Skull Island (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Breakfast Fit for a Kong

[branches creaking]
[Dog growling]
[Charlie] He can climb trees?
And he can jump!
He climbed, and jumped,
and left us down here.
That's what they do.
They leave us. Consistently.
Ugh! And you said breakfast.
They'll come back!
And I thought, "Breakfast sounds great."
"Nothing has been great
on this island so far,
so what a nice change of pace."
But, no, no, no.
Instead, no breakfast, no dog, and
- [creature chittering]
- Ugh.
We're being chased by monsters. Again.
- [chittering continues]
- Ugh, man, seriously?
You know what
they should've called this place?
"Not Great Island."
Eh, I still think
Skull Island is way better.
[creature chittering]
- [tense music playing]
- [hooves thumping]
[creature chittering]
[menacing note playing]
[imitates screeching]
- I think we can take it.
- No.
No, I don't want to take it.
Well, she abandoned us again.
Yeah, but I don't wanna punch a dumb bird.
- Punch it in the head!
- No!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Mike grunts]
- [Charlie whimpers]
- [bird screeching]
Here we go.
[Annie grunts]
[Annie laughing]
[Dog grumbles]
Girl's great. Love this girl.
Told you!
[laughs] I'm always right.
Wait, wait, were we bait?
[Mike] Yep!
So, how did you guys meet, anyway?
Our dads killed each other.
How did you guys meet?
Not that way.
- Was he that big when you guys met?
- [chuckles] No, he was a puppy.
He was the only dog there
and I was the only person.
So we teamed up
and took over the whole island.
Did you name the island?
Mmm-hmm! "Annie's Island."
I feel like you could be
more creative with your names.
I feel like you're just jealous
that I have an island
and all you have is breakfast.
Yeah. Well, you're not wrong.
[mysterious music playing]
[Charlie] We could build a raft.
[Mike chuckles] Have you ever
built a raft before?
[Charlie] Why would I ever
have built a raft before?
This is my first time
shipwrecked on a desert island.
It's not a desert, it's a jungle.
Thank you, Annie.
Also, the monster in the water
will break your raft.
It doesn't matter!
Charlie can't build
a raft to break anyway.
[scoffs] I bet I could make a raft.
[Annie] It still would break it.
[Charlie] And you couldn't
make a raft either.
- [Annie] Why would I want a raft?
- I was talking to Mike.
I could build a raft, but it's a bad idea.
Okay, genius, so what's
your good idea to get off Skull Island?
[Annie] Why do they call it Skull Island?
- [Charlie yelps]
- Think it just looks like a skull.
[laughs] See? My names are great.
- Where does it even look like a skull?
- From the air.
Then you should just leave by the air.
Yeah, I think I'd have better luck
building a raft than building a plane.
- Then call a plane.
- With what? A radio
Those guys must have radios!
Well, they
- Huh.
- [Mike] Huh?
[ominous music playing]
- Huh.
- Oh, come on!
- [dramatic music playing]
- [screaming]
Ahh! Oof!
[apprehensive music playing]
[exclaims] Ah! I'm in an ant farm.
Cool, cool. Very cool.
Let's get a move on!
Are you looking to be bird food?
Pick up the pace!
[Cap chuckling]
Where'd you find him?
Group therapy.
[bird cawing in distance]
[cawing continues]
[tracker beeping]
This needs to be quick and decisive.
Let's go!
Just a few miles north
and we'll be in position.
For what?
We tracked Annie
with the tracker in her handcuffs,
which is just great technology,
by the way.
Then we set up a perimeter.
Different groups at different
focal points, like a net of people.
And before her animal knows it,
the net gets smaller,
until they're right where we want them.
So we're going to our focal point.
Does that normally work
when you're hunting people?
Normally you just shoot 'em,
and they don't have animals that,
you know, eat people.
Usually just guns.
We can handle guns no problem.
And we're not usually
on an island with monsters.
Lots of improvising going on.
How are the others taking the plan?
[laughs] They hate it.
[sweeping music playing]
[mercenary] So, what did you see?
[Cap] Hmm?
You said you saw something
that got you into this line of work.
What was it?
That's the whole point. I have no idea.
I was on my ship, just thinking to myself,
when the water lit up.
I looked down, and it's big, real big.
Maybe bigger than the ship, but
playful, like a dragon or an eel.
And I saw it, and
[snaps finger]
There was who I was before,
and then who I was after.
Only happened to me
one other time in my life.
Your boy?
My boy.
- [Irene] You ever see it again?
- Not yet.
[pensive music playing]
You ever see that before?
That's a first too.
[awe-inspiring music playing]
[Irene] I feel like a little kid.
[mercenary] Thank God
I don't have allergies.
[Irene laughing]
[laughs and squeals] Oh my God!
Look at all this science.
Oh my God, I feel like I'm in Oz [yelps]
- Irene!
- [dramatic note plays]
[Mike faintly] Charlie?
[yelling] Mike! I'm down here! Mike!
I don't know, man. I, I, I
I went down the slide, now I'm stuck here.
Hold on. I'll get Dog to get you.
[Charlie faintly] Yes! Yeah! Great idea.
Oh, that's a bug home.
[Charlie faintly] I know, Annie! I know!
Annie, tell Dog to go get Charlie.
You want to go down there and get the boy?
- Nah, he's not gonna do it.
- What do you mean?
- He doesn't want to.
- Why?
- I don't know. He doesn't use words.
- Tell him it's important.
It's important.
[Dog grumbling]
Wait. Bad dog. Wait.
- [roaring]
- Whoa! Okay, fine!
Yep. Sorry, my bad. That was, like, dumb.
[clears throat] Look.
You need to tell him to save Charlie.
He won't do it. He doesn't care.
[Charlie faintly]
What's going on up there?
Uh, nothing, bud! Hold on one sec.
- Do you not get how bad the situation is?
- I know it's not good.
[Mike] If you can't
tell your dog to get Charlie
[Annie] He's not my pet.
Ugh, this is the worst conversation
I've ever had in my life.
[scoffs] I'm good at interviews.
Need I remind you that Charlie
jumped into the ocean to save you?
You are a bad friend.
I'm a best friend. Everyone knows that.
[Mike groans]
- Mike left.
- [faintly] What?
[Annie] What are you doing?
[straining] There's something
shiny stuck in it.
- [epic music playing]
- This is crazy!
That's a sword! No fair!
This is, like, hundreds of years old.
[indistinct scuttling]
[scuttling continues]
[Mike grunting]
Mike! You fell in here too!
I didn't fall. I jumped.
- Why'd you jump in?
- [coughs]
To get you!
Wait, is that a sword?
Yeah, crazy, right?
Hey, what happened to Dog?
Well, Charlie, he didn't want to save you.
- [Irene yelping]
- [grunting] She said this would be easy.
Stop! You might cut her.
Get me out of here!
Working on it.
[both grunting]
[straining] It doesn't wanna stay open.
I don't care what it wants.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [all straining]
[panting] Ugh.
Ugh! I am not gonna be
a botanist eaten by a flower.
That is not how I'm gonna go. Blech!
- Ugh!
- [mercenary stifling laughter]
- Shut your mouth, Sam. This is not funny.
- I'm sorry.
I'm really tired.
[laughing] And that was really funny.
[laughing hysterically]
Oh no. Remember when I said
this was gonna be easy?
I just told that to Cap.
[panting] I really jinxed it.
That was really dumb.
[Cap] Shh, shh, shh.
- Shh, shh.
- [flower groaning softly]
She's dying.
[somber music playing]
- And that's gross.
- [faintly] That's what I said!
This is cool
until you realize that people have
definitely been crashing on this island
- and dying for hundreds of years and
- [loud rumbling]
[both muttering nervously]
[rumbling continues]
The monkey's coming.
[epic music playing]
[exclaims and laughs]
[both coughing]
[Mike groaning]
[Charlie] Well, I'm glad we found out how
this pit got here before we died in it.
That's not what we're gonna do.
We're gonna get off this island.
I'm getting you to college.
I'm getting a new boat.
- I'm finding your dad
- [indistinct rustling]
- [rustling continues]
- [ominous music playing]
- What? Why are you hiding behind me?
- Because you have the sword!
[gasps] Oh yeah!
I'm just not used to having a sword.
[ominous music continues]
- I
- [both shriek]
- What are you doing here?
- I almost stabbed you.
- I thought you were a spider.
- I'm not a spider. Rude.
- [sputters] No, I know you're not one.
- How'd you get down here?
Once, when I was little,
I fell into a bug pit.
And it was gross, but Dog was too little
and too scared to get me.
Is that the whole story?
No. Then I killed all the bugs
that wanted to kill me,
and I stacked them up, and I crawled out.
- What'd you kill 'em with?
- My hands.
- Gross.
- [Mike sighs]
We never had friends before. It's weird.
We don't know if we like it,
but we do like killing things.
Annie, we're not killing anything
with your tiny hands. All right?
[yells] I have big hands!
Show me your hands!
[yells] Here you go!
I bet you haven't even
killed anything with your hands!
You are correct!
- [yells] Why are we yelling?
- [indistinct rustling]
- [chittering]
- [menacing music playing]
[all] Gross.
Stab it.
Stabbing it is not gonna do anything!
Why do you guys always choose violence?
Because it's not
a pacifistic ant, Charlie!
- What does that mean?
- That it comes in peace.
Yeah, it doesn't. It's hungry.
I know!
- [dramatic note plays]
- [grunts]
- [chittering]
- Ahh!
Stabb-y no work-y!
Oh man. That sword
was probably worth a fortune.
[sarcastic] Oh shoot.
Yeah, could've saved it
for the antique dealer on Skull Island.
Right, Mike?
- Watch this.
- Annie, no hands.
- Fine. Magic trick.
- Annie, do you know what magic is?
- [insect chitters]
- Annie, magic isn't real!
I'm sorry for what I said!
You're a best friend!
Like, the best friend ever!
Use your hands! Please, get up!
- This is the fun part.
- [mutters] What?
[Dog growling]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Dog growling]
- [chittering]
[growling loudly]
[insect chittering]
Magic trick. No hands.
- [grumbles] That's not magic.
- Why wouldn't he do that for me?
Because he doesn't like you.
- [Dog growls softly]
- [Charlie] Hmm.
- I like you, man.
- I like you too. Way more than Mike.
[Dog growling]
- [Mike] How do we get out of here?
- Ah, who cares?
[Cap] I mentioned
that fountain before, but
I think what we're seeing
on this island is a connection to
the Hollow Earth.
[scoffs] You've gotta be joking.
It's hollow? I thought there was lava
in the middle of the Earth.
Think of it like another Earth
inside the Earth.
A whole other ecosystem.
So you think everything from down there
comes up here?
[Sam] Wait, there's not lava?
It's a theory,
but I think it would explain a lot.
[huffs] That's a lot of books
that are gonna get torn up.
And some of my books.
No lava, just Monsterland?
[chuckling] Just Monsterland.
[Cap] So
you're a botanist.
You couldn't trust me
with that public information?
You're "Cap." They start calling me "Doc,"
it just gets confusing quick.
I'm not great with
genuine human interaction. I'm sorry.
Is that why you're here?
You were looking for plants to study
for your pharmaceutics?
Ignore him.
Don't ignore me. I'm a joy to be around.
That is not why I'm here,
but it does delight me.
When I'm not lunch. [exhales]
So, you're a botanist,
but you're not here for the plants.
You know about the Hollow Earth,
but you're not here for that either,
because you're chasing
a teenage girl and her dog?
I got questions.
- [radio tuning]
- [mercenary on radio] We're in position.
You have to be more specific.
Who is "we" in this five-group team?
[mercenary sputters] Wha
Um, do you
Do you want our real names?
Are you afraid the teenage girl
who's lived alone on an island
for ten years has a radio?
Or that the monsters inhabiting this
entirely separate island have a radio,
and also have your high school yearbook,
and can figure out
exactly who you are by name?
[mercenary] Uh
[mutters] It's Wells.
Thank you, Wells.
I got answers,
but let's get the kids first.
- You think they're together?
- Yeah, I've recently become an optimist.
Let's move
before they get trigger fingers.
Why would they shoot the kids?
Well, Cap, because that girl and her dog
killed a lot of those men already.
[dramatic music playing]
[Mike panting]
- I think I have a lot of good qualit
- [Dog grumbles]
No! Why
Why am I emotionally invested
in this animal liking me?
Yeah, imagine what college would be like
when thousands of people
don't care about you every day.
My friend, all your
anti-college arguments?
Well and truly dead
after my time on Skull Island.
Yeah, that's fair.
I wanna get a C-minus
in chemistry and be like,
"Bright side,
not on Skull Island anymore!"
Or just, like, don't take chemistry.
You have to take gen eds, Mike.
They're gen eds.
I have understood nothing you just said.
Uh, it's fine.
We're just playing the hits.
- Still confused.
- [Dog grumbles]
I'm sorry about your dad.
I'm sorry about your dad too.
[chuckles] Hey, now we're friends!
We got stuff in common.
[laughs dryly]
[Dog huffs]
[Dog sniffing]
We need to run. Now.
What? Why?
- [Annie] The guns are back.
- So?
Just get them like you did the other guys.
Mike, that's not what best friends do.
Guns hurt.
- Why'd they shoot him?
- I don't know.
But I'm gonna get her
before she can hurt him again.
Who's "her"?
- How should I know?
- Ugh.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [groans in frustration]
[Dog sniffing]
[snakes hissing]
[growls softly]
[sniffs and growls]
[suspenseful music continues]
[suspenseful music building]
[dramatic music playing]
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