Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Romantic Merchant and Moonlit Festival

So you took a liking to this bar?
Well, there are still some drinks here
that I haven't tried yet.
Plus, I had my hands so full
with our business venture last time,
that I didn't even have time to chat
about other moneymaking ideas.
That's great!
For a rookie like me,
that is nothing but a treat.
What regions did you pass through
before we met at that church?
I came down from northern Ruvinheigen.
Once the great northern expedition starts,
that area
will become dangerous, after all.
That was a good chat.
Please call me again anytime!
-See you.
-I'll be waiting!
I saw the man named Zheren.
I will use our people to investigate him.
Thank you.
Hopefully we can find
evidence that backs up your story.
Who would've thought that
we would be doing this
the very next day?
At first, I was doubtful,
but now it seems like more than just
a simple scam.
He tells multiple merchants
that the worth of silver coins will rise
and makes them buy them up.
But in reality,
the silver coins are going to depreciate.
The merchants will try to quickly get rid
of them and he will buy them all.
That is how he plans to make a profit.
The one pulling the strings
will make a huge profit, I'm sure.
The merchants who suffered a loss
will keep their mouths shut,
not wanting to publicize their mistake.
The silver coin fiasco will never surface
and the ones pulling the strings
will acquire
a huge sum of silver coins
without anyone noticing.
What they are going to use those
silver coins for is also very interesting.
I will talk to the higher-ups
of our trading company.
Thank you very much.
Everything is a learning experience.
Just like the aroma of marten pelts.
Will we make it in time though?
Even if your prediction is correct,
it'll all go down the drain if
Milone Trading Company doesn't act quick.
Well, I'm sure it'll be fine.
As a trading company
that's doing business in a foreign land,
they must be pros at grabbing chances.
What's wrong?
It's just
I remembered something from long time ago.
I reminded you of something?
he would do what you are doing right now
and completely fall over.
He was foolish but hopelessly cheerful.
He didn't look the least bit shocked
even when seeing my wolf form.
He was weird for sure, but a good person.
The one from Pasloe Village who
asked you to bless their wheat harvest?
That's right. He was friendly
and didn't treat me differently.
That was my very first friend.
He was such a fool.
I was always at a loss for words.
-What's wrong?
-There was something I needed to tell you.
I think. But I can't remember it.
I have a feeling it was pretty important.
If it's really important,
it'll come to you.
I guess you're right.
A friend, huh?
I am Richten Marlheit,
the branch manager here.
I will accept your offer.
Does that mean you were able
to confirm Zheren's background?
Yes, he was backed up
by the Medio Trading Company.
They are the biggest
dealers of crops in Pazzio, aren't they?
They own quite a few cargo ships.
But they wouldn't be able
to execute your theory by themselves.
I am sure there is some kind of noble
backing them up.
We haven't identified who it is yet,
but if we strike first, as you suggested,
we can make it work.
Well then,
let's talk about how to divide the profit.
Today is the best day of my life.
You sure look happy.
200,000 silver Trenni coins
No, if things go well,
we might be dealing with 400,000 coins.
If the trading company gets 10%,
I get 5% of that.
so 2,000 silver coins!
With that much money,
I can open up a shop in the city!
Well, I'm just glad that
things are working out for you.
I told you to rest at the inn
if you have a hangover.
I was worried that you would be
ripped off if you went alone.
What are you trying to say?
Exactly that
Come on, hang in there.
We're almost at the inn.
Is that a store?
Since when were you awake?
I slept so well my hangover went away.
You're pretty good at drawing.
Not really.
Is that your store?
What town will you open it in?
Nowhere in particular.
This is my ideal store in my ideal town.
It's any traveling merchant's dream
to open up their own store.
I'm no exception.
But if this deal with
Milone Trading Company goes well,
my dream can come true.
Is having your own store that great?
Traveling merchants can't make a profit
unless we go around from town to town.
So for most of the year,
we are on our wagons.
Because of that,
we can't even make friends.
We only get to know
people we do business with.
If we open our own store,
we can become part of that town.
We can make close friends
and it'll be easier to find a wife.
Oh, I'd better let Yarei know too.
I'm sure he will be happy for me.
Maybe I can do business with him again.
That will be a little problematic for me.
If you open your store,
you won't leave that place, right?
I will have to continue my trip alone
or find another companion.
You are Holo the Wisewolf.
And you have the money
you made from marten pelts.
You'll be fine on your own.
I'm tired of being alone
Well, I don't mind staying with you
until you reach the north.
Besides, it's not like
I can open a store
as soon as I have the money.
Is that true?
Why would I lie?
don't look so sad.
You're not acting like yourself.
-I always have the same dream.
I wake up
and nobody is there. Not even Yue, Inti,
Paro, or Myuri. They're nowhere.
I can live for centuries,
and that's why I went on a journey.
I was absolutely confident
that we would meet again.
But everyone is gone.
I don't want to wake up
and find everyone gone anymore.
I'm tired of being alone.
It's cold being alone.
It's lonely being alone.
Traveling merchants also have
similar nightmares.
I'm sorry.
Your whole face is wet.
Wait a second.
But this is
I draw them and throw them away.
And plus,
the deal hasn't even succeeded yet.
I was counting my chickens
before they hatched.
Now I owe you one.
I'm still sleepy. Are you going to sleep?
I'll go to sleep soon.
I don't want to waste the candles.
You think like a merchant.
-What are you
-Don't make me say it out loud.
I can't breathe.
Did your eyes adjust to the darkness?
What do you mean?
I remembered the important thing
I needed to tell you.
We're about to interfere with
a big money-making scheme.
Our enemies must be cautious.
There are three people by the door.
I doubt that they're normal guests.
Don't tell me they're
from Medio Trading Company?
Thankfully, there is nobody outside.
Are you ready?
Take a good look
at my body under the moonlight!
We'll have to give up on the wagon.
Killing the horse won't do them any good.
We can retrieve it
once things settle down.
Let's run!
Just in case, hold on to some of these.
They're hot.
Because I'm inside that wheat.
They're going to Milone Trading Company!
Catch them!
Holo, let's go shopping
once all this is done.
Why all of a sudden?
I'll buy you combs and hats
and all that stuff!
What are you scheming?
Nothing! I just want to
since your hair is so pretty.
I want a comb for my tail,
more than my hair.
Okay! I'll buy one for you.
Okay, we're almost
at Milone Trading Company.
-They will come around here.
-Don't let them go.
The others are almost here.
-The situation doesn't look very good.
-Search every nook and cranny.
Should we split up?
That's a good idea,
but I have an even better idea.
Like what?
I will go out to the main street
and distract them.
Then you go to Milone Trading Company
Wait, I can't do that.
Listen, if we split up without any plan,
you will end up getting caught.
I am Holo the Wisewolf.
I won't get caught that easily.
But if you're the one who gets caught,
who will negotiate
with Milone Trading Company?
Milone Trading Company
already knows your plan.
You have no choice but to threaten
to switch sides so that they don't
leave us in the dust.
If they see your ears and tail,
Medio Trading Company will
definitely take you to the church.
Not if I don't get caught.
And even if I am caught,
I can hide my ears and tail for a day.
So come save me by then.
Aren't you going to make money
and open a store?
Plus, didn't I just say
that I owe you one?
Or do you want me to become
a dishonorable wolf?
Don't be ridiculous.
If you get caught, you'll die.
You don't owe me your life!
Loneliness is a sickness
that leads to death.
I do owe it to you.
I believe in you.
I know you will come for me.
There she is! On Loyne Road!
One? There should be two!
Find the other one!
There he is!
I'm Lawrence from this afternoon!
Help me! I'm being chased!
He's here!
Wait! Hey!
Hand that guy over to us!
Hey, you!
This is the Milone Trading Company,
which is owned by
the Great Marquis of Milone,
and authorized by the 33rd Grand Duke
of the Duchy of Raondille.
That gate is the Marquis' property
and those within these grounds
are his guests.
And the Marquis' guests
are under
the Grand Duke of Raondille's protection.
Listen up!
If you hit anything here with that stick,
we will view that as you hitting
the throne of His Royal Highness!
That was quite the ruckus.
What in the world happened?
I apologize for that.
And above everything,
thank you for saving me.
Thank the Marquis of Milone,
who lives far from here.
More importantly, who are those guys?
They are more than likely
from Medio Trading Company.
I think so.
They must have found out
that I made a deal with you.
They want to stop us.
Stop, huh?
My companion might have been
captured by them.
Can your company help me to save her?
One of our people who heard the ruckus
and followed those men
reported seeing
a young girl being taken away by force.
That is probably Holo, my companion.
She became a decoy,
so that I could make it here.
I see.
But why did they capture Ms. Holo?
Like I said, it's to stop us
from cooperating with you
and sabotaging the Medio Trading Company.
Isn't that a little strange?
What about it?
Calm down, please.
Something is strange. It just is.
Think about it.
We are already collecting silver coins.
Even if they take you hostage now,
there is nothing for them to stop.
The fact that we began
collecting silver coins
shows that we're already aware of what is
happening to the silver Trenni coins.
If you had just asked us
to collect silver Trenni coins
without telling us about
the moneymaking aspect behind it,
it would make sense to
take your companion hostage.
But there is no way that our company
will take action that easily.
Don't tell me
Yes, we already have
all the information that we need.
So whatever happens to you two,
doesn't affect us at all.
We have invested
quite a lot of money in this.
If you compare the tremendous profit
that we can make
with the hatred
that we may incur from you
I'm sorry,
but I will prioritize
the company's interests.
-However, this is for the sake of
I can't see the reason.
Wait a second!
I can see that you care
about your companion very much.
But if you let those emotions
cloud your thinking, it's meaningless.
No worries.
I don't think I could be calm
if my wife was in the same situation.
But it's just strange.
Medio Trading Company should know that
we would make this kind of decision.
And yet, they still targeted you two.
They must see you two
as a bargaining chip they can use
in their negotiations with us.
Do you have any guesses?
The profit we are dealing with
is tremendous.
-Tell us anything, no matter how small.
-Can it be?
Do you know something, Mr. Lawrence?
-Excuse me.
-What's wrong?
A letter was just thrown inside.
I think it's related to all this.
"To the wolf and the wolf's forest"?
Excuse me,
but can I take a look at that first?
Be my guest.
"The wolf is in our possession.
The door to the church is always open.
Make sure you and your household close
your doors so the wolf doesn't come in."
Holo, the girl who was with me,
is the incarnation of a wolf
that controls abundant harvests.
You are
Next time,
"The Wolf Incarnate and Obedient Lamb."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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