Snowdrop (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

But this is…
Your sister gave it to you.
I think I can only leave…
without worrying about you
when I know you're wearing it.
But you need to wear it to stay safe.
I'm not the one being chased.
Just keep it.
It's the only thing I can give you.
Lim Soo-ho…
What's taking them so long?
They're going to miss him.
Damn it.
Gwang-tae, don't tell me
you called the cops.
If you know who he really is--
If he gets caught, I'll be arrested too!
Why will you be arrested?
You have nothing to do with him.
My roommates
have been hiding him.
He came into our room,
so we've been hiding him.
Darn it.
You traitor!
Gwang-tae saw him!
Hurry up. Go now!
Will you be okay?
I'll be okay. So go.
Go now.
-How did that happen?
-Let's go.
I'll explain on the way. Hurry!
Have you seen a guy on a bicycle here?
-No, I haven't.
-A guy in a suit on a bicycle.
-I haven't.
-Are you sure?
Don't you dare to lie.
We've been here for a while
but haven't seen such a guy.
Since what time?
-About 20 minutes ago, right?
We ate tteokbokki near here. Why?
Damn it. This punk.
Maybe he saw wrong.
Let's question him first.
I think
since the last time I was here,
I've been traumatized.
I admired investigators like you so much
that I was determined to catch
that bastard for our country and people.
So everyone must've looked like him to me.
So you thought a guy
in a suit riding a bicycle was Lim Soo-ho,
but you were wrong?
I'm so sorry, sir.
We happened to be searching Mount Ogong
for the communists' dead drop…
when you called to tell us you saw Soo-ho.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't know you were so busy.
I'm suddenly
not sure which side you're on.
You might be on our side,
on Soo-ho's side,
or on the side of someone protecting him.
Which side are you on?
-Make him talk.
-Yes, sir.
That hurts!
My ribs!
I'm so sorry.
Please don't kill me.
What did you do wrong?
Seol-hui's Baekha Brewery's
president's daughter.
It's the perfect chance to win her heart.
Actually what?
What, you idiot?
I'll be discreet.
I won't call you
unless I'm completely sure.
I'm so sorry. Don't hit me.
I'm so sorry.
To actualize the ideals
of the Seoul Olympics…
Why are you so late?
-I'm sorry.
-The Seoul Olympics
-will be a global festival…
-Go in.
…for the whole world to enjoy,
and not a mere sports competition.
So for the first time ever,
Korea will be holding the largest…
Where's Geum-cheol?
We got intel that he took
his own life by taking cyanide.
I'll take responsibility.
I should've kept a closer watch--
I'm the team leader. It's all on me.
And I'll report so, so you keep quiet.
I should report first.
Watch him closely all the time,
and if you sense
any change in his ideology,
don't hesitate…
to kill him.
What happened?
I was injured while being chased.
I couldn't do anything.
I'm back,
so we should resume the operation.
The team our party sent will arrive soon.
What are you talking about?
I'll have Han I-seop
defect to the North myself.
It's not likely to succeed.
Your face is well known now,
ANSP will keep guard over Han,
so how will you…
Just look into Han's whereabouts. Now.
They're the suit and shoes
you'll wear tomorrow.
They're my brother's.
I wonder if they fit you.
Why don't you try them on?
My, Yeong-ro.
Your partner was so handsome.
He was so hot!
You think so? He looked a bit dense to me.
He let that partner of Hye-ryeong
walk all over him.
What are you talking about?
Didn't you see him shooting the pistol?
He looked so cool.
He was so manly.
What's he majoring in?
-Which college?
-How did you meet him?
What's the point of being good at shooting
when he's terrible at dancing?
-Stop that.
-Who cares?
-Just move your body, then it's dancing.
I think I can only leave…
without worrying about you
when I know you're wearing it.
We need to talk.
How long has it been?
-When did you two start…
You must've been mocking me.
I don't follow you.
I'm such an idiot.
How did I not know he was with you?
Hearing me say he was in Berlin
and told me to come because he missed me,
you must've found it ridiculous
and mocked me.
I'm so sorry.
You must've looked down on me so much
that you invited him here
when I was working in the dorm,
and walked around with him
having a good time in front of me!
Did you call him first?
-Did you hit on him first?
On the day of the blind date,
at a record shop,
I ran into him.
At a record shop?
I'm so sorry.
I have other plans,
so I'm afraid I can't go to the concert.
That bastard…
He told me he had other plans.
You told him I wasn't a college student,
didn't you?
No. I never did.
Why would I tell him that?
Right. You did nothing wrong.
A girl like me, who isn't even
a college student, dared to join you guys
and dream about a guy from Berlin
who is way out of her league.
I'll know my place from now on.
Damn it.
Room 207…
Room 207…
He didn't come in through ticket checking.
That's right.
the spy is hiding in there.
Come on. I doubt that.
He must've hidden on the fourth floor.
That's right.
Hold on.
That means that guy is…
the spy?
Hold on.
Then the guy hiding
on the fourth floor was the spy.
The guy hiding
on the fourth floor was the spy.
She must be so mad.
The way Gizzard sees it,
you look like you're seeing him
behind her back.
She must be thinking
she should teach such a b a lesson.
Darn it.
Bun-ok checked the invitation tickets.
She saw a guy that she'd never let in.
She'll find it suspicious.
What if she finds it out?
She'll never let it slide.
This is driving me crazy.
I'm sure she'll tell Ms. Pi.
I feel bad for Bun-ok,
but there's no other way.
We must play dumb. We must, okay?
Anyway, that guy's gone.
And there's no proof that we hid him.
-Jeong-min, where did you put his clothes?
Say good night.
-Good night, ma'am.
-Good night, ma'am.
Why are you so startled?
Did you do something wrong?
No, ma'am.
I didn't.
Pull yourself together.
A single wrong choice can ruin your life.
The open house is over.
Get it together,
or you might mess up your exam.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
That'll be all.
Say good night.
-Good night, ma'am.
-Good night, ma'am.
It seems Bun-ok didn't tell her.
I'm sure she found out.
And she's not the type to let it slide.
I'm sure she's up to something.
I almost forgot.
Where are Soo-ho's clothes?
Oh, that.
It's too dangerous to leave it in here.
Where do you think is safest?
It's me, son. How did it go?
What do you think?
I put my organs as collateral.
I'll give them one of my kidneys.
And if it's not enough, I'll give them
all of my organs and drop dead.
How could you say that, you brat?
How could you say that to your father?
So why did you have to
get addicted to gambling?
You and your nagging again!
I'll go see you in two days,
so get the money ready.
All right. I'm back with money.
Go back in. I'll be okay.
Constitution Article 32…
…optimum wages
through social and economic means.
All citizens shall have the right to work.
The State shall endeavor to promote
the employment of workers
and to guarantee optimum…
All citizens shall have the right to work.
You should sleep in your room.
The State shall endeavor to promote
the employment of workers
and to guarantee optimum wages
through social and economic means…
Hey, you.
No running.
God, I was so startled.
What's up?
My goodness. So they are
the clothes that guy left behind?
I couldn't just keep them in my room.
I'll take them to the dry cleaner,
so just keep them for the night.
I'll pick them up tomorrow.
Sure, let's do that.
The hall director never comes down here,
so don't worry, and go back to your room.
Thank you so much.
What's that now?
It's sweet potato!
Gosh, you really didn't have to.
I'll put it here, so have it later.
Okay. Thank you.
All right.
Oh, and Soo-ho told me
to tell you thank-you for him.
He managed to get out safely,
and it's all thanks to you.
I mean it.
Come on. I didn't do much.
Don't worry, and go back now.
Our country will
never forget what you did.
There must be a reason
they fled to Mount Ogong.
But we went through every grave
that looked suspicious.
If we find the dead drop, it'll only
be a matter of time before we catch him.
Take it.
What's all that?
You haven't eaten yet, right?
Tteokbokki, kimbap, and fish cakes…
No one will appreciate it
even if we skip our meals.
What's with the orchid?
I went to the market
and it caught my eyes.
-Go bring Seung-jun.
-Yes, ma'am.
I thought you were out of my team.
I joined the ANSP
for only one reason.
The guy who left me all of a sudden…
The guy who vanished into thin air
after promising to marry me…
I only joined to ask him why.
I even followed him to Germany twice
but never saw him. And I've been…
waiting for him for six years.
-Why would I leave the team?
-It's regrettable
that you joined the agency
for such a personal reason.
I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Why on earth…
are they asking us
to stay out of Han's case?
I had our agents tail him closely.
So stay out of it.
Our agents?
You think they're loyal to you?
You think they'll do
what the high-ups told us not to?
I will keep an eye on Han myself.
Are you leaving already?
Aren't you eating?
I'm telling you,
she bought a lot for us. Look.
She's so generous, isn't she?
I called to ask you something.
You said
you'd give me 50 million
if I gave you information on a spy.
If I give you information
on someone who harbored a spy,
how much will I get?
The same amount?
Why are you curious about that?
Why do you want to know
how much you'll get
for information
on someone who harbored a spy?
Gye Bun-ok.
Because I'll turn someone in.
Turn in?
Guys in room 207 hid a spy.
What are you talking about?
I knew this would happen,
so I kept the proof.
Come on.
Why are you going through that?
What's going on?
I'm sorry.
Well, this is…
I mean,
what happened is that…
-Mr. Kim.
-Yes, ma'am?
Thank you for everything.
Pardon? I don't understand what you mean.
I'll hire your successor in a few days,
so make sure to train him well.
Ma'am, I'm so sorry.
I was so thoughtless.
-Forgive me this once.
-Follow me with it.
Oh, no.
Ma'am. Ms. Pi?
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me this once.
My goodness.
The guy they hid
isn't a spy but a student protester.
But everyone from the ANSP
says he's a spy from the North.
Fine. Let's say he is.
You think providing a roof and food
qualifies as harboring?
If the court doesn't decide it's
harboring a spy, you won't get the reward.
I'm not doing this for money.
You must report anyone harboring a spy.
That's our duty.
Duty? So what if you do?
You think they won't question you?
They don't hesitate to make
someone innocent a spy to produce results.
Don't you think you're such easy prey?
I mean,
you're a communist's sister.
I am not.
My sister is not a Northern spy!
Because of her, a perfectly fine family
was ruined. You want to see that again?
50 million won?
You'll be lucky if you're not tortured
or don't go to jail!
Don't do anything stupid, and stay quiet.
Did you forget
even factories won't hire you?
If it weren't for my old teacher,
I'd have never hired you.
If you understood,
tell everyone in room 207
to come to my office.
Did you hide him on the fourth floor?
It's all my fault.
I begged them to hide him.
Seol-hui and the rest
didn't do anything wrong.
Jeong-min, you should've stopped it.
He was a protester
being chased by the cops.
I couldn't ignore him.
What if he's not a protester but a spy?
No, he isn't. He can't be a spy.
-I met him on a blind date--
-They came to catch a spy here.
They can easily make you guys spies.
No, they can easily make
everyone in this dorm
spies from the North.
Room 207.
You know one more mistake meant
getting kicked out, right?
I'm so sorry, ma'am.
They all told me we should call the cops,
but I insisted
on hiding him just for one night.
And they didn't know
I hid him on the fourth floor.
Please let me be punished.
Please let me be solely responsible!
Fine, if you say so.
You pack up and leave the dorm tomorrow,
Eun Yeong-ro.
Ma'am, Yeong-ro's just a freshman.
I'll leave instead.
I helped him too--
Of course,
she couldn't have done it by herself.
I'm sure she's the one who led it.
He was
your partner, right?
You know you shouldn't do
this kind of thing.
Your father will be disappointed.
The rest of you. Yeo Jeong-min,
Ko Hye-ryeong, and Yoon Seol-hui.
One more violation,
and you'll all get kicked out.
From this moment on,
the three of you won't be allowed
to receive calls from the outside.
Even a phone call?
Get out!
It was you, wasn't it?
Did you see it?
Did you?
Do you look down on me
because I'm an operator?
Who do you think you are?
You're nothing better than me
except being born into a rich family!
-Are you crazy?
So is that why you pretended to be
a college girl and went on a blind date?
You must be so upset that you won't get
any calls because of a stupid girl
who pretends to be a college girl.
Well, thanks to that, I'll have less work.
Let's go.
What's her problem?
You crazy b!
I know what you did.
Stop lying, you wench!
Do you have a death wish?
-You crazy b!
What happened? I knew it'd happen.
But I feel so bad for her.
Let's go.
This is Hosu University dorm.
My wound's been healed.
I'm ready for the operation.
I'm relieved.
Do you know how worried I was?
I couldn't sleep worrying about you.
I need to go back to Pyongyang,
but I've been waiting in Beijing
for you to call.
I'm sorry for worrying you, Father.
You must accomplish this mission
at all costs, okay?
I'll remember that.
Those who have power
all thanks to their family name
have their guns pointed at me.
You're my last weapon
that I can kill them with.
Don't forget that.
I've never forgotten that.
I'll return
after accomplishing the mission.
What did I tell you?
Didn't I tell you
that my son was definitely alive?
In any case,
I'm glad that he's alive.
My son will complete the mission
as planned.
But Comrade,
we decided to send in a new team.
The team you sent will help
my son accomplish the mission.
From now on, stay out
of our negotiation with the South.
Now we're on the same page.
Now I feel that we're actually all Korean.
Of course we are.
You're hurting my feelings.
400 million dollars?
Our nationalities may be different,
what matters is
that our hearts are one.
I couldn't agree more.
All right. I think it's time
to clink our glasses.
Not just this time
but for the next elections to come,
we should work together like this.
In that sense, I want to say something.
-You can say it.
As you know, it's the election season,
so we don't have much spare money.
So it'll be hard to prepare
four times what we originally promised.
Gosh, Mr. Eun.
You worry too much for your own good.
We're about to win the war, so why worry
about how much we can come up with?
I'll go to the restroom for a bit.
It's not easy to establish
a new administration, is it?
Why the hell
are you ruining what's almost done?
What he demands is four times as much.
What's the use of winning the war
when we're going to be left with no money?
Do you think Code 1 will like it?
What is wrong with you?
Are you stupid? Or have you gone senile?
I understand.
I get what you mean.
If we lose this election,
Code 1, Code 2,
and you and I are all done for.
Everyone is predicting
that we're going to win.
This is just an insurance.
No one knows until the election's over.
If we lose, we'll all be dead. Literally.
All of us.
We'll rob the vault.
The vault?
Lost money that even Code 1
and the Assembly don't know
how much it is.
The ANSP's secret fund
that requires no receipts.
I'm so glad that you joined us, Dr. Kang.
The most difficult part of Mahjong
is to gather four people to play.
Let me join you often.
I'll come whenever you call me.
I'll drop out after this one.
Oh, my. I guess you're not feeling
very well today.
Is it because what he said
about 13 virgins is bothering you?
Right. I guess you're right.
Unless 13 young virgins die…
Stop it.
You should watch what you say.
What is that about?
Unless 13 young virgins die,
something bad will happen
to her husband, apparently.
I'm grateful for worrying about me,
but to be honest,
I don't think it's something
I should pay attention to.
How could you say that?
You know how good the fortuneteller is.
Whether you believe him or not
is up to you.
Unless war breaks out,
you can't kill 13 virgins.
Besides, this is your second marriage.
So if your husband dies,
you'll be in a pitiful situation,
Ms. Hong.
Your future is whatever you make it.
Even Yi Seong-gye slit his palm
to change the lines
to become king
when he was withdrawing
his army from Wihwa Island.
"Everything depends on your mind."
Your future is whatever you make it.
I'm sorry, Yeong-ro,
that you have to leave while we stay.
Don't be, Hye-ryeong.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
Because of me,
you can't even get phone calls.
Have you decided where to go?
Your cousin's house?
My father's house.
Your father?
Your father lives in Seoul?
After my mom passed away ten years ago,
he married this really annoying woman.
Since then, I lived with my grandma
in the countryside.
I feel so bad for you, Yeong-ro.
Come on. I'm all right.
I'll be glad if I lose weight
from walking on eggshells.
Stop crying.
Since I moved into the dorm,
I've made new friends,
and you two are like
big sisters to me.
I have been really happy
living here with you.
Thank you guys so much for everything.
I mean it.
-Hey, stop crying.
I'll come visit you often.
What do I do now?
I'm getting kicked out of the dorm.
Before I leave,
could you please grant my wish?
Please make Soo-ho call me.
Please. Just once.
Be safe.
I will announce the physics homework
for the 67th expedition
on the distance learning course.
Page 913, number 35.
Page 135, number 55.
Page 245, number 41.
Page 712, number 22.
Page 369, number 91.
Page 179, number 13.
Page 293, number 80.
Page 276, number 19.
It's been over a month
since my last confession, Father.
It's been a while.
Professor Han I-seop.
Have you checked where your son's been
since he went missing six months ago?
No! My son can't be in Pyongyang.
As you know, the woman he was seeing
while studying in the US was
a Korean-American
doing business with the North.
And of course,
we had already won her over to our side.
Six months ago, your son went
from the US to Austria with her.
I'm sure you looked into it.
And I guided the two to Pyongyang
from Austria myself.
I can show you a letter your son sent.
Min-jae sent a letter?
Even the CIA doesn't know yet
that your son is in Pyongyang.
But I'm sure it won't take long
for them to find it out.
And once they do,
it'll be just a matter of time
until the ANSP does too.
As I told you many times,
your son willingly went to the North.
It's just that
my country hasn't announced it yet
for your sake, Professor.
Your son…
misses his father so much,
Professor Han.
Let's go.
What? Why are you taking this route?
Hey, driver!
Hey, driver!
Damn it!
-Damn it!
-This is crazy.
-What the hell?
Look. You just ruined all of my fruit.
Shouldn't you apologize first?
You can't go anywhere
before compensating me for them. Okay?
Are you listening? You can't leave!
I lost them.
Kill me first if you want to leave.
How will you compensate?
-My goodness.
-I'm talking to you.
My God, she doesn't seem to care at all.
This is Galaxy.
We got something from the bug.
It won't be good once it's cold.
If you don't want it, I'll--
He eats and repeats the same words
over and over.
-So I--
-I told you to question him, not beat him.
I'm telling the truth.
I just mistook someone for him.
I grew up with a single mom.
For the sake of my mother in the
countryside who's counting on me,
I must succeed.
So why would I help a communist?
-Don't you do anything stupid.
-Of course not.
I'll be discreet
and make sure to get the job done.
Let him go.
Yes, sir.
I'll return your kindness one day!
The wiretapping team told me
they got something from the bug.
If we can decipher--
He moved to some quiet suburb.
What does it mean?
"The scenery is so beautiful
that I miss you so much, Dad."
What does this mean?
What are you doing?
For someone who's lived in New York,
it's not easy to live there.
Since your son went over to Pyongyang,
he's been trying to escape.
What do I have to do
to get him out of there?
Go to the North
and get out of there with him.
We'll help you get out with him
safely and in secret
before the CIA finds it out.
What do I have to do in return?
That I don't know of.
But what I do know is
that if you do what the North wants,
you'll be able to get out safely
with your son.
I'll give you my word.
Get some rest here.
You guys go first with Professor Han.
Are you not coming with us?
The party ordered me to pick up
weapons and money from Mount Ogong.
Tonight at 22:00,
we're supposed to make
contact with our boat here.
So I'll be there before then.
Watch him closely all the time,
and if you sense
any change in his ideology,
don't hesitate…
to kill him.
If we don't get this done,
then the late Geum-cheol died for nothing.
We must accomplish the mission.
-For our country and people!
-For our country and people!
"Hosu Women's University… Dormitory…"
"I've been searched.
A high risk of exposure.
Hoping to go to the North
as soon as possible."
So it was the dorm.
Let's go.
Oh, right.
Who were you talking to on the phone?
What? On the phone?
You called someone
from the pay phone near the dorm.
Oh, that? It was my friend.
She wanted to visit me during a break, so…
Yeong-ro, do you need help?
By the way, how will she move all this?
I called Byeong-tae.
He has a car,
so he'll move all this with it.
Thank you.
It'll be an easy trip thanks to you.
I didn't know
your boyfriend would be this useful.
What's that? Where did you get it?
It's nothing.
Didn't Soo-ho buy it for you?
You're getting kicked out because of him.
How come he hasn't called you yet?
How could he? He's being chased.
Room 207.
Student Eun Yeong-ro,
there's a call for you.
I heard it from the hall director.
What's with you and your brother?
Your father is the director of the ANSP.
How could you hide a protester?
I'll send a car, so come straight home.
Don't be a troublemaker like your brother.
I told you to call me.
But you didn't give me an answer.
I'm getting kicked out of the dorm today.
It's not that
I miss you.
In case he runs towards Mount Ogong,
you and Dong-jae
should head toward the dorm.
Yes, sir.
We need to capture him.
But if you're about to lose him,
you're allowed to kill him. Over.
-Have you all filled your glasses?
To our Yeong-ro's future!
-To her future!
-To her future!
My goodness, Yeong-ro.
You won't have a curfew anymore.
I'm jealous.
-I'm jealous too.
-You're free now.
Bye, Yeong-ro.
Why don't we leave here too?
-I can't believe you said that.
By the way,
has anyone been to Munhwa Coffee Shop?
-Munhwa Coffee Shop?
-I went there!
For a blind date. And the guys there
looked so handsome.
And he asked me out!
She's not actually going anywhere.
Don't cry.
What a pervert.
Where do you think you're peeping?
That punk.
Are you a pervert?
Peeping into a women's university?
You bastard. I asked you questions.
How come you don't answer?
And what's that look, you jerk?
Where are you going?
You bastard. Come here.
Are you scared? Come here. It's all right.
God damn it!
Damn it. What are the police doing here?
Are they after me?
What's going on?
I can't get caught.
God, I really need to exercise.
Why are they so fast?
That hurt. Damn it.
Okay. I must get in here.
We're approaching
the dorm from Mount Ogong.
Darn it!
God, my hips.
We found a hut
in the middle of the mountain.
We're heading there for backup.
They must be near here.
So call for backup and stand by here.
Everyone stand by.
Who are those guys? Who are they after?
Are they really here for my organs?
Those bastards. There's some time left.
Those cold-hearted bastards.
Wait. Why did so many come to get me?
Maybe they're after this pervert.
Hey, what's your deal?
Wait a minute.
How dare you follow me in here?
Did you just hit me?
Now even a pervert looks down on me?
Come here.
I'll teach you a lesson.
My God.
Gwang-tae, are you okay?
I didn't tell them anything.
To protect you, Seol-hui,
I endured all sorts of torturing
I, Oh Gwang-tae, am not a traitor.
Don't cry.
Hey, wait! What are you doing?
Stop right there! Hey!
Don't try to sit down. Stand up.
What's going on?
What's going on?
What if Hye-ryeong sees us?
-What's going on?
Hey, pal.
Are you Oh Gwang-tae?
-Yes, what's your problem?
-Hey, give me back my hat.
-Just a minute.
What do you think you're doing?
Check upstairs.
Lim Soo-ho!
Drop the gun!
Stay away.
Drop the gun in three seconds,
or she's dead.
Are you saying they're
holding people hostage in the dorm?
In the middle of Seoul?
Are you sure it's Taedong River 1?
Just crush him without anyone knowing.
The priority of this operation is
to rescue the chairman's daughter.
All of us might end up dying.
Listen very carefully.
One of the hostages will die right now.
Plan B is the only option now.
Kill them all if need be.
So you're really
a spy from the North? Did I really
save a spy?
I'm warning you.
Everyone's ready.
-Hurry, Yeong-ro!
-Come on, Yeong-ro!
All right. Turn your shoulders.
And make sure you show your faces.
-Hurry up.
All right. There we go. One, two, three!
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