Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Isora Amano

Nikola-san started acting strangely
all of sudden.
Tesla, a meta AI that oversees the
entire game, had taken over her body.
She's ordered me to get rid of the
debuggers who are causing problems.
Now we're headed for a new village, but
Hey, you there!
Who are you?
Where did you come from?
Don't move!
Make one wrong move and you'll regret it!
Hey, everyone!
On me!
What is it?
Someone suspicious?
Everything okay?
Who's that?
What is this?
Is this a new trend or something?
What are you talking about?
Wait a sec, Nikola-san.
That's a bug.
The people in this village
are stuck in their T-poses.
What's a T-pose?
It's the default pose
for a 3D character model.
You add animation from there, but
These guys don't have any.
That's why they're just floating
above the ground.
Anyway, can you start by making
a list of all the villagers?
Then we can see which of them
are stuck like this.
Sorry for startling you.
Um we don't mean you any harm, you see.
We're official Seekers
conducting an investigation
Sorry for being suspicious of you.
Have a good time in our village!
I'm glad they believed us.
There's still so much I don't understand.
But that doesn't change my job.
I'll just focus on my work, stay cautious,
and taking things one step at a time.
Oh, you're awake, Luu.
Good morning, Amano-sama.
Isora Amano
Sixty-two Sixty-three
I finished my fifth check.
I think I got everyone.
Thank you.
So the reproducibility rate is 5/5.
Now we put this on the stone
And that concludes our report to the dev team.
We'll get a notice once it's fixed,
then go see for ourselves in the morning.
It's been so long since I've slept
in a bed. This is great!
Bugfix Status
It's fixed!
Okay, let's take another look
at how everyone moves.
Find Bug
Report Bug
Reporting bugs and confirming fixes
are also part of our job.
Confirm Fix
That's the debugger's basic process.
I see!
Good morning.
Morning, Luu.
Here's today's.
Thank you.
You were up all night again,
weren't you, Amano-sama?
Yeah, but I get rest where I can.
Are you heading out?
I'm out of paper, so I'm off to buy more.
Right. You said a traveling
merchant was in town.
Be careful.
I'll be back soon.
If I can find medicine to
help your legs, I'll buy that, too.
The T-posing's been fixed!
Haga-san, look!
He's not fixed!
We missed him yesterday.
But that's strange.
I'm sure I checked everyone.
I've never seen those two before.
Are they with them?
Excuse me, um
Nikola-san, get behind me!
He disappeared!
Is he using a debugger stone?
That wasn't debug mode. He used an
invisibility spell to cloak himself.
It was magic?
He started out T-posing,
but he switched to normal animation
when we spoke to him.
Fether = Race of Cat People
Maybe because he's a fether?
It's possible that certain races
have different behaviors.
His footprints are still here.
I've never seen anyone
use invisibility before.
Maybe this is just how it's supposed to work.
Make note of it, I guess.
We can't miss even tiny graphical bugs.
Even though the devs hate getting those.
He didn't seem aggressive,
so let's follow and talk to him.
I sure spend a lot of time crawling
around when I'm with Haga-san.
This is all a trial to help me
become a Seeker!
It's not, though.
The footprints lead inside this house.
Who might you be?
Oh, um, I'm sorry.
Uh, I'm looking for a fether adventurer.
It's rude to barge into someone's house.
I, um
She's right, Haga-san.
What we're doing is outrageous.
It's just a game, but they kept
this one part realistic.
Wait, those are bug sheets.
E-Excuse me. These are
Give those back. They're mine.
Where did you get these?
One wrong move and I'll slit her throat.
Tell the boss
that I'm not going to bother you guys.
So just leave me alone.
I gave you my debugger stone.
Isn't that enough?
Did you just say "debugger stone"?
Padon me, but are you a debugger?
Who are you?
Stay right there!
Wait! We're not your enemies!
Can you see the debugger stone on my back?
If you're worried, you can hold on to it.
You are all in my house.
Kindly keep the ruckus down.
I see.
So the T-posing villagers were
fixed because you reported them.
Must've been a pain
to catalog every one of them.
Nikola-san and I split the work.
Sakai and Sumida, the two guys you met
in Adan, are old coworkers of mine.
Based on what you said,
the Play-Ing crew hasn't changed at all.
Then the boss you mentioned
You meant from Play-Ing?
They've been doing all kinds of awful stuff,
claiming to be "testing console commands."
I got sick of it and walked out.
So that's what you're doing
all the way out here.
By the way, Amano-san,
are you a pro manga artist?
If I were pro,
I wouldn't be debugging part-time.
That's fair.
It's for me.
Amano-sama crafts such wonderful stories
for me since I can't easily leave my house.
Luu, you don't need to tell them anything.
She's an NPC, right?
Luu is part of the "Tell Me a Story" subquest.
She has the ability to evaluate stories.
Procedurally generated subquests
for specific NPCs
That's one of this game's selling points!
You've seen enough, right?
I've decided to stay here and draw my manga.
Now that you know, you can go.
I was hoping you might help me debug
No way in hell.
Well, I'm glad it wasn't some weird bug
still making people T-pose, at least.
Man, you take this way too seriously.
Haga, was it?
I think you're probably the only
one who's still debugging.
So it seems
Nikola-san, what's wrong?
I didn't know stories could be so moving!
This is wonderful!
Let me read more!
What's gotten into you?
Wait! Hey!
Nikola-san can read manga?
Excuse me
I'd like to read some more, too.
You should be stopping her!
Come on, please.
Damn, you're persistent.
Leave when you're done reading.
And you'd better wash your hands.
Get my drafts dirty and I'll kill you.
You did all this, Amano-san?
Well, yeah.
\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hForgotten Villages
Far from the road that connects the Bayle Highlands and the capital, you can find
sporadic "forgotten villages" dotting the landscape. Rare visits by traveling
merchants are their only source of information from the outside world.
Wanted System\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h
Guards will be dispatched immediately to arrest
anyone who violates the kingdom's laws.
The King's Seekers are no exception.
That's a lot of pages.
How long have you been in this village?
Hm, let me think
About six months, I guess.
I've decided to go.
I'm leaving my debugger stone behind.
I left the castle because I didn't like
what the boss and the others were doing.
"They might come after me.
I need to hide out somewhere."
That's all I thought about back then.
A village? Out here?
Look at this place.
It's bugged to hell and back.
But that means no debugger has found it yet.
Maybe here?
Who's there?
S-Sorry. I didn't think anyone was living here.
Are you a traveler?
Huh? She's not bugged out.
Would you please tell me
a story about a hero?
She's got a subquest?
I've been told the world is full of stories.
Traveler, I am unable to walk
because of my legs.
If you have any tales to share, please do.
How about this?
There's no point in showing
an NPC my manga, is it?
I've never read anything so amazing.
This is a picture story, isn't it?
I could write more, I think
Want to read it?
Of course!
I can't wait!
Yeah Okay.
In exchange for her letting me stay here,
I fixed up her run-down house.
And you know the rest.
I see.
So, since then, you've been
here writing manga?
I think you're the same as me.
You're keeping sane in this world
by devoting yourself to your work.
Aw, cut it out.
I just like manga.
By the way, Haga, do you know any recipes
for medicine that could heal Luu's legs?
No, I'm sorry.
I see.
I wish I could make some for her.
If only her legs would heal,
she could go wherever she wanted.
What happens next after this?
I can't wait to find out!
The traveling merchant said
this was the house, right?
Yeah. Pretty sure we just squished 'em both.
Damn it! What was that?
Luu was upstairs!
Let me go! Let me go, damn it!
Shh! Be quiet!
That's funny I'm sure this was the spot.
Well, whatever.
Let's go.
I've figured out how to control dragons now.
This was tons of fun.
Get moving.
Have fun rebuilding, guys!
That's the debugger from before!
We can't go outside now!
I know! But I've got more
important things to worry about!
Please be safe, Luu
I've gotten a lot better, haven't I?
I could probably go pro!
This was another great story!
I can't wait to find out how
David's going to get out of this one!
You're the first person to ever
enjoy my stories so much.
And that makes me want
to work really hard.
I can just write and write!
That's a wonderful thing.
I want to stay here forever to write
manga a-and live with you
Kind of, I guess.
I want to keep being the first person
to read your manga forever, Amano-sama.
Luu! Luu!
Okay, Luu, I'll get you out.
Everything's all right.
I'll make a potion to heal you right up!
I've put a lot into training
my herbalism skill.
Amano-sama, I'm sorry.
Your drafts
It's fine!
I can just write more.
I was imagining the next
part of the story
Don't worry. I'll write it right away
It's strange. My legs feel so light.
Not heavy like they always do.
Not at all
Are they better, I wonder?
Now I can finally go outside with you
Luu! Luu!
No! Luu!
Listen! Here's the rest of the story!
Someone comes to recruit the hero!
Remember, he was about to give up!
But someone comes!
Don't you want to know who?
Don't you?!
Hey, Haga! Get me a potion! Now!
Hey! Say something, Luu! Luu!
I did it
I did it for you.
Hurry up and help Luu-san!
You can't fix that with a potion.
There's nothing we can do.
NPCs in this world aren't that
different from normal people.
Damn it!
Killing an NPC is supposed to put you
on a wanted list as a penalty.
Wait, did they use
debug mode to disable that?
I can't remember if that's a thing!
Hold on. This is more gore than
the game's supposed to have!
I need to report all this!
Ah, what do I do?
Now you understand why these
debuggers need to be removed.
You just saw what happens when
they're left to their own devices.
If you used your power
as a meta AI to fix her
Don't be ridiculous.
Each NPC in this world is unique.
The cycle of life and death exists here
just as it does in the real world.
Amano-san, where are you going?
Where else?
I'm going to kill them.
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