Prime Target (2025) s01e04 Episode Script


[Andrea] Hi.
- [driver] Thank you.
- Thank you.
[vendors clamoring]
[in Arabic] There he is.
Let's go. [speaks Arabic]
[exclaims, laughing]
[voicemail greeting]
Hi. This is Dr. Nathoo.
Please leave a message.
Hi, it's Andi.
Listen, I couldn't just sit there
so I'm on my way, Charan.
I'll see you in Baghdad
in about eight hours.
I just don't understand.
Why don't you go to Kaplar
- to find Safiya's missing work?
- [Ed sighs]
I mean, it's all we've got
to go on right now.
No. Not a chance. I'm not I'm not insane.
And what do you think
is gonna happen to you?
- They're gonna shoot me.
- Oh, my God.
- Or suicide me.
- [scoffs] I mean
[sighs, grumbles]
[Taylah] Okay.
Just don't tell them
what your actual research is.
Plus you're not doing any of this alone.
This is my job. This is what I do.
I I I watch you.
Yeah, and how well did that
work out for Robert Mallinder?
So you're happy to just walk away?
And what about Robert?
Since you just graciously brought him up.
His life ends without any question?
What about his wife?
- Widow.
- Okay. Widow, correct.
So none of that touches you?
Of course [sighs]
Of course it touches me.
But why should I be the one to fix it?
Because like it or not,
you're on their radar now.
You think you can just walk away
and act like nothing ever happened?
[scoffs, chuckles] There's
There's no chance.
I know you're scared,
but you need to go to Kaplar
so we can find out who's behind
all of this.
[breathes deeply]
Look [stammers] I I'm not
gonna let anything happen to you.
That's not a fact.
That's a hypothesis.
[receptionist] Right hand.
[researchers chattering]
[receptionist] Just step back.
Sign at the bottom.
[receptionist] Thank you.
- [manager] Good morning, Mr. Brooks.
- Hi.
Welcome to Kaplar.
If you'd like to follow me.
[manager] Have you got your fob?
Great, so you're gonna pop it on here.
So, this is our lounge area.
Researcher there working on a formula
to predict voter behavior.
This way.
The building is open 24 hours.
Always someone staffing the front desk.
We're aware that creative research
doesn't always run to a timetable.
This is you.
So, everyone keeps a precise
digital record of their work, an archive.
I'll give you a PIN
so you can access what you're working on.
Takes a while to come through.
We prefer you to work in here,
not at home,
so none of our systems
can be accessed remotely.
Just safer.
Oh, and, uh, orientation meeting
midday with Mr. Nield.
Thoughts so far?
Mmm. I I feel like a kid in a sweet shop.
That's the general idea.
Enjoy the feast.
- [Poppy] Hi, Nicki.
- [Nicki] Hi, Poppy.
[knocks on door]
[Nield chuckles] Hey.
Here he is.
It's an honor
to have you with us, Ed. Really.
[clicks tongue]
So, look, this is fairly informal.
We just need to get a rough idea
in which way you're headed.
Yeah. You mean what
I intend to focus on while I'm here?
You set out your stall for us.
So this is your area of research?
Yeah. Algebraic number theory is.
[inhales deeply]
That's what really fascinates me.
- [Ed] I'm on camera.
- Yeah. [sighs]
Standard practice here,
don't worry about it.
Ideas need protecting.
And listen, if you've got any relevant
material at home, disks, files
No, I I I do everything by hand.
Even more reason to keep a safe record.
Bring it in.
[breathes deeply]
[Tom] He's with me.
- Feel all right?
- [Alex] Yeah, just [sighs]
those guys who arrested me
Wasn't an arrest.
They jumped me and threw me into a car.
You're probably alive because of them.
Alex, right?
Trained at Fort Meade.
Posted to Chicago.
A lot of great bars in that town.
Good barbecue too.
You ever had a Red Hot?
Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
It says here this is
your first field assignment.
You arrive, five days later
one of your colleagues is shot dead.
That's tough.
Alex, you know what Syracuse is, right?
Well, we've been running it
quietly for decades
and now all of a sudden it's caught fire,
and we need to know why.
You have any ideas?
- [exhales sharply]
- [inhales deeply]
What about Taylah Sanders?
Did you talk to her
before any of this happened?
One of the mathematicians
she was watching,
M Mallinder, Cambridge, killed himself.
It kind of hit her hard.
Where is she now?
[softly] I don't know.
Thanks, Alex. You can wait outside.
What are you gonna do?
She'll call.
I know her.
She'll call.
Then she'll come in.
[breathes deeply, sighs]
[radio host speaking Arabic]
[breathes deeply]
Andrea, I want to tell you, we were
so very sad when we heard about Robert.
Thank you, Akram.
I can't imagine.
You're kind, but honestly, it would
be nice to not think about it for a while.
Of course.
Where's Charan? I tried calling him, but
I think, uh, Dr. Nathoo must be unwell.
Do you want to see it?
Are you ready?
- No. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
Come on, let's go.
Come on. Careful.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
[sniffling] I'm sorry.
[chuckles, sighs]
Don't be.
All the centuries between now and then.
Civilizations fall.
People die, but they aren't lost.
Something remains.
The finest astronomers
and mathematicians of the medieval world.
This is where civilization was forged.
[Andrea] Bayt al-Hikmah.
We found you at last.
[Taylah] Okay.
So what have you discovered?
They've been paying Mallinder
for 30 years since 1994,
when he and Safiya Zamil were in love.
When she killed herself.
And her work was taken by Kaplar.
Okay. What else?
They film everything.
They keep everything you write,
and everything we put on our boards
they somehow [stammers]
capture on their system
and keep it in a digital archive.
Wait. So did you get access?
No, not yet.
Well, get it.
If they've been doing this for 30 years,
then what we need is definitely inside.
[sighs] Get it how?
Ed [chuckles] figure it out.
We need to get access
and we need to do it fast.
Am I late?
Uh, a little.
I brought dinner.
British tapas.
And, um,
champagne to toast your first day.
- Nice. Classy.
- [chuckles]
[Adam] So, how was it?
Are you gonna tell me or
Uh, it was
Yeah, it was it was brilliant.
- Yeah. [sighs]
- All right. Come on, give me details.
[chuckles] It's
I mean, it's kind of swanky.
I have a desk.
Okay? So, not unlike a proper job then.
- Yeah. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
But the big bucks, I mean,
must add to the appeal, right?
I mean, they're not that big.
Let's not get too carried away.
But still, it's a stepping stone.
You're a lucky boy.
Landed on your feet, Ed.
And, um, you know, if [sniffs]
if you're going to be, like, all
- [exhales deeply] rich and famous now
- [chuckles]
I guess I'd better stick around, eh?
[clicks tongue] Well, that would be nice.
You know, I stood outside your door
for ten minutes like a demented superfan.
[both chuckle]
This whole thing would be
so much easier if you had a phone.
Especially since we're
you know.
Oh. [stammers]
Are we?
I mean
I don't I'm not sure it still works but
[grunts, sighs]
Aha. [chuckles]
- [receptionist 2] Hello.
- [Andrea] Good evening.
Professor Andrea Lavin.
I believe you have a guest staying,
Dr. Charan Nathoo.
Could I leave him a message please?
There are some people upstairs
in his room, Professor Lavin.
I will get my manager.
- [officer 1 speaks Arabic]
- [officer 2 speaks Arabic]
[in Arabic] Can I help you?
[in English] I'm looking for Dr. Nathoo.
[in Arabic] We explained to the lady
that you were in here.
[officer 1, in Arabic] Is she family?
[in English] Where is he?
[overlapping chatter]
[line ringing]
[Akram] Andrea?
He's not ill, Akram.
You said he was unwell.
I shouldn't have let him come out here.
I shouldn't have asked him.
I went to his room, the police were there.
I just spoke to them.
Andrea, calm down. What is it?
It's Charan, he's dead. [breathes shakily]
And they won't tell me anything.
Okay. Stay where you are.
I will meet you at the hotel. Okay?
[Nicki] Hi?
- Hi.
- What you doing?
[stammers] It's my my first
my first day second day second day
and I'm just being neighborly, I guess.
What work are you researching here?
Algebraic number theory.
- You?
- Four-dimensional networks.
Hyperbolic geometry.
Is that the Is that the archive?
Uh, where we keep our work logged.
- Can I take a look?
- No.
Grown-ups would kill me.
Yeah. Grown-ups. [chuckles]
Walls have ears, right?
I mean, who who's
who's funding all this anyway?
Or are you not meant to ask?
That work on your, um
- Booth.
- Booth.
What is that? Is that Is that Is that
some prime geodesics?
That's old from weeks ago.
You did that?
Mm-hmm. That was my area of research.
But they persuaded me to move on.
So that's what I did.
Pers Persuaded? By what?
[stutters] Let's just say
I like my funding.
Yeah, you and me both.
We've got a secure call from
an unknown number. I think it's her.
- Patch it through.
- [Tom] Already on it.
[phone rings]
Give me the room.
[phone rings]
- Jane Torres.
- [Taylah] Hey, i it's me.
Taylah. Thank God,
I've been losing my mind here.
Yeah, I know. I should have checked in.
But you're okay, right? You're not hurt?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- You're sure?
Look, I think I'd know. Right, Jane?
[chuckles] That's my girl.
How's the rest of the unit?
Is everyone secure?
[stammers] What about the new guy, Alex?
Uh, yeah, our agents brought him in.
You did a great job disappearing.
- Where the hell have you been?
- England.
- Cambridge.
- What's in Cambridge?
There's a research mathematician here
who worked with Robert Mallinder.
[inhales deeply] We need to bring you in.
We need to debrief you.
No, Jane, listen,
I alerted Syracuse to Robert Mallinder
for the work that he was doing.
Okay? And that's what got him killed.
And it wasn't even Mallinder's work.
It was this guy that I'm with.
Edward Brooks.
Oh, yeah? What's his field?
Prime numbers.
But he used the words prime finder.
And primes are the basis of all digi
Digital security.
Uh, listen, have you ever heard of
this place called the Kaplar Institute?
It's a research institute
here in Cambridge.
They reached out to him
and they're trying to recruit him.
I Look, I just need a few more days
to figure all of this stuff out.
No, you're in no shape
to handle this right now.
Especially not after what happened.
You need to get back here.
Look, Jane, just give me some time, okay?
[line beeps]
[phone buzzes]
[sighs] Shit.
[sighs] Tom.
- [Tom] Is she all right?
- Uh, she's safe. She's fine.
I gave her 24 hours stress leave.
The cavalry arrives tomorrow
at Charles de Gaulle.
He was going to be brilliant.
He was.
He already was brilliant.
And then I sent him out here.
The police think
he went to the wrong kind of bar.
Where men go to meet each other.
If some barbarians set on him,
that is the fault of this place,
not yours.
No, it it doesn't make sense
because he was
He was a very cautious person. He was
Look, I can have a flight home
arranged for you if you prefer.
I've waited a lifetime
for a discovery like this.
Let me check those out.
You need to show us
any work you've done, just for security.
The, uh The access code
to the archive, do I get one of those?
Or is it more like a probation thing?
Like I said, it takes a few weeks. So, no.
[receptionist] Your pass, sir.
- [Andrew] Jane.
- Andrew.
Welcome to Paris.
- [Tom] Mr. Carter, sir.
- [Andrew] Thank you.
[Andrew] Well, look at you.
Maybe I ought to move here too
if you're anything to go by.
You look insanely good, Jane.
You look like a flight attendant.
So, to what do I owe this pleasure?
[Andrew] Same as always.
I am here to help.
You brought wine to France?
It's American wine.
Hundred Horses. Napa Valley Zinfandel.
And trust me, it's better than
any of the crap they serve here.
[clicks tongue] I'm afraid
I only have paper cups, Andrew.
- Hmm.
- [machine whirs]
What's your name, son?
Uh, Tom Grayson, sir.
Tom, will you fetch us some wine glasses?
We're not savages.
You find her yet?
She's in Cambridge.
She's with a mathematician.
A student of Mallinder's, Edward Brooks.
What, so you just
let her wander into the field?
Some kid from surveillance?
She's not some kid.
I'm well aware of who
this child is to you, Jane.
All the more reason
to bring her in quickly and quietly.
Tom, come in.
No glass for yourself?
Oh. [chuckles] Please.
- [phone buzzes]
- [Taylah] Okay. You've got my number now.
So steal the access pass
to the archives
and call me when you're set.
We'll be all right.
[breathes deeply]
Well, if we're in this together,
I need to show you something.
This whole thing started when I saw these.
[Taylah] What is it?
A place called Bayt al-Hikmah.
What happened to Robert
is somehow connected to this place.
[Taylah] Why are you showing me this now?
How is it significant?
It's about primes.
The maths is similar.
It's all connected.
My work, Safiya's, Bayt al-Hikmah.
It's out there.
In Baghdad. That's where we need to be.
Okay, Ed. But, for now,
let's just focus on Kaplar.
Take this.
It should give me control
once you have access.
- Will it work?
- [scoffs]
It's worth a shot.
That's reassuring.
[Ed] You leaving?
Mm-hmm. Just finished for today.
- What's with the chess games?
- No, please don't touch that.
I'm playing with a colleague
[Ed] Oh.
Wow, two games at once. Nice.
Yeah, I know.
It's a bit, you know, full-on.
Candidate master.
Well, bishop to G4.
I would.
Are you high?
I'd walk right into his Lewis counter.
Ah. Yeah, I'm just testing.
- [researcher] Hey. You ready?
- [researcher 2] All done.
[researcher 1]
Thanks for the lift, by the way.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[line ringing]
- [Ed] Are you there?
- [Taylah] I'm here.
You good?
I don't know what I'm doing
if that's what you mean by good.
[chuckles] I guess.
Did you get the log in for the archives?
Yeah, I memorized it.
[Taylah] Good.
Okay. I'm looking at it.
It's It's a list of names.
Is there a file for Safiya?
I can't see one. No.
Okay, I'll need access
to the primary drive.
What's the primary drive?
[chuckles] Use the thing that I gave you.
[Taylah] Okay.
What's going on?
Still nothing.
The system's more robust than I thought.
[Taylah] I've got access here,
but I can't see your screen.
You'll need to be my eyes.
We'll just have to do this
by first principles.
- - Meaning what?
- Meaning
I'll type the instructions
and you have to copy and paste them.
[sighs] Okay.
Open the hard drive icon on the desktop
and select the command line.
Paste my code into there.
Go ahead and try this.
Okay, yeah. I'm in.
There's a folder here called "Primes."
Okay. Try that.
It won't let me open.
So if it's locked, there's probably
something important hiding inside of it.
No, it [sighs]
it's not happening, Taylah.
Okay. What's the operating system?
Is there a logo, an extension?
Go to the top left
and open system settings.
[breathes heavily]
Uh, it says AXI.
I know that system,
but it's US government only.
- The software's designed by Axiorn.
- [sighs]
They're a private security firm.
Uh, it's a long shot,
but if it's AXI, try this.
- Well?
- Hold on.
I'm in.
I think it's a list of people
who have looked into primes.
Safiya's here.
Says she signed a contract too.
Signed it in 1994.
The same year as Mallinder.
It says
It says her work was deleted.
There's other stuff here too.
- What stuff?
- Uh [stammers] surveillance footage.
[whispers] Jesus.
Her whole life is in here.
Send me a screenshot.
How do I do that?
Alt, Print Screen.
Now drag it from the desktop
into the black window.
That's Syracuse.
This is my project.
Surveilling mathematicians.
Safiya had the exact same treatment.
How the hell does Kaplar
have access to any of this?
- [door opens]
- Wait, shh.
We're fine.
[breathes deeply]
What's happening?
[breathes deeply, sighs]
Ed, what's going on?
[door lock whirs, clicks]
Hi. Uh.
Working late?
Yeah, just, um, checking up on some stuff.
Uh, Nield gave me access privileges,
so I Yeah. [inhales sharply]
[Poppy] Okay.
Can you just wait here a second?
- Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.
- Ed, what's going on?
- She saw me.
- Wha What happened?
My manager, she saw what I was doing.
What do I do?
You need to take the drive
and get out of there as quick as possible.
Now. Go.
Shit, shit, shit.
[Poppy] Ed? Hold on!
Ed, stop!
Go after him.
[guard 1] Come back here!
- [guard 2] Stop right now!
- [guard 3] Where you going?
[Taylah] We gotta get out of here fast.
Whoever was watching you
was using the exact same systems we do.
[sighs] What are you saying?
That Kaplar's NSA?
I don't know what it is.
Where's your research?
You saw, Mallinder destroyed it.
[groans] And you haven't tried
to recreate it?
Well, I have. I've tried
but it doesn't work like that.
You can't
If you wrote War and Peace
and someone ripped it up,
you can't just crank a handle.
Passport, it's in the drawer.
[Taylah] They're hunting us.
[sighs] We leave Cambridge.
We follow the maths.
What? To Baghdad?
Yeah. [sighs]
That'll be where the answers are.
[phone chimes]
- Ed, what are you doing?
- I'm just texting someone.
- No. Who?
- Adam.
No. Leave it. They'll track it. Let's go.
[phone rings]
[Taylah] I have Brooks with me.
We're leaving Cambridge now.
Okay. Just wait.
I'll send one of my team over.
No, no, no, Jane, don't do that.
Don't tell anyone.
- Taylah, what is it?
- They had everything.
- What?
- All of the Syracuse data.
They had access to all of our work, Jane.
They're using the Axiorn system.
There's someone on the inside
sharing Syracuse data.
Someone responsible
for all of these deaths.
Jane, we wait on
[mouthing] Come here. Close the
Look, Jane, we gotta get to Baghdad.
Wait. What?
Uh, Brooks says that
there's some archaeological dig
that may be the key to all of this.
Taylah, I'm just trying to get you safe.
Look, we're at the airport.
I gotta go.
- Taylah.
- [line beeps]
[Andrew] What?
We have a problem.
She's farther ahead than I thought.
She knows it's someone on the inside.
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