Savage Rhythm (2022) s01e04 Episode Script


["Bonfire" by Childish Gambino playing]
[gun cocks]
- It's a bonfire ♪
- [screaming]
Turn the lights out ♪
I'm burning everything
You motherfuckers talk about ♪
Relax, man. Don't kill us. Don't kill us.
Turn the lights out ♪
I'm burning everything
You motherfuckers talk about ♪
You know these rapper dudes
Talk shit, start killin' ♪
Fuck that
Got goons like an archvillain ♪
I'm from the South
Got no accent, don't know why ♪
So this rap is child's play
I do my name like Princess Di ♪
Yeah, they say they want the realness
Rap about my real life ♪
Told me I should just quit
"First of all, you talk white" ♪
"Second off
You talk like you haven't given up yet" ♪
Rap's step ♪
[song distorts]
I put in work, ask Ludwig ♪
Put my soul on the track
Like shoes did ♪
- Play this for my cousin ♪
- [woman screams]
[woman, distorted]
Don't kill me, don't kill me!
Shout out to my players
They represent the realness ♪
Shoutout to Gambino
Girls, my dick is in the building ♪
I know you hate me
'Cause your little cousin play me out ♪
I like Black girls who nerdy
But when they dance they be sayin' ♪
- [song distorts]
- [horn blaring eerily]
["Bonfire" continues distantly]
[line ringing]
[ringing continues]
[Antonia] Hello? Hello?
[Ximena] Get your hands off me,
- Relax. [chuckles]
- Come on, hurry up. Let's go.
[Curro] Guess we'll see if Checho cares
more about his sister or a piece of ass.
Take her to the hole.
[tense music playing]
[door slides shut, locks]
[Karina] Where does that guy live?
- I'll go there.
- What? Why?
We have to pay him.
Karina, you told me you had the money.
[Karina] I told you I don't.
God, calm down, Liliana. I told you
not to take your brother's money.
Dammit! This is why we shouldn't believe
in stupid bullshit!
I fucked up, guys. I fucked up everything.
That girl I introduced you to at the park
[sighs] is not my friend.
She's just some rich girl I met.
The two of us made a deal,
and she fucked me over.
[Liliana, panicking] Oh no, dude.
And now Checho.
And Ximena.
I'm gonna get that money
no matter what, okay?
And we'll get through this together.
[cell phone vibrating, ringing]
No, I'm not with Ximena.
[Karina exhales]
[Chama] Wait, what?
Are you sure?
- Shit, Checho's hurt.
- [Liliana] What?
- How?
- [Chama] I don't know.
Jomi says that the man
who tried to rob the place
was stabbed in the back
with some scissors.
[cell phone vibrating, ringing]
Antonia, tell me you have
the fucking money.
- I'm with Checho.
- What do you mean you're with Checho?
How is he?
- [Antonia] We're taking him to a friend's.
- [Karina] What's the address?
I'll send the address later.
Vince, come on, hurry up.
He's trembling. Checho?
- Checho, Checho, look at me. Look at me.
- [Checho moaning]
[tense music continues]
[Checho breathing shakily]
[Antonia] Oh
[Vicente] All right. What should we do?
Did you bring the needle?
And the thread?
- [Vicente] Yeah.
- Heat up the needle. [groans]
I'm doing this?
- Uh, I-I guess, yeah.
- [Vicente exhales nervously]
[lighter flicks]
[Vicente] Okay.
Let's go to the hospital.
[Checho] Dude, do it.
Right now, don't think.
- [Antonia] You can do it.
- Do it.
[Vicente] All right.
- Two.
- [Antonia] Stay still.
- Three.
- [Antonia] Stay still.
[Checho cries out in pain]
[Checho panting in distress]
- [Vicente] One more time.
- [banging on door]
The police?
Uh, no, no.
[banging continues]
- I'll open the door.
- [Checho] Okay.
[Vicente] Okay. One.
[Checho cries out]
- [Antonia] Who is it?
- Karina.
[Checho moans]
- [Vicente] Be still. You gotta be still.
- Checho, Checho.
- How are you?
- [Vicente] One
- [Checho] Good.
- two
- What happened?
- [Checho] Three. Do it.
Look, uh
This is serious.
They took Ximena,
and if I don't bring them the money,
I don't know what'll happen.
Uh, w-what do you mean
they they took her?
She's been kidnapped.
Are you shitting me?
[Antonia exhales]
[sighs] I'll get that money.
I'll get the money, don't worry.
[wincing, panting]
[unsettling music playing]
[cell phone ringing]
I need to ask you a big favor. I
I really don't have anyone else I can ask.
- [metal clanking softly]
- [footsteps approaching]
[man] Walk.
[door slides open]
You can leave now.
Are my friends in the clear or what?
[Mario] That's a problem
that doesn't concern you.
[Ximena scoffs]
[Mario] Let me explain something to you.
This is how business works, sweetie.
Don't take it personal, huh?
If someone owes me money, I make sure
I take something from that person.
It's sort of warranty.
Get it?
But I'm the best motherfucking warranty.
[melodic synth music playing]
You going home alone?
Or you want him to drive you?
You take me.
[music turns tense, fades]
[guitar music playing on radio]
You pretend to be all tough,
but I can tell you're sweet.
Your smile's cute.
Listen to her.
- Hey, bro, did you bring what I asked for?
- [driver] Sure, boss.
[unsettling music playing]
Great, thanks.
Hey, you know,
you might be able to do me a favor.
Or will you say no?
I need you to go back to the neighborhood.
I don't know if anyone saw me
or suspects me, so
it's best if you go back
and check how things are
and then tell me what's going on.
Got it?
Do you honestly expect me
to leave you alone with that rich girl?
That rich girl saved my life, all right?
Checho, do you hate me for what I did?
What do you think?
[chuckles softly]
You know I'm just playing with you, right?
- You're my sister.
- [warm music playing]
No matter how much you fuck up,
I can't hate you.
You know I love you with all my heart.
How are you?
[exhales heavily] Well
I'm all right.
Okay, I'm leaving.
You brought me some weed, right?
I suppose.
- Okay then.
- [Liliana kisses]
- Take care, all right?
- You too.
- Just keep me posted, okay?
- [Liliana] You got it.
[grunts softly]
[Mateo] Hey!
Hello, beautiful.
- How you doin'?
- What are you doing here?
Me? I just came looking for Vincent,
but he told me he's a little busy
and that I should leave
and he can't see me,
- so I was leaving.
- Did you bring Antonia?
No. Is Antonia here?
Wait, did you have something to do
with all that crazy shit,
and that's why you're here?
No, wait.
I have nothing to do with anything
that Antonia did, seriously.
[Liliana] Mm.
I know something happened
that has to do with
with Antonia and Karina
and two and a half million pesos.
And I know 'cause it was me
who gave the money.
Can you just tell me, please,
what it is I bought, or paid?
[chuckling] Because I swear
I really have no idea.
Well, you actually
saved my brother's life.
[dramatic music playing]
[exhales] Okay.
Your brother's here?
Ah, okay.
Well, need a ride?
- Sure.
- Yeah?
So where to?
The barrio.
Guys, I'll see you at the Mirador, okay?
["Dime" by Cardona playing]
[Liliana] Oh fuck, Checho!
- [Mateo] What?
- [Liliana] Stop.
- [Mateo] Here?
- [Liliana] Yeah, here.
But where are you going?
- I'll take you home, where are you going?
- No, no, no, I I'll stay here.
But can you explain?
I don't get what's happening.
Are you in trouble with with the police?
Is Checho?
The less you know about us,
the better it'll be for you.
[Mateo] Uh
- Why can't I take you home?
- [Liliana] Thank you.
[intriguing music playing]
[line ringing through cell phone]
- [Mateo sighs]
- [man] Hello?
There's someone in your family who works
for the police or has contacts, right?
Yeah. My uncle.
[Karina sighs] Thank God you're okay.
Girls, I know you're upset.
I get it, and what I did was really bad.
But I did what I did
to get the money for the group.
We have the trip, the tickets, we have
the concert.
Let's do this and give it our all!
It's all fucked up, Karina.
I made a mistake, and I acknowledge that.
I should've told you about Antonia.
But I swear
I swear to God I did it all for us.
[scoffs] So you think
it's okay to lie if it's for money?
- That's really unfair, you guys.
- [Ximena] No, it's not fair, Karina.
You're always making decisions
as if you own Pure Street.
And what am I doing? Aren't I looking
for opportunities all the time?
I agree.
Have your own opinion.
You always agree with everyone.
What's your problem? I want to fix things.
Unlike you,
who's always trying to bail on us.
Yeah, how's that?
You don't wanna forgive Karina 'cause
you're leaving to live with your mom.
And you just don't wanna
feel guilty about it.
You were leaving to be with your mom
without saying anything, huh?
And you're telling me I'm the liar.
Since when is not talking about
personal stuff the same thing as lying?
So you were just going to bail on us.
Thinking about my future is bailing?
I don't think so.
We didn't make it, Karina.
We're not successful.
But we will be.
Do you think those people
who are successful
were just blessed and had it easy?
No, they probably
struggled and gave it their all.
They had to bust their asses,
and they had to make lots of sacrifices.
Well, I don't want to
make any more sacrifices.
Well, I didn't realize you had
such little faith in our dream.
I have other dreams, Karina.
[sighs] Pure Street's over for me.
Be grateful Ximena doesn't know
your friend fucked Checho.
You let the enemy in the group and you
honestly thought nothing would happen?
This is over, Karina.
[door unlocks, opens]
[door closes]
[mid-tempo hip-hop song
playing in Spanish]
[Karina] There you go.
- Oh, hey!
- [Karina] Nice to see you dance again.
You know great talent
runs in the family. [laughs]
So what'd you think?
Should I join Pure Street now or what?
Hey Kari, you all right?
I'm okay.
You're doing really good.
Hey, Joe, this is Karina. I'm sorry for
calling so late, but I wanted to
to thank you for
this amazing opportunity and
and to let you know
we won't be able to make it to the show.
I'm sorry to tell you this
after everything that's happened, but
Pure Street is over.
[moody music playing]
So where's your friend?
[sighs] I don't know.
Well, you and I have an agreement.
If she doesn't show up,
I don't think we can begin.
What do you mean? [scoffs]
So, how'd you do it?
When can I get those papers?
Maybe next week.
[moody music continues]
- [Marco panting]
- [cell phone vibrating]
[Karina] Sorry.
- Look, she's here.
- Sorry.
It's just
I live really far from here, but I
I worked it out,
and it won't happen again.
This is your one and only
get-out-of-jail-free card.
Got me?
You're fine. Watch me.
We have one month before opening night.
That's it.
This is the time
to give it your all on stage.
I want to see Antonia, María José, Karina.
- [Antonia exhales]
- [Jacob] Ready?
Here we go.
Five and six and seven and eight!
[upbeat hip-hop song playing in Spanish]
What's goin' on? ♪
- What's goin' on? ♪
- Jam ♪
What's goin' on? ♪
[song ends]
Antonia, take a rest.
- One more time.
- [music resumes]
- What's goin' on? ♪
- Jam ♪
What's goin' on? ♪
- What's goin' on? ♪
- Jam ♪
What's goin' on? ♪
[song ends]
María José,
I want to see Karina alone.
Take a rest, please.
You got this.
Let's go.
[Jacob] Alejandro, hit it!
[upbeat hip-hop song playing]
- What's goin' on? ♪
- Jam ♪
What's goin' on? ♪
- What's goin' on? ♪
- Jam ♪
What's goin' on? ♪
Cho ch-ch-chop it, chop it ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Cho ch-ch-chop it, chop it ♪
Jam on it ♪
- [song ends]
- [dancers cheering]
[dancers clapping]
[Jacob] Very good.
[Antonia] I don't know
whether to thank you or cry.
You killed it.
Why'd you come?
Not because of you,
if that's what you're thinking.
So then why?
- Don't tell me you like the Royal.
- I don't have a group.
Pure Street is done.
Well, I want to pursue dancing,
I want to focus more on myself,
and if this is my opportunity,
I want to take it.
So we're going to end up
competing against each other?
Well, I'm not sure that I can do
all the things you guys do, but,
you can chill out.
I came to learn, not to take your place.
[chuckles softly]
I was going to give you the money.
I honestly didn't know
Checho was involved in all that shit.
I'm really sorry about your group.
No, honestly,
that was just the last straw.
Last night I realized that
there wasn't much of a future there.
Yeah, well
welcome to the Royal.
[Mateo] Hey, I'm glad
I found you both together. [chuckles]
Am I witnessing a moment
of friendship between the two of you, or?
- Hey, Mateo.
- [Mateo] No, stop.
Put down your weapon.
I come in peace. I'm bearing good will.
We were just talking
with some of the guys and the girls.
We're having a get-together
at my place tonight
with the excuse of studying
the videos we got from Jacob.
Yeah, I know about those get-togethers.
Well, I thought it was a great chance
to welcome our newest classmate.
We can get to know each other better.
Ah, I wanted to tell you two things.
Sorry about that night at the Al Garete.
I accused you of stealing.
Honestly, I feel embarrassed about it.
Sometimes I'm an idiot.
Sorry, I really am.
- You're fine. It's fine.
- [Mateo] Yeah? It's all good?
And the other thing,
Jacob wants to talk to you.
He's looking for you everywhere.
I think you impressed him with your flow.
It was really, really good.
- Okay, thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Hope to see you later.
- [Karina] Mm-hmm.
- What are you doing?
- With what?
- What's your endgame?
- Nothing.
I was just trying to be nice. I want
[sighs] I want everything to be okay.
I would love to leave all the shit
that happened between us behind
so that if I invite you to my place,
you can come and have fun,
so that we can dance like before.
That's it.
I am just trying to be nice.
You'll come tonight?
- We'll see.
- We'll see.
[inhales, exhales deeply]
[Karina] Oof.
I don't know.
You're hesitating.
You cannot hesitate, Karina.
This is your chance.
Yes and believe me, I know
what you're offering me and it's amazing,
but I I don't know.
[Jacob] So then what is it?
[Karina] I'm here because of Antonia.
And for me, loyalty is
- It's everything to me. It's important
- You're here because you're very talented.
You have until tomorrow to give me
an answer and I want it to be yes.
- [Karina sighs]
- [Jacob] Think about it.
[Karina] Thanks.
What'd he want?
He just wants me to learn
the choreography. Quickly.
[Antonia] Mm.
We're gonna have
to have a plan for tonight.
For Mateo's thing.
I think it'd be cool
for you to meet the others.
Okay. Hit me up later, and we'll plan it.
For sure.
- Bye.
- Bye.
["Ghost (Kameo x Ritmo Raid)"
by Naomi August playing]
You never could take any of the blame ♪
I always had to pick up
The mess you made ♪
Mm, mm ♪
If I had a poem to show you ♪
So here we are
As we battle back and forth ♪
And we judging everything, now say ♪
[cell phone vibrating]
Mm, mm ♪
Mm, mm ♪
[Ximena] What's all this?
Oh, calm down, bitch.
This disaster is worth it.
We are partying tonight with Bombi.
Where are we doing that?
It's a surprise, baby,
and I won't take no for an answer.
So get dolled up, mami,
'cause this event's super special.
"Super special"? It sounds super boring,
super corny. Imma stay here.
I think we need this distraction.
I'm also hurt about the group.
No, if you're gonna start talking
about that, tell me because I'll leave.
[Chama] Come on.
Do it for the both of us.
You're about to go live with your mama,
and we don't know
when we'll see each other again.
My friend,
I will never leave you. Look at me.
Anyway, we can still video chat, right?
No, video chat is not at all
the same as being face-to-face.
Let's make these days we have special.
Let's go. Come on.
I already got your outfit.
Okay, but beg me a little more.
I'm not going to agree that easily.
Please, will you come?
Let's see if you meet a man
and forget about Checho.
Ay, don't mention that fucker.
If I do this,
it's because of you, not him.
- I'm wearing this.
- [both chattering indistinctly]
[down-tempo hip-hop song
playing in Spanish]
[cell phone ringing]
Damn, you are so beautiful, girl.
I'll be back.
[chuckles softly]
I'm over here hurting, and you're partying
with that gross Argentinian?
[chuckles] I'm not going to be partying.
We're gonna watch some videos. That's it.
Nah, don't leave.
Stay here with me.
Vince, let's go.
[Vicente] I'm not coming.
Why not? What about the play?
[Vicente] I
I've got some stuff to do.
You see that?
Just stay, come on.
I'll see you in a bit.
- Okay, take care.
- I'll be back soon.
- All right.
- Get some rest.
[door opens, closes]
[pop music playing in Spanish]
[Checho] Dude.
I got a question.
Does that guy live far away?
[scoffs] Why?
I'm gonna need a favor.
[pop music continues in Spanish]
[cell phone vibrates]
[unsettling music playing]
[Karina] And where are Mateo's parents?
[Antonia] In Argentina.
They used to live here with him,
but when they left
Mateo was already at the Royal,
so he decided to stay.
- But they left him the house.
- Oy, what a poor little boy.
[both chuckle]
Hey! Hey, so glad to see you.
For a moment I thought
maybe you weren't coming.
Welcome to my house again, huh?
Come in, come in.
Make yourselves at home.
There's drinks and food in here.
[María] Here.
So you can catch up with us.
And, uh which one
of these drinks is spiked?
Both are.
[all chuckle]
Relax. I just want everybody to have fun.
So we're gonna
watch the videos now, right?
- [Antonia] Yeah.
- The screen's already set up.
When you want to check out the videos,
go for it. Some of us already watched.
I feel like having a smoke, okay?
Watch them whenever.
[chuckles] Mateo being Mateo.
[rock song playing]
I've never been okay with the way
You've been treating my boy ♪
[Mateo] Oh-ho, they're here already!
The queens of the night,
my surprise guests.
They're also good friends
of our newest cast member, Karina. Right?
Welcome, girls.
For those of you who haven't met them yet,
they are Pure Street.
- Hello. [kisses]
- [Liliana] Hello.
- How are you?
- [Mateo] How are you?
Good. What's with the music?
Can we switch it?
Yeah, come with me a little later,
and we'll change it.
I don't get it.
Get what?
I thought it was a good idea
to invite them,
to spend some time together. In fact,
maybe they can help us with some of
the flow we're lacking for the play.
What do you think?
Is it cool? Huh?
Yeah, it's fine.
- [Mateo] What do you want to drink, girls?
- Coming.
[Mateo] Mi casa es su casa.
I didn't know.
[Ximena] It's shitty
that I felt lost yesterday
and then I come here and see you partying
with your new best friend.
She's not my best friend.
You are.
You're my best friend.
That's why I'm upset
because you won't forgive me.
And worse, you think I did it
because I'm a bad person.
Girl, you and me, we're family.
- So what?
- That's the reason.
- [laughing] Are you going to forgive me?
- [Ximena] Girl, why you laughing?
[unsettling music playing]
[banging on door]
[banging on door continues]
[banging continues]
[police 1] Hey, on the ground!
On the ground now!
- [police 2] On the floor!
- [police officers shouting]
[Álex] Vincent, Vincent!
Yo, they're here, bro! Yo!
It's for shit, man!
It's cool, it's cool, man, okay?
[police] Who's Sergio Parra?
- [Vicente] Who?
- [police 1] I said who is Sergio Parra?
Who the fuck's Sergio Parra?
Ain't no Sergio Parra here, sir.
Take a look at our fucking IDs.
Hey, Sarge.
We got a bag full of drugs over here.
["Bonfire" by Childish Gambino playing]
It's a bonfire, turn the lights out ♪
I'm burnin' everything
You motherfuckers talk about ♪
It's a bonfire, turn the lights out ♪
I'm burnin' everything
You motherfuckers talk about ♪
You know these rapper dudes
Talk shit, start killin' ♪
Fuck that
Got goons like an arch-villain ♪
I'm from the South
Ain't got no accent, don't know why ♪
So this rap is child's play
I do my name like Princess Di ♪
Yeah, they say they want the realness
Rap about my real life ♪
Told me I should just quit
"First of all, you talk white!" ♪
"Second off
You talk like you haven't given up yet" ♪
Rap's stepfather
Yeah, you hate me but you will respect ♪
I put in work, ask Ludwig ♪
Put my soul on the track
Like shoes did ♪
Played this for my cousin
Now he can't even think straight ♪
Black and white music?
Now, nigga, that's a mix tape ♪
Shout out to my Blerds
They represent the realness ♪
Shout out to Gambino
Girls, my dick is in the building ♪
I know you hate me
'Cause your little cousin play me ♪
I like Black girls who nerdy
But when they dance they be sayin' "ow" ♪
I'm sorry for who followed me ♪
Chillin' with a Filipino
At your local Jollibee ♪
Yeah ♪
I'm in her ass like sodomy ♪
So if you see my hand under the table
Don't bother me ♪
I don't talk soft
That's that other guy ♪
I'm screamin', "What the fuck is up?"
Like I ain't seen the sky ♪
And shit I'm doin' this year
Insanity ♪
Made the beat then murdered it
Casey Anthony ♪
These rappers don't know what to do ♪
'Cause all I did was act me
Like a Loony Tune ♪
And I'll give you all of me
Until there's nothing left ♪
I swear this summer
Will be summer camp ♪
Shout out to my Blerds
They represent the realness ♪
Shout out to Gambino
Girls, my dick is in the building ♪
I know you hate me
'Cause your little cousin play me ♪
I like Black girls who nerdy
But when they dance they be sayin' "ow" ♪
I'm sorry for who followed me ♪
Chillin' with a Filipino
At your local Jollibee ♪
Yeah ♪
I'm in her ass like sodomy ♪
So if you see my hand under the table
Don't bother me ♪
I don't talk soft
That's that other guy ♪
I'm screamin', "What the fuck is up?"
Like I ain't seen the sky ♪
And shit I'm doin' this year
Insanity ♪
Made the beat then murdered it
Casey Anthony ♪
These rappers don't know what to do ♪
'Cause all I did was act me
Like a Loony Tune ♪
And I'll give you all of me
Until there's nothing left ♪
[song fades to silence]
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