Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

True or False

Thank you.
- Nice party, Ritu.
- Hi. Thank you.
- Congrats to your husband and you.
- Thank you.
Congratulations, Ritu.
By the way, Rohit isn't to be seen.
He is on his way,
please enjoy the drinks.
- Sure.
- Congratulations.
Thank you. Thanks.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Lovely party, Ritu.
- Mr. Chawla.
- Congratulation.
- Thank you.
Heard your husband is going
to announce a merger tonight.
I have no idea about that.
Of course, how would you know.
There are so many secrets,
behind your husband's hotel business.
Would you like some?
- Please enjoy.
Does your wife know about your secrets?
I mean, it's time she should know that.
What is she talking?
I said, he is just feeding
you and not eating himself.
It's his secret plan to make you fat.
Excuse me now.
Mr. Chawla, never mess with her.
She is someone,
whom people want on their side in court,
but not against her.
One of the best lawyers in the country.
Ritu Arora.
Ritu Bhandari Arora.
Yeah, right.
- And Chawla.
- Congratulations.
Just wedding buckets.
Rajendra Yadav is member of parliament.
Please call and book his appointment.
Yes, ma'am.
Queen of law and order
in the day and by evening,
queen of the Arora family.
This isn't your court room,
but your husband's party.
What did you tell Chawla?
He is perspiring.
He was talking rubbish about you.
Thank God, it isn't a court room.
Or I would've made him
wet his pants right now.
How did you get a whiff of his affair?
I mean, I haven't ratted out.
He was being extra
caring towards his wife.
Usually in such cases,
when husbands cheat and feel guilty.
This is exactly how they behave.
I just guessed and it worked.
On that note,
I'm going to give you
something to wonder about.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Excuse me Ladies and gentleman.
I have a very important
announcement to make.
First and foremost,
I would like to dedicate tonight,
to my lovely and beautiful wife,
Ritu Bhandari Arora.
And I'd also like to announce,
that the grand palace is partnering up
with the ex-honourable chairperson,
of the bar council,
Mr.Dev Kapadia.
We have a situation.
Sarvesh Pathania.
Thank you for your time,
ladies and gentleman.
Please have a lovely evening.
Good evening.
I'm Sarvesh Pathania.
Don't be so tensed,
I had sent you that message.
Actually, Rohit here
is very nervous and anxious.
It does happen in such a situation.
Look, there's a GST fraud here,
violation of FERA,
insider trading too,
in fact, in violation of
foreign exchange regulation act,
Grand group has some
How much is it?
- 500 million.
- Fraud of 500 million.
And what's the punishment for it?
14 years imprisonment.
Fine and 14why am I even telling you?
You know better than me.
Grand group is a joint venture by,
Arora hospitality and Mantra Group.
You can take a shot Mr. Pathania,
but Rohit will be out in no time.
Conditional bail in the first hearing.
Audit report submission
in the second hearing.
500 million violations
will be rectified
with interest in the third hearing.
Please come to the point.
No wonder you are
the best lawyer in town.
So, I am well prepared too.
Please allow me to present, exhibit A.
'Don't worry, Dev.'
'Just have to bend the law a bit'.
'Transactions of millions.'
Let's cut the chase Mr. Pathania.
Come straight to the point.
Don't act like a Bollywood
villain from the 90's.
That was below the belt.
Never mind.
Let me cut the chase.
Actually Rituji,
you have to fight a case for me.
Let me correct myself.
You have to fight and win a case for me.
Actually, my PA tried hard
to fix an appointment with you,
but you were too busy.
Excuse me.
- Sir.
- So, because you were too busy.
I had to use this trick to meet you.
Please forgive me.
And I hope you won't let me down.
Ritu Arora.
Let me correct myself again.
Ritu Bhandari Arora. Right?
Please meet officer Shaurya.
Commissioner has
specially appointed her,
because apparently,
it's a high-profile case.
Protector of the law,
advocator of the law.
Both of you get to know each other well.
As you both unitedly
have to win this case for me.
How many people are present in the room?
Your height?
6ft 2 inches.
Are you a man or a woman?
Your name?
Pawan Kumar Bawaria.
Real name.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria.
Wife's name.
Nupur Bawaria.
Are you Ajay Chauhan and Kirtan Gada?
Okay, let me ask you again.
Did you con people like
Ajay Chauhan and Kirtan Gada?
Did you steal money from Pathania?
Did you dupe women as Kirtan Gada.
Come in.
Your Honour, based on the polygraph test.
I would like to call my
first witness to the witness box.
Mr. Harpreet Singh.
Call him.
Mr. Harpreet Singh.
Do you recognize Pawan Kumar Bawaria?
Yes, I do.
I met him as Manjeet Walia.
Not bad Harpreet.
You setup the mood.
Cheers. This is just a starter.
Main course is yet to come.
I just want my wedding
to be a grand one.
Don't worry at all.
Our wedding will
be the talk of the town.
Everything is set. No stress at all.
Hurry up girls,
come on we are already late.
Manjeet will be here any moment now.
Sorry sir.
Excellent. Very good.
I don't believe this. Do you want
to get fired on the first day itself?
Do you want to get fired?
No, sir. I'm sorry.
Just move, just move.
Place the mannequins in its positions.
Honestly, had it been in my power,
I would hire these mannequins.
They would have done a better job.
This is highly unprofessional.
Isn't he RK,
the wedding designer of Fashion Week?
Yes ma'am.
But he is being bashed up
since the last 2 days,
by Mr. Manjeet Walia.
And who is this, Manjeet Walia?
Manjeet sir, isn't she a master piece?
I'm telling you sir,
this is by far, my
one-of-a-kind unique design,
only for you sir.
Sir. Manjeet sir.
You will ruin the lehenga.
What are you doing?
This is better.
You should be.
You call this design?
Piece of shit.
Manjeet sir. Catch, bring this.
Fucked it.
Sir. This fine piece of
art is worth 50 lakh rupees.
Anyways it's your loss,
this lehenga was made by your 50 lakhs.
The signature designs
of wedding lehengas.
of all actress are designed by RKP.
Trust me, sir.
This lehenga is perfect.
You are okay with this piece of crap?
Fine, give it to them.
And that 50-lakh advance,
keep it as charity and never come,
to me with your fuck all designs.
Alright. Vanish.
Hey Gippy, what's up?
Yeah, all good.
Sure, your anniversary will be planned.
Yeah, but listen to me.
The post party, yeah will rock it.
Okay, God bless. Bye.
Gippy and he seem
to be close buddies. Wow.
Gippy is very naïve guy.
After 2 pegs he'll be my brother too.
First get friendly to Manjeet.
Talk to him please.
He is the best.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely. Please go.
- Think about it.
- Please go. He is so good.
Okay fine, will do it. Anything for you.
Since how long are you into this?
12 years.
Not your wedding planning business,
but your flashy flaunting's.
I meant that.
Excuse me. Who are you?
Harpreet Singh.
My family owns the National power plant.
she is Preeti, my fiancé.
She wants you to be my wedding planner.
And you don't want that.
It depends.
So, give me a reason to hire you.
Firstly, I don't think
I need to give you a reason.
I am not desperate for clients.
I already have a very packed schedule.
And it's always reverse for me.
I don't approach clients,
rather they come to me.
So, I decide whether they
deserve my planning or not.
So, all the best for your wedding.
What happened? Why did he refuse?
Hope you didn't say anything wrong.
You are right, Preeti. He is the best.
Ignorance is bliss, Your Honour.
Mr Pawan Kumar Bawaria's
modus operandi, is identical.
First ignore, then score.
Ironically, the polygraph
test played that very game with him.
My Lord,
if iron is compressed with
maximum force, it gets crushed.
Crime branch did exactly
that to my client.
He was mentally tortured,
to turn the polygraph test against him.
Test results are inaccurate.
I knew,
Jaidevji would question
polygraph's tests accuracy.
Of course, the polygraph test was
conducted under experts' supervision.
Here are the doctor's notes.
To save your time, you can directly
go to last paragraph of page 2.
Doctor has clearly mentioned,
that initially the test
was not yielding fair result,
as Pawan Kumar Bawaria
himself was unfair.
He had assumed the
questions to be asked,
so, he forcibly calmed
his senses and kept lying.
But when we threw a surprise question.
He was clean bowled.
He is Harpreet Singh.
Have you met him before?
Answer, Mr. Pawan.
Have you met him earlier?
Have you seen him?
Mr. Harpreet.
Pawan Kumar alias Manjeet Walia,
had refused your proposal.
Inform the court, how he agreed
to be your wedding planner later.
So, what do you think?
He is the right man, baby.
Butit's not possible.
There is no dearth
of planners in Punjab.
Till now Manjeet wasn't
even in the picture,
suddenly he has become important.
Harpreet, since how long
are you planning your wedding?
Since one and half months.
I've been planning my
wedding since I was five.
Wedding is a girl's most
special and memorable day.
Had you known its significance,
Manjeet Walia would've been our planner.
Thank you, sir. Here you go.
Hope your stay with us was satisfactory.
Just satisfactory, nothing great.
I'm sorry sir.
Did we go wrong somewhere?
I don't have time to explain,
thank you very much.
I know you just plan wedding
for celebrities and billionaires.
What would be the price,
if you had to give up one of them?
Listen to me.
Money is not my priority;
my time is my asset. Okay.
- Have a safe wedding.
- 20 lakhs.
Just give me some minutes
and I'll pay a lakh for each minute.
If you still don't change your mind,
then wish me a safe wedding again.
incur your losses.
I'll be more than happy.
- Shall we?
- Sure, yes sir.
Come sir,
meet my parents.
- That's my granny,
my younger sister,
and that's my brother.
Come in, welcome. Hello.
So, this is my house,
that's the swimming pool,
and the garden in front.
- It's beautiful.
- Has the Goa vibes.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- Come, dear.
Earlier it was a playground,
Preeti specially
turned it into a garden.
Listen, though Preeti is a nature lover.
She is extremely fond of exotic jewels.
From more than 40 places
like Turkey and Vietnam,
I have ordered exotic stones like topaz,
emeralds, rubies, amber,
and have planted them.
Not only here but have planted
a gem all over the house.
Artificial farming
along with natural farming,
and embedded every stone.
When Preeti will stroll in the morning.
She'll be surprised daily,
while plucking flowers.
This is a small wedding
gift from me to Preeti.
I love Preeti immensely.
I can do anything for her.
It's her wish,
that you should be our wedding planner.
Her wish is my command.
I accept your fees
and all your conditions.
Just agree to it.
Get me my check.
When is the wedding?
16th December.
16th December.
After 2 months.
I'll have to start from tomorrow.
I told you;
I have to make my clients realize,
the importance of their wedding.
You have proved it.
It's very important for both of you so,
- count me in.
- Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Finally, its fixed. Come on.
Wow. That's wonderful.
- Congratulations.
- Hope it'll be an excellent job.
- Don't worry at all.
- Thank you.
Let's party in Goa, post wedding.
Are you sure,
you want him for your wedding?
In our country, wedding is of utmost
importance for a girl and her family.
Her dreams and expectation
are woven around it.
Expectation of her family.
The couple's and their
families' expectations too.
Their strong emotion was their
vulnerable spot for Pawan Kumar.
He played with their emotions.
He ruined it and doomed
the couple for life.
Your witness please.
Harpreet, your love for
your future wife is amazing.
Is it true, that you could
do anything to fulfil her dream?
Whether it was over
expensive interior designing,
or a garden of gems and jewels.
All the gestures should be grand,
isn't it?
defence is trying to mock my witness.
He is the one mocking the system.
My Lord, financial records of Mr.
Which clearly indicates
his grand gestures were
fulfilled by money laundering.
That's exactly the point.
That's the pattern.
Pawan would target only those,
who had defaulted in some way.
So, they would refrain from
going to the police or court.
this is a completely a separate matter.
You can file a case against Harpreet,
in the criminal court.
I will.
I will.
So, Harpreet,
give details to the court.
From the day Manjeet Walia
began your wedding preparation,
till your wedding day.
Each and every thing.
Say the truth,
with every detail.
I don't like the location,
find some other hotel.
Baby, look at the pictures.
Awesome architecture.
- Vibrant colours, wonderful.
- It's not nice.
Dad, it has a fountain in front too.
Best hotel to create
an impression on guests.
- Yeah, it's the best.
- Should we close it?
No, can we check some more?
No, it's not nice,
let's check out some other hotel.
Listen, baby.
- I think,
it has to be a destination wedding.
- Come again, son.
- Destination wedding.
No hotels, no Punjab.
Something exotic.
- Phagwara.
- How about Goa?
- Yeah, Goa is the best.
- Goa is too over rated.
Why are we even discussing this.
Mauritius. Pattaya.
Even B grade celebrities
don't marry there.
There has to be a vision.
There has to be a class.
It has to be a grand
wedding in a grand palace.
All arrangements are over. It
is going to be big and grand, alright.
- Snack stall.
- The counter will be right there.
All your friends can
enjoy it there, okay.
- And liquor?
- The bar is right there.
I'll place it there.
But don't get sloshed.
- I'll just have a small one.
- That's good.
- You had a request for henna.
- Yup.
That is where the henna
counter is going to be,
all your friends
can have fun applying it there.
It's going to be a grand wedding.
Let's all have fun.
I'm sure you've arranged
the dancing babes.
I like this boy. Very nice, very nice.
Girls. Right here.
They'll be dancing here
but you'll be standing outside.
Private functions
will be conducted here.
Celebrities will perform here.
Celebs? And who will they be?
- Kiara.
- Hrithik.
Done with naming all?
I'll let you know when the time comes.
It's a surprise for Preeti.
Have a look.
Who are the celebs invited?
Who is Preeti's favorite?
Consider it done.
Don't worry, you won't
have to pay a penny extra. Okay.
That's from me.
It's going to be the grandest
gesture for your fiancé.
Thank you, bro.
Ask Varun to fill this himself.
But he has to come.
Wow, that's the spirit.
can you get Sunny Leone to come?
Just vanish bro.
- All going good as planned?
- Yes, bro.
- Happy?
- Very happy.
If I do, I do the best.
Didn't I tell you.
All thanks to you.
- Manjeet, look at this fitting?
- What's wrong?
Please try something.
I want both our clothes
designed only by Mandy Malhotra.
Mandy is not possible.
Mandy is getting married next month.
Fine, I'll do something. Let me talk.
Mandy's is getting married, next month?
Yes, didn't you know?
Oh, it's actually a secret wedding.
- Only I know.
- Baby, don't worry.
Let me fulfil your demand.
I personally know Mandy.
Our fathers were school friends.
Yeah, got connected.
Are you alright?
Oh okay. Let me handle.
Give me Mandy's number. I'll do it.
Just a minute.
Leave it to me, I'll personally
talk giving your reference.
Okay. Okay.
Let me do, you enjoy the wedding.
- Done.
- Okay fine.
This isn't for Mandy.
He won't even charge,
after all his friend's wedding.
You are spending from your pocket.
Keep this as advance.
- No, no.
- Please take it.
Thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
- Thank you, buddy.
- Come for a picture.
- Wait a second.
Just a minute.
Yeah, hurry. Join in.
Have pulled of 20 million.
It's time to go.
Time to go?
Where, Mr.Manjeet?
Wedding preparations are over.
I'll have to prepare
for the farewell too.
So, I am just arranging that.
Please join in.
No, no. Go,
you will miss the photographs.
Go. I'll just do this and I'll be there.
Alright, give me 5 minutes.
I'll be there.
This is what happened, judge sir.
Calm down.
Recess for 15 minutes.
Hello, ma'am.
There is no network here.
You'll have to go downstairs.
I've been a fan of your cases.
Since I started my law practice,
I've been studying your cases,
and arguments,
and have learnt to knock out.
Oh wow.
So, mentee mentors the mentor!
It's an open and shut case.
Yet why do you want to
trap him in a spider's web?
We have the polygraph test.
Which is a fact that he is lying.
Evidence can be twisted.
That's my point.
With your support,
your childhood buddy,
can easily twist and turn the truth.
Your innocent looking friend,
is not only cheating
the world but you too.
Beware. Be cautioned.
I am cautious of you
from the very first day.
I've studied your cases.
I am aware that at the appropriate time
you will ace in cutting both
ways according to the situation.
The disciple has eclipsed
the master today.
It's famous here.
Serve it to your friend.
You guys need it more.
Got it?
Ma'am, but the man
inside isn't Manjeet Walia.
Are you sure,
yet I have to say this in court?
You don't have an option, Harpreet.
Tomorrow you'll have
to prove it in court,
that Pawan Kumar is Manjeet Walia.
The one who duped you, and cheated you.
Or your fraud with the system,
I can prove that.
Okay, ma'am.
We will con the conman
in court tomorrow.
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