Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e04 Episode Script

Bad! Introducing Sanosuke, the Fighter-for-Hire

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
A-All right, we lose.
You're strong
Please, forgive us!
I woulda quit even if you didn't ask!
You guys are too weak!
Man, I sure picked a boring fight
Aren't there any
tough guys around here?
One Word: Evil.
The Fighter Sanosuke Appears
One potato, two
potato, three potato, four
Kaoru, you're good.
You're good, very good.
I haven't lost my touch yet.
Every woman has one good
trait, no matter how ugly she is.
What was that for?
I was praising you, ya know!
Yahiko, you won't ever be popular with
girls unless you fix your personality.
Shut up!
I'm sure that you won't ever
find a guy that would marry you!
What did you just say?
Hey, Yahiko!
Well, I guess I will go
prepare lunch, that I will.
Kenshin, what's the menu for today?
Let's see
Cooked burdock, and
Oh, the eggplants I pickled yesterday
should be ready to eat, that they are.
Damn, that's boring.
Can't we splurge and go eat
something good once in a while?
You freeloader, what are you saying?
Think about it, where is
that money coming from?
That's true.
You would only get dust from this
poor school if you were to shake it out.
Could you move?
Where was it?
I know it was here somewhere
What is Kaoru doing now?
D-Did you hit your head or something?
I just remembered!
This This thing!
My grandfather drew this
It's an ink painting!
Oh, those wonderful brush strokes,
if I recall correctly, are little Kaoru's
Grandfather was a pretty well-known
ink artist as well as a swordsman.
If I sell this, I think I
can get money out of it.
Oh, thank you, Grandfather
So! Let's go to the beef
hot-pot place, and eat a nice lunch!
All of us, we can party!
Beef hot-pot!
You're great, Kaoru!
You have other good traits!
All right!
You're the best in Japan!
Really, you
sometimes hold nothing back
Beef hot-pot! Beef hot-pot!
Yeah! Beef hot-pot!
Beef Hot Pots-AKABEKO
Yahiko, it's bad for
your body to eat so fast.
I know
See what I mean?
You really are troublesome!
Even Yahiko is no
match for our little Kaoru
Not at all!
A world of democracy will
never come from doing that!
Be more outrageous!
But that means we would
pressure Dr. Itagaki to his death!
The lord of domestic affairs, Ohkubo,
even charged the great Saigou head on!
I don't fear Ohkubo!
If I can die and become a
hero, the Doctor can too!
You're kidding!
What good comes out
of romanticism like that?
If Dr. Itagaki dies,
freedom dies with him!
It seems they are desperadoes in a
democratic movement, that they are.
What's that?
Right now, a single group controls
all operations of the government.
But there is a movement
for many more people
to be politically involved.
That sounds like a good thing,
but looking at them I'm not so sure.
To me, they're just a
bunch of drunks no matter what.
It's just as you say, Yahiko.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
What did you just say?
Say it again, huh?
I'll say it whenever ya want!
What a real
movement for democracy is!
You're just a blockhead!
What are you arguing about
after you throw stuff at other people?
Forget about that,
apologize first, dammit!
Shut up!
Kid, you couldn't talk back to
us desperadoes of democracy
if you were 100 years older!
I don't care about kids or adults!
I'm telling you to apologize, you drunks!
Who are you calling drunks?
We're working for democracy!
Shut up!
Whatever, when you
get sloshed, you're a drunk!
Excuse me
We don't want a
disturbance in the store
Shut up!
Woman, butt out!
Miss Tae!
Hey now,
democracy exists for the weak.
Or is this democracy
the freedom to make a
ruckus by blaming it on your drinking?
What was that, you bastard?
You all right?
Oh, y-yes.
Are you trying to pick a fight?
Let's see
It wouldn't hurt to occasionally.
Usually people pick fights with me.
But I hate abusing the
weak, or watching others do so.
Especially hypocrites who speak
of freedom, justice, and equality.
They piss me off to no end.
What was that, you bastard?
Go outside!
This is a strange set of events
Do you think it would be
wiser to stop them, that is?
I don't see why,
they're the ones wanting this.
I won't forgive you even if you cried.
First, I wanna see how strong you are.
Gimme the best that ya got.
Take this!
That's unfair!
To have a hidden dagger!
Stop yipping!
Daggers are meant to be hidden!
What they say is true, that it is.
it didn't do anything.
This is all you can
do, even with a dagger?
M-My arm!
Man, this is nonsense.
If I give it all I got, I
would be abusing the weak.
Here, I'll fight you with one finger.
Man, I sure picked a boring fight.
One flick to the forehead
I was patient with
your drunken uproar
but if you're going to pull that
out here, I won't show any mercy.
Democracy is fine in itself.
But for people like you
improving oneself comes before
improving the government, that it does.
Now pay your bill, and go.
Thank you very much.
We were saved thanks to you.
Oh, I did it 'cause I wanted to.
It's nothing to be thanked for.
And I'm sorry to make such a scene.
So, Mr. Swordsman,
is your head all right?
Oh, it was nothing much, that it was.
Of course.
It would be silly to be hit
on purpose, and get wounded.
If you had evaded that, this
girl's face would be covered in blood.
So you purposefully didn't
move, and used your head as a shield.
Isn't that so?
You think too much of me, that you do.
You belittle yourself.
I like you.
Will you accept a challenge?
I'll decline, that I will.
Well, if you ever feel
like it, come and get it.
I'll be in the Ruffian Row House.
See ya.
What kinda person was he?
I can't tell if he was good or bad.
That "wicked" character
must mean "wicked bad taste".
He is an interesting fellow
That reminds me!
You know him, Miss Tae?
That man
He left without paying!
Skipped out, that he did?
That's the fighter-for hire
from the recent rumors, Zanza
If I use him, I'm sure to
be rid of that annoying guy.
You want me to ace someone?
Are you mistaking me for
some kinda hitman or something?
Get this straight, whether or not
he dies depends on how lucky he is.
I'll be fine as long as I enjoy the fight.
I'm sure you will enjoy it 120%.
I guarantee it.
The way I see it,
you're not that bad yourself.
And the opponent is so strong that you
need someone else to fight for you
Nothing less from Zanza.
So, what kinda guy is this Kenshin?
Takes one to know one.
You live in the underworld, so
I'm sure you've heard the rumors.
That guy named Kenshin is actually
You sure about that?
How is it, Zanza?
I'm sure the opponent isn't lacking.
Besides, don't you think this is the
prime opportunity to raise your name?
That doesn't matter to me!
It's been a while, but I finally have
someone who can face this, my partner.
The legendary
manslayer, Himura Battousai!
Zanza, fighter-for-hire, has been
looking for a tough guy like him!
Zanza, the fighter-for-hire.
A man who will fight your enemies
for you, well-known in the underworld.
An arrogant Ione wolf whose fee
is based on how much fun he had.
But he is strong!
Those who have fought him
are plagued by nightmares
of the character on his
back, which means "wicked".
Just you watch, Himura Battousai
Because of you, I can
never hold a sword again.
I will never forget
the hatred I feel for you.
This isn't good.
I didn't know it was this late.
I should go home soon.
You can stay a bit
longer, right Dr. Gensai?
Little Ayame and little
Suzume are fast asleep.
I'll walk you home later.
Oh, Yahiko says
something nice every so often!
The "every so often" was unnecessary.
We have a guest, that we do.
W-Wait, Kenshin, what's wrong?
I felt a presence, that I did.
Foolishly straightforward
No attempt to hide.
A fighting spirt!
I'm here to pick a fight.
He's the one from this afternoon!
The guy with the forehead flick!
So it is you.
I said that I had no
wish to fight, that I did.
I can't accept that.
I'm fighting as a
fighter-for-hire, so I can't turn back.
On top of it, the
opponent is an Imperialist
he's even Battousai the Manslayer.
H-How did you know?
Imperialist soldier from Choshu
Himura Battousai, also
known as Battousai the Manslayer.
User of the ancient
style, Hiten Mitsurugi.
You researched well, that you did.
Part of your job as a
fighter-for-hire, that is?
You don't need to
research to know that.
There're also things I don't know.
What the Hiten Mitsurugi
Style can do, for example.
And why the merciless manslayer
became a wanderer who doesn't kill
I have no idea.
Because I don't know
Here I am, asking for a simple
duel with no strings attached.
I do not know some things, either.
Why is a man who
hates abusing the weak
working as
something like a fighter-for-hire?
Why do you proudly wear the
character "wicked" on your back?
What twisted your
logic so much, that is?
What, you ask
Never mind.
Sappy stories are not
to be told before fighting.
I just want to defeat
the legendary manslayer
said to be the
strongest of the Imperialists
from the bottom of my heart!
Oh yeah, I haven't
introduced myself yet.
My name is Sanosuke Sagara.
In the underworld,
everyone calls me Zanza.
It's short for
Zanbatou wielder Sanosuke.
Zanbatou? What's that?
It's the largest sword ever made,
to slay the enemy leader horse and all.
It has been said that nobody has ever
mastered it due to its sheer weight.
I suggest you lose that
"no killing" sweet-talk right now.
you're gonna die!
He's quick!
And with such a heavy weapon, too!
I've seen through all your moves now!
You won't escape this time!
Now draw!
Where, Where?
Where is Ken?
Little Ayame!
Little Suzume!
Real fights shouldn't be
seen by women or children
there seems to be a filthy little
death threat about, that there is.
What's that?
Looks like someone was there.
Nothing less from the Battousai
But I will warn you of this.
Even if you're not up for it,
I, Zanza the fighter-for-hire
never lets his prey escape.
Why do you hate Imperialists so much?
It seems that I have no
choice but to fight you.
What's wrong?
Big brother!
Now, little Ayame, little Suzume, I'll
walk you home with Yahiko, that I will.
We love you, Ken!
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
Kenshin finally accepted the
challenge that was given to him.
And the duel is on the riverside, too!
But Sanosuke twirls around
that huge sword so easily
What in the world is he?
Next episode of Rurouni Kenshin
Sakaba Sword vs. Zanba Sword. At the Battle's End!
The Reversed-Blade Sword vs. The Zanbatou
Please look forward to it!
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