Prayer Beads (2004) s01e04 Episode Script


An Eisei Gekijo Production Planning by Sedic International Directed and Supervised by Masahiro Okano PRAYER BEADS Fourth Bead Masaya Kato Natsuo Ishido Yasuhito Hida Kyusaku Shimada Naoto Takenaka Doctor? Are you okay? Let's start.
He's going to die.
That guy.
What's the matter, doctor? Close him up! Without even operating? It's no laughing matter.
It'll put me at peace, too.
Even if there is only a 1 % chance, a doctor must That 1 % is closer to zero.
It's not a surgeon's job to butcher a patient.
Prep Hurry up! ture! At last he can die.
Serves him right! Exactly! REAL Can't you do another test? You've seen it yourself.
There's nothing unusual in the brain scan.
Like I told you last time, before you ask for drugs, shouldn't you give up cigarettes first? As one doctor to another, I expect you to understand that.
Yeah, well If you continue like this, you'll cause a nuisance to the hospital and your patients.
Hasn't your wife said anything about you smoking? No, she doesn't know.
Medicine is a sacred profession.
We have to be healthy in mind and body.
No place for disorder.
That other doctor caused a terrible incident.
The hospital's reputation is at stake.
Well, for you, doctor I am really sorry for what happened.
But unless you become more realistic no one can cure you of your disease.
Be careful, before it's too late.
How dare you! Sorry.
It still hurts? Why are you here? Drinking it won't change you.
I'm the same.
That's true for you.
Going berserk with a scalpel.
What you need is a depressant.
Don't say that.
Can't be helped, after what you did.
How's your wife? She's fine.
She must hate me, I bet.
She said she'd kill you.
Yeah, I bet she did.
Shit! Hey! Azuma, listen to me! Your headaches won't go away! They'll get worse! Go here before it's too late! Azuma! Believe me! Excuse me.
Uh Is it hot outside? What? Is it hot outside? Yeah, pretty hot.
I can't bear air conditioning.
That two-faced machine.
Nagai told me about you.
He mentioned you.
Isn't this a beautiful flower? It rarely blooms this time of the year.
Normally flowers earlier.
Its friends all bloomed and withered months ago.
It's the outcast.
Unlike its friends.
Maybe this is what it means by reality.
A flower said to bloom in spring blooms in the fall.
Is this his personal wish? Or was it supposed to be a flower that blooms in the fall, and it's his friends that are unusual.
What do you think? Uh, well Please.
You must be thirsty.
Thank you.
What is it? It's REAL.
What? The medicine you just drank.
Why didn't you say before? Don't worry.
I made it myself.
I used to be a doctor.
What's in this medicine? It will take effect gradually.
Not immediately.
In a few days, things will start to become clear.
There may be side effects.
You might become a little sensitive.
Sensitive? Your unconscious self.
Your eternal unconscious self.
But it will be better than the headaches you have now.
Keep taking it for a week.
After that, it's up to you.
You decide.
How Tatsuo Azuma will protect himself.
There're still comrades in the hospital.
Only a few left.
Why didn't you tell the police? He caused a physical injury.
Nagai's a criminal! He's not a friend of yours anymore.
Get real! He's causing you trouble! Don't say that! What did he say? Nothing.
Tomorrow, I'm calling the cops.
You should tell your superior, too.
If you don't want to say anything, I'll call him.
I'll call the police.
You don't have to shout so much.
My headache is getting better.
If it hadn't improved, would you have gone berserk too? Fish again? Can't we have meat sometimes? What are you doing? Sorry.
The protein in fish reduces the amount of salt in the body.
It also prevents blood clots in the brain.
It was on TV the other day.
What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened? You were in such pain yesterday.
It's a miraculous recovery.
Cocaine is a magical drug that relieves innumerable illnesses.
Just kidding.
Let's start.
What is it? What's wrong? Why did you take something without knowing what was in it? What were you thinking, doctor? Anyway, tell me who gave you the drug.
I'll look into it.
Doctor! Doctor! What in the world TO TATSUO AZUMA There's no one home.
He caused a personal injury case.
The police came.
It was a real problem here.
"I'm going ahead" Where? Nagai! This one's a drug addict! Look at the color of his blood.
(TV Reporter) Today's high is 34 degrees Celsius.
Weather will be sunny.
It may rain tomorrow in the mountains.
And now the regional weather.
Tatsuo? Do you want some, too, Tatsuo? What's wrong now? Whose side are you on? What? Are you one of them, too? One of who? What's up with you? Tatsuo! What is it? Which side? What do you mean? I know! Tatsuo! Tatsuo! Get real! Doctor! Doctor! What is it? (Radio Reporter) On the 29th of last month, Rika Azuma was stabbed by her husband in their apartment and lost consciousness.
She now has regained consciousness.
The suspect, her husband Tatsuo Azuma, Iater wounded three people at Osawa Hospital and has been on the run for the last three days.
Anyone with information on the suspect is asked to contact the police immediately.
The police also ask for information on six other assault cases at Osawa Hospital which are believed to have been connected to a certain drug.
The police are now searching for the dealer.
And now for a commercial break.
I'll try it.
I was waiting for you, Azuma.
Me? You understand everything now? Yes, everything.
How do you feel? Just fine That's good.
after I stopped taking this drug.
Why? Why did you stop? Once I stopped, I felt better.
Like I'd been reborn.
Why didn't you do as I said? Fuck! You drugged Nagai and ruined my life! You don't understand.
What you're doing is wrong! No, you're the one making the mistake.
You're crazy.
You're crazy! I'm crazy? What are you doing? It's okay.
Stop! I'm going ahead, Azuma.
Directed by Masahiro Okano What is it, Maki? Look! MUSHROOM HUNTING
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