Shahmaran (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

İnanmanın Dayanılmaz Hafifliği

Good morning.
Good morning.
Nothing happened.
Nothing, huh?
- Nice room you have.
- Stop lying to me.
I haven't touched anything yet.
I don't know if I'll be staying.
You might leave.
Why'd you drink so much last night?
Everything okay?
I saw something at school.
It wasn't real.
But you know what it is real to me?
My grandfather,
and I,
we are all
You know that's nothing new to me.
You're not crazy.
Nor is your grandpa.
But he could turn into a murderer
if he sees me here.
Everything okay?
I guess.
So, I'll see you around?
Hold on.
How'd we stop?
Last night.
It seemed impossible to stop.
How did we do it?
You were wasted.
I was not.
Thank you, then.
- You aren't going to tell my brother?
- What?
What do you mean "what," Dad?
Yesterday they tried to ambush Shahsu.
Have you forgotten?
Are we not going to do anything?
And what should we do?
Why can't you even tell my brother?
We have proof.
He'll believe it once he sees the footage.
Faith is not that simple, Diba.
Proof is not always enough
for one to believe in,
or to give up believing in something.
Why not?
Human beings are How should I say this?
obsessed with their own faith.
Even counter evidence, numbers,
explanations for every single thing
wouldn't be enough to convince them.
But Maran's not human.
He's half human.
Leave the man alone. He's right.
No matter the evidence
you present to Maran,
he's virtually impossible to convince.
So, what are we gonna do, then?
They've already been to her school.
They could enter her home
at any moment now
I'll be sure to do something about that.
Something happened, and we need to talk.
- Immediately.
- Hey. Psst.
What's wrong?
I thought you were the most excited.
You were all about the love stuff.
They kissed. What else do you want?
But we didn't see what they did inside.
Come on. Have a little faith now in Maran.
I mean, when have we ever
let our prey off the hook?
Whoop! Who wants a mouse?
You're disgusting, sis.
I'm going to school.
I guess humor's dead in this house.
I would like to paint my room.
You know, and make a few renovations.
I want to stay here.
A little help wouldn't hurt either.
You know
unless you're busy.
No, I'm not.
The person you have called
cannot be reached at this time.
Where's Shahsu?
Hello to you, too, Cihan.
I tried to call her,
but her phone was off.
Aww, you can't reach Shahsu?
What happened?
I thought she was your responsibility
on faculty grounds only.
Get out of my way.
She's not going to be here.
Because she
spent the night with my brother.
That's why.
Don't press so hard.
- Huh?
- It could splatter.
Like this?
What happens when you
don't restrain yourself?
Things I don't like.
I was five when it all started for me.
The sleepwalking.
We were at a picnic.
I was playing by the water.
And a snake bit me.
I was petrified.
We saw a bunch of doctors after.
They said it was
post-traumatic stress disorder.
That is how it started.
The nightmares, hallucinations,
panic attacks
So when did it all start for you?
Ever since I can remember.
Open that bucket, please.
Doctor after doctor, so many doctors.
Medication and therapy.
I hated going to see doctors all the time.
I used to get angry, at Mom.
But she knew how to make it up to me.
After every doctor visit
she used to take me
to a dessert shop.
- Mastic-fla
- Mastic-flavored ice cream, yeah.
She loved that.
How long can you go
without saying a single word?
You don't wanna know.
Fine. I give up.
Are you gonna tell me
what happened last night?
Hey, look at me, Maran.
You are not talking to Diba here.
I'm asking what happened. Hmm?
What happened inside of you, okay?
What happened inside your heart?
I don't want that, actually.
But I cannot help it.
And I can't resist her.
Well, then what are
you doing with her? Tell me.
You know something?
I'm talking to you as an older sister.
Heed my words.
We don't know anything about life.
And, I'm not talking about prophecies.
About everything.
We really have no idea.
We have no idea where
anyone can find happiness.
Hey you said it yourself,
um, that she was lonely,
that she was scared.
We don't know. Falling in love with you
could be the best thing
that ever happened to her.
Okay, tell you what.
Now, I just want you to forget about
all this chosen crap. Forget about it all.
Shahsu is the granddaughter
of Davut, that's it. That's it.
Just living right across the street
from our house.
What would you do?
Just do what your heart tells you to.
I'm off, then.
Hello there.
Hey, hello.
Shahsu, am I right?
That's right.
I'm Hare. Maran's girlfriend.
- Hare?
- Hm?
You should leave.
I can come by later
if now is a bad time, you know.
I was just leaving.
Nice to meet you.
You too.
No classes today?
I'm too cheerful to be at school today.
What are you doing over here?
- Casting spells or something?
- No.
I really like fragrances.
Haven't I told you?
No. I just thought you ran
a small family business.
Yeah, we do have a family business.
But it's just not for me.
May I come in?
After you.
Did you make this?
Wow, you are really good at this.
I made that for you, actually.
Took me a while to give it to you.
You made it for me?
How am I supposed to act
like I'm not impressed by all this?
Do you actually know
all of the fragrances in here by heart?
You know, that's hard to believe.
Try me.
Close your eyes.
All right.
Hmm. Persian silk.
And lavender as a middle note.
One more, then.
Definitely hibiscus.
One more, then.
Certainly peony.
S Sandalwood?
No, wait.
Impressive, well done.
Last one, okay?
Jude rose?
A Jude rose is not ordinary.
Very few know it.
Know what?
It thinks it belongs
to the earth, its mother.
And when it can't,
it feels like
it's in an entirely different world.
Like it's the last of its kind.
Too alone in this big world.
Life passes by around the Jude rose.
All the flowers blossom, come alive,
but not the Jude rose.
And there's only one reason.
- Contact?
- Contact.
Jude rose loves contact.
To touch something, anything.
It actually needs just one thing.
Come, let me show you something.
Nowadays, we know a lot.
But it feels like we've lost
our balance in some sense.
We are the ones to rule over nature,
shaping it weeding it out,
and exploiting it.
Unhinged, out of sync.
Vulgar and alienated from the environment.
No feelings.
Humans have lost their way.
Why did you say I was dangerous earlier?
Because you have the scent
of a dangerous creature.
I don't know what you mean by that.
I'm not sure either.
Or I am, but choose to ignore it.
Hold on.
I'll be back. Okay? Just a second.
- What are you doing, huh?
- I'm guarding our secret.
What the hell are you talking about?
What do you want from Shahsu?
It's over! The time of humans is done!
It's over!
They turned the world upside down.
They fucked it!
You're top brass here, the holiest.
Tell me, aren't we the chosen people?
We are superior! Fuck your prophecies!
We want what is ours!
We are sick to death
of all this waiting, goddammit!
I just knew this would happen.
But I didn't know it was
going to happen so damn quickly.
This poses a great threat to all of us,
even though we're so close to an end.
We have no idea how they move,
or what they're even planning,
but they're almost upon us.
Have you been able to learn anything else?
Shahsu was too close to ask more.
- I locked him up and came here.
- I will go and talk to him, then.
I can talk to him myself.
I can.
How could you miss this, Lakmu?
Did you not notice the insurgence at all?
Tell me,
why haven't you seen this coming?
Say again?
Have you ever considered this, Ural?
We've been sitting by relying on prophecy.
Waiting and waiting, for a chance,
to start a whole race.
Just hiding.
Are you saying they're right?
Shahsu is in grave danger.
You know that, right?
Their methods are wrong.
There is no doubt about that.
An unabsolvable sin.
I will punish this Mirac character myself.
And whoever else is involved.
But we
We should all reflect on this.
Is hiding still the only way
to co-exist amongst the human race?
We're not hiding at all.
The omens have already begun.
We're waiting for the prophecy
to be fulfilled.
- Have some patience, Lakmu.
- Have patience for what?
Who knows what is good or evil?
Without a doubt, the world has changed.
Humans are no longer
on top of everything anymore.
They lost their standing.
We need to come out.
Demonstrate our power to all.
Shout in their faces.
"We're here, as well.
The world is not only yours."
- Forget the prophecy.
- Hey hold it right there.
The world doesn't belong to anyone.
We're merely trying to bring
the world back to balance.
My allegiance to you has no limits.
I will always do exactly as you tell me.
But I cannot in good faith just ignore
the other factions' opinions all the time.
I am just not so sure
that fulfilling the prophecy
will bring back the balance that we seek.
I can't lie.
You know, sometimes I find myself asking
Asking what?
Which one is treason?
Defending an abandoned race,
or waiting for a dusty prophecy?
Which hasn't been fulfilled
in over a hundred years
Tell me, which one is worse?
And I can't always find
the drive to convince the people.
Listen to me, now. This is my first
and final warning to you, Lakmu!
You talk way too much. And if
you're unable to fulfill your duties,
I'll find someone who can.
What the hell are you talking about?
What's this about? Hm?
This is the life of a person
we're talking about here.
A woman.
For the sake of
Mmm. To hell with your prophecy.
Who are you?
Shahsu, hey.
He's a friend from school.
It's fine. Put the gun down.
I tried to call and text you,
but you didn't answer.
Professor Tutku
wants the index, first thing.
You okay?
Of course. I get a shotgun
pointed at me every day, you know.
That was terrifying.
Forgive him, he must have
thought you were a burglar or something.
Well, after what just happened there
I think you owe me one.
Oh, is that right?
Okay, then.
I'll grant you one wish.
Tell me, and I'll make it happen.
Don't wander away from me.
I was unable to reach you
after what happened at school.
Yeah, okay. I'll do it, fine.
Things were complicated here.
Sorry I dumped the project on you.
Come on, fuck the project.
I was worried about you.
Really, Shahsu.
I mean, you're new to this place.
You have no idea how people are here.
It's hard to trust them.
Before you make
an important decision, or you know
With anything or anyone, talk to me.
I can help you.
I have no idea what you mean by,
"Before you make an important decision."
Anything really.
I don't want you to get hurt, okay.
That's very sweet, Cihan.
Thank you.
But I'm fine, don't worry about me.
You don't need to protect me, all right.
I'm capable of taking care of myself.
But okay, I will promise you.
From now on, I'll talk to you.
I won't shut you out.
Yeah, sounds great.
So, we are good now?
As if I have a choice.
Anyway, here.
Thanks so much, Cihan.
I'll see you at school.
All right.
When Ural called you earlier,
I thought I should check on Shahsu.
To see if she was in danger.
Not again, Cihan.
But Dad
What did I tell you, son?
Say it.
Come on. Say it.
I won't pick battles that I can't win.
For the first time in my life
I'm not scared.
I feel like I found where I belong.
This will be my last recording.
Humans can't see
what's in front of them.
They aren't capable
of knowing who they are.
What did we do?
Put them at the helm
of the whole wide world.
So, what do you want with Shahsu?
We don't want her.
We're tired of waiting for a savior.
We are tired of prophecies.
Believe it or not I feel the same way.
Oh, we already know.
- You do, huh?
- Uh-huh.
We know you quite well, actually.
But you don't know us.
When did you
last visit the Basilisk Quarter?
The basilisks are alone in this world.
Poverty, dereliction.
They threw us away and told us to wait.
They said there was a balance
we shouldn't disrupt.
And we kept quiet because
we thought our queen would come save us.
We waited.
But eventually we became fed up.
To hell with Shahmaran.
No more waiting.
Darkness is coming.
We don't care about the order.
What we need is chaos.
I appreciate that you
are not like your father.
You seem to be a pure man of character.
But they're going to ask you
"What did you do?"
Huh, what?
You sat in your ivory tower,
and waited. Huh?
No one gives a damn about us.
You're right.
Everything you just told me was right.
But Shahsu is innocent, though.
You will not harm her.
You were able to stop me.
But how will you stop her? Hmm?
The one whose name you cannot say.
There is only so much we can do.
But her
Well, Shahsu can do anything.
What the hell?
What the hell.
No, no.
No I'm dreaming.
This isn't real.
Bring her to me.
- Bike!
- I'm here. I'm here. Here, honey.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
Easy. Easy.
Yeah, yeah.
- Did you suck out the poison?
- Yeah.
This will leave a scar.
Her skin will look scaly.
Not if we hurry up.
Be careful.
What happened?
I was on my way to the lake earlier.
I heard you scream.
A snake bit you.
No, no, no. Don't get up. Get some rest.
How did I even get there?
What happened?
Have I been sleepwalking again?
Does that happen a lot to you?
Well, it's been a while.
Don't worry about it. You're fine now.
Let me see.
We get a lot of snake bites here.
The heat makes them
come out from underground.
Luckily, my dad saved you,
gave you anti-venom.
You slept like a baby.
Are you sure that
no one else has seen me like that?
No, nobody else. Just my father.
I can't remember anything.
Do you want me
to take you to the hospital?
I'm fine.
Are you sure about that?
Are you going to keep saving me like this?
From snakes and other stuff?
It's what I do.
Thanks so much.
I should go.
I'll take a shower. And try to recover.
I'll call you later, all right.
She didn't get mad.
Or throw a tantrum.
She doesn't remember, then.
That was a close one.
I was wrong.
I don't think Maron
is telling me the truth.
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