I'm getting
shagged with my pants on?
You're not.
I just don't see what torches
and overalls
and compasses have to do
with baking bread.
You'd be surprised.
Chasin' bins,
chasin' bread waste.
This is why I became
a police officer. It's exciting (!)
I'm sorry.
Yeah, me too.
The most tedious charge
in the history of time.
Pinchin' 200 bins is a crime,
cocker, FYI.
So get comfy.
Gonna pop you in a holding cell
while I look into this.
MAN: Let's have you.
Come on, a bit further.
'Bread factory was clean, but
I'm gonna go back to the lock-up.
'I need you two
to search Kane's farmhouse, OK?'
ALISON: 'Nish!'
Take a look at that.
"To Katie, happy 21st, love Mum."
That's Katie's.
SOFTLY: God, no.
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