Run (2013) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Why did you do it?It was an accident.
But the bloke's dead! The guy's not even from the state.
The police ain't going to leave this.
There's nothing on the geezer, ain't got a clue who he is.
I got a Honda Civic.
I just found it, dumped.
'Am I speaking to a Miss ' Katarzyna Wolczek?'Yes, but my boyfriend has the car.
'We believe it may have been stolen.
' TROLLEY WHEELS SQUEAK SHE GASPS SHE SOBS Anything? Do you know why they did it? Well They said he started it for no reason.
That it was self defence but it got out of hand.
Kasia, do you know why he was on that estate? Was he visiting friends? I don't know.
Would you know anyone who lives on the estate? I don't know.
I I can't think properly right now.
If anything jogs your memory, please let us know.
We'll do what we can to speed things up so you can make your arrangements.
Are you sure there isn't anyone you want us to contact? OK.
DISTANT POLICE SIRENS WAIL Put your residency card application in.
After a few weeks, Rakesh will contact you.
But right now, you have the right to remain.
So, if you just sign here.
And here.
OK, so, you've got the details.
So, if anything comes up We'll show ourselves out.
Thank you.
TENSE MUSIC PLAYS We don't get too many ladies in here.
It's a nice surprise.
Are you all right? I know you are seeing him again.
What? You are seeing him.
I'm talking about Tomek!Simon! I've got your bracelet.
Simon! Simon! Do you have no respect for yourself? You don't know what you're fucking talking about! He's dead.
Are you all right? Come on, love, time to go.
KEYPAD TONE GATE SLAMS I still can't get my head round it.
I always knew I'd meet you one day, just didn't think it'd be like this.
How did you know where I live? It's not what you think.
I've never been inside your house.
I followed him there once in the early days.
You know what the early days are like? I brought this.
I don't want it.
Have it, pawn it or something It's fake gold.
I wouldn't get anything for it.
So how'd you find out about me? Years ago, I saw a message on his phone.
He said he'd ended it.
When did it start again? It didn't stop.
I didn't think we was going to talk about that.
What else is there to talk about? You're the one who came to my workplace.
You asked me to come here.
Why? This is stupid.
DOOR OPENS Hi, love, we're back! I'm in here, Mum.
I've got company.
Hello, Bubba, you all right? Have you been a good boy?Yeah.
Has he been good? Yeah, he's been good.
Do you want to play in the garden? Yeah? Come on, then.
See you tomorrow, Mum.
See ya.
I know this must be a shock.
I ain't even told him yet.
How am I meant to tell a kid something like that? They were close.
As close as they can be, considering.
I know it's hard, but I just thought you had the right to know.
Kasia? Kasia? So, burial or cremation? Burial.
And you're both Polish? We can provide a priest who speaks Polish, if you'd like? Perhaps you'd like to look at our coffins and caskets? I just want something normal.
Simple, you understand? No, no, I think I know what you mean, yes.
Well, our most reasonably-priced option costs approximately?3,000.
That much? DISTANT SIRENS WAIL You really shouldn't be here.
Next time, just call.
I couldn't take the risk.
Of what?You saying no.
To what? I thought you didn't get involved in any of this.
Look, I don't mean to be blunt, but with Tomek not here anymore, people might start to look underneath the carpet, you understand what I mean? He never told anyone about you.
Don't be so sure.
If he did, they would have been here already, wouldn't they? OK, what's so urgent? The last wedding Tomek did for you.
What about it? He didn't get his cheque.
The guy already paid up.
Tomek didn't get anything.
The money was paid to Pete.
But Why? What did he tell you? Look, I don't know how well you know him, but just between you and me, watch out for that one.
DOORBELL RINGS Three grand those people.
They act like they're sympathetic but it's just business to them.
I wondered he took all my money before he died.
If I can't pay, then I can't help you.
I've got my boy to think about.
What's his name? Anton.
Who gave him that name? Tomek.
Anton, hold on with both hands.
He started to ask after him today.
You haven't told him? No.
They pick up on things, you know.
I always wanted to be a mother.
But no matter how much we tried it never happened.
Kasia, I'm sorry.
For everything.
I know them boys, their mother's a nightmare.
THEY SPEAK IN GUJARATI Because of Tomek, he's a bit, you know.
So I'm gonna have to be involved every step of the way.
So, you will be the bride? We will have to learn about each other.
Yes, you will have to learn.
We'll get the details to you soon.
Everything is OK? Yes, everything is fine! Doesn't look like it.
Everything is fine.
There is no problem.
Can I use your bathroom? Yeah, sure.
Up the stairs.
It's nothing, it's just that time.
Women's problems.
Now that you have a bride, how about 10% as a gesture of good will? That's fine.
Sorry, it's a lot to remember.
I didn't think we would be doing this now.
Pete wanted us to get started straight away.
You know, if we get one detail wrong, we could all go to prison.
You understand? Yes, but, do you think we should wait for Jimmy? He might When he gets back, I'll make sure he has all the details.
So, what's my full name? Katarina Wool-check.
Date of birth? 9th September, 1978? Mother's name? Mia.
Oh, I just have to use your bathroom, please.
Of course, of course.
Thank you.
SOMETHING DROPS TALKING DOWNSTAIRS MALES CONVERSING BACKGROUND CLUB MUSIC PLAYS Babe, can you just give us a minute? Where'd you get that? It doesn't matter.
What have you done? I want you to bury him.
You and Anton.
Kasia, I can't.
It makes sense.
It makes sense.
I don't know I am leaving.
I thought you said, you can't go back home.
I'm not going to Poland.
I've got to go.
Kasia Where you going to go? I don't know.
Listen, Pete, you need to fix this now.
Cos that's everything he fucking had.
'Fucking bastard.
' Hey, remember, that's your money too, Peter.
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